BSOLUTEIvtHlRE Makes the food more'delicious and wholesome noyt gKiwa CALLS IT A CHIME. ('iirdiuitl (iililions on Recent Divorce anil Marriage in High Society. (Baltimore Sun.) Canlinnl Cibbons preached at llie Cn lliedral yesterday morning. The subject of his sermon was "A Living Faith Man ifests Itself in the Works of Charity." lEev. Joseph T. O'Brien, the chancellor, as the celebrant of the mass, Ill c car dial spoke partieuliirly of the unity of the church. "The unity of the church," he sull, "is ns essential as the union of l'jith and love. It would be impossible to keep 1."" church together if dissensious were not adjudicated. Of the cnureh Jesus Christ says, 'I' am the vine, ye aie the branches.' A beautiful lea of unity shown us is a sheepfold. They walk on the same path, feed on the same pasture, listen ttj the same shepherd, paying no attention to any other voice. So with Ciod. Ho. would have us iist .':i to the same words of Christ and lly from the voice of false teachers. "What a marvelous combination is thin human system of ours, all subordin ate to the head. As soon as there is thought the head, commands, hands lift, lips open and the tongue gives utterance to speech. So be united in spiritual mutters. There are about L'OO.OOO.OOO Catholics in the world, all believing in one faith, one baptism and one CSod. "Consider the Pontiff In relation ! King Henry the Eighth, who askefl for i he Pope's sanction to a divorce so that he might inarry again. Tlio Tope re fused to give it, saying "Whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder.' Only n few days ago the -ountry was shocked at a woman in high life who was divorced at 3 o'clock and married again almost before the iuk was dry on tho divorce papers. This Is a i rime against the law of Jesus Christ. "The church is one in its tcaeb!iit;s. It is the same in France, England, Italy, San Francisco on the I'acific( and New Vork on the Atlantic. All proclaim tn .same doctrine one faith, one hope, ojo baptism and one Iord. God grant thai you may not be contented to bo united to the chrch, but to the Spirit. God grant that all may be living branches and bear fruit." COG II LAN'S NTOltY. According to ('apt. Coghlan the way the Raleigh lired the last gun in the late war was thus, writes Editor l'oe of the Progressive Fanner ou his return from Wilmington: "Manila as our read ers know was taken just after the sign ing of the peace protocol, but before news f that event reached Manila. It was therefore the last battle of the war. When at the close of the battle the sig nal order Yeasc lirtng,' was given, tho Raleigh's officers though knowing per fectly well the significance of the order, went through the formality of decipher ing it, and managed to get in one or two extrn shots while this was in progress." As the other boats read the signal at sight and promt ly ceased firing, the Italeigh came out of the war with the rare destinetion of having fired the first shot in the first great battle and the Inst shut in the last battle of a great war." AO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The wouiau who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. It she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. It she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im pure blood trill cause pimples, blotches, kiu eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Hitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, liver aad kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, rich complex ion. It will make a good-looking, charm ing woman of a run-down invalid. Only iiu cents at all drug stores. .NOTICE OF SALE I' MORT GAGE. 1'iider' and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a mortgage executed by J. 1. Turner to V. 1!. Moore, dated -May a, J SIM, and recorded in Rook J-'S, page (Mrj, Register of Deeds Office for Wake Couuty, and in a deed of trust executed by said Turnecto R. T. Gray, dated April 11, 1SD5, and recorded in Book 134, at page 347, said Register's Office, the undersigned will expose to Bale at public unction at the door of the Court House of Wake County, on Saturday, the third day of June, 1800, at 12 o'clock M., the following described real estate lying and being in Panther Uranch Township, Wake County, North Carolina, and bonnded on the east and north by Panther Branch, on the north and west by the lands of P. S. Jones, and on the south by Middle Creek, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: By a line beginning at the bridge across Middle Creek, P. S. Jones' southeast