THE TIUES-VISITOIl. SATURDAY, April 1, 1& 9, 5 t'AUC KASTEK SUNDAY. I The forecast of uk weAjier bureau for ttaletyh and vicimry aayst Fair, cold er to&igat aud buuaay; Irost Suudaj mommg. 'X'ftw law pressure bas-moved eastward to the Atlantic coast, uiouuy weaww and raw vuuoimie over thti southen. states bordering tUe Atlantic. ExotpUna email areas oc Muuy weaUier iu tiii ease laae region aud upper Miasour. vauy tair weainer prevails now gen erally tnrougaoitc tlie country. The Muierature nas laiieu cuuaiuerably w. Urn east, aud is still below freezing from norweiu xexaa to Aiiciugau. U.mng trust was ' reported at Ami riUo i'uu Heavy at Aleimcuis. 'line pres sure remains mgia over uw entire Rocky iiouuittiu ixgiou , Mimcauug a concmua tiou ox cool w eat tier. Services at iipwortn tfburoh tomor row. Sunday bcuool at K:3U. PreaoH uuc at 11 a. im. ana 7 :15 p. in. by the castor, iiev. X. H. Maui. Mr. ifioward ISasser will spend Sunday iu bnuuiueid. Uu Mouuay afternoon an Easter egg nunc wui ue given at 'i u. tu. and ai 7:8W p. m. Jiaster services by the child' ren at Jupworua church. NO EIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely la face, form and temper will always nave .rkeds, but on who would bo attrsc ivo must keep her health. If ah la .veak, aickly and all run down, aha will .w nervous and irritable. If aha has :onstipation or kidney trouble, her inv iure blood will cause pimples, blotches, kin eruptions and a wretched eomplez un. Electric Bitten la the beat aaedb me in the world to regulate stomach, irer and kidney and to purify .the ilood. It five strong nerves, bright -yea, smooth, velvety skin, rich comglex on. It will make a good-looking, charoa ug woman of a run-down invalid. Only U cents at all drug stores. Four gentlemen can obtain first-class ooard and roms by applying at KM south dahi&ury street (corner. References. BOAKD AND LODGING. Can be bad at summer prices. Third house south of Baptist Tabernacle, opo site farlt. 213 South Person street. The revenue act passed by the last legislature according 10 the printed copies was rauned "on uie otih day of March lbvl." Jaowever, this was an error oi the proof reader. 'Xihe vvaotr Company has sent out theii bills for water and uo deduction has been made tor the abomnible service. HXAO. LONDON, April 1. The flag adopt ed by Siiamroca will have a sprig oi Stnamrock with green and gold ground and a green border. The Query, "Resolved that territorial expansion is detrimental to the United ttuues," was debated at Elon college last evening between the FhiJugiau ana Kteo Societies. Tihe latter won, having the negative. The judges were John R. Webster, Air. Wulner and KtfV. E. C. Glenn. The coolest was largely attended. WATER RENTS. Editor of The Times-Visitor: The Ral eigh Water Company evidently do not think that the citiztns ft no pay them tn advance for good wholesome wilier bare any just cause for complairt tur in their notices just sent to :ueir they say nothing about any rebate due to users of water because of the un wholesome quality of water furnished by them just by what species of . .' they justify their conduct is more than 1 can see. There is not a merchant in Raleigh who if he sells an article to a customer and it turns out to be other than of the quality such an article should be, who does not ait once return tlie purchase money and also make an apology to the customer for the disap pointment and inconvenience caused him. The Water Company collected in advance rent for furnishing three months supply of water tit for domestic use.. They failed to keep their contract and by all rules of equity and fairness their patrons are entitles to a rebate and the Water Company if it were suo ject to competition and did not fed it self secure because we can only got water of them. Would not think of try ing to collect the full amount. There is not a stock holder of the Water Co m pany who If thty bought of a gi-ix-ir " a nam and it proved unfit for u? wi n would not return same at once anl mand full credit for its value. .... should not this principle apply to their dealing with the public. Consider the matter on Its merits, gentlemen