. i-' - 7-' : f ... -v 4 .. '. -A V HIE TIDES-VISITOR JUJLIHGH. IT. a PTTBZJ8HDB BT THB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY " ' (INCORPORATEJD). OFFIOB IN THB AOADBMY OP UBSCRI; OK PRICm W , KM tii Months ..... LM Oh Month,...,,.. M Otatond m Eteooad-Claa Mall Matter.) irm LKADBB IN THB NEWS AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. INTERSTATE TELEPHONE NO. M. BELL TELEPHONE . NO. 132 MONDAY, March 27, 1899. 1 HER COMING OUT. In her dainty hat and feather, In her pretty modish gown, All to match the blithe spring weather, Comes our bonny maid to town; And the swains whon follow after, As the fair one walks before, listen to her low sweet laughter, Leave their greetings at her door. Tis the same old simple story, Told in every century's ear, Stronger far than fame or glory. Is the spell she weaveth here. Just by looking dear and pretty. In her dainty Easter gown, She can win the whole wide city. When our maiden comes to town. Coming out when pussy willows, (Nod beside the dancing rill. When the violets star the pillows. Of the green moss on the hill; Coming when the winds together Bang for mirth and tell of spring. Welcome, maid and birds and weather. Flower and dimple, glance and wing. Harper's Bazaar. OUR RETURNING SOLDIERS. The Times-Visitor will continue to urge upon onr people some immediate action for a proper welcome home to the hoys of Company K., First regiment North Carolina Volunteers, from Cuba. It is none too early to takt the initia tory steps toward arraging a reception suitable to the occasion. Our boys in a very short time will land at Savannah and at once be mustered our of Heiviee and matters should be put in shape, that when notified by telegraph of their starting for Raleigh, everything can be in readiness for their reception. Let a public meeting be called for one evening this week at th Mayor's office to make the preliminary arragne ments tor a rousing welcome to the old Governor's Guards. The joy of the florists is In fall bloom these Lenten days. The beat way to get pure water is to filter the Board of Aldermen. Aguinaldo's threat that he will be in Manila in twenty days may be carried ont more literally than he dreams. The water question is still one of vital interest to the citizens of Ral eigh. For a month past it has been unfit for domestic purposes. The return home of her soldiers is giv ing Spain eerious trouble. They nave bad no pay for their services and cloth ing, will not tie satisfied with further (Spanish promises. And now there is a corner in quinine, that drug having taken an upward shoot of 66 per cent, caused by the Increased army demands for the army In the tropics. VOLCANIC? JRUTTTONS. Are grand, but Bkln Eruptions ret Ufa f Joy. IBucUen's Arnica Salve saxes tnam, alse Old, Running and Vsvsr Bora; Ulcer, Bolls, Corns, "Warts, Braises; Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, ChUMalnev (Beat Pile cure earth. Drives out Pains ana Achat. Oaly M mm. a Mac. euro cuaraateea. mi y Ml HVi&t getting red hot, and the irtMin juefa getting larger every day. . V . Jerry sitapson say feet Hi. Bryan has teen foolish dn the l&v'Tork dinner v i V . matter. There could hardly be a more competent judge than Clapton. - 'We print elsewhere some news from Rome, which places Archbishop Gib bons, of Baltimore, as the second choice as successor to Pope Leo XIII. It is rumored that there are aldermen and city officers who claim exemption from payment of poll tax, by reason of membership in fire companies. This ta not right. Silence, says Jerry Simpson, will give Bryan the gold Democratic vote in 1900. Then Bryan will lose the "gold-bug" vote, for nothing but lock-jaw will keep Bryan silent. He must speak his con victions. It is stated that it will hardly be nec essary to take a census of the white males in Rafcdgh for thw new city di rectory. Just read the list