t 1 4 We. TILlES-VISlTUn. THURSDAY, . -Litism Maivli !, l&ft BIBLE ANALYSIS. Hi liili'iniitiiinitl Siuula.v Sell".' March V 1S9H. t'lirisl ilt'iiiiiiu: ill:1 i-i.iu. 1 1-11. 1! is : 1 I'll' ;!':.'- i V - U3f. ,4 ' ever;. !i-ssu!u. ''.v. vi i. . . . r , i: I hriM. iiml cv,n ,.i ;i 1 brill I tear a irumiin'iu par:. I' lie mijet i -s Imhi.v s lesson was v. rniiiihr by ( iKiat a i lu.' Sabbath (verse Hi. mar mu tlij ates of the lemple in .leriwa leu;. eorilin to the record ivca in lh.' Nc Teslanu'iit, there wrre si'Vcn niirnc!' s' wrought on the Sabharh. as folluw The withered hand iMuu. si., lb 19 Ihe ileinoniiic one al 'ahcrnaii!:: I ! OTfc i. l!l-"Jt): S i 1 1 ; o n ' s wile's mother lii.tri i. -I, L'!l-,'!1l: Ihe woman bowed ilowr; iMjiliteeii years il.nke xiii. 11-111. tht dropsical man (l.nkc xiv. 1-4): the pura lytic at Hethesda i.Iohn v. !)-im, and I the blind man in our lesson, which if I be most interest in:; miracle thai Jcsiif i ver pert'onned. This miracle perplexed the .lews very miiili. because the man MriXIONS GIVEN AWAY. ' It i certainty gratifying to the public to know of one concern In the land who tuv not afraid to be generouB to the needy and suffering. The proprietors ef Ir. King's New Discovery for Con aumption' (Roughs and Colds have given fiftV over ten million bottles of this iiei medicine, and have the satisfae- I .e.-rIA jjQ(t at knv ilig I hat it lias absolutely ytiiin ou.-:and; l:.L.i:..'i.i. -at i M- ' hopeiess cases. iioar.-eiiess and all ; , ii - t it-1 l.ungs v ... is .i" 'l:-U3-. . j. I! .mliar '. M . 11 i-I.I. ,jl!SI I. Making Ready for a Big Spring Business We look forward to a quick movi merit in Early Spring Goods of all kinds Our buyer, now ir. New York, is rushing tut to us by fast freight, express and the water routes, most of the new tilings as they .appear. So our patrons can rely on us lor the i:nitcct,iis ol -.'ir of IV rings and with alx.ilute emmriene f jt t- kind .ii Ui' l.uif-i priC'-.s tub.: Iihu ions i.i Colored l.)ien Uiniiis are inic I ,w r'iu!ein n "i the' Jvfgis a So our Dress GooJs o Ik every id t ie iam l a sort- already 1 IK i l v.ir l. no li v newi-.-i . -iinpi , l a o ol v I ll.st ..I li 1114 ' r ini'ii achable. pauoaized us JA.8. BOTtAN, CHA8. MacKIMON, fc.B.SORTHA.N, J. 3. PEAHCB. c U-i hi the jia c and ivi 1 spr I I Ki). mis ( Cutis.' O n' prices THE NEW, ONLY THE NEW. The New firing Silk; iire t-ver tiie liiw. s'. OFF whose eyes were i (.lollll i. I 111 stand the even! ni student nitist reai to John x. t -L'l . ipem OI'd il was born hline1 el' to I nil i . ll.. iT'ciii .loh'i ld Tt 1 1 1 1 1 or tdbl 1-14 : ii ii i , a. ' ! CU " won i i.i.- i ier i. : nan W .. !:el.. arc alllictjJ : :.k lor sight, J. e Iiml further on lb blind man is the tYtwd ... . . . - n piritnany blind, by Christ, th . I.. which to (verse mil of ways a din il I bid's i;lory is Jcslls .We have day w i t It us: sn inaj .le crse 5) IIHi.1 ITf "rid" inief it' we havf "f.iL'ln" we itur- v.i,. i. ::, i l.linditess. all'liiiioiis tha i Lev. xix. H; did not Tat io alil'dcd. and I le ,'liso sees 'till' lllall dill icsus cave it. as the lesson. This of the sinner. ho is but can be made to si "l.iclit" of the world. erses 2-o. Men are naturally Inclio ed to locate (he blame of misfortune upon the wrong i crson (verse 2.1 Thai may npiiear as on v evil (!od Hi iiucntly brines Front I.Iohn xi. 4.1 Sickness In nni- ol. i l punishment, lint tlimnirh often iminifested. T,IW rU lo do while it i us lo do it. that. w. i.v enp.y rest v h.