? ,y. T E TIMES l: NUMBER P,S03. RALEIGJI, N-C, SATURDAY EVENIVU, FEBRUARY 18. 1899. 25 CENTP AMONTH OR. 17 1.1 SUFFRAGE ArporJEHTS PASSED PUBLIC PRINTING BILL. The House Refused to Protect Organized Labor and Out the Committee's Printing Bill to Pieces Bureau of Labor Statistics and Printing Established. Bill Passed to Give Wake Two Additional County Com missionersMecklenburg Dispensary Bill Passed the House SKX'ATK. The Sena 1 prayer was ;lt 10 I hy I clock, ami c. Kugeiie iff. r jDaniel. Bills introduced: Ry Coolie, to work convicts on roads in 'Franklin rounty. 'Bills passed :ird reading: To umend charter of tiastonia ; to incorporate N. and S. Carolina Railway; to incorporate Hoffman; to 111 n l- indebtedness of Mur-frees-boro township: lo incorporate i He Rlack Diamond Railroad f'urapaiiy: to incm potato thi- Ohio River ana Frank lin Hallway: to amend charter of Win ston; to amend i liai ter of t'Joldsboro. The hill in ratify the Madison 'jouuty bond issue of lv.7 was after discussion, made special order for Monday. The time for the spu'iul order for the consideration of the Constitutional amendment had now arrived. Senator Goodwin offered an amend ment to the constitutional amendment, 'that, j-hould the amendment be adopted t- popular vote, then all persons who mav thereby he deprived of the right ..f uoffrair.. shall be exempt from all civil and military duties and from poll tax. The roll call vote on the amend ment of C.oodwins stood ayes 6. noe: 42. and it was therefore tost. .Senator Fuller Spoke against amendment. He said the Senator .lu Hi, hi-nini.-st men in tin Slate too treat to stultify their consciences by an unjust act Tin not resemble those conditions here did in South 'Carolina and Louisinana. The Democratic par ty only lost power during me pasi mm years because it failed to fulfill its pledges. Special privileges to none; fairness to ail-that should be the whi'te man's inoilo. The negro is made the object of attack, the innocent v iHn of censure when he is merely the harmless tool in the hands of those who work the great harm. He believed the amendment uncon.-tituional. apart from its Ii-vimr itniirartica.oie ami Ful- ,o,ti m economic staiiupouo. ler's speech was heavily interspersed with quotations, ranging from Gar field's addresses to a rendition of a pas sage from Victor Hugo, out his address was good, considering, and his speech was closely listened to He closed his argument by a glowing eulogy ol the ,,n.V -i nrotest that the cry of -nesro. negro." was even a? made his shepherd lad shriek Wolf.' Shepherd lad shriek "wolf. woll. w ,t-.. Cnmnbell said that Aesop wolf. dill ins lh'o last campaign the Democrats in his eounly. ("Alexander haa pje.iKea i ... selves again! had done oil this m :i-tiiv. 1 rial n 11117 rwisc they could not have cMiio 1 a cup gl-e.U Vano.. w ! the n astir- ; (Cainpbi.ll) disfraaehi-ing Senator C..ilie sr.limit 1 if am .11 this tin".'. v-" I., th. is his als guard. 11 here he would oppose ,ay C.e ! f orgivc him , voi- ca t his vol.- f. r hough-t it unwise t-"1 in. -at t the people u he yielded bis w, tries : and vo.cd a)'. s .ild m-t think hi.- see rel:i" nt. but f.e.- the t i,;s (ir.r.r.i-y v ot'il aye. tioll tie. del 1! v b.v: iliten.--:s Sena '.or ! r hill, uatif vo: Senator ' 5! w .1 - .1 t I ie- .1 mi:.".: aii! ih.it j.. ;o i'X- wh.ii he 1 it. vas the to his 1. t urn - In er 1 . .plain hU v.