corner, running thence north 20 degrees east, 58 chains to a maple on Panther Branch, thence down said ' Panther Branch to a stake near the mouth of said branch, J. Wiley Jones' corner, tbence s. 46 degrees west 4 chains to said Middle Creek, thence up the said creek to tho beginning, containing 100 acres more or less, said lot of land be ing lot No. 5, as shown on plot recorded in Book 02, page 431, Register of Deeds Office of Wake County, and is lot No. 5 conveyed by deed from Mary Turner and others to J. D. Turner, recorded ifl Book 02, at page 431, Register of Dpcds Office for Wake County, and is a part of tho land conveyed to the late W. 1). Turner by Seth Wood all by deed dated August 80, J859, recorded in Book 20, page 56, said Register's Office. Terms of Sale Cash. VAN B. MOORE, Mortgagee. J. 8. WYNNE, Assignee. R. T. GRAY, Trustee. "Baking wwiBH co., new vo. I ''Now, boys, I have a few question in fractions' to nsk," said the teacher, ac cording to Tit-Kits.. "Suppose I have a piece of beefsteak and cut it into sixteen I pieces, what would those pieces be : called?" 'Sixteenth," answered one Imy. after meditating a moment. "Very good. And when the sixteenths were cut in half, what would they beV" There was silence in the class; but presently a little boy at the foot put up his hand. "Do you kuow, Johnnie?" "Hash!" answered Johnnie, confident ly. THEY LIKE IT. "Mydaughter has taken Hood's Sar aparllla as a blood purifier and tonic, and likes it better than any other med icine. It creates a good appetite and strengthens the whole system One ot my friends who took Hood's Sarsapa rlila says it Is the best medicine in ttie world." 'Mrs. O. W. Foster, Shallow ford, N. C. Hood's Pills are non-Irritating and the' only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. FOR OVER FIFTY YE7ARS. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup kas been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, wlthp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the besat remedy foi Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little eufjar Immediate ly. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take ae other ind. NOTICE OF SALE. The following property having becu forfeited for violation of Internal Rev enue Laws, I will offer the same for sale ut my office in tho city of Raleigh, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 10th day of May, 1800. at 12 o'clock M.: One keg of corn whiskey seized from Edward '.Vorthington November 23, itIOS. h " One keg of corn whiskey, seized from John Speight November 25, 1808. Two kegs of corn whiskey, seized from J. J. Jrduuon November 30, 1808. Two kegs or eorn whiskey, seized from J. V. Carroll Dumber 10, 1808. Four kegs of corn whiskey and one trunk, seizeAJrom J. P. Carroll Decern bcr 17, 1808. One keg of corn whiskey, seized ftein William King December 30, 1808. One broken package of corn whiskey, seized from Dock Forsythe. Five packages of brandy, seized from James J. Fully March 11, 1800. Seven packages of spirits, seized from J. II. Scoggins and others March 22, 1800. Three packages of brandy, still and fixtures, seized from S. L. Horton March 21, 1809. E. C. DUNCAN, Collector Fourth District N. C. Raleigh, N. 0., May 1, 1800. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. l'.y virtue of a judgment o the Supe rior court ot Wake county in the special proceeding entitled Armlstead Jones, Administrator, L. B. N. C. T. A. of Daniel G. Fowle, deceased, against I'bil H. Audrcws and others entered on ihe 20th day of April, 1800, it being No. 884 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of Said Court, I will on Tuesday, tho 23rd day ot May, 1890, at 12 o'clock, m., offer for sale at public outcry to tho highest bidder at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, tho following described real estate, upon the following terms, one third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, one third to be paid in 'six months, and the remaining one third to be paid in twelve months from the day of sale, the deferred payments to bear six per cent, interest from the day of sale. 1st. A certain tract of land in Swift Creek township, said couuty and State conveyed to Jordan Woiuule and wife to D. G. Fowle and J. A. Haywood on the Oth day of April, 1872, by deed registered in the office of Register of Deeds ot said county, in book 33, page 7(11. (The interest A. Haywood was afterwards conveyed to D. O. Fowle,) containing 844 acres more or less, described in said deed as adjoining the lands ot Charles Kenster, Henry Horton and others, reference being made to said deed for a full description of naid land. 2nd. A certain lot of laud situated iu the city of Raleigh said county and State, and described as follows: Begin ulng on Fowle street at the corner of the back lot running thence North with that line to lot No. 510, thence West with said lot No. 510 to S. W. Corner, thence North about 12 feet to Blake's line, thence with Blake's line 726 feet more or less to Sylvester Smith's, (deceased) line at Blake's corner, thence South with Smith's line 112 feet to Fowle street, thence East with Fowle street about 776 feet to the beginning. 