-ti the rrfirfif comes siis was a ng ii ,n the w..i-l,l ,, anu so we must be t.Matr. v is still "ihe iKilt r ,M'. , lectnal. moral, spirilual: an come in possession of thai show it by reflecting T I i tm . Verse (1-7 The aim of .7,.ss , ing me iiiiiin man s sigtn was to !1,.f Ihis beggar a man of ;,h1. YY s!:ii. not forget that Jesus is taking the -am.. pains to bring oim of ns tin- best ili.it is in us: thai is. to make us true Chris, tiaus, Jesus will always do His but we must also d parr of in- work. The beggar obeyed wh. n tohf to go and wash in the mniI of Sii,.am. So we must obey the eouiinatids ot ,nrr bless,., S.ivions if we ish to be ivi." titteil or made liappy. for there is no Ur ir happiness that thu world can .give ro be compared ivith that received in rue leading of a Christian life. If ,ve r'aith fully do what Jesus demands ..f i we are sure to receive His most gin. i..ns blessings. Ottr 1im , in this world is precious, and, ns we pass through ir htiit once, we must not let out" "pp.r tuiii'.ies for usefulness unimprorc.. Verses S-11.- The common people iri-ves-tieated this remarkabii' uiir.-u 1 through curiosity, and were easilv satis fied, but the Pharisees bvcame pi'.'j I diced and made evpry effort to iisr p resent the uiLracle. TU man wiisc sight was res-tired nmdo a'ii hones; arn! open aeknowledgcnii -ut of Christ h .fiirc nil men. birth cotnnutn pinple ami rulers. In like manner we should ackno.v! slge Christ ns our Saviour, and have our blinded souls made to see the Im' of tied and the beauty of religion. Che Bible student should read I lie entire chapter and learn the simple faith, prompt decision, ready obedience ai d brave confession of this poor Mini man and his loyal gratitude aft.ei: he vn inade to see witih his heart as well a with his eyes. TC-.e ' : " E s; Ca. .Ills .l.iW II 'A.VII'iiKl.i;.'. f Inr.in.s' I'm .t; T.ioiiias 1 .lleiffh. d : line of Ua a; Tiiimas .a and u:i- l'.,p. marvels oi richness in texture, color and design. The New Press Ooods in exuiiisiir w eaves-color blending and novel. striK ing effects. Tailor-iiiade Skirls will also altrnci th. attention when the prices are down ii a point where buying is made easy Th brics New dies. New ones Suillll A. I .i.Ml'lll':!.!. S. A " A"l'l Ii T o buy a g-ood family in.., i: no s itu.- private family. Ad- "D," care of Tinies- tl'. .-s Tomato Catsup 10c, pt. ISest Creamery Butter 25e. y,M Albemurie Vinesar 24e. At WwOLLCOTT lb. gal. Sil.V'S. Wi mil FOR SA1.K I ..vill deliver you loing wood ror$Ml 9' .. .0 d ; ell ; IV ood, $-."0. .. a. siMCNfi-:. Ja ucs Baker's old Stand. XrXT.Er - old i iotnes and hats, old ,b. c.j unit n'l kinds ot second hand ,(,.. tioilfeoi and sold al Harris' Steam Jv- Workt. icast Hurgett street. tgh. JN. O. Suits cleaned. 75c. mil Xw-d Ral- C leaned veet Florida Oranges at Pope's, t n aiiiies, Applej and Lemons at POPE'S Scrofula, salt rheum auJ all diseases caused by impure blood are cured by Mood's Sarsaparilln, wtueh is America's ( ; rentes!. Medicine. In the District Court of the Uuttetl States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of T. A. Davis, Bankrupt. Bankruptcy. To the creditors of T. A. Davis, of Wilson, of the county of Wilson and District aforesaid: Notice is hereby given that on the Kth of March. A. D., 1H1H1. the said Davis was duly adjuli ented bankrupt and that the first nieet iiiK of his creditors will be held at my office in Raleigh on the 2th day of" March, 1SW, at 9:3ft o'clock in th fore noon, at which time and place tlw said creditors prove their claims, npfioiiit a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may ni-,Mai.v crtriMi hefnre the moptittflr. T. P. DEVEREFX. Referee in Bankruptcy. Mnreh 9th. 1899. THE APPETITE F A fiOAT. 