THE TIMES-VISITOR. a iiou RALEIGH, N. C. um SUCCESS T I t SATURDAY", - - JUNE 3, 1899 Pimples, boils and humors show that the blood is Impure. Hood's Sarsapa HUa is the best Wood purifier that money van buy. WANTED. Old clothes and hats, old shoes an J ull kinds of second hand goods bought and sold at Harris' Steam Dyo Works, J.ast Hargett street, Raleigh, N. C. Suits cleaned, 75c. Cleaned and Dyed, fl.M. Tarbell cream chces 15c pound. 1-emons 3 for 5c. Herrings 7c dozen. Navy beans 7V&C Quart. Tomatoes d and 10c ca. Butter 15, 20 and 25c pound. 0. O ISAI.L. 11 HargKt street. Wafer irons at W. H. Hughes'. iood ice cream freezers at Hushes". BE ON THE QTJX VIVE. The Great June Sale! GOLLOSSAL VALUE-GIVING COMMENCES TO-DAY. BY the overpowering and opiating influence of low prices we will daze and bewilder competition this month. We have formed a life-long treaty of commercial reciprocity with the massses, and so long as we have a dollar's worth of goods in this store, the people shall buy them at prices that will hold the big proffit fellows at bay. We work while others sleep; busy arranging and making ready tor this great sale. Every article of significance in the store at new mark-down prices sight of cost is lost all cannot be told in a day. Ample description will follow in the public print. Price wonders meet you at every turn in this metropolitan store. Quantities sufficient to ad mit of no disappointment. The following lines are ready for you this morning; The Shoes, The Special Wash r.nods The Special White Goods' Ladies' Neckwear. Other lines will be added and ad vertised just as fast as we can get to them and mark them down. FOR RENT. 5 rooms cottage, water ard bath, 215 Sast Morgan. Apply to M. Leach. Xo. T. ICE FOR SUNDAY L'udr O. O. King's drug store and East Harget street, next to fire engine house. D. W. C. HARRIS. nil flavors, at 11. Gie.-seh's. Auy 'quantity. Prompt de livery. Interstate phone 340; Bell phone If 9. FOUR BIG TABLES, TUB CHEAT JUNE SALE-WK AliK (JOlNG TO MAKE THIS GREAT JUNE SALE A "HUMMER,". JUST t0 DAYS AHEAD OP THE USUAL TIME OF CLEARANCE SALES, BUT TO LEAD WE MUST KECP AHEAD OUR STATION IS IN FiJON C ALWAYS. GYPSINE WALL FINISH, The most beautiful tints, The most durable of any Wall Finish made. Thomas H, Brp & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. j i When Driven To Drink 2Jc. ints Fl( right for ice, 5c. 71c. 10c. worth 12 1-2 to 20c. 17,500 yards 5 cases of Printed Lawns con tracted for this sale and ready for you this morn ing. AH styles bright and fresh ot this reason's prints Flowers, Vines, Dots, Stripes, etc. Lines right through right for all ages, right for this weather aDd ngnt lor me price, 2 I-2C 5,000 yards 2 cases 40-inch Marabout I'nnted Lawns. Kisette Organdies, Lace Effects in White Goods, worth 7 1-2 to 10c , 5C Printed Percals, fast color Gin -hams, fine Or eandies. Dimities and Batists, worth 10 ana 12 I-2C, B 7 l-2c Fine Barred Organdies, Solid Color BoureUes, French Organdief, Madras Gingham, Imperial Dotted Swiss, Mulls, Twilled Lace, etc, goods IOC NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT. This Fall and Winter the shoe branch of our business will be removed to tie Hargett street annex. Contractors will refit for mi enlarged universal siiou shoe business. We hare determined that nothing but a brand new stock shall start ut la our new quarters. Not a dollars worth of the present shoe stock is intended to go in this new shoe room. Sacrifices will be made of profit, and cost cuts a small figure to elear the way for Improvements. W hv nianed orders aeereiratinBr tlO.000 with the Shoe Manufactuiers of the country for the Fall and winter trade at old prices it was a lucay strike in view of the advance on leather, but even then prices will necessarily be much higher than you Will have to pay today- iiuy ai me miusununer prices auu save iruui u quarter to a dol!ar on every pair of shoes and slippers bought of us dvring this Great June Sale. Sample items of marked down shoes High cut lace and Button boots low cut Oxfords and strap ties prices like these. Sl.Ou Values, Women's Dongola Bals 50c tl.25 Values. Tan and Black Oxfords at 750. I f 50 Values, Bals and Button Boots, Oxford and sirap Ties $1.00 tw.iM Vslues. Best quality tua tiign