? : v.;. '.ii tr a:-. j a.--: fv 'ai f r'ft t't'fo;n H''Sy .vt"'-S .Kfivfli: ' , ' 1 ' ' ' . '.-V V ,V;-'; .' :V?: ? - -'vV r' ' -SI' 4 ; U "r Mrv?3 iromm Makes the food more delicious and wholesome kovai sAKim cowoe . i THE DJSa.iS.SEO CADETS. . Their Cases Under Consideration by -. Board of Visitors of the Miii-.:"- . tary Institute. Special to Baltimore Sun. Lexington, Va., Jan. 28. At o'clock the cadet battery, In charge of Acting Commandant B. B. Morgan, flre a ssJnte in honor of the board of visitors. of the Virginia Military Institute. All the members of the board were present except Colonel Barley, Judge Rhea and K, W. Saunders. After the organiza tion of the board Mr.' Alexander Ham ilton was elected president to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge B. H. Letcher from the board when appointed circuit Judge. Gen. Scott Sfripp, the superintendent, pre sented his semi-annual report in re gard to tbe condition of the Institute, whJch showed the school to be In a very flourishing condition. Capt. Branch B. Morgan, acting command ant, was promoted to the rank of Ma jor. Application for reinstatement from several cadets, who were dismissed for hazing, -was refused. R. B. Lemoine, or Virginia, dismissed for being a parity to basing, was reinstated. An application from the first class, dismissed for breach of discipline, which made application as a class for reinstatement, was returned without consideration. The presidents of the second, third and fourth classes, who had voluntarily presented pledges "not to create any disturbance on future New Tear's eves If the dismissed class were reinstated" were sent for and their pledges returned without com ment. The board then adjourned to witness a special diess parade by the cadet battalion. The session was resumed tonight at 8 o'clock, when the Individual applica tions fo members of the first c lass were presented 'before theb oard. Owing to the large number and the time each discussion which will necessarily fol low, the decision of the board will not be reached until a very late hour. One of the members of the board was heard to say: ."We might as, well pass a resolution commending Ueneral Shlpp's action and end the matter." Whether this speech augured good or bad for the dismissed class it remeain to be seen, but at present it looks very gloomy. It was stated that possibly tbe reason for requiring the Individual application may mean the refusal to reinstate borne of the members of the dismissed class. Twenty-flve of them are now. here awaiting the verdict. OUST WHAT SHE NEEDED. 1h - ."My appetite was 1cry poor and I was so nervous I could not leep. I was troubled wna dyspepsia and was very weak. After I had talrtn a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could eat any thing I . wished, could sleep well, and was much stronger." Mrs. John J. Mar tin, Warrenton, North Carolina. Hood's Pills cures all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, sure. BISHOP CHERSHIRE'S APPOINT MENTS. FEBRUARY. Monday, 20th (night), Loulsburg, St Matthias'. Tuesday, 21s.t (night), Loulsburg, St Paul's. Thursday, 23d (night). Concord, Holy Comforter. Friday, 24th (night). Concord, All Saints'. Saturday, 25th, to Tuesday, 28th, Sal isbury and Rowan County. MARCH. Wednesday, 1st (night), Statesville. Thursday, 2d (night). High Point. Friday, 3d (nlgbt). Proximity. Sunday, 6th, Greensboro, St. Barna bas', . Sunday, 5th (night), , Greensboro, St. Andrew's Monday, 6th (night), BIkin. Tuesday, 7ta (night), Winston. Wednesday, 8th, Madison, Friday, 10th (night), Burlington. - , - . Sunday, 12th, Chapel Hill. Thursday,- 16th (morning), Cunning ham's. Thursday, 16th (night). Milton. Sunday, 19th, LeaMvllle. Sunday, 19th (night), Reidsvllle: Monday, 20th (night), Sanford. Tuesday, 21st. (night), Pittshbro, St Tuesday 4th ..