'a envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Sr omach and Liver are out of order. All H,ieh should know that Dr. King's New iLdfe Pills, the wonderful Stomach and iUver Remedy, gives a splendid appe tite, sound digestion and a regular bod !,y habit that insures perfect health nd great energy. Only 2e. at any ifcruf-"tore. Club And Peters Shells Leggins, Hunting Coals. KTNG AIR RIFLES 75 eta. CARROM BOARDS $2.50. Crescent Bicycles, 1899 MODEL $35 00. 0Q Rambler Bicycles I89Q Model $40.00. Thosa. Urigp & Sons, 1ULEIGH, N. C. New Wash (ioods. New am .New I'crcals. New While (ioods. I'iipies. New Ducks. New Oruim New Muslins of all kinds. The ami only the New. as this house mil contain a dollar's worih ot icr Koods. last season's purchases. Yel l! Pl.KASI KK OKATllTKH. Silk anil Satin-covei'i'd Down l'i'io'.is and Head Ucsls haiul-naintid ami cm ,1'oidcicd Pin Cushions ONE I'll! Ill" 1 i i- ii!i: 1 : : : 1 i.ai: chicks, n.u , ry iiiani. :i iic lull unite enough lo erealc a ripple of pleasure for some lo afford the indulgence of such luxury ;H these small .rices. Two Brocaded Velvet Medallion Sofa Pillows, three China Silk Down Pillows and four Japan ese Silk-Covered Sofa Cushions. Orient designs. were iCt.llO. for Ihis week only SL!.(M) Three .lap Silks Down Pillows, ruf rled. were .l..r0 I ne Satin Head Rest, Nile (irceu silk embroidered. hand-painted, was $1.25. for this week only S4c. Three Silk Iliad Rests, blue, pink and urei'ti. hiiiid-painted, silk cov cred. iitl1 silk trimmed, were . f I. ml for this wc k only 117c. One Yellow i'litin Pill Cushion em broidered on linen, lace luftled and satin bows, were $2.50, for this week only $1.(17 Two Nile and pink Cushions, haml ,work embroidery on linen over sa tin, w ere $1.5(1. this week only . .$1.0(1 Two Linen embroidered silk-trimmed and lace ruffed, wore $1.00. M7e. Five liand-painted Satin Cushions. Appliiitc work, colors green, yel low and blue, were 50c., now.. 33c. II A M BP R( ; EMBROI DEU IKS. Manufacturers Strips of Cambric and Swiss KdKhiKs "n(l Insertings put on front tables to make a run for three days are pei'iect in every way at ONE THIRD OFF REGl'LAR THICKS. All Renaissance work. Bonffct Scarfs. Table Covers. Pillow Case Mats, Splashers. Tidies. etc. and you'll buy them if you see 'em. ONE THIRD HIE REGULAR PRICES. 1.. i DIES' DRESS SKIRTS. The new stylish Dress Skirls have just been received ami we want it widely known thai these handsome Tailor-made lb-ess Skirls are bereft of all fancy prolils ami will prove a strong drawing card. Tailor-made Sicilian Dress Skirts, i Mm iiuality. beautiful lustre, llaring Skirt, pereulino lined, vel seieen iKiund, value $7.50 al....S5.00 Ladies' Tailor-made Serge Skirts of extra quality, lined with erca tiue and velvet bound, a iHipular skirl, well worth $(..00 at $4.00 Kmiii quality Hrilliantiue Ladies' I tress Skirts, line lustre. Tailor made, pcrciilinc lined and velvet hound, value $-1.5(1. al $.!.