of can didates for office and the required in formation is at hand. The recovery of John Sherman seems now to be assured. He will have the satisfaction of knowing what some of the papers will say about him after be is dead. There is a disposition for large property owners serving the city as aldermen, aud oftxn these same citizens are loudest in complaint at the administration of city affairs by aldermen who do not own property. This should not be the case. The idle street loafing negroes of Ral eigh represent -the very aristocracy of vagrancy which breeds petty thieves, house breaking and rapists. The va grancy laws Bhould be rigidly enforced. If these idlers will not hunt hont la bor the authorities should put them at work on the county roads. The law in Georgia is no respecter of persons. In Savannah the treasurer of a Baptist church has just been sentenced to a term of ten years in the peniten tiary for forgery and embezzlement. At Meldrine the postmaster is indicted for embezzlement. Alt Rome a schwl commissioner is under indictment for seduction, while at Fairmount a Bap tist miister has been indicted for rob bery. Mr. Bunday, of Belgium, has ascer tined by mathematical calculations how everyone can tell how long they will Uve4fcHere is Mr. Bundy's process. If you are over twelve years and under ninety years of age, subtract yonr age from eighty-six, divide the remainder by two, and the momentous question is answered. Charles Dewey is the brother of Ad miral George Dewey. He has brought himself into unenviable notoriety by cir culating throughout Vermont and e fer al other States a card bearing the fol lowing inscription in glaring type: "Charles Dewey, president of the Na tional Life of Montpelier, and George Dewey, admiral and victor at Mauila, are brothers. Admirable policies end admirable victory." Verily the Ad miral must have a corner on all the common sense of the family. That "Me and George" is most too much. CHILLS. id Fever la a bottle of Grove's Taate- Chin Toole The formula is ptaanlr nted on eacta bottle, howl no thevt K imply Iron and Quinine In a laattj m tana. Imitator do not advertise heir formula because f they did they know that you Would b afraid to take heir medicine Be aura them you get rove , aa the formula shows what on ara taking. NO CURS' NO PAT. Mot W TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tib lets. AM dduggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 28c The gen Din hat L. B. J. an each tablet, , , : Oriental papers brought by the steam ship Victoria contain the Mowing ex tract from the Republic Filipina, the insurgent paper: "The Gavite women, without distinction of class or age, unanimously request with enthusiasm to be permitted to take the place of men, if the men perish, in the struggle with the Americans, for the defence of the in dependence of the Philippines. They f-ay that, irrespective of the weakness of their sex, thp love of their country w'll make them strong, and will animate them to keen combat against the Americans. A bright new National emblem "Old Glory," floats in front of the U. S. re cruiting station in the Law Building. There are too few of these colors flying upon the streets of Raleigh. The flag is a handsome ornament and should be more generally displayed by business houses. ACADEMY OF L1USIC. ONE NIGHT, 7ednesday.lDarch 20 SOUSA'S Greatest Comic Opera Success, EL CAPITAN All the Original Broadway Theater, New York., 2 FIRST-CLASS COMPANY And a Grand Chorus of 50 TRAINED VOICES 50 Regular prices: Reserve seats now on sale at Kings. Reserve seats in the gallery 50c can be had at ticket office of Theatre. and Fancy Groceries OC all kinds, sauces, relishes and high class food specialties of every descrip tion we have spread in a tempting array for Eastertide for our patrons delight and selection, and at low prices which are bound to excite