! A GRADUATING ADDRESS. Pear Girls: You're now about to pass '.''from Thinking into living, Ami take instruction in a class Where I am lessons giving Before lny students you wconie, In intimate relatione, 'Tin proper that I furnish some Essential information. Throe courses have we. Choose the one Vou like, birt don't mirtaku it; For when a course you've once legiin It's hard to different nwike It, The Spooney Course: The graduate Can only "G. II." sign her "Good hugging." This certificate Does not insure a finer. The Flirty Course: Quite popular, Requires some application, AihI, yet, tlhe learning gained is far From highest education. IVgree, "G. F." "Great Fuu" may be Still further supplemented By "G. I " "Got Lcl't" post ' degree, NA'HU which few stay contcmcil. The Time Course: It's the very best That offers iu love's College. It may seem slow ami stupW rest Assured it's sweetest knowledge. Degree "G. T." True Giri," Ami most W ho such a course have carried ire now entitled to tne post ' tlOirtwitus) "M." "Married." Edwin L. fcMibin, in l'uck. "Necessity knows no law." It is a law of Nature that the blood must be. kept pure, and Hood's Sarsaparilla does it. U1S LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. K. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "X was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into l'neumon ia. My lungs-became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. 1 expected to soon die of Consumption, when X Jieard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. X continued to use It, uud now am well and strong. 1 can't say too much in its praise." This mar vellous medicine is the surest and quick est cure iu the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Xtcgular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores; every bottle guaranteed. S. A. L. SPECIAL KATES. To Old Poiut Comport, Va., Virginia Beach, Va., Ocean View, Va., and Wil iuitigton, N. O., for $3.00 round trip, tick ets'to be sold for trains on Saturdays and Sundays until September 24th, IS!)!). To St. Louis, Mo., $25.50 round trip, a count Annual Iteunion Grand Lodge Benevolent 1'rotective Order of Elks, June 20-22, tickets to be sold June 18th, lUlh and 20th, with final limit June 20th. To Charlotte, N. C, and return $5.00, account Annual Session Biblical Assem bly Juno 20-2!), tickets to be sold June is, 111, 20 and 21, final limit July 3. To Fayetteville, N. O. and return $4.00 account Meeting Grand Lodge Knights of X'ythias, June 20th, tickets to be sold June IS, 10 and 20, with final limit June SC.. To Asheville, N. C, and return $11.00, account Meeting Grand Coiumandry, Knights Templar, ICoyal Arch Masons and the Shrine, June 13-17, tickets to be sold June 11, 12 aud 13 with final limit June 20. For further information write or call on H. S. Leard, T. I A., and 'I. I'. Hiuith, C. T.; A. N OT IC 13 SPECI A L BATES. The Southern Railway Announces the Following Special Kates. To St. Louis, Mo., and retirrnv $24.40, account Annual Iteunion Grand Lodge Btnevolent Protective Order of Elks. Tickets on sale June 18, 10 and 20; final limit, June 2G, 1890. To Asheville, N, C, and return, $11, on account meeting Grand Coinuiandery Knights Templar, Koyal Arch Masons aud the Shrine. Tickets on sale June II, 12 and 13; iimii limdt, June 20. To Moreliead City aud return, $0.70, on account North Caroliira Teachers' Assembly. Tickets on sale June 10 to 17 iiiidnsive; final limit, July 20, 1800. To Blon College aud return, $2.00, on account Eton College Commencement, June 0 to 8, and Ministers' Institute, J Mi S) to 15. Tickets on sale June 5 to 10 inclusive; final limit, June 10, 1800. To Roidsville, N. C, and return $5.05 on account meeting Graud Lodge I. O. of G. S., and D. of S. Tickets on sale June 12, 13, 14. Final limit June 17, 1SW). To Fayetteville, N. C, and return $4 on account meeting Grand lodge Krighits of I'yrhdas. Tickets on sale June 18, 19 and 20. Final limit June 'siounxs V l H.IAV JO Utt 100 asiwpl uoijimuojii! .iotn.Mii jo.t 2(itlh, 1800. 0 To Charlotte, N. C, ami return $5.05, on account Annual Session Biblical As sembly. Tickets on sale June IS to 21, juciiisive. Final limit July 1. These tickets will a too be sold June 20 and 27. Final limit July 3. Ticket Agent. ' Union Depot and Ya Thorough House. . FOR O VKHf FIFTY TK7AH8. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup hs been used (or oyer fifty years by mil lions of mothers (or their children - while teething-, wlthp erf ect success. II aoothea the child, aoftena the sumi, al laya U pain, cures wind colic, and la the beaat remedy (or Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little auffer Immediate ly. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottlv Be aura and ask (or "Mrs. Wlnalowi Soothing Byrup." and take th t WANTED. Did clothe and hats, old shoes and all ltinda of second hand goods bought and i isold at Harris' Steam Dye Works, Vast largett street, Raleigh, N. O. Malta 75c Cleaned aad Dyed, ll.oU. Xeaaed ROYAL HEADACHE TA1SLKTS. 1 DO TOU S. F -I3H WJ - II HEADACHES? I N DIGEST. ON ? SRVOUSNESS? Or cny ot'icr i.r-u'jic causJ by a cUoilered Btcmiich? ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS "IVI'.l ut once glv relief anil a', most as quickly iur the cause. Tibite nr.e'ur two of the labiets after each meal. SOLD IIY ALL DRI,'(.a(.lSTS lO CENTS. Iiry U Htadachc Tablets Are Absolutely Harmless. A WISE WOMAN s V 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Don't delay making her calling and selection sure when the chance offers to make money by sudden and judiciom purchases. As a rule, a mer chant's necessities are woman's opportunities. To realize on his hopes, W) a man must first realize on his goods, and when money must be made, goods must be sold. So look out. Here comes our list for P. Thursday, June 15. The lift is fall of bargains. SKASONABLE GOODS, SEASON ABLE riUCES. You will have to come for SUCH STUFF AS THIS st One lot of 27-inch White Lawn; bargain price, fijc ; will close the the lot Thursday at 4jc. 2d Six pieces (all we could gel) White Striped Muslin, worth 71c.; for this Thursday, 4c. per yard. 8(13,500 yards Imported Toweling for this sale. The good are riilit; the price well, !lc. per yard. 4th Thirty-three dozen llnest Bleached Damask Napkins, worth iu New York $1.23 per dozen ; for Thursday, 8:ic. This alone is worth com ing for. 5th Best line of Shirting aud Dress Prints (any in the store), to go for TODOEifiiOU THlinSDflV I5TI1. We Begin Selling the SURPLUS In Our CARPET Department 2d Foor-- There's but one way to get rid of this surplus-Dropping the Prices so low that you must buy them-many of these Gar pets are the newest and best Patterns but are sold down to one roll or only a part of a roll, some are only short ends, good for squares and rugs. To close them out at once we call these phenominally low prices and nc Extra Charge fcr making and Laying. Our Surplus -Best all Wool Extra Super Ingrains, C"I u( Worth 75c. and 85c at IBs Jll this day, 4Jc. Cth All Baby Caps at coat 7th Ladies' Vests, 41, at 8Jc; splendid articles, just right for the weather. 8th And hero is something interesting beyoi d adoubt: See the prices for Thursday only. Plates worth 4jc. a set go Thursday at 27c. Cups and Saucers, price 50?., Thursday at 37c. One hundred Bowls and Pitchers, best fit grade for this day only, 64c. An Cimlii lest American uur ourpius Brusi Worth $1.00 at An CiiwmIii Best all Worsted UUr OUrplUS Wilton Velvets, Worth v.-JS at 75c yd 75c yd Our Surplus Our Surplus Our Surplus -Best Smith's Moqueltes IK vA Worth $1.00 at - IwB JO Best Royall Axrainsters, ftKi vti Worth $1.25. at - OUBs jO - Best Body Worth $1.23 at 85c yd Every Housekeeper should be on hand early-as this surplus sale of Carpotings must be of Greatest interest to them all. DOBBIN & FEREIALl. WOOLLCOTT & SON. Shoe Bargains in Reality. We have a few lines of ladies and children's fine Oxfords and en; iL.i j. x oiipuers mat we are eoine: 10 sell at half the Regular price . If in need of first class goods now's the time, a line 'w of $4.00 Bike Shoes at S1.50. S. C. POOL'S. LEADER IN -FINE SHOES. SOME SPECIALS IN TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. GUY U BUNCH. lOO W. Martin St. REPAIRMAN. Bicycles,- Typewriters, Trunks, Um brellas, Locks and many ether articles too numerous to mention. Belirhone 13. ,. Will send for and deliver. GEORGE F. SYME, Civil Engineer. Railroad Surveying a specialty, Roof, Bridge and Arch design, Draughting, Surveying, Cpnstruc tion, etc. Office in Capital Club Building. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14TH, We Inaugurate a Great Reduction and Removal Sale Monday and Tuesday we expect to go through the entire stock, and on Wednesday we will offer you Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, etc., at prices that will defy competition. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. No goods sent out on approbation. WATCH FOfi OUft ADt WEDNESDAY. CROSS & LINEHAN Up-to-date Glothieps and Fuinisherst NOTICE. Notice is hereby given of intended ap plication at the end ef thirty days frost date, for the issue of a duplicate of ee titicate No. 253 for one (1) share of ttM capital stock of the Raleigh and Au gusta Air Line Railroad Company standing in the name of B. B. Haywood and sold by the undersigned in March 18SKI tt R, T. Gray. JULIA O. HAYWOOD, Executrix of U. H. Haywood, Deceased. NOTICE Ob' ADMINISTRATION SSI) OF SALH OK RAILROAD STOCK. Having qunlilicd as administrator d. I), w. of the estate of W. H. Hood, de ceised, late of Wake oounity, this is to notify all persons having claims ngninsc the said estate to present the same to the iindiersignod at his ofllee In Ra leigh, N. V., on or before the I Oth day of June, l'JOO. As said administrator on Saturday, July the 1st, 1S!)!, at t lie Court House door in Raleigh, N. C, I will sell to the highest bidder for eflsh, two shares ot stock in the ltnleigh ami Carton rail road company. Hour of Hale 12 o'clock ui. .1. C. MARCO.M, Adm'r. d. b. n. Rattle & Mordwai, attorneys. Itnloigli, X. C., .1 uiio Stth, 1899. Itw-Bt-C-lO. ! mistake of neglecting your blood is fol I ly. Keep the blond 'pure With Hood's Sarsaparilla... the AD V Aum EM Cigar 1-,'-.

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