-te and the pi'ou... .i The wliitc man h 1 vetehe d had no opportunity to cntKinehise the negro. I have come here t unfurl - the banner of the while race over the capirol, and I vote aye. " s,T.mnr Travis arKUtil' the amend- - m-nt was really for the negroes best interest. nator iMcIntyre.thoufrlu the ab - et'ract principle of disfranchisement wa wrong, but he knew the negro and the evils of the last "red shirt" :am- .paign, and voted aye. Senators Robinson and Hicks made ' (short earnest speeches and voted aye. f THE SENATE Senator AVilson said. "My name is the last mi the roll and th? last on the roll of honor. 'Tis the proudest moment of my life, and I vole aye." Harris. Populist, from Northampton, voted aye. an, was loudly applauded. The vole stood 42 ayes and 1! noes, those voting in the negative being Campbell. Cri.-p. Franks. Fuller, Cood w in and 'Xewsoin. The chair then announced thai the amendment had passed by ihree-til'ihs majority and the bill would now be en rolled for ratification. "' Senate then Mdjotii tied. Hocsrc. The House met at 111 o'clock and Uev. J. V. Ijee offered prayer. , Hills Introduced: l!y iVuterson. of 'Caldwell, to prohibit die killing of deer in Caldwell; also to allow Caldwell 10 build a Jail. By Cunte, of Moore, to change line between Oakland and Cape Fear township in Chatham. Uy Leak, to incorporate Mank of Wadesboro Tiy Tliarp. to regulate liquor licenses in North Wiikesboro. Uy Leak, to pro hibit the carrying of concealed weap ons by soldiers. y Wilson, to amend the. charter of Brevard. By Kountree, 10 amenii cnapter i:h. acts 1S9::. as to New Hanover and Pender, regarding ferny over Northeast river: also to amend sii-iion l!i4 of the Code, in re gard to the refusal of railways to re ceive and forward freight. By Council, to except .bids of lli.atable and other navigable s:reams from ciiti-v. iv Itob- ... ' 1 lnson, to provide lor working Cumber land's roads by taxation. Ily Bedding, to charter the Farmers' Bank of lian dolph. By Mcintosh, to amend the law regarding hunting of birds in Alexan der. By Harlsell. to allow Con old to issue bonds; to amend Concord's char ter: to amend the charter of the Con cord graded school. By Welch, to al low Edenton to aid- in building a bridge. By Boushall, to allow Wake county to have J additional county commissioners Cnder a suspension of the rules this passed. 'Boushall presented petitions for a reformatory with 1,100 signatures. Bills passed to incorporate the It J. Reynolds Tobacco .Company of AVin ston. with capital not to exceed $12. 000,0011 : to incorporate the Presbyterian church at Yayeeyville. 1 TBI. If PKINTI'XG At 11 o'elo -k the House took up as a special order the public printing bill. Tilo;i;soil. of I lllslow . offend nil amendment reducing the cost of bind ing, whioh He. y. who was in charge of the bill aei cpti-d. Justice, of Me llow 1 11. off'-riil an amendment to give tin priming to tin- lowest bidder in North Carolina. Buiisiiali opposed lirs ami ndnieiit and defended the bill, say ing i ii.U ,1 :"e CM'..: intent of ! 1 ling 1 '.-in. dig 10 tiie I nvil balder had ,i'.v-d n :.i::-.:ro. II.- mi. 1 lb.- bill reduced the je'e s as lixed by tiie Code.' Iurilii tjie four y a s of fi; ;i rule th- print ing had 0.-; the State mot titan $.'m more 1 ban tinder l !ii..cr.tf..