'!' t vv-r- ' E TIMES-VI NUMBER 8783. RALEIGH, N. ... THURSDAY EVEMNW, JANUARY 2 iw9 25 CENTS A MONT SITOR BILL TO ALLOW WILSONS TO SUE FOR SALARY $50,000 Bind Required of blue y Companies TAX COtLMli'SlON Bill liipaainj a Penally of $100 ou : Telegraph Companies for Negligence or Delay in Transmitting Mess a'jes Clark's Book. Tiie Senate met at 10 o'clock, ami prayer was offeivil by Rev. W. O. Nor man. Mils as follows were introduced: By Senator Justice. l repeal haptor 1'!, lawr. of 1.SHI!. P.v Sciinto. Glenn, tu give It. Z. Field $'1.".'.0: Id give Ihe cummi-iimers of J,.hn.--:n county control ever slock law ole-dons in ih.'i'. cniin.y. l;' i'-n.itor Cl-iui. to in corji.ii'.tc the Wins. on Tins, mil De posit Company. By Senator Wilson, m ul low Cie.i'.sboro to is.:Ue iniJ.'. By Senator' Lindsay to prevent (haling in tuHi.es in North Carolina. By Sena tor Jones, to ami-rid .-.-hapter 3S9, laws .it lS.'O. Hy Senator Melnlyro, to in .orpai lite Thompson Institute. By Senator battel Held, m extend tin" Young-vila "'Hi C'i'isvillo railway. By Senator huUi-l.lel.1 t eamond the char ts f Yi.ui)j,vHt.-. By Senator .Mason, to r.mend the charter of Gustoniii. By Ken .;.:.' W . -il'.i-r. I i rcgulat- cotton welshing at Wake i'oie.-.t. By Ck mi ,t : a:.' n 1 s -cli 1:1 "'' Code. By rcnt't-st of Senator ;-'k,nr.er the report (if the commit t-.e on Ihe contest ed election cafe f em the- lltli district was taken up. and was unanimously approved.. The following hills passed first lead ing: To aaimd chapter (,:, la .vs. of to authorize Elizabeth CHy to bond's and levy special tax; to authorise the commissioners of Moore eouniy to fund the county for indebt edness; to amend the charter of the Levi Bank to establish a now township in Furry county; to repeal the charter of Redmond. Buncombe county; for the relief of Haggle P. H-vicr; to in corporate the African Aid and Burial Society. Stnato. Wilson stated that he l nought it advisable to have the ayes and nays in the contest case' from the 14th. Accordingly the vole was taken, and the action of the committee in un seating White. Populist, from Samp yon, and reatinft Frank I Jones. -Democrat, was endorsed 'by 41 ayes. Sena tor Godwin east the only diss: ni.ng vol?. Senator Franks explained his vote. He said that he was not so sure about the propriety of h s voting in this mat ter, having so recently been a contes tea in a similar case; but he knew that the committee acted fairly and there fore fie voted aye. BiU t ii!,i;nJ Southpoifs "hatter by dividing it into 3 wards passed final reading.' ,y leave. Winston introduced bill .to permit J. W. and P. Otho Wilson to sue the State for salary claimed by th.em. (It amends the railway commission act ..f 18.1. bv striking out tne words "and the oucstion cf h.s removal from ofrice chall bo determined by a majority of the General Assembly in joint session,' also the words "and If the Gene.al Assembly shall determine that the commissioner suspended shall bj re moved," and by adding the following: "And the said commissioner removed as herein provided for shall be allowed to bring his action in tWe nature of a ,uo warranto returnable to the Su perior Court of the county in which he lives and which said action to be brought in his name and against tne appointee of the Governor snail stand for trial as is now proided for actions of, quo warranto and in the event of final judgment in favor of such sus pended officer he shall be reinstated in his said office and receive full salary fii the term to which he was elected.) Clarkson