ITOR NUMBER 8,890. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1899. 25 CENTS A MONTH. THE TinES-VIS GERMANY WILL PAY $5,000,000 FOR SPAIN'S REMAINING COLONIES. Qermaoy Offers to Also Grant Spain Coaling Stations and Exceptional Privelege in German Pos sessions. MADRID, June 3.-It is announced today that Germany will pay Spain albout Ave luiMom dollars for the Caro lines, Talaos and Marinne or Ladrones. Spain WH1 retain three coaling stations, .me in each group. Germany under takes to defend these coaling stations in vase of war. In addition to these con- eessions Germany grants Spain the posi tion of the most favored nation in the treatment of by Germany and her Colo nial islands. BODY UNCLAIMED. Body of a Negro Shipped From New York Mere. The hody of a negro man S. Jeffries was shipped from New York here by express. It reached this city nearly five days ago, but no one lias as yet claimed The box was addressed t oJ. Jeffries, Raleigh, N. C. Since the body reinaiu (4 here uncalled for it was this morning interred in the Mount Hope cemetery. It is said that J. Jeffries called for l he body last week, hut as it toad not 4-ome he said that he could not wait and he did not care -whether it ever came or I not. TORNADO STRIKES A TRAIN. TEI6E IILVUTE," Juue S.-Word has just reached here that a Chucago, Illi nois, freight struck a tornado near Watxka Islands, while niinnrng at mi speed, end tho .wimd carried five cars out of the train and blow out two tracks for a distance of sixty feet, -with also a good portion of the road feed. Two cars filled with barrels and two with heavy lum ber were lifted bodily from the tracks and throwm Into the ditch. An empty car was hurled off to the right. OID FELLOWS COLUNM. ijens to look like we are going to Uiav an grease in membership sure innilA. . . YoW men, if ?ou ever intend conneci inc.naUu wth th ordorj do In opportunity is nW onerea u. notbSnffered before and perhaps nev . rtJSr bTftgato. 45ee ahout it. " We are iUd to leam tltat all are H t our Orptoan (Home. Every Odd lel- V XZ M Mled wifh and 'lnutered in the -order takes a deep m- terst in our Home. , Te proceedings of the Grand Idgc have been prepared and are In the print- . its' hands. Tfie uouges wue " tardy In recommending their deputies ..Ar io mw svstem and thi will de- lav the proceedings. I v'a o-mort to institute new lodges lit I ' -i ni.iwu in it slmrt time. Some ,.r ikrofhren are rendering faithful I .. ..a rficint heit along these lines. If . .m nnlff cet the hrethren to ex- l . . . I L-rfc VhemsaJyes in buueang up vutai " i lvtee it -would render tuai our lndsM would oe net Kam i . 1 iWo urn milnnl ta.arnnouneo the clcatn I . of Mrs. , . J. Joaefwiieloved wife of our venerahlo Grana 'lTeaaurer, xw. . .t Wiiitmimnn. The heartfelt sympathy tit every Odd Fellow in. SNorrn vrom i Attended to Urauu Treasurer juub u i thi sad (affliction. A companionship of I fifty five years mas been sauiiy i r . t-r ... 1 ... Innm.l I lirOUJIwX lO u Clowe uuu uii "4,,u I iVesaurr is left alone. uuay nia i Jjirnjrth he sufficient to enahle Hum to I feaf tttis hiicwoii uu ' ' ' . n,n. nnMnnna I and fortitude. V shall sec now .whether the blocks ,.t tn detrimental to the order or iot. Several lodges in the gtate have AomAaA jilrendv to (rive it a trial; too .r Hie lodeea here having done so. Oth- m emsiderins the matter and may ,in u later if they see that others are lienefitted. lAs we eaid before it can be tried without much risk. If we venture iMirhdmr we need not expect to gain much. Now the .brethren wfll have to hustle among their ifnendis or tney can not get them admitted at the low rate. This is rather an amusing conversation hnt it cATT-lea a lesson with it. Mm. A. B. "Will Grand Secretary. 1 cannot see why our membership Is in vreasdmr no faster than it is. Grand Secretary Perhaps you have not looked into the matter. A. B. Oh, yea, 1 have, I read your re ports every tkne and that shows. O. S. 'But how fa It with your lodge i that increasing much? .! A. B. Well, not much, font it ought to. .Hi. 8. 