- rule. Jtis tioe said that all .ele i- t.iinirs b-ing . dii.,1 he was for I'd','. .1 ids and Btoitgh He ask,- i -It 01: liol: II the latter did not have a I'.u 1". nHiiall sa.d !;, did. Justice sold he aai in Bou- shal! saoi he wt.s sp -aktug In tit' 'liter- -s: o skilled lab. r. and 'lit:: he had pre:,.-- s ..f ail lab r .riaiii;..iti-As in the State a;ait:st .If unfair lieu.aent of 01 gani'.i .'t labor, lioiish ili .''.'.id he had in mind a Uatiigh man iviia would do the work rl.,'lit Stevens said that while preference ought to be -given to a North Caroilnlap, yet he did not want to bind it down to 'North Caiolina. Bourhatl asked Stevens If he was will ing to go outside the State. Stevens replied yes If the people ttt North Caro lina said so, and that he was speaking in thi? 'interest of the. tax payers. He vas in favor of disorganized rather tl an' organized labor, and opposed pay-insi- n bonus to organized- labor.. He favored Justice's amendment and I want" Ao hav another amendment so fh work should be done by the 1 -heap,--1 ;iddr no matter w hether in the St,.- V -r- out Of it. Council said that hA vi : told that the printing bill of ISM ,ie ;i lower rate than under the pres r bill. 1K tail in 1S9I1 bind ing cost ! ' -ents per v ilume and under the bill inn. er discussion 9:1 cents He urged the AdoptloiJV'.' Justice's amend ment. Hoey eald in sui.port of the bill hat the committee did not desire to make a contract. Council said the leg islature should not entangle itself in any conti ..versy as to who should have the public printing. Justice had his amendment again read. Tvlii.- h provide that the co.n or freight, is to be ta ken into consideration, and that th. I'oiiiNis is 10 01 none ny trie man or nun wnien delivers it In. re in Baleigh at the lortcsi price. 'Boushall said he spoke for .-killnl labor which would not sell itself at I. ss than it was worth Oeiiet siiiii me run provided tor paying Ifi L'-;l percent more than was neces sary. ne said tile taxpayers were not interested in paying a fancy price for organized labor. Justice said his amendment put the burden upon the coniniitlee. Winston offered an amend men 1 to Justice's amendment adding that in every contract regard is to be had to the character of the work and the iiuuliiy of the material in awarding the publi,-- printing, and In passing on the bidder's responsibility. Justice ac cepted this. Foushee said that H. K Seaman, practical printer, of Durham lssiiieil him thai the giving of the pub lic priming to the lowest bidder was a delusion and a snare and that there oug.it to he a public printer Circulars had been distributed by -xasn urns., nt dolilsboro. ottering lo do the printing Tor Hi 2 :1 per cent less than under the bill. There were several allusions to this in t hit speeches. Patterson wanted to know whether Justice's amendment e..nliii--.l the bid- lers to North Carolina. Justice said he thought the bill provided for that and 1 1 It'll "11 Hoey to say. Council said the bill was silent as to ihat matter. Ju ti."e sent up an amendment renuiring that the work be done in the State. Hoey said the committee's idea was to get the printing done at tile iowest pos- ible ligure. Boushall asked if Nash Bros, had come before the committee. Hoey-said yes. He said that the print ing ought to be done in the State. He said that Ihe committee