ris Makes the food more HOVAt BAKING COWKMIONCKS KOI! Tli.WKU AilirliH That .Make tin' S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l i- .1. mini'-s Luxurious. A trunk iiiiTliilly parked is sunn thing In bo proud of, ami must iinorssarily ini jiri'ss ihc Jiusti'sH, in wlmsii house it is temporarily lodged, vrry differently from mil? that is simple a jumbled mess of lliings hastily thrown together. In this ago uf ultra leliiioineni in vi' live nne can harilly nfl'ord to neglect Id have the trunk supplied with the ilain ly accessories that mean so niurh to the appearance ami prrservnlioii of a wo man's toilet. first of all the dimensions of tiW trunk that is to lie most used for sum mer visiting should he taken, and pieces of heavy white linen or muslin bought and cut to lit the diO'ereiit sections. '1 hey should then he hemmed around and stiflly laundered. Very little time or expense is required to produce a set, and the yare !y far the most desirable JiniiiKs lor trunks that are used during the summer. In fact, they have quite usurped the place of the sachets thai have been used throughout the winter. Ik-sides the convenient and many .fashioned cases that are used for I lie gloves, veils, .handkerchiefs, shoes aiid sjiongcs respectively cases are now made to hold shirtwaist. They are of some wash fabric, of heavy texture and fash ioned in much the same shape as a large night-gown case. Around the edges they are bound wilh colored braid. On the outside iti s very pretty to have the initials of the owner embroidered with wash cotton. 'J lie ribbon design is 1 ho most popular and the colors used for both embroidery and binding are yellow, red and blue. The problem of what to do with jew els when traveling has been somewhat simplified by the appearance of sueile jewel bags Hint are now found at almost any of the large department shops. They are made in various sltaies ami 'i7.es, divided off into convenient little compartments, and snspenued lrom a belt worn about the body under the dress skirt. Those that are worth buying are seldom found to cost less than .Many women, however, prefer to have a Hal oiit-siile iMH'ket of suede to their under skirt with a lap that turns over and bul lous on the right side to do service for them as a place of safely for their jew els. V0L.CANI3 ERUPTIONS. Are grand, but Skin Eruption rob lite ot joy. fiuckien's Arnica Balve cure them, alio Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Come, Warts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Bands, CnllbUlns. Bet file cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only lit cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by all druggists, S. A. h. SPECIAL It ATE!?! To Old l'oint Comport, Va Virginia Heaeh, Vn., Ocean View, Va., and Wil mington, X. C, for $3.50 round trip, tiek ets'to be sold for trains on Saturdays aud Sundays until September 24th, 1S99. To St. Louis, Mo., $25.50 round trip, acount Annual lleuniou Grand Lodge Lenevolent Protective Order of Klks, June 20-22, tickets to be sold June JStli, JIHh and 2Uth, wilh final limit June 2(jfli. To Southern Tines and return $3.45, account King's Daughters Convention, June 1-3, tickets to be sold May u and June 1, final limit June 15. To Charlotte, N. C, and return $5.90, account commencement Elizabeth Col lege June 2-7, tickets to bo sold June 1 to li, inclusive, final limit June "Jth. To Charlotte, N. C, and return $0.00, acount commencement lliddle Univer sity, June 2-7, tickets to ho sold June 1 to 7, inclusive, final limit June 0th. To Charlotte, N. C, and return ?5.05, l.ccount Annual Session Biblical Assem lly June 20-29, tickets to be sold June IS, 19, 20 nnd 21," final limit July o. 'to Delaware 1'ark, Va., and return $1.1)0, account Tenth Annual Excufsion and Picnic of the Knleigk and Gaston Workingmen's ltelief Association June lith, tickets to be for train leaving Ita leigh at C:00 a. m. June Gth. To Fayetteville, N. C. and return $1.00 account Meeting Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias, Juno 20th, tickets to be sold June IS, 10 and 20, with final limit Juno 22. To Ashcville, X. C, and return $11.00, account Meeting Grand Commandry, Knights Templar, ltoyal Arch- Masons hud the Shrine, June 13-17, tickets to be sold June 11, 12 and 13 with final limit June 20. For further information write or call on II. S. Lcard, T. P. A., and 'A. P. Smith, C. T. A. Selling Out Our Entire Stock of Dress Goods, MILLINERY, SHOES and TRUNKS . AT, cos r. Men's Gauze Under -ear at a bar-, gain. Beautiful bound books 10c. Ladies' and Children'. IJose 5c, worth 10c. Hair Brushes 5c and 10c Watch the 5 and 10 cents counters bitf values always fouud on them. A big lot of Shoes'. 