TMfi HES VISITOR 1 , , r NUMBER.8,903. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1899. 25 CENTS A MONTH. 7 NX DR. BROUQHTON WANTS MAYOR OF ATLANTA IMPEACHED. r He Makes a Sensational Attack on Mayor Woodard Woodard Says - Broughton's Statements are ' , - Ridiculous. AtluutH, Ga., June 18. In a seusution- -nl. sermon tonight Dr. L. U. Broughtou, "s? pastor of the .Baptist vTaberuacie, ceuea ''".upon the city eountcil to impeach. James U. oodwara, mayor or,. Atlanta, vr. lrougtaton said the chief executive was - ' a confessed (ambler, a libertine,-a sot-, and a disgrace to the city. At these . words the audience of about 2,UO0 peo- - pie cheered. ' In the course or , hw re joarks JLr. Broughton aald: ' " ben the mayor was a member of an important committee to go. to Washing ton on a matter of the Federal prison - site, he was druuk most of the tune, and there were other th.ngs that OceTirred in ' connection with Jiim that I hesitate to -mention froul the pulpit. He should be ' . . impeached at once. If the uienroers or the City Council do not impeach' him, 1 ahall take Btepa jnyself. No Buch, man has a jright to oe mayor of this city. The situation is indecent and disgraceiul. When asked after the sermon why bo inoved against Mayor Woodward, Br. liroughton said: "1 have given this .- mutter much consideration,, and I be lieve I have taken a stop in the right direction. I know what I am talking about. The etions of the present mayor ,of Atlanta since be has held office are a disgrace to tills city and the people this man represents." . - Mayor Woodward was informed of Dr.- - Broughton's remarks this evening. The executive aald: "I regard the statements ..of Dr. Broughton as ridiculous. I ask the public to suspend judgment." WIASTLY FIND. ' Itoutw of a Man Found in the Cruiser Reina Mercedes. Norfolk, Va., June 18.-Tbe ekull and bones of a uwiu were found in the bold of the former Spanish ?ruiser Keina Mor cede yesterday. A negro who was sent down to clean the bilge, as the vessel lay i nthe dry dock at the Norfolk Navy ' Yard, struck his foot against them and brought them to light The skull was put ashore and was-shortly carried oft by some unknown relic-hunter. The bones are believed to "be those of a Spaniard who went down with the ship - in Santiago Ibarbor. Capt. Chittenden, ot the Merritts, wh6 raised the ship, ' wag asked when the ship arrived here how many bodies were found aboard her. He answered that be preferred to not1 ; speak of tills. SHIPPING TROOPS' General Otis will Have the Desired 10,000 September First. Washington, June id.:Iteguiars and sreqruiU will replace tho volunteers in the fhiKppines as rapidly as they can be transported. , ' It t estimated by the War Deptrt iment that nearly ten thousand regulars will reach Manila by September 1st. ..' Several vessel have been added for i-aeific transportation. FRElE PERFORMANCE. First of tho Free Entertainpients the Park Tomorrow. at -TomorroV might the first of a series of Tree entertainments -will e given teen arranged for by the Raleigh Elec tric Company and they will doubtless - give much pleasure to the public. y The performance tomorrow, .evening will begin at 8:30 And cont&rae until 'about 10:36. It will consist in quar- :. 'tctrs, ' duets, the latest songs, dancing, and wind-up with cake walk. All the "participants are -"coons."' Go out and diave good lime. " THE HOLLY SPRINGS PIC NIC. T It seem that all of our Methodist ' friends are getting ready for their day's : -utiug. They go to Holly Springs Wed nesday, leaving .Union Station at 8 ' -o'clock Rates: Children under 15 years , 25 cents. . All others 50 cents, round trip. ; -be friends of the school are cordially ... invited to participate in the pleasures -1 .of the occqsian. : TRIAL POSTPONB1. Attorney Howe Gets $5,000 For t)e fending the Kidnappers. Xew York. June !. The trial of Mrs. 