Take CONCERNING GLOBE Constipation. SAMPLES GLOBE RE1EDV CO. WB TWAIN, MY DEARIE. (A Booig.) We twain, my dearie, and Fate must still divide; . And yet the birds sing cherry, and the 'OTcea world is wide! The muiiiffHt's ibroad eoourfi for S-rr til the earth, God knows. Yet one will reap the thorn, dear, and one will wear the rose. We train," my f om,rae come and go, . No other lips make otum o other face I know. , , It is so aKltht a boon to ak: Of all beneath the sun; The roses rden-ht God should give me one! We twain, my dearie! And nj-ver sky I stretch my bands-nny sundered hands so yearningly to you! I grope toward you in the dark, aikl ever miss the way: " You eawnot hear the songs I sing, nr need the prayers I Irv. We twain, my dearie! And never shall nA taemyP the "ow wlli,e- n1 never Bower is sweet. The sunlight's broad ff and the green world is wi le, But cannot give us even two homes iu TWO HAPrY THOUGHTS. (Waveriy Magaone.) From far away Ceylom comes a fun ny little story. A tea planter who had a glass eye was desirous of go.n away for day's vnth a friend, he h ?" "J native who were at work on the plan tation heard that he was gone they would not do m stroke of work How wa she to get off? That. was the ques tion. After much thought an idea struck him. Going up to the men. he addressed them thus: "Although I myself wnll be abseiu. yet I shaH leave one of my eyes to-see that you do your work," And much to the wrprtee ad oewiHermetit f the native., he took out the glass ry and placed It on die stump of a tree aJ left, or ome time the men worked hrfushrioosly, but at fast one of them seitinc hJ sm to which he carried his food, approached the tree ad sentl, ,teced it over the eye. This done th r . all lay down and slept sweetly until Min- LOVE'S PROGRBSa When first t ktaaed "weet Mwgare. She bhrahed rose ted And atemlj, J "Yon "mnst'ot. ; Stop!" Last night I kissed weet Margaret, She Mushed rose red. But only said: "You mustn't stop!" - New York Uti. IN EMPTY 8ACK 'CANNOT 1TAXT . UPRIGHT. weak, thin blow. nourish and sustain thep hysical sys tem, for strength of nerve and rati cleg there' tntttt fee pure, rich, Tigoron Mood. Homr garsaparlHa 1 the tand-' Irf preparion Mood nanv mmaskabkt -mrea and Hi fact tfalt.a it doa everrodj good who take it aprore it at )st what yon need If yon are weak wA sttHsMUt . ; ; j " BMi'B'TfU 00 st gr flJmr ft,aea ' FOR -AT- 232 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALfilGH, N,C. THAT THROBTtmo HEADACHE. Would quickly Uatve you, if you used Or. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands if sufferers have proved their matchless a writ for Sick and Nervous Headaches, they nake pure blood and strong nerves Mi build op your health. Easy to take. 4f than. Only 25 cents. Money back ja cars. Sold by all druggist. GLORIOUS NEWS. jiae from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Waahta, I. T. He writes: "Four bot tle of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of Scrofula, which bad caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and th beat doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health 1 excellent," This shows what thousands have proved, that Blee. trie Bitter is the best blood purifier known. It 1 the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boil and running sores. It stimulates Uver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, build ap the strength. Only 60 cent. Bold by all Druggists. Guaranteed. BOTA BEADAOBM TABLMTS. R. H do tou narrm with HEADACHES? INDIGESTION? NERVOUSNESS? Or any other trouble caused fcr a disorder tomaekf ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS 1 WIU at on 04 give llif IM almost as quickly oar to Ttk ob r two s( th tablet after aoh meal. BOLD BT A1X DRUaoiflTS 1 0 CENTS. Royal firadaok lYtMet Arf Abututriy BarmUm. Children's School Shoos. -One of the hardert problems in (he shoe business is to get a 1 child'i shoe that will g ve the service requried' and at the same ' time have the looks and finish and be confortable. ', We have paid special attention to this line this season a'od full ( confident we have ronqured this" problem. And have to offer to you the best that can be produced by Merriam Shoe Co. H C" Godman Excelsior Shoe Co.,xana the makers of the Little Giant school shoe all making Exclusively Wu re making Specialitiei in Tliey irange in prices from 75 S. C. POOL'S. LEADEBjIN FINS SBQlfis. TON 1C FREE OFFICE, IF IF YOU WANT To Sell j Old Clothes. Old