THE TIMES-VISITOR. WEDUESDAY, - May 10, 1899j KEPOltT DKNIEO. LO.NDON, May lO.-The loading iron aud steel merchants of Glasgow deny that there is any truth in the reports ol the absorption of the works iu England, Scotland and Wales by tue Carnegie 'ompany. home's -.'.own iuuthd.yy. On Friday, April 1, the city of Konie celebrated its L'.OWd birthday. That is a respectable age, and it embraces an immense history, which, in a spc -ial in-J-ner, shows the rise aud fall of govern ments, and the experiences of all the phases that the human mind seems ca pable of inventing. The day was honor ed by Che Komau municipality by the exhibition of flags on the municipal buildings, aud by the holding of a special session by the German Archaeological Institute," which assembles near the i'alaggo Call'erelli, on the Hill of the Capitol, on the site where of old stood the historical Temple of Jupiter Capi lolinus. The historian iuvy, in beginning his ac count of the origin of lioinw and its leg endary character, notes that It partakes more of the character of poetical fiction than of what belongs to the genuine rec ords of history. This indulgence, he snys, is conceded to autiquity, that by blend ing things human with divine, it may make the orgin of cities appear more venerable, and if any people might be al lowed to consecrate their origin, and to ascribe it to the gods as its authors, such is the renown of the Komau people iu war, that when thwr represent Mars, in particular, as theirNjwn parent and that of their founder, the nations of the world may submit to this as patiently as they sbmit uto their sovereignty. Scrofula, salt rheum and all dis cases caused by impure blood are cured by Mood 's JSarsaai ilia, whicb is America s greatest medicine. The tlirt is generally consider.-.! mi tii-ii-ut slight-ot'-haiid artist. TO CVHH A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab lets. All dduggista refund the money if it faili to core. 25c. The genuine bit L. B. Q. In each tablet. DUGHI'S CliBAM. Mr. Dughi is shipping his cream to all parts of the State. The rame of his ex cellent cream is constantly on t'ie in crease. He furnished the rerresuments for the Guilford College commencement last night. FOR KENT. No. 510, North Person street. Inquire nt 504 North Person street. WANTED. Several grown women to do pleasant work, ten boys or girls be tween the ages of 15 and 20 and several children from 10 to 15 years old. None younger than 10 years Seed apply and all applicants must read and write. W 1 LiLA K D V 1 LLE HOSIERY CO. South West street, Raleigh, N. '. Dughi pays special nttenti.-.n to thp packing and shipment of his cream. IK is constantly in receipt of complimentary letters. The following is one r'i.leJ from Tarboro: "The cream r;une on time and was in first tii-- eon.Iiti--: :i J very pretty." Hoses, carnations and other cut flowers. STEIN METZ. Deviled Crabs at Giersch's. BISMARCK'S IRON NEIU'E Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Ouly 25c. at any drug store. Best ice cream, all flavors, at R. Giersch's. Any quantity. Prompt de livery. Interstate phone 340; Bell phone 199. If yon want fresh fish, the best on the market, call phone 103, W. II. Doanes and Company, at Betts Bros. Soft shell crabs at Giersch's. LOST. About two wtela ago a post office key. Reward for return to this office. A valuable find. One can get it by calling nt W. A. Taylor's tailor shop, and paying for this advertisement. Miss Maggie Reese. We will make a Special Fale during the next week of MUSLIN CAPS' for infants. The assortment is good and the PRICES REASONABLE, We have NEW TRIMMED HATS for ladies and children every TUESDAY ar-d WEDNES DAY. A reduction made on all ready tiircmed Spring Hats. MISS MAGGIE REESE, 209, Fayetteville Street, Rale!gh, N. C. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "1 was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran Into Pneumon ia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption when I heard of l.r. King's New Discovery. One bottle guve great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This mar vellous medicine Is the surest and quick est cure iu the world for all Throat aud Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and Ifl.OO. Trial bottles free at all drug stores; every bottle guaranteed. Set out now the following plants: Tomatoes, best standard sorts, Eurly cabbage. California violets unequaled in hardi ness and fragrance. 