THE TIUcS-VISITOR nALEIOH, N. a PUBLISHED BT TflH V1S1TOB-PUK8S COM PANT (INCORPORATED. OFFICE IN THE ACADEMY OF Mooia OBSCKn UM PRICKS. .) Tear ftae Six Months ILM i ms Month... M Xntered ma Becond-C.ass Mail Matter.) 1 LJEADHR IN THJB NHWB AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. INTERSTATE TKLKFHONH NO. I7s BELL TELEPHONE .... NO. 132 JWUaY, April SI, 18W .DEMOCRATIC MUNICIPAL TICKET. for .Mayor A. M. Powell, for City Clerk H. F. SuiiUi. Kor Tax Collector C. F. Lumsdeu. ALUEitMAMC TICKET: FlilST VVAKD. l'irjt District .1. S. Wynue and V. lv'. Jones. Second District liroviii regram and (,'. C. McDonald. SECOND WARD. First District W. W. Pariah aud I. yn Wilder. Second District J. C. Drewry an. U. W. Miller. TU1UD WARD. First District Samuel Bogasse ant II. a. Crocker. Second District Jos. S. Correll and J Sherwood Unchurch. FOUKTH WARD. First District D. S. Hamilton and R C. Bedford. Second District W. Dean Smith am. M. A. Bledso. Sr. EDITORIAL. .0 . . . CffibGAL. . . . Graham Coghlan, a son of the com mander of the cruiser Raleigh, is in the employ of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, cruising between San Francis co and Panama. The latest fad is vaccination teas. These entertainments are given to en courage vaccination among the younn people. No one is admitted who cannot show a recent vaccination. There is abundance of opportunity for careful observation of sanitary regula tions. It is expected the coming summer will be excessively hot flini dry and consequently very possibly sickly Let every one be careful about his own premises and keep w:i- .' of Ills i: i-h- bors. i .i State Senator Donnelly, of New York, informed the Assembly Committee on Gas, Electricity and Water Supply the other day that "Philadelphia, under mu nicipal ownership, gets gas at $1, with a profit to the city." If Senator Donnelly should come to Philadelphia lie would probably fall an easy victim to a bunco steerer. It is evident that lie doesn't read the papers. It is a mistake to suppose that Sher man has lost all his mentality and vital ity. He dislikes Alger for breaking up his delegation in 1888, when Sherman again essayed to the Presidency. Alger in the War Department seems to have been antagonized by Miles, as well as Sherman. A good many people think that Sherman was harshly treated, and 6rst deprived of his scat in the Senate and then of his Secretaryship. -lilt l.uoi PKESCR1PTION' FOB CHILLS. and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. The formula u plainly printed on each bottle, showing that in Is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less! form. Imitators do not advertise their formula because If they did they know that yon would be afraid to take tnWf medicine. Be sure then yon gei , Grove's as the formula shows what you are taking. NO CUBE NO PAY. Trice 80 cents. The bull would not fight, the female baseball girls could not play ball, the Raleigh people would not patronise the big -Mexican fake shop, and the band played to the empty seats. That's all. . HX FOOLED THE SURGEON'S. An!4MtmVtaM&nick Hamilton, of West . Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 .aaoAt&i from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly, operation was par forwd; bat hejredWmeelf with five boxes BocBeh's'lrnJoa Salve, the sorest PUeue on Bart and the best Salve ia tite WorM. 39 cent a boar - Soli by ' .all druggists. . .. The legislature of Pennsylvania will adjourn today and thus defeat the elec tion of Quay to the Senate. The break a few days ago seems to have strength ened the dealoek. The insurgents in the republican ranks seem as determin ed as those in the Philippines and noth ing would cause them to give any aid tu Quay's election. Now the public await