DIE TIMES-VISITOR kjlllEigh, n. a PUBLI8HE BY THE TISITOBrPEESS COMPANY (INCORPOBATBD). OFFICB IN THH ACADEMY OF MUSIC auBsciuu oir pricks. Om Tew Ms Months Obs Month M Otaterad Second-Class Mail Matter.) mm: III LKADKR IN THE NEWS AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. INTERSTATE TELEPHONE NO. SATURDAY, March 25, 1899. THE LAST OF THE PIONEERS. I have no word to speak their praise. Theirs was the deed; the guerdon ours. The wilderness and weary days Were theirs alone; for us the flowers. They sowed the seed that we might reap. Ours is the fruitage of tnelr years. And now, behold, they drop to sleep. And we have naught for them save tears. The flag, whose lustre none may mar. The brightest thing that loves the air See you our California's star Amidst the rest? They set it there. What wonder that it droops today. The while another folds his hands And, silent, floats away, away, From golden sands to golden sands. So they go out. A little while. And none shall answer to the en'l. Still shall the great world weep t suii!e. But they shall be all silent all. Still shall the life tides ebb and flow And mark the rhythm or the years. But they no more shal heed or know, Forgotten cares and hopes and fears. -..- When they are gone when o'er one's el ay Our tears of long farewell and fall We'll pay our tribute thew, and say: "He was the last, the last of all. Ah, they were stalwart men," we'll sigh. "The future's promise on each brow," So 8hall we whisper then, but I I pay that tribute here naw. A. J. Waterhouse, in San Francisco Examiner. General Miles will now proceed to de scribe the style of whiskers on army canned beef. It is a $50,000,000 bicycle trust that comes on the track and will have fair coasting. Today the Cuban Assembly dissolution takes place and affairs in the Island will move along more smoothly. That old dead lock in Harrisburg Is getting State. Why don't the be honest and eell ont to the other side. City politics is not worrying the peo ple, but the multiplicity of men who are willing to run the municipal machine la alarming. That embalmed beef court of inquiry is smelling bad in the nostrels of the public. Embalming it would not save it now, its too rotten. Get there Eli an Ohio man has been selected by President McKinley for postmaster at Washington, D. C. The battleship Iowa, after being over hauled will go to Manila and relieve the Oregon which will return to the United States to be docked. Two thousand tons of Pocahontas coal for Admiral Dewey's fleet left Hampton Roads yesterday on the sailing ship Challenger. VOLCANIC BRtUPOTONfl. ' Are grand, but Skin Eruptions res life ef Joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve . rare them, also Old, Running- and ' Fersr Sores, Ulcers, Soils, Corns, Warts, - Braises, Euros, Soalda, Chapped Haads, Chilblains. Best Pile ears earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only X eta. s vox. Curs guaranteed. 8eld by 11 druggist ... UMQn1 m Augusta will erect a bronse memorial to her late Mayor Hon. Patrick Walah, by a popular subscription. President McKinley left Thomasville, Ga., yesterday for Tallehassee, Florida where he will spend a few days. The National and State Revenue laws has taken the trouble off Mr. Kipling's hands about "The White Man's Bur den, and placed It square on the white's man's pocket book. There has a great American boom set in the Philippines particularly about Ma nila. Agninaldo and his followers do not take kindly to this new feature of Yankee enterprise. Booms are not pop ular with them. There will be nn entire new stock of aldermanic candidates opened Monday. They are all wool and a yard wide and will serve the city gratuitously with great satisfaction to themselves. Lending Texan newspapers, Inspired by the prominence given the movement in North Carolina for the establishmrat of a textile department by the State, have began serious agitation for a sim ilar institution in Texas. If it were not for unfriendly action of Secretary Long of the Navy Depart ment. Admiral Schley would have a sea command promised him by President McKinley. A young lady was held on probation the post of superintendent of the 500 conductors employed by the London Tramways Company, and has been an unqualified success as practically abso lute director of this large army of men. One of Joseph Choate's peculiarities is told by a friend who declares that whenever Mr. Choate was studying over, or "working up" a case, he became soli tude until his work was done and so would sit for hours at his resk without food. ' President McKinley, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, has been bounced from the Army branch by an order issued by General High Mogul