Til TIMES-VISITOR. SATURDAY, April 22, 1399 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. E. Jones. Spring Millinery. Dobbin & Ferrall. Spring Hats. Boylan, Pearce & Co. New Corsets, etc. W. H. King & Co To Drink a Dream. Woollcott & Sons. A Feast of Bar gains. , . d i Arniisteatl Jones, Commissioner, Sal? of Valuable Land. Fabius P. Brown Notice of adminis tration. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would quickly leave yuu, if you used jr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands f sutterers have proved iheir matcli tgs merit for Sick and Kervous Head .cLea. Tney make pure blood and strong nerves uid bulla up your bealtn. ita to take. Try them. Oniy 25 veniia. Alony back If not cured. Sold By all druf"i iili. ,.uoi fiiiiSillPTlON rOU ud l ever u a bottlf of Grove's Taste less Cliill Xouic. llie formula U plainly priulaU uU eucll bollle, aliuwiug Uiul 11 is wiupiy liou aud y limine iu a taste less lurui. luiuators do nut advertise tneix Huuiula tjecuuse if tliey did tliey kuuw. turn, you would be afraid to take ttKir luudivtue. be sure UiuU yuu get Urove's as tlie formula shows wlial you are takiug. NO CUKE NO PAY. Price OU cents. LOST A lap-rope, scarlet on one side anu oiutK ou mc otuer. A auiiuuie vo ward will be paid tor its return to AJlANDA DU.NSTON. At restaurant uudur the market. Don't overlook to scud your onlt'rs to Dughi for ice cream for tomorrow. Eemember Dughi's ice cream is 51.40 per gallou; 7U ctuts for tialf gallon aud ;io cents lH-'r quart. FOR KENT Two nice rooms apply to J. 11. Uill, corner McDowell aud Davie streets. Fly fans at Hughes'. Picnic bam, ready boiled, bone cut, at 10c. pound at B. W. Upchurcli's. Ice cream freezers at Hughes'. Boiled sugur cuieu uois, bone out, 13c. pound at B. V. Upchurch's. If you wish to make your own cream Dughi will freeze aud deliver it for 30 cents per gallon. CI1ANUE OF FIRM. We take this opportunity of inform ing the public that the brui of Clitton aud Scarboro has become absorbed by the Italeigh Advocate Company. We are better prepared than ever to do the best job priutmg, aud invite new aud old customers to call on us at the Wo man's Exchange building, Fayetteville street, the new home of the Raleigh Ad vocate Company. CLIFTON & SCARBORO. Ice picks at Hughes'. Send vour ui ter this evening: or to morrow for your Sunday ice cream to uugni s. A car load of bauuuus due morrow for Dughi. Odorless Refrigerators at Iiughe' Some extra fine sweet or.ni pies and bunanas at 1' , c's. Macbeth chimneys at Hughes' Home made candies at Pope't Pure horse apple cider vinegar loc. per gallon, former price 40 cents per gallon. At , J. D. CARROLL'S. -'-5 South Wilmington street. Gold Band Hams have no equal, HVic pound. Roe Herring, 20c dozen. 4i Full Cream Cheese, 15c pound. irgima Hams, lle pouud. B. W. UPCHURCH At a meeting of the Board of Com missioners of the town of Cary, held April 19, 18U9, it was ordered that the ticket for town election to be held tirst Mouday in May, be on white paper twu by three inches, without ornament or device New cornd roe herrings, bananas lc apiece, mullets, Dc lb. Fresh cream cheese 15c lb. Spare ribs, 5c lb. Blackberries, 3 lb. can, 10c; Pie peach es, tic and 10c can. Broken rice, 5c. lb. C. O. BALI 11 Hargett street Set out now the following plants: Tomatoes, best standard sorts, Early cabbage. California violets unequaled in hardi ness and fragrance. 225c. per dozen. Koere, syong plants, all the leading raihetiea. ' Bedding plants of all descriptions at reasonable prices. ViueK tor the Varanda. As usual I shall have tomato plants for- sale at Riggan's Toy Store. H. STEIN METZ. . 