HIE TIUES-VISITOR rvAiJUOH. n. a PUBLISHED BT THB VISITOB-PBESS COMPANY (INCORPORATBD). OFFICII IN THB ACADEMY OF ucoia UBScnn tm pricks. Ob Tear $M' atx Month ,U,i ms Month " nterd as Seoond-Claas Mall MattsT) K 2k t h LEADER IN THB NBWB AMD IN CITY CIRCULATION. 1NTBR8TATB TELEPHONE NO. 11 BELL TELEPHONE .... NO. 1M TUESDAY, AprU 11. 1899 DEMOCRATIC MUNICIPAL TICKET. l or Mayor A. M. Powell, ii'ni. r'itir floi-W n If Smith. For Tax, Collector C. P. Lumsdvu. ALDERMANIC TICKET: FIRST WARD. -First District J. S. Wynne and V. 12. Jones. l Second District Brown Pogram and '.- O. McDonald. SECOND WARD. First District W. W. Pariah and I. yn Wilder. Second District J. C. Drewry and H. W. Miller. THIRD WARD. First District Samuel Bogasse and II. H. Crocker. Second District Jos. S. Correll and J. .Sherwood Upehurch. FOURTH WARD. First District D. S. Hamilton and J. F. Bedford, till Second District W. Dean Smith and M. A. Bledsoe Sr. Mr. C. N'. E Elliott, of the Britls'n Embassy ot Washington, has been se Uvted as the British member of iu- joint commission for the ttleniini f the Samoan troublo. Booker T. Washington. ivpb .- nuestion by a Xrtli ::.olinn l iiMin, suggests tliat the source of all iss inoe's trouble may be the solid opjuwi tion to white nun at the polls. At Charleston, S. C, yesterday tnir-i-on citizens of Lake City that State were put on trial for lynching a negro tostmaster, who incited riotous proceed ing during the Inst year's political cam 'paign. .JI1I1E The trial of ex-Senator Quay and his sxvfi for conspiracy in connection with th 'broken People's Bank, -which began . yesterday in Philadelphia will be closely watched in all sections of the country. rVhnsylrania presents o sad picture with ih legislation at a dead !ock by a lot of partizan politicians endeavoring to elect a man United States Senator who is on trial In one of her cities wpon a cbargc of felony. While General Mole has in the main sustained tvery charge be has mad against tbe army beef furnished by Al Kr, Eagan & Co., yet the unfriendli ness of the military court of Inquiry are not likely to find such a result. There ran 'not be expected a vigorous report from the 1 court, for it has made no effort bo get aM the tacts from witnesses and. very reluctantly have they permit ted evidence which ,they could not suppress.- The court is nearly a rotten as rtue tieef it has inquired awwt and it re port, will no doufb have n unpleasant odor, in the nostreJs of an tod1gnnt pub- : - sfjjtj "FOOLED THE BURGEONS. ,i VAH doctora M Benfek ilaffifltoe, of West J Jeffersonr -after: suffering 18 nionth zrosn' Rectal Fistula, he would, ..-Mm-. iim:i emHr ooeratkw waa -per- formed; but 1 ord wwrfir-wita-nr ' boss BQcklm'm Arnica lr, the sards? rue cure' on Earth, and the best alvt iatetbt Wortd.- '25eett a . Sold by se?4trftg gists. , " j ., . -? i'Ji , " - The season ot the ice cream freeaer and the lawn mower creep elowVy from the Up of winter. Thursday afternoon Mr. S. W. Scliell and Mr. E. J. Wiidby. North Carolin ians w'll graduate as M. D.'s. from the -Baltimore University School of Medicine. Jiu"inl Biltot, tesSiryiug Ih-!'oih tin French Court of Cassation, said that Drcyf us' brothers told G-. neral Sandhorr they were willing to give their whole 'ortunCN to discover the real culprit. The King of Siam has ordered that all persons coming into his presence must wear socks. Since the King has ;lw'ied America's store clothes and plug hat he ignorvs association with our .'!il.