't-t r tlarrmr. thA IrinjumAl. Vila nnnHWinpil until next Monday - on appUcation of Counsel Howe, who asked for time to employ experts as to the sanity of the .Tirisoner. h-r::'.t a ,. The -World ' -prints ohotoeraphs' of a package of five thousand dollars in bills and asks who furnished them to Howe, for this services in defense of the kid- mappers. , BrCYOuIfr RALE.' , ,Sew York, June 19. The controlling Interest in the Longhatik Company, West Fifty-Ninth street, wno hara a nation. il reputation as bicycle house and baild- metropolitan sales agents of Stearns w . rycles, lias been purchased - y E. C, Stearns ft Co., who will continue bust ness as before. - - CARS K02WWXG, . Cleveland, June 19.-Car are running from Kuclid to Central Wade Park. Scorille and Wilson lines. The police are protecting cul cars. , - - All members of the Wright's Cornet Band ara requested to meet at'mand room Monday nieht at 8 oolock. J. W. CHEEK, Leader. A BOLD LETTER Mr. McMuIlan Writes Concern ing a Fertilizer Inspector. MAN OF BAD CHARACTER However, Fertilizer Inspectors were Merely Mojala'ated jy Directors and Tbis may Cause a Director's Impeachment '- ;Aii open letter has been addressed to the jStute board ox agriculture regard jug tue character of one of tue hueeii leitmizer inspectors, uunmiated by lue member of tue board lroin eacu .district. Ulie grave charges made against ms i-naracter has caused a sensation r.n; were Is no probability ot fas ever serving us an official of the State in the present light or the situation. V member ot the board was shown tho open letter today and asked bis opimou as to the result of the mutter, lie stud: -the htteen inspectors of fertilizers were not elected by tue board. It was agree.l thut since the services of fertiliser in spectors are only required at certain times in the year that fifteen inspectors should be nominated,' each district nam ing some inspector, a,nd that the commis sioner of Agriculture should have power to call these inspectors into service when ever they are needed.- Hence the board did not elect any inspector but simply nomiuatcd men tor the commissioner to draw from. "The nomination of tlus man Uuid by the member from the first district should cause the impeachment of that member for imposing upo nthe board by nominating such a man." Following is an open letter, wmcii ap peared in yesterday's Charlotte Observer, to the members of the State Hoard oi Agriculture: , Sirs: In the rcceut state campaign the Democratic party made the canvass largely on the issue of "white- suprem acy," and invited every wUit.i inan"to join in the effort to reuceui tnc Mate from negro rule. The invitation was promptly accepted toy men of evsry form er shade of political opuniMi ana iney have 'a riebt to expect that henccfoith the State's government .would be clean; that decent men only Would bo put into office and that they could again look with pride to pure and prosperous administra tion. How are these anticipations being hwaliaed? ... At 'your recent election one Hill -J. Reed, of this (Pedquhrans) county, was chosen fertilizer inspector. You could not have selected from our midst a man of more despicable character. For years he has lived in concubinage with negro strumpets, and lias kept his negro off spring in social contact with his white wife, en estimable lady, whom he Jins humiliated and made miserable by his vile conduct, die lias don j more to en: courage miscegenation thaa any other dnfluence and by his outrageous conduct has defied the Jaw and miotic sentiment and placed himself, without tin ;m:b of human sympathy, and his elevation to office is a disgrace to civilisation. I am sorry you knew no'Irng of ms character, 'but rel'ed upon tbss indorse ment of a prominent politician of this community, who alone stands ior this I man and makes for him th t plea of pov erty and therefore needs tho uf lice. It is true he is poor, but the pcty cannot afford to endorse a man without char acter, because ho is poor. He has be come poor because be baa spent Ibis tljnellj18 &m,, fr fortable support, in the gratillcatiou of ten vile and .unchecked . passion with disgraceful