THE TIMES-VISITOR. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, - JUNE 8, 1899 '"Us worth a bag of gold." This ap plies with special force to Hood's Sarsa pnrilla, America's Greatest Medicine. KEEP COMFORTABLE. j!o to Irby and Young's and yet one of their cheap hammocks. RAIM SAINS IN ItKAl. ESTATE. 1 lot 70x140 N. Blount street. 2 lots. 52x210 X. lUouut. 1 lot 52Mx210. Oakwood avenue. 2 lots, 40x150, N. Person. 2 lots, 52x105, X. Blood worth. 1 house and lot N. Bloodworth. 1 house and lot, W. Edentou. 2 houses and lots S. Bloodworth. 2 houses and lots X. Person. 2 houses and lots E. Lenoir. 1 house and lot W. South. 2 lots, 52y2xl05, X. East. i house and lot S. McDowell. 1 house and lot V. Cabarrus. 1 house nml lot, E. Martin. C. C. M'DOXAl.l' WANTED. Work for a reliable boy sixteen years old. V., care Times-Visitor. ( ; KT ItEI) OK TI IE F 1 . 1 KS. By imlling in some of Irby and Yiimg"s screen doors and windows. WANTED. Ualeigh Cotton Mills stock, t'nraleigh Cotton Mill stock. C. V, M'DONAI.D. Serci-n doors 75c. at Irby and Young's. POH 11ENT. Two desirable rooms oiineetmg, furnished. 14 W. Cabarrus Street. Don'i miss Irby and Young's bargains. FOR RENT. 5 rooms cottage, water and bath, No. 215 Sast Morgan. Apply to M. T, Ixach. $1.25 buys a freezer ut Irby and Young's. i Odorles Refrigerator at ECuenes". Ice cream freezers $1.25 at Irby and Young's. WANTED. Good reliable alesman on commission or salary. Address Quaker Oil and Implement Co., Clovo land, O. Screen doors and windows, fly traps nml paper Irby and Young. riamniocks at Hughes'. Irby and Young's hammocks are bar gains. Tarbell cream chees 15c pound. Lemons 8 for 5c. Herrings 7e dozen. Navy beans 7c quart. Tomatoes 8 and 10c cn. Butter 15, 20 and 25c pound. O. O. HALL. 11 Hargett street. Hammocks at bargain prices hl.y and Youngs. Set out now the following planN: Tomatoes, best standard sorts. Earl cabbage. California violets unci iled in li.inl tip.aA nnd frnm-flnrt 25c. It?r dozen. Roses, strong plants, all the leading varieties. Bedding plants of all descriptions at reasonable prices. Vineo for th Vflrandfl. As usual I shall have tomato plants for sale at Kiggan's Uoy More. The choicest and rarest chrysanthe mums. II. STEIXMETZ. 'Phone 113, Xorth Halifax street. Fly traps and fly paper at Irby and Young s. t W FT Hashes'. 25c. buys n window screen Irby and Young. Good ice cream freezers at Hughes'. Window screens for 25ets. at Irby and Y oung -.. FOR RENT. New four room cottage, Garden, Well and hydrant. C. W. YOUNG. IrbT and Young sell screen doors for WALL FIIIISII, The most beautiful, tin t$. The most durable of any r Wall Finish made: ,'" v . " i ' Thomas H, Brigp & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. GYPSINE Excitement in the Dry Goods Trade. The Most Phenomenal Values Yet Offered During THE GREAT JUNE SALE, Goods of the highest quality. No end of interest. The Big June Sale is growing. Pass the word along to the city and country, for all the people will want these goods at these prices. Now, we have reached the Millinery Department. The Shapes, Flowers, Sailors, Trimmed Hats, Baby Caps, Ribbons and Trimmingsall reduced at half and a great many at less than half prtce. In fact, most any price. Same force of efneent Trimmers and Sales Ladies will remain during this sale. In addition to the Millinery, the Linens, Towels, Bed Spreads, Silks, Gent's Furn ishings, Straw Hats are all very much reduced besides many line? previously advertised. Jl'XE SALE PRICKS GKT BETTER. JUST IX THE BUD OF THE SEA SOX PRICKS LIKE THESE ARE CHEERING AND THE VERDICTJ OF A PLEASED PEOPLE IS IN Ol'R FAVOR. 85c Pearl-hemmed, full size Cro chet Quilts now ! Sil.OO no name, extra size, crochet Counterpane, ready for se 7!)c $1.25 Toilet quilted, pearl hemmed 8!)c. The $2.00 Marseilles Quilts are $1.50, $;!.00 ones are $2.00. The lest $5.00 Eagle Brand Mar eilles Quilts are $.1.75 GENTS' UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. .Men's Mercerized Sillc Bnlbriggan Shirts and Drawers, silk trim med throughout, $1.25 value TV Men's Colored Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, lisle finish, also the Gauze in cream and brown of superior finish, 75c. value -15c Men's Fancy Ralbriggan Shirts nnd Drawers, blues and pinks. 