TM TIMES-VISITOR. FUll'AY, Ai ril z. I. 99 Rev. A. G. Davis, the popular paator Ot tue Liavie street f resbytenuu cliuicli (colored) has accepted a cull to tu cburtu at L.uuibeilou. He will leuvt for his uew held about July 1st. Rev. DavU has beeu pastor ol the ItuleitfU Ciiuich tor sometime. italeigh Blade. THAT TH.UOiltU.NU htlADACUBL Wuu.d (imcKiy leave yuu, U ou useu jt. King's infr lue rlia. Xoousaua. X auueieia uave provtU liieir uuuuc tM uierii tor Sick and el Vous iUaO ctea. Xney lUttKe pule bioutl aiiu iroiig nerves ma ouna up youi Healui. iuu to tate. Xry laoiu. -'u u ueuia. Mouy two. It not cured. Soto ay ail drus-'UL. LOST. A silver dagger-shaped plu ou HiusDoro street between tue capitoi ami St. Aiaiy's feeuooi. tuuier ill oe suita bly lewaiued ou its returu to the of lice 01 O rimes aud ass. Picuic ham, reiiu LoneU, bone cut, at 10c. pouuu at b. t . LpeUiucb's. Boiled sugur emeu uau.s, bone out, 15c. pound at B. W. UpeUurch's. CHASUE OF FIRM. We take this opportunity of inform ing the public that the nrui of Cliitou aud fceaiboro bus become absorbed bj the Uaieigh Advocate Couipuuy. We are better prepared than ever to do the best job pjiutiug, aud invite usw auu old customers to call on us at the Wo man's fc-xenauge builuiug, Fayettevilte street, thu uew home o tue Kaleigli Ad vocate Company. Ciir iON & SCARBORO. Send your order this evening or to morrow lor your Suuday ice cream to Uughi's. Don't fail to hear tue lieautiful Crown Piauo, luruisUeu by Jdessrs. Darnell and '1 at itte Aruuici-Wells matiue tomonovv, as played by Mr. J at. li. Soion,ous, ot toawmuau, tiu., the popu lar bouiueru piauisi. 'lue Indies uud chiluieu will be delighted. A car load oi uauauua due here to morrow tor Dugui. Don't fail to hear the beautiful Crown Fiauo, imulsUeu by .Messrs. Uuruell aud 'lliomas at tue Aruniu-W elis matiuee tomonovv, us played by Mr. Nat. & Soiuu.uua. ol bavuuuan. lia., the nouu lar bouiueiu piumsi. 'lue luuies aud Chiiuieu be delighted. Some extra hue sweet oranges, ap ples and bauauus at t'ope's. Home made candies at 1'ope's. Pure horse apple cider viuegar 15e. per gallon, toiiui-r price 4u ctuts per gallou. At J. D. CARROLL'S. 215 South Wilmiugtuu street. Don't fall to hear the Beautiful Crown Piano, luruisUeu by Messrs. JJuruell uud 'lliumas at lue Aiuoiu-v ells matinee toinoiiou. as played by Mr. -Nul. iSoioLuuus, ot baiuuuan, Uu., the popu lar Cioutueiu piauisi. ladles aud Chiiuieu win be delighted. Dou't fail to hear tue beautiful Crown Piano, luruisUeu by Messrs. Darnell aud Ihoiuas at tUe Aruum-Hells inatiuee tuuionou', us pluyed by Mr. Nat. D. boiouious, of butuuuuu, tin., the popu lar buulUeru piuuisL. i nj ladies aud Childieu will be delighted. Gold Band Uaius have no eu.usJ, HV&c pound. Roe Herring, 20e dozen. f." Full Cream Cheese, 15c pound. Virginia liams, 1 1 Vise lxunid. B. V. Lii'CUURCH. Don't fail to hear the Beautiful Crown Piauo, luiuished by Messrs. Daruell uud 'a-ouius at the Aruoid-Wells matiuee tomonovv, as played by Mr. Nat. b.. Solomons, of faavuuuuu, (J a., the popu lar feoutberu pianist. 'Ihu ladies aud cniiureu will be delighted. At t meeting of the Board of Com missiouers ot the towu of Cury, held April lil, IbU'J, it was ordered that the ticket tor town election to be held hist Mouday in May, be ou while paper two lij three inches, without ornament or device. New corned roe herrings, bananas lc apiece, mullets, 5c lb. Fresh cream cheese 15c. lb. Spare ribs, 5c lb. Blackberries, 3 lb. can, 10c; Pie peach es, be and lUc can. Broken rice, 5c. lb. C. O. BAJulk 11 Hargett street. WANTED. -Old cioiuea and hats, old sluwa aud all kinds ot aeuuud nanu (Cuuda bougtu and auld at Harris' Btaaa. Dye Wuraa, tUMl Harwell sir eel, tun in, N. C. Suits cleaiied, lie. CI' and Dyed Don't fail to hear the Beautiful Crown Piano, furnished by Messrs. Darnell and Thomas at the Aruoiu- Wells mutim-e tomorrow, as pluyed by Mr. Nat. B. Solomons, of bavauuah, Ga., the popu lar Southern pianist. The ladies and children will be delighted. NOTICE OF SALE. Collector's Office Fourth Dixtrii-t X. C. By virtue of authority vested in me In section 31 IK), R. 8., 1 will offer for ale in the city of Ualcitrh nu Friday April 28th. 181H). the following! property forfeited to the United states under warrant of distraint. From J. L. Rollins, 18 packages of Corn whixkey. From W. R. Trogden, 18 packages of corn whiskey. ' Vmia J. A. n ay wood. 4 packages of corn whiskey and one copper still and fixture. JU. Vi. uuxnn. Collector. Raleigh, N. C April 17. 18U0. 'i fa. ' I Don't fail to hear the Beautiful Crown 'Plano furnished by Messrs. Darnell aud Thomas at the Arnold-Wells matinee tomorrow played by Mr. Nat' K. 'Bo1oiti(mr of Bavanaah, Ga., the popa- Jar 8outhrn pianist. . r The ladiea aud ehildrw will ba dellgatod. : ROBED THE GRAVE. A etartllng Incident, of which Mr. !ohn Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him follows: t was in a most dreadful condition, .ly skin waa almost yellow, eyes sunk- n, tongue coated, pain continually In ack and sides, no appetite gradually .-rowing weaker day by day. Three .liyslcians had given me up. Fortun- tely. a friend advised trying Electric Bitters; and to my great Joy and sur rise, the nrst bottle mad a decided mprovement. I continued their use foi hree weeks, and am now a well man. 1 now they saved my life, and robbed he grave of another victim." No on hould fall to try them. Only SO cents bottle at any drug store. For Bicycles and Carriages, Crescent Bicycles 35.00 Rambler Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 50,00 Sterling Bicycles 50,00 I.. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 17TH. -TUB Arno!d-WelIes Players Continuous Pi-rformancps! Illustra ted Sonjfs! Up-f date Sppcialties. MONDAY NIGHT "IN THE SOCIAL SWIU." Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. f I Guarding Against t Invis b!e Foes, We are surrounded by mil lions of invisible foes that war "gainst h man life. These enemies are the various dUeas germs. Tliey creep iuto every home, and the time will soon come when the need of tbor ouh and regular disinfec tion Willi be recognized. DISINFECTANT AND GER MICIDES. Should be freely used in the spring. All sinks, drains, closets, e c, should be freed from infection We ca ry all the latest a d best dixiut'ect ants. Can tell you what is best for each pur( oseand bow to use it. Expense is slight for we arc prepared to make very low figures on all of them. W. H. King & Co.. Pi-nggists. lit' Special Sale -OF- MEN'S Negligee Shirts, Soft and Laundried, all Sizes, Latest Styles. Value 75c to $1.00 Special, 45c for Your Choice. W. E. Encouraging Facts ! It is a noted fact that most of the large milts in New England employing thousands of operators increased their wages ten per cent and upward very recently. The stimulus has been felt in all kinds of Cotton Goods. So an advance along the whole