'Is not ywnf 'lodge decreasing jP4ad of itnereaaraff? A B.T don't know. (j, (Well, ydu ought not to permit G. S. 1 orient not, what do you A. B. Why it is your business to keep the lodges, alive and moving, that Is what you are paid to do. .O. 8. Oh, yes, I see, you expect me tn Tworida at all the regular meetings, act as secretary, collect tho due visit the Click and-e ttw Jouge generauy A. B. Certainly. ;. R Anil what will you do? A. B. That ia mot lv business. I am G. 6.--But how can I bee in one hun - irfned loAffM at th name? 'A W Prvaf im tvn mvv hnttimvfi9. jfi. A.T um onA anwt im frith a "brother who atiuiita ft frs, pot his business to do anything. . Yon are honest; possibly if you wouM top criticising and try to beh) in dointr aomethdnc to create an in terest ia your lodge yon wouOd in worth ootoethuwr to the order Instead of blnrt- . ranee to it. Try it and see. We desire to call special attention to I the following whptii1i taken from the Washington Odd IFeltoV. . 'Not knolwin out of the order and it da Mtontthing to . . a . a uvn ill unva r. xieicj vuvwwmw mow now 'F run wu yvu wuea s JAMES A. M00RE . A FREE MAN Governor Pardoned the Son of Ex-Sheriff Moore. PATHETIC SCENE Moore Killed a Negro While Drunk Jwo Bad Prisoners Received ai the Penitentiary Today. Yesterday afternoon Governor Uussell pardoned James A. Moore, serving a fif teen year sentence in the penitentiary for murder. Seldom has a more touching scene leen witnessed at the penitentiary thrfn when ex-Sheriff IMoore, futher of the ninu then occupying a felon s cell, ar rived at the prison with a pardon for his sou in his hand. The scene at the prison may well he imagined. Sheriff Moore, slightly bent with age, his hair long and perfectly white from the snow of seventy four winters, seized his son in his arms and together they wept aloud. The sad sweet joy of the meet ing of father and son last evening must have been intensified tins morning, when, after nearly three years of separa tion, the aged mother welcomed her hoy feack tQ w u,ar ui nonip near i.ipius- bure. James A. Moore is now about oo years old. His boyhood was spent an Gran ville county -where his father was once sheriff. However for fifteen years the famflv (has lived in Franklin county. There at was in the campaign of 1894 that James Moore, maddened by whis- kev. t ruck a negro mi the head and kill ed hhn at a noiiricail meeting, tie was arrested and tried for his life. Ha was iinnllv convicted of murder iu the sec ond degTee. Moore was brought to Ra leigh and lodged in the jrail here. Hie case was carried to the Supreme court and the aged parents loft no stone un turned to save their son ifroni a felon's cell. However, a new trial was refused and two and a half years Moore has now- served on his fifteen year sentence. Sheriff Moore has repeatedly been to Raleich and plead with Governor Bus- Rell for a pardon hut in vain nntil yes terday. Col. J. C. L. Harris and other counsel appeared, before His Excellency for the young man. Warden Russell says flint Moore s con duct in the prison was very creditable MILLER RECEIVED. This morning Miller and O'Donnell. two Federal prisoners, were received In the State prison to serve the terms of years for the first and 1 year, 10 months and 4 days for the second. Miller was tried at the last term of the Federal court here for robbing the pittshurg post office, but, while his pals, RCCi nuj Wright, got five years each he was acquitted for lack of sufficeltn evidence. Miller was re-arrested that afternoon, however, for committine the inoHt office robbery at Mnrfreesboro. O'Doaincll was convicted of the Ply mouth robbery. Reed, it will be re- ' . . memDoreu, escaped irom me pcmieu- uaTy. juner roiuscs in give nuj ini"i -nun hni about himself maiicr in .n.