50 and 75c Sailors now to go at 23 and 39j. LYON RACKET STORE Powder delicious and wholesome lOWOFR CO., NEW VORK. A I '((I.ST. Some liel'iiM' (o l.isl for Taxation Arti cles ((wind by Wile. An inlei-estmg point has been raised by some lion. parlies listing .roicrly for I.imi- The follow i I a x abstract : si'i-lioii u Ihc j '(-! All olhcr properly whatever, in cluding therein Carriages, llnggies. Wagons, ('.arts and other vehicles. S-team-engiues, Sail and How ISonts, Hound and Sawed I. umber, Manufactur ing .Material, and all other goods, wares ud merchandise of all kinds owned by ,, parly, wife or any minor child at their value. (Paragraph 9, section - . of Machinery Act. Value " I'.y reference to paragraph '.I, section C, of Machinery act it appears the word 'wife" is left out of the act. From this it seems a man will not have to pay on ccrlain of his wife's property. mSMAKCK'S IKON NEKVE Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver Kidneys and Howcls are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Br. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 2.V. at any drug store. FOR OVER FIFTY TE7AR8. Mrs. -Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, wlthp erfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind colic, and la the besat remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the' poor little suffer Immediate ly. Sold by druggists In every part of the w.irld. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take as 3tar Mod. CALTi OIV J, L. O'QUINN & CO,, I' OR CUT FLOWERS R ses, Carnations ami Ssreet Peas, a specialty. All kinds of Cut Flowers in Season. Boquets and Floral Designs arranged in best style on short notice. Palms, Ferns and other Pot Plants for house and window decorations. Geraniums, Colens, Heliotrope and other bedding plants on hand. Shade Trees and Evergreens in varieties. Flowers for Commencement. VEGETABLE PLANTS, Late Cabbiige, Tnmatoe 'ami Cellcry on band. See our show window at J. I. Johnson's Drug Store. Leave orders there or Call Phone. Bell, 11D-2. Interstate, 1 -til. .1 I.. luiiin A: Co., - FLORISTS, Corner Pi lk and Swain Sis. KAbEKin. N. C. DISCOVERED AT LAST.' A QUICK AND SURE CURE FOR Sick-Headache Dizziness, Malaria -La Grippe One GfotsKditfSfIakes Sick People Well. No purging, pain or inconvenience, clear the complexion, increase the appetite, tonethe entire system. A sure cure for Depression of Spirita, Nervousness and alt Stomacli, I.ivernl Dowel Troubles. Large Box, 10 CENTS, (5 Tablets). By m;iil for lire 2-ceut stamps. WM. SIMPSON, Wholesnle Agent, 3L'U Fnyettcville Street. Never StoSlElS Always the BEST, and brings roses to baby's cheeks. Illustrated catalogue for the. asking. The hall & Borden Furniture Co' Cor. Wilmington r.IfillTXIXa STUUCK CITY ham-. KNOXVIU-K, Jum A severe electrical storm, accompanied by n slight cartliiiuincT1 hu-lC'passi'(I over the city tliis morning. Lightning struck the t-i i v hall, sc'1-ioii.-.l.v injuring Hilk-eniuii Waylniid. BKTTBlt TITAN EVRR. "I suffered fcom a skin, dlsea.se and ad such such an Intense 'Itching that could hardly sleep at night Nothi ng; gave me as much relief as Hood's arsap-arilla. I have taken three bo-ties of dt and now have better (health ban ever In my life before." Gilbert . Payne, 501, -North Augusta Street, Staunton, Virginia. Hood's Pills give strength even while their cathartic qualities vr at .work. ;Jagy to take. ! For the Summer Trade We are now receiving it large Stock Foreign and Native Wines, Cordials, Ale, Stout , Qiugcr Ale, Sarsaparilla and Mineral Waters. For Spring and Summer diseases, we cirry in stock C. W. Garrett & Co's. Uoguac and Distilled Blackberry Brandy and Pure N. C. Blackbeiry Wine. SOLE AGENTS IN RALEIGH FOR BELLM0NT (Ky) RYE WHISKEY. SHERWOOD (Md.) RYE WHISKEY. FAWNDALE (Ky.1 RYE WHISKEY. WOODFORD (Ky.) RYE WHISKEY. PABST' MILWAUKEE BEER. EVANS' INDIA PALE ALE AND STOUT SWIMFORD'S AERATED WATER. PANACEA SPRING WATER. We deliver goods In the city and charge nothing for Packing for mir out of Town Trade. Send in your orders, ACME WINE CO., ".(19 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C Interstate Phone 114. Bell ' 144- B. We will make a Special S;t" during the next week of MUSLIN CAP.- for infants. The assortment i good aud the PRICRS REASONABLE, We have NEW TRIMMED HATS for ladies and ehildron ever) TUESDAY a.'d WEDNES DAY. A reduction made on all read trimmed Spring flats. MISS MAGGIE REESE, 2(10, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. N. C. SPECIAL OFFER. flfeaofc Completion Wafer A secret scientific preparation guaranteed to produce BEAUTIFUL FEATURES, BRILLIANT EYES, LOVELY COMPLEXION Permanently rcninves 1-icfkles. Pimples. Wrinklr-i, T.m, Sunburn, Motli. I.ivirr Patches, lilaeklieads, lli.i lulored Skin and atlitr iau.ll blemishes. PRICE 50c. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MME, PARKEE, SPECIALIST. BOSTON, MASS. This is tho jrent French lieaiitificr you rcml so much abmii. Yu sli"i:M Ity thi'in. i! yiii cannot obtain t liem uf your ilnip;e.il, :i full sir.e- 50-ivnl box, ai d ,i lmnk, ' licauiy Secri'N," pi'it-L- to cvnN, will v inaili'tl V"ii .ilBiihitely free in pl.-in wrapper, upon re ceipt of 1 one cent slaivps, to help (ay Revenue tax, postage, etc Send at once to MADAME T. V PARKEE, Boston, Mass. Before Miss Maggie Reese in the history of the turnilure tracii has there been such a variety of pro ductions, both uselul and ornamental, for the home. In our store you will find this va riety at prices astonishingly low. We make it our business to keep up with the latest we wih have nothing less and always keep an eye to quality and price. THE BABY IS REMEMBERED, THE WHITNEY CARRIAGE and Hargett Streets, Raleigh, N. C. NEGLIGE A SPECIAL Madras and Cheviot with white neckbands and a sepcrate pair of Guffs along with each Shirt. And another special lot in printed Madras and Cheviot with Collars and cuffs attached. These two lots unite to make up a wonderful special offering and a grand selection of such patterns as men most favor this summer. North Carolina, Wake County In tha Superior Court. Thomas Johns vs. Jane Johnson and her husband, Wm. Johnson, Alvin Jones, William Jefferson Jones and his wife, IScttie Jones, Millard F. Joaes and his wife, Dora Jones, Wm. Right Jones, lames O. Jones, Mary J. Band, Rou mania Jones, Indiana Jones, Irene Jones, John E. Jones, Lucy Jones, wife of Ilenrj Jones, deceased, Ainie Jones, l.tmuxia Jones, Artesia Jones, John Smith and child, David Smith. NOTICE. The defendant, James O. Jones, is hereby notified that an action has been i rought by the plaintiff above named gainst the defendants above aemed in i he Superior Court of Wake coanty, to ureclose a mortgage upon a tract of land i ar Auburn, in said county, ecuted y his father, William Jones, to the .Jnintiff Thomas Johns, on the 30d day ( December, 1891, to secure the sum of 1,200. And the said defendant, Jas. . Jones is hereby notified and required appear at the July term, 1899, of the -uperior Court of Wake county, being he 10th day of July 1899, nd answer r demur to the complaint filed in this iction within the first three days of said :ertn, or thep lain tiff will be entitled to he relief demanded in the complaint, (liven this tho 24th day of May, 1899. W. M. RUSS, C. S. C. CE! Our delivery wagons will take ice to all regular customers each morning and evening, who will supply themselves with tickets and let ui know, at least half Jay In advance f time wanted so that namos aud places may be given before wagons start out. Orders roceived af ter wagons leave factorj may be de layed until next trip. We cannot usually make prompt, spe cial delivery of small lots. I!ut it may now be had at cellar under our office, 107, Fayetteville street. Tickets and ice are sold by drivers for cash at same old low prices. From 00 cents per 100 lown. Jones 6c Powell. GEORGE F. SYME, Civil Engineer. Railroad .Surveying a specialty, Roof, Bridge and Arch design, Draughting, Surveyiug, Constrnc- Hod, etc. Office in Capital Club Building. BIDS FOR BONDS. Italcigb, N. C, June 1, 1SIW. St'iilt'd