had deemed it best not to award the contract to Nash Bros. He said it was following a Democratic precedent 10 decline to award the printing to the lowest bidder He declared that there was no "bonus" in the bill: that the rate was lower than in any other State and lower than any this Slate has ever had. He asked Jus tice how ihe committee could tell what was the lowest responsible bidder, and said the committee could not ascer tain who was responsible. He said the purpose was that the rau-us should pass upon the person who was to have the contract, as to responsibility, &e. lie protested upon imposing this bind, mi upon the committee. J list ice demanded the ayes and nays upon his amendment, that the work should he awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidder, and be confined to North Carolina. The amendment was adopted, yeas S:l. nays IS. The bill as thus amended passed its readings. l.AB-OI! STATISTICIAN. The next bill taken up was the one to i stablish a bureau of labor and print ing, under the charge of a commission er, with an assistant, who is a practical printer. This was a pendant 10 the bill Just disposed uf. The Democratic caucus wi'l select the eommjssioner (with $1.M)0 salary) and the assistant (salary $!()). Actual travelling ex penses are allowed, ill the olleelion of statistics. &e. William.:, of Iredell !' fered an am ndiuent, which was ad ..p e.l. reducing ihe salari. s to Jl.::"11 a'- I I SOW i - - I ami -mini, allow if, t.f ...II. e ean-i. d meat w; motion 1 lieu to $: i Iv. ma n fl'ele.l p-o i.- u- - 'sla :i . st t iking ol;; in. the employment of a; statistics. lie s.tid ..Mill for expen - His s adopt d. lie 111 n I IV Itlee til : $:..-.. a,' in. a. Tilts was adopt, d d a n o ni-'iiiliin ttt ;o ovi Hi 11 olVcr.-i 1 he -.ice! it the C-i;n:v llletlt was .-...-I i'r-'iu if.e:- liiei ' to - p ,-n, -r ..f l.lb..r. 1 1 i - . .i I II also i. - il. t ol :'l.i l 1 e." ll : ; i On mot! -ii o was made ii day. .ii; ! en i C.ua. 1 b'ti w. I Mains .node for Wedf Hay. INSCBAN "I-: BILL Tl'.e n -t sj -e::l erili r 1.1 t'r.e insui;'.:ie. bill. Allen, interrupted the r. a.lin lo s iheie iCii!d be nu p.-.-.tniu. ..f W. 1" ll ere-i the leililillat of Railway tVsr.mic. control and sup.-rvl.-i liuiliVing and luan i: If tl! 1 !' banks it: I a.- - i..-;.! ; Ions. I! thfi?l'or moved that th - eoti.-i-L-r-i i oi ef the bill be deferivd until next Tu.-s-dat-. 'R.nishall made hi.-; polemn pretest iig.iinst crowding the duties uf railway commissioners, and insurance commi sdnner He said 'that paslponsment meant a purpose to put the powers in the hands of the railway commission ers. He said persons insured in Nurih Carolina favored an insurance cominis- ' - , o -.:';. ,y sinner, but not tin- placing of that duty upon ;h railway c.::nimss.i.iii. Carroli want diseu -d .1, y so that th,. v. incus could mat ter. Th- Speak. -r said he did 11 ,1 know of any railway com mission bill in :h.- House. Finally the bill was mod u. sp, , ial order for Monday at 1 W MV" '"'hall introduced bills to .... ,1. K. me .. . . investment 1 '.., and the Carolina War, . ,':pillly f ,;,,.,. time to or-Mhix. . I.' ' "Al. OPTION. uiii u.-is MR, ,, up to allow th hold .mnf year, rears nig 01 10, -at -1 1 n e-.-citei in t " "hi s .1: ,,ny ii, I" the II t WO but not oil. and 11 it in election is bill, saying going over ter. He so ' :ir :n which a .general Id. K..I. Ins ni ..j.po.