: $ i - jr.--" ' t )- . t Si' I'll -1 I. . i, HI . r fEk rid-tfl6ll(jR, rrVTHBD BT THE times-vis-rroR coanj incorporat ed. OJTICE IN THE PULLEN BUILDING strBSCfUi Ob Tear U Months One Month OU PRICES. 3.00 S1.G0 .. . (Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter.) THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CIRCULATION. TELEPHONE NO. 168. FRIDAY, JAM'.M-Y TillC DKKA.U SHIP. When the world is fast asleep. Jl.inir ;he miilnlKUl s-Kie? m thousrii it were a wand ne; i'1-iuil- The ghostly dr ani-ship Us.' n arc: stanos at me - the dre helm. An angel stands at tiu- prow. Mid an angel stands at the dream ship's side With a rue-wreath on her brow, The other- angels, silver-crowned. Pilot and helmsman are, And the angel with the wreath of rue Tosseth the ureams uiai. The dreams, they fall on rich and p They fall on young and old; And some are dreams of poverty. And some are dreams of gold. nd some are dreams that thi ill with joy, And some that melt to 'tears: y d ime are deams of the dawn of lore. And some of the old dead ySrs. ten and poor alike tby fall, ..ite-Otl -yAWtg -U.DQ Bringing t slumbering earth Joys ' And sorrow manifold. their The friendless youth in them shall do The deeds of mighty men. And drooping age shall feel the g;ae. . Of buoyant youth again. The King shall be a beggarman The pauper be a king In that revenge of recompense The dream-ship dreams do bring So ever downward llo.u th.' dreams That are for all and me.. And there is never mottal man Can solve that mystery. I?ut ever onward in its -ourse Along the haunted skies As though it were a cloud astray -, The ghostly dream-ship tl:es. Two angels with their silver crowns Pilot and helmsman are. And an angel with a wreath ot rui . Tosseth the tlieams afar. Kugene r leld. On September 1T Hamberg sent up last a Bavarian at a small balloon to , which was attached his earn, im uiv j retiuesL that the finder of the balloon should let him know where U touched the ground. Three months later he got ba-k his card, with a ieiter from the man who had found the ball i in Sun derland. Kngland. A skull-cap discussion has sprung up "In HartfoFi An. officer in a courtroom requested a clergyman to retire for wearing a Rkull-cap in the presence of the Judge. One or the Hartford papers makes an earnest plea for the recog nition of the skull-cap, claiming that its saves hundreds of lives .especially at funerals. To many whose hair is ' scanty it is a necessity, and it is seen more and more frequently in church and op-en-air meetings. Mi-: Johnson, of Indiana, a Kepubli- . an member of the National House "f Rf'prt scntatives, denounces tne admin- J .Miration and nays the subjugation ot the Filipino, shouiajmake every Amer ican olush with shame. Mr, Dollinger, Hepu'olican, from Iowa, repneu uuii me : anti-expansion, element was a 'Quaint romb.natlon of bewildered .pol iticians and statesmen without, con (Kltuencies,' who were now proposing ru fllreot the affalta of the nation" v ED-HOT FROM THE GUM.- . : Was the ball that hit Oi V. Steadman, of Newark. Mich., in the Civil War. It cause horrible tJlcers to at no treat ment helped for 20 yeara. Vhen Buck K", Arnfca Salve. Cures Cuts Bruises. 1 ri.' ranan teed. Bold b; 'Wilmington is to have a large silk factory, employing from one hundred to one hundred and fifty hands. John D. Rockefeller's income 'is said to be 325 a minute. It means some thing when he la asked to wait a mln-ute.--iBoston Transcript. Spain. like the United States is not in a hurry to settle the peape treaty. The Spanish Cortez will not be con voked for that purpose till February lGth, says Premier Saasta. At a recent miiiinery sale in a big Chu:i;;o department store placards were displayed with the legend: "Not a Son;,' litnl Hat in Stock." So much for the work of the Audubon Society. The Dowager Empress of China has a reputai.on as a real Rood wrestler. Cues its so for it was an easy matter for her to Hip the Young Kmp -ror and old i'i Hung. It is a bad state of affairs when a number of detectives are employed to keep members of a legislature under surveiUir.ee to detect the bribing t members in the election of an Tailed States St naior. ICD.MI NDS OX PoI.YdAMY. ( 'o a s .Must S it Uoberts, bu; M.i) 1 II. Ml. e fr KJtnun.ls has i 'liristian Hera Id an Kxp Si nator i billed to th i:x COIl. ! ari iei ' Cong: i erf. II "It is on polygamy and tne ease of snian-eieu Kr.gh.im H. Itob- says: now eid- nt I'tiougii tliat t'on- grrss was mistaken naen u paseil tne Knaliiing act in supposing tnai the po lyg.i:ii"us notions had disappeared and that the State would go on In the same way as otner State.