THE TIDES-VISITOR. FUBLISBSDBT TUB VISITOH-PKESS COMPANY ( INCORPORATED)- JFF1CB IN THB AOADBMT MUSI. OF Om TMkT x Month! m Montk OM PRICBfl- , M LJEADKR IN THB NBWB AND IN CITY OIBCOUATION. wiiSsTATH TBILBPHONB I vVtDNESDAY May H. IS'JU ' (sriiKiV :i::n. .MII.KS. ilv .ti.-...-.i..n ..rhf P.v.i.l-..t. who ,W'rov-s the findings A-tig h'lval ' war M,ikl,jobn Sunday made public lh, report of llu- military court appolnt ,., vetiKote tl- -linntos mad, y Maior-Uoncnil Mil-s cninianJiug lh Iirmv. that ih.- U-f -npplicl to flu- army ,inri, U... nr Spain was m.!.t for the us.' of 111.' troops. T1K. o.ort find that General Miles' allecations that Hie refrigerated beef was"ireated with eliemieals were not es lal.lisheil; iliat his allegations coneeru ,... the .aimed fresh or canned roast l.vf were sustained as to its umuita l.ility for food as used on the f.".insp .i ts and as a long-continued field ration. G. neral Miles is censured for "erro.-' hi fnilins to promptly notify the S '...fu ry of War when he first formed the opinion that the food was nnSt. Gen eral Kagnu, formerly commissary a-wr-mI is censured for too extensive p ir- .-hases of the canned beef as an rntri-d ration. Colonel Mans, of Gener-il Mil-s staff, is also censured. The court finds tbut the packers v.-cro not at fault :thnt the meats si.ipp.i-J the army were of the same quality as those supplied to the trade generally, and recommends that no further nro'.-e-nnss he taken in the premises. From this report it appears that Gen. Miles was correct in his view that the. l.eef was unfit for a continuous diet, but he was wrong in his conclusions as to why it was not wholesome and he also committed an error in not "klckin when he swallowed the first dose of the neuseating diet. Indeed it seems to (is that the findings of the conrt arc correct mi this noint for if the food made th soldiers sick as Gen. fliles charges, then it was certainly as little as he could have done to notify the commissary gen eral of the fact. The only thing stispt eious about the report to us is that it iumr9 on old Kagnn for buying to- much of the beef. Well if Miles did i...t com- nlain Eagan ivideutly thought that 1 was feeding 1)im on the fat or tin- land and just continued to pile up the orders for this stuff, which Miles afi-rward called "embalmed beef.'- The m -i re- .'.v.:n o.ihtr oliont tin- renorl ;n;:f llt-lllll lull., - the whole affair ends now. THIS PREACHER A FIGHTER. . V Y . Mav t. ReV. Warren H. Wilson is pastor of the Bap tist church of Pawling, nuem-aa tv Pawling has gone no license for several vears, and all the liquor deal ers have been driven out of business. The Pawling flub, however, flourishes, and prominent men belong to it. Two weeks ago he characterized the club as a 'rum hole where graud jurors are selected to sit in excise cases." few weeks ago wnne me uuiubiit addivssed the law and Order League at Quaker Hill his norse -was iukch from the shed, its mane and tail cut off and the wagons erateneo; nnu uaimigeu. KorniwiiiK a conveyance Rev. Mr. Wil , started to drive honi. In a lonely place, ten or twelve masked men sprain; li-., m the bushes. They remained that he leave town. C wards," cried the minister, seiz ing ti is whip and leaping out of the wagon. "I'm not afraid of the whole pack f you." He struck out with liU whip and his assailants Bed. SA1.K OF A CON FEDKUATF. HOME At Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday last, the i ...,(-... i,. Mohliprs' Home was sold at public outcry, and was bought for $8,000 by Joel Hurt. The bidding was iigui uim there was only one other -who made a proffer for the property. The price paid was a disappointment, nor omy 