'Pious 113, North Halilaz street. "WANTED. -Old domes and hat, old hoes .and all kinds of second band goods bought and sold at Harris' Stasto. Djra'Wdrka. Eaat Hargett street, Ral ta-b, N. C Suit cleaned, Tto. Cleaneo and Dyed SL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. All' parties hivimt claims against the estate of Nat L. Brown, deceased are hereby notified to present the same to me en or before the 22nd day of April, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recorery. FABIUS P. BROWN, , Administrator. '. Baleigh, N. C, April 22, 1889. ROBED THB GRAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him s follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin waa almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters: and to my great Joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well num. I know they saved my life, and robbed the gravi of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cents a bottle at any drug store. ff I 'll.l.Jl,U.g.M.-S'1il For Bicycles and Carriages, Crescent Bicycles 35.00 Rambler Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 40.00 Eagle Bicycles 50,00 Sterling Bicycles 50,00 I,, H. Mm k Sons. RALEIGH, N. C. TO DRINK A DREAM Try Kind's Sjjda Water. It is all Ilia mnney, experience, skill and radical idea as to purity and cleanliness can make it. Spark'ing water, pure fruit syrups, plenty of ice thin glasses, dainty ser vice. These are a few of the features tbat account for lis excellence. We have all the latest and beat rlrii ks as well a" the old time fa voritrs. It you try our soda once you'll ueed no second urging. W. H. King & Co.. i Druggists. I NOTICE OF SALE. Collector's Office Fourth District N. C. By virtue of authority vested In mo In section 3190, B, S., I will offer for nle in the city of Raleticb on Friday. April 28th, 1899, the following personal property forfeited to the United Mates under warrant of distraint. From J. L. Rollins, 18 packages of corn whiskey. From W. B. Trogden, 18 packages of corn whiskey. From J. A. Haywood, 4 packages of corn whiskey and one copper still and fixtures. E. a DUNCAN. Collector. Raleigh, N. C, April 17, 1S99. PRETTY MILLINERY. Spring Millnery is always bright and pretty, and yet all spring hats ire Dot pretty. Tbe'e's an art in making a bat pretty, no matter how pretty and nice te materials If this was cot so, mont ladies would trim their own hats It is remarkable how few ladies possess this art. Soje cm learn the art by long and bard trying. Some never learn it. Tnn, here are some few that ore natural artists. It seems just as easy and nttural for these tn create oeauty and harmony in a oat as to breatb. ' 'ur trimmer is one of th?se natural ones. She bas original and pleasing ideas no t wo bats are just exactly alike, and yet each is perfect and ueau'ifui in itself There is ano'ber important thing not now. and tbat Is economv. Some 25 hat, but they couldn't make one at $5 or 6 tbat you'd have. We bav rmiuced Dient? of bats this season at $5 1 bat are prettier, more styli-b an 1 banr somer tb n great many hats tt.iw do we kno ? We know because hundreds or ladies in Kiietgh bae to'd us so -we hear It every day If you are going to buv a bat at anv price, no roa'te- what it is not mu h trouble for you to find one if wt at u ipII vou is true You can see whattbe others bave, then you can come and see ours, and then use your own judgment. We will take all manner of paines In showing you and planing just such a hat as you d-slre if we can t suit you we won't feel badly aKut U w dnn't ernct to Suit scerv one if we did all the others would be out of work. No store on earth can suit everyone, but you will find that we com as nearit as most of 'em. We want to try to suit you anyhow. We ire willitg to show you, and plan for yov, aod mate prices low tor you. if you are willing to give us your time. W. E. ; j, , ; Encouraging Facts ! It is a noted lact that most of the large mills i.u New England employing thousands of operators increased their wages ten per cent and upward very recently. The stimulus has been felt in all kinds of Cotton Goods. So an advance along the whole line has been made. Fortunately possessed of inside information we bought largely of