associations, and instead -of making him the custodia-i of tho party's honor, be ought-to be reixiki-1 and held as an example of the reaping of the whirlwind. I do not -write you, gentlemen, from personal considerations, but in thj inter est of purity in polities. I writo that you may know the truth and that from your positions you may call a bait in this dis graceful matter end thereby relieve tho party from a responsibility which, if not repudiated, will in future campaigns da pressed to its attention in a manner that will cause it to hang its Used In shame and demoralise it, because of it? gros inconsistency.. .- ... ,... - ..;L i , : Respectfully, . -T r W. T. McMTJLLAX ' Hertford county. ' ' ALDERMEN TONIGHT Street Bonds ; and Liquor Licenses - Come Up. : This evening the board of aldermen will meet In the mayor's office. - Tha ob ject of the meeting will be to receive the report of the finance committee. A complete forecast of the comoiittee s report was given this paper Saturday. There will be no opposition to the com mittee's recommendation-that the new street bonds be four per cent. Some of the aldermen favor issuing the bonds $50,000 a year instead of all at one timor The committee will recommend : the latter and their decision is influenced by the fact that it may be difficult for: the city to float a four per cent-bond next year, It being the time of a .presidential campaign. Liquor licenses will "also be (treated to n ght for the next six months,. ..'..' yj?- From the Indianapolis Journal. fO-v-"Say," said the gentleman with the check shirt, plaid euit and thunderous diamonds; "if yon will go in with me, I've got a guy that we can work for a oauple of thousand in a poker game, and yon can -have half." ' ."Sir 1" replied the young lawyer, 'this is' a personal Inault!" " ' "Excuse me," continued the wily tempter,-"of course, I didn't mean this here as a personal affair. We'll call It retaining you professionally," -"Er how much did you sny !c had?" PHILIPPINE CAMPAIGN ' Wheaton's Plan Qen. Fred Grant and His Troops Assigned. 'Manila, June 19. Military operations against the insurgents in the south- are apparently planned by General Wbeaton at Inras, who is sending a reconnoiterlng party to try to locate tho cnem?. Other reoonnoisances are being made from Car.te. -The transport Sherman, which arrived this morning, bad a smooth voyage. One private died after the arrival here. Tie troops under General Fred Grant go to iNegros to refieTe itoCalifotiiia volunteers. Generals Grant and Rates will probably be assigned to command some volunteer troops of the genernh who leave for borne soon. BIG ORDER. Russia Wants to Buy $8,000,000 of War I Material From America. vvasnington, June m ame uusia:i government, it Xs reported in official cir cles, here, i negotiating with American establishments for an enormous quantity of war material. .The statement is made that Russia wishes to order a hundred rapid fire field batteries. A rough es timate places the value of tho Russian order at eight millions. BOLD ROBBEIRY. Safe Rifled in Philadelphia .and $4,000 in Cash Taken. 1 Philadelphia, June if). Fairmont Park Transportation Company's office in Wes' Philadelphia, was broken into by twelve masked men early this morning. Th" awtchmau and recorder wero gauged, also the niotortuan and conductor of the last car on a neighboring track. Tliov opene dthe safe and four thousand in cash was taken. PRESIDENTIAL PARTY President at Smith College Mrs Mc kinley Receives a Loving Cup. Holyoke. June 19. Presideut McKin ley saia this morning that he and Mb. ilcKinley had recovered from their fa tigue. The weather is perfect The par ty proceeded to Northampton by special train at nine o'clock. Northampton, June 19. President 'Mc Kinley arrived at half past nine. Rousing wetoorne was given the President nnd Mrs. McKinleyt nd they were constant ly engaged in responding to cheers. The party visited Snwth College Wluve the President watched the planting of the class tree. He went to