-, J the teinp.. ranee agitator was -it-.- .-tin-tug up tills mat-!o,-;ii prohibition was a. humbug. Carroll sold th.,, ,h,s bill had be. n ht-rol . Hi. S.-niile. and lilat Seiiaior Cl.nn bad uithdrawn it. Now the (mini! 1. e had amended it so as to make it .- itislaeiory II,- jaid pro hibition v, a- endueivo 1.0 ninralltv Ameinlmeiiis r.,--.- sent in excepting Transylvania, and that no election be held tn P.-rs, ,n until after lfml. (The Mil a n f. rr. d to as lOvang.-list Lee's '"'I. e.xcep.ll.g It-lie. Craven, 1(1111 berland. Pitt, Jones, dates. 'Beauf-.n Washington, l-ldg.-, ..nibe. p,,ik an, liow-.in. At this stage Carroll iske, ons.-iit t.. withdraw i he bill. It me the lore the same f. 1 tc in 'the en ate. Bills pa. at Clayton lish water bill I., all. I 1" i-s : a bliln a dipeiia r; o allow Turiioro to sstab oiks and .".nverage; als. it to estal.ilsii el.-ctri. lights (jtln, nun )-,,,- former and Sin. 000 f,,r in,- latter.) c.iii-jam was a--k-. , if this matter was now in liligalioii. spe.ik.-r i '- on eilair. said House take . - between th,- cut l aetiii s. .:. calling C.iiiuiij le could llol See ho ognizance nf any ii o town of Tarboro and i 'otmor said the i o Ii" carried into off, never been submi.t tract could n.ii because il had to Ihe pi ople. Bill to give M, l.-iiuurg a disponsa i v was taken up w.th . tina iiimously fa vorable li p, .i l. Kan-- n said he favor-al the bill and hoped the House would unanimous, o pass the bill. Chirks said lie heartily concurred in what Kanson said and that a majority ot 200 of th-- white .-itizens of Mecklen burg demanded the passage of the bill Steven.- said he doubted the wisdom if the niiasiire, particularly al thi time, bill lie delelrod lo ihe wishes ot Ihe people ,.f 'Mecklenburg. The bill passe 1 s. cond and third leadings by a unanimous vote Al I.e. n hi-rw ..oil's reiiesi Carroll withdrew his I, (IlleSt for leave lo with- Iraw tin- local option bill, so the at- ter i, mams on the calendar. FAIi: AND WABM SI'NDAY. Th,- forecast of the -ii- Kali igb and vi.-iuit ning weather tonight. . ather bur in says: Thieat wiih probably y Pain show eis. Fair and warmer Siindii . The sioi-iii persists nor.h of the Lake region ...ml the area of cloudy threat ening weather extends throughout the ciiiire M i--sissippi valley an-i eastward. Bain is falling this in.ei.ing as lor south as Florida and. In Ihe interior, up to the Lake region. The amounts have been slight and are probably ehi. Ily caused by the cooling of nioisi air b., the cold, snow covered ground. Fair, cooler weather p rev ails .si ..: the -Mississippi with a modern te!y hl-li barometer. The temperature has fal len slightly, reading 20 abov. aso... at I '.i.-inarek. CHItLST CUl Bi'l!. K.-v. M- M. -Marshall. I. D . Irsi Sunday in Lctii. Iloily i a, s a. m. : Sunday S- h !. I ille Service ail l s- l 111-..!. i .-ii!i:g Pra.N-. r, ". ,o. 1 ''y service- in Ljt i : -I ' in. Tuesdavs. 10 : Thlirs I.i ys. I lit! 10 di.iliy A SO NIC li Ledi '.. F. and A M.. .-.mi-niiub tui.in lary -"uh. IsiHl. - .lie . 11 ili-slly '(..! iiHet ill rguli' Monday e vetting, i'-l at T.tlO o'clock. .V r,.oUested to a ter Lodges air ml Bretl 01 SIS- ldi'tly invited to b. pres. nt. By order of W. W E. li. THOMAS. PARISH, W. M. oc'y. ,?-iH: 4 f': ... ft v- : I ' ''.r Cidd'-MN. Did you ha 'Iiiorimi at i I: jut-' tng this -.