-i.. -iv rucn-ii liisbop w. w. Duncan, oi :partan- burg, sown Carolina, arrived in me cuy this afternoon and is the guest of Mr. jj. s. Jeroian. ml.. T3!l til ...jl. ... ,1... I.M.... liw xwhwoii m ueucu in im- i.ui-ir ton street Mctnoilist eimrcn. just twelve years ago Bishop Duncan . .1 .1.:.. .1 1. miuniuM iius uuuix-ii. ST. LOUIS AGROUND. SOUTHAMPTON. June 3 -TTu: Am erican liner iStfl Louis, under command of Opt. Randle, is aground near Cal.sot Oastle at dead low water. It js expect ed that she" will float at the next tide. She was scheduled to sail for New York today via Gherbouirg. The St. Louis floated soon afterwards and proceeded, passing Hurst Castle at three fifty this afternoon. OEKTRAL M. E. CHURCH. Services at Central Oliurch tomorrow at 11 a. m. There will he no service at the evening hour, an opportunity will ho given to hear Bishop Duncan at Menton street. Sunday School at 9:30 a. K L. H. Woodall, Superintendent. TONE OF MARKETS. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Furnished bv H. D. White, manager for Pain Murphy & Co., 807 8 Wil. mington itrect. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. The folio wine were the closing quo tatlons for the lesding.stocks: American Bojrar i Siuthern K R. Preferred .... 4i Pacific Ma i 471 R. R. T.... HO St. Paul 1.23J Manhattan iu B.&Q. 121 American Tobacco 95 1 Mi-flour! Pacific 401 I . U. 1 611 I L 0 N I J. 0. 115J 84 511 1 0 & O. u. . miD'ier NEW YORK COTTON. Months. Closed I June. .87a&8 S.91a99 5.91a98 5.88afi9 K"JL-:;-"- I " fi.92a93 A.94a95 S.98&93 e.ouoa I V.JT iJanuarr l - 'j j DUKE RECEIVED Diplomatic Relations With Spain Form ally Resumed Today WASHINGTON, June a. Duke D'Arcos, the .Spanish minister, was re ceived by President McKiuley today and diplomatic relations with Spain iformallv resumed. Secretary of State Hay ec corted the minister from the State de partment to the white house. The re ception 'was i nthe blue room. The Duke made a carefully prepared speech and the President responded appropriately. TRINITY PARK HIGH SCHOOU Tli" I.itciMi v Address Delivered by Edi tor J. W. Bailey. Durham. June 3. (Special) Mr. J. W. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder i delivered the literary address at the l Trinity Park High iSchool at 11 o'clock I this .morning. His subject was "Haippi- ness a Task and not a Quest. His ad dress was strong and 'beautiful. It was delivered in the new memorial hall. Mu sic was furnished for the First Regiment band of Virginia. Exercises will be held by the school tonight at 8 o'clock. These will consist of deeluniarion contest, awarding of medals and diplomas. The following is the program for the evening: INVOOATTOIN. Declamation: The coming woiniin by W. S. Lawderniilk. Declamation: The Onwiml March of Democracy, by T. V. .Tndd. Declamation: The Feeling f unrest, by E. W. Harrison. Declamation: New Light, bv W. M. Biles. Declamation: The Daybreak of New Era, by Will Dunlopp. Fnrting words, by Sliss Inez Angler. Presentations of medals and diplomas. REVISION IN DREYFUS CASE FINALLY SECURED. The New Court Martial Will be at Rennes. Held l'ARIS, June 3.-Mme. Dreyfus hus been authorized to inform her husband of tho reijKirts of the ballot from 'Beau pre, procurator, in the matter of a revi sion on the cast of Captain. Dreyfus. When this authorization Was conveyed to her she- replied with deep feeling that she welcomed Jhc hour .of justice for "Which she never despaired. She waited with ahsolute confidence for a verdict in tho future from the judge in her hus band's case. LATER.-THE COURT OF CASSA TION HAS DECIDED IN FAVOR OF A REVISION IN THE DREYFUS eAiSEANl) ISSUES A COMMIS SION FOR A NEW COURT MAR TIAL TO RE HELD AT UE.VNES. The Mayor h:id lively court this morning. John Nixon was lined $3.25 for ilistir derl yeonduct. tftelln GTay, white, paid .f7.2." for be ing drunk and disorderly in u yard. She made the night hideous with her yells in the station house. William Jackson and Richard IVtti ford paid !f3.1") each for being disor derly. DKWKY SAILS TUESDAY. MONO KONG. June 3. Admiral George Dewey's health is still improv ing, but lie is keeping quiet at l'eak Hotel, only once having come down to the city. lie is accepting no invitations. He will sail Tuesday. According to Ms present plans he will not visit England on his homeward journey, but will pro ceed straight to Gibraltar and thence to New York, where he expects to ar rive at the beginning of October after a leisurely voyage. ALDERMEIN. The u mliir mon'lilv meetiiiK ot tne board was held last night in the Mayor's office. iA petition asking the removal of cer tain houses of ill fame on Martin street was read and referred to the police com mittee. Alderman Hamilton reported that ef forts were being made to moke same bacUy needed improvements in the city cemetery. The Finance committee reported that the Tabe case, suit against the city had lieen settled by payment of $350 in cash. Tho committee stated that the Dillion case had also been arranged through at torney Areo who screed unon the pay ment of $3,000. This saves ?55, to tne I city as the interest on the .$3,000 amounted to $105. The city will compel property owners to pay for sidewalks where the city has had to rat them down. 'Mr. WrC. Eatman "presented petition for damages for the loss of his Qiorse which ran" into a gully which made it necessary to kill the 'horse. He wants S175 for horse, SaO for buggy. Hererrea to finance committee. The following were elected members of the equalization hoard: Leu. II. Roys- ter, John D. Briggs and Rev. .7. L. Fos ter. The matter of repairing the Mayor s office was referred to the Finance com mi t tee. Alderman Jones thought no ex tensive repairs should be undertaken un til the city treasury was able to hear it. Alderman Jones also Offered some val uable suggestions as to the printing of the delinquent tax list Get your ice from cellar under Acad emv of Music. . Send your order today to Dnghl for your Sunday ice cream. Don't ask what kind of cream Dughl has, but send your order- for the kind yon want. (Send yonr order to Dnghi this even ing for your Sunday ice cream. CUBANS ARE CHEATS Army Board Reports the Claims at Santi ago Dishonest WASHINGTON, June 3. Tb- war department has made puhiic eneral Weed's report froou Sautiagi province. He says the true sohitaon of the prob lem is to give the Cubans work. 'llie army bonrd appointed to examine Cuban claims in the province of San tiago has made its report to the war de partment mid in the report calls tho Cubans cruel and cowardly. Ninety five per cent of the claims were conceived in a spirit of dishonesty and supported almost entirely '.by the roost unblushing falsehoods. The most absurd and ex trnvngant demands were made univer sally, and a crowd of witnesses ar. compassed us aliout, ready to swear t any proposition which tlyoy deemed nee essary to perpetuate ami establish tin :: attempted frauds. TRAIN ROBBERY. SALT LAKE, June 3. A special I'ro.n Rawlins, Wyo., says that train rob liers yesterday at AVilcox obtained ?3f. 000 in money and about $10,000 in dia, and a large amount in bills wet destroyed by the explosion. HARPER BROS. AND McCLURE CONSOLIDATE M: YORK, JUNK 3. -IT IS AN NOUNCED THIS AFTERNOON THAT HARPERS BROTHERS AND MCCI.UIiE HAVE CONSOLIDATED OFFICIAL CELEBRATION. LONDON, Juue 3. The ofBcial cele bration of the (Jucen's 'birthday today cuusikI tho stock exchange and court's to lie closed, and the usual Ministerial ban quet held. Thousands and witnessed the trooping colors of the Horse Guards and the parade of the royalty preset. CARRIE JONES. riie Nutm' of Marion Clark Arraigned Today. SUMMIT, N. J., June 3. Belle An dersnn, alias Carrie Jones, the nurse who aided iu kidnapping 'Marion Clark, was arraigned before Justice Hughes thN morning and committed to jail to awnii requisition papers. ALIEN IVBOR'ERS. Importation of Italians n Honolulu Permitted. SAN FRANCISCO, June -3. The steamer Almeada which deft Honolulu Mav 2G, brings word that at a meeting of tho idanters it was decided to accept the proposal of tne Italian government for laborers on the same terms as those imported by the Fotugese colonies from time to time. It was decided by the cabinet nud the board of immigration that the importation of alien! should bo allowed with the single provision that the laborers should come from the north provinces of Italy and should be from the peasant class. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION SER VICES AT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The public is cordially invited to at tend the "First Holy 'Communion" ser vices at the Catholic church tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. At that hour, at Low Mass, fourteen hoys and girls will for the lirst time receive their di vine Ivord into their hearts. The pas tor. Rev. Father'iin, will address them and there will be appropriate mu sic for the occasion. The services will be very impressive. The regular Sunday services will tako place at the usual hours as follows: 11 a. m. High Mass. Sermon. 8 p. m. Rosary, sermon, benedic tion. All invited to attend. FAIR SUNDAY. The weather forecast for Raleigh and icinity says: Fair tonight aim Sinn- day. Tho deoression in the west has remain ed nearly stationary, or possibly has ad vanced n little noituward. Heavy rains occurred iu the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, where tbo weatuer continues threatening this morning. The largest rains were 1.38 inches at liis- marck, 1.92 at St. Paul, and '.ir' at Dodge City. East and south the wentner is gener ally clear this morning, but showers oc curred along the Atlantic coast during the past 24 hours. Lower temperatures prevail over the east Lake region. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Sunday School 10 a. m. Josu A. .Mills, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 ip. m. by the pastor. "Subject ii a .ni. The Call to Service. Subject 8 p. mx. The Cost of Religion. The pro tracted services continue, wpeciat in vitation to the unconverted. A wel come to all. These desiring to join the church will please see the pastor, and an opportunity will be given at the ser vices. FUNERAL SERVICE. The .funeral service of little James Bennett Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sanders, was held from the Eden- ton 6treet Methodist church this after noon at five o'clock. The simple service was conducted by Rev. Dr. W . Gor man. The interment wan in the family plot in Oakwood cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. iienry Idtchford, Richard SeaweU, Frank El lington and Pink Ray. 'little James Bennett Sanders was an unusually l right child and the pet of ell who knew him. He lacked only a- few dnrs of betas- eighteen months old. He had been sick seven weeks. He was the third little one to be caHed from bis devoted parent to the brighter realm and the sympathy for Mr. and Mrs, an. dera is profound. AROUND AND ABOUT Items uf Interest Gleaned the Wayside by SHORT STATEMENTS Familiar Faces From the Passing Throng Movements of People You know Snatches of Street Gossi . Today. .Iis Emily Gibson, of Concord, is the guest of Miss Mattie Pace on North Blount street. Hon. K. P. Battle of Chapel Hill, is visiting at Dr. K. 1. P.attle, .Ir.V. Dr. K. P. Battle, Jr., returned this morning from Asheville, Where he has been as a member of the State Medical Examining Board. West Raleigh Baptist church: Service 11 a. m. and S p. m. T. II. Leavin, pas tor. Sunday school 3:30 p. in. W. C. Richardson, superintendent. The tiinuuee committee of the A. and M. College are now preparing their re port for the trustees Monday. The Patterson Textile Compauy of Halifax county was incorporated today with a capital stock of $10,000. Gustavo Milliser and Clarence MiUiser of Rich mond and Samuel F. Patterson of Bal timore are the incorporators. Mrs. E. D. Jenkiu and Rev. D. A. Penick, of Virginia and Mrs. D. B. Pciiick, of Austin, Tex., arrived in the city this morning and are visiting Mrs. M. P. Baumau. The young people of the Stalthels.i will give a lawn party at the home of Master James Thomas corncr McDow ell and Jones streets) next Friday after noon and evening. They hope you wil look out for further notice and be sure to come. Two bands will furnish music at Dela ware Park on the day of the S. A. L. excursion. It will be a big time. You should