introduced a bill amending the law as to dranins Big Sugar Creek; Ray, of Cumberland, a bill to repeal' chapter 453, acts 1897, the "As signment Law." The blllin regard to diligence by tele graph companies imposes 1100 penalty for negligence or unreasonable delay In transmitting or delivering mes sages. The bill Introduced today in regard to the formation of me county of Scot land is a new one, and Is a surprise to the advocates of the old bill, for it proposes to take in quite a large part Kobeson. Including Red Bprlngs and - Pembroke, &c. , Bill passed' amending the act In re gard to public drunkenness In Bun combe, by putting It in the" Jurisdiction of magistrates. -The minimum fine Is $5 and the maximum $10. Bill passed to amend the charter of the tow n of Graliam. The-i-e was some discussion of a bill In regard to resto ration to citizenship. It is meant to cover the case of the mayor and sev eral .citizens of Burlington, who re moed some bodies from one graveyard to another and were convicted of a felony and fined and pardoned. Leatherwood opposed the bill, saying he did not want it to apply to Sn-ain. Cat roll assured him it was to cover the Alamance county case above re ferred to. Foushee explained the toill, which requires that no felonious intent must bj proed. There was some iliFCussion as to whether the Governor's pardon restor al to citizenship: that is to the right right to vote. Jus-tii e said section ;t. article C of the Constitution five the Govcrno. power to siant full pardon.' and that in his vi-nv ills coveivii restoration of citizen ship. (.ioLi.-, oiT;id mi atr.emimcnt which . .is i-..cutcd. that 10 witiussc saone! V-e neci sai-y to prove that no I'.-ieny v. a.--. ini.'-iuU-d. The hill passed. Hill to i-ciu'iv the l.-mentary princi ple of .mrictiHuri- ta he inc. .hi i.i the rubii.' i-ehools was tabled. Bill in ..egaid to i in- insurance in iL;uni.y or surciy -.ir.ip.nins which r,o 0 ii- ri'u.ial builds c.imo up. It amends . latot-r Li-1, acts I .:!i. by adiiiiiir: "I'ro- vi. Vi that the indemnity, in.-iiurance or stir, iy company shall have on de j,.i..t with tin- tivsmr r i.f the State ,1... ,3m of $."" -"CO. or its equivalent to ':. a;o,i,vi,l b; the S:a!" treasurer. 1 i s -. eiire the pel f"- mane-' of ils obli ,.u ions in rush oflieeis bond?." it.iiMiuee. the author ot the bill c. iii.tin d it. and favored it. Bay oppo.-.ed the bill, saying' it would work a hardship. The bill passed. (The object of the b.ll is to give c .uiuy comniissioiiers i neastern coun ties -ii opporiuniiy to denim- to tak" bonds which negroes. &c, oiTor in sore l) -ampun! It is u it ixp- ted the. coipanies ,iil make lh..- ?ort,'00 d- ; d , . c mf. r police po, r on i. . I!!-. si'. l iiY.- ill ll.s v.- Itivi . also to pro I canie in i lay ana m-i or---s, by itli.cviny dugs piirsiiing o be kiiV'l. and by imposing a y for ealciiing break trout save pt ii.li a. May and June, liilia a, so passed ai.i: n.liiiff road laws in Cherokee aad A7.li on. HOI'SK. Til.- lrou.-e a:et at 10 o'cb ...-k. The following biiis weie iiuroiiuced: By Council, to amend the Cede regu lating registeis of deeds and clerks to county commissioners. By Justice, to r-.iiu.re tcivg aph companies tu exer cise due diligence in the transmission and delivery of message?. By Ha vis, in allow Haywood to levy special tax. By Joncri.to incorporate the Moore's Cr.-'k Monumental Association. By Thompson, for the relief of Griffith of Uavitison couiuy. By Welsh, to pro tect labor contracts. 