thi' verdict of the jury in Philadelphia. Professor Parker said the other night in talking to the Church Club of Wor cestrr, Mass.. iibout the Episcopal by um:tl. "A fine oyster is pleasing to us and a damaged monkey displeasing; it makes no difference that the monkey is nearest to man and the oyster far re-Qiuvt-d. A hymn tune must be simple melody, harmony uud rbytum. Our col lection U inadequate and undignified; many of the tunes stand for sentimen tality and not for sentiment, and a price has been paid for popularity out of all proportion to the real value of the re sults attained." Don't fail to hear the Beautiful Crown Piano, furnished by Messrs. Darnell and i. nomas at the Arnold-Wells matinee tomorrow, as played by Mr. Nat. E. oolouions, of Savannah, Ua., the popu lar Southern pianist. Ine ladies and children will be delighted. ST. GUMiOKVS GUEST. One day before the mouk's door came A beggar stretching empty palms, Fainting and fast-sick, in the name Of the Most Holy asking alms. i And the monk answered: "All I have In this poor cell of mine I give, the silver cup my mother gave; In Christ's name take thou it, and live." Sears passed; and called at last to bear Pastoral crook and keys to Borne, i he puor monk, in Saint Peter's chair, Sat the crowned Lord ot Christendom. Prepare a feast," St. Gregory cried, "And let twelve beggars sit thereat." Che beggars came, and one beside; An unknown stranger with them sat. A grave, calm face the stranger raised, Like His who on Gennesaret trod, Or His on whom the Chaldeans gated, nose rorm waa as tse Bon of God. 'Know'st thou," he said, "thy gift of And in the hand he lifted up The Pontiff marveled to bebold Once more his mother's silver cup. "Thy prayers and alms have risen and bloom Sweetly among the flowers of heaven; I am the Wonderful through whom Whatever thou askest shall be given," John G. Whittler. A THOUSAND TONGUES Could not express the rapture of Min nie E. Springer, of 1126 Howard St, t'hlladelphia, Pa, when she found that lr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough thai for many years aad made life a burden. All other rem edies and doctors could give her no neip, oik .-hp says of this Royal 'Cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and 1 can now slsep soundly, something 1 can scarcely remember doing before. 1 .eel like sounding its praises thruugh jut the Universe." So will every one bo tries Dr. King's New Discovery for ny trouble of Wf Throat, Chest or oungs. Price 60c and 1.W. Trial bot iea ires at all drug stores; every kJtlle aUarantsM. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bronw Quinine Ten ets. All dduggists refund the money f it fails to cure. 2&c The genuine as L. B. Q to esob tablet. Don't fail to hear the Beautiful Crown Piano, furnished by Messrs. Darnell and Thomas at the Arnold-Wells matinee tomorrow, as played by Mr. Nat. E. Solomons, of Savannah, Ga., the popu lar Southern pianist. 1 he ladies and children will be delighted. SKA UUARD AIR LINK. TO ALL POINTS. North. South and Southwest, jchedule in Effect December 11th, 18S3. SOUTHBOUND. No. 401. No. 4L Lv Raleigh 1.14am l.Mpro &r So. Pine 4.23am i.Mpm r Hamlet 1.07am ,61pm Ax Wllrming.n, S. A. L-'lIOSpm Ar Monroe. 8.A.L. l.42ani I.ISdv At Chart. S.A.L. 7.S0nj no.tepv Ar Chester. 8.A.L .08aa lO.Mp. r Greenwood 10.26am1 LOTMn Ar Athena LlSpm Islan Air Atlanta .. S.S0pm s.tOani kr RALEIOH.. .. t.1aa a.Mpm NORTHBOUND. No 401 No. M. Lv Ratelcb lOtom ll.llam Ar Henderson 1.18ani lltOpm Kr Portsmouth 7.t6aa i.Wpm Ar Richmond A.C.L 8.46un 7.11pm Ar WafhliiKlon.PPR ll.ltpm U-lOptn Ar New Torx .Ho O Mum Ar RALEIGH .... 3.10am lLUam Dairy. No. 408 and 402. "The Atlsnts Spe cial." Solid Vectibnled Train of Poll oian Sleepers and Coeehoe between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsaoatk and Chester. 