the residence of Cnpt. Wil liams, where the loving cup was pic sented to Mrs. McKinley by Bethesdi Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. MONEY NO OBJECT. Eor this reason if you are under 15 yars old 25c, over 15 years 50c, will en title you to the round trip to Fuquay Springs, Wednesday, Juno 21st, when thp Good Shepherd Sunday school will have their annual basket picnic. Pure air, fresh cold sparkling water, shady grove, barbecue nnd many other attrac tions Take your basket and go with them. Train leaves at foot of Martin street 8 a. m. sharp. Secure your ticket from C. C. McDonald. CHRISTIAN' CHURCH YESTER DAY. Tho Sunday school was the largest since tho organization; of the church; two new schollars. Tho church services were largely at tended, many visitors Tieing present. Four new members .were received into fellowship, making in. all since the pro tracted meeting began 22 members, with 10 baptisms. ' 1 TONE OF MARKETS. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Furnished by H. D. White, manager for Paine Murphy & Co., 807 8. Wil. mington street. i LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. .Liverpool 4 p. ir., June 19, '99 American middling 8 18 82; saleslO.OOO, of which 1000 are for export and specu lation; receipts , 8000 bales, 0,000 bales American. Futures opened qultt and plosedsteady. June, ii.. :.w ." . 8.221s June and July..., 8.2ajs July and August :i 8.221s Aurust and Beptember 8.22b September and October.. ...8 21b October and Novembei 8 2C1 November and December ..8.1lb December and January ... ... 8.191b January and February 8 llb February and March 8 80Js ; NBW TORE STOCK MARKET. - The following were the closing que tations for the leadlngUtocks: American Sugar - 1511 Southern R. R. Preferrt,d.i..i... 49i Pacific Mall W R.R. T 116 St. Paul 1.261 Manhattan.. ...1 111 B.&Q. , 1801 American Tobacco . r' ; , 98 Mlrsouri Pacific 1 T.C.L - J - ( ' 4 L.4 N. " ' - - '61 J.C. . " . 117 C&O. " 1 '244 U.S.Rubbcr ' - 68i NEW YORK COTTON. .- Months. --v Closed June, ' S.62a83 Jnl .... '. ' ' 6.84a88 August.-..."- ' " "-B.87a88 September,; ' 6.83a88 October.... " . H' -j-. 8.86a87 November , ' 8 8a89 December - ' H.BaaM January ... , 8.9396 Closed steady. ' . Don't forget the lawn party Thurs day night for -the benefit of St. Luke's Home. Everybody Is invited. MAYOR'S COURT Trial of J. W. Weathers Postponed Other Cases. Tbe trial ot Mr. J. W. Weathers for handling the famous embalmed brand of moats, wliich gained recently such an ex tensive reputation in this country, was postponed until Thursday, since his at torney, T. P. Devereux, Esq., has busi ness out of the city until then. The trial of I.vdla Ohamhle fnr hin drunk and disorderly, was postponed for me suuib reason. JerrV Williams ttind Will Woathora 'colored -oyS, wer fined fl and costs 1n n ff .d O-l.A 1. 1 - k-v. . aw iiyuuits ixrosv oyer .ierry oeing cauea a "cheap sport.'' I.AMBB AND LYON. The I.anjbe and the Lyon Do Form a Partnership. Articles of agreement were tnAnv lilwl by T. J. tambe, J. B. Stagg and (Jeorge L. Lyon, all of Durham, for their in corporation under the firm name ot Lambe and Lyon for the Dunjoe of con ducting a general merchandise ami cloth ing store in Durham. The capital stock shalL be S2.-i.0o0 with the right to increase the same to CHILDREN'S DAY Large Audience at the Baptist Tabernacle Yesterday Morning. The .Sunday school day services ut the Baptist Tabernacle yesterday 'were out of the usual order of Children's Day ex ercises, and were very interesting and attended by a great throng of people. The Sunday school met at 9:15 a. m. and followed the usual ooenine services and then beginning with the large Pri- j mary .Department each class followinir one behind the other filed into the church midience room which was beautifully decorated and were seated in a body. Extra seats were then placed in every arailablo space and occupied very quick ly and many had to be seated in the school room. ihe staging was rendered by members of