23c. per dozen. Ilosee, strong plants, all the leading varieties. Bedding plants of H do-icrip'ions at reasonable prices. Vines for the Vaxanda. As usual I shall have tomato plants for salo at Rlggan's Toy Store. The choicest and rarest chrysanthe mum. H. STEINMETZ. Tbinir 113, North Halifax street. Luwn Hu;hes'. swings and hnmmock at WANTED. Several young men to board. Good rooms and locality. Terms reasonable apply to Mrs. W. If. Jones, No. 308 East Jones street. I ECLIPSE 1 DRY AIR Merit and Novelty LAWN MOWERS, WHITE MOUNTAIN Ice Cream Freezers. Thomas H, Brigs & Sons, I RALEIGH. N C. 4 There Perfection Lies. r Lave Lad a reputation for serving uncommonly tine drinks. There is every reason why we should have it. We have a nice clean Fountain. Our materials ure the finest that money can buy, and are kept free from any possible contamination. One thin? we wish to im press upon you is the fact that absolute cleanli ness prevails throughout our Soda making. As to the "know how" we think our drinks tell I be story We Make Our Own Ice Cream Freeh Every Day. W. H. Kins; & Co.. v I II Druggists REF R GEflATORS Down Co Millinery Prices. We have been in the habit of carrying too much milli nery stock in the later part of the season. This season we are going to try hard lo sell every article injthe tntire stock, and begin now a special reduced price sale, to that end. We shall keep the stock in complete assortment so that we can supply your every want, but the stock must go down. We hav'ent anything but desirable wantable goods and we start right out now to make prices to clear out the entire line by the end ol the season. All trimmed hats are reduced from 50c to $2 00 each. All the shapes are reduced lrom 10c to 50c each. All the Baby Caps are reduced from 10c to 35c each. All the ribbons are reduced from ic to 9c a yard. In fact we have cut the price of all the lines and we have cut them deep, because we are going to clear out the entire stock this season if possible. This is an oppor tunity to buy best millinery at lower prices than you ever did. You know our millinery jOu knew our work. You know our stock, and you must realize what a saving to you this clearing sale will be. The choicest go first be first if j'ou can. W. E. JONES, 214 FayetUTllle Street. ORGANDIES. 0 vary 7r y '2$ ' l)H J, . y mm litrope, ngnt o.ue, dmck anc pinic, plenty ot white, usual value 75c, special ... 50c Printed Organdies, white groun.), bc.iutful colors, large and small figures, 17 1-2 regular, special . 12 i-2c Printed Organdies, vertical stripes, u hue ground, all colors figures in bow knot effect, regular price 250, special 20c ANTMM SlTl'lNUS. Nuvulty Liueu Suiting, appropriately called the Antrim. It is a sheer light weight Fabric in the regular Linen color, ground work, with fancy oolnreil stripes running with the warp. These goods are very desirable for saparate Skirts, taking the place of crash Skirts 23c Standard Patterns for June are now ready. Standard Fashion Sheets free. Standard Designers IOV. Standard Fashion Catalogue Sum mer 1SW, for Dress Makers.... 13c. Standard Advanced Patterns for July are now ready, su.m ing new Patterns foi Ladies' Waists and m niirnte Skirts. THK AISTUIAN AND JAPANESE FANS. Japanese Fans, Uautiful colorings, fancy effects in white, black aud all colors 3c. to iV. Austrian Faus, Silk Fans In white hand painted and spangled 23c. ft"hito Silk Fans, assorted designs, beautiful white sticks 30c. White Silk Fans, spangle hand painted with violets, Silvered sticks 73c. Silk Fans, assorted colors appliqued with Cream Silk Lace gilded sticks $1.00 White Silk (Jauze Fans, handsome Lace edge. Ivory sticks, spangled hand painted with forgt-t-nie-untd.fl.'iO Fine White Silk Gauze Fans, spun Bled and appliqued w ith Lace; also Lace edge. Fancy Ivory stirks, with Gilt aud Silv.-r Inlaid .2.2; La Grip. THE BEST REMEDY, iellmont Rye Whisky -OH Old Haived Corn Whisky WITH liOCK CANDY 1 1 "fule at SV IT AGUE WINE CO.. Opposite Post "Hire. RALEIGH, N. C. Cerise, ied, pink, maize, lav ender, heliotrope, light blue, Tur quoise and plenty white ; 32 inch wide; usual 15c; special, 10: Organdies in Nile green, black, maize, pink, light blue and white, 32 inches wide, usual price 25c; now .... 15c Organdies in cerise, pinks, light blue, maize, Turquoise and white, 12 inches wide, usual ??c, special ... 25c "Our special" ?2 inch French Organdies in white, usual value 40c, special 25c :m. evi. Organdies in Cardinal, maize, He- 1 ., 1 11 1 11. .M 1.1 iKs IN SUM ME It JEWELRY. Tivili-d Wire Iteauty Pins, assort ed designs lc. i;..yl, tine piece beauty Pin In sil ver, fj'ild and black Quality guar antee.! 2 for 3c. Fancy colored Enameled Beauty Pin 3c. Ladies' Placket Pin Sett, consist ing of 3 pins, black and gold. Set. 10c. Ilutterlly Belt Pius, hard enamel, assorted colors 30c. r'aucy designs in Brooches euam "eled four leaf Clover, hearts, love kimts; also some studded with stones 23 and 30c. Shirt Waist Sets, bright and dull, O'Usistiug of cuff buttons, pins and collar button 10c. Shirt Waist Sets in black, sterling Silver and Enamel. . . .' ' . .23 and 50c. Nethersole Bracelets in plain""Ster ling Silver 50 and SOc. Nethersole Bracelets vhased, beauti ful designs 73c. Extra Heavy Sterling Silver Neth ersole Bracelets ?1.50 Beautiful Pins, small diamond shap ed, bow knot effect and rouud, studded with stones, used In back of hair 50c. SASH BT'CKLES AND COLLAR CLASPS. Collar Clasps, in Roman Gold, Sil ver and Oxidized Silver Enamel ed; and some set with colored stones 23c. Beautiful creations in Buckles, jet (bright and dull) Sterling Sil ver, Homan Gold, Frosted Silver, lMinnieled JJrossen with various stone settings and plain. 