-s C:ngressnian. The epidemic of disastrous coiiflugra-tii-i in -Ww York, (and they are not confined to the slums) Is alarming. Wreaking vengeance in such n manner s simply horrifying, and a summary - stop put to it. The President has received two hand some Sevres vases a present from the lar President Kaure, of France, to commemorate the opening of the new Fran o American cable. Down in Georgia the negro secret so cieties are discussing the advisability of joining the dvonocratic party, with a view to prevent beiu disfranchised. In other worlds they will make the democratic party a side degree. The flagship Lillle of the Eastern Car olina flying Squadron has Deweylzed three illegal oyster dredgers. This is but the beginning of the Lillie's crew repaid arrest work the will get in upon all insurgent unlawful oyster kidnapping. When a dog barks at night in Japan the owner is arrested and sentenced to work tor a year for the neighbors whose slumbers may have been disturbed There are localities la Raleigh where suoh a law would be welcomed. Philadelphia is alarmed at the number of cases of typhoid fever. Fifty-six ne cases being reported for twenty-four hours, and five deaths reported. The Record says: "There is no argument for pure water so eloquent or so urgent as tliis day by day report from the Health Office. The typhoid casualties in Philadelphia ore more numerous and more fatal than are the casualtits in the ' army at the front in Luaon." Recent revelations before the Beef In quiry County, says the Philadelphia Record, render it highly advisable to re view the Eagan Court-martial proceed ings. This man has been practically futrlougbed with tfuM pay for the bahnce of his term of service. His name is car ried on the Army Register as the chief of the Commietrary Department, yet the disclosures of the past few days before the Military Court have beta such as to preclude tlie possibility of any rational assumption of guiltlessness on his part. He knew all the tricks and myriad ras calities of the beef contractors, includ ing the "pretense; of experiment" with "embalmed" beef. General Miles was right, as subsequent events have abun dantly demonstrated. What Is the Ad ministration going to do with Ean, who "dishonored hist uniform in feeding soldiers with poisonous beef 7" It is authoritatively stated tiiat Vice President Hobart will consent to ran again and that the republican ticket) for 1000 wilt be McKinley and flobart. TUE biSX PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS. and Fever it a bottle of Grave's Taste less Chill Tonic . The formula ji pUtuly printed on each bottle, showing that k is simply Iron and Quinine ta taste less form.1 Imitators do not idvertlss their formula because If they did they knew that you would be afraid to take their medicine, , Be sure tbea. yon get Urovt's aa the formula show what yon are taking. NO CURB NO PAY. Pries 60 cents. - -- , Admiral Dewey, sayi tt bJivsd in the South he would be a Democrat bmt (t diuereirtU:'VemMrt:.. liters to bs auv. thft)t i JteotthKCAh la to.M ms, -WTO0BC parry, ne says ns it m saitor d a sailer has no-politic: The ad Mnistratioa la bis party, and RepuoU 6hn or Democrat it makes no difference. "Two Heads Are "Better Than One." One, however, is the por tion allotted to the avenge mortal. If this one aches and will not work properly, it is worse than none. When thb condition is present, the stomach is blamed, the kid neys come in for censure and the liver is sure not to es cape. As a fact, the blood is solely responsible for the condition of these organs. Let your one head dwell on this fact, because it is the leading point in lift and health. The natural blood purifier and tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has been "tried" and never "found wanting." It never disappoints. Scrofulous Humor-" I was in tewibin condition from the Itching and burning ol scrofulous humor. Grew worse under treatment of several doctors. Took Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills. These cured me thoroughly." J. J. Lirlb, Fulton, N. Y. pimples - " I have never been well and strong until letely. Hood's Sarsaparilla re stored my strength and caused the disap pearance of annoying plmplea on my fore head. It Is a great medicine." Amrmi Usssebli, 1240 Atlantic St., St, Paul, Minn. AH Con- " Bad no appetite or strength, could not sleep or get rested, was conv pletely run down. Two bottles Hood's 8ar saparllla cured tbe tired