3rd. A certain lot of land situated in the city ot Raleigh said county and State, beginning on Pugh street at the Southeast intersection with Manly street, running thence with Pugh street North about 778 feet to S. Smith's line, thence south with 8. Smith's line 112 feet mora or less to R. S. Tucker's line, thence East, with Tucker's line 600 feet more or lesi to Manly street, thence North with Manly street 115 feet, more or less to the beginning at Pugh street. 4th. Lot, situated in the city of Ra leigh said county and State beginning on Pugh street Northeast corner at Man ly street, running thence West with Pugh street 6216 feet to a stake, thence North 82 feet to a stake, thence 80 feet more or less to Manly street, thence SoutbWith Manly street 34 feet to the beginning. v 5th. Lot, situated in the city ot Ra leigh, said county snd State, beginning on Manly street 52 feet from Fowle street, running thence West 101 feet, thence South 40 feet, thence East to Manly street TO feet more or less, thence f THERE WAS A LONGER WAIT. When yon write poetry clo you have to wait for tlie iuspiratiou? ! Well-or, yes; but not us long as I have to wait for the monetary results. I Tim1 woman manager of u California insurance company is credited with the largest salary paid any woman -10.000 a year. North 42 feet with Manly street to the beginning. The last four parcels be ing a part of what is known as the Vineyard property m said city. Sen deed registered in the office of Register of Deeds of said county, in book 828, page 604. tith. Lot, situated in the city of Ita leigh, said county and State, beginning on Manly street at Mary E. Fowle's line, running thence West 04 feet thence South 44,i feet, theuce East 80 feet, thence North with Manly street 17 feet to the beginning. "til. Lot situated iu the city of Ra leigh, said county and State, beginning on Pugh street, 62 feet from Manly street, D. G. Fowle's corner, running thence West with Pugh street 204 feet, thence North 105 feet, thence Enst 264 feet, thence South 105 feet. 8th. Lot situated in the city of Ra leigh, said county and State, beginning on Fowle street at Mary B. Fowle's cor ucr, about 021 feet from Manly street, running thenco West with Fowle street about 09 feet, thence South 105 feet, thence East 00 feet, thence North 105 feet to the beginning. 0th. Lot, situated in the city of Ra leigh, said county and State beginning on Fowle street at Mary E. Fowle's corner 719 feet from Manly street, run ning thence West 132 feet more or less to S. Smith's line, thence South 105 feet, thence East 132 feet more or less, thenca North 105 feet to tho beginning. Tho last four lots being tho samo that was conveyed by Fabius J. Haywood and wife Nannie G. Haywood to D. G. Fowlo by deed registered in tho offico of Register of deeds of said county, in book 80, page 702, on 30th June, 1880. 10th. Lot situated in the city of Ra leigh, said county and State, beginning on Fowlo street in said city at its South cast junction with Manly street running thenco with Fowlo street 125 fect, thence South 40 fect, thence East 101 fect, thenco to Manly strtt, thence North with Manly street 52 feet to tho beginning. 11th. Lot, situated in the city of Ra- i lcigb, said county and State, beginning on Fowle street 158 feet from Manly i street, thence West with said street 23" fect, thenca. South 105 feet, thenco East l 231 fect, thence North 105 feet to tho beginning on Fowle street. I 12th. Lot, situated in tho city of Ra leigh, said county and State, beginning on Pugh street 425 feet from Manly street, rnnning thence West 00 feet with Pngh street, thenco North 11)5 fect, thence East 09 feet, thence South 105 fect to Pugh street at the beginning. 13th. Lot, situated in the city of Ra leigh said county and State, beginning on Pugh street 623 fect from Manly street, running thence West with Pugh street about 132 feet to S. Smith's lino thence North 105 feet, thence East about 132 feet, thence South about 105 feet to the beginning on Pugh street. Tho last four lots being the same that wero conveyed by J. P. Haywood to D. G. Fowle by deed, registered lu tho office of the Register of Deeds oC said county in book , page . 14th. Lot, situated in the city ot Ra leigh, said county and State, on Manly and Fowlo streets being part of lot No. 533 in the plan of said city, ami being the same lot that was conveyed by O. Dodd, receiver to I). G. Fowle, by deed registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of said couuty la book 111, page 320. Said deed is referred to for a description of said lot. 15th. Lot, situated iu the city of Ita leigh said county and State, beginning ou McDowell street at Royster's line, running thenco South with said street 38 feet to Royster's line, thenco West 00 feet to Mrs. Mary E. Fowles' line, thence North with her lino and Roys ter's line 38 feet to Royster's line first mentioned, thence East 00 fect to the beginning on McDowell street tho same being a part of lot No. il, iu the plau of said city. ICth. Lot, situated iu the city of Ita leigh, said county and State on West side ot Manly street, beginning at Ed wards' line, running thence with Mauly street South about 117 feet, thence West about 90 feet, thence North about 117 l'eet io Edwards' line, thence East about 110 feet to the beginning. 17th. Lot, situated in the city of Ita leigh, said county and State beginning at W. I. Royster's line on Lenoir street, 235 feet from McDowell street, running thence with Lenoir street West 00 feet, thence South to the middle of the square about 105 feet, thence East CO feet to Royster's corner, thence North about 105 feet to tho beginning. 18th. Lot, beginning ut a stake iu D G. Fowle's corner on the East side of Manly street In Raleigh, N. O., running thence South 85, East 115 feet to a fctake In Dr. Jas. McKcc's line, thence with his line 11 West, 55 feet to a stake, thence North 82, West 126 fect to a stake in Dr. Jas. McKce's line, thence with his line 11, West 53 feet to a stake, thence North 82, west 12G feet to a stake on the East sido of the said street, thence along said street North 22, East 62 feet to the begin ning. See book 39, page 8, Register's office, Wake county, for a descriptiou. The said lands will be divided and sold in such lots and parcels as will be to the most advantage. Terms of sole one-third cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve hiontMs? with interest on the deferred payments from day of sale. Tpe of sale May Uifi 23, 1809, at l't o cir.CK, m. ARMlSTKAD JONES, SALE OF LOTS. Under aud bj virtue of the decree of the Superior Court of Wake County, at April Term, 1800, and under the former decrees, the anderslgned will at the Court House door hi Raleigh, at noon, on June 6th, 1800, expose to pub lic sale the following lots of the Wat son property as shown by the plat of W. O. Riddock, Surveyor, recorded in the Register's Office of Wake County in Book of Maps. 1885, page 20, to-wit, Lota Nos. 64, 65, 07, 00, 48, 42, 80, 110, 128, and 157 of the said plat. The plat will be exhibited at the office of P. H. Busbee, Esq. Terms of sale Cash. F, H. BUSBEE. C M. BUSJ3EE, i Commissioners. Str ictly ICE! Our delivery wagons will take ice to all regular customers each morning and evening, who will supply themselves with tickets and let us kuow, at least half a day in advauee of time wanted so that names and places may be given beforo wagons start out. Orders received af ter wagous leave factory may be de layed until nest trip. We cannot usually make prompt, spe cial delivery of small lots. But it may" now be had at cellar under our office, 107, Fayeltoviliu street. Tickets and ice are sold by drivers fur cash at same old low prices. I'rom tit) cents per 100 down. Jones & Powell. Southern Railway . THE . . . STAN DA HP RAILWAY OF the SOUTH Tba Direct Line to All lnlni. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RICO. 8 rietly FIRST-CLASS Equipment en ail Through and Local Trains; I'ullman ISlacc Sleeping Cars on all Nik lit I -ihn: y&sl and Safe Schedules. r..avel by the Southern and you i.-e assured a Safe, Comfortable oi Expeditious Journey. Al'PLY TO TICKET AOKXTS KOH TIMS TABI.K9, KATES AND (IK.NKKAI. IKKO" NATION, OH ADDRKSS H. L. VERNON, THAI). C.STL K'il T. P.A., C. T. A., Charlotte, N.C. Italeigh, N t No tront to answer qiiestiuiis. knk 8. Gannon, .1. M. Culp, l V. P. & Gon.Man. Traf. Mr W A. Turk, G V A. WASHINGTON l GALLON J. L. O'QUINN & GO. FOK CUT FLOWERS. Roses and Carnations a specialty. Cut flowers of all kinds in season. Boqucts and Floral Designs arranged in host style on short notice. PALMS. FERNS AND OTHER POT PLANTS FOR HOUSE AND WIN DOW DECORATIONS. Chrysanthemums and Roses in best leading varieties, together with all kinds kinds of spring and summer bedding plants and bulbs, Shade trees and ever greens in gTeat variety. Vegetable plants, Tomatoc, Egg am1. Pepper twice transplanted, Cabbage Beets, Lettuce and Cellery in season. See our show window at J. I. John son's Drug Store, leave orders there oi Call Phones. Bell, 149-2. Intorstato, 149 J. L, O'QUINN & Co.'s, FLORISTS, Corner Po k and Swain Sts. RALBIGH.N. O. HAND SEWED and Hand Finished BOYDEN'S SHOES FOR MEN Tli!;y ui'e Kevi'lalions uf ( ! race ami Comfort. Dressy men, as well is ilia entire sine trade, wish Ion;; life to tli? present stylos, and the indica lions are that Ihesrt sensible and shapely lasts will not be altered for some time to come. Ujydfin'sShojs e'aim the attention of every nun who enjiys u perfect ti'. tiny; well made shoe. DOBBIN & FERRALL, Solo Agents for sale of Hoyden's Shoes in Raleigh. CROSS A LINEHAN. For Spring Dress Clothing ! Correct in Style, Perfect in Fit, Fashion and Finish. Our Spring Suits are Models. They are the pick of the output from the mtij-t expert establishments, where every step ia the progress of manufacture looks toward exactness and UNDENI ABLE QUALITY. From the lirst selection of the Fabric to the last flnlshinn touch, the trained eye and skillful hand have been untiringly employed to produce ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. OUIt PIUE for these Suits is an object .csson in tho economy of buying. You will find convincing REASONS why you should Jbuy thcra by simply looking at cither the Quality or the Price. HATS Dunlap, Steison, Straw and Felt. Wc arc especially proud of this do. partmcnt and can suit the most fastid ious. Remember that the style of a gentleman's ha, is an important factor in his dres? and appearance. NECKWEAR. A WORD 1ELS IT. A TRIFLE BUYS IT. Wonderfully pretty. Newly arrived, pleasingly displayed rich iu quality aud popular tints. In this line you will find all the delicate and dressy devices of the best manufacturers. Other Departments io Men's Furnishings. Aic all Complete with the best, latest and most stylish goods that the world aiTordt. Call and see the correct thing that wc have in store for you. CROSS & LINEHAN, L P-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FI3RNiSItER8. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Aldermen of the city ot Italeinh passed April 7th, 1SD0, la pur suance of the airthorituiixpn iu an act of the General Assembly'oT North Ciin iina of 18'J'J, ratilied February rfth, 1800, entitled: "An act to authorize 'ho city of Raleigh to issue bonds for public improvements and to levy k special tax," notice is hereby given that a special election will be held at tho various polling places hereinafter named .... l. lOtl, .In., i Tiit., IOO r,.f thn VII IWC UUJ Wl iuu, .1". ... . majority of the qualified voters of sunt city to t lie issuance of the bonds provid ed for in Section 1 and 7 of snid Act, us follows: Section 1. That for tin.- purpose of paving, macadamizing and otherwise improving such of the public streets of the City of Italeigh as the Board of Aldermen of said city may determino to improve, and for making such other pub lic improvements as the said board of aldermen may determine to make, ;'.i city of Raleigh is hereby authorized r.nd empowered to issue its bonds to an amount not exceeding one hundred thou sand dollars, ot such denominations and la such proportions as the Board of Aldermen may deem advisable, bearing interest from the date thereof at a rata not exceeding five per centum per an num, with interest coupons otUcu d, payable half yearly, at such times aud ut such, place or places as may be deem?d advisable by said Board of Aldermen; said bonds to be of such form and ti nor and transferable iu such way, aud Ihe principal thereof payable or redeema ble at such time or times, not exceeding thirty-years from tho dato thereof, and at such place or places as the Board of Aldermen may determine. Section 5. That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the inter est accruing ou aud tho principal at ma turity of the bonds issued under au thority of this act the Board of Alder men of said city shall annually, and at the time of levying other city taxes, levy and lay a particular tax on all persons and subjects of taxation on Which th said Board of Aldermen now arc or