25c. up to $2. CATCH OR KILL these arc the orders that have gone forth about the Bugs and -s. We have the materials to aid you la cither operation. See our front window. Henry T. Hicks, PRESCRIPTION nRUO(4Ir!T. THE COZIEST COriNtrf made would be a llrefome place to lounce in with out bOMIfiTHING TO KEA or materials to indite a noie when the whim seized you. We have light but interesting Novels for lazy hours or weightier matter f .r serious moments. Books from 0;. to (1.00. And the collection of Stationery here surpasses all other sto ks. There's the daintiest writing paper and envelopes at THE SOUTHERN B OOK. EXuMLNOE Graphopones, Camres, Typewr.tcrsand thousands of book s. OAnH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF BOOKS, and now is our buying season. Bend them or we will call and ex mine your, lot at once. M. M. SMITH, RALEIGH, N. C. NOTICE! OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified aa admlnstrator d. b. a. c. t. a. ot the estate of John Manuel, deceased, late of Wake County, N. C, this U to nonfy ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to th tmdenigned at his office In Raleigh, N. O, on or before the 28th day ot kUrch, M00, or Utis notice will be plead In bar of their recovery, and all personi indebted to Mid estate will please makt tuHDeditte payment t the andersigned. i. a MABGOM. Administrator March 27. Vm. l j l The Woman in White Can mot s;itifjcloi ily to herself and others, renew her costume ;it our magnificent display of lite millinery and which will take plate in our DAY, MAY 1 2th and 13th. Of We Hats there will be no end, Also White Goods in Beautiful Profusion, 1'Oi.mVELY Tt E FIRST OPENING OF WH1TK ;OOD.- AN' WHITE MILLINERY EVER rfELD IN RALEIGH. Boylan, Pearce & Co 206 and 208 Fayetteville Street' j a Thousand Other Things WE CARRY IN ST03K, YOU WILL FIX!) THE GREATEST THING OF 1 HE AGE a mill The Royal Elastic Felt Mattress. Better, "Cheaper and Gleaner than Hair. Refrigerators K'f$3.50to$20 The best on the market, Les ice used than in any other?. No odcr. You should tc our fpiin and summer line of Furniture and Ilonsefurnishing?, The largest stock and the lowest prices. The HI & Borden Furniture Co., Cor. Wilmington and Hargett Streets, TJalelgu, N. C. 4 - Cheapness Not the Only Factor. The man who Las nothing toofTer his customers, "but price" is in a bai' fix. The policy of this store bos alway been quality as well as quantity acJ for FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week, May 5 a"d Gth, is special Sales IXiy to close out som? smalMots Jof good first class goods to get ihu room Sa le Special Sale At Riggan's China ni Toy set of 0. Beautiful Americtn Decorated Cuspi tors tic each. Glass Dippers 8c. each. Qlass fluted edge Berry or Salld Bowl 5c, large size of the same 10c. C-istanl Cups. Fine Chrystal Glass for Water Ices, Ice Ci'eim, Custard or Bulyoo, 5c each. 1 Bbl. Thin Blown Qlass Tumblers Regular Price lQc each, these to go at Kc. 8 cases, Shoe Polish 5c. bottle, regular 10c goods. We sell the- l'i;t of everything and always make the b"st and lowest prices. Evcrthing is warranted as represented or tho good sken DacK. Any impollet ucss, or carelessness by any one in this store, thai, will be reported by any cus tomer will be appreciated. " And all the spocluls mentioned are just one half price. RIGGAN'S RIGGAN'S RIGGAN'S ! till as ihe outsiiles ;ir.' handsome. Tin-re ;uv n senilis or 1 .m,is lc irriuti: the sole, nor faulty work, t c iu-e disin!egr; before the shors h.ive earned their cost. $2 00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. $4.00 $5.00 W.T.HARDING'S POPULAR SHOE STORE. FRESH, SWEET, PURE. Pope's Candy MADE EVERY DAY. J. A. POPE, Candy Manufacturer. ' ADMlNlSTRATOJtt'8 NOTICE. Having qualified aa administratrix ot the estate of Thomas B. Jones, deceased, this is to notify all persona having claim against said estate to present the same to me or to my attorneys, onr be fore the 80th day ot March, 1000, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me. LJfiMOHA JONKS, Administratrix, of THUS K. JUNES, Deceased. - Argo A Know, Attorneys. March 80th, lite goods stoie on FRIDAY and SATUR- $12.50 Store E French C C Soup Platua 25c. set innor Plates 5c. each. Dinner Plate9 25c for Tea Plates 38c set of 6. Decorated Tin Feet All Right FOOTWEAR v r s,l. ! li Shot is well made. 'im... :.. :.i r. Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks, Water Coolers, Gasoline and Oil Sums, ice Picks, Lemon Squeezers, Fly Fans, Refrigerators, Ice Chest, Andj the biggest Stock of Fishing Tackle Ever Shown in Raleigh. Respec fully. J. C S. Lumsden t sura goods: