Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Qyfc tWfOrK WWW OP't ww fOWH . THE FARMERS BURDEN. A Parody. Take up the farmer's burden Send forth the plows and teams Jo, sow the grain in season, To be the next year's moan tio work in heavy harness, Your broken colts and wild Your new-found lusty hired-hand. Half animal, half child. Take up the farmer's burden - In patience to abide, The rain storms out of season. Or dryness far and wide; By plowing deep or shallow, An hundred times made plain. You seek your loss or profit, And reap your only grain. Take up the farmer's buraen With neighbors make your pence Dry up your petty quarrels, And bid the fighting cease; And when the goal Is nearest (The end by farmer's sought) Watch rust and heat and hailstorms Rrlng all ynur hope to naught. Take up the .farmer's burden No easy thing presume, Hut toil of slave and bondman, Each day you will resume. ..'he lanes ye cannot enter. The roads ye cannot tread, Jo fix them with wour scraper And work them till you're dead. take up the farmer's burden, And reap his old reward i he thanks of those ye shelter. The praise of those ye feed ihe cry of those ye humor (Ah gladdy!) morn and night: Whence came your loaded tables. Your fruits and cereals bright!" Take up the farmer's burden - Ye dare not stoop to less Xor talk too loud on Congrats To cloak your laziness. By all your toll and labor, By what ye plow and sow, Vour worth will e'er be measured No matter what you know. Take up the farmer's burden! Have done with slothful days The lightly poffered "living," The easy going ways; Come now and help your prairie And pasture land as well, To lavish forth their treasures In happiness you'll dwell. -Edgar I. Grinstead, In Prairie Farm er, THE RALEIGH HONORED. The presentation by the North Caro linians in New York of a silver cup to the cruiser Raleigh is a graceful re cognition of the good service of the ves sel named after the capital of the Old North State. The Raleigh had the hon jr of firing the first shot in the action in Manila bay last May, and by general ?oood service deserved all the attentions the New Yorkers have showered upon her. A North Carolina girl presided at ,ier launching at Norfolk on March 31, ic.y2, and the gallant Tar Heels resident .n New York have now very properly added their share to the honors she has received. A REFRESHING STYLE. Tie art of quotation requires delicacy in practice. An already famous firm has originated and developed Into very promising advertising a mass, of old, iuaint proverbs. We refer to Messrs. O. I. Hood & Co., of Sarsaparilla fame, wtiio are using not only our columns, but nhose of thousands of our contempora ries, in adapting wise says to their ser vice by clever and practical turns. .It is refreshing to see something new and bright in this line. Clean cut argument is better than big display type. FOR OVER FIFTY YETAitfl. jura, vv luaiuw ouuiuing ojrruy nmm oeen used for over fifty yean by mil- .(on of mothers for their children while teething, withp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind oolio, and la the beeat lemedy fot Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little suffer Immediate ly. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 4e sure and. ask for "Mrs. Windows toothing Syrup," and take no tnr tad. Men's , Warm Weather CHANGES OF UNDERWEAR. X Kiue Sanitary n atural Worsted shirts and Drawers the most pleasant of all summer under w ff i.o and $i 50 '' a garment. "Brown Balbriggan Combed Egyptian Cotton Shirts and Drawers 50 cts. a garment. White Lit'Ie add dia Gauze Shirts, long and short sleeves, 50 cts. Summer Merino Shirts, socts. Scriden's Patent Elastic Seam Pepperrell Jean Drawers, 75 cts. Pepperrell Jean, perfect fitting Drawers, 50 etc. krehiefs, Suspenders, &c, Dobbin & Ferrall, At Tucker's Store ,1 lp " ' MUM There are thousands of women in America who are only half alive. They merely drag' along month after month, no pleasure to themselves or anybody else. They have constant headache, backache, tired all the time, restless nights, everything a cause for tears, ex hausted feeling in the morning, weak limbs, aching all over, no appe tite, scant, irregular or too profuse menses. There is no more necessity for this condition to continue than for a nerson to iro hungry when wholesome food is offered. McElree's Wine of Cardui is sent to weak, delicate, tired women