j the citv : ; I - about signs awinglag aero i- 0 I sidewalks will soon go in effect. Toe ordinance j , : . ' allows ( I BICYCLE STANDS : I vo be used ou side walks. ' ' i WK OFUSK strong Iron Bicycle Stinds with a space 16 x 24 inches ' on which a sign can be , , painted. They advertise yonr business and are a con- $ venience to customers. i 4 Thomas H. Brips & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C Wkarton'a pictures are known all over the State and are in nearly every home from the mountains to the seashore. Wharton's name on your picture Ik a guarantee that you hare the beet. FOB RENT. Five room cottage, 214 East Morgan street. Water and bath. Apply to M. T. Leach, Acme Wine Company. RALEIGH STOCK MARKET. Qi otki By Gwinnett am' Vaw. IHaleiob, Aug. 24, BONUS. Bid. North Carolina 6 1424 Nortn Carolina 4b 108 City of Raleigh 5e Seaboard & Roanoke 6s Ga Southern & Florida 5s 104 Sontnern Ry. 1st 5s A Hants & Charlotte 7b 118 Wake Couuty 6s 125 W. N. C. R. R 1st 6a 0a A Ala. Pref. 5s 106 " " Consois Oa. Car. & North. 1st -r,s 101 Carolina Central 4s Ral. Water Co Ks 105 Kileigh Cotton Mill 6s Albemarle & Cbem. CVlCo.7s. STOCKS. Asked. 109( 130 101 9a 106 103 orth Carolina R. R. Seaboard & Roanoke Raleigh & Gaston Raleigh & Augusta Durham & Northern Southern Ry. Pref. " " Common Mechanics Dime Savings Bank Raleigh Water Co. lf0 K0 30 53 114 KHI 50 '.2 50 Caraleigh Cotton Mills preferred Common Aaleigh CoMun Mills Odel M'g. Co. Virginia Ca -olina Chemical Co pre ferred Common 110 HKI It5 1 0 107 H7i 119 I'll 70 Citizens' National Bank 130 Rsleirfh Savinits Bank IV) J M Odell Mfe Co. Get'ifii D w.i To 8 isiness ever rnie i n" returning fmm Hieir summcis nutiiiK, and we hav be? lay in? in a stock o' choice f df from every land tor tb ir delectation, all pure, resh and wh lesome. an i ut up in '. i h staple and fancy groceries t ui I he demands of a high clas family tra 'e. If you cant be suit d i bot i pric-and quality he o, jus. give it up for a bad Job. Wt have two lets f extra Fine Hams: 500 LBS. OF EAST'RN N.C. (JONES COUNTY) H'NS. 500 LBS. OF BEST VIRGINIA HMS. That are oily small Iota and are the est the narket this seasoi, come strly. New Cereed Mallets (eztra alze)-3lbt. fsr 25 eta. NO. I Irish Mackerel -15 cts. a lb. First Catch N. C. Roe Herrings 25 ets. aaozoa. Doe't be worried to death with Files, se TAN6LEF00T fly paper - 2 dovble sheets for Sots, 25 In s hex fer 40 ets. 17. G. Upchurch & Co., LSiDlNG FANCY GROCERS, 124 Fajetteville St. '"tones Bell ' Phone 160- S. Inter Stile 'f bone 29(1. ' ' aTj. JACKSON, Fracti.i Builder u7 Ufhtatw. ; - Remodeling and Repairing Application. -..Office at.Restdence, 606 Saunders i " . TOXXXAMId muitUM.1 v Are grand, but Bkla riptioaa rah Ufa : f Joy. Bucklea'a Ar a Sarva sora. iem. sTo Old, Runau aad Pever bors, tr leers. Bolls, Come, Wart Frtil. Bursa, Scalds, Champed Beads, fhiii.lulna KmI HI aura am aavtK. Ila out Pains aad ebea. Only St e. a boa. Car guaranteed. Sold v inE TIMES-VISITOP. RALEIOH, N. C. THURSDAY. AUUUs. Z4 1899 0,500,000 OF THE UNTluFIED. Champ Clark, I believe now, and have always be lieved, that Bryan whs elected on a fair count of the ballots; but if he was de feated it was by methods forbidden in morals, most corrupt m politics, and ut terly subversive of good government by unprecedented coercing of voters, by wholesale use of boodle, and by such debauchery of the suffrage as made hon est aen everywhere stand aghast. But, nevertheless and notwithstanding liug alii the odds we fought, thank God. here were (6,500,000 American freemen who could not be brilied, wheedled, or bullied into voting for the Uepublicau candidates, and our peerless young lead er received more votes than were ever Ivfore catrt for a Deniwratic caiiildale for the Presidency, and stand forth rli foremost statesman of the age. If we stand courageously and unfal teringly by the great principles enunci ated iu 1896 we will win a decisive vic tory for truth and right and justice and representative government, and will earn not only the approval of our on con sciences, but the plaudits of lovers of lioorty to the remotest generations; but if we abandon these principles, if we permit the time servers, double dealers, and practicers