not fail to go. Mrs, Clhas. Home is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Bel vin on a visit. Rev. Baylus Cade will preach at the Pilot church tomorrow at 11:30. All are invited. W. II. King and Company made the rule that drinks from their fountain are served only to white people. The sermon before the graduating class of the A. and M. College will be preached in the college chapel tomorrow evening. In answer to several inquiries State Treasurer Worth writes that the defini tion of an undertaker is "one who takes charge of funerals," one can make cof fins and not be liahle for the tax unless be manages funerals. Don't fail to secure your ticket at once to the excursion to Delaware Park next Tuesday. It is the best opportunity of the season for a day's outing. The time for registration for the ImiiuI election is nearly out. There are only five more days. Have you registered? If not attend to it at once. Miss Eleise StanqH has returned from Greensboro, where she 1ms hoeu visit ing since the State Normal College com mencement. Mrs. J. Prcsly Meillin and children left this morning for Baltimore, where she will spend several weeks with her mother and relatives. Rev. II. 11. Washburn will preach at Fayetteville Street Baptist church tomorrow night. Everybody is going on the excursion to Delaware Park next Tuesday. Mana ger Horton says they will carry the big gest crowd that they have ever carried before. Miss Emma Dowell Conn, of our city, arrived this morning from Nashville, 5 Teiin., having finished the li years course at Pea body Normal College in that city, graduating in class of lot! with L. I. degree. Miss Margaret Moring and her friend Miss Stewart, of W. Virginia, returned to Durham today. TONE OF MARKETS. RALEIGH STOCK MARKET. Qcotkd I5y Grimes and Vass. Haleiou", June 3, 1899. BONDS. Hid. Askctl. North Carolina 6s North Carolina 4s City of Raleigh (is 108 " " 5s 110 Seaboard & Roanoke 5s 112 Oa Southern & Florida 5sl0H Southern Ry. 1st 5s 109 J 1KH Atlanta & Charlotte 7s Wake County 6 Js 110 W. N. C. R. R 1st 6s Ga & Ala. Pref. 5s 105 H'7 103 99 105 i " " Consols 101 Ga. Car. & North. 1 st 5s Carolina Centre! 4s Ral. Water Co. 6s 105 Eco Cotton Milll 6s Atlantic & N. C. R Gs. Seaboard & Roanoke 6sl05 STOCKS. North Carolina R. R. 155 Seaboard & Roanoke Raleigh & Gaston Raleigh & Angusta Durham & Northern Southern Ry. Pref. 80 30 481 10 10fi 52 501 HI uommon Mechanics Dime Sarin ga Bank Raleigh Water Co. Raleiirh Gas Com nan v Caraleigh Cotton Mills Preferred Common Raleigh Cotton Mills Odel Mfg. Co. Caraleieh Fertilizer 110 too 117 107 and Phosphate Works Va. Carolina Chemical Co. Prefererd 115 Common . 74 i Citizens' National Bank 180 Raleigh Savings Bank 150 J. M Odell Mfg. Co. 1161 74 101 STREET CHATS. ' i he Auburn Christian church and ooiiiiniiiiity enjoyed a delightful picnic at Watt's pond near Auburn yester day," said Rev. J. L. Foster this morn ing, "A big crowd was present and all had a line time." A gentleman walked into the Stale treasurer's office this morning and impu dently inquired of Minor Martin: "Why is a ball headed man like a hound?" Tin Major gave up and his toonentor said: "Why he makes a little hare go a long ways." "Did you ever h":r of people iu this State eating rntsV" asked an attendant at the Federal court this mwuinig. "Well there w u negro woman on my farm who is very fond ot them and when we have rat killing day she enjovs a Mg feaM." "Yes, I had a delightful trip," replied Itev. Dr. Fittenger this morning, who has just returned from a trip north. "1 found the weather rather cold in Glen Cove and New Y'ork, but it was very warm in Baltimore when I was there Thursday." "I am especially anxious to interest my people in their homes," replied Rev. A. L. Betts, to a reporter's inquiry about his work, "therefore I iutend to talk on 'Home' at the Swain street mission Sun day afternoon at 4:15." 