-. Congress must have also overlooked the fact that any engagements on the part of the State of l.'iah as a coiul.tion of its admission lo the Cnion relating 10 the adminis tration of its internal aflairs would not be binding in point of law, and could only bind the faith of the State gov-ernm-ni. for a breach of which the only ledress must be the forcible over turning of the State government, which would be pimply war. The instant the Stale was admitted, every act of Con gress relating to its internal policy ceased to have any force whatever. The consequence Is that in point of law the State it Utah has the same sover eign rights that any other State has. She may punish polygamy or unlaw- fni inhnhitants or she mav autho: ize it. She may declare, as Congress has done, that llligitimate children h'all not Inherit, -or she may declare', as she appears to ha"& oone since her admls- LKJh that illigitimate children shall in herit on an equal footing with legiti mates. "The ..'onstitution of Ctah only pro hiblts the ceiemony of making a poly gamous or plural marriage. It does not prohibit the carrying on of poly gamous relations. Nor do her laws go any further, so far as I can ascertain. In fact, she is, as I have said, abso lutely Independent of Congiess in re spect of the subject, and she appears, from all reports to be steadfast taking advantage of her opportunities, an,d has, if reports are true, deliberately elected to Congress a person in tne open and notorious practice of poly gamy. I am not informed at wnat time these alleged polygamous marriages took place, nor is this material to the luestion. If they took place before the State was admitted, Mr. Roberts could have been punished by the authorities of the United States. Rut he cannot be now. The acts of Congress while 'they punish cohabitation witn plural wives, did not punish and were not intended to punish those who had been In the practice of polygamy for supporting those who had been their unlawful wives: but they did not provide for punishing a continuance of the poly gamous relation. If Mr. Roberts' poly eamous marriages took pla?e after the State was admitted, he would be guilty of violating the State law in contract ing such marriages, but he would not be guilty of violating any State law in living as a husband with all his plural wives, tot, so far, as I am in- fMrmoil thnn. is rtr law Af TTtah. Jn (.,af. ftg is trufl everywhere, sta- tutes restraining crime are or no value unless there be a state of government, executive and judicial, willing and de sirous to execute the law and bring of fenders to punishment. It would seem clear from what has transpired, that the government of I'tah has no dispo sition to proceed in that direction. "In this state of things, you ask: What can the House of Representa tives do in the case of Mr. Roberts? The Constitution of the United States provides that the House of Representa tives shall be the Judge of the election and qualification of Its members. The power to judge of the election is mere ly the power to ascertain whether a majority of the legal voters have In the manner provided by law voted for the member, and that is all. The qualifi cations of the member are three. He must be twenty-five years of age; he must have been seven years a citizen of the United States; he must have been at the time of his election an in habitant of the State. Of these three requisites the House is the judge. If he possess these, the House has, in my opinion no lawful power to apply any other or further test in respect of his being admitted to a seat. It would be extremely dangerous for a consti tution to give a majority of the House the' right to determine what particular snou(j nave tne right to elect to repre sort of man the people 01 a aiaie sent them fuither than our constitu tion has declared. . "It is too obvious to require illus tration. But, -when a man so electi'd nd possessing the qualifications ' re quired