line has been made. Fortunately possessed of inside information we bought largely of these very goods during the past months, and without disparagement to others claim that we are better equipped lor the Spring campaign than ever, and point you to the convinc no Proos spread on three tables in the main centre of the store. KIUST TABLE, ruckle Silk and Rustling l'ercaline 10c. kinds; l'inks. Blues, Green, Canary, Cream and White; no body else has them a yard wide. 2V:. .SECOND TABLE. Summer Lawns, many fanciful names all new sparkling beauties. The surprise is bow we do it; worth lUc., and lc. for this week we run them at 5c. TABLE THREE. Here are the Itisette Organdies and 4U-iuch Marabout Lawns in good size quantities; assortments hrst class; choice while tbey last 7c. Mo samples cut. It will pay you to come aud make a careful inspection. A VERY ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY" OK BAiJY MILLINERY. There's a bright interesting exnibit of baby Caps in the Millinery jJepart went this week. The styles are won derfully cuuuing, and so stylish. Mothers tvill be delighted with the puins we've taken for their little folks. 11ABY CAI'S. .uull caps, very narrow tucks, dou ble ruchiug edged with narrow Val lace, all sizes 25c. Caps made of all Swiss Em broidery, trimmed with Val lace aud baby ribbon ftOc. Beautiful quulity Lawn Caps, edge of Swiss embroidery, with staudiug ruffle of same in trout 75c. I'lain edge Swiss Caps, two rows of hemstitching on edge very fine straw tucks, ruffled plaited, around back, edged with Val lace 50c. OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL A. O.nly Appearauce th a bcason. Paint and Powder Club '.re9euting the Rtfined Avalanche of Fun, "The Kerry Uaid." Preceded by Gilbert's Beautiful One AcS French Costume Play. "COMEDY and TRAGEDY." Admiston 25, 0 and 75 cents. N antra nro-e for roerve seals, whi.h Can be obtained at King's Drug Mure J. M. BISHOP, BICYCLE REPAIRER. Having returned to the city and located bi corner of Davie aud Wil mington Street, are prepared to do all kinds of Bicycle short notice. Work guaranteed. BICYCLES FOR RENT. JONES, Tomorrow Caps made of very open all over I Swiss Embroidery, high standing I ruffle of embroidery in .front rJso uching edged with Val lace deep graduated ruffle around back... 75c. Capa made of very fine quality or gandies shirred, narrow tucks across front and back, full ruch iug of Val lace in front, beading around edge and narrow baby ribbon $1.00 Caps made of real sheer organlde ruching of lace, shirred and tuck ed in groups, high ruche in trout, hemstitched strings $1.25 Caps made of very line quality or gandies, insertion of Swiss and trimmed with French Val Lace, ribbon and hemstitched strings. .$1.25 Caps made of very sheer orgauuies, tucked In groups, very fine straw tucks, trimmed with ribbou, nar row lace and applique of Swim embroidery; ruffle in back edged with narrow lace $1.50 Caps made of very fine quality or gandie, trimmed with Swiss em broidery, French Val, footing md ribbon, pearl buttons, laced across with narrow baby ribbon, with bow, beniKtitched strings $1.75 Also complete line of Caps, Tam O. Shanters aud Hats in Duck and Lineu. TWO GREAT CONSTKCT- ED CORSETS. THE BABBIE. Four Hook, French shape, short hip, summer Corset, extra net, double xoue, lace trimmed 50c. Five Hook, extra loug waist, sum mer Corsets, bigb bust, wide xouo, silk flossed 50c. PAINT! PAINT! The spring