comment and create for us a greatly increased business this week. Spanish Queen Olives In bulk..40ctt a quart. Seautifal Line of Bottled Olives 25cta to $1.50.' California Ripe Olives Delicious fla vor 20cts. bottle. Selected Pim-Olas, 35cts a bottle, Melrose Preserves all kinds I lb jars I5ets., two for 25cts. Complete assortment of edibles for your dinner or lunch when oa your "Easter Monday" Outing we can furnish you at very close prices. Petted ham and potted tongue 5c. a can. Potted chicken and potted turkey lOcta, a oaa. Minced ham, ohippsd beef.loneh tongue. Vieaaa sausage, boneless pigs-feet, and every sort of canned meat Sardines from Sets, to 25ct. a box. Cone to see as. 7. G. Upchurch & Co., Leading Fancy Grocers, 124 Fayetteville Street. 'Phonel69- 2 Inter-State 'Phone 290. Brushes. We have a good Selection Of Brushes of all kinds that you will probably need, including Hair, Tooth, Nail Scrub, Bath Face, Shoe, etc. Come and examine our Stock and you will not buy elsewhere. Henry T. Hicks, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST JafVsrSViji Cmreatl, mni Trade-Mmrki obuinad and ill Pav nt buinaM conducted fat Mobcnatc ftcav J Our Orrtcc isevresirs U.S. Ptt Omen ,bn we cmo Knuia liaunii in immm ttam uin wm viuois from Waaliinytoc. j 1 Sted modl. irnmin or photo, with 4eeri9- tkm. We adviaa. If oaasacabla or not. ara of i icaarira. var moot oaa nu patent laaeenraa. P o. r LCT. " io Obuin Patents," wi coat of eeme in to U.S. aad foreigB eooatei ith itriorl fno. Aaaieea, .. .. c.A.Gnow&co. oao. SHiTcaT Omei. WaOMinaroN). D. oV. m ojoowJOJPjloowioojpjPjPjPiaW Biliousness U earned bj torpid Uver, wbick pumualacngee foaaod permits food to terueataad petrify to (be stomach, men mlkw alii.iwajawolanhw, Insomnia, nervousness, and, ,, II not relieved, bulous fever fttm 1 1 a. or blood polsonln Bod'sl Pills sthnuutte the stomaob, " rouse the Uver, ew headache, tolnesa, eon- Itlpatloa, etc 90 sonts. Sold by alt droflrlrts, taeonurusi to toke with Hootft ianacwUl CALL ON J. L. O'QUINN & GO. FOR CUT FLOWERS. Roses and Carnations a specialty. Cut flowers of all kinds in season. Boquets and Floral Designs arranged in best style on short notice. PALMS, FERNS AND OTHER POT PLANTS FOR HOUSE AND WIN DOW DECORATIONS. Chrysanthemums and Roses in best leading varieties, toe-ether with all kinds kinds of spring and summer bedding plants and bulbs, Bnade trees and ever greens in great variety. Vegetable plants, Tomatoe, Egg and Pepper twice transplanted, Cabbage, Beets, Lettuce and Cellery in season. See our show window at J. I. John son's Drug Store, leave orders there or Call Phones. Bell, 149-2. Interstate, 149. J. L. O'QUINN & Co.'s, FLORISTS, Corner Polk and Swain Sts. RALEIGH. N. C. SALE OF FINE PIANO. Under and by virtue of a decree sign ed by his Honor, G. H. Brown, Jr., on the 7th day of March, 1800, in a suit In Wake Superior Court, entitled "Ludden and Bates Southern Music House, a cor poration, versos S. C. Dodd," I will, on Saturday, the 22nd day of April, "1890, in front of the Pullen Building; In the city of Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock m sell to the highest bidder for cash the following personal property, to wit: A certain "Mathuskeh" piano, style "T." mahogany, number 26159, the same being in as good condition as new, and one of the best pianos of the best brand in the world . Place of sale In front of Pollen Build ing. Time of sale 12 o'clock, M, April 22, 1800. Terms of sale OA8H. R. M. SIMMS, Ooaaiss loser. Ara peculiarly benefited by P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, the most wonderful Tonle and Blood Cleanser In the world. P. P. P. restore shattered nerves, gives strength and tone to the entire system, revives the worn out, nervous and debilitated Yon cannot but be nervous If your blood is Impure. P. P. P. gives the proper nourishment to the blood, and