8. C. No. 41 and 8&-Tbe 8. A. ta. Ex press," Solid Train. Ooarbes and PnlV man Sleepers between Portsaaontb and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains made Immeaiate connec tion at Atlanta for Mootiromry. Mo bile. New Orleans. Texas. California. Mexico. Chattanooga. Nashville, Mess phis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc, ; apply to agents, or1 -- ' H. 8. LB&ED, a T. and P. A. ' ' ' - BaMa. N. O. B. et JOHN. Tlce-Presidest and Gea- ml Mansevr. ft w. R mV Trsrte Manaiet. - V. B. MeBKH. General Rapt L. . AIXBN. Gen. Psse'sL Areat : Qeral Ofleea, Parnmntfc, Ta. Not long ago a story was" widely cir culated in the West that "Farmer" i Daggett, the Wisconsin legislator who fathered the Anti-Tight-Lacin g bill, had been offered $5,000 for the i tse of bis name and picture as an advert!: tement of a certain make of corset. It now ap pears that the offer which. by the way, Daggett declined, demamllng $10, 000 was a hoax gotten up bj a num ber of Madison (Wis.) newspaiper men, and the Assemblyman . has threatened to make trouble for the jokers.' No Gripe When you take Hood's Piris. TJisbig,oliMaah looed, sugsr-eosted pills, vrUch tear you sO to pieces, are out ui u wiui i iuuu . cmsj to w S and easy to operate. Is true of Hood's nils,, which are up to date In every respect. Safe, certain ad sure. AU Pills :ri!Hgists. -Oct C. t. noodOo.. JxiwelL Mass. ie only I'iiy to tal;i ivl.n &iWti arsaparUla. Looking For Money. ? Yo i will lin.l plen'y of it in our PANTS - foi:- ULN, BOYS AND CHILDREN Our Spring ii"ck is n ;id The styles are attt active mid rlnct'vr. InlOOtdl Patent Shoe-Shiners GIVEN AWAY. Can shine your owq Shoes on your owe t'eet at your own ease. This nice little con venient invention ena')! s one to do this without inconvenience. No extra cost at tached, these ;;r 25c or given with each $3.00 purchase at S. C. POOL'S, Shoe Store. George Washington's; Simple Breakfast was often a dish of baety padding. 'The "Fatht-rof his country" n'ver had the M easure of eating snob delicious foods nnd relishes as our more mo era 'George " namely: George A. Bayle of 4t Fin i tlU InoA Wush nirtAn'. M. made and placed before our people Wa have taken the agency for Raleigh for til ot Bayle'sHlg -grade food pr dncts and we Invite your attention to a few of the same enomer ted below: Bayie'a Salted Peanuts, 1-2 lb pko. far lOctt. Bayie'a Ckanaagie Paffi aid Bit csl's 20 ota. a akg.- Bayie'a Haatfnade Pratzela, lib. akg. -arlScU. Bayie'a Oevllled Cheese-8ervd la Sassweft ar Weloh Rarebit 29 ota a Jsr. 8ayle't Aa.bew Ghee e, Served la Sandwich or Walob "areblt, 25 eta Jar. Bayl-'e Tarregee Vlaar Uaexoellsd far Salada 15 eta. a bettia. Bayie'a Calory Catss. a delicJeiiMU dlmeat, 15 eta. a bottle. . Sawla'a Clasi Krsth Mas mil il eta. acaa,eto.( ate. Hanntaetorera pricea given to dealert by the ease. ' V. G. Upchurch S Co., : Lead'nr Fancy Oronen, ' f W Fayettevine Btreet. Plionel89- -Inter-eutaThoneSM . E Uur delirery nagwns will take ice to all regular customers sfdh, morning and evening, who will supply themselves with tickets aad let as know, at least half a day in advance of tims wonted ao that namej and places may be given before wagons start out. Orders received af ter wagons leavt- factory- may be de layed until next trip. We cannot usually Okake prompt, spe cial delivery of suuall lot. But it may now be had at cellar under our otfflce, 107, Fayetteville. street. Tickets and ice are sold by drivers for cash at same dd low prices. From 00 cents per 100 Jcrwu. a 'Jones & Powell. Southern Railway. THK STAXDAHr KAIL WA V Of THK SOUTH Tfc Mrwi Unc to All Polnu TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strletly FIRiST-CLABS