10 u: trustees, but to the large number of veterans and citizens who were present tr. lonrn tvlnir nriee the home would bung. In the ract ot lanu mere is acbiit 111)1-3 acres, and the handsome i.iiii.lniir nf ceventv-five rooms, which has never been occupied. The result of the sale will be reported to the court in the next few dnys, and juuge pump kin w ill take official action. It is thought he will refuse to connrni the sale. Much in Little Is especially true of ll sl s V for lioiafdl dne ever contained so great -.atlve power la o small space. The) i. ;. iolf medicine tOood's chest, uln ii ready, irays efflcU'iit. i.lwavs sat isfactory; prevent u cold ..... nllr.. nil liver ills. sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 20c. The only Fills to take wlll noou Dursajmiuu KM'ELUvK ATF.S. ',l!iv i he Confederate veterans from uli over the .southland gather at Charles ion to participate in the annual reun i,.n Year bv vcar their ranks are irrowine thinner and as the once mighty host diminishes to a mere handful, these reunions grow all the more sacred. Tho ..rnsjmce of the I'nited States cruiser Raleigh at Charleston this week, during the Confederate Veterans Reunion, is one of the visible evidences of the fading away of sectional differences in this conn iry, and the government at Washington is greatly to be commended for honor inir ihn neension in this manner. It is perhaps the most conspicuous act of thi sort since the civil war. Hut while the veterans of the sixties gather at Charleston the noble women at home, as in the days that tried their souls and tested their patriotism, are not unmindful of the Messed right which is ihcir, as the guardians ot the hallowed .lay which wrapts the mortal remains of the most glorious soldiers the world ever saw. So today the ladies of the memo rial association strew the graves of tho dear departed trith the offerings of spring audi while they drop a tear for their loss and for the soldiers' hardships, they offer n prayer of thanksgiving to God for such examples of heroism. It is regretted that a memorial exor cises eould not be held today but nothing could prevent some of tho faithful women from fnlfillng their duty of love. SALE OS LAND. P,y authority of n judgment of the Superior court rendered In special pro ceedings, entitled Wesley Whitaker vs. Marv A. Lawrence, being a proceeding to sell the land hereinafter described for division. We will on .Monday, May 29th, 1S00, 1- o'clock ui at the court house door of Wake county, Jta leigh, N. C, sell at public auction to the. highest bidder for cash the lot on East Hargett street, where the said Wesley Whitaker now resides which is bounded on the north by Hargett street, on thr east by lot of A. Creed;, on the south by the lot of Helvin. on the west by lots of T P. Sledge and Wesley lioone. W. N. JOXES, M. A. BLEDSOE, Commissioners. and Hats. BARGAINS FOR ALL MAY 8th to MAY 13th One Whole Week ! I Just What You Want. & 8 Ladies' Trimmed Hats. VOLCANIC- ERUPTIONS Are grand; but Skin Eruptions rob life of jov. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores, L leers, Roils, Melons, Scalds. Channed Hands. Chilblains, Best Tile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 2d cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. A Relish that Adds Piquancy to the flavor of a meal, in all the most delicious sauces, condiments, and pickler in varied assortment wo have purchased fnr thn anrini, apoann W Invito Vflllr attention to a few of our leaders given neiow: R.ile's Horseradish Mustard, 15 (U and 20 i-u. jar. Heinz.' Evaporated Horseradish, 2") els a bottle. Bavle's Celery Catsuo. a delicious von d'ment, 15 cts a