bids will be received at this office until 12 m., June 15, 1899, for eight one thousand rollar .sis per cent. 30-year Wake County Bridge Bonds. These bonds run 30 years from January 1st, 1S99, which shows now about six months accrued interest on each bond. They carry ,30 coupons of sixty dollars each, payable on January 1st, each year, at the Treasurer's office of Wake coun ty. For authority for their issue see laws of North Carolina, 1899, page 404, chap ter 410. All bids must be addressed to tho Treasurer of Wake county, and bo accompanied by a certified check for $300.00. The Board if Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. . B, P. WIUJAMSON. ' ' ' Treasurer Wa'ka County. Note: The bonds will be ready for Im mediate delay, i - ''IIt SHIRTS FOR MEN LOT Dobbin & Ferrall. GROSS For Spring Dress Clothing ! Correct in Style. Perfect in Fit, Fashion and Finish. Our Spring Suits are Models. They arc the pick of the output from the most 'c xrert establishments, where every steptntne progress or manufacture ABLE QUALITY. From the first selection of the Fabric to the last finishing vo and skillful hand ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. ODRPRIOE for these Suits is an object .esson in the economy of buying. You will find buy them by simply looking at either the HATS Dunlap, Stetson, Straw and Felt. We are especially proud of this de. partment and can suit the most fastid ious. Remember that the style of a gentleman's hat is ah important factor in his dress and appearance. NECKWEAR, A WORD TELS IT. A TRIFLE BUYS IT. Wonderfully pretty. Newly arrived, pleasingly displayed rich in quality and popular tints In this line you will find all the delicate and dressy devices of the best manufacturers. Other Departments in Men's Furnishings. Are all complete with the best, latest aad most stylish goods that the world affords. Call and sec the carrect thing that we have in store for you. CROSS & LINEHAN, UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. The Universal Verdict Is: "Our Prices are Right." Wo have tho "stnlV" a nil we sell at ihc lowest possible rash prices, anil what encourages us in believing we are succeeding is the liberal ronage wi are receiving ! Hot Weather Wearables in Great Profusion and at LowPrices NEW FRUIT HULLER. PERFECTION AT LAST. YOU PRESS THE HANDLE, IT TAKES THE Til - -- - PATENT "ENDING. ' ' HI H 01 KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN. OUR STRAWBERRY HULLER bulls Strawberries Gooseberries, Black Currnnts, etc, and picks out Basting Thread and Stitches.. Has place, for thumb ami ffirefiugcr ; doesn't slip or fill np. A simple little thins, saving Time (most essential thins to housekeepers), Temper, Stained and Sore Fingers. Will not crush ripest fruit. Takes out soft and green spots, leaving berries clean, neat, and clear cut, making them look fifty per cent bet ter in the dish, aud makes yon wonder why it was not thought of before. W lth one yon can do the work twice as qnieklyiand without any of the usual unpleasant features of this work. Every lady who tries this once in the berry season will never be without it again, or allow her friends to hull berries with fingers. One trial only is needed. Housekeepers write, "Could not get along now without it." They are brightly nickel- polished and ornamental. Splendid sine line. A flays supply goes in youruwici. We deliver all goods-so your profit is clear. Send for trial sample, which we will send postpaid for It) cents. Special price to agents, m cents per dozen, $5.00 per gross of one hundred and fortv-fonr hullers, which will ell quickly for 814.40. Send i H t. O. money order or one ent stamps, AT $1.00 LINEHAN looks toward exactness ana u in D,ru - have been untiringly employed to produce conyincing REASONS why yru should Quality or the Price. SHIRTS Dress and Negligee. All tho late and stylish weaves are embraced in this department, and if you want a nice up-to-date garment in this line either in white or colored, stiff or soft bosom, with or without cuffs and collars, you can't afford to pass them by. try HULL QUICKER AND NEATER THAN BY HAND. and name territory wanted. Address PEMBROKE NOVELTY CO., Boston, Mas? 0UR PRICES RItUt 1 (4 U w n n

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