feeling and I do my own work." Mas. A.DicK.Millville.N.J. Erysipelas - " A scrofulous condition ot my blood caused ms to suffer from ery sipelas for 15 years. Physicians did not even help, but Hood's Sarsaparilla per manently cured this disease." A. E. Smith, 308 Court Ave., Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Vigor-" As a regulator, purifier, and In vlgorator Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at tbe head. It takes away that ' brown taste 'and gives youthful vigor." J. D. Oatks, 820 State Street, Chicago, 111. Tired Feeling -"My appetite was capricious, my liver disordered and I was tired. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieved It all. It cured a friend of mine of female weak ness." Mbs.Jsssib A. Msabvs, Clayton, Del. I Hood't Fills mn IItct lilt, th. non-lrrmtlnrtDd It only cmthtrtl; to uk with Hooc'i HnpMlll. Big Bargains Can always bo found at the New Storj 1 f tbe LYON RACKET IN illifijff Dres Gi jds, NOTIONS, SHOES AND SL1 PPER9 ryook around and mil prices and then come to the LYON RACKET and buy your goods where you will always And bargains. Brushes. We have a good Selection o( Brushes of all kinds that you will probably teed, including Hair, Tooth, Nail- Scrub, Bath Face,Sboe, etc. Come and examine our Stock and you will not buy elsewhere. Henry T. disks, PRESCRIPTIONTIRU'G&IST. Roseb, Carnations and othe choice Cut Flowers. Floraf Designs tastefully arrang ed at Short Noticr. V ftuns. Terns sad all other dseerativ plants, for houss suitor. For arms socntsi rardsnlng at lowsst- fiaur. AJ kinds of bedding plsats: Rosea, Osr I ma, HeJIotrops, CoImV .to. Ckryu themums In tb best Istsst Tart. tit -Vless for . th rarnd. ... Tommtt plants one. transplsntml lit best sort Cabbags, Pepper and Pot-aTOwm.JJt ptenta. Celery at proper sesstn: 4. mail ordsrs promptly attended te . H. Steinetv Florist, ' Halelghj N. C Bell Tbone 113. lUatmiUa Roses eddw o 0 7Z .Cm si a a o To cu LU E ra a- CO o. C. M HAWKINS 6c CO., Raleigh, N, C. Patent Shoe- GIVEN Can ilutie.your it'vu :nso. loot at your own ense, voi ient invention enables one to do this without inconvenience. No extra cost at-' ! ached, these p. re 25c or given with' each $3 00 purchase at S. C. POOL'S, Shoe Store. IA.B.C. I ALFORD.BYNUM &. CHRISTOPHERS ; BOOK and JOB PRINTERS. Our work Is as rood at can bo ' rdone In tbe city. P. ices as reason-, (able a can be obtained for the class of work. Wh.nyou want souiethlnir alee and new in design try ua. GOOD STOCK I : GOOD MA TERIAL! GOOD WORK! t4Vs 6EADOAR1J AIR L.INBL TO ALL, POLNTS. North, South and Southwest Schedule in Effect December llthi 189& SOUTHBOUND. No. 401 No. 4L Lv lUleigh ... 114am . IMpm Ar So. Pines 4.23am 6.68pm Ax Hamlet.. 6.u7aai (.tSpcn Ar Wltaaing.n, 8. A. L.H0Spm . Ar Monroe, S.A.I. 6.43am .13m Ar Charl. 8.A.L. 7.60am 10JSps' Ar Chester, S.A.L lOtem 10.6Vi Ar Greenwood, ..... 10.36e.mi .. L07m Ar Athens) .. LUptn 143am Ar AUantsv 160pm Uotua Ar RALEIGH.. .. llsm lMpm N OftTHBOUN D. .. No. 401 ' No. U. Lv RoJeJgh.. 10am. . 'lLUaoi Ar Henderson iztom 1160pm Ar Portsmouth... .. 7.Z6m (.topm Ar lUchmondA-CIi Itiitn 7.13pm Ar Wahiiigion,PPJt Uipm. lLWpm Ar New York IWp o S-tJam Ar RAIiEIGH 110am 'lLlSam Dalb; : 7'- ': - . ' - No. 408 and 402. "Tk- AtlaoU -Special," BoUd Vestibuled Train .of Puli man Bleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlaata, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmoath and Chester, 8. Cv . Nob. 41 and 8S. "The & A. I Ex press," Solid Train. Coaches and Pull man Sleepers between Portsmouth sod Atlanta. Company- Bleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. - Both trains made Immediate connec tion at Atlanta tor Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Naahrilie, Mem phis, Macon and Florida. . . - For tickets, sleepers, etc, apply to agevts, ss - .-v .. H. & XJUBO, a T. and P.. A, ' BaJetgm. H. C B. St' JOHN, Vice-President and Gen- - era! -Manager. - ' -' , .