Equlpmt-i.1 ot il Through and Local Trains; Pnllmai Place Bleeping Cars on all Night I Wits "Taai and Safe Schedules. ' aval by the Southern end yet 1 assured a Safe, Comfortable od Expeditious Journey. . rFLY TO TICKET AOBXTS FOB TIM TABLM, JVTKS AKD KB.l, IJIfO ATtOR, OB AOOBBM ItL VKRaTOH, THAD.CSTUKOI T.P.A., C.T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, X t No trot : to answer qoettlont. ahk B. Gauwo. J. M. Cntr. 4 V.P. Gen.Mau. , Traf. Vi W A. Tdbk, O P A WABHOlOTOH-1 ' I i SALE OF LAND. By a nth. ity of a judgment of the Superier court made la ayeciai proceed ings, entitled S. J. McUehee, executor, rs. 8. J. UcUehee and outers, oeing s special proceeding to make real estate assets. 1 will on Monday, May Hih, lbW, at 12 o'clock, ui., on the preuiiae ot the late Henry AlcOehee, near .Mor risville, N. C., sell to the highest bidder at public auction the fnllowiug deacribed land in White Oak township, Wake couu ty. to-wit.: 1 Ktjtwsi' TKAOT. Befius at the branch, thence .. UH 2-5 voles to a suke. comer ol dowtr, thence U. 182 poles tw a stake In U. Carpenter's line, thence tJ. 4o-6 poles to a stake, thence S. 5 degrees, W. bO poles to the branch, thence down said branch to the begin ning containing 7U acres. titiOOMJ TKACT. Begins at a stake In 1. B. Barlee's corner, thence W. 1B2 ptkles to a suke, thence S. 141 2-5 poles to a stake, corner of the dower, tnence W. ltftiS-5 poles to a stake, thence N. 15 3-5 poles to a stake, thence W. 23 poles to a suke, thvace N". 67 poles to a branch at old road, thenoe with old road to the beginning, conuin ln 10M acres. TH1KO TKACT. Begins at a hicko ry, B Carpenter's corner, thence 8. C7 2-5 poles to a stake, then W. 182 poles to a suke In M. l ates' line, thence poles to a suke, thence W. 1W3-5 poles to a suke, thence 8. 83 poles to a suke, thence W. 102-5 poles M Je beginning, containing 120 acres. This last tract of land will be sold subject to the dower interest of Demarlso McOehee, widow of Henry McGehee, deceased. Terms of sale, one half cash, balance In sis months from sale day Title reserved until purchase money is paid. W. N. JONES. Csmmlssfaaet . SALK OF LAND. Uy virtue of authority given in a mortgage from W. O. 1-ace and wite to the uuuersigned recorded in the Regis ter's Ofhce of Wake county in book ill, at page 281, we will sell on Monday, the 1st day of May, 180U, at ne hour of 12 o'clock m., at the caurt house door of Hake county, the laud conveyed in said mortgage, situate in Wak county, in su AiatUiews' township, adjoiniug the lands ot J. A. lemuie. A. a. i'ooi and others and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake in J. A. Temole'. Uue, runs thence west 17U poles to .Neuse river; tnence of said river to a pine; thence east Itii poles to a itake on WtlUs' branch; then up said brauch to said iumpie s Uue; thence north 78 de grees; West 4ft poles to a suke. said temple's corner; tnence Syuuii 1 degree. West 18 poki to tbe begmuuig, coutaiu ug W acres more or lesa, auU oeiug lot number 4 of tbe lands ot the late Kear- ucjr upcniircn. Terms ot auie cash. CUOWDEK & HAND. Mortgagees, CUT LOT FOR BALE. On Thursday, April 27th, 1809, at the court house Uoor in itaieign, A. C 8, b Aioruecai, trustee, uuder a deed of trust to W. L). Williams rt ui, registered in -w o. a, at page ioti, ot tie ueg la tier Of iJeeria tn, ,t Ul.l,. . - and W. A. Jones, trustee uuoer a UeeO i irua iTom saiu W. D. VYillmiua, reg tstered in Book .o. 1411. r , SMrB 77ll i said otnte, will sell at public outcry, to -w ut-w oiaaer, tne following de- esute: a nuutw and lot ou Blount street, in the city of lUleigu, said lot begins at a point on the west line of Blount street, luu feet south ol che south line of Morgan s:ro.t; runs thence about 53 fet and four Inches South to the line of the late U. S. Harp; thence westward 140 iwr- rhun.. -..