may hereafter bo authorized to lay and levy taxes for any purpose what soever, eaid particular tax to be not less than six or more than eight cents n the one hundred dollars assessed val uation on property, aud not less than eighteen nor more than twenty-6ve cents on each taxable poll. The taxes provided for in this section eball he col lected, and shall be accounted for and kept separate from other city taxes, and nhail be applied exclusively to the pur poses for which they are collected. So much of said taxes as may be required to pay the interest on the bonds issued by authority of this act, as it falls doe, nd cannot be applied to the purchase or discharge of the bonds for which said taxes are levied and collected, shall be invested so as to secure the payment at maturity of the principal of the said bonds; and to insure the due investment of the amounts collected from year to year in excess of that rcptrirefl to pay the said interest the Board:.oX Alder men shall cause the said excess to be turned over to be commissioner of the jinking fund of the city ot Italeigh, whose duty it thai be, under such gen eral rules and regulations as said Board of Aldermen shall from time to time pre SHIRTS Dress and Negligee. All the lalo and stylish weaves arc embraced in this department, and if you want a nice up-to date garment in this line dither in white or colored, stiff or soft bosom, with or without cuffs and collars, you can't afford to pass them by. scribe, to mako investments of so much of tho taxes collected and turned over to him as aforesaid, as shall be applica ble as aforesaid to the payment of the principal of said bouds issued under thi aot, aud to do or perforuvall such other services iu connection with said bonds as ?aid Board of Aldermeu may prr srnljc, and such commissioner shall givit bond mid receive such compensation for his said services as said Board oT Alder men may determine." Those qualified voters approving liio issue of the bonds aud the levy and lection of the particular taxes as above provided for shall deposit iu the ballot box a ballot, Yi inc'hea wide by 3 inches long, ot white "book" paper, in weight iO pounds to tho ream, without uevice, mutilation or ornamentation, upon which shall bu printed a plain long primer type the word "approved;" and those disapproving die same shall deposit a like (allot with tho printed word "Iisapproved." That said election shall be held under the provisions of au act of tho aad tieueral Assembly of 1800, ratihe March Olh, lSi!, entitled: "An Act Ij provide the wanner of election and the registration of the voters In cities and towns, aud for elections upon local ques lions in counties aud townships" iu the four wards or voting precincts provideJ iu said act authorizing said election nd issuance of bouds as aforesoid, to-wit.: l-'irst Ward or voting precinct: Bouu I ed on the south by liillsboro street, ou the cast by Halifax street, and ou tae north and west by the city limits. Second Ward or voting precinct: Bounded ou the south by NeWbcrn ave uue, ou the west by Halifax street, aud ou the north and east by the city ii mi Is. Third Ward or voting precinct:1". Bounded on the north by Newbern av nue, ou the west by Fayetteville street. : und ou tho south and east by tho city umits. Fourth Ward or viug prjeinct: Bounded ou the north by Hiilsbovo stre-M, on the east by Fayettevillo ttrect, aud ou the south and west by tho city limits. A new registration shall be had as re quired by said act authorizing said elec tion and issuance of bonds and ordered by said Board of Aldermen. The regis tration books will be open for registra tion of voters from sunrise to sunset for ten days, Sundays excepted, begin ning May 30th and closing at sunset ou June 0th, at the following place (which are lnso the polling places) by the fol lowing named registrars: First Ward Conn's Store, corner Salisbury and Jones street; Mclvin An drews, Registrar. Second Ward E. Hugh Lee's Store, corner Lane and Bloodworth strsets; E. Hugh. Lee, registrar. Third Ward Jones' Warehouse, tur ner Bolunt and Davie streets; F. II. Hunnicutt, registrar. Fourth Ward Oity Lot, corner Da fie and Salisbury streets; W. II. Strother. registrar. A. M. POWELL, Mayor. II A M F. SMITH, City Clerk. Li- General Assembly I'realytexian GburclT in United States, Richmond, Va., May 17-31, 1800. On account of the above occasion the S. A. Iu will sell round trip tickets to Richmond, Vs., at one first class fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold May 10 and 17, with final limit Job 8rd, 1899.