of the Water Company. Don't take the advan tage of your patrons. hi. Rest Ice Cream, all lavors, at B. Uiersch's. Interstate 'Phone 340. Any quantity. Prompt delivery. Reliable silver plated ware at Hughes'. Drtad Peaches 7 cents. Dried Apples 10 cents. Frankfort Sausage 10 cents. Table Peaches 10 cents can. At O. O. BALL'S. Try our 20 cents candles made fresh at Pope's. New Herrings 1 cent eaen. Canned Snaps 10 cent. Peaches tt cents can Pork and Beans & cents can. Pork Hams English cured shoulders. At O. O. BALL'S. Manon Uariand Ouffee pots at Hughes'. FOB 8 ALE. An elegant lady's wheel of the latest improved model for sal cheap. Enquire at No. 633 North ttloaat street. WANTED.- -Old clotnes and bats, old hoes and all kinds of second hand oods bought and sold at Harris' Steam Jya Works, East Hargett street, RaJ igb, N. C. Suits cleaned, Tso. Cleaned aid Dyed fue. t Best Sugar Cured Ham, 10c pound. Picnic Ham. 8c New River Mullets, 5c. pound, at WOOLLCOTT & SON'S. SPRING LAMB. First of the season for your Easter dinner at J. SCHWARTZ, City Market. FIRST OF SEASON. For Easter Dinner Spring Lamb also fine veal, beef and pork at J. SCHWARTZ, City Market We have just received a nice lot of fruits at Pope's. You know what that tired feeling is and you may know what will curt- it by giving Hood's Sarsaprilla a fair trial. 8end your order this evening for ice cream for tomorrow dinner to Dughi. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. Ara grand, but Skin Eruptions rob lift f joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salva cures them, also Old. Running snd Fever Sorts, Ulcers, Boils. Corns. Warts. Braises, Burnt, Scalds, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Beit File eur on earth. Drives oat Pslns sad Aches. Only V ets. a bos. Cur guaranteed. Bold by all druggists Odorless the best refrigerator In the ' country at Hughes'. It will bewarm tomorrow and you better order some ice cream from Dughi. RALEIGH STOCK MARKET. 103, 10?f 10 ij 90 104 Quotas Br Grimes and Vass. Raleigh, April 1, 1899. BOMDS. Bid. Asked. North Carolina 6s North Carolina 4 108 " 6s CitrorKaleteb es WakeCouutyos 107 Southern Ry. 1st 6s 107 W.N CBS 1st 6s 11 Oa. A Ala. Pref. 5s 107 " " Conol 10U Oa. Car. North. J si os ioaj Carolina Central 4s Ral Water Co. 1st 6s 103 Albemaile & Ches. Canal Co. 1st 7s. STOCKS. . Worth Carolina R. R. 153 Seaboard A Roanoke Baleigh 4 Gaston i Raleigh & Augusta 20 Durham A ribern ,41 Southern Ry. Pref. 91 " " Common 12 - Barings Banks . 108 Raleigh Water Co. 6ff Raleigh Gas Company Caraleigh Co.ton Mills " ' Preferred 110 Common 4 ? Raleigh Coitoa Mills -Odell M'g. Co -.. 105 ' Carsleifth Fertiliger " and Phosphate' Works V Carolina Chemical Co. Pi ef erred , 110 Common 78 For Bicyclos and Carriagos, Crescent Bicycles 35.00 Rambler Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 50,00 Sterling Bicycles 50,00 I.. H. Briggs 1 Sons, RALEIGH, N. C. New Skirts and Waists 83 62 110 100 117 106 121 78 j For Monday we have a new line of thoso very popular colored Unders skirta, and top skirts, and Waists. These are popular sellers, the third shipment in three weeks. Its the prices that keep them moving. New line of Stationary also, box papers, envelopes, books, Ac, Our prices are about half the usual, on these. . The millinery is growing in favor every day New Braids, Mouselins, Plovers and Foliage for Monday, w . -SPEOiAL-r 'V'1 '! . -V .' ;:-.'--r-i !'; ' -. ,';'. 100 Popular Books, the 25a. ones, for Monday at 9o aoh. Thouglii s of I aslortido. EASTER MILLINERY, EASTJLR PARASOLS, EASTER NECK WEAR, EASTKR HANDKERCHIEFS, EASTER KID GLOVES. EASTtR JEWELRY, EASTER DRESS TEXTURES, EASTER SILKS EASTER FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. Here in profusion, and representing the latest and best thought tot European and domestic centres of fashion and trade. Spread befcre the customers of this Great Store as evidence oi ever in creasing popularity and progi ess. Easter Millinery. A few days remain iu which to select the Easter Hat. Quite a quantity of them are here, snd the chief difficulty will be to decide which where all are 10 fetchlngly