- . k ; Tiien is n i ii, h siil'fering i: on aeeoun; ,.f th.- s- vei -, Co,, Il is th.- command of -mi I el L.V m i e i in- nisi l ess, I : h mil lltlV .Vou relieved'." " "' " e oon we.tiiur th.- inst tu- icn of the Lodg.. at shelbv has beer, posipoie d for at il. . - pciiii.ui i,,r a n-w L A'l' ns III- has b. en t ei-h , our eons. d.-red. If tiie i nt ire no oiii. rshlp ill Bo.eigll Were to att. n,; is "ol it hall ii. tfi,- ,. i-Ue tit Ml 'l and ;.s U-- r th. I h der cling lil-lellt to o ..lllllloilale 'ie in. When a member i.ous.s to pay his do s In- probably h is n.,i eon-id,., , .1 that he is robbing h,s ,,wn rauiily. but many tine s lias this if ii i;,,. i-asl-. A I.o.Ig..- cannot provoie for th,- ,.(,, til ii is ii ,. led fi-e.pi, nily by its 111,111-b'-rs- r,,inily. unless ,-aeii member will do his pari ,11 making su--li provision 'e have lever fa v. .red going m ex tri ni.s in lb.- social f,.i;ui- s .11 the lodge ro. in, nor do we tliink they ought to be elKiiely .1 Is a id -. I. It is certainly "X '" b. n.-li: if it ,-an be us. d to do a .iay uiiii th- dullness of ihe me, lings! "t- the apathy of the members and e.-iuse hem .. attend heli-i. , We ha r. "t'l.-ll seen a social al!n I 111:; of ,. Ill e 1 1 1 1 .. - I'S ,lls just as th- h th- , 1111 ra -. I in!! I'.-elitig, 01' lb- sun .lis ."ls lb., eh.l.v miasma in Hi,- .-arly morning. Take ear.- of tin- n. w inenili.-rs. It may be t bat a ' slight n..lii ,- of him may cause him t lix his niin, and be come an ardent, device. 1 uoiker in our order. On the other hand a failure to give lli:n -mil notice may decide his course ill all opposite direct Here ill llaleigh there Iri- now nior, than two hundred Uletl Wllo Were OUCe Uf.Oll n' rolls, but who now stand suspended. How many of thai unnoticed and Hut When on admit . niinil.ei by lost WiTe left interest '.' mbi-rship ie I always remember thai you may ! ad mitting a future (Iran. I Master and possibly a (Iraiid Sire and treat him accordingly. Many a lodge dies lor wanl of healthy exercise. A do nothing Lodge is like :i p. lime f stagnant water. On ::rd , No. 11 11 t y last we instituted Star Lodg, l!"t. at Star, in Montg.nn with only seventeen m.-in -ry e hers. ninot. lp to now it has only grown lo bin see what II is doing. A letter from I in- Secreiary dated Febrti 1 ry the I'Uh. says: "We had an inter siiug little eiitertainnieni a few nigbts igo and raisi d something over fifteen lollars. w hich w.- s. nt to ih,. Orphans' Home On next Tuesday night w,- ar-- oing to visit an oiiiribiile i" a worthy "nrisiian man who has jus. coin., into ur low 11 a siranger. haxirig liad imnii iekn.-.-s iii his family. He will n-t kiio.i m 1 n.iig a bout liit.s until w e vi-jt hnn. That little Lodge has learned its fes 111s well. Many ..f our wealthy Lodg- .--rhtips have not done ns niuch in six nioiiths as this one has done in two e.-ks. and are rusting out. claiming hev have nothing to d... Wake up. and lo something for somebody. Star .iiiLi- is not cotilining Its good works " its own members, and this is where it las .-aught lln- true meaning f the Or- l.-r. W.- hale just passed through Ihe old.-si and most disagreeable spell of v..i!li--r that 1 ii i-s section of the eoun ry has witnessed in many years, and he people w.-rc as little prepared for it s lie ., e,-r were at this season of 'he Much suffering has b. . 