of expediency to obscure these issues, or shunt them to the rear, we. will mot only lose, but will be "damned to everlasting fame." '"Twv eads are better than one." If the one ou have is dull and heavy yon ueed Hood's SarsapariMa. It will give iu prompt relief. ROBED THE GRAVE. A startling Incident, of which Mr. ohn Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject. Is narrated by him ns follows: was in a moat dreadful condition, ly skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk n, tongue coated, pain continually In ck and sides, no appetite gradually rowing weakei day by day. Three hysicians had given me up. Portun eiy, a friend advised trying Electric iters; nd to my great Joy and sur rise, the first bottle ma.de a decided ipro' ement. I continued their use for ir-e weeks, and am now a well man. I now they saved my life, and robbed te grave of another victim." No one lould fail to try them. Only 60 cents HIS LIKE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen if Cannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful leliverance from a frightful death. In elling of it he says: "1 was taken with .'yphoid Fever, that ran into Pueumon a. My lungs became hardened. I was o weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. 1 expected to soon lie of Consumption, when I heard of Jr. King's New Discovery. One bottle ave great relief. I continued to use it. ind now am well and strong. 1 can't ay too much in its praise." This mar ellous medicine is the surest and quick st cure in the world for all Throat and Lang Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents jad 1.0U. Trial bottles free at all droit tores; every bottle guaranteed. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely In face 'orm and temper will always hav riends, but one who would be attract ive must keep her health. If she in veak, sickly and all run down, she wi" nervous and irritable. If she hs 'onstipation or kidney trouble, her im mre blood will cause pimples, blotches, -kin eruptions and a wretched complex on. Electric Bitters is the beat medi ine in the werld to regulate stomach, iver and kidneys and to purify the 'ilood. It gives strong nerves, bright 'yes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complex on. It will make a good-looking, charm ng woman of a run-down invalid. Only 0 cents at all drug stores. RED HOT FROM THE GUN. Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadma i t Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. eaaaed hoirlfcli TJfcers that no treatn, helped fee 10 jfara. Then Buchk . irnlca Salve cured him. Cures Cu -Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons. Corn Skrn Eruptions. Best Pile cure on esrtli 18 cents a box. Core guaraateed. Ho" r rfl drnsrlst. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightiest little thing hat was er made is is Dr. King's 7ew Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar oa ted globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, Ilstlessness in o energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up tb ealth. Only 25 cts. per box. Sold by A THOUSAND TONGUES Could not express the rapture of Min nie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption had completely cured her of a dicing coush that for many years had made life a burden. All other rem edies and dodtora could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now aleep soundly, something I can S'lareeiy remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises through out the Universe." So will every one who trie Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of thr Throat, Obest or Uinga. Price 60c and $1.00. IriaJ bot tles fre. at all drug stores; 7ery bottl. gnaraataaC. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady iu tbir country. "Disease fastened its clutch upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital or irana wer. andecmined and death seemed tmnaaent. For three mouths she cough ed kiceeaantly, and could not sleep. She tinaBy dsscovered a way to recovery, by porchaaiag of us a bottle at Dr. King' New Discovery tot Consumption, and waa so mocm relieved on taking first dose that ate slept all night; and for two 'idtttea, has been absolutely cured. Her i a me to Mrs. Iotbr Lata." Thus writes W. O aamulck & Ob, of Shelby, N. 0. Trial btttfea free at afl drug stores. B aw sis. 50c. and f 1.00. Every hottfa gaaranteed. "FOR THE HAKE OF FUN, MIS- CHIEF IS DONE." A vaat amonat of nfiehief U done, too, because people neglect to keep their blood pan. , The mischief swears ia amytlaaa, dysanpais, tndlgeetkm, nerv onsueas, kidney dswaata, and odbar ail ments, a This mischief, fortunately, may be nadoM by the faithful oa of Hood's Ssraaparilra, vtiicfc cure, all diseases orfginateinf in or promoted by Impure blood, -. . Hood's Pills core biliousness, aaadachai tick PREVENTED A TRAGEDY. Timely information given Mrs. Georgt hoot!, of New StraitsviUe, Ohio, pre cented a dreadful tragedy and saved two live. A frightful cought had long kept her awake every night. She bad tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worets uutil urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Lonji of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the match less merit of this grand remedy for cur ing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c. and $1.00. Every bottle guarante d. Trial bottles flee at any drug store. "A word to the wise is sul'lii ic m. Wise people keep their blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and make sure ; Health. Want' d a good o icioir, a mail 'f go i li. rsci i iite'itg-nc ami em ivy , 0el"cch the Hj.r s o 25 and 5 ';rs. Kxperience iii necess ny, K. K I. ivilv, 8ut. Life Ins. o of Va. LOST A small diamond ring on East Mar tin street. Please return to my store and get reward. WILLIAM HOOD. 123 East Martin Street. New hicvele worth 1!35.00; will fell for $20.50. R. W. HODGES. 11. E. Caudle is uow using Fm;u:iy spring water in his saloon, 13 Kx'li iii'c place, instead of city water. ELECTRICITY NOT IN IT. I A. T. Gill, who clerks at S. & D. j Berwanger's clothing store, had a se- I vere headache stopped iu the office of the i Glolie Remedy Company and had it ! cured in one minute with the Globe Oil. All aches and pains cured free at the ! office, 232 Fayettcville street. j QUICK WORK. Mr. R. Koonce, 314 Hillsboro street, hail a severe cold for a week, could not brink it; took free samples of Globe Tonic aud was entirely cured in a day and a night. Samples free at 232 Fay cttcrille street. CHILLS. nnd Fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. The formula is plainly limited on each bottle, showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. Imitators do not advertise 'heir formula because if they did they in i- that you would be afraid to take h 'ir medicine. Be sure then you gel Grove's as the formulr shows what yon ire taking. NO CURE NO PAY. Pri.-e 50 cents. Remember you can get Wharton's pic tures now at reduced rates. Everybody wants Wharton's pictures. FOR RENT Two offices over G. N. Waters' store. Apply to G. N. Walters. "Every well man bath his ill day." hen "a bit oil ' or when seriously ill foil should take Hood's Sarsuparilla and ,-et well. TRAVELERS can add (free) sam ples on which several earn $200 and .f:iMI each season mow approaching). Protected ground, cash corns, on sea son's trade. P. O. Box 1371, New York. Have your picture made by Wharton, ltaleigh's popular photographer. I OK SALE-FOUR NICE BUILD iniE lots, in good location, war Pulleii Park. Prices reasonable. Apply Mrs. .1. B. Howell, West Raleigh. to ATTENTION! CITIZENS. Your trunk, valise or dress suit case put in order or the summer outing. Your sewiug machine, umbrella, wheel, or lawn mower given attention aud made to do the work of a new one. Prompt acrvice. GUY L. BUNCH. 109 W. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. Hell 'Phone 13. L. H. Adams & Son have for sals 100,000 sawed and drawn shingles; also a large lot of North Carolina bacon of the best quality. Hams, sides anf shoulders. L. H. ADAMS ft SON. Wanted 5 or 0 table boarders at 119 Went Edenton street. Very reaeonobk rates. Kuquay's Spring Water free of charge In customers at John U. Smith's. ('OR RENT-TWO OFFICES OVER G. N. Waters' store. Apply to G. N. Waters. LOST Yesterday a Mack gum metal watch with gold pin. Return t- this office. Ixxst A Parrot. Reward! given ifi person returning to this office. Best ice cream, all flavors, at- R. Uiersch's. Any quantity. .Prompt de livery. Interstate phone 340: Bell nbone 196. We will make any kind of sign auo take your old one in exchange. BULLOCK, 11 Hargett street NEW CARPETS Falls of Schuylkill Carpet Mills. JNO. & JAS. DOBSON. Do you expect to buy any Carpets this fall ? Do yau know of any one else that expects to buy? Do you know of any Hotel, Church, Lodge or other large building tht wants to be Carpeted this fall? AVould you do a-friend a'kindness by telling them that we are agents for the FAiJLS OF SCHUYLKILL CARPET MILLS ? This is the biggist Carpet Mills in the whole country The new Fall Samples are here.- No matter aoout wh it kind 6f a Carpet you want, we. can supply "you at a price that will open your eyes. ; It will pay you to s e;the line we'll 'post you on good Carpets at low prices and do it with pleasure. ' - w.e. Filing Down Prices. We are not content with losing profits alone at this season xf the year. We puih cost aside in pricing the summery things; we think it pays us to do this; we know, it pays you We ve boosting the August business by making these very price concessions. Your money can be well spent here at all times. It can be better spent here at this time, because a waning season warns us that we must soon prepare for autumn trading. The purchasing power of a dollar is nearly doubled on the following lots: A Tip on Muslin Underwear. Those who are in a position to know say "Get your ordera for Underwear in early." What does that mean? That with increased prices on Embroideries, Laces and Muslins, Underwear Is bound to advance in price. If you're fixed for this season there's uo speculation for you to buy for next season. It's a sure saving to you of about one-third tlhe regular purchase price. Ladies' Corset Covers made of Cambric, tucked front 25c. Ladies' Corset Covers trimmed with Torchon, edge and inserting 30c Children's Short Skirts, hemmed stitched ruffle with group of tucks 25c Children's Skirts full width lawn hemstitched ruffle edged with three-inch Embroidery 50c Ladies' Gown's with ruffle around neck and sleeves 25c Ladies' Gowns yoke of Torchon Lace and tucks same style with yoke and Hamburg tucks ruffle around neck and sleeves 50c Ladies' Gown V yoke of Ham burg and tucks neck and sleeves trimmed with edge 59c Ladies Gown of Cambric, low square neck trimmed with Ham- i burg edge and insertion 59c Ladies' Skirts, good width, ruffled I and tucked 25c j Skirts of Cambric, hemi-etitohed ruffle 39c ! Skirt of Cambric, ruffle edged with I Hamburg croup of tucks above 59c ' Ladies' Drawers wide hem tucked ; 15c Ladies'. Drawers with wide hem stitched ruffle 25c j Ladies' Drawers with Hamburg ruffle and tucks 39c Ladies' Chemise trimmed with nar- I row Torchon 25c I Ladies Chemise yoke of Hamburg insertion and tucks edge around neck and sleeves 50c : Children's Gowns, tucked yoke ruffle around neck and sleeve i start at 30c Boys' night shirts trimmed with j braid in red, white and blue start at 35c , Children's Bodies, bound around neck and sleeves worked button holes start at 10c Children's drawers tucked all sizes starts at 10c Infant's Slips with edge around neck and sleeves 25c Infant's dresses round yoke1 of Hamburg and tucks, narrow edge around yoke, neck and sleeves. . 39c Same style square yoke of hem stitched tucks edge around neck and sleeves 39c Infant's Dress square yoke front and back of small tuckB and Hamburg, neck and sleeves trim med with narrow edge 50c infant's Dresses round yoke of j Hamburg insertion and tucks 1 Hamburg ruffle around yoke skirt tucked in groups 75c Panacea Springs Mineral' Water from the Springs and Mid to consumers at 30 cents per gallon and a liberal discount to the trade. Pabst Milwaukee Beer Received in Car lots direct from the Brewry in Milwaukee, and a Id to con sumers at $1.50 per Box of Two Doz. All the leading Liquor Merchants in Raleigh sell 'Pabst" on draught ana in botiles. ACME WINE CO., Wholesale Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Interstate Phone 144. Bell ' 144 B jones; TWOTONICS Shoes at Your Own Price. Not many, but what there are, are extraordinary bargains. Last call on Low Cut Shoes. Instructions given to clear out the stock and prices have been made accordingly. All displayed on separate tables, centre of our new shoe department. 