pretty. Yott'll he surprised, too, to see how flue a hat $5 00 will buy. While at $6.00 and $4 00 there are any number, fit for any place and to suit any taste. Of course thd French beauties, and our own exclusive things; with costly embellishments, rui into dollars faster, but the bes. of them are not priced high eaoughto prevent their free perchase by ihopwnerof even' a modest parse. !If customers prefer 10 select S shape sad hve it trlmed acordinf to their own ideas of style snd eost, we are reiriy for that with all the needfuls" too. ' WITH ALL NEWEST SHAPES. WI I'H ALL NEWEST FLOWERS. I I H ALL NEWEST FEATHERS. . . AND WITH RIBBONS GALORE The pro f or M.ilinery supremacy is spread here, and will be .sufficient to quiet sny possible contention on that score. j' ARA SOLS. It is always customary to make out annual display of Ladies' Parasols dor ms the week always preceding EisOer. Parasols in white, army blue grey, red, black, hri lot rope, light blue China silk curved snd straight handle fl.00 White China Silk Parasols Chif fon Kutlle curved hsndles ... 2.00 Pearl, grvy, tan and brown Taf feta with wide satin border ...$3,50 liASTKU MSCJxVAIt. We hare made special preparation in Womens' Kaster Neckwear. Many exclu sive things, not to be found elsewner. Jlull 'lies to go twice around the neck, with embroidered and lace ends ...25c. to 1.00 Liberty Silk and Net Ties, to go twice around the ' neck from i. .50c. to (1.00 Lawn Jabots, with stock. . 50c to (1.00 dilks stocks with bows , . .' .50c to 1.00 Coat Suits Fronts in Organdie and Lawn .Novelty Trim mings .11.00 to (1.25 KASTKB KlD ULOVBSj A few special values'-culled from a stock second to none in point of assort ment, reliability and low prices. sruciAU Ureas Did Gloves 25 - . dozen in Black, Tan, Hwl, Grey, Pearl and also Chamois Gloves in Yellow sizes 6 to 7 50c. (No mail orders.) Special showing of 2 Clasp White Kid Gloves both self snd black embroidered, also two shades of Pearl in self and black embroidered bought special foi this Easter selling ..(1.00 K AS IKK JHWBLRi. If its new,, we have It. KJastic Belts in Jet Steel some studded wita Turquoise., 50c to (3.00 Violet Buckles-set with Rhine- . stones entirely new. .. .(1.00 to (1.50 Violet Hat Pine 10c. Cyrsno Chains in steel jet, tur quoise aud other stones, . . ,25c to 50c KASTUU lBHiSS TKXTUliES. The Movelty French Patterns are here in exclusive styles. The price. ...(1.50, (2.00, (2.50 per yard, KAST'Elt liA.NuiiAknlKuTS. Women's Ful-Birffled Lace Edge Handkerchiefs with embroidered corners at 12ftc each Women's Full-Burned. Kdge Hand kerchiefs, pure linen, m all tne newest effects at 25, 60, 75 cents sad fl.00 EASTEU SILKS. ; Just received a new shipment of the new Taffeta Silks with the white cord effects colors light green, ' heliotrope, purple, Fuchoia and whit '.(1.00 EASTEK FUK.N1SH1NOS FOB MEN This men s furnishing department of ours continues to grow. The reason for this success is always showing the newest ana latest novelties for hko. Easter Puffs, - Ascots, Four-ln- . hands in solid- whit, bright plaids and stripes 50c. Easter Straw hats in all the latest block ..; ...50c. to (2.00 Men's Urey Alpine Hats. . .(1.50, (2.5U ilen s Kid Ulovc (1.00 to Jit-n's White Dress Sirirts-70c., 1.00 and (1.50. ilxo's I'at. Leather Shoes Keith's make (3.50 Men's Walking Canes ....50c to (3.00 Bop, . Pearce & Col From Fayetteville to Salisbury to Salisbury streets, our store extends. The Millinery Depart ment is on the Salisbury end. This is where the modern Mylish hat i shown and sold to all who seek a paradise for lovers of beautiful and artistic hats. This department presents an unheard of opportunity for choosing a really stylish and beautiful example of the hat trimmers art. Beside? your Easter hat, which has such an attractive appearance, YOU MUST have another for every day wear during the Summer. Get it From Us and You Will be Satisfied. BOYLAN, PEARCE & CO. dry ;goods, carpets, notions. DilUG t mm. If it requires ten horse power to start certain machinery, a nine horse power engine won't answer. It will be no better than no ensrine at all; you must have the additional force