'By Stubbs, to .norporato Butler Instuute, Martin county. By Johnson, of Johnston, to regulate appointment or notaries pub lic. By T.'.a!T'.r-"Or, f Onslow, to es tablish a tas -oin-iii-si "in. (The t!ov e! nr, 1 1 y c.n-vnt oi the Senate, to paint " commissioners.) By lloun-t!-, ... to uHionil scetiens l.'fi and of the i" t'. in recard to tne lemnval of car -s ii . .n or-; county to anuth'.-r. l'-y KM'iharcit'. to proide for better dr.tin ae.e ill Cation. By Lane, to allow Itockingham courity to issue $11,00 in bonds; ah') to incoiporate the to.vn of Maysdan. By l'atterson, of Uobes-m, to c eate coui.iy of Scciiand. B. Car rol!, to promote the use of wide-tiro ve hicles. The calendar wis taken up. Senate resolution to pay A. Cannon, who was ousted as Senator Jiui.uO for contested seai expenses was adopted. Senate bill to repeal the road law as rar as Wayae is concerned passed. The bill to give the sheriff and othet officers of Greene county protection against the action of Judge Timberlake was taken up. It is designed to take effect in quo warranto proceedings and provides that in case or quo warranto proceedings the peisons In office shall hold and shall enjoy all t.le powers and emoluments cf office until the quo warranto proceedings is settled. Tne bill applies only to Greene. It was passed. Bill passed extending the charter of the Fairfield Canal Company. Resolution to raise committee to in vestigate alleged payment of money out of the State treasury without au thoiity of law, came up. It went over as there is another of the same tenor. A bill was passed extending the time for organizing the American Trust and Savings Bank, as were also bills to amend chapter 71, laws of 1889; for the relief of J. P. Leach, of Montgomery county; t oextend and deepen the Al bemarle and Chesapeake canal. The bill to proide five new commis sioners for Stokes county came up and after some discussion the bill passed by a vote of 38 to 4. This bill will ena ble the commissioners to bring suit against the cleik of the superior Court of Stokes, who, it is alleged, has $1,500 of the county's money, and unless ac tion is brought Inside of tne next three months Senator Glenn declares that tha clerk will be protected by the statute of limitations. Senators Glenn and Hairs ton spoke warmly In favor of the bill, which was opposed by Sen ator Nawsome. The House bill to authorize the pub lication of the sketches of the North Carolina regiments (compiled by Judge Walter Clarke) was taken up. Senator Justice spoke eloquently in favor of the bill. Strong, earnest speeches were made in favor of the resolution by Senators Jackson. Brownand Glenn ,and also by Franks and Fuller. The bill was passed unanimously. The bill to incorporate the charter of Winston passed second reading. B:H;i to prohibit discharge of fire arms, at Sparta, toestablish school dis tricts in Ashe and Alleghany, to in co poiale the Winston-Salem Trust iDiaiVo- of commissioners in Perqui mans cotinly, to change the manner of ction in 1 ler! ford, ;o establish a dis pel, s.tiy at Jackson, to repeal chapter :il': la. .'. s of 1 a? (providing for road -o:kii!.'.r i.i ."asii county), to amend ',:.' t.-r laws of J,1';)', i.-!;uing to tic 1. is, of t urpeni iiu- oivhar.ls. to pay hack si Ii.h.1 claims of Kiuh. : for I t -r " -" lo I'.'tpl. W. T. 1!. I; i i i!a"l ; oral.- i'le David:. m Min.-rai li.'dway; : rep a! chapter 3.1, laws of lxtt.". and ; io-. :!::;! chapter 17.".. laws of lS'.i:!. to amino ize the . "hai tc of the C.oiils-i- ro Lumber Company; to r peal chap ter XM. laws, of l-i'.ir., rviating to timber atiine; in Tyrr ! ..on'.y. to uuLhori?.c :'"o:r-.,:h lo-aii.y t.: levy special tax to nay i'i'!"h! In- to repeal chapters and Mi, law s ..f IMC; to i . p. al an ;u t ineo para! 