bottle. LuU Sr Schramm s Chili Sauce, 'M cts a bottle. I n' & Schramm's Celery Sauce, 25 els U buUie Curtice Hros. Blue Label Catsup, S" cts a bottle. G It & Co.'s Melrose Catsup, 10 els and li its a bottle. Nichols' Celery Salt, 15 cts a bottle. Durkec's Salsd Dressing, 30 cts and 50 cts a bottle. Koyal Salad Dressing," 30 cts and 50 cts a bottle. Magnificent line of Olives and Pickles, all prices. Bulk Olives, 40 cts qt assorted Mati goes 25 cts a qt. Bayle's Tarragon Vinegar, 15 eta a bottle. Our slock is warranted pure and health ful. 17. G. Upchurch & Co., Leading Faucy Grocers, 24 Fayctte ville Street. Bell 'Phone 169- 2. Inter Statc'Phone 290. Old Fashion Mountain Buckwheat. JJ Big Cain Georgia Syrup, j Dried N. C. Mullett Roe. f N. C. Roe He rings. N. C. Hams. J. R. Ferrall & Co, 222 Fayc'tcvillc Street. All ,f i oo Silks at All All All All -All All 8C . 75 6oc. 50c. 25c. Slks at Silks at Silks at Silks at Silks at Silks at 77c 74c 62 I-2C 50C 27c 2 11" A Big Lot to Buy From. All $6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 All All All All All All All 2-5 1.50 1,00 Hats at Hats at Hats al Hats at Hats at Hats at Hats at Hats at $4 So 4.00 3.20 2.40 200 1 ,20 1 .00 80 u mm. auk & Will Ltfie theroopina spirits in defiq - -- 1 w V THE ONLY ALUMINUM CONNECTED GLASS DIPPER. 1. This sale embraces all trimmed Hats in stock. 0 To make the sale more interesting we will add the entire Ribbon Stock At Reduced Prices. W00LLG0TT & SOU Glass Dipper 10c. Each, $1.00 per Doz. JACOB S. ALLEN, JR., HARDWARE, .11 Pout!. Wil'iiinu'Kin Street. SOMETHING! EW Our 3.50 Russia OXFORD, Your SUocs hull-soled with our Cushion Soles in live niinulcs for 35c. They wear longer than leather. Soft and nice to the feet, for ladies and t;rins ;it S. C. POOL'S. T.KDKH IN KINK SI'OKS ItT SOME SPECIALS IN TRUNKS, VALISKS, &. THOMAS & CAMPBELL'S Great Spring Bargains, During the next three years the gov ernment will build a mammoth printing office in Washington, -which will cost iW.OOOiOOO and will be the most cotn-j-ilrtc printing establishment In the world. FOB THE llhSX PKBSOBIPTION" UU1LLS. nd Fever it a bottle of Grort'i Taste less Chill Tonic. The formula is platnly printed on each bottle, dhowtng that tt la aim ply Iron and Qainlua hi a taste lets form. Imltaton do not adrertlse their formula becanae if they did they twr that you wonld b afraid Co take tbtir medicine. Ha sure then yon ret Urova'a ti the formula show .what yon are taking. NO CUBB NO PAT. Trice 00 centa. . - Another Groat Free Distribution Encouraged by tbe success of tie Free Distribution of packages of JOHNSON S DVSL'KPSIA CURE and the remarkable sale it has attained in Raleigh since the people were given a chance to test its merits, WM. SIMPSON, tbe Druggist bas made arrangemonls with the Julinson Labora tories of Pgiladelphia, whereby be is enabled to give free to every adult wbo applies at his s'o--e 32(5 Fayelteville Street Saturday, May 13th, 1899 a package of the well known acd justly ce!ebratd 9 ciason'S KIDHY Nature's own remedy for tie cure of ' RRIGHT'S DISEASE1 CONGESTION OP THE KIDNEYS, BLADDER TROUBLE. DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, gout,grv SWEPLESSNESS. NERVOUSNESS T&y$fmlm Kidneys, Blood and Urinary, Organs JO PILLS ; A positive cure for all diseases and blood Impurities which are directly ' cr indirectly caused by derangad action of the Kidneys. Com In tnd Git a Frto Ptckagi of this Roratrktblo Rcmsdy You ire Welcone, Thisis the St ore full from bottom to top with all the latest styles of Furniture and Housefu rnishing Goods. - Thomas & Gampfioll, Martin Street, RaleiehN. Cf

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