- ' - . H. W. a O LOVER. Traffic Manager. V. EL McBEBv General Bupt ; L. & ALLEN.' Gen; Pass's. Ageat Oeseral ones, PsrtsnMta, ya. attp.V. ( NOTICE OF ADMlNISTBATtOX ' ': - Harlng qualified as a3mIntrator d. b. a. c U a, of the estat of Jons Manoel, deceased, late of Wake County-, N. this' Is to aotify all petsonstairrag alaims- against said estate td; jf X2W MS to par of Usir rscorery. and all jrsona: Indebted to said estttl pleas mak hnmedlat paymeat to TH aooersigasd.; AdanalttriifM Msreb 97. JM. " Notice, Is terebi W JffUejdad-p- aae, lor ihwi w .vuiim-ai wi-w, Uflcat N0.JW5? Jtor xmoJU shatt of th capital -sjovk; sf ttfltaWjh and, AuV nsM Air ' Un;-fiailroad , Company arandjsg tq tht earn of L B. Bay wood knd old' by the trader-igBed -a Mirdi jswi t x-'Oriy.' v - . , :r ' - JULIA tt HAYWOOD,' v , -, ,Exeetrtrlx 0 B. a. Haywo6v,,. J, - V'f. fi',-'" DeaeV o , v u v j a a Id H u PS c- 2 'Sc' 'A o (J c 5 - a, E 3 O 2! Ji AWAY Shoes on your own Tliis nice iittle con T B. WOMACK R H. HA. YES Womack & -Hayes. ATT0JR N R YS- AT- L A W Gkkeral Pbacticb Room 5, pullen bcildino. RALEIGH, N. ,C. Southern Railway . THE STAND ART HAIL WAi' Ot THE SOUTH rut Direct Line to All Point. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RICO. a . . i - - dtrielly. FIRST-CLASS Equipmcut o ail Through and Local Trains; Pullmn Palace Bleeping Cars on all Nisk I 'I'fls: 7ast and Safe Schedules. ' vaveTbjr the Southern and yo. .e assured a Safe, Coinfortohl. ojx JUdcaitious journey. . I: rPLY. TO TICKET AGENTS FOR tlM TABLhS, JUTK8 AND OKHRAl INKO MATIO.f, OR ADDRESS ' R. L. VEHN0N, THAD. C. STUROI: - T. P. A C T. A Charlottje, ii. C. Raleigh, f L No'trou t to answer questions. sank 8. Oannok, . JM. CtlLf, . M V: P. & Gen.Man. " ' ;Traf. X t - W A. Inkr, G PA. ft A8TNOT')N U ; GALLON j. l. opinu & col CUT FLOWERS. - Roses and tarnations a spcolaky. Cut flowers of All kinds in season. Boqucts air' floral Designs arranged; to -best style on short notice, " , .. ....... , V r.,;- PALMSFERNS XND'OTHER-POT " PLANTS FOR HOUSE a KD .WIS- ' h Clirysanthemhmt and Roeet In best .f ldinitrijes, together with all klndi tkini of spring and summer bedding plants and bulbs. Shade trees tod ever greens in great Tarlety.. - ;. ' Vegetable plunta, Tomatoe,-Egg And Pepper twice transplanted, -Osbbage -Beets, Lettuce and Cellery lh' te ason. . BeecWiEew-wfadow at . I. John I ton's Drag ,Hore, leave orders there ot van raonos. . . .-.--. S I Bell, 140-9. Interstate, 149 . "" ' . FLORtUTS, - ' Corner Po k.and Bwala 8tt. J- RALEian,ttC. c5 U 4) U c BAIiBOs LAND. Uj authorltj of a judgment ot ti Superior court mads ta special proceed ings, entitled S. J. McGeiiee, executor, rs. 8. J. alcUehee and otfiers, bsiog a special proceeding to make real estate assets. 1 will on Monday, May " 8tb, 1899. at 12 o'clock, m., on the premise of the. late .Henry McGebee, near Moj -risrille, N. C, sell to tbe highest bidder it public auction tbe following" described land In White Oak township', W-ake coun ty, to-wit.: ' VlllUT TRACT. lii'glni at the branch, thence N. U3 2-6 poles to a stake, corner of dower, flience B. 182 pules t a stake in B. Carpenter's Use, thence S. 40S-5 poles to a stake, thence 8. 45 degrees, W. 80 poles to tbe branch, thence down said branch to the begin ning containing 70 acres.. V . KCOND TRACT. Begins at a stake in F. B. . fiarliee's corner, thence W. 1U2 pnles to stake, thence S. lUS-i poles to a stake, corner of the dower, thence W. 1U0 8-5 poles to a stake, thence N. 15 S-S poles to a stake, thence V. its poles to a stake, thence N. 67 poles to a branch at old road, thence with old road to the beginning, contain ing 164 acres. THlfiD T HA OT. Begins at a hicko ry, B. Carpenter's, corner, thence S. U7 2-6 poles to a stake, then W. 182 poles to a auke in U. Ystes' line, Cscnce N. 100 poles , to a. stake, thence W. IDO8-0 poles to stake, thence & 83 poles to a stake, thence W. 16M notes to. the beginning,, containing 120 seres. This last tract: of .land, will be sold subject to th dower interest oXXemarUo McGehee, widow of. tleary. JicQehee. deceased. Terms of sale, oat half cash, balance in six months frdm..isaje day. Title reserred until purchis money I paid. W. N. J0XBS. ' OetnmlralnBer . SALE Oi)' LAND.