'itig t ;i- town of Yaneey id. -: io a. nen. 1 section of the Code ( I .-lis is ihe bill ih.u g.ants divorce in the case from lli. koiy, on the grounds i f de-i-iiion and cruelty); to re-enaci cii.iiitei' 172. laws of lSt'3. passed final reading. By leave Ser.aijr Luwo introduced a loll for the relief of John Wotls. The ,--', iu.'.e adjourn. 1 at i! o'clock. l iiATtl CF Ml!. MU.VriiijMKiO'. n;o:-..:s A. MoiitK'.-m.-ry Basse. 1 Away Tiiia Iiloining. 'i'hij a.ornine, at lii't'en minutes to live o lock Mr. Thomas A. M.mtgom c. y :in i tu tin- r. sid.-iK e of his niothee. Mi!". at tilt M.mtsom.Ty, on Noiah I'li s. .a I'Li .' i. Mr. Mimtgome: y had been hi deeiinii.'; ceaUh for some no i'.:hs and has b.-en .'.'onflned to his b: d sin. e last Ciii '.stmas day. He was born in War: niton foriy years a:-a, but mm h of his, time has been spent in Hal- igu where he was beloved by all About ten years ago he entered the ser-' vice of the Southern Itailway, and has hi i'n located at Charlotte, Asheville, Washington and ita'.eigli. He was neve, married. The deepest sympathy is felt for his bereaved relatives. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Sarah Montgom ery, four sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Wil liamson of Raleigh, Mrs. Chas. ILn ,i ;s: n of Tmy. Ala.. Mrs. Eugeni i.icks, if Chester, S. C, and Miss Ida Montgome.y, of this city, and abroth er, Mr. W. C Montgomery, of 'Bos Ion. The funeral will he h'-ld from Chris', ehurih tomoirow aftei noon at Ci.Nl- iii iiitA"';-: 'K ! I'iliaN At the ses-'ion of the C..njtedci.tit ran.,' Association last night reso inlioi v.'.:-e adopied thanking the t'r sliieiit for his s 'iitiaien: a 1. yarding .are for p'-ivcs -ii- Cor.r..deitte sol iii. i s, aiii' fulher tint a c laimi It tee ap ;....ir 'afore the nminiit.es of iho c.a aal Assc-mijly and aslt that a tax i f live ceni.i upon the $lo and lifteen u;s up. u lb p '11 shall h- levied and a; : i. ri.'.-e.d to p. n.'.ons for wounded -id di -allied t'on. v! :ate sildieis and their widows, in t'.;e ii.anr... r now p;o vi'icil by law. in. a-a.l of the pr. sent tax of three an I one-tiiiel cents and ton cents, and this con.niiitiee also ask an annual ai prcpiialitm of 5i:..t':'U for .he suppoit of inaailes of the Soidi.-rs' U..-U.C, and a spee.ai i; t,p!-.ir.!i u.oi of ;.li),iiU0 for the consti notion and repair of the build. ngs. 'una lit'iSeiu annaai aj aopr.ation is $8,500. This committee is compesel of V. C. ,.;:rciiai.i, C. Ii. B.bee. Juo. A. it:im ...;y, I . B. Denson, J. S. rurr and W. i'. iU.bcrts. BANK BliOKE. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. Kit.Ve.Va Cl'l. i'. Jan. hv I'i.int. ers' Hank closed yestei'd.iy. and tne proprittcrs, Leonard lmboden and S. 11. Hancock, nen uricsud. i.-no.og an investigation. The Lank v. .is char t.ied ihe luth January last, with a capital of S2j,000 paid up. January '?th, reported to State bank cxannn a a credit of $j.3'.ii. '.Vith Hiair & Co.. of Ne.v 1'urk, and $53.O0J in banks h. re and St. Lou.s. The examiner scerta.n e l the none of these ibanKs held I'lant ets' hank's money. CAltLAND HEAD. By Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. 