or all.your power win be wasted.' So in Medicine, If a drag of a certain strength or potency is necesssry to stop the progross of disease, a weaker drag will be no better than nc drag at all. We think of these things. That Is why yon see on our shelves th preparations of the best chemists in the world. We see to it that our drags are pars and of standard strength We wast to sipply year rags all ta nil rescrlptloM. U yiir W. H. King & Go.. Druggists LA WE. THE BEST REMEDY. Bcllpont Rye Thlsky i-rOR-r i. its' '-if: !..' Old Harved Com Whisky WITH ROCK' CANDY 7ci Bali at 1 SYRUP. UJ V AC"E 17I."E CO., Wl U OJiiuU) OcIt. F Office PAINT! PAINT! The spring time is ccmiug "Gen tle Annie''. Now is the. time i to paint up. I have the largest variety of do mestic paints in the city. I sell "Hanlines" Enamd Paints for bath tubs Ac. Nothing better made "Hanlices" quicks drying Boor paints, "Han lines" Cherry, .Oak, Walnut and ' Mahogany stains, "Bamlins" buggy I and Carriage Pint, Pure N. C. Pine To S A SB mi II AAMB HI IU niwill VOUOi I All the above at Lumsden's. mi wuai i on wani. Old Fashion Mountain Buckwheata g Big Cain Georgia Syrup. Dried N. C. Mullett Roe. N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Hams. J. R. Ferrall A Co, 222 Faye'teville Street. White Rabbit Egg Dye Paa's Egg Dye. Rbses Roseat ; Carnations and othe choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Notice. s s Easier ! Faster'! Easter! RIGGAN'S TOY AND CHINA STORE. Easter Toys, Rabbits, Chickens, Kilt ens Pigs. fie. Candy Eijcs, Marsh Mallow Egjrs, Hard Egsrs. Choc. Cream Eggs, Choc. M, M. regs. Small bird Eesrs Chocolate Rabbits. Chickens and Lambs, Candy Dolls and Rabbits. Riggan's Specials. Baby Cream Candy, 10c lb., Co. Co. Cream Candy 10c lb., Assorted Taffy 'Oc lb., Brittle 10c lb.," Co-anut 10c lb. The best French Candy only 20o lb. Specials on China Porceline, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Glass of every description, JLamps and Lamp Goods. Oranite Ware, lowest prices. New Toys, Dolls and Games. . r f v t y . Riggian's China and Toy Store. Decorations Piuna, rerns and alt othat flscaratr olaata far houss enltnra.- For ara mantal rardenlng at lowast flaors. Li kinds of tsddmg plants: Roses, Qtrt Ins, Hsliotropa, Colast, sto. Chrysar thsBioms tn ths bsat latsst varlstii Vlasa - for ths , varande. . Tomat plants on os transplanted la best sort Cabbca Pepper and Pot-arown B plaata. Celery at proper aeassa mall orders pmptly attended to. H. S eitjmetz, Florist. Baleigh. N C. . Bell 'Pbone 113. acadeuyof Liusic. I Brushes. f a ii a I taster - April d - Monday FITZ & WEBSTER'S 214 Fayetteville, Street. Opposite PostOfficav RALEIGH, N.C. Je M, BISHOP, DIDYCLE REPAIRER. Having returned to tfae cilv and located at corner of Davie aid Wil- mineton Street, are prepared to do I1 kinds of Bicycle Repairing a short notice. Work fruaranteed. BICYCLES FOR KENT. Uariyallfd Company of Comedians In 1 nat aiuicai uomeoy Bnrprise A Qroozy timo. ENTIRELYREWRITtEN AND TURNED UP 0 DATE . . Introducing Our Distlnot Novelties I EVERYTHING NEVv NOVEL AND ORIGINAL. C-"The Cat Serenade." 0 - The Tennis Quintette. " f r C-"TheThree-LeK'd lor.?.V; '' -' AND . GRAND CAKE WALK By the entire company as Inter preted by America 'r Four Hundre . Enjoy two hours and.a half of clean fun. -' rrice-25, SO, 75 and $1.00. Seats on sale at King's1 : We have a good (election of Brushes of all kinds that you will probably teed, including Hair, Tootb, Nail Sotub, Bath Face, Shoe, etc.' ' Come and examine our Stock and you will not buy else where. IIcr.ryT. Nichs, PREaCRlPTIOK DRUGGIST NUTlUt OF ADatUdSTBATIOji. BaTing anaHfied as admlastator d. b. n. e. t. a. of tts eeute ef John ManseL deceased, late at Wake County, N. O, V this Is U notify ail persons hsnt dainu falnst said estate ta present tarn to tat oadersifMd at als offtce is BaMgti. ' N. LX. e or before the 28th day of March. 1IW0. er this notice will be nlaa m bar e their reestery, and sit persons ' indebted tt said estate will Dleass snsks anaedlate payment ta the aoi-"i. 1 4, 0. uajuciwX dsaoiwiratjr. IttrchIT, itr

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