(night), Wilson, St. t Mark's..,.. " Wednesday, 5th, Wilson, St. ' Times thy's. Wednesday, 22d, Pittsboro, St. Bar- . tholomew's. - Palm Sunday,' 28th, Raleigh SL Am , brose'S ; (morning) ; SL Augustine's (afternoon); St' Savior's (evening). " . '- ,v. j ; APRIL. : v- ' . , " . Easter Day, 2d, Raleigh Christ church (morning);-St. Mary's Chapel (afternoon); Church of the Good Shep- herd (evening). Thursday. 6th, .Rocky' Mount. ' Friday, 7th, Battleboro. -J. r: Sunday, ' 9th, ' Tarboro Calvary Church (morning); St.. Mary's afters ; noon) St Luke's (night.) ' Tuiday,' 11th, Lawrence. ' : Wednesday, 12th, Scotland Neck. Thursday, 13th, TUlery. . . ; Friday, 14th.; Enfield. A' Sunday, 18th, Rlngwood, :- ' :. Friday, 21st, Laurel Hill. , a-'. Sunday. 23d, Rockingham. . . . i Monday, 240n (night), Wadesboro., . - ' Tuesday, 25th, AnsonviUe. -, , i ."i, Wednesday, 26th. if Thursday, 27th. (night), Monroe.; , Friday, 28th -(nigh t),i Charlotte, Bt,' - Michael's. " . Saturday; S9thV-thtf Thompson! Or i, , phanage. . . ' ' : ,- ' .Sunday, 30th, St. Mark's, Mecklen burg county. , Sunday! 30th, (night), Charlotte, St. .Peter's. , ' i , . ' MAT. 4 . 1 .s Tuesday, '2d, Annual Meeting of ..the y Board, of , Managers of the Thompflon ' " ' Orphanage. . -! ' i - The Holy Communion at all morning ' r services. The offerings at every ser ' , vir lor Diocesan Missions. ' v., The hours of service are' left to the d scretlon of the Clergy, so far as is practicable under the foregoing scheme -hv of visitations. . " -i- . ,- JOS. BLOUNT CHESHIRE, Jr., :';;' msnop or iNortn varonna. Balelgh, Tb Epiphany. 1898., Baking co., new row. IAN OYATION TO LEE UDD'iiia wive, linn a K. nsi 0 Welctme Ou A Trip 'Jhioua;h HaVdiia Pi ovince. RECEPTION AT G DINES Spaniard And Natives Promise Thtir Co-Operatfon The General Tells The People Tnat i he Ameri can Purpose is to Main tain Order. Havana, Jan. 26. General itrooke denies rumors to the effect that Cu bans are so gt-oatly dissatisfied that an outbreak Is imminent. He says 'the rank and file of Cubans are pleased with. American occupation, the only dissatisfaction being the result of fail ure to announce a national policy re garding the islaml. An outbreak Is the last thing to be ft-ared just now. Those -who think to the contrary mig-ht reverse their opin ion had they ieen the reception given Gen. Fitzhugh Lee and the American soldiers yesterday on the way from Camp Colombia to (iuines. The latter is next to Havana, the largest city in the' province, and In going there Gen eral Lee was accepting an often-repeated invitation. General Lee roje between a battal ion of the Fourth Illinois and one of the Second Louisiana. All along the route 'Cubans were out in force making the occasion one of demonstrative welcome. At Guines the Cuban troops were drawn up in double line and as General Lee arrived they closed about him, giving him an escort into the town, which was decorated with Amer ican and Cuban flags. A public reception was held In the- council chamber, of j.hi'.'h General Lee took advantage to explain that the American soldiers came as friends; that theie was tut disposition on the part of the United States 'to interfere with the Cubans; that the American purpose was to .carry out the pledge of maintaining order until the people are ready to declare their own wishes for the future. Regarding local af fairs General Lee told the Cubans that ;hye should agree upon the selection of officials when he would meet their wishes. At this reception the Spanish resi dents of Guines presented a paper com plimenting 'the Cubans upon thp ir be havior since Januaryl, and