'v.'A'Sl 'iNttTON, Jan. 2o Kx-attor-ney t.eneral Gar. and was slr.cken with apoplexy in the Un.ted States Supreme iuun today, and died in his office in a few minutes. PENN LEaiSLATUitlE. B Telegraph to the Times-Visitor. HAJiRl'SMTHU, Pa., Jan. 2R- The following is the vote today for United States Senator: Quay, 103; Jenks, 81: Ha.zMl, li; scattering, 33; necessary, 117- AGUINALDO. ITONG KON'K, Jan. 20 Fiiip'na Ct-.n-gress at Malolas passed a resolution of cliniidciice in Aguinaido empower ins him to declare war at any time for :uiv mi--!'-. .-'Strict' martial law prevails In Manila. THIRD COMING Negro Soldiers Will Ar rive THE MUSTER OUT The Third North Carolina Regiment will Receive $35,0u0-Leave Macm On February the Second. ,ia- Voting, i-vsi: 1 of the Third No: :.i Carolina S eincat at Mae. in. '.la., v, litis tiny i.'iil b-' must aa ,1 out tin :, : eb ao'-y J. and i h 1; ileiii n -f:r. 1 s i.i .1 1 iv !. t e l-'i i-i'i! i: y ;M i:i I i i- 'iio ii. H. s. js tl:ii: Ih. y '.vaat 1:' n.'.i -, . d out in Aiaton s.n. tii a i'l tio'i'i iiniw ini.c.yc. which is eqtiiv a' "ii! to a month's pay, in inlitioii t the ; .-, . nainilis' ixtra pay Voted t'aeai l y i '."..:;r, ss. Tile olliceis v. ill .li.:., ja;.' fo; no-nlhs and the p.iat-s f.-r 1 ::i,e:;lis. a; 'gregating S-o.i.en. A V.:. oil sj!, ci..l to tile Ali ll!.,! ''"11- T'e' 'I ai: ,1 X.oaa Cat'.iina ;s no y. t in shape 1.1 be niusleied out. but ae . O'-iii: C 10 til" staieiili nt of I'ap ain i''aik", tiny v.i.l get out on the ::d o.' I'elnuaii. It is expectLil liial tin.- rail loads iviil make the same effort to get li'e'tn to travel over their iines. Tile n; tunc, in which tiie nun wii! Ii.- mtisi 'ieil out will be v -ry siaiple acl will net take a-iy loti.i;. Ti:,- me:! will lie f.en ! Io co:iiti.ini, s and llleleil. d I I til" payoltlst. r, l il l ',' ill give lie :n t iieir pay a eel , In ', r di .- -i'ii::re,is. Tl'ty will li'i'a be out ,,f (.,.. -ixiei of tie army and uii! b- uiei r the juris ii .ion of ih ii'die. ,.n;y. C . Ii nero s...'i r veiil r. e, in iiii.uu Seve .11 'f lie- uflie. i s ,,f tile I' . i- ircnt sai.l th.-y though, tii.it tiie in n would re:,..ain .reir here s .. -. -. , i i .lays after lh, were turn .1 l.jo.-e, ;;n 1 t.'at tiie I ail: a. I compaiii-. a w..uld h-". money by lh ir p: cpai ;u ions. I'r, shit at t.i. A. Sniiih. of tiie i hani her of Commerce, refused to disv-ttss the :n i iio.1 ef ninste. an; out the troops, saiinfi thai too ir.ueh had li.i 11 said .li.-out tin- matter air. .i.ly. and ihat lie proposed to say nothing about it. It will not be brought up before the chamber of commerce tomorrow afternoon, as has b.'.n announced as it is now ton late to accomplish any thing. The officers ray ihat the men ii ill give no trouble aft.r tin y are mus tered out, but will be as quiet as the He. , . es w i:o live in the city. A tlegram was r.-ccived in ihe city t 'is afio'inoen from Senator Bacon saying that order.- to muster out lh" regiment as a w in le wire issued v.itii ll ha ksiov Iv,! . ,' and he Hll-.-w noth ing "f it ua.ll notiliv.l today by til--Mae ill peoiie. The leicaiti m Slat.."! ilm; if the order was not satisfactory witli liie people lie would have tiu pr -lioi'S older iitrii.d out as pioinise.l by Aeliitaiii C.a.iai Cn'oin. The lele- c ae. .. . i ton-, .rrow, ami ti- ; ; .a i.iiii-. a '.. in a ..' el' ii' i ' ni m. .' ': iu. st i ha t ti. ' i out two a inpanii n -gl'oi s ibly re- I lllst-'reil s'iAi'cs . x Tio: tii: it v a i .'- 'i i'i ' i -sr.. S'O VV I" I '.'.SV -': .Vii't CIKN1"' A T . . i ' COMMISSI! A'i'ili t K ItK VE'Nl'K, TO i-i : :.i i:- g ;:. l.