Makes the food more nom moNil REctrMluN. The Joint eomntittee of aldermen anil dtlten to arrange to welcome Company K, -the old Governor's Guard, on thair return home, held their first meeting last night and appointed the various sub committees to make the necessary ar rangements. : The following- weta present at the meeting last night: Alderman W. W. Parish and Joseph. OorreU and Messrs. Edgar Leach, - R. . Jones, N. B. .Broughton,. Grah'rm Haywood, Wtn. M. . Russ, Charles F. Lumsden, Samuel Hun ter, David Levine, W. A. Liaenao, W. S - Primrose, Ed. fl. Lee and Edgar A. .Wonrble. . Mr-. Edgar Leach was elect - w4 ehairiitau and Mr: Walter L. Watson, -secretary. ' :l .,. jMr W. .Primrose moved to invite i theTaayor; city officials and the white ' members of the 'board of aldermen to 'join the committee fan the reception. The i motion was adopted. Mr. & It. Jones moved that a coan "' "mittee otf three i appodnted to arrange for the" reception at the detftot Carried. 'Alderman GorreH moved that a com 4ittee ol five bs appointed to solicit sirb criptlons for the entertainment. It was iaovod and adopted that the entertain-.- ment to be given wouJd foe a barbecue ' and brunswick stew. Mr. N. B. Broughton moved that a committee of three be appointed on inu xlc and transportation, also that all the white private and public schools be re quested to give holiday on the days the boys arrivo and to participate in the re 4Hption. " On motion of Mr. W. M. Russ, the reception committee were directed to in ' vite L. O'B. Branch camp Confederate veterans and Meade Tost, G. A. R., to Join in the reception. The reception commit toe will arrange the details of the welcome, and appoint . the speakers for the occasion. It will be ' their purpose to make the welcome a rousing one, in which the citizens gen- eirally are requested to participate and ' the students of the colleges and the chil . dren - of- the white puMic and private - schools. The mayor, city officials, Ward j of aidehmen and the committee will be Uierc to give them a formal as well as a hearty and sincere welcome. The meeting adjourned to meet next ' (Monday night at 8 o'clock when a chief ..- marshal will be appointed and other - matters decided on. O After the adjournment. Chairman .';- iLeach appointed the committee as fol lows:. . i V On Reception W. S. Primrose, chair man: Alt. A. Thompson and N. B. Broughton. On Entertainment "K. H. Jones, ehair man; Wtri. M.'Russ "and Ed H. Lee. On Subscription Joseph Correll, chair- man; W. W; Parish, David Levine, Dr. ... J. M. Ayer end Edgar A. Womble. On Tranaportation and Music Charles -y. Lnmsdcn, ihairman; Graham Hay " "wood and W. A. -Linehan. A GOOD THING WELL DONE. : iKew und pleasing ideas in advertising always interest. Nothing has appeared for years which is so attractive as the -Hood's Sarsaparilla advertisements, - utairfng proTerbs and wise sayings as headings, each followed by a little homi ly cleverly connecting the proverb with tie 'subject.' Besides t!his, the' quaint Jensen italic type for the preliminary ttesces, finishing with a script slo gan, "Hood's Sarsaparilla Never Disap points," adds to the effectiveness. All ,..tfc& work running in over 7,000 pa pers. BIGHT OF APPEAL UPHELD. The power of municipal corporations to modify the State statutes has been -.'iaMea$'?Bdg- T. W. Harrison, of Luray, Va. against such exercise of charter privileges. The mayor of Luray refused an appeal to our county court vin a -case -of-fine for assault imposed by (him for f 2.50 because tbe by-laws of . Luray deny an appeal in such cases when " tt) fine imposed is less than (10. Judge Harrison ordered a mandamus to be is- ,! - sued directing the mayor to certify tlhe ! ' appeal because charter rights canbot override nor annul State laws, as well upon the ground that the rights to ap- ' peal and trial by Jury cannot be denied or infringed upon. EQUAL TO EVERY EMEUGENOY. The Ellun correspondent of the Oh--lotte (N. C.) Observer writes: "Rev, W.' R;Bdshaw;tne tiltd young pastor of 5 th BaWiat'charch here perhaps did" the hardest day'swork in JbSsi life on Sun 'day.: H married two couptes tn ttio morning. , rode ten miles and preached ' as) Easter sermon, went three miles far tier and married another couple, and then preached another, sermon Sunday (right. But he is equal to every emer- IP WE DIDiNT. Spine sage persons bas discovered And has told hi verses neat. What a lot ot cash 'twould aave n . It we" didn't, have to eat., , , , Xet m?4A wisdom, 'JWThbaVrte-thmght' ma make you We couldn't hoard np jjoM in bedclothes If w didn't have to leP ' Tnrthermore, tJ born Upon me, (With a force I cannot balk, That werf save a lot on leather r didn't TiT ttt tlk. fin M -Hi hlUfha ve BK. Just thXlgget one. t gaem, Wonjd p tparsil.'for safe ia vestment ,K we'-dldat iav fcdresa, -Oom -to think 'Sjsr-wtola thing over, , (Free eoncurmjce 700 wiU give Thst vast wealth would traa our nockete - If -wa dHnt ar ve- ,..'. 