promising cooperation in the futuie. The tow battalions acompanying Gen eral Lee will be kept moving about the province for practice and for the ben efit of their health. An entire bri gade will be permanently encamped near Guines. Through the blunder of some official 36,000 poundsof refrigerated beef was dumped last night from the transpor Michigan upon lighters, although ar rangement had been made to unload it directly Into refrigerate rod cars. A heavy ruin was falling and the result was a large loss, the meat being unlit for feod. The contractors entered n protest When the first attempt to un load upon the lighters was made, and the less will fall upon the , govern ment .The trouble was called to the attention of General Urooke and a corut martial may be ordered. Mother (coming swiftly) Why. Wil lie! Striking your little sister??' Willie (doggedly) Aunt Frostface made me! Aunt Frostface Why, Willie,' I said If, vou.dld strike her I would never kiss you again. . ,. , Willie(still doggedly) Well, I could not let a chance like that sllp.-r-Spare Moments. ' , . Vt THE RAVAGES OF GRIP. . That modern scourge." the Grip, poi sons the air with Its fatal germs, so that no home in mate from its ravages, but the multitudes 'have found w sure protection against jtbls dangerous mal ady In' Dr. King s Kew ' tnsc'overy. When you feel a soreness in your bones and muscles, have chills and1 fever, with sore throat, pain In the back of the head, catarrhal symptoms and a stubborn- cough you , may Jtnjow . you have , Crip ,and that; you - need Dr. , "ng's New DiscoTeryf i,It Wlli prompt ly cure: the worst toufrn, heal the in flamed membranes, kill the i disease germs and prevent the dreaded after effects'of the maJadr. Price; 50 cenls and $1.00. Jloney back lr not cures.' A trial bottle at soy drug stored ? , - 1' f i.'A little (ftrl'.whoe mother: lefKher feKme'i at mglVl After telling; her the room Warf full 'of' angels, was; heard saying to her doll: "Now, dollie. you musn't be afraid! " The? koofrn Is full of nnsels. It beats the devil haw nfjald I am of angels." Trained Mojtherhooili 'ii "'' i f4';"'"''"";:.T ' '-f ' ; iTIJE) BE-ST PRtOSORIPTION F1R i -iy f eaiLLs s - lid' Fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste; less Chill Tonic. The foriroila.ls plainly printed on each bottle, showing that it la simply iron and Quinine ha a tasi. less fnrnu' Imitator do not'advertiee their formula because t tney did they know that you would be" afraid to take their medicine. Be sure tnen you get Grove's a sthe formula shows what you art taking. NO CURS NO PAT. Price 1 cents. I r UlhhjL THin- nitw mtntafan- la In ovprv. body's mouth. They say he Is a pow erful preacher,' Gib. ets Nonsense! , I heard him laSt Sunday. He doesn't amount 'to a row of p.ns. He had lots to say about the better life and Ohrlst.an charity and that sort of fluff, but he hadn't a word to say on the political situation. Bos ton Transcript ' i Griggs "Have you heard the news? Poor old Blinks has shot his arm off out hunting." Br.ggs "Oh, Lord! What a fool I am! I might have known. Why, heavens and earth, man! What's the matter, nowi "Mat ter? Bah! Haven't I gone and bit a dozen bottles of champjgne that Blinks wouldn't hit anything T' Uirdokryn i Life. . PRACTICAL J OK Eli. JZ1 LLED. Middlesboro, Ind., Jan. 26. Anderson Wood, a Republican politician, is dead at Knuckles, this county, the victim of a practical Joke. Monday night, while Albert Shumate was oo hiB way home from a dance, Wood and three companions, who thougnt to frighten Shumate, Jumped out of the bushes and demanded his money. Shumate tired upon the supposed robbers, in stantly killing Wood. When told of bis nrlstake, Shumate left home and ha. net