cures nervous pros tration, debility and nervous bead ache. P. P. P. cures that tired, languid, " all gone " feeling, cures dyspepsia, in digestion, and that awful distress of the stomach. P. P. P. cures that weak, nervous con dition, that dreadful jumping of the heart, followed by dizziness and sink ing spells. Blake yonr blood pure by taking P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, and yon will be well and happy. Women are benefited, their organiza tion regulated, and their weakness and lassitude cured by P. P.P WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE should take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, without delay. While not. actually sick, yon feel weak and tired, ready to get sick, and what you. need is strength to drive) ont of your system that which is the cause of Spring Fever. P. P. P. la needed at onoav. lira, Battle Myites, of TO East Wth street, New York, says that aha waa in poor health, and that her ease devel oped into nervous prostration,-. She aanTered from nervous headaches, and at times waa unable to do any work ataU. She could not sleep, and waa so nervous that she would have to get up at all hours of thai night and walk the floor, and the opening of a door would startle her. But her weakness and nervousness is all gone.' P. P. P. was what saved her. Her appetite improved, her nervousness is a thing f the past, and aha thanks P. P. P., Lippman's ureas Kemeay, lor ner plots restoration to health. oUkyaa IfrlANtm, Ytmmfc Men AfttsBSBsMfaBssSi eMO Pnffit pattent Leather and Tan with Fancy colored -Hosiery the latest agony. T.nii'a' Tlntton and Lace Shoes. Oxfords. Southern Tie, Southern Button, Straps, &c, in Full line Umldren s onoes. Special in Trunks, Valices, etc. S. C. POOL, i3i FAYETTEVILLE ST. s Ok !A. B.C. J ALFORD.BYNUM & CHRISTOPHERS BOOK and JOB PRINTERS. Our work is as good as can be done in the city. Prices as reason able as can be obtained for the I class of work. liou JUU " (.11. UVUKlinu j u.uw and new in design try us. x GOOD STOCK I UUUU MA TERIAL ! GOOD WORK I ... T.B. WOMACK. R. H. HAYES.; Womack & Hayes. ; I ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW ' I General Practice Room 5, Pollen Building. RALEIGH, N. C. , Will. J. Carter, t I Electrical Contractor and j a DEALER IN SUPPLIES, t 18 WEST HARGUTT ST, I SA-L.K OF JLAND. By authority of a judgment of the Superior court rendered in special pro ceedings, entitled Wesley Wlii taker vs. Mary A. Lawrence, being a proceeding to sell the land hereinafter described for division. We will on Monday, April 24th, 1899, 12 o'clock co, at the court house door of Wake county, Ral eigh, N. On sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the lot on ISast Hargett street, where the said Wesley Whi taker now resides which Is bounded on the north by Uargett street, on the east by lot of A. Creech, on the south by the lot of Belrin, on the west by lots of T. D. Sledge and Wesley Boone. W. N. JONES, M. A. BLEDSOE, Oommiiss loners. SEABOARD AIR LJ24B, TO Alii POINTS. North, South and Southwest. Schedule In Effect December LUh, IBM. SOUTHBOUND. No. 40S. No. 41. Lv Raleigh 2.14am .36pm At So. Fines 4.23aim 6.e8pm Ar Hamlet 6.07am , .Mom At Wldsning,n. & A. L.lA06ptH Ar Monroe, B.AJ S-Uam .lspm Ar Chart, &A.L 70&m no.aepm At Chester, S.A.L. 8. 08am 10.Cpm Ar Greenwood, .... io.36ana 1.07am Ar Athens Lispm i.am Ar AXivXa. g.60pm (JOarn Ar RALEIGH.. .. i.ltiam S.Mpm NORTHBOUND. No. 401 No, 18. Lv Ratolslh 2.0itan ll.Uafn Ar Hemderaxn., .... .28ami IX 60pm Ar Portsmouth I.xmuo sjupm Ar RlchmondvA.CL 8.46uni T.Upm Ar AVashliiglon.l'KR USlym 11.10pm Ar New York .3p n .