11 liie 1.--u!;. and niueh needed assistance h.is 1 11 itiidered, VYc are v.-ry glad th.: he suli'eiing was no worse thou it I1.1-.ceil-bail tllongll il- as 'hi! li,- 1 -ici'c in t If fact 'hi'.t on' i " "I ie- ri'-i; Hid p Inc. Il l-l t : t o w . 1 1 d 1 1 - JUS, So I t.i siriply vork. a I b iv. -iti- liotll it. d'l . am mg th ,iii tlv-y !: grow- 1'ieil and to' a i-oiise an int. v. s hers, just so hung and their attendnin i HI would cost but a triile to mee'tfnz. nothing at al". hold a li energy and advertising, and it would. result in mucil gJod to the Order. l ;-V - f- 4 ! 'f'i';-. 5f 'B.A" Of,,) FKI.Ll.W: LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Familiar Faces in tiie Pass ing Throng SHORT STATEMENTS -Movement of People Yon Know fi lean ing in dp 1 About the (lit)--Snatch's of Today s Street Gossip, La. .nd Fowl, r was... n: -,, ...-.u Tn in. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .-. i dl.-i a JUIJ : 11. -s al Mr. James .MeKi11111n.il bos 1... irind . full from N. rtli. v. here In- puivhas, d lino if tl: j go ,,js for 11., j t.tn, . & Co. At Kd.-iiton s.-i-e.-t ,M,-i Inidis; ,iii:. nilorro 1 he pnipii w ill be filled a' in. and 7.::n p. m. b ill- pa.-:,. 1. K - W. . ..n L. .1. Ill- at 1 1--, t orilieiiy of this ei 1 o.-iht-d .-pei-l.il smnll-p. Washington ('ii- . Tins-lim.-nt. has- b- .1 high coin On a.-, ..lint of dry goods lirm 1 Company will 11 .Monday, but thv lln- w cither 'ill,- new f B'oylaii. P, .ii-,-,. and I be able to ..p-n up ,vii be ready to sup- ply the publi in a few days. "ill preach at the ..11 tomorrow . Sun All llle Illeliib'IS .if respectfully invited. I. Is SUhll.li service Rev. .1 Academy day. at ;: W. I .f Musi. 11 p. 111. the Ass.-ni.biy a re This- will be ii. .inducted by Kvangelisl Lee. Servic s tomorrow at the ' ' Hindu- hureh. .'First Sun ay in Lent. Mass 111. Sial ions of t bi nd sermon al T:i'i and sermon a 1 11 a. Cross. Benediction p. 111. Stations ..!' the 1 'ros day evening w ill be at 4 cordially invito,!. on W. iln.-s--lock. Public re! til 111 d till' llle .nvita- Pa 11 ie little .-a, timis to w h. ks s, the have not 11: out w it Birthday le-oeption at. Ivleiiton Street Sunday s.-hool. are 1 (pu Sled lo Send them ill as prnin.tl as possible to eith.-r Mrs. Fall. Brown or Mis- Mattie Reese. Fred lloekaday. olored. was a 1 r- si d at two o'clock this morning with a sus picious looking bag on his shoulders. Il eal tied I., ih-- station house and In fat hells Well- found ill llle bag. The fowls w r. He- p'-opi d" Mr. Chas. Monday i: i-ininc ii.ru. on a ill,- str. Monday ourfl :s the ,f the bad regular 11 condition ting of I lie livening Club wi binary 2Tlh, ISO'.'. be ilefeiri until P. CHRISTIAN CIH'RCIl TOMOROW. .las. L. Foster pas in a.m. Pi , aching t p. 111 b the pastoj-. to all. Immediately al't'-i regular ('hiir-h member ioii-stiii- ; .1-. Sundaj 11 a. 111. .1 A hearty w morning . inference, be present school ml T:".'l .iconic s-r vc-Kv.-ry A M ill 1 1 1 'A X CASl'ALTIMS. T.v T.iegr.l oh to llle Till! WASHINGTON. Feb. s-Visil. Is.- -1 '.ell al Till 1 1 11 i 11 : k.l.ed ml gli ,01:1 I-- I. curii'ii ii -in-ir- lll'RD. I 'N-t Tie 1 11 1 s ' ef . Ti- --UII 0 lii-.-t ball I.onlu-f. 4SJ t fer Me- Pi.si.1-.nl r, l.ne, 270. Lonbc t. Tihe 'la-Heal element suppvts ' . - ',ft'r'-,v. .- ? f ., Id V It p ( if