ana low cm in u,ck aim 1 n- . bi.,r mark down on every pair of Shoes in the house tinest grades not spared. try our soda water. It is every thing a perfect drink should be. Cooling, refreshing, healthful and invigorating. The more you drink of it the better you are off; there can be nothing but good in pure fruit juices and carbonated water. We put in Just syrup enough, Just water enough, Just "fizz" enough to suit you. Ice cream if you want it. Delicious phosphates that quiet the nerves and over come fatigue. A dozen delight ful specialties, all different kinds of good. The latest and most popular are our Flneappie, Choc olate and Orange Glaces with Ice Cream. They are all the go. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists LADIES' NECKWEAR. Hi-re is the way the neckwear is be ing sold. One quarter, one-'-hird and one-half off the usual prices. AT 3c. Fancy stripe and figured Satteen Windsor Ties colors navy and black. AT 5c. China Silk Windsor Ties hemstitched ends colors heilotr !, black, and fancy plaid. AT lie Bright Plaids and solids 111 China uud Surah Silk Windsor Ties solid colors cream, black, pink light blue all colors plaids. AT lc Beautiful plaids, ehecks and byadere stripes Surah Silk Windsor Ties all colors. AT 25e. Plaids, large and small Surah and China Silk Windsor Ties all colors hemstitched ends. AT 10c riain velvet Stock Collars all colors. 23c IMque Tuffs, Ascots and '"ihe Lady Babble" in fancy stripe. AT 25c Butterfly Bows in all colors Taffeta Silk long organdie ties, hem stitched and trimmed with ribbon long mull tiea or oriental lace, both cream and white all colors taffeta silk stock with Butterfly Bow lawn stock and bow crush stock collar and bow of white net. AT 3i)c Taffeta Silk stock collar trimmed with liberty ruching and vel vet ribbon stocks of mull with large butterfly bow fancy V shaped front fin ished with four-in-hand bow, trimmed narrow val, lace. Pique stock collar and four-in-hand tie trimmed with insertion. AT 60c Fancy Silk Stock Collar and four-in-hand bow, trimmed with lace and narrow ribbon velvet all ol ors. Stock collars and large butterfly bow of white net, trimmed with lace Mull stock collars and bow, trimmed with narrow yellow lace Fancy V shaped fronts, made of Swiss edge and insertion. Accordian plated four-in-hand bows and stock collars. Full mull fronts trimmed with narrow lace and tucks. AT 75c Fancy Collars in China Silk, Liberty Silk, Mull, Chiffon in all colors and styles fronts made of organ die mull, trimmed with satin ribbon lace, Swiss insertion and puffs. Long ties in point de esprit and plain net Chiffon, Mouselino de Soie and Oriental Lace, also plaited Satin Stock Collars with large butterfly bows. AT $1.00 Long Ties in Liberty Silk Oriental Lace and Chiffon. AT $1.50 A.VD ?2.0O Long Ties in Chiffon and Liberty Silk, also Fichues of Mouseline de Soie Edged with cream luce. Was our sale of Millinery for the past week.. The sale willi continue for another week, don't miss this opportunity'... ) Our sale ol Cai pets and Matting lias been grentor than our expectation, and we are continually replenishing this stock. New Goods to be Seen Every Week. jjooi! values, and an inspection from you i all we ask to prove our assertion. BOYLAN, PEARCEi CO, BRY GOODS, CARPETS. MILLINERY. CLEARING SALE. $7,000 in Shoes Men's and Women's Shoes, New Styles, Best Makes. Ladies' Button Shoes Ladies' Oxfords Men's Fine Shoes Shoes on account 55c tc 2.50 were 90c. to 3 8c to 2.r;o were 1.00 to $j $r.r;o to $.oo were 2.0 to $4 or sent out on approval will .50 .50 .50 be charged up at regular prices. Your money back if you are not satisfied. A. B. Stronach, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES";. j FRESH, SWEET, PURE. POPE'S CADNY MDK every day J. A. POPE, Candy W-nu'acturar. GUY L. BUNCH. IOO W. Martin St. ItEPAIHMAN. Bicycles, Typewriters, Trunks, Um brellas, Locks and many rther articles too numerous to mention. Bell Phone 13. Will send for and deliver. , Set out now the following plants: Tomatoes, best standard sorts Early cabbage. California violets unequaled in hardi ness and fragrance. 25c. per dozen. Roses, strong plants, all the leading varieties. Bedding plants of all descriptions at reasonable prices. Vines for the Varanda. As usual I shall have tomato plants for sale at Biggan s Toy Store. The choicest and rarest chrysanthe mums. U. STEINiSlETZ. 