by the constitution 'has once taken his Seat, the constitution brings into play another and entirely differ- ent provisslon. authorising the House, with the concurrence of two-thirds to ?icpel a memtfer. Upon the exercise of tin :lght, the constitution wisely im- posed no limitation except that of re- quiring the concurrence of two-thuds to expel. If, therefore, the House of Jtepreseritaties shall find .on due in- quiry that Mr. Roberts 1 an open. practical and r persistent polygamist, and the House thinks that in view of. that fart and In connection with the; circumstances under which Utah was admitted, or without reference to these curcumstancea, jt wm oe a reproaen iiji the dignity and good name to continue ' Mr. Roberta as a member. It may taw and belay residence el said J. P. fully and rightfully 'expel hhn, If If ftalley. v..: ' does not act at all (supposing- the facia , , ' ,W. if. JONES, Attorney, ; -v. rv.'Siiv k '.'': " a5:H.j'i'''-,.?:..A ':-'v:,"i ; ' ;: - -i,-.v,., !- , -v to be as stated),'! will have given its acquiescent approval ot the conduct of Mr. Roberts and of the action of the people which elected hint ' with full knowledge of the circumstances and henceforth it will be Justly considered that the House ha no disposition to Interfere with the practice of polygamy in Utah. If It does act and expel the member, it will have declared against the perpetuation of the system. "Utah being now a sovereign State, with all the power of any other State, neither House of Congress or the whole government of the United States, can do aynthing further, except by the act of war to which I have already alluded." "Wiiy did the roses fade slowly away?" she inquired poetically. "Well," replied the bald-headed young man with w.de ears, "when .u think i over it's all for the best. It's more comfortable to have them fade slowly away than to go all of a sudden hke a torpedo." Washington Star. His Way of Weighing "My way is dark and lonely,'' hummed the grocv., as he finished up a package of su gar. "Perhaps your way may be lonely," remarked the customer, "but I guess it's sht enough." Chicago News. iHtlPS UAVAGKS DOOMED. ,-o musji misery and so many deaths nave ; e, n caused by the Grip, that ev ery one hhould know what a wonder ful remedy for this malady is found in 'Dr. Kin.:;' New Discovery. That dis-tri-fs.njr -tuhooin cough, that Inilann .vein- ihroa;. robs you of sleep, weak ens your system and paves the way for Consumption is iiuickly stopped !.v thi? matchless cure, if you have chills and fev. r. pain in the back of the head, soi-t-neys in bones and muscles, sore throat and that cough that grips your throat like a vice, you need Dr. King's Nee. I ,seovery to cure you lii ip. and pi . vent Pneumonia or Con sumption. Price 60 cents and $1.00. .Money ba. 'k If not cured. A free at any Drug Store. "Who is the smartest boy in youi class. Hobby'"' asked his uncle. "I'd like to tell you." answered H by modiSily. "Only papa says I must not boast." TO CCHE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Iaxativj Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If i: fails to cure. 25c. The genuine nas u. a. in eacn tablet. FOR OVER FIFTY TE7ARS. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Kyrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions or mothers tor their children while teething, wlthp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al- lays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tne oesat remedy ror Diarrnoea. It will i relieve the poor little suffer Immediate Jy-... Sold ty-druggists in. egery part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kiad. PRECISION, PROMPTNESS, FAIRNESS. These are the principles we have ob served for 9 1-2 years, and we thank the people for their evident appreciation of our efforts. WE ARE STILL AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. HAND AND TRIPOD CAMERAS. ALL PRICES FROM $2,50 UP, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Or ALL KINDS. We wish to announce the addition of the above line of goods and invite yoor Inspection r.nd patronage. H. Mahler's Sons JFWEORS. AND OPTI CIAN3 NOTICE OP SALE. By nuUiority of a mongiage from Jos. V r&nUAv n ,i fLi. rpnnrrtpil in H uttc 76. Deed s office far ,ike county, ..and at tlre nlVlfMl at