Alger asserting his supreme authority in the War Department. Alger may request Mr. McKinley to resign. Sound money, anti-trust and anti imperialism, with Democratic principles and J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, is making a desperate struggle for a new party in National politics for 1900. There are to be expected hysterical and paroxysmal efforts fa the political revi vals in the near future, but the I-atn-opposed-to-ajnew-party element will evi dently survive. LARGE FIGURES. The New York Journal of Commerce, after careful inquiry, finds the number of trusts, or combines, in the United States at the end of February, 1899, to have been 353. with stock and bonds aggregating $5,832,882,842, as against 200 such combines a year before, with an aggregate of $3,602,241,543 of stock and bonds. The Journal finds the common stock at present amounts to $4,247,575,981, the preferred stock to $870,575,200, the bonded debt to $714, 388.6C1. A large proportion of tfhe man ufacturing capital of the country is thns combined to extinguish competition, un der the protection of the tariff. CHILLS. id Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Taate s Cblll Tondo The formula, is plainly jted on each bottle, showing- chavt H simply Iron and Quinine to e taste m form. Imitators do not advertise heir formula because they dM tfhey enow that yon would be afraid to take heir medicine Be sure then you get rove's , as the formula shows what ou are taking. MO CURB NO FAT. rlos M waH TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AN ddnggists refund the money if it fails to care. 25e. The genuine has I B. Q. a each tablet. ,t J The Pope said since bis last attack, "When I die I shall not . five much trouble to the doctors, nurses or ser t vauts. I am only skin and bone, and my life will go out like a lamp which has no oil to feed it." He has com pletely ignored medicines, and the end i is looked for at any time. The question of a conclave is the subject of much se cret negotiation. WATER SUPPLY OF CITIES. The Baltimore- Sun on tine above sub jects has this to say: The pollution of streams and the water supply of cities is a matter which is now generally dis cussed. Philadelphia is suffering from an epidemic of typhoid terer which is attributed to the pollution of the Schuyl kill. The cities on the Mississippi are in a state of alarm at the approaching discharge of the sewage of Chicago into that Stream, from which they obtain their water supply. The city of Seat tle, in Washington State, was purposing to obtain pure water by extending its pipes to Cedar river, and then It was announced that a New Jersey corpora tion was about to establish a factory on the river above tfhe proposed intake. It is absolutely essential to the public safe ty that water supplies should be kept uueontamraated. The health of the peo ple is of the first importance, far above the importance of industries. It is prob able that the epidemic of fever in Phil adelphia costs more in money, apart from the loss of human life, than all the factories on the Sdbuylkill can repay. The law was laid down by Chancellor McGill in New Jersey recently that the rivers and streams of the land cannot be legally converted intosewers. The people living along the streams have a right to have the water flow to them imcoutaindnated. If this discharge of sewage into streams were unavoidable there would be more excuse for it. But it is said that there are scientific pro cesses by which refuse from cities and factories can be made entirely harmless. If this is so it should be done. People should not be compelled to drink poison ed water or to be depriced of pure wa ter upon any consideration. RACING FOR A WIFE. A Novel Method of Courtship Prevailing in Lapland. In Lapland the crium which is pun ished most severely next to murder is the marrying of a girl against the ex press wishes of her parents. When a suitor makes his appearance he says nothing to the girl, nor does she often know who he is, but her pa rents inform her that her hand has, been applied for. Then, on a day appointed, the girl. her parents and friends meet together and sit at meat, with the suifor and his intended opposite to one another, so that they can view each other's face and converse freely. When the feast is over the company repair to an open space, where "the race for a wife" is to be run. The usual distance is about a quar ter of a mile, and the girl is placed a third of the distance in advance of the starting point. If she be fleet of foot and does not care for her suitor she can easily reach the goal first, and if she accomplishes it he may never trou ble her again. If, on the other hand, she wishes to have him for a husband she has only to lag in her flight, and so allow him to overtake her. If she toe particularly struck with him and would signify to him that his love is returned, she can run a short distance, then stop and turn and in' vite him with open arms. Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk Has no equal as An Infant Food. . "INFANT HEALTH"Sent FREE on Application. New torn Conmhsu him Co.hy Brushes. We bave a (rood Selection of Brushes of all kinds that you will probably teed, including Hair, Tooth, Nail Scrub, Bath Face, Shoe, etc. Come and examine our Stock and you will not buy elsewhere, Henry T. Hicks, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Hood's Pills aj wan-Irritating sad the only eathartle to tsfcs with HOM'i earaaparlila. WISH AND OTHER WISE. You can't place any dependence on a woman's word," moodily remarked the young man who had been Jilted; "of course, you don't believe?". "Oh, yes, do," said the married man: "my wife has been threatening to leave me tor ten years." Indianapolis journal. The more revenue we deprive from an lgly si nthe better looking H becomes. Chicago News. Butler (impressively) "That wine is twenty years old." Young Newlyrieh ;ee whis! What rattling gooa Btun; it must have been when it was fresh." Josh. The most wonderful thing about a baby is the way he conceals his shame at hearing tue queer son ui muu iub mother talks to him. New York Press. Her' New Scheme Wife "There, dear. Here are all the magazines, nere s whisky and soda, and a box of your la vorite cigars and the papers. If you want anything just ring th bell." Hus band "What on earth is the matter?" Nothing. I merely wanted to make our home as clublike as possible." Brooklyn Life. A man can lay claims to greatness when his private affairs begin to interest the public. Chicago iNews. You are suffering from 'well, to put it in the ordinary vernacular, an inflam ed condition of your spinal column. You should try cooling applications along tn,e bat-. What is your present occupa tion ! On ve driven an ice wagon tor winty years, sor.'Clevei ' naiu Dealer. In many impor 7. tant particulars, Hood's Sarsa I 1 panlla is Peculiar to Itself. It is a medicine as far ahead of the ual preparation electric light is ahead of lhe tallow dip. The ingredients useu in uianing n are selected with the f very greatest, care and are gatherX ed for us at the time thev posx seas the treat estremedial v a 1 ue. The pecul; iar binat port cess Hood's arilla, are unknown other, thus making Hood's saparilla peculiar to itself. value of this peculiarity is bv actual results. And Hood's Darilla has a record of cures unXequal- ed in medical history. HasWre of them, greater successes"! serious cases, better gen uine, unsolicited testimonials than anv. other medicinein exisl ence. It extreme cases of lood dis cures uses, hu Anon, scrof ular, salt yT-heum, rhea matism, catarfh, and all other troubles traceable to impure or vi tiated blood. Possessing great stom-ach-toning qu alities, it cures indl ration, dyspepVlVev B' catarrh ofthestomach.eteTl I P It builds up the nerves, WjJ renewing and reviving brain, nerve I and mental strength and curing.! nervous prostration. As a natural tonic it strengthens the whole system and cures that tired feeling. It has done all inis lor oiners nuu r m ., . . .i j what it doesfor1 VAoth -4rs it will do for you.fy All we ask for Hood's Sarsapartlta, is a mcetmty, an I Will. J. Carter, Electrical Contractor and DEALER IN SUPPLIES, 13 WEST HARGKTT ST.' GALLON j. l. o'QUiriri & co. FOR CUT FLOWERS. Roses and Carnations a specialty. Cut flowers of all kinds in season. Boquets and Floral Designs arranged in best style on short notice. PALMS, FERNS AND OTHER POT PLAwTBFOKtlUUBJS au nia DOW DECORATIONS. Chrysanthemums and Roses in best inmdlns varieties, together with all kinds kinds of spring and summer bedding plants and bulbs, Boaae trees ana ever greens in great variety. Vegetable plants, TomatoeKEgg and Pepper twice transplanted, uauuage, Beets, iiettuce ana ueiiery in season. See our show window at J. I. John son's Drag Store, leave orders there or Call Phones. Bell, 149-8. Interstate, 149. J.L.O'Qrai Co.'s, FLORISTS, Corner Polk and Swain JJta. RALEIGH. N. 0. A opportunity and a fair trial. Be sure toget Hood's. Sold by druggists Prepared only by C. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. 9 It never ditappotnt. HEALTHY OLD Larcb, Bkntoh Oo. Ana., Aug. 4. Iintt years old and have be -n Buttering with Change of Life I bad flooding apelle o bad that none thought I couia live. My nusuaou guv Wins o( Oardui and it d my are. . i. . , , L i . It MRS. B. B. TOWNSEND. It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot ot the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic of nerlectlv healthy grandmothers. Ulltr ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. For advice in cases requiring special 3 III I BIVB lOIUMHIK Bir..ll address, giving symptoms, ir; !W'. Tbl HAlTlNCWlU 0., Cluntenooga, Tenn. directions, address. KUH lSBf U.. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE O F CARDUI SOLD FOR f I.OO BY DRUCCISTS. A. B.C. ALFORD.BYNUM & CHRISTOPHERS BOOK and JOB PRINTERS. Our work is as irood as can be ' d( ne in the city. Prices as reason-' La We as can be oDtainea ior me S class of work. When you want something nice ' f and new in design try us. GOOD STOCK 1 GOOD MA TERIAL! GOOD WORK 1 T.B. WOMACK. R. H. DAYES.J Womack & Hayes. ATT0RNEYS-AT- LAW j General Practice Room 5, Pcllen Building. RALEIGH, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE. TO ALT. POINTS. North, South and Southwest. Schedule In Effect December Uth, 1898. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. 8.86pm Irr Raleigh S.14ant Ar 80. Pinea 4.23am 6.68pm 4.63pm At Hamlet 6.07am Ar WUming. n. S. A. L.li06pca Ar Monroe, 8.A.U .43am 9.13pm Ar Charl. S.A.L. 7.50am AT Cheater, S.A.L. 8.08am 10.26pm 10.6pm L07am 2.43am 6.20am 3.34pm Ar Greenwood 10.35amf Ar Athena 1.19pm Ar Atlanta. s.&Opm Ar RALEIGH.. .. 2.16am NORTHBOUND. INO. 402 No. 18. Lv Ratalrth 2.00am U.18am Ar Henderson (.28am Ar Purtamouth 7.26am Ar RlchmondatCX 8.4fcun. Ar Wahingion,PKR 12.31pm Ar New York .23o o 12.60pm 6.20pm 7.12pm . 11.10pm tf.64am 11.18am Ar RALEIGH .... J.lU&m Daily. Noa, 408 and 402. "The Atlanta Spe cial," Solid Veatibuled Train of Full man Sleeper and Coachea between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, 8. O. Noa. 41 and 88. "The 8. A. I Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pall man Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains made immeuiate connec tion at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashrille, Mem phis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc, apply to agents, or H. 8. LEARD, 0. T. and P. A. BaWgh, N. a E. St. JOHN, Vice-President and Gen - eral Maaager. H. W. B. GLOVKBr Traffic Manager. V. XL MeBBH, General BupC L. & ALLBN, Ga. Pass's. Ageat OssmmU Offices, Pertsmeath, Vs. AGE. I am like It is for women alone to decide whether they will be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ness is close at hand. BOYS' CLOTHING. NEWEST STYLES. LATEST FABRICS. LOWEST PRICES. Boys' Suits, tl.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Boys' Pants, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Boys' Shirts, 25c and 50c. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR EASTER SUIT. If not, we have it ready for you ! Set our Stock of Shirts. Prices, 25c, 39c, 49c, 75c and $1.00. Southern Railway. THE . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH Tka Direct Line to All Point. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. titrietly FIRST -CLASS Equipment on ail Through and Local Trains; Pullman Pslace Sleeping Cars on all Night I -v.ns: Tasl and Safe Schedules. r vavel by the Southern and yon are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. . . APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOB TIM TABLB8, BATES AND GENERAL INFOB MATION, OR ADDRESS R. L. VERNON, THAD. C. 8TURG18 T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. C. T. A., Raleigh, N C No troc i to answer questions bank S. Gannon, Ad V. P. & Gen.Man. M. Culp. Traf. kit W A. Turk, G P A. WASHINGTON U. C AUCTION SALE OF' FURNITURE By virtue of the powers given by con tract and agreement of O. J. Carroil and who with it, recorded in office of Reg ister of Deeds of Wake county, in Book No. 151, at Page 818, the undersigned will sell, at public outcry, in the city of Raleigh,at the CARROLLTON HOI EL, on TUESDAY, THE 4TH OF APRIL, 1899 The following named furniture, to-wll: Seventy-five Chamber Suits, each con sisting of a bedstead, dresser and wash stand; Twenty-five Bedsteads, One Hun dred Cotton Mattresses, Fifty Hair Mat tresses, One Hundred Bed Springs and Foity Dozen Chairs. The sale will be made for ready money and will begin at 13 o'clock M. WHITE-RICKEL FURNITURE CO., Jan 81-ltwta4. Mebane, N, C. IBIIIBV' CaTeats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all entbudneM conducted for Moderate F. K our ornct is opposite U.S. Pateut orncw and weeanaeenn patent In Jew tuna than looaaja remote from Washlnftot. Sand model, drawinc or Dhoto.. with deacrio tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of1 'Charge, uur lee not due nil patent ueeenred. raniPHLrr. -ow k uooun i-mnmta,-- wiim coat of same In the U.S. and ioreiga coanlrieaj sent free. Address, ' C.A.SNOW&CO. V