41 I'm.. John Smith, formerly of Eaigle Rock, Wake county, but now l'rincioal of the Academy at Forest City, Ruther ford county, was in the city today. In speaking of Federal courts Prof. Smith said: "We hare a man, Amos Owens by name, at Cherry Mountain, who has been in court so much for moonshining that the fellow has been despaired of ami instructions nave been given not to drag him iuto court any more." , . 'it is to be regretted that the build era of the capitol could not foretell in what direction our city would grow," remarked Mr. John W. Thoaapsoo this morning. "Just imagine to how much better advantage the capitol building would appear if tho porticoes faced. Fayetteviile and Halifax instead of Hillnboro and Newbern avenue. But at that time the opinion prevailed that Ra leigh would .build up east and west In stead of South and North." Mr. John E. Ray remarked this morn ing "There is one inovation which should be introduced here at funerals There is nothing more harrow-inn and grating to the pained loved ones than to hear the full of the sod uoon the coffin. just lowered into the grave. The cus tom, winch is practiced in many cities, of lowering the voffin into the grave and leaving the resi to the undertaker should be adopted here, it seems to me. A covering of evergreen can be provid ed on wluch the flowers are placed and then, when tho grave mound is made, this covering laid over St by the under taker. This is the custom in Colorado and has since been adopted in Ken tucky. There tho attendants and pall bearers leave after the coffin is lower ed an. I the religious service concluded " COURT ADJOURNS. Federal Court Concludes a Very Heavy Term. The Federal court adjourued this morning having completed ail the bui ness before it. Juc,.." Purnell compli mented tho grand j .;y on the work of the time indeed :his has heen an ex ceptionally business like term. Although there were more cases to be tried than last winter yet the cases were so r ranged that the usual large crowd of hangers on was avoided. Judge Purnell is u master on tin bench and knows how to safely facih tate .business to tho advantage of Uncle Sam's pocket. District Attorney Ber nard and Assistant Attorney Spears represented the government and the remarkable success of tho term is also attributable to their work and that of Clerk Fortune and his Assistant Tou noffski. The two latter have been ex ceedingly clever to the newspaper frater nity. GOOD .SHEPHERD CHUROH. Itev. I. McK. Pittenger, D. D., Rec tor. First Sunday after Trinity. Sun day School at 0:45 a. m. Service, sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. ni. Even ing prayer at 6:30 p. nu Week day aer vices. Wednesday 10 a. m. and Friday 0 p. m. The seats are all free and starngors and visitors are cordially in vited. CHRIST OriURCJI. Rev. M. M. Marshall, D. D., Rector. First Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine service and Holv Communion 11 a. ni. Evening service d:ju p. m. 'Services during the week: vecinesiay S:30 p. ni. and Friday 10 a. m. Free seats. Strangers cordially welcomed. St. Saviour Chapel: Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning service 11 a. m. Night service 8:15 p. m. Seats all free. Ev ery one invited. MISS EXUMS RECITAL. Invitations have been issued as fifl Ions: Graduate's Piano Recital Given hy Miss Margarerite Eleanor Exum. Assisted by Mrs. G. W. Bryant, Soprano. Mr. J. W. Raimsey, Tenor, Gilmore Ward Bryant, Accompanist, at The Son them Conservatory of IMnsic, Durham, North Carolina. Eighty-thirty p. m. June third, "WO. The Passion Play which was again produced last night at the Academy is meeting with great approval of those attending. They are the best pictures ever produced in Raleigh and as each scene is thrown on the canvas, Prof. Whitworth vividly describes It. A special feature of the production at the Academy is the very full and ap propriate music furnished by Raleigh singers. ' THE GREAT SUMMER SALE. Men's shoes, shirts and clothing. A. WILSON, 209 Wilmington street. s . . . .f. ;. i - - - ' . t ; . . -c - -. -! :,:--'- ; Lsgr":..; " ' -- ;"" z.,.. " " .- -"'-""'....-. "v

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