'v-CWoifo Reeordr ( -'-'.y' it' ; ':'-'!'''"' ' TO 1 0BB i tjOLDtH 'ONB PIT." I Ttkt Lefaovi Broma Qulnrat Tab , teU. AH dluggitta refund th money It It UiH4iara. Me. Tte.fenvlBt hu U B. Q. m ccb Ublet delirious and wholesome p&totw epy, mw towic . LOVE AND WAB. Messrs. Editors: Sin has been committed by the human race Since Adam ate the apple and hid his simful face. i Of all the crimes that e'er were done in any age or nation, None could compare anywhere with benevolent assimilation. They speak of love tor heathens with 'Unabated breath. But iove by war defined i assimilated death. . Hypocrites nave lived and died sine Me to tarn .was given. Yet the greatest of them all with us today ore living. The white man's burden of today is the lie he has to swallow, The (taxes that he has to pay. the wrong he has to follow , X. PHOEBE. Ere pules in heaven the tnoruhig star, A bird, the loneliest of its kind. Hears Dawn's faint footfall from afar. . While all it mates are dumb and hllnd It is a wee, sad-colored thing. As shy and sncret as a maid. That, ere in cfcoir the robbins ring. Pipes its own name like one afraM. It seems para-prompted to repeal The story of some ancient ill; But Phtoebe! Poebe! sadly swee'. Is all it says, and then is still. It calls and listens. Earth and sky. Hushed by the pathos of its fat-, Listen; no whisper of reply Comes from, its doom-discevered mate. Jmase Bussel LowWI. Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has No Equal as An infant food. "INFANT HEALTH"Sent FREE on Application. NCW YORK COHKNStO HllK CO.fl. Thursday, An Interesting Special Sale. We always make good offerings, but this Thursday's offerings of high Class goods will be one of the best we have made. Firtt, we offer 100 Countorpanes (White) that you will re:ogniz as a tl-M grade for 890 each. Second, 23 pieces Fancy Norwood Twills, suitable for Men's Shirts or Boys' Waists, and also for Ladies' 8kirts. This lot to bo sold for 8c. a yard. : Third, SO pieces best grade Dress Duck, all colors, at the very low price of 8 3 4c a yard Fourth, 0,000 yards 86 inch Sea Island Unbleached Domestic, ' ralne 8c per yard, 3 3-4c Fifth, One case M inch Bleaching, to make it go at 4 l-2c yard. Specials in Millinery Department. ' Sixth, 500 Infants Lace Caps, three Special Items-aOc 23a: 80c can for 44o: $t 00 can for 89c Seven fa, Two Items of Rlbboa one at4o a yard and the other " at 7c a yard. . . .' . . . Elghih, 78 Misses 50c Sailors, just received, to be put in this day at 33c esch. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Best Patent Flour, per" barrbl.;...... $4.60 Best Patent 'Flour, half barrel t 2.30 Best" Patent Flour, quarter barrel... . 1.15 Picnic H; ms, Just received. . .?.:.......-..... 6 1-2 V lh Coaie early add get th pick. . .,.,! UOOLtCOTT Ci GOfJ, OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES. "Papa," asked a 4-year-old young ster, "are all Utile boys made of dust?" "Yes, my sou," was tih- reply. "Well, then," continued the little fellow. "I wish you would make nurs stop us.:iik the Tvhusk-ibrooin on me. I 'in afrnitl she'll brush me all away." "Why, Willie," said'.,his -mother one day when they were out walking, "what do you mean by offering a penny to that mule?" "Because," rvplied the youus investigator, "I. heard papa say 4hat money makes the mare go, and I want to see if it has the same effect on a mule." Teacher "You should 13 very careful wttiat you say, Johnny. Do you know wihat will become of you if you keep on telling stories?" Johnny (who reuds the papers) "Yes'm; I'll get invitations to all the 'big dinners when I grow up and become a Untold States Senator from New York." THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is' envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. AU such should know that Dr. King s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appe tite, sound digestion and' a regular bod ily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at any druf tore. ( . R CUBAN PATRIOTS. Times of Cuba: A unique, specimen hois ibeen found among the patriots ot the grand host of "Cubans . in arms" in the person of Manuel Laso, who has com mand of a force number unknown at far-away Cape Antonio, Lazo, wliile call ing on General Gomez, said that the object for whddh Me and bis men took up arms having been attained, they re nounced whatever sum of money that might to considered due them, and only asked to bo allowed to return to their abandoned when the war began. r.TORIOUS NTttVS. Cornea from Ir. D. B. Cargilc, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters Iras cured" Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Tterrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the beet doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what tbousand Ihaxe proved that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tet ter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidney and bowels, cupels poisons, helps diges tion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by all druggist. Guaran teed. (Bishop Warren Candler, of the Metho dist Episcopal church South, bas pur chased a residence in Atlanta , Ga., and will move in his new home within two or three months. He now resides nt Oxford, On. FOR OVER FIFTY TB7AR8. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup kaa bean usad tor over fifty year by mil lions of mothers for their children white teething, wtthp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lay all pain, cures wind oollo, and la the besat remedy tot Diarrhoea. It will relleva the noor little suffer Immediate ly. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow s Soothing Syrup," and take no other Ind. April 13th. 0 pjfor that must not be missed. Call Floor. George Washington's Simple Breakfast was often a dish of hasty pudding. The -Father of his country" never had the pleasure of eating such delicious foods and relishes as our more mo ern "George," namely: George A. Baylo of St. Louis, has, since Washington's time, made and placed before our people We have taken the agency for Raleigh for all of Bayle's Higu-grade fosd products and we invite your attention to a few of the same enumerated below: Bayle's Salted Peanuts, 1-2 lb pkg. for 10 ots. Bayle's Champagne Puffs and Bis cuits 20 cts. a pkg. Bayle's Handmade Pretzels, lib, pkg. for 15 cts. Bayle's Devilled Cheese Served in Sandwich or Welch Rarebit 25 cts a jar. Bayle's Anchovy Cheee, Served In Sandwich or Welch Rarebit, 25 cts a Jar. Bayle's Tarragon Vinegar Unexcelled for Salads 15 cts. a bottle. Bayle's Celery Catsup, a delicious con diment, 15 cts. a bottle. Bayle's Clam Broth Has no equal, 20 cts. a can, etc, etc Manufacturers prices given to dealers by the case. V7.G. Upchurch & Co., Leading Fancy Grocers, 124 Fayetteville Street. ThonelG9 8 Inter-State 'Phone 290. SALE OS LAND. lif authority of a Judgment of the Superior court rendered in special pro ceedings, entitled Wesley W hi taker vs. Mary A. Lawrence, being a proceeding to sell the land hereinafter described for division. We will on Monday, April 24th, 1800, 12 o'clock at the court hoose door of Wake county, Bat ehjh, N. On seU at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the lot on East Hargett street, where the said Wesley Whitaker now resides which is bounded on the north by Hargett street, on the east by lot ot A. Creech, on the soutn by the lot of Belvin, on the west by lots of T. D. Sledge and Wesley Boone. W. N. JONES, M. A. BLEDSOE, Commissioners. Michigan Irish Potatoes Are large srootha and splendid. Going rapidly at $1.60 for a 3 buc hag, or Wo for one bushel. Thacker Splint Coal. 8eTeral cars in and more coming tff.95 per ton. Pocahontas Lump Goal, Now expected, next week. All wac'f log Pocahontas should file orders ft.', delivery on arrival. $5.23 per ton. Anthracite, Egg, Mi 'id StOVK COAL; -wklca lias ecn dc Tared: Tor Trant of teswlls the road. 800 cns of It, 7.78 and 8.00 . aa Tailor-Made SUITS READY TO WEAR. We have some special values to offer our patrons in Heady to Wear-Tailor-Made Suits. Real Bargains at the Ready to Wear Suit Dobbin & At Spring A SEASON that housekeepers would dread were it not for the Balis faction, so dear to the woman's heart, of having the home neat and attrac tive. It in to these home-makers we want to say a word. YOU WILL FIND the need of some of our Furniture to replace the wear and tear since last Spring cleaning. A chair for this place, a pic ture in that room, a table for the hall, or perhaps you are going to re furnish a whole room, making it bright and airy for the coming summer. WHATEVER IT MAYBE, we have just what you want, and at prices that will suit you. WE BUY FOR THREE STORES, and give you the berelit of this ad -vantage. ALWAYS A COMPLETE STOCK, but this Spring an unusually large one, especially selected with a view to the housekeepers need at this par ticular season f f the year. CALL AND LOOK at all those ne' things before vou buy. jlhe Royall & Borden Furniture Co., Cor. Wilmington shape io toes, every length and width and every color and shade from black to lan arc in stock. We can mpply baby with its first little booties and grandpa with room, soft and comfortable shoef, Men's, Woman's ana Children's Shoes at prices which are not much above the cost of ihe leather, W; T. Hard i rigs' Popular Shoe Store" ONE OF THE MANY Testimonials as to the efficacy of SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT IN THE TREATMENT OK ' NASAL CATARRH. . El Dorado, N. C. June 1.18s. Ma.-Wm. SiyrwN, Dbah 81a: Tbu know I thought my wife Incurable. karU .-suflerodlong of Cataarh, roaring of the head, and bronchial trouble. I tried eer eral phyj jiajit with little ornolenefit, but since nilbg your (Catarrh Remedy the is almos . o -rely ,welL I can sWeljf say that it is tbtt best remedy or Caurrk tad other' f 'mM of tike nature known to me, and I wish erery -sufferer id avefe . u f lit alllnn . I ahtll second Ferralj, Tucker's Store Cleaning, and Ilargett Streets Raleigh, N. C. SHOE BUYERS who want cool Footwear should e.v amine our line of Shoes and Ox fords. The goods are extrt raely light in weight, stylish and hand seme in appearance, but wonder- fully stout and durable. Every not fall tn keen It In mt bonM. . Department- S9GC3C3U 1 mrm ttw TIP