-.'l i. r "TTOU. cv a: am-: c. 1 1. ;:.i. Cli X. i-.. St.'iiTT, I-iLl.. Tjii, Ylii i'iiKhAV FNiTED STA1KS i'C Ai' ,1 FiPiM W KS T VilteilX'iA. S 1 ' A N 1 s 1 1 (. ! ' i : A X so i ' V i-.X i I ;s. We were fiimn sjuv. f.irs of the l.tw rule ill Cii'aa. wh en w. re s. nt from Cuba to his mother, Mrs. J. A. Bra gasssi, by l.er son, Joseph Br.lga-sa, of the First N, C. Volunteers. A pit f" of ro k froui the celt-'otated Kl M -rro wits also Seiif in th - loiter, but was can coiled" through the envelope ami lost, leaving-its imprint as it pa-:.d through the letter. The souvenirs consisted af tw.'o "'shai--plasiet" biiis, of 5 cents and iO cents r spectiveiy, being issued by the Bank of Spain. The letter head used by Mr. Joe Bra gassa had a picture of Kl Alerro, with Hahana date at its head, j ie stated that the hoys were pi epar.ng for their eight days' match, and tliat they were not very much impressed with such a proceeding. N SlTPKEMK COURT. The 'Supreme court will meet on Monday, February 6th. 1S09. when ap plicants for license to practice law wi'l bo examined. The examination will be in writing. On Tues.lav. the 7th Feb ruary .cases from the First Distict will he called in the following order: Stite vs. Whedbee. State vs. Fulford. Wlilllams vs. Hughes. 'Hascoe vs. T "Cipt- (go. ; ogdell vs Railroad. "Wilson v&' ...iay Company. i'ln:.n' vs. liqranee Company. Sharp 's. Loane. Cutlar vs. Cnilar. Brown vs. Brown. Templey vi. Insurance Compattv. Balk vs. Harris. TERRIBLE DEATH Law i mlfiir ot Wake Fo- sf K- in (1 I VICTIM F NAK ( ICS Farwell Pipiey, of Buffalo, N. Y., Pro bably Took His Own Life in De spair in the Kranson House Lust Night 1 hi ,' ni 'Mi; en; .. yoeniv man renin .1 :.ir. faiavei! its,,; y v:l... U! ,i,..,.t a room at th- Itr.i.t.-.-ii Hon. .- u ne: Cay. I o '. iii' an.! :.! oi.a,; : 1 1 . t :. Mr. .- J'.- i -ii .it:--...:;g tin- i.c.c : Wake Foist Cn!!-.;-,, a:oi (r- hi I H as f'O'ii.l tiiioii his p, ia 'n:e a Motla i- li', i;ii- at i:;iiYaio. New Vei l;. Vesier.liy imirnlllg ail. lit ll'll'e' o'. loi !; the young man sin, wed up . tin- Bi.insoii House ?nai hat ih ' -1 : i r- - Jl was v-i y plain to i. oi se f :r .1 sslpa ti n of soiii .' eiiai a. -te:'. e t n a casual obse v a- at tiie opera an I net li.m. J.a-iih Tjiiht. w hi.i:-'.; last nail! that iowirds th.' i ml s:np: ;i:.',' was a ..ai -d ia ;;;.' . u rv rf t:i" c-.ne, rt t i'n- nin.iinao was in a ntiti'' ': iiaif and Mr. Turner :;;n, ;;:n st.il" of tension and nei vnusne :s be i; ' 'hi. ..-'. and ilinn, r. pin i ha'ie.l h leo : ' - ,,!- "f tiie s:y,el ef sm that per a ii. !;.t tu iA'eit.' i'ot'.st an 1 ; a :ni . te, i ni.ao.l ;l,e !i ti i I. ! in.-;'. Th hire possi hiai to o, 'tipy liis i',,..iii ia a n : -: i tin- : bliliy of the (oni--eqii.-r.ccs !' a panic t:i ihe Liiltl a siiiiii!.. tj.:ln would .a.-s tin!.' from any cause wiiii'. ver. csiie-goin.-; n.-rtii. Air. Ttniai sat no in tie- -iiilly when immense gatine-aigs ci'owd pailc of the hoarding nous-- till an the Muldin-r are fiightfu! Io eontciii haur or so afte,' train linie and w-n! plat-'. Cannot some way 'ee devised l.y ! i till' room tiie .1 lor of wh'eh he fou;;, I tin- pi'c.-ent cf.'ieieiii teat oa gemen t of loe.;, d up. in lh'" inside, mid tliiiikin,; , p i vidiim i'mjiloi' ir.c.ins . .' ' sit in li: young man had over--: -pi h. n:s. -if, ':!.- an . nn l n.-y i.!:e this iaiuid t::i- ::: to Hie fietit bil '.e.y iat, r. raised li ippiiy arise. a ,:::! .-, :.. thr r...n. .no red arid d y,il;i: 111 .1:1 Up. 11 t.le I I ase.l. it i ; .-.. rue 1 f, ., ,, 'i: s ' V. io kll 'W ii!;!! Was a C'li .lila' eat. .".a iie.im to ihei's ,0' ,,;h r nar- ' ":. a .iaaiel.e ii. U ! Olid il-ldi. ted I" t'. t:.e of str o"',' dr.nk. A nuniber f I'i ' ' i' p i a . v. i-i Ton ml up. .n .'