akl tea: tgagorsi. I wiU Monday. Ctk day of February, 189ft, M 14 fffogk m a. the court house door ,f Wa.ke eat Raleigh N. C. sell to highest Md3i at public suction for that ertert lot An the city of Rat; ejEh, bgtainhig at the corner of Thos. x, Lassltes fsrmer l)ne on Wlln.lng- Un 8ret, mas east along said line 210 (et to Upohsroh and Dodd's former h ,thene south with last mentioned jjij (Mt to A. C. : Saunders old corner, ttreni wst alonsr Saunders' nne jfs . t mH Wilmington street,.! theace nertk )4g said street feet, to th ieclmirlBe.' containing U. of en One Large r Scar ; Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Couid Not Sear to Look Upon Her -A Crand, Complete Cure by Hood's Sarsapcrilla After Others Failed. "I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore appeared. on my loft cheek, extending from my upper lip to my cyo. Other sores came ou my neck and on my right arm and one of my limbs. Thoy were very troublesome aud painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at mo and advised mo to wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate tho sore and make it worse. So I Could Not Hide tho Sores. My riece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which bad been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal ad tho neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few months Uk-sores on my arms and limbs nil healed; those on my neck rradually disappeared and now t boy are all gone, I ii.vc never had any symptom of scrofula sin.-e. One l.trije s"ar on my right arm is 8lll'..c Kii;n that remains cf my terrible affliction. The neuralgia is also cured. r Mks. J. M. Hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. 3 Sarsa- v parilia Is (lie best ill fact Hie One True Illoml Purifier. HnH'c ril!c ai" the only pills to take 1 1UUU i t H8 Wtl, Hood's SarsauariltA. A HUGE JOKE is always relishe just as our exntslte sauces, chow-chows, pickles, olives, and various relishes of all kinds that we keep will make you relish your cold meats, soups, or vegetables when your appetite fails you, . Eugene du Raix Olive Oil-best Im ported. XXX Olives in bulk-40o a qt. Assorted Stuffed Mangoes 25c a qt. Tamazula Pepper Sauce-20o a bottle. Durkee's Salad Dressing Small size 25o, Large size 45o. Selected Pim-Olas, 30 eta a bottle. Bayle's Horse Radish Mustard, lOca ar, Spanish Relish and Mexican Lillyhot 10c a bcttle. OUR MfkTTO.-"The best food on close margin of profit." 17. G. Upchurch & Co., LEADING PANCl GROCERS, 124 Fayetteville Street. 'PhonelfiS 3 Inter-State 'Phone 290. SO per Cent Save d By buying your Jamaica Rum, mer ry. Port, Apple and Cognac Brandy, Imported cordials for CQoklng. Rhine, Pale Cherry, Sawterne. CTaret, and sparkling wines for the table. ACME WINE CO., Agency for Bellemont Rye Whisky.) RALEIGH, N. C. Bell Phae 144 B, Interstate Phone 144. 8 ALE OF LAND. - ; By authority of a mortgage - from Henry Horton and his -wife Hasty Hor ton, recorded In book 14, at page 469, records Register of Deeds' office for Wake county, I will on Monday, 6th of February, 1899, at 1J o'clock m. at the court house door of Wake county, Ral eigh, N. C.,' sell to .the highest bidder for cash, - a lot In the (own of Gary, N. C, which begins at the southwest corner of David Stroud's lot and runs with his line north 13H poles to the corner of Thomas Brown, thence east 114 feet to Persia, Jones', liner thence south with said 'line' 14 poles to a stake, thence west 114 feet toi the be ginning,; and, being- same -lot conveyed to Hasty -Horton by Persia Jones and others, by deed recorded. In book 142, ' page atx, negisiers ornee , tYaJte county. y. ' '? . m. ' h rv --' W, y. JONES. Attorney, t p.:-- r-' NOTICE, - . ;.: ?-'"., -. . .-. A competitive examination dnder the rules ot-the U. Si Civil Service Com mission of applicants for the positions of Draftsman and Assistant Ship" Draftsman, In the Departmental ' ear vice at Washington, D. C, wiii.,be held, at the postofflce building In this city n the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th days' of February; 1899. .; V.n-.'..: ---..;.,.: ;-. . . Applicants desiring this examination should write the Civil Service Commis sion, Washington, D. c ai.once for aecesaa.