50c. value "!c Nainsook Shirts and Drawers, zephyr weight, custom-made, a decided bargain -'-' Challenge Drawers, bleached Pep perell Jeans, new patented in vention, strongest garment of the kind, worth 75c 30c NOBBY STRAW HATS FOR CITY TRADE. The entire stock of stylish Straw Hals for gentlemen are marked down to solid case prices possibly cheaper than you have ever seen before. 50c. Maekinay Straws, reduced to !?7c 75c. Senate Braids, ventilated at. . jjOc $1.00 new rough Jumbo Straw at 75c. $1.50 Finest Straw Braids at $1.00 Dunlaps Knox and Hopkins Blocks at ir0 When Driven To Drink try our soda water. It ia every thing a perfect drink ihouldbe. Guuliu, refreshing, healthful and invigoiatine. The mere you drink of It the better vou are off: there can be nothing but good In pure iruitjuices ana c&roonatea water. We put in Just syrup enough, Just water enough, Just "fin" enough to suit you. Ice cream if you want it. Delicioui phosphates that quiet the nerves and over come fatigue. A dozen delight! ful specialties, all different kinds of good. The latest and most popular are our Pineapple, Choc olate and Orange Glaces with Ice f i Cream. They are all the go. W. H. KINO & CO., Druggists, is. A tavt That Expansion Sale. Of ours is Expanding Such cut coodp, are new, to most the little people in to save money. No store bargains in seasonable goods than we sacrifice of nrofit and cost. It is reasonable that we should cut the prtces toeven tbe sacrifice point, for we have dispose of in a very short time. . We are going to have the very nicest store in the town . when we get these two stores turned into one we'll have a real department store for vou department stores sell cheaper The news of this great sale is going abroad people are beginning to come from far and near and tome go Special offerings every day it will pay you to visit us often. ? TOMORROW we offer 25 doc rolls Cotton Tapes, all widths at only lc, one cent a roll. Yes its a small for it in other stores is the saving W. E, . 2H Standard Patterns for JULY Are Now Fashion Sheets Free. Designers 10c . TABLE DAMASKS-SHOKT CI TS. Splendid Table Linens in new pat terns of 2, 2'j and :t yard lengths, knoAn as Irish Mill Ends. aHM warrant ed all pure linen. 225 yds. 68 in. wide, (.Or. value (a 3c. 270 yds. 72 in. 'wide. 7.1c. values (ft. 4!e 178 yds. 72 in. wide. $1 value (it 5!c. FULL LENGTH AND FULL WIDTH TABLE LINEN, reaches a price now interesting lo the public in stitutions, boarding houses and private families. 50 in. Half Bleach l.inen Damask, was 25c, now 30c 00 in. Full Bleach Linen Damask, was o5c, now 2,'!c liS in. Full Bli .u li Linen Damask, was 50c. now !!7c 72 in. Half Blc.n U Linen Damask, was COc, now 4-te lii! in. Full Bleach Linen Damask. was $1.00. now iic t',S in. Full Bleach Linen Damask, was $1.25, now S0c 72 in. Full Blench Linen Damask. was $1.50, now $1.10 TUB KEY RED DAMASK. 54 in., Fast Color Bods, 25c. now 15c 55 ill. Green and Kid Oil Colors. 50c, now 25c 5S in. Turkey lied Damask, 50c. now oOe OXFOBD TIES THE PRICES ARE LOW. New Summer styles, fresh from the factory to be retailed at wholesale price the most stylish. easy-fitting line in the oily -every pair warranted as represented-prices lower than any other house. Kid Oxford and Opera Slipiers, worth 75c 45c Dongola Oxfords and Strap San Ming Oat Our Km ire Stock of Dress Goods, M ILLI NERY, SHOES ami TRU NKS AT COS". Men's Gauze Underwear at a bar- Grain. Beautiful bound books 10c. Ladies' and Children's Hose 5c, worth lOo. Hair Brushes 5c and 10c Watch the 5 and 10 cents counters bis; values always found on them. A big lot of Shoes. 50 and 75c Sailors now to go at 25 and 39c. LyOH RACKET STORE, prices on desirable, dependable prices are giants, in bringing the ever offered better values, or rarer offer during this extraordinary several thousand dollars worth to than others. , , away empty haodecL thing, but you have to pay dc. a roil worth your attention? JONES, FAYETTEYILLE STREET.- Ready. ilal. plain nud patent tip ill rus set and black, worth $1.00.... 05c Ladies' Fine Oxford Ties, new shapes, heel or spring, tipped and plain, worth $1.25 75c Custom made Slippers, line grade, all solid, heel and spring, full line, newest styles, worth $1.50. .