time is coining "Gen tle Annie-'. Now is the time to paint up, I have tb largest variety of do ruc stic paints in tbe city. I sell "Haolines" Enamel Paints for bath tubs &c. Nothing better made "Hanlires" quicks drying flimr paints, "Han lines" Cherry, Oak, Walnut and Mahogany stains, "Hamlins" buggy and Carriage P int, Pure N. C.Pine Tar in small cans. ! All tbe above at I Lumsden's. DR. NAGLE'S CERTAIN. This is tbe ame of the Cough Cure that we make snd guarantee Aud we mean by this that It is made and bottled in our Laboratory. We know what is in it and do not have to take other people's word for it. 8.5 cents a bottle. Henry T. Hicks, PRESCRIPTION DRDOOIST. La Grip. THE BEST REMEDY, Bellmont Rye Whisky OR Old hm torn Whisky WITH ROCK CANtW SYRUP. Jet Sale at AGUE WINE CO.. . Opposite Post Office, RALEIGH, N. C. 'Bet oat bow tbe following plants: Tomatoes, best standard sorts, Early eabbag. California vtotsta on equaled la nets sod (ragnoco. 2Bc per doses. Rows, strong plants, U the leading varirties. Brddlng plants of all descriptions at rtMOMule prices. Vtnw for th Vsrands. At Bsqal I shall haw tomato plants for sals at BInaa't Tor Store. B. 8TG1KMETZ. Hmm 11 HtarfaUUax itrM. SIMMER The sailor hats lor ladies retain their popularity as of old. We are prepared to announce ourselves ready, having in stock and ready for your inspection a complete line of Canton, Union, Mixed, Milan and Split Straw Sailors for ladies and Misses, in White, Blak and Colors. Prices range from 10c to $4.00 epch. Consequently EVERY TASTE, FACK AND I'URSII , CAN BE SUITED. Umbrellas and Sunshades Are you in need of one r Listen to this offer. A 26 inch lady's Sunshade or man's Umbrella, made of good quality silk serje, grcgrain, taped ede, Farygon frame, stetl rod, Congo handle, for $1.48 Regular value $3 25 Boylan, Pearce & Co. DRY GOODS. Just What Old Fashion Mountain Buckwheat. Big Cain Georgia Syrup. Dried N. C. Mullett Roe. N. C, Roe Herrings. N. C. Hams. J. R. Ferrall & Co, g '1 'I If You Wish the Best of Anything Cheapest Visit RIGGAN'S SPECIAL, AND RECEIVED TODAY. 10 Boxes Sweet California Oranges to go for lc each. Baby Cream Candy the best made, Chocolate, Straw be ry and Va oila 10c lb. Loose Lemons lc. each. 12c doz. See our :pecial Glass Bowl sale 5-and 10c. each. Plain Glass Tumblers 6 to a Sett, 12c. Tbin Blown Tumblers, 5c. each Of blcts Tor a Set of 6, 18c. If you want tbe bst thing vou ever eat try "Pccn Cake," made of Pecans and Pure Maple Sugar. Hammocks. The best aud cheapest from 00, 75, $1.00, $1.25 to bet ter on New Toys, New Games and Now Dolls Always sonetbing new Graoi'eware, China, Semi-Posilioe Dinner and Tea Setts. Picture Frames, Dainty and Cheap. Gaskets, all sorts and kinds, cheap. Jardinirs, all prices, 15, 25, 35, 50 and $1.00. Flo er Pots for your Pia te 3 IVJo, 6c 8c, 12c. Writing Paper and Fnvtlops, Box Paper and Tabltiu, Ink and IVo Lamps and Lamp Goods. The Best Lawn Sw ng only $5.50. Ice Cream Freezers, lee Picks, Ice Chisels, Ice Shavers A fine line Summer Goods. Croquett Games 75c , $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50. Wire goods for the kitchen. RIGGAN'S TOY AND CIA STOHE .... - ,. ... THE ONLY ALUMINUM CONNECTED GLASS DIPPER. i m Glass Dipper 10c. Each, $1,00 per Doz. JACOB S , ALLEN, JR., HARDWARE, HEADWEAR. MILLINERY, CARPETS, You Want, i 8 222 Fayefteville Street. 132 Fayette'ville Street, Raleigh, N.C. 214 South Wilmlagtoa Street. 214 FjtUTiUe 8tret'