(MI Ladies' l'cliicoats. fancy stripes on black ground, nulled at bottom j lory sightly, should be $2.n(). al . ,$ISI5 i GINGHAMS. None to be sold at wholesale. we bought of the Shams, Table Center Tieces, fall Caraleigh choice of Last Mills six eases of Ginghams, their styles. 11.01S yards, and we have a plenty on hand. These g Is are worih ll',,-. wholesale in the Northern market, bill with wisdom of foresight " arc enabled lo sell their prettiest line Madras Gingham in all Ihe iiiiinti I ics you want al retail 5c. ' ;l IMBIA I.1CYCLES. A good bicycle is a splendid invesl i 'in: a r one is dear at any price. ( (il.l'MKlA. HARTFORD AND VKHETTE BICYCLES embodv tin m.'ik experience in results of 22 years ing only the best. Our new 1S99 models comprise by fat' the inosi attractive line . ver offered. Chainless Chain . . . $75 50 :i5 2(i Columbia ( 'oluinbia llartliirds idetles. $25 and Juvenile Bicycles, all sizes, $15 lo 1 he ( oluiuhui ( bauiless is the easiest riiniuni;. safest, cleanest and mosl dur able bicycle ever devised: Columbia Chain Models are Ihe highest develop ment of their lye; Ilarlfords are bet tor than most bicycles and Vedettes I lie best that it is possible lo offer at I heir price. i ernis ivisy. t ney are published m the south show window nnd the merit of the wheels will be explained in detail at your pleasure. Call and investigate. LA GRIPPE THE BEST REMEDY, Bellmont Rye Whisky OR Old Harved Corn Whisky WITH ROCK CANDY SYRUP, ft r Sale at ACME WINE CO., Opposite Post Office. RALEIGH, N. C. A COMPLETE STOCK OF NAILED WARE You will always Iiml together with a full line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Bicycles, Saundries, &c. At Lumsden's. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of W. .7. Harris, Bankrupt. la Bankruptcy To the creditors of W.. J. Harris, of Wilson, of the county of Wilson ami District aforesaid: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th of March, A. D.. 1899, the said Harris was duly adjndi cated bankrupt and that the first meet ins of his creditors will be held at my office in Raleieh on the 20th day of March, 1899, at 9:30 o'clock in the fore noon, at which time and place the said creditors prove their claims, appoint n trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. T. P. DEVEREUX. Referee in Bankruptcy. March 9th, 1899. NO RIGHT TO HOLINESS. The woman who Is lovely In face, form and temper. will always have '" friends, but one who would be attrac- tlve must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or k'dney trouble, her Im pure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. electric 'Bitters is the best medi cine In the world to regulate stomach, s tiver and kidneys and to purify the ' blood. It rives stronc nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvsty akin, rfeh oom- V. plexion. It will nut a good-looking, JONES' I JONES FOR THURSDAY AT 214 Fayettville Street. MENS' SHOES. Men don't pay much attention to advertisments, as a rule, hilt- her it one that ought to appeal to every man in the city. If kyi u are a man and hav'ent the time to com, let your wile, mother I J t r . . a amiI V i , . . r.),.. rar 1B,sv arum a 1 1. an f OT SUSier Or aaUgintl, Wllic auu uuj u ya.i ui inu j-nnc null s fart b -ettjer judges f shoes than some men. This opportunity . won' t oome vwur way again soon that's & s-ure thing. .... . : u i 3 : c 'We will "put Oil Sale wraunow iiiui uni, uuc huuuicu pairs 111 men'! ; sjfeoes, marked $i.