the school led by a special choir ot 511 girls cud boys. Several of the pupils gave recitations and readings which were interf.perse(J with duetts, quartets and -boruHi'4 and the pastor, Rev. Dr. .Siinros. closed with a very amiroDriate erraon on "Foundations." The whole of the services were interesting and the seeuq, most beautiful one. CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SOHHOOL PICNIC. Leaves Union Depot Tomorrow Morn ing at 7:30 Sharp. No Delay. Evervbodv invited. Rntea tn fhnao nnt members of the school. Adults 50 cents. children under 15 years old 25. Snccial atractiona fine minternl wa ter-free lemonade, string band, 12 new hammocks. Everybody carry dinner. WARM WAVE COMIXO. The forecast for Raleigh and vicinity if the weather bureau, says: Fair, warmer tonight nnd Tuesday; warm nave is approaching. The weather is remarkably fine this morning; throughout nlniost the entire country east of the Rocky Mountains except oveivsouthern Florida, where it is raining. Cloudy weather was report ed at only four stations. An extensive area of high barometer occupies the south with comparatively cool weather. Tho temperature has risen in the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, with maxima over 9 degrees in Kansas and Nebraska. The highest was 100 l!e- grres lit Xorth Plate. REPORT CONTRADICTED.'"" Hong Kong, June 18. The report of the murder ofthree missionaries, Rev. II. S. Phillips and wife, and Miss Seir together with seven native converts by a Chinese mob at Kien Yang, Is contra dicted. ' RALEIGH STOCK MARKET. Qu kd'BvGrwbs and Vass. . Ralkioh, June 19, 1899. BONDS. - Bid. Afked. North Carolina 6s 1.39T NoHh Carolina 4s 110 City of Raleigh 6s 108 " - 08 110 Seaboard & Roanoke SstlO Oa Southern & Florida BslOOi 1 124 Southern By. 1st 5s 11? Atlanta Charlotte 7s liili WakeConnty6Js 110 W.N.CR.R 1st 6s 122J Qa. A Ala. Pref. 6s 105 " Consols 101 Ga. Car. & North, lit 5s lO'if Carolina Centrr! 4a 03 Ral. Water Co. fls ; 105 Eno Cotton Hilll 6s , 106 Atlantic & N. 0. R. 6s. , 126 Seaboard & Roanoke 6stUJ - STOCKS. ; North Carolina ft. R. 153 -Seaboard A Roanoke Raleigh & Gaston 0 Kaiotgn as Angnsia - au Durham A Northern -Southern Ry, Prof. . . 4J . M Common 10 Uecbanlca Dim SarlngsBank 106 Raleigh Water Co. Raielsrh Oas Comnsnv ' 51 55 Caralelgh Cotton Mills , .. Preferred , 110 , Common '- ' , 100 Raleigh Cotton Mills - Its Odol Mfg. Co. 107 Caralelgh Fertiliser . and Phosphate Works B ,. Va. Carolina Chemical GoiPrefererd U 116f Common - 7Si , 78 Citizens' National Bank 180 Raleigh Sav loirs Bank .. 150 . J M Odell Mfg. Go. 101 AROUND AND ABOUT Items of Interest Gleaned by the Wayside SHORT STATEMENTS I Familiar Faces From the Passing Throng Movements of People You know Snatches of Street Gossip Today. .Mr. Josephua Daniels returned from Morehead City today. Mr. I. M. Meekins is in the city. Mr. Howard Haywood of Henrietta, is in the city. xhe $50,000 in school bonds which will be issued by the county will probably be i'2 per cent, bonds. Justice Barbee sent two coon damsels to Jail today to keep the peace. Uhe First Baptist Sunday school yes terday took up a collection amounting to $50 for the Thomasville orphanage to replace the crops destroyed by hail. The Sunday schools of 'High Point will picnic here next Thursday. The first Baptist Sunday school yesterday ap pointed a committee consisting of Dr. J. .W Carter, ex-officio chairman, C. B. Edwards chairman, J. D. Boushall, C. B. Lumisden, Mrs. J. B. Pearce, Miss Rosa Fernall and Miss Marcraret Watts to as sist in entertaining them. Mrs. W. A. Gattis left yesterdav for Goldsboro to be at the bedside of her son's wife, Mrs. William Gattis, who is very in. Miss Claudia Leach, who is seriously ill no McDowell street, is a sbade better today. Messrs. Charles Pool aud Mac Ruth, of this city, are building a residence, for Major Graham at Hillsboro, Grand Secretary B. n. Woodcll ic turned yesterday from Gastouiti. Superintendent W. J. Hicks, of tha Oxford orphanage, is in the city. Mr. Powhatan Matthews, of Durham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Matthews. Miss Mary Tillinghart is the snest of Mrs. W. S. West. 