these very goods during the past months, and without disparagement to others claim that we are better equipped for the Spring campaign than ever, and point you to the convinc ing prods spread on three tables in the mam centre of the store. FIRST TABLE. Crackle Silk and Rustling Fercaline lUc. kinds; finks, Ulues, Green, Cauarv, Cream and White; no body else has them a yard wide.2V&c. SECOND TABLE. Summer Lawns, many fanciful names all new sparkling beauties. The surprise is how we do It; worth ll)c., and ll'c. for this week we run them at 5c. TABLE THREE. hi ere are the Uisette Organdies and 40-inch Marabout Lawns in good site quantities; assortment tirst class; choice while they last Tc. No samples cut. It will pay you to come and make a careful inspection. A VERY ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY- OF BABY MILLINERY. There's a bright interesting exnibit of baby Caps iu the Millinery iJepart ujeut this week. The styles are won derfully cunning, and so stylish. Mother will be delighted with the pMns we've taken for their little folks. BABY CAFS. Mull caps, very narrow" tucks, dou ble ruchiug edged with narrow Val lace, all sizes 25c. Caps made of all Swiss Em broidery, trimmed with Val lace and Baby ribbon 50c. Beautiful quality Lawn Caps, edge of Swiss embroidery, with standing ruffle of same iu front 75c. t'lain edge Swiss Caps, two row of hemstitching on edge very fine straw tucks, ruffled plaited, around back, edged with Val lace 50c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 17TFT. THE Arnold-Welles Players Continuous Performances! Illustra ted Songs 1 Up-to date Specialties. MONDAY NIGHT "IN THE SOCIAL SWIM." Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ballot i to be used in the election toi municipal officers of the city of Raleigh to be held May 1st, 1899, shall be of white "book" paper, 40 pound to the ream, ZMt inches wide and Sto inches long, with out ornament, symbol or device, and that the Drindnc thereon shall be In plain long primer type. The name of the per son voted for Mayor, Tax Collector and City Clerk shall be on one ballot and the name of the aldermen voted for shall be on one ballot.' A. M. POWELL, Mayor. II. F. SMITH, City Clerk. 4-15 to 5-1. in Millinery tbat a'l trimmers do irimmprs could do fairly well on a seen in other places at (10 and 912. JONES, 214 FajetUvills Street. J , Caps made of very open all over I Swiss Embroidery, high standing I ruffle of embroidery in front ftlso uching edged with Val lace deep graduated ruffle around back... 73c. Caps made of very tine quality or gandies shirred,, narrow tucks across front and back, full ruch iug of Val lace in front, beading around edge and narrow baby ribbon 1.00 Caps made of real sheer organlde ruchiug of lace,: shirred and tuck ed In groups, high ruche in frout, hemstitched strings $1.25 Caps made of very line quality or gandies, insertion of Swiss and trimmed with French Val Lace, ribbon and hemstitched strings. .$ 1.25 Caps made of very sheer orgauuies, tucked in groups, very fine straw tucks, trimmed with ribbon, nar row lace and applique of Swiss embroidery; ruffle in back edged with narrow lace S1.&0 Caps made of very fine quality or gandie, trimmed with Swiss em broidery, French Val, footing cud ribbon, pearl buttons, laced across with narrow baby ribbon, with bow, hemstitched strings If 1.75 Also complete line of Caps, Yam O. Shunters aud Hats in Duck and Linen. HVO GREAT CONSTRCT- ED CORSETS. THE BABBIE. Four Hook, French shape, short bip, summer Corset, extra net, double zone, lace trimmed 00c. Five Hook, extra long waist, sum mer Corsets, high bust, wide zone, silk flossed ,r0c. PAINT! PAINT! The spring time ij coming "Gen tle Annie''. Now is the time to paint up. 1 have the largest variety of do no( stic paints in the city. I sell "HanHnes" Enamel Paints for bath tubs &c. Nothing better made "Hanlices" quicks drying floor paints, "Han lines" Cherry, Oak, Walnut and Mahogany stains, "Hamlins" buggy and Carriage Plnt, Pure N. C.Pine Tar io small cans. All the above at Lumsden's. DR. NAGLE'S CERTAIN. This is the aine of the Cough Cure (hot we make and guarantee And we mean by this tbat it Is made and bottled in our Laboratory. We know what is in it and do not bave to take other people's word for it. 95 cents a bottle. Henry T. Hicks, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIHT. La Grip. THE BEST REMEDY. . Bellmont Rye Whisky OR Old Harvest Corn Whisky WITH ROCK CANDY SYRUP, fcr Sale at ACHE WINE CO.. Opposite Post Office, RALEIGH, N. C. J. M. BISHOP, BICYCLE REPAIRER. Having returned to. the city and located at corner of Davie atd Wii mlngton Street, are prepared to d M kinds of Bicycle Repairing abort notice. Work guaranteed. BICYCLES FOB BENT. - 4 CORSETS. They look well, fit well, and wear well, that the reputation the REDFERN CORSETS have made in a short time. There are longs and shorts of it and we have them in both lengths. There is no saiisfiaction to a lady like a satisfactory fiting Corset, and we feel repaid for our efforts as we have satisfied so many. Have you tried a Redfern Corset? If not do so at. once, a new invoice of them just received. However if you ar-j wedded to other makes let your wants be known for Out Corset Department is Kke no other in the city, and we confine ourself to no one make. Among the leaders Will be found a new Corset mide especially lor us and styled B. & P. These corsets come in White and Drab and in vaiious lengths, 4, 5 or 6 Hook, long or short waist, made of Contil Jeans 01 Sumner Net. Frice 50c. Ar other Corset is our li C N. this Corset is jestined lobe very popular, on'y 75c. in price, but equal in merits to any 1.0 Corset in the city; , Our Lucele Corset fills a long felt wnt. lieiug cut entirely oa the bias, high baik corded s'rip of gei.uiue whale bone and is a revolution to stoui'ladies in the corset llmr. Thompson Glove Fitting, M. &. Q CRESCO. P. D. WARMERS and J B CORSETS Cn also be fuunJ iu ail lenghts, waists, and styles. We also have a complete line of Ferriss G'od Sence waists for the ladies tint dont care for corsets. E. Z. Nazarath & Ferriss Waits for Children. Boylan, Pearce & Co. f, Ind What (A UUUl II UUl Old Fashion Mountain Buckwheat. Big Cain Georgia Syrup. Dried N. C. Mullett Roe. N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Hams. J, R. Ferrall & Co. g If You Wish the Best of Anything Cheapest Visit RIGGAN'S SPECIAL, AND RECEIVED TODAY. 10 Boxes Sweet California Oranges to go fcr lc each. Baby Cream Candy the best made, Chocolate, Strawbery aud W nila lOo lb. Loose Lemon lc. each. 12c doz. See our Special Glass Bowl sale 5 and 10c. each. Plain Glass Tumblers 6 to a SeU, 12c. Tbin Blown Tumblers, 5 each. Goblpts for a Set of 6, 18c. If you want th best thing vou . v r it try Pecm Cake," made uf Pecans and Pure Maple Sugar. Hammocks. The bt-st and cheapest from 50, 75, $1.00, $1.25 to bet ter on. New Toys. New Gamos and New Dolls Always so nettling new. O- iteware, China, Semi Posiline Dinner and Tea Sttts. Picture Frame, Da' my and Cheap. Baskets, ail surts and kinds, cheap Ja.uiuirrf, all prices, 15, 25, 35, 50 and $1.00. Flo er Pots for your Pla ts 3 N2c, Bo 8c, 12c. Writing Paper and Fnvelops, Box Paper and Tablets, Ink aud Pons Limps and Lamp Goods. The Best Lawn Swing only $5.50. Ice Cream Freezers, I -e Picks, Ice Chisels, Ice Shavers. A tiue line Sumner Good Croquett Games 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Wire goods (or the kitchen. RIGGAN'S TOY AND CHINA STORE f rwill bathe the Beyond the THE OKLV ALUMINUM CONNECTED GLASS DIPPER. Glass Dipper 10c. Each, $1.00 per Doz. JACOB S. ALLEN, JR., HARDWARE. I A Ymi Want f 1VU llUlli (t 222 Faveneville Street. 132 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. drooping spirits In delight iltss ef Jreamt 214 South Wilmington Strett,

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