been heard of since. THE DEADLY GRIP. Is again abroud in the land. The air you breathe may be full of its fatal germs. Don't neglect the "Grip" or you open the door to Pneumonia and Con sumption and invite deatn. Its sure signs are chills with fever, herdache, dull heavy pjins, mucous discharges from the nose, sore throat and never-let-go cough. Don't warfte precious time treating this cough with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap sy.upa. Cure it at once with Dr. King's New Discovery, the infallible remedy ror bronchial troubles. It kills the disea-se germs, heals the lungs and prevents the dread ed after effects from the milady. Price CO cents a.ml J1.00. Money back if not cured. A trial bottle free at any drug store. TAX COLLECTOR'S SALB. In nursurmee of the power in me vested as tax collector of the city of Raleigh, N. C, I will expose for sale at the court house door In the city of Italoigh, N. C, at 12 o'lcok ra. on the 6th day of February, 18W. the personal properly consisting in part of bed steads, mattresses, chahs, tables, pie trues, stoves and utensils, etc., the same being the property of James H. Younc. (This sale is made for the "purpose or settling the taxes due the city of Kaleigh by the said James II. Young 'or the years 1897 and lsus, amounting to one hundred, eighty eight and 36-liO dollars ($1SS.35) and for the .further cost of making levy and for advertising said s-dle. CHARLEB F. LUMKDEN. City Tax Collector. January 24, 1899. 1899. THE SUN 1899, BALTIMORE, SII TiiePapkkof TUB PKIirl.K, FoK TUB PlOI'J.B AND WlTIt 7ItK. Pbopi.b. lioNKKI IN MOTIVK. Fkaki.ksb.in Exprk.ssion Bousn in I'imnci rr.K Unkwi;rvini in Its Ai.i.KiiTEM E to Rioirr Tiikokies am .Right J'raoticiks. fih.. C.n nxhlicihAa all the news All the time, but it does not allow its col- .. M .a AtrraAaA hv tinelpdn im- UIIIIID L" W 1.'.. J -- moral or purely sensational matter. Editorially, tne oun is iue uuuan-iu unehanlnir rhnmnlon and defen der of popular rights and interests against political machines and monopo lies 01 every cnaracier, uiuciicuuvin oil ihln.ru rlt,'mf in none. It is for good laws, good government and good order. Bv mail Fifty Cents a montn. six Dollars a year. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN'. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of . each week, giving complete accounts of all events of interest thnmjrhout the world. The Weekly Sun is iii'-'iirpaHsed as an ACKHIULTIIKAL PAPER. It if edited by writers of practical ex perience, who know wnar. rarmniK means and wnat larmers wa m agricultural Journal. It contains reg ular rfoorts of the work of the Agri cultural experiment stations through out the country, of the proceedings ofi farmers' clubs and institutes, ana me disiusswn :i'f new methods and ideas In agriculture.' Its Market Reports I'oultry Department and Veterinary column are particularly vaiuaoie to '-mritry, roadr" The ro'j'i'y pepart- meiit is edited oy a Weil h.iown ex uert. and every issue contains practi cal information ofi value for poultry- raisers. Poultry on, farms has become a great source of revenue, and those interested In Wis proniaDie mausiry will find the Poultry Department of the Weekly Shin invaluable In- the way of suggestions, . advice and information Every Issue contains Stories, Poem Household and Punle Columns, a va riety of interesting and instructive se lected matter and other features, which rnike it a welcome visitor in city and country nomes. alike. One Dollar a, year. Inducements to ge'tters-up of club" for- the Weekly Sun. Both the ally and Weekly Sun mailed fr-.a of postage In the United States, ' -nada and Mexico. Payments invariably in advance. Address i. " A, 8.' ABBLL COMPANY, ' - Publishers