'Mr. W. A. Myatt is out aiin after his recent accident. Miss Curtis, of Cleveland county, is spending a few days at the homo of Superintendent and Mrs. Mebane. Mr. Burke Bunch is in tho city on a visit to his parents, Cai.;iiu and Mrs. T. V. Bunch. Mrs. John C. James, of Wilminrtpn, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. B. Denton, on Kewbern avenue. Mr. Pulaski Cowper has returned from Morehead where he spell', last week. Mr. Julius Lewis returned yesterday from Baltimore. Mrs. Law.?, v.l.Din he accompanied there, remained. The State Life Insurance Company of Indiana and the Mechanics and Traders Fire Insurance Company ot New Or leans, today filed a copy ot their char ters and were domesticated under the Craig law. Tuesday evening at six o'clock there will be a meeting of the rescue circlo at the usual place. A full attendants of members is requested. Indication are that the Tabernacle ex cursion to Norfolk, Tuesday, June 27th, will be the very best yet run. You cnu not afford to miss it. The rate is as low as will beg iven this year, and then $2.25 Is very cheap for the round trip. Plenty of cars and comfort for ,very one. JOE MUNDAY SPOKE. He Will Lecture Tonight On "A Brand New Baby in Town." Joe Munday, the converted showman, spoke to a large audience in Metropoli tan hall Sunday afternoon. Ho an nounced that he was not a preacher but a lay talker hence be could use il lustrations and language which might seem undignified for a minister. ' He used the license thus assumed quite free ly and brought forth much laughter from his audience. His jokes appeared to be very amusing to some of those present. ' At the conclusion of the lecture he de scribed his personal misfortunes and bis desire to secure enough money to get a little homo somewhere in this State, where he could locate his family, and then devote his time wholly to ths Lord's work in North Carolina. His method of taking up a collection was to say the least unique. Ho passed the hat himself and emptied the contents on the hat's return from a trip down each row. " He put the question of whether he should remain over and lecture tonight to a vote ot the audience and that body went by a big majority in his favor. Jlence he will deliver at the Metro politan hall tonight his famous lecture on "There is a Brand New Baby In Town." Mr. Monday says that this U his master piece and is greatly enjoyed by the ladies. " Admission only 10 and 15 cents. MAD MOTORMAN ON CAR. New York, June ll Suddenly seized with a fit of insanity brought on by the exccftsTve heat of yesterday, Mortorman K. Byer made a mad run foe several miles with a Staten Island electric car, turning curves and rushing down steep grades at furious rate wtil finally he wes hnrlfd from his post by a sudden Stop. -' " ' . .- -" The" car was filled With passengers, who yelled frantically at the motorman during tha wild rtto. Byer danced on the, platform, swung his arm in tbe air and grinned with idiotic glee at the dis comfiture he was causing tn the seats behind bin. 5 . When "the end came Byer was hurled twenty feet into tbe roadway and es caped with only a fe braises, -s The passengers fled in alarm, and Byer was sent to his home, where a physician at tended him for heat prostration. : , CHASING A NEGRO. Citizens of Soddy Want to Lynch a Negro. Chattanooga, Juue 18. Several hun dred angry citizens of Soddy, guided by bloodhouuids, are on the trail of a negro whom they declare will be lynched il! caputrcd. He is wanted for attacking Miertle Bell, the eighteen year old daughter of the superintendent of the Soddy mines. One negro was captured yesterday, but Miss Belle declared that he was not the right one and he was set free. Tbe mob is now scouring the neigh borhood. Warnings were sont to sur rounding places. TROLLEY PARTED. Brooklyn, June 18. An overhead trolley wire parted this