-.. ward about 63 feet and 4 inches; thence eastward ttu feet to the beginning sale matte undpr ntaurur-fli .nfaiuul apoo said Uordevai, trustee, and said Jones, trustee, hv tha iitAa . - ' - - VI uUSt above mentioned. Terms, ca9h. Hour of saie, iz ta. 8. F. MORDBCAI, Trustee. v. n. JU.MiS, Trustee. March 27, 181)9. SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PRICE. Law Books and Rtnndanl Triwvrlt. ere at a sachlfice. We buy, sell and ex- m -. w wwmv , vanviaiij second-hand, school and law books, old rnaniro all lr 1 n M a nf twu.lra ...,....(. 11 ana are dooss, magasinea, newspaper, ma us and articles as old uUmtM. uti- wa lu uuu price lor. . MrjAoial law hnnka fAV maa DaM.1 amendmenta to the Laws of North Car olina, 18418, ; prepaid Cor SI or amend menta to' all the lawa of North Carolina mun iKNji m ntra MitaKa .a. yera, magistrates or students, prepaid for SlUU. Acta of North CaroUna, tl.nn Mrh. Mtinrta K1 Itf) anil thm tMr Criminal Code and Digest of North Car olina, by Pemberton and - Jerome, pre- gmitt' ior bojdu, one eecona-nana CO.UU, TT I . . , I ! I ... . ew Bneyclopedla Briunlca, Chambers Standard and American and KuKll-h ivncyoopauia or law ror one-nnn their r value. : : . . . , ... . rBend ns a list of your anmlns hooka. .-.h ai.i, .. V. ' Plate Mtaiogue and aamplee sent with newas) sjtsas-Mmama, VVUT Hf- .vnisr sum sausiacuoB guarasMea : BOuTHjaiN BOOS EXCHANGE, M M: SMITH, Manager. , ' Balelgb, n. a The blrrest bast and ehaanaat hook honse in , the South. 3 Patronlae some eatarpriaea - when In feeed. (Please tnentisB paper.) NOTICE OF ELECTION. Under and by virtue of a resolution ot the Board of Aldermen of the city or Kaleigh passed April 7th, 18W, la pur suunce of the authority given in an aci of the General Assembly of North Caro lina of lHW, ratMed February 28t'h. 18V9, entitled: "An act to authorur? fhe city of KaMgh to issue bonds for public Improvements aad to levy k apecUi tax," notice is hereby given that a sptcnal election will be held at the various polling places hereinafter named 00 the 12th day of June, 18VU, fof tne purpose of obtaining the couseot of a majority of the qualified voters ef said city to She issuance of the bonda provid ed far in ectlan 1 and 5 of said Act, as follows: Section 1. That for the purpose of paving, macadamising and otherwise improving such ot the public streets of tte City of Uaieigh as the Board ol Aldermen of said city may determine tu improve, and for making such. other pub lie improvements as the said board or aldenntm may determine to make, the city of Kaleigh is hereby authorized tud empowered to issue Us bonds to an ariirMtfif nnt TPMiifir Ana Miaii. sand dollars, of euoh denominations and in suuh proportions as the Board of Aiueruieu may aeem aavutaibie, bearing imterest from the date thereof at a rate not exceeding five per centum per an num, with interest ooupooa attached, payable half yearly, at such times and at such place or places as may be down id advisable by said Board of Aldurmon: said bonds to be of such form and tftuor and transferable in euoh way, and Ihe nrincdoai fharmt nTahia ble at such time or times, not exceeding thirty-years from the date thereof, and at such place or places as the Board ot Aldermen may determine. iSection 5. That tor tho purpose o( providing for the payment of the inter est accruing on and Che principal at ma turity of the bonds issued under au thority of wis act one Hoard of Alder men of u d city shall annually, and at the time of levying otJher city taxes, levy and lay a particular tax on all persons and subjeota of taxation on which the said ikrd of Aldermen now are or may hereaiter be autbonxed ro lay aud