$o, 1.65, 1.75, 1.85 a-id $2 00 a pair ; al yonr xhioice, of the lot, for $1.49. Not all sizes in each kind, but al) sizes iin the lot, but you'd better tome first, because those you'd atber hgtivf are the ones that ajl will want. See ? DRESS TRIMMINGS. Th wisiiay we will offer about 1 ,000 yards of various kinds of &ss l.ri inminfrs, braids, &c, &c. There is all colors in the let, and Hack-- name of these gKds cost 40c. 50c, 75c yard. On rem nant ti ib teiififTear of store. Come and pick out what you want. for ic a jiorid.nomorrow D. E. JKET BMEW STORE 214 FAYETTEVlLL E ST. HOT FRESH Roasted Peanuts AND POPCORN 5c. A QUART. BANANAS lc EACH At The FRUIT PALACE, 111 Payetteville "treet. ! Will. J. Carter, t I Electrical Contractor and ! DEALER IN SUPPLIES. 13 WK8T IIAROSTT ST. Your Prescriptions May be very complicated or they may te very simplo, and they may require great skill or they may be safely com pounded by the Store Boy, Yon don't know; in yon should not take any chan r s hut have them componnded aocu rately, promptly and. at fair - c y ei rienred Pharmacist. ; Henry T. Hicks, V PRE3C KIPTI0N DBUGQI8T, i'5 Boylan, Pearce & Go. What is in a Name ? Oreat nameR are Ihe door way tti.it lea'1 to irri-ot ihingB. The names of Zephyrs, Organdie, Dimiiv. Madrass. and Batestes, express the Halm Htid R'ooms smd Birds Sfnjs f th- soft, mild, season tht will soo.. dawn upon us. The ahovt- goof are suitable for the Balmy Springtime or the Hottest Sumr-i r d:iv. Names that suggest elegance. Prices that symlviize fi ifl Call and see them. BOYLAN, PEARCE & Co. 206 11 ih) 208 Fayetteville Street. Just What You Want. ft. f Old Fashion Mountain , Is 8 Buckwheat. big (Jain Georgia Syrup. Dried N. C Mullett Roe. J N. C Roe Herrings. N. C. Hams. J. R. Ferrall & Co 222 Faveteville Street. ti n WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! Doubly distilled water is the only kind we use in charging onr fountains, and iu this way serve our customers with nothing but the very best. Being made of distilled water, our carbonated drinks are pure and healthy. If you want mineral waters, fresh from the springs, buy of ns we keep the best We intend to make our place headquarters for everything in the Drug line. Send us your orders. Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., DRUGGISTS AND SEEDSMEN. aasasasasasasasasBsasasassasaasgsSggasasBsggas SOME NEW SHOES Patent leather Button and Lace. ' Something Nobby and Up-to-date, Light Tans, Lace and Button for early ' Spring Wear. LOW GUTS AND OXFORDS, in Patent Leather and Tan with Fancy colored Hosiery the latest agony. Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes-, Oxtords, Southern Tie, Southern Button, Straps &c, in new Spring Stales. Full line Children's Shoes. Special in Trunks, Valicos, fie S, C. POOL, t 131, FAYETTE ILLE ST. 1 ONE OF THE MANY Testimonialu a to the efficacy of SIMPSON'S EGZEPA oiuhhh IN TnK TREATMENT or NASAL CATARRH. v v El Dojum, N C June 1.IP08. . Ma.' Wm. Simpson, Dear Sir:- Too knor I thought my wife incnralde, bavinf suffered long of Cataarh, roaring of the bead, and bronchial trouble. I tried ev , eral phy na with little or no benefit, bat since using your Catarrh Remedy she is almoa 1 -eely well. l ean safely say that ll it tba best remedy for Catarrh and other . iaea of like nature, known to me. and I wish eTerv sufferer of rrh troubles knew of its efficacy -1 shall not fail to keep t in ay house. ; - ' 1 I