and Proprietors,- .Baltimore. Md. Caveats, and Trode-Mtrks obtained and all Pat- ont du&ious conanctu tor MootsaTC Fees. Ous orricc is o wsiTt U. t. Pate nt Orriec and wc enn ftecnro patent in leas time tha., those remote from Washington. " ;. - Send model, drawing or phota with dcscrla tloriv. We advise. If natr itable or not. free of icharire. OureenotdiiatiHnntentiaiiecured. J PiKMLtr. "How to Obtain Patents," willi mi t free. Address, r 9. (Hrcwr OiTiet, Vashimqtom. D. 0J OUR NEW SPRING DRESS FABRICS Bulbs, Bulbs CALL ON J. L. O'QUINN & GO, For Cut Flowers, Boquets, and Floral Designs arranged in best stylo at short notice. Also Palms, Ferns, and other pot plants for the house. Hyacinths, Bulbs, Narcissus, Tulips, Crocus,. Frcc sias, Callas, Easter Lilies, and Chinese Sacred Lilies, together with all other seasonable bulbs. Vegetable. Plants in season, Shade Trees and Evergreoiu to order at J.L. G'Qn&Co.'s, Corner Polk and Swa'ii Sis. OFFICE TELEPHONE, 149 B. RESIDENCE " 149 C. RALEIGH, N. C. ALFORD, BYM :& CHRISTOPHERS. PRINTERS, 115 EAST HARUETT STREET, f One door below Royal k Hordes, Prices as low as cood m.iterinl ' and good work will allow. We J spare no trouble to please our 9 customers. When vou want a quick ' job try us BRIEF and RECORD ' work done with neatness aud dis-, patch. OUR MOTTO : ' WOKK llKl.IVKHKDWnKN rROMI8HD. NORTH CAROLINA. WARE COUN TYIN THE SUPKR'IOR COUltT, FEBRUARY TERM, 18OT. CJEORGE ill. VINES vs. SALLIES MININES. To Sallie Mininc-s: You are her-by notified that, your husband, George Minines, (has brought suit ug.ilnBt you to February term, 1899, of Wake Superior Court, for di vorce from the bonds of matrimony because of abandonment, and you are notified to appear at the said term of court and answer, . plead or demur to Hie -jrp.p'Hint which hes been fll'vl therein by the pi ;ntiff, and on failure to appear and do either, the plaintiff will apply to the court to be allowed to prove the allegation of aMs complaint and 'have the relief demanded by his complaint. Wm. M. RUrfrf. Clerk Wake Superior Court. J. C. L. KARRIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of authority conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust, executed by W. R. Franks, et ala.. recorded in Rook No. 114. at pase 796, in Register or Deeds office of AV'ake county. N. C, I will, on Thursday, the 23rd day of February, 1&99, at 12 o'clock m at the court-house door, Jn the city of. Ral eigh, offer for sale aiid sell to the highest bidder, for' cash,., ail' r that tract' or parcel of land lying und beinr; jiv North Carolina, Wake county,'--in-few-fft Crey'k township, about nine nniles southwest of Raleigh, on the waters of Wartson Branch, adjoining the lands of 1?. J, Franks, E. A. Franks. .1. E. Franks, and bounded a follows: On the north by th lands R. J. Fisnks arid Samantha L. FmnS; on the east by the lands of J. E. Franks; on the south by the lands of Wiley Carroll and Jesse Winborr.e and on the west by ths-l tonus or -Wesley- Hamilton ana j. u. Franks, containing 100 acres, being the tract owned by W. It. Franks, de ceased . - , K. P. UATNARD, ' " ' '$ '' ' " ' TrMtae. Ttus JTaAtuary M, ItM. ,, , , the ivnp'TvTkT grand nxnibit ot New ALL ARE INVITED. Dobbin & Furniture Emporium of rSi OIAS k Michigan Irisb Potatoes Arc largo smothc and splendid. Going rapidly at $1.00 for a 2 bus. ha, or (10c for one bushel. Thacker Splint Goal. Several cars in and more coming $5.25 per ton. Pocahontas Lump Coal, Now expected, next week. All want ing Pocahontas should file orders for delivery on arrival. $5.25 per ton. Anthracite, Egg, Hut aid STOVE COAL, which has been de layed for waul of vessells is at last on the road. 900 tons of it. $7.75 and $8.00 per ton. JONES & P5WELL. Roses. Roses, Carnations and othe choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. ti . Pmi, Ferns and all other decsrttiv plants for house culture. For oru mental gardening at lowest figure, a kinds of bedding plants: Roses. Can 1ms, Heliotrope, Coiesc, etc Chry tbemums in the . best latest varim Vines, for the . varanda. 