to give them health. It is a nerve tonic, and best of all, a regulator as well as a tonic for the delicate organs of menstru ation, which, when deranged, cause more sickness among women than all other dis eases combined. It can bo bought at any drug store and taken in the privacy of home. It has given health to thousands of suffering women and will do as much for you. Friar's Point, Miss., Oct. 17, JS98. Pleace allow im to say a few words in praise of your wonderful medicine. I have taken Wine of Cardui with much benefit to myself and have seen it do great things for others. There is a lady here who has been married eight y-urr, who had never had any children, and the doctors said never could have a child, but since taking Wine of Car dui a fine child has been born. By giving her Wine of Cardui I saved my sistir sbaby. The doctor was going to take from her in the spring, when I wrote to you to ask for advice. She now has a fine healthy girL LUCRETIA LUDEE. Trinchera, Col., Dec 15, 1898. I wrote you last summer and you ad vised me to take Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught I have taken three bottles of the Wine of Cardui and four packages of the Black-Draught, and I am glad to let you know that I am bet ter than I have been for four years. My menstruation has been regular ever since I took the first nine doses. When I first commenced taking your medi cine I was in bed and I tried several doctors and they didn't do me any good, and now I can do all my work ana not get tired. I think I have had all the troubles that could afflict a woman; my back hurt, as did my head and lefjs, and I had sick headache every time I ate anything. Now I can eat anything and not hurt me and don't get tired. I think this is the best medicine ever discovered. Mitf. CORA ROBINSON. Sumner, Nek, Dec 2, 1898. I have been taking Wine of Cardui and find it a great relief. I had pains in the back and lower part of the bow els and at monthly periods would have flooding spells. I have taken one bottle of the Wine and part of another and am very much better. I think Wine of Cardui will give relief to all afflicted women and I advise all who are trou bled with womb diseases to take it. MRS. JENNIE LINE. Elsberry, Mo. Jan. 11, 1899. Your agent was in to see us the other day and we purchased a bio; bill of Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught from him. These medicines are first class and we never hesitate to recom mend them. BLACKBURN & ELLIS, Druggists. Charleston, I1L, Dec 12, 1898. My wife is trying Wine of Cardui and it is helping her. DR. J. S. BRADBURY. Winchester, Term., Jan. 8, 1899. I have been using Wine of Cardui and it has done much good. I have been sick about four months with pain in the head and other trouble. I saw the Ladies' Birthday Almanac and thought I would try the Wine. Al most to my surprise it did great good from the start. I can recommend it to all friends as a good medicine. ELLA LIPSCOMB. Washington, D. C, Jan. 12, '99. A patient of mine has been using your Wine of Cardui and says it has done her good. S. W. SUM MY. M. D. L Akron, Ohio, Feb. 12, t899. I want to thank you for what Wine of Cardui has done for me. I have been a grea I suf ferer all mv life from weak nerves and all the ills that women have. The doc tors treatment seemed to give me no perma nent relief just as soon as I stopped taking it I was bad as ever. 1 trial everything I could hear of, always with the same result, continued suffering. Finally my husband got me a bottle of Wine of Cardui and asked me to try that. By the time I had taken the thira dose I began to improve. Each dose seemed to make me feel better and now af ter taking two bottles the result is wonderful. I was very thin weighing only about eighty pounds, now I weigh nearly one hundred pounds and am a better color than ever before. This health I have now seems like a glimpse into the beyond. MRS. C M. SMITH. GALLON J L. O'QUINFI & GO. -FOR- CUT FLOWERS. Koscb and Tarnations a specialty. Cut tiuwnra of all kinds in seasou. Boquotl and Floral Designs arranged in host ntvle on short notice. PALMS, FERNS AND OTHER POT PLANTS FOR HOUSE AND WIN DOW DECORATIONS. Chrysanthemums and Roses in best leading varieties, together with all kinds kinds of spring and summer bedding plants and bulbs, Shade treos and ever greens in great variety. Vegetable p'unts, Tomatoe, Egg anr1. Pepper twice transplanted, Cabbage Beets, Lt-ttuce and Oellery in season. See oar show window at J. I. John son's Drug Store, leave orders there 01 Call Phonos. Bell, 149-2. Interstate, 149 J. L O'QUINNft Co.'s, FLORISTS, Corner Po k and Swain Sis. WAI.KiaH M . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ha ring qualified at administratrix or the estate of Thomas EX J ernes, dectased. this is to notify til persons baring claims ag-alnat said estate to present the name to. me or to my attorney", on or be fore the WHO day of March. 1900, jr this notice will b pleaded In bar of recovery All peruana, indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to me. LKNKA "JONB8. Administratrix, of THUS B. JONES, Deceased. Argo A Snow, Attorneys March 801, 1WJB. Wedding Roses. Roaet, Carnations and oihe choice Cut Flowers. Flora! I esijns tastefully arraog ed at Short Notice. Decorations r oia, Fern and all other fieoeratJ. dantt for house culture. For era mental gardening at lowest figure. A Kinds of bedding plants: Roses, Gert ids, Heliotrope, Coiast, etc Curyssr theniums In the best latest y arietta Vines for the raraadc. Tomat plants once transplanted In best sort Cabbage, Pepper and Pot-grown Df plants. Celery at proper season. A mall orders promptly attended to H. S einmetz, Florist. Raleigh, N. C. Sell 'Phone 113. NUTICD OF ADMINISTRATION. He, ring qualified as dmlnstrator d b. 0. c. t. a. of the estate of John Manuel, deceased, late of Wake County. N. 0 chls is to notify ail persons baying claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office a Baleigh. N. O. en or before the 2Rrb day of March, 1H00. or this notice will be plea! In her of their recovery, and all persona mdettftd to said estate will please make hmnedhrt payment e the aodereitued. J. & M ARCOM. Atinbdflt retot UatcI. ft, um The Popularity cf Tan and Rusk t shoes shows no decrease this season They are the shoes above all others for everything except dress oc caaionF. And the line we offer at prices varying from $2.00 to $6.50 per pair for meo, and from $1.00 to $400 for women, and from 75c to $2.50 for buys and girls, are by far the best that can be found within the limits of the county. The most tastidious dresser will find them right in style, and the great amount of wear in them will please those who like a shoe that lasts. No waiting till end of season for low prices with us. Our trunks and bags are also beyond criticism. W. T. Hardings' Popular Shoe Store. SAMD OF UAND. Bar authority of a Judgment of the Superior Court rendered in apeetal pro ceedings, entitled Wesley Whitaker r Mary A. Lawrence.. being a proceeding to sell taa. land hereinafter described for division. . We; will Monday.' April 4tn; tW, lJ , o'clock. . m. at the court noose door ot Wskt county, Ral eigh, N. C, sell at publis auction to t&e highest bidder tor cash the lot on Dan Hargett street, where the said Wesley Whitaker now resides which to bounded n the nortk by Hargett Street, on the east by lot of A. Creech, on the tout by the lot of Be) rln. on the west by tots of T. t. Sledge and Wesley Boons. W. M. JONES, at. A. BtXDftOE, Owaiiaasionera. Refrigerators and Rockers. A Car Load of Each Tie Ba'dwin M Mascot s PRICES LOW Both posvssirjg the very latest dis coveries for economizing in ice and in preventing odors. Built for economy, sanitation and attractive ness. PRICES: $2.50 to S20. WE ARE SO E DEALERS IN RALEIGH. The latest production of the Furniture market for spring and summer are now on our floor?. TERMS EASY. 250 of the handsomest aod moat com fortable. Rojkers ever brought to this market, in cooler, saddle,lratber and cane seat. Solid, slat and ta pestry back. $1.50 to $10, "The prettiest furniture store South of Baltimore," said a lady a few days ago. The Royall & Borden Furniture Co., Cor iWilminirton and Hararctt 8terets,aleirb. N. C. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby siren that the ballots to be need in the election for municipal ofieera of the dry f Raleigh to bo held May 1st. 1880, shall be of whito "book" paper, 40 poonas to the res a, 84 Inches wide and SV inches lone with out ornament, symbol or derics, ana that the printing thereon shall be In plain long primer type. The names of th pet son voted for Mayor, Tax Collector and City Qork shall to o n; Mot sad the names ot tat aldmea rotsd for shall bo on -ono bsflotj-" -A. M, FOWBLLi Mayor. H. F. BM2TB, City Oork, 4-lltiH . t