'Phone 113, North Halifax street. FOR RENT. One or two bed-rooms, bath room convenient. Apply to P. T. WYATT. Odorles Refrigerator at Hughes'. Hammocks at Hughes'. HEN'S SHIRTS-SPECIAL SATURDAY. SATURDAY, we will offer Men's Summer Undershirts, good 25c. value at only I7e each. Also, Men's Undershirt, the 35c. values, Knit Gauze, nicely finished, on Saturday at Qq each. Also, Men's Gauze Shirts in solid blues, a close imitation of the 50c. garments around town, elegant finish ard "a nice fine fabric, Saturday at onlyjeacb. Summer Challeii SALE Some merchants talk a good deal, but we try to makeourprices talk, as they will do during this sale which commences TUESDAY,, JUNE 6th, ANDJiENDS FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, Attend it. Prices are such you Will have to buy. Also, on same da v (Saturday i one assorted lot of Men's It. J Ties, in the Teoks. Four-ln hand and Puffs, broken lota from " 25c., 35c., 40c. and BOc. lines. Choice of the lot for Satorday I each. h at only Oe. CHALLENGE NO, 1. 5,000 yards Printed Law us, fast col ors, just from the loom, for this Bale.2e 5,000 yards Fine Printed Lawns, 60 styles or more in the lot, all to go at. 374c Genuine Organdies, all the new style goods that arc cheap; were sold at 10c., to go during this sale nt 5'&c 000 yards Fine Ami Muslins and Madras Cloth, 30 inches wide, that are worth 12i,6c.. and 15c. a yard, to go now for 8c One case ONLY of pretty Lace striped Alleghany Cords, wc will sell at c CHALLENGE NO. 2 7,500 yards of very handsome style Shirting Prints, to go as long ns they last at 3c. yard Our Entire Stock of 36-inch Real Per cales (not prints) trill go in at . .6c. yard Our 'Entire Stock of 10c. and 12 c. Percales will go at thfe low prace at.Se CHALLENGE NO. 4. 3 yard $1.25 ralue I -ace Ctirtains at.. .v.. 89c 3ii yards $1.50 value I-ice at 34 yard $2.00 value at V2 ra-rd 2.50 value at. 3Va yard $3.00 value at Curtains $1.12 Lace Curtains 1.37 I.dice Curtains fl.82 Laoc f'Urtains $2.17 54 inch TaWe Damask at 20c U0 inch Table lXamask 32c GO Inch Table lamask 44c. 72 inch TaWe Ianiak 80c CHALLENGE NO. 5. Ladies', children's and 'Miuses' Black Hose; for this sale will be, for this ot 7!c Infants' Fancy Lace Striped Socks; worth 25c. to go at , lZc IAS ladfics' 50c. Fancy Hose iriU be sold at .20c. pair. 'All Ladies Fancy 25c. and 35c. llosc to go at lc. prtT. CHALLENGE NO. 6. This is a good one. AVhite Duck Skirts 30c. Ladies Crash Bkirts 27c si .25 Figured Black Skirt at. .... ,80c. 1.T5 Figured Black Skirt, at $1.20 $2.25 Figured Black Skirt at $1.64 One lot Wrappers at 60c, One lot Wrappers at 0Oc. Balance of Stocks of Ladies' Tailor made Suits -will be closed out at.. $4.75 CHALLENGE NO. 7. ENTIRE STOCK OF LAMES AMD MISSES' TRIMMED (HATS AT HALF PRICE. CHALLENGE NO. 8. Entire Stock of Ladies' iXeekwear to be closed out at Half Price. 'Ailso our entire stock of Ladies' Hand kerchiefs, from 10c. to COo., "will be sold at exactly half price. CHALLENGE NO. 9. 73 -Medallions. Very full line of sub jects that we will sell at. ....... . .20c. Now designs in Brass Clocks, to go during the sale at ......$1.25 CHALLENGE NO. 10. ! Glass Tumblers, per set. ........ . .15c. Goblets, per set .". 24c. Half Dinner Sets. . .. .$4.82 and $0.03 ' Full Dinner Seta . . . . . .$875 and $0.48 Challenge no. ii. 00 pair V,'ous Common Seiw Ox-, ford 'Wo, saws, 4 to 8, worth $1.00, t.. eif.' 70. pairs Women's- Dongola Ofordp aH sizes and shapes, our own regujftr $1.50 liie, at only ......... . , "k, . ,$1.17 72 pairs of our $1.75 and $2.00 Ox fords, all pretty shapes, the latest toes onlly. we wiH sell at.,...' $1.37 Best Patent Flour, per barrel., . .$4.50 CHALLENGE NO. 12. Best Patent . Flour, per halX bar rel.. .. , $2.25 Entire stock of 3-ponnd cans best grade lAprieots, Peaches, and Bartlett Pears at...... .... 16c. 5 pound package Gold Dust. . , .lTVfrc'. Best Tea, Green or Black, or mixed to suit, per pound :55c. CHALLENGE NO. 13. A good number, and one to remember. will be . our table or Remmants of all kinds of Dry Goods. ' W. E. JONES, r j wooimeowasoM 214 FAYETTEVILLE STREET IE

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