$1.00 Speeial cut price put on every pair of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the House, high or low cut. DRESS GOODS' AT JUNE SALE PRICES. Sail Juan Plaids, bright Scotch Plaids for Children's Dresses, was Y2xi, now i K- French Sergine for Tailor-made Traveling Suits and Bicycle Skirts, o2 inches wide, full, was 15c, now 1-?j" Small Shepherd Checks aud Silk and Wool Mixtures, new stripes, cbene effects, was 50c, now. . . . 25c Golf Skirting, large plaids, made up bias, just right for young la dies, everywhere 50c o!c NEW WAIST SILKS. Taffeta Silks in Shepherd Check, full variety of colors, worth 75c and $1.00, for 40c New cluster cords on changeable. Taffetas, very new, $1 and $1.25 for 75c THREE TOWEL SPECIALS. The largest, widest aud heaviest Cotton Towels in the city for. . . . !c Fancy bordered Damask and Huck Towels plain and knotted fringe any where else 25c. but here. . 1 In Fine Bleached, pure linen Towels extra size large and better value a grand special 25c Miss Maggie Reese. We will make a Special Sale during the next week of MUSLIN CAPS for infants. The assortment is good and the PRICES REASONABLE. We have NEW TRIMMED HATS for ladies and children every TUESD Y and WEDNES DAY. A reduction made on all ready tiimmed Spring Hats. MISS MAGGIE REESE, 209, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. FRESH, SWEET, PURE. POPE'S CADNY M DE EVERY DAY. . A. POPE, Caidy lf'actarsr. GUY L, BUNCH. "... r - lOO W. Martin Si. Blcyoiet, Typewriter, Trunk, .Um brelUi, Locki and many ether articlef too numeroue to mention.' A IliDLinS SUCCESS V - Was our sale of Millinery for the past week. The sale will continue for another week, don't miss this opportunity. I Our sale ot Cai pets and Matting has been "renter than our expectation, and we are continually replenishing this i-toik. New Goods to be Seen Every Week. Our store is teen.injj with ooo values, and an inspection from you is all we ask lo prove our assertion. BOYLAN, PEARCE U0 DRY GOODS, CARPETS. Our Great Shoe Sale. NOT SCRAPPY ODDS AND ENDS But Real Bargains in Regular Lines of New Style and Best Makes. Ladies' Button Shoes ' c. to $2.42 were Hc to $a,o " Oxfords 85c. to -m8 " 1.00 to ;.oo Men's Fine Shoes 1.4? to $.2; were 2.00 to 3. so Your money back if you are not satisfied. A. B. Stronach, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES. Just What You Want. Old Fashion Mountain Buckwheat. Big Cain Georgia Syrup. Dried N. C. Mullett Roe. N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Hams. J. R. Ferrall & Co, 222 Fayetteville street. CROSS For Spring Dress Clothing ! Correct in Style, Perfect in Fit, Fashion and Finish. Our Spring Suits are Models. iru.n vtfalr ft Antnni frr.m tfiA mnnt rnprl pat nhliiilimAntA. i fliArA ucj mo Fm v CVcr Slop 1U hDO'UrUKrOBB Ul Mlauuiawuic twmn ivnmu lenveuoDii auu wmi" ABLE QUALITY; From the first selection of the Fabric to the last fib thing touch, the trained eye and skillful hand have been untiringly employed to p oduce ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. ODR PRItE for these Baits is an object .i on In the economy of baying. You will find convincing REASONS why vol? jfehould . . 11. . . 1 "V tl. A I Yli Day tnem Dy sunpiy iookidk at miner me HATS Diolap, Stetson, Straw and Felt. 1 We are especially proud of this de. j narimant anil Rail inlt the most fastid- i fous. Remember that the style of a gentleman's nai m an important lacior in his dp" and appearance. i NECKWEAR, A W0RD I ELS IT. A TRIFLE BUYS IT- Wonderfully pretty. Newly arrived, pleasingly dlsplayed-ripu in quality nrt nnnular tints In this line you will find all tbe delicate and dressy devices of the best manufacturers. Other Departments in Men's Furnishings. Are all complete with the best, latest aad most stylish goods that the world, affords. Call and see the cerrect thing) that we have in store for you. CROSS & LINEHAN, , r - - . UP-TO DATE CLOTH.1ERS AND FURNISHERS. . , MILLINERY. Si .--t; - !l ITWr i?MT yuauiy ur vuc cricu. SHIRTS Dress and Negligee. All the late and stylish weaves are embraced in this department, and if you want a nice up-to date garment in this line either in white or colored, stiff or soft bosom, with or without cuffs and cellars, you eaii't afford to pass them by. LINEHAN .'Bell Phone 18. - , , Will tend for and deliver,