. ee i I' e.'O a.ie'.niit I -o e, aaie s.on, tiling ieil We re so badly blurred and ir...i.-.::i..ni: ::..:.- .,.-i to convey mi i .a . :; ie; ha lev. r. One of the.-e was b.-gun to :i Mr. j t il..y and lea 1, "As 1 llr.,1 aixseif in an ! einiiar a:si:;;; j.i;i;.n lvr.; without en ittgh mon, y to carry me through " ihe last word c ui'd ha;ai.v be loaile out. Kviilent.y the man was diiven to til' i ml of his resouices and took his own life. From a letter found in his pocket written by his mother, from No. liiS, Fargo Avenue. Buffalo, New York, :e had start' .1 F.mie funds er son. The letter is erv affect, oca:.: an 1 dis- eh.scs the f:,t that the v.iun, man's'. , . . , , . . in tn city, iiiii.ots wev,. knov. n to his pc apie, and evidently i.e was sent lo Wak For-: i ! 1 llsti.it Alto:n, y B.inar.l went lo to ln-gin aaew and have his better n i- : Greenville to. lay. ,u:e gain asciinhnci. j y : p A .. Xi . v,k is '! ii'e y- tin;r man w as i f so.-n l.-r biiii-l, ' . t , . z-'i F C M . -ig a!, ait S or fa'i jiUis of a.-. , poss.b.;, younger. He had jus. turned .'tu I nil j eli- fade, daultg; ::. t!aius Ii a d which may make him So di ul icr ; ' '-' I", left Ci-a fateineon f. r Colorado. !.: he imliy is. ll.s !"it teiapi - and' Mu;.ir Bov. . il gave V.'iliia in I'ttiiieli ti:e f .u , 'he. id s..ov,s a bad h; nh-v, which' and I-ottls Gill 1.0 and 1.". i',:s rc-pc.--li: . id tins, who iiu-1 li.ai y st: rday i ti-, oly t...!ay fir being drunlt. I: :t. id ii'i'i iid m a fi.i.gat ear. No ileltht ile jlla.i 1 .: i'i . :. t i.iiia night bei' ae ia-t at V.k-' ti.n; and ea'i.e to I'.al, ieil. lie wai li.oliv liiVSSed and li id t.'e .', ai'e ': . a I", e ae.i c ;pi i ssnm .if ihiurIi r..i:: of e::.- v. no Pad s vu. tqi ni ne. liis h. ,:y was r.m..Vcd eb lit ! o'ci... k th..-: igeimng to tne mm igaiaag . ;. l.iishin. lit ef .Mr. John ltiaa n, w .e 1 1 will lie t rabaimed ami pr.par.d f ioirial. 'i'.-le,.,i area, wae it oa to liis. iraiihe: at Buffalo. X'. i" ill.- auihoritle- ai W.i'.e i", n :1 Tiles., w'r.i k'-. w lie o'.i::g' man, will has fregli. n;lv lie.il in It ileigii sinee lie iias I, - ii at en ii.ig Wake For . st lav s ii.. -I, say that Ir.. h mgat e ,. a. 11 I. '..'1.11.1111 lie ounce. . .id was iiev.rlp it a t ef Gen. lleb -rt K. i. e, I'ltinte-I igare.'e i,i n:s nai-ath. liisi ,v (;. C. B.a 1. It is a tiii-iy ex i.'llo'a i tudt ::is say thai he hud e.'.'ieei'i fully bt'lgot iiilnd and i'.'.i;'t ia; rd. He entered the Wake Forest !,. w school inst summer. Mi. Turner iii 1 pot c-tei' the rooaiii' . until s a rli'.fii this nieiii'.ig .ml Kin.ey ! had been dead four bonis. Tne phjsi- c-.ins said tli.ii he died fi-on heart failure due lo narciii.-s, aieoiiil and : igari'ttts. Tt is now ic.gi-ned tin t the hmir - was caused by a fall in the Park holel Tm sday night before he w. nt up to the Branson House. A LCI E Pi'S T K ?.T I .'. i ) X V . VA f Hi FN C TO N , Jin. 2. Sec rotary of War itppeniel before the war inves i -at ion en n: it tee and s.iid there was some i.iniplaint of shortage in food at :anti.ii:o. hut no serious difficulty. He said he received a dispatch from Miles ai send no more fresh beef to Polio itieo. BAG AN CASE. WASHINGTON. Jan. Sl.Judge Ad vocate Davis eiesod the prosecution in he Bagan case this 'reining. The de fence used only a few witnesses, and .he cose will probably clap-' today. $300,000 STEAL. LOX'TAON, Jan. M. The jobbery of JeOO.OOO from Parr's liank -Me ml ay took a darmstic turn t'da.y when Chairman f the bank announced at a meeting at the stockholders that $200,000 of the largest not.