0 pairs Infant's Oxford Shoes were 50c. now 25c 32 pairs Children's Oxfords were 75c. and $1.00 now 50c 84 pairs Ladies' Oxford Ties were $1.00 and $1.25-now 75c 124 pairs Ladies' Oxford Ties were $1.50 and $2.00-uow $1.00 Bargain counter teems with the odds and ends of different lines of mien's shoes iinje grades have been lumped at one price your choice $1.00 UMBRELLAS LITTLE LOTS. These little lots of any kind of mer chandise choke the stock. Wo want them weeded out Note the process and profit thereby. SCHOOL UMBRELLAS 2ti inch Twill Umbrellas, Congo handles one loop steel rods Spe cial 49c 20 inch Melrose Serge Umbrellas stick and steel rods for gen tlemen aud ladies. Special ....$1.00 LAST CHANCB"N GAUZE VESTS. 1 case of Ladies' and Masses' Swiss Ribbed bleached this will close our entire stock. While they last 4C FIVE CENT LACES. On small table near entrance you will find quite an assortment of English Torchon Laces they are from 3 to 7 inches wide values 10, 12 aud 15e 5c. f SOFT SHIRTS FOR 75c. The balance of our $1.00 soft shirts in Madras and Silk manufacturr ed by the International Shirt and Collar Co., to close 75c VEltY NEW. A new shipment of Beaded Elastic Belts are here and will now have their Brut showing styles are all new prices will be 50, 75, $1.00 and by easy rises up to $3.00 each. NEW LINE OF WHITING'S STAND ARD PAPERS ARB HERB. For invitation and fine correspond ence pure fibre, delicate surface, perfect writing quality prices per box 25, 85, 40, 50 and (1.00 EXTRA HEAVY NOTE PAPER ruled or plain white or pink tinted by the pound only .... 10c BAKONIAL ENVELOPES to match per package 5c WANTED Faithful persons to travel for old house. Straight, bona fide sal ary $780 a year and expenses. Refer ence. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. A. J. Munson, Secretary, Chi cago. FRESH, SWEET. PURE. POPE'S CANDY MADE EVERY DAY. J. A, POPE, Candy Manufacturer ICE!' Oar delivery waons rUi take ice to all rea-otar eoatooMra aaeh moraiBC aal Teeing, wao will supply theBttres with tiekata aad Is as know, at Ium half T la aavaaea af aaa. waatod so that ana. ud plaew ntay bt ffvaa bsfor wasoaa atart oat Orders raeatved at tar wanaa laavf factory mmj ht de lajrtd aatfl aaxt Ma. " Ws aaaaat asaady mU ptvaspt. ap- ajal daflwy at small lota. But H may sow he had at eaflar asdsr aar offea. 107, rayattavaaa atreat Tickets sad le art arid h dsivart (er eaah a as Jd torn vrleea. 4 BYoai SO teat, per 10ft dwi. v - s ' 'f ' ' f, i j "-i f Jones & Powell. Nek-Millinery! Hat quality that ranks above the price. There is nothing that adds more to a lady's attire than a STYLISH HAT. We have them and they are for yqu ai pricey. right, including all fall . colon in the followidg styles:? ff -ff. . i NARAGANSETT, BOULEVARD, CHELSEA, MUSKKIhbK) SARDY, GOL BOCACCIOAND MAUDE ADAV3 Startling Styles in lew Fall Dress Goods The firet o( the authorative styles are here on view. Many new colorings and combinations can De seen in tne new riaias which will be so extensively, used for skirts Camel's Hair Plaids, Tartleton Plaids, Mohair Plaids, With plain mateiiiil to ma'ch for waists o: jackets. ... New Showing of Black Goods . . . Black Crepoas, Black Series, Black Henriettas. Black Flannels, - Black ChevloU, $ Black Tnxeda Cloth Black Herringbone, " Black Sebastopol, - Black, Psplloi. Black Camel's Hilr, Black Granite, - ' Black Araures. The stock is not yet immensely large iu extent, but in repre sentative, and as an object lesson in Fall S.yL-s its imno t ince is not to be overstated. Further particulars later. BOYLAN, PEARCE & CO. 206 FAYETTEVIlLe STREET. Shoes and Trunks. Every! hitig Reduced. W.T. HARDING'S OPUL' JUST WHAT YOU WANT. OLD FASHION MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT, 810 CAIN GEORGIA SYRUP. DRIED N. C. MULLET ROE N. C. ROE HERRINGS. N. C. HAMS. J. R. FERRALLd CO. 222 Fay etteviiie 3t, WE ARE NOW : . . I-' ' :it'. t IN CROSS & Otir New - .Quarters-- . n . .. ..." ' i -- ; k, TUCKER BUILDING. UP-TO-DArK CLOH'HJERS Special Sale will cont i n u e this week. Speciai Offer ing in men's Shoes. SHOE AND TRUNK STORK. LIN EH AN t'i A T FURNIRS. '1''-