'Tonsa plants once transplanted In best sci Cabbage, Pepper and Pot -grown . plants. Celery at proper season. . mall orders promptly attended to. ; H. Stcinrrietz, Florist,";; FloriiU Ralcieh, X. C - Fhone 118 TH Wedding Decora Now On Exhibit and for salf for first time. The entire front of store is given to this Spring Cottons. Ferra GAH.1PBELL. NOTICE OF SALiK. Ry virtue of authority conferre a mortgage executed by J. R. Flemtal and wife, and recorded in the Regtotevls) oftiee of Wake county. North Caroltsa, bok 112, page 301, and dated Febnnwy 1st, 1891, I will, on -Monday, -the IMS. day of Fobruiiry, 1899, expos to pabHs sale, at the county court house door 1st t'he city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock n., a certain tract of land lying In Wahe Forest township, Wake county, iP--scribed as follows: It is a part of land of John M. Fleming, deceusurl. known as lot No. 3, in C?d.r Field, urn bounded as follows: W. W. RogeirB oh t'he south and east, Nathan Dunn (orL) on the north and Frank Redfora the ivpst. Uesinning at a stake in RmI ford's line, thence cast 146 polee e stump In V. W. Ropers' line. thenB south a4 west with said Rogers" 9m six and poles to a hickory in setkl Rf.genf line, thence west one hUMktwi nd fifty polfls to a fence In Redfertls line, thence north 6 east, wth snM Hertford's line six and i poles t ie heginnins, containing 55 acres, more ob :etia. Terms of srale cash. 1 JNO. M. CHRNSHAW, Mortgageo January 11. 1S99. NOTICE OF PAl.R. Byvirtue of authority confci-re on iw by order of court we. as com.nlr!fion, will on Monday, the rith day of Fefc ruiry, A. O., 1899. at 12 ft'filoefc m.. es pose for sjalgjo-Mw- premises W tile TiiSliesf "bidder all that tract or pasw of land in Wake county. North Osmav lina, in Little River township, adjoin inir the lands of Sydney Eddings, be lines of Daniel PcarborouKh, deceased, and George Robertson, lying on BstBa loe ("reek, known as the Jane and MSAy Scarborough tract, snd more fully d scrlbed as foilovs: I' limiing at a. black gum on the . i . id,- I Buffalo Creek, S. C. leon's cotuer, thenoe1 along with the said Ieoson' line nerth 87 degrees, west 288 poles to a stake In the line of Maynard Cpchurcb, thence west .", degrees, east 19 poles te a stak In said Upchurch's corner, thenee sssrli 8fi degrees, west 12 poles to a stake, Oeorge Robertson's corner, thence north 3 degrees, east 45 poles to a nvk in Geo. Robertson's line, S. F. Leeson's corner, thence south Sti'4 degrees, east ISla! poles to a stake, tyiss V.rlaria Scar borough's corner, thence wcj-t 2V de grees .-east ."i poles to a stake in Miss Columbia Scarborough's line theci South XT. degrees, east 193 poles to a cypress on the west side of BufTnfoe Creek, corner of Kerry Young, thenoo down with tm" various courses of sfrJfl crei.-k . ibout 12 poles to the beginning, eontaininjr 185 . acres. - more V or less. Terms of sale will be aiinoiinc?d at the sale. ; W J. FEElM, Jj M. FLEJIMINC. J CommlMrissers. rrFJ,E & MAtNRD. AtMrarys. i. NOTICE. V ;t - . -.- - . - " ' Notice is hereby given (h tt applica tion will bi- made at the present sessVo ' or the General Asseinbiy for an amea ment to -the charter cf -the laws Oary,'-N. C, :.V'' -.f-v y.-n,;- By order ( the boat sf Tninw Joners.. '.-.v1,iV.'S-'-'-V-.V'": v:- J-'-'v-''. I i it 'A

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