- liy virtue ot aothority. girea io a mortgage from VV. U. Pace and wire to tbe untie reigned recorded In . tbe- Regis ter's office of Wake county in book 111. at page 281, we will sell -oa Monday, tbe 1st day ot May, 18W, at ne hour of 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, the land conreyed In said mortgage, situate in Wait cuunry, in SU Mttlthewa' township, Adjoining the lands of J. A. Temple, A. M. tool and others and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake in J. A. Temple's Uue, ruuif thence west 17U poles to Meuse river; tnence ot said river to a pine; iheuce east 104 poles 10 a itake on Willis' branch; thuu up said branch to s&iu leuipie a line; ineuce north 18 de grees; West 44 poles to a stake, said Aeuiple's corner; tlieuce etoulh 1 degree, tv ml 18 pules 10 the begiuuuig, cuutain-" tug tS8 acres mure or letw, and briug lot uuuiber uf Ue lauds ot the-late Kear uey LuichurcO. . Xvruis ot sale cash. UttOWOttlt & BAND, Murigagees. C1TX LOT. h'OB SALE. On Thursday, AprU 27th, 1S80, at the court hutue uour tn ttaletgn, N. C, S. V. Aiuruevw, trusiett under a deed 0! trust tu VV . V, VVUiutms st sL reguHvrsd in Uuok No. "12, at page luO,- ot ihr Kes uier ot lieeo o;uce of Wake cuuniy, awl W. N. Junes, trustee lUiOej' a deed ut trust from said W. 11. VVsUams, reg uxered in ttuu Nu, 14U, at page ?70 of said winue, will sell at public outcry, to the higiiest bidder, the totlotwiug de scribeU real estate: .A house- and lot on Blount street, in the city of Ksietgh, said- lot begins at a point on' the-west hue ot Blount street, XUtf feet south of the south lute of Morgan' street; run thence about 63 fet and fotv. inches buuUt to tte-Une-of the late 1). 8. Harp; thence westward 140 feet; thence oorth ward about 69 feet and 4 Jacttrs; thence eastward.140 feet to the Pesumng. . SaIs made under powers vuaterred upon, said Moriiecai, trustee'aad said J outs, trustee, by the ,drds of trust a'bure menuyned. , Terms, cash,. Moor of sale, Yi m. " ' , ' B. F. MOBDECAL trnttee. W. N. JONias, Trustee. March M, law. 11 ir . SALE OK FINE PIANO. Under and by Tirtue of a decre sign ed by his Honor, O. U. Brown, Jr., ot, the 7th day of Msrch, 18M,.u m wait la Wake Superior Court, entitled TLUdden and Bates Southern .Music Mow A cor poration, reruns V lMxli.H. I will, oa Saturday, jne Zind day of Anril. JSUO, in trout of th Pnllea Building in the city ot Kalelgh, N.jUat 12 o'clock mM tell 'to the highest bidder; for cash the following personal property, to ,w4tt A certain "Mathuskeh" piano, - style T." mahogany, number ;W16ui, the same being n as good condition as Tbew, and on of the best pianos of the best brand lo th world .' Place of ssle In front of PtOIed "Build ing. Tim of sle-12 o'dotk; M April U, 180W. Terms f saie-CABH R. N. 8linlS. A UMINISTUATOU'S NOTICE. aaviflg aoaUfled aa admtnJstntria 'ot the etute of Xhomaa E. Jones, deceased, this is to notify all v persons sTing claftnt against sai estat.to present the tame1 to me or to my attoreyi,,itn or be. fort the oHltn day;of tearch; WOt ot this notice wUi W pleaded in bar of ttcorary. Air persons; indebted to 'said estate will make immediste payment to me. ' ; , LUNOUA JONES, Adrntaflstratrfx. of TtlOS B. JOES; Deceased. Argo snoiri Attofrfeyt;' March UOthv 1899.' -K -f '' ' '" s" PA)T C2 3 Call W pT 6 o fDrlMIITPOIUeltlttuMUMa WtvMi 141 snd itid. .Loo Bp tost old )riun ufOm or f our Dcuibertt to. omv ftnn lurniM worth tF, . ft Cbmu, ftnd.Trndft-Mmrki obuW tad ii XSS" I -fMiilDmcoadiicMfarM6etMTcT(..Jf ou.oFet is seeostTt v.s- pti wt prno IrMMM from WMjiinrtat... j v p,. Sdwrg.. ursi.nolSiHtiiipMnHHCw' I. k.aur,. HtAtoCl.lio PHrj." ' f COM ot hum Inon-U.8. Sod tarw. exwiM. o.A.cnoncco. tttt4layvV'-'f; er MM jpllitlBi