Shoes, Hats Old Gold, Pistols, Watches,! Guns, or any thing, Call Bel ' phone 86-4. Harris Steal Dye Wks 1 Suits Cleaned 75c. Cleaned 'and i Dyed f 1.5 . T. ch ldren's shoes. j the prices as well as inaualitv. ! to $2.00 I Mo Let Up Hot weather does not stop tis, we are still offering Bargains on Thursday August 29th, 1899, we will offer ITEMS LIKE THESE ' FOR WRAPPERS. One Case 33 inch Pacific 1 worth 8 I-3C, the price will be i2c. j FOR THE FEET. J Children's Imported 25c Ribbed Hose, all small sizes from j 5 to 7 1 2 h banain that we bought and offer as such at 7 Is2 , p.ir.. j WIPE YOUR FEET I On one of our ne fine Cocoa Foot-mats. Two lots (r nxt Thursday The prices are 45c and 73c. FOR BAEIES AND APRONS. rine Dimities, as p etty as you ever had. Our price is 25c yard. Thursday we will offer th m at 15c. yard. FOR YOUR BED. Bes. Quality 9-4 B.eached Sheets have advanced 25c in price, nevertheless we will sell them Thursday at 51c. FOR ANY PURPOSE. 5.000 Yards 36 inch Fipe Sea Island ?cmestic Our 5c goods, we are going to sell this k t out to all comers at 4c yard. FOR THE TABLE. 58 inch Turkey Red Table Damask, the 35c slock. You can buy it that day at 25c. JUST ARRIVED. Advance style in Children's School Caps. Get them now. school starts very soon. Ve hav some very pietty caps for the little ones WOOLIXOTT & SON. TIP-PIT Hanlines household paints Hanlines' Wood Stain, Hanlines' Bath tnb Enamel, Hanlines' Quick drying ftoci paints, Hanlines' Aspnaltum and var nishes, Hanlines 1 -iggj paints. Now is the time to do your summer paicting. I keep a full line of the above. Respectfully, J. C. S. Lumsdeu NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND OF SALE OF RAILROAD STOCK. Having qualified as administrator d. b. w. of the estate of W. H. Hood, de ceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned at his office in Ra eigh, N. C, on or before the 10th day of June. 1000. As said administrator on Saturday, July the 1st, 1899, at the Court House door la Raleigh, N. C, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, two shares of stock In the Raleigh and Gaston rail road company. Hour of sale 12 o'clock m. J. C. MARCOM, Adm'r d. b. n. Battle and Mordecai, attorneys. Raleigh, N. C, June 9th, 1899. Itwl61 6 10 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Wake ceunty in the Spe cial Proceeding entitled Armistead Jones, administrator D. B. N. O. T. A. of Daniel G. Fowle, deceased, against Phil H. Andrews and others, entered on the 20th day of April, 1899, it being No. 884 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said court, and also by vir tue of an order in said Special Proceed ing entered on the 28th day of June 1899 I will on Tuesday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1809, at 12 o'clock m., offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bid der at the court houee door in the city of Raleigh, N. C, the following described real estate, upon the following terms, one-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, one-third to be paid in six months and the remaining one-third to be paid In twelve months from the day of sale, the deferred payment to bear six per cent Interest from the day of sale. . . . 1 A certain tract of land in Swift Creek Township, said county and State, conveyed by Jordan Womble and wife to D. G. Fowle and J. A. Haywood on the 6th day of April, 1872, by deed registered In the office of the BegUrter of Deeds of said county in Book B5, page 701. (The interest of J. A. Haywood was afterwards conveyed to D. . Fowle) containing 344 4 acre more or less, described in said deed a ad joining the lands of Charle Keuster, Henry Horton and others, reference be ing made to said deed for a full de scription of said land. 2 A certain lot or parcel of land sit uated on McDowell street in the cily of Raleight N. C, adjoining the lots of Dr. W. I. Royster, the late Mrs. Mary Fowle and others, beginning on McDowell street at Boyster' line, run ning thence 8. with said street 88 feet to Royster'a line, thence west 60 feet to Mrs. Mary Fowle line, thence, north with her line and Royster'a line 88 feet to Royster's lot first mentioned, thence east 60 feet to nhe -beginning on Mc JtoweU street, the same being a part of lot No. 9 In the plan of the city of Salsla. ; ABMISTBAD JONES, -' Cknunlasionar. Percales dark color that are MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a deed of mortgage exe cutud to me by Jere Hogan and Mar garet Hogan and recorded in Book 89 page 208, Register of Deeds' office for Wake county, I will on Friday, Septem ber 1st, 1899 at 12 m. sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Raleigh, the land described In said mortgage to-wit: First tract in Mason village adjoining the lands of T, M. Argo, the North Caro lina Railroad and others, containing 1 3-4 acres msre or less. Second Tract Bounded on the north liy N. C. Railroad, on the south by Young Leathers, on the west by Lewis Mason and on the east by Thomas Argo containing three acres, more or less. 30d J. S. WYNNE, Mortgagee. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. l!y virtue of a judgment entered at tlc July Term, 1899, of Wake Superioi Court, in the case of Thomas Johns and others against Jane Johnson and others, being No. (i3 upon the. Summons Docket of said Court, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, at public auc tion for cash at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, N. C, on the 25th day of September, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., the following described tract of bind, to wit: Situated in St. Mary's township, Wake County, N. C, adjoiuiug the lands of Calvin Tool, William S. Powell, Frank Jones ami others, beginning at a persim mon tree, Larjdu Busbee's, deceased, corner, thence west to a willow tree on the old Run of White Oak Creek, thence down said Creek on old run t Frank Jones' corner, thence with said Frank Jones' line eastward to Calvin Pool's line, thence with said Calvin Pool's line eastward to the beginnii;. continuing 15 acres more or less. ARMISTEAD JONES, Commissioner. The University of Nurth Carolina Widest patroLUge aud fullest equip uient in its history. Faculty 38: stu denf 495; three academic courses, three tlective courses; three profession al schools, in law, in medicine Mid in pharmacy. New buildings, water works, splendid libraries, laboratories, etc. Advanced classes open to women. Tuition $00 a year; board $8 o month Ample opportunity for self-help Scholarships and loans for the needy. Free tuition for teachers. Summer' school for teacheis. Twenty-four ic structo'T. 147 sti-dents. Total enroll nient 4. Fr ritalogne, address RESIDE NT ALDUMAN. "Aapel B il. N. C. " FIRE INSURANCE The attention of tlic public is respect fully invited to the followinj announce mint: I he firm of DKliWHY, THO VPBON & C '. hereby convcy its entire F re insurance business anrt its coo." will in the bam to W '. PRIM UOE & Ci Drewry, Thompson & Co , agents Thepatr na c of the public is soMciteil In FIRE ACCIDKN , Bond, Boiler and Employees LKUllty Iosur i.ee W. S. I'RIMRCE & CO . Agents Office Hollemai Building. C. F. BUUOC ARTISTIC SIGN WRITER, RALEIGH, N. C. Ve won't advance our prices during August, but wo advise you to buy right how all the carpets you will need this fall and winter. The cost ot all carpet Wools is bound ing. Carpets bought during August will bo made and laid free of extra charges. DOBBIN & FERRA1X, AT TUCKER'S STOKe. BULBS! BULBS! BULBS ! Our car v shipments are dow arriv ing White Roman-Hyacinths, Nar cissus Eas cr Lilies, Calla-Lilie aad Fnesias. Other bulbs will arrive later. We are Headquarters for Cnt-flowers. Kobcs and Can atlons a specialty Bo quets and Floral Designs arranged in best -tyle at short notice. Palms Ferns and other Pot Plants for house ind window decorations. Shade Trees and Evergreens, together with all kinls of green-house stock. CELERY PLANTS ! It is now time to Bot Celery, and we have the finest lot of plants that we ever See ur snow-winuow aij.i. jimu sons drugstore Leave orders there or call phones Hell 149, Interstate 149. J.L.O'Quinn&Co. Florists. Cu ner Polk and Sw;io Stret ls. Roses t, Carnations and otht, at Cut Flowers. Floral I'nniis tasielully ar -ig? id at Short Notice, Decorations l'aluis, Ferns aud all other dec tive plah.ta for house culture. For i uaniental Hardening at lowest figm All sorjs of bedding plants: Koa Ceraniunis, Heliotropes, Oolest, et Chrysanthemums in the best and k est varieties. Vines for the verand Tomato plants once transplanted I best sorts. Cabbage, pepper and Pa grown Egg Plants. Celery at proa season. All mail orders promptly tended to. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Rileisfh, N 0 Bell 'Phone 113. E J HARRELL, Contractor and Builder. 