-y blank form and full in!or jnatlon reutive to the examination. The. age limit for entrance to this examination is20 years or over. E. R. ELLIS, Sec. -Board of Examiners, P. O. . Service, Raleigh, N. C. .... ' If rsr?- "WflW - 11 r '"". . C- 'T FT .KM- 1 (lis ?t 111 S. C. POOUS, Shoe Store, 181, FAYETTEVILLE' '., I.ooo Pair's ''1899" Styles of Gent's Shoes Received yesterday. Spec ials This RUGS CHEAP, BED LOUNGES. We have just received special invoices of both Rugs and Bed Lounges. The prettiest line ever seen in Raleigh. rJ hey are just as cheap as can be bought in the wholesale markets. We invite your inspection of our stcck in all lines. The Royal & Borden Furniture Co!; Cor. Wilmington and Hargett Streets Raleigh, N. C, ONE OF THE MANY Testimonials as to the efficacy of SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT IN THE TREATMENT OF NASAL El Dokado. N 0 Jane 1. 1PM. Mb. Wm. Simpsok, Dkab Sin: You kno'v I thought my wife incurable, having suffered long of Cataarh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried sev eral phy .aa with little or no benefit,, but since nsinir your Catarrh Remedy sh is almos j -rely well. I can riafely say that it is t he best remedy for Catarrh and other c i nses of like nature known to mo, and 1 wish every sufferer ef inch troubles knew of its efficacy I shall not fail to keep t in my house. , Respectfully, A.M. PAGE. Cheapest FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH YOU Gn,r THE TIKES-YlSJVftB 2TSBT AFTKRNC ON TJLCKVl VrHt-AI". SEABOARD AIR LINE. TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule in Effect December 11th, 1S9S. SOUTHBOUND. . . No. 403. No. 41. Lv Raleigh ...:,... .14am J.S6pm Ax So. Pines... 4.23am 6.58pnj Ar Hamlet . . 1. .... 6.07am 4.63pm Ar Wilmingt'n.S.A.L.. 12.05pm ; Ar Monroe.S.A.L... .43am 9.12pro Ar Gtarlotte,S.A.L. T.SOam , , W.26pK Ar Chester S.A.L.. 8:08am;' 10.B6pm Ar Greenwood ..... 10.85am V ;' 1.07am Ar Athens i 1.13pm : ; 1.43am ArAtlanta i. IBODnt ' 6.20am Ar RALEIQH. . . . . llSan , : NORTHBOUND --u,: .' .-.No.463.':. .' to Raleigh ....v.,u 109am Ar Henderson ....,. ' 3.28am AT Weldon .. .;i.... - 4.65m Ar Portsmouth.. 7.86am ; Ar RIchomnd, AOL .45am J Ar Waan't'n.P.R.Ri M.Slpm Ar New -York' 6.23pm J.Mpm , No. 38. : 'H;lSam . 1160pm 3.60pm ' '- 6.20pm 7.12pm s 11.10pm C.63am Ar RALEIGH 2.10am , i 11.18am: Dally. . ' , ,Nos. 403 and 402. "The Atlanta Spe cial,'" S.olid Vesttbuled.-Tniln of Pulli martySleeters ;rfd Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also PvUman steeper between Portsmouth ' Chester, & C. . ; u ann NniL 41 niVWLVThe S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train. Coaches and Pull man Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. : Company Sleepers -'between Columbia and Atlanta.! . , - ';..:!, Both trains make immediate connec tion at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mo bile. New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashville, Mem phis, Macon and Florida. v ' . Fr tiokets, sleepers,;' etc., apply to agenj pr ' . " a, S. LEARD, C. t, and P. A " V -'r 1 " . . - Raleigh. N. C. E. ST. ' JOHN, Vice-President and Gen. Manager. . ... ' H. W. R. f? LOVER, Traffic Manager. : V. E. McHKE, General Supt. I S. ALLKN. Gen. PasS'r Agent. General Offices. Portsmouth. Va. THE. Most Com n nfo no plete Lii of Trunks J I bib LIIIU ) BAGS, DRESS SUIT CASES, TfcTJfi SCOPES &e.Vl THK STATB, v ALL NEW GOODiAND NEW DESIGN d AT REASONABLE PRICES.' " CATARRH. and Best. Southern Railway. THE ... STANDARP RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Tht Wract Uo to 41) PiintM. T5XAS, CAUFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA ANb PORTO RICOe - , . v .,... f ; rJtrletly FIRST -OLAHiJ Equipment on ail Through and tocal Trains; Pnllman ii r - ' . fnlace Hleepinir C.art dn all Wight : )'A?is!"Tit8t anSafe Schedules., , .Tivavel by the. Southern and you f e assnred a. Safe Cfmfortable, ( (, : ty oi Expeditious Journey, . , ,5 'PriiT Iff TICKET VAGBSTsy FOB MMM ' , 1ABI.liX, ATE8 ADD GESERAU IMF03 , ; MAT10S, OK APDKE6S t 1 ft. L. VERNQN, THAD. C'TUROIS , ' T.P.A.. : V C.T.A.. ' Charlotte, C; Raleigh ,21 i,' . ' No trout. to answer (Hegtionv v . slHK 8. OAITHOir. . J. M. CuhV, id V.P. & Gen. Man. Traf. Mir :.:, . ::- W A. Ivhk, Q P A-" 1 "VABHmaiQ D. 3 1 4 3

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