(Jam Ar RALEIOH sUOami U.18am Diuhj. Nos, 403 and 402. "The Atlanta 8pe dai," Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man Sleepers"-and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, 8. C. - ' . . Nne. 41 and KS. "Is! B. A. U. JUZ- press," Solid Train, Coaches end PuU mas Sleepers between Portsmouth sad Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia sad Atlanta. Both trains made immediate connec tion st Atlanta for Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico. Chattanooga, rxasnvme, mem- phis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, -etc,, .sppiy w nts, or . 7v , O. B. flARLi, ti x. ana r. a. 1 : . . .. BaMaK N. a B. St. JOHN, Vice-President and Crea- eral Manarer. H. W. B. OLOVEB, Trade Manager. V. B. MeBBB, General Boot, It, aV ALLBN. Gesw Pass's. Agent. General Offices, Pectaeaevta, Ja, - -. SOME NEWSHOES I Patent Leather Button and Lace. Something Nobby and Up-to-date Light Tans, Lace and Button for early Spring Wear.. LOW CUTS AJiP OXFORDS, in new Spring Styles. Southern Railway. THE STAND ARP RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH The Direct Una to All Potato. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. ritrietly FIRST CLASS Equipment on til Through and Local Trains; Pullman Ptlace Sleeping Cars on all Night I rvns: fast and Safe Schedules. r: avel by the Southern and you ae assured a Safe, Comfortable nd Expeditious Journey. . . APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOB TIM1 TABLES, BATES AND GENERAL IN FOB MATION, OB AODBESS R.L.VERNON, THAD. C. 8TURGI9 -T. P. A. C. T. A. Charlotte, N. 0. Raleigh, N C No troai.? to answer questions. bank 8. Gannon, J. M. Cult. id V. P. & Gen.Man. Traf. Mtf W A. Turk, G P A. WASHINGTON 1 C AUCTION SALE OF' FURNITURE B virtue of the powers given by con tnot and agreement of O. J. Carroll and wiu with it, recorded In office of Reg ister of Deeds of Wake county, in Book No. 151, at Page 818, the undersigned will sell, at public outcry, in the city of Raleigh,at the CARROLLTON HOTEL, on TUESDAY, THE 4TH OF APRIL, 1899 The following named furniture, to-wit: Seventy-five Chamber Suits, each con sisting of a bedstead, dresser and wash stand; Twenty-five Bedsteads, One Hun dred Cotton Mattresses, Fifty Hair Mat tresses, One Hundred Bed Springs and FoityDocen Chairs; The sale will be made for ready money and will begin at 13 o'clock M. WHITE-RICKEL FURNITURE CO,, Jan 81-ltwta4. Mebane, N. 0. BALE OF LAND. By authority of a Judgment of the Superior court made m special proceed ings, entitled I. J. MoGehee, executor, vs. 8. J. MoGehee and outers, being a pedal proceeding to make real estate assets. I will on Monday. April 24 th, 1899, at 12 o'clock, n at the court house door of Wake county, BaieUt, N. O, sell to the highest bidder at publia auction the following- described land ta Cedar Fork township, Wake county, to-wK: FIRST TBAOTBeglasV at the branch, thence N. 632-6 poles to a stake, corner of dower, thence Ev 182 poles te a stake m B. Carpenter's line thence 8. 4084 notes to stake, thence 8. -45 degrees, W. 80 poles t the; branch thence down said branch to toe begin ning containing 70 acres. SECOND TRAOT Begins at a stake in P. B. Barber's corner, tsenee W. 162 poles to a stake, tbenos & 1412-5-poles to a stake, corner of the dower thence W. 1988-6 poles to a etake, thence N. 108-0 poles to a stake, thence W. 28 polee to a stake, thence N. 0T poles to a branch at old road, thence with oM road to the beginning, contain ing 168 acres. THIRD TRACT. Begins at a hicko ry, R. Oarpenter'e comer, thence 8. 672-6 poles to a stake, then W. 182 poke to a stake fat M. Yates line, thence N. 106 poles to a stake, thence W. 1968-6 poles to a stake, thence B. 88 poles to a stake, thence W. J.02-6 poles to the beginning, containing 120' seres. This last tract of land wW be sold subject to the dower interest of Demarise MoGehee, midair of Henry MeGehee, deceased. ' Tenaai of salei one hate cash, -balance in six months' from sake day. : Title restrved nattf porch ase neaey to . i. ...

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