-s wsae returned by mail. American thieves are st'sp jrt,e.i. MARRIED AT FA I. SON". Miss Lydia Friar and Mr. Powhatan Matthews Wed. Yesterday morning at ten o'clock at the home of the biide's parents at Fai son, Rev. Mr. Alclntyre performed the ceremony which made Mr. Powhatan Matthews and Miss Lydia Friar hus band and wife. The marriage was a surprise except to the contracting par ties and their parents. Mi. Matthews went to Faison Tuesday accompanied by his father. Tile groom is a native of this city and has scores of warm friends here. Tiie bride .-omes of a prominent fam ily !:.! ii.-r -".-i.hi-r is now postmaster and a hading i-itiz. n of Faison. -! ' tl iii:'. MaMli ".'.. are now at ' i- 'Hi" .'..l oom's p. 1 1-.!!.'. Air. andlib ti-' Irene lite groeen's )i.'ii'i nts, Mr. I '"'ts. .1.. ;.i.a Mn : 1 h: .vs. on North -1 .-. II :-l : 1. Wil-i'e t. . y w.il spend a v.- I; bei'.o" maklna t '.- ir honn- in I i-l I, o . ,. 'i : e M r. Mi;: ,.. j 1 1 . . 1 1 ii ' " '. ai ' . h li: .i. ii.i i. iin Tobaee,. I' mp.'.U.''-. Tile Tic. " .-': i: , aa.'ilds le a 11 :' ' llgra i ilia ti.ois. I'ltlh'Al'TKiX. F ; C ,! i .li an 1 v! I" i oi : ;. la. ", .wine . oi ''.a. lee Kildiii night. 1 -V.'li.l, 1 I'll. I I! St M . I -,",'. i'i ; y w 1, ieil is n e , it. 1' ! .1. ' region. Til ! :":. i Ma !i A i I.I v. ' a. til. t i.ip.. I .: t to .' .a .aa 1 i.i n to 1 ! i. I.e x. -o. 'I li" wi' it in ; l ii r is g. : -rnliy eei.l e. in. I- l throughout th ' we I Fair w . at In r eon ; in ia s si Ihe Cast, end vari- y, nil i ii. c. asgig i-loii iiie. imls. BltlLFS. j Waller Pa i kit' i.i in Hie city. jj,. .j. ti. Alien. Jr., is a'oie io h-- out aea'ii. M!'?' ''"Sl',h W eiltili ia tieergia is Th r.y i" lianuia turine I oinpany sge.iie was in- ,rp..i .: : . d lo.luy ih aiiag in luiv.b.' . i ' a! s to. k I ."I. Mi-: Ma rgu. ri to K:;iin "f :'ie Dui itai i i lis .aw :i;.'iy a. us e ngilt ia:-' I "ven:::a i in, i ring. in tiie f, tit th page 'I'.-IOl'iel'lili lit f !..'.'! f..L.ild a a i She will i:n:e,'dl..;e'v i .: e s ; . k ol lutime . . l .-. 1. -ai ii r sp : - iipi in an la: 1 at the p.- i ,ar. of In il:e Aihan.-as 1) - .'tn is a. an oil tie I i-ti tin i and v ill i'i- aid at .inr- I laz i.i r is me. taig w i til the sue. ess and and the receipts I ne .-ii, .uraging. If v.'ti have not been j 1 ....... I ' " "l"' ' :i.-:ii. i'lie.oa 11. v.n I'. Atkin ati.J Flisl ee::: ...tin .! '.ui T. -,s i'.lin : :-.:s, I'oaipnny 1 p, 't'.ei.l Xe.-.ii raro.ina Sta.te Guard Hi i; .-. i ;,. -. i i .i. a'si (.ua-a weie iitalile .l I'y taking the oath i.f oleic e .'.sei.iay evening before Judg- il. H. An aeeoiiiit of Soiisa's concert - at the Atodeiiiy of Music last n.ght is unnecessaiy for everybody in Hitlelgh seems ta have been present. Suffice ii to say that the receipts were $1,117. next to the largest ever taken in Ral eigh in one night by a company. Mana ger Rivers is to be 'heartily congratu lated on the success of the concert here. The company won the hea. is of al. TREATY. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. Leading Republican Senators 'declare emphati cally that more than the nore.'wirv s'xty Senators will vote for ratlflcrtM-ii ef the peace treaty wtimiut tuai -'ra tion, out the nponer.ts deel.ire 1-a nei ??nrv fr -t t.i eai i .' -declaring that it Is net thr the raivernmer.t totnk 1 per; i jssession of the Philippine;.. vi 1 i i i ) i .1 i

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