211 W. JOHNSTON ST. IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND PERMANEM CURE JOHNSON'S DYSPEPSIA CURE A Scientific, Unfailing and Pwijijwt Rem. )y for DysMpsla. Indigestion and all Stomadi and Nerve Troubles. . , . rut up in tablet form, pleasant and easy to take snd sBording Immediate relief by enabling nature to furnish natural nourishment to the Hlood, Nerve and . nacle. lira BM, IOC Sac nd 60c FOR SALE BT WH. 8KMPHON. WW ale A rent CM Fayettavtll StraaC. ' DESIGNS " TRADE-MARKS PATENTS AND C0PYRWHTS OUIAINbU ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY lfiPl Notice In " Inventiv Age " U I EM Wm Book "How toobtaia Patents" T 1 1 In CTorgm wmimtt. No ree tin patent 1 cnred. Letter strictly confidential. Address, t. . SI66ERS, Patprt Laayar, WaeMiiftM, D. C ana. - - ' rCritlYROYALJIILLS nr-v Tiataat ely Bialat. wZTsm la IU4 mi out mMmJSfir tonm, mm wiia nm nw Fmmm w wailWuta 1, 1W, . la umc He rtlril, I illaaiUli Rllr far faUkl," baWi ntan irnua t-t4u f MaraaiMlttrauMU. , rMUJllfa-. ra. raiiiG CARPETS RALEIGH MALE ACADEMY. The twenty-first annual sesjiOL begins September 4th. Thorough preparation for College or Business, Small classes and 3lose individual attention, especiailly in elementary work. Represented and endorsed by numbers of the prominent professional and business men of the city and State, For Catalogue aud other informa tion address HUGH MORSON, Principal TBTJSTEB'S SALE). Under and by virtue of powers confer red by a deed ot trust executed by Z. Council Sratt and wife, November IB, 1890, and recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds of Wake county, If. C, Bk. 114, page 268, default having been made, I will on Monday, the 28tt day of August, 1899, at the court house doer in the city ot Raleigh, sell at pub lic, auction for cash the laud described in said deed of trust, to-wit: Lying in White Oak Township, Wake county, N. C, and described as follows: First track conveyed to Z. C. Scott by deed from I. W. Boling, registered in Bk. 77, page 126 containing 136. acres. Sec ond tract, Lot No. 1 in the partition proceedings instituted by Scott et al vs. Z. G. Scott, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake county. Partition of home, page 1G8, containing about 20 acres. Third tract conveyed to Z. 0. Scott by A. Syme Administrator of T. J. Scott, deceased, and fully described in a deed recorded in Bk. 7'. age 687, containing 21 acres. And fourth tract containing 21 acrea, 2 roods ui .i V. poles, fully described in a plot of I a jnds of Abram Scott in partition joceedings recorded in the Superior Court Clerk's office Bk. A., page 19C which said records ar made a part u id deed of trust for a full description of said land. Hour ot sale 12 m. THOS. R. PURNBLL, Trustee. BLOOD POSSON k SPECIALTY. Primary, Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD permanently CURED IS 15 TO 35 DATS. You can be treated at home for faame price unaer same gUatramy. u you -preier to come here we will contract to pay rai I road f In l C HUU IIULC1 UUap aVIHI OU OUa !(;, U WC fail to cure. . IF YOU HAVE taken mercury. Iodide potash, aad tilt have aches and pains. Mucous Patches In mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulce a on any part of the body. Hair or Eyefetows iaUing sot, itia this Secondary WE CUARANTEK TO CURE. We solicit the most ohstlaate ra and challenge the world for a ra we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill el the most emlneeit phyaMan. $500,000 capital behind our unconditio nal Ruamntv. Aauotute urooa aent sealc.l on application. 100 Addresa C XMC DEMI page book aantlrcc. GOV CO., J07 .V na-ilc Temple, CHICAOO. Hi. arcuiMi. urrcit. fftnoic ComplexfonTKHafero K aecret scientific preparation guaranteed to poduo i BEAUTIFUL FtSTUBW, BRILLIAnT Ta . LOVELY COMCLtXION Permanently remove Freckles, Pimplea, Wrinkle Tan, Sunburn, Moth, Liver Patches, Blackhead, Dk colored Skin and other facial blemish. pgJCE 59 AHUFaerunco oulv av ' MME. PARKEE, SPECIALIST. BOSTON, MASS. This is the great French beautifier yot rea 10 much about. You should try them. . . rou cannot ol)ain them'of your diujn;isl, f full size Jo-cent box, an a hopk," beauf, Jecrets," price 10 cents, will b- maili-d yua ' ibtolntoly free in" pbiu wrafifi., opon ra xi of 24 one cnt st8"pi, to help t. WEPAYS2C3 aaalnra tfnaH atttmr nt nut Wopayift to f mxi atu-k foe nmny poa m ' betvea iHi? ani lirnt. Look BP youitold Jettert auid Of me of four n:iihi ; ywt mny Bm tMHI m w vi in uiuiiWMan of 1 Liavri. . ml tvd;j ft JT,' H I 'rtalitWl UMH. tfjlAyJ' WTt Ul., ta Lt-aa, I I 1

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