levy taxes for any purpose what soever, mud particular ux to be not leas than six ur more than eight cents ou the one hundred dollar assesstd val uation on property, aud not less than eigliteen nor more than twenty-avc oeuu on eacb taxable poll. Tbe taxes provided tor in this section shall be col lided, and shail be accounted for aud kept separate from other city uxeu, and UMt be applied exclusively to the pur poses fur woiun they are collected. So much of saiu taxes as may be required to pay the iuttrest on the bonds usued by auLhonty ol Wis act, as u talis due, aud cannot be applied to We purciutso or dunvnarge of We bunas for wiuua said uxes are levied uud outlet-Led, stutll be invented so as to secure We payuittu at maturity of We umiciua 1 01 -a.ri bonus; and to uixare we due mvestmeut ut We amounts collected from year to year in excess ot Wat .raptured to pay me said interest We Board of Alder men snail cause We saiu excess to be turned over to be oommissiouer of We wiiuug tuud of We city of ttaioigh, nuooe uuti it aha! be. uuHm- an i erai ruies auu reuumLiuii. a. ....... ...... . ut Auiermeu siiiui uuu t,i,i ,., .,, scnoe, w maae luvusuiieuu 01 so much ot uie Uiea vuuecieu suu tuiud over to turn as atoieiutiu, tut auau ne applica ble as aioiesaui ui ui,, ... piuicipai 01 said bonus lasueu uuder wis act. tuuo to tin itr iii-T..i.. u.m , wa nui UUAVE1 services in coiuiecuoti wlw sad bouds as said Board of Aldermen may pre scribe, tuiu Miuh cvnuiusuouur snau gave bono auu receive aucn coupeuauou tor ms saiu services as said .tooaid ol Alder men luay ueteiumue." inoae uuaiiueu voters innnnrin, (,.. issue or we bonus aud We levy and ooi- .,., vl mi pBj-ucuaar taxes as above prowued tor slum ueuusit ai tn- OOX ballot. 1Vj lUlJlal un,.u I.. Q intues loug, ot wiute oook" paper, in weigmt uouuds to tiu r,, uevice, muumuon or wuauiienuuoii upon wiutit aluui be uriuii nu uiwe duwpprovimj we same snail wuiot waw tiiH nliH Hoiu "Oi&approveu." '1'bat S1UU HiHV-Ii.kti ottall U 1.1.1 w uuu UaUvl We pnovuuous ut an act of we said Ueueisi Aaaemiolv . ot Immu. iiaixan tith, etmtiui: -An a... ... provjie We. manner ot eiectaou aud We regulation ot we voters m oUes and towns, auu for elections upou iocai ques uoua in couuues and towuelups" in the tour wards ur voting pieciucts provided m said act authorix-uir Mil 111 OlM'tliUI ..I... issuance of bonds as atoresaid, to-wit.: IJiiet Ward or voting precinct: Bound ed Oil We aaiiith iiv t. - imvsMV oirvei, OU one fiut by iimuax sueet, and on Ue nurW and west by We city liuuu. Second Ward or voting precinct Bouduied on thu om,,h K v.....i. -"j 'vn uci u arc nue, on We west by Halifax street, ami onWe north and east by the city Third W( - - - ,vuug pracinci: Bounued on we north by Aewbern are nue. on We wmh h and on the south and east by the city Fourth Waal - u . Bouuded on We north ..u-i "treet, on the east by Fayettenlle street, and on the south and wr hr the cHy biuits. A new registration shall be had as re quired by said act authorising said elec tion and issuance of bonds and order! by said Board of Aldermen. The regis tration books will be open for registra tion Of Voters frnm . .. . umm w UUWL for ten days, Sundays excepted. begin. nine May Both and ..i.iin June Wn, at the following places (which are laso the pulling placesj by the fol " s ubumhi registrars: a., Vvard--coUtte Store, cornei Jfnfr"1? Jxmat "Weet; Alelrin An a?Mt' W aXU .tUI U NffnrA nma. Second Wauvl V TTnn.k r . all. . . . ma 4ww a more, corner Lana anH registrar. na"iin'!,l. Wr8j""1. w t-lSL:XMt H xro ward-Jones' Warehouse, ror- om w5lZ?S.- va Lot. eorner-Davic 5J?rfurr w Btrother, iraaaswrer..., f, -.r;, , ,: AM nnnrrfi t HAMF SMlTrTnty;'""' VEPAf$2C3

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