morning. Five persons were Hit and some were badly shocked. OSBORNE GAINS A POINT. New York, June 18. This morning Justice Fursman granted the motion of Assistant District Attorney Osborne to re-submit the Molienaux case to the grand jury, against the vigorous oppo sition of Milineauz'8 counsel. EMPEROR JOSEPH ILL. Yieuua, June 18. The Emperor Fran cis Joseph is ill at Iskias in consequence of venturing out on horseback before he had fully recovered from the effects of a cold; - His physicians now require him to lie down for several days. ROUSSEAU WILL SUCCEED. Paris, June IS. The consensus of opinion is that Waldeck Rousseu will be successful in forming the cabinet. . NEW CARDINALDS. Rome, June 18. The Pope held a kc cret consistory yesterday for tho nomi nation ot cardinals and tho delivery of religious elocution. The Pope announced the naves of eleven new cardinals, re serving two others in pectore. The al locution dealt with the question of the union of churches. ROBBElRS CAPTURED. Monkla, Mont., June 10. Near Dweel's, Wyoming, just south of Yellow Stone Park, early today a party of scouts captured three men supposed to be the Union Pacific mail robbers. They were surrounded by scouts at daybreak and captured without firing a gun. BOER'S CAMPAIGN They Intend to Invade Cape aud Capture Ihe Towns. Colony London, June 18. The St. James Ga zette publishes wbt it claims to be ex clusive information concerning the plan of the Boer campaign drawn up by Gen. Joubert, and approved by President Krueger. Tbe plan includes the inva sion of Cape Colony by tbe Boers, the capture of Cape Town and Kiberly, and the destruction of tbe Deber diamond mines. THE UNIVERSITY. The growth and expasion of the Uni versity should be a mattec of pride to every North Carolinian. In efficiency, patronage aud public favor it is now second to none in the South. Its re quirements are exact, its standard rigid, its tone of life high and manly. Its academic roll is the largest in the South, and in all its history it has nwer been so close to the people, and so able to serve them. Ambitious and needy boys should remember its motto is equality, opportunity and self-help. TUCKER OFFICE BUILDING. Although the diagram and schedule of prices of offices in this handsome build ing were not completed until Saturday, a large number of the offices have already been Tented, it will be one of the hand somest buildings in the South, and will be an up-to-date office building, equipped with all the modern conveniences such as gas, electric light, mail box, lavatory, toilet rooms, steam heat, janitor, two eievators, etc., etc. It will be an orna ment and a credit to the city, and is an evidence of public spiritwhich ought to be commended and encouraged, and ts n progressive enterprise which ought to be patronized. Parties desiring to rent had best make application at once. SOUTHERN IMPROVES SERVICE. The Southern railway's "Washington aud Southwestern limited," between New York and New Orleans, is well known among the famous modern limited trains of this country, and the Southern has made another attractive addition to this service by putting -on a line ot ele gant Pullman Library Observation Cars between Atlanta and New Orleans. These cars are In aome respects an Innovation in this section. Half of thn cars are taken by Pullman section, and the rear is the observation end. with a library and a number of large cunportabls chairs end settee. These cars are open to all passengers on tho train occupying a Pullman space. Trav eling la indeed a pleasure when pas sengers may recline in easy chairs, with the latest books and magaslnea at hand, and view tha beautiful Piedmont conn- -try aa the Limited races along. 1 - - ' The public la invited to Inspect thew elegant trains, especially the new tb serration ears. Dining ear serfs all meals between New York and New Or leans. '.."'-'.".;,' ' ' ' ! i i : M. i 1 -4 it - 1 I '-! - f i itr I s'1 :v,.'--4igi,i ' i

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