V 7 " J'' i V. THE No. 9,007.- RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ?3, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. 1 TlflES VSSITOR A ANOTHER BRILLIANT BRITISH Boers Scattered Over the Plains Losing 300 The British Annexed Boer Hospitals Since the Boers Were Unable to Cope with Their Wounded Report that Kruger Favors Unconditional Surrender. I,nelysinith. Oct. 23.-The seoo-.iil at tack liy the Bihts en tile'iu-eic ha fail ed. Tin- Boer artillery was iiie.Tei'tive Mini wa sili'iiecel. The British nude another sortie anil have miw eng:! ;"it the enemy. SEN SAT ION A L DISPATCH V. S. Imilon. Oil. 2;S.-The Ihilzail NVws Agency has two sensational dispiilchos from Cupi'town. One says 'hat the Bex-rs were lwilly defeated ill I second artuek on (ileneiK'. Tin- second disiii:itoh e-mi'ihis Pre toria advice's that. KruiftT favors ur. eenilitional xnrreinler ami a m.-'tin if the executive council is Vail "il f' I to morrow to consider it. 'Hie British loss at Khtiisl nig'" wa one officer killed, twenty oifi.-.'is woum: od. seventeen of the nieii killed', ii'iio.y nine woiiiuh'el ami one missing. l.AItOK KOUt'K. I urban. Oct. 2."!. A law Boer com inand is nuil'iliing toward ili'ini'.lli ill Xiiliiland. BOKB BOSS. CnN'towii. Oct. I'.'!. The Boer loss at Klundslnage is ivstitnali'il at ive hun dred. The Boms are remrttd ultevly loiileil in their second nliaek on lili'll-e-elc. BOF.R OiTTCFUS KIBI.FO OK TAK UN. lanolin. Oil. :!.-(lineral Wlei'e' !o titles tin' war office lh.it the H i Ms siif-fe-re-il ti niiiirlier of lasiialtie- among their high officers in the light at Fl-iuds-laage'. (Jeneral Viliai'iu- was killed. (Jeneral Kook woniiili d and lakcn pris oner and liis sou taken prisoner, Cul. Schiel. the Ccrmuii officer in ch irp' of artillery, was wounded and taken pris oner, (ieni'i'al rreloi'ions was wiuiiul t il and taken irisoner. Several Boer standards were captured. 3'(IMI.il,l.T BKITISII VICTOBY. New York. Oct. 2:'.. - A .lonrnnl sp cial says: Another hrilliant violnry over the liners is rcporled today from (iloncw. Jniibci't led the Boer attack. The northern column arrived too lale to jtiiu in 11)0 tinst iittack. hut as won as it rouche'il the camp .liiubi'i't opened liattlc. The Boer artillery bi'gan tile COURT MEETS Civil Term Began This Morning Judge Moore Presiding. Wake Superior Court convened this innrniirg at K o'clock for the trial of civil cases. .Indue Fred Moore presid ing. Tile foil w i 1 1 ' cases were ilis;iosod of: Or. II. II. Marsiiloiru vs. (lastoti T. rowell. set for Meniln October :50. Win. .1. r-"wards vs. S. and It. It. I!. Co. mill othcr-i. continued hy consent. .1. B. I Mum and .1. B. II. Knight vs. Charhs II. Smith, administrator, ordered to hi' placed on motion docket for this term. It. W. (Juigh'.v 'and Co. vs. Carpenter Bros. Ion Thursday's calendarl contin ued by consent. W. l' Brewer vs. Ciiiversity of North Carolina, .judgment iliiwii.t. Appeal hy plaintiff to Supreme court. ItoticiTt Julius vs. It. W. I'pchiircli. judgment non-suit. (icorge II. Class vs. Mary W. Class. Judgment uon-siiil. It. A. Freeman vs. .1. N. Holding and the Italeijih I'aper Cinnpaiiy. jinlgnii'iir in favor of plaintiff for .Sl.oo2.2'i. Louisa II. Mimnis vs. .1. A. .Minims, verdict and jiidiniicnt granting divorce. State ex-rel Wilkin vs. II. T. Jones. ( x-Slicriff. conliniieil for ilefemlant iimii iiffidavit set tor Monday liil week of Felirutiry linn. Fairniim Craijj, Ksq.. e.xhiliiled hi licens' from the Supreme -ourt and' npim motion of Armistcad Jones. Ksi was niluiitted to practice in the several courts of Hie Slate. CLOSE IN DECEMBER Fair Officials Only Waiting for the Ra I. roads. Tri'asuri r ' .B. Ih uson. of the' Slate Fair, slateil lliis niorning. "We will pay out soiumr this year than ever bi--fore1. The employe's will re-ee-ivi' their pay tomorrow ami next elay. Any ac I'ouuts against the Fair should lie simit to S'cri'tar,v I'ogiw ininii'dialily ami approval by him. The' priiiiiunis will he vaiel us seMin as lite railroaels arc lusirel fritm. Thai will be Ihe first weed; in sli'cemlNT. We will close' up i-vit.v-. thing then." ' lresiele'iit MeN'aiuei' will take' ehnrgi'. January 1st. SKK KCIIhKV. T1ie S. A. I., has iut on a one' cemt. rate- to Atlanta for militia . today ami tomorrow to atlcnel the military e-cle-bration there'. Admiral 'Sciih'y will lie ainiing 4hc gui'sls of the i-ity. Admiral Dewey coiilel not atteiiiT, KITTLE BOY IrS'l'. This moiniiiK a niyely dre'ssiel. bright little boy, with his jiet cat in his arms, wns foiine) by Officer Ike Hogors play ing near Johnston treet station. 'After scarehinK a lvhile Officer lioge'rs foiunl that he was Master Willis Taylor, son eif Mr. Willis Taylor, who lives oti I'lVnton street, and he was returni'd to his himie. VICTORY AT GLENCOE light, hut served w relcln dly and did little execution. The British kiiiis re plied ipiiekly and silcncci the Bu r lnit-ti-ries. Tlien the British niaile another (harm- and the Biers broke and tied. The British cavalry is now -in pursuit of the elieuiv. BtlKKS I'lTKUI.Y KOITKD. New York, Oct L:t. (By Associated I'iiks. ilelayedl. (Jleiiiyie nnp. OVto lier . The attack of titc Boers under (Jeneral Myvrs cnaldcd. the British to score iiuotiiur lirilliant suciess. The Itoeis wire driven pell niell over the plains, losing over thrii' hundreil killed and wounded. Several humlml horses ami an army of prisoner were eaptured. Tiw Hiier hospital was taken in us wings to the British hospital corps as the Boers had only a simple doctor with a primitive stuff ami were ipiili' unahle to cope with the wounded. SYMONS BKTTIJIi. I'ielorniaritjliiirir. Oct. li:!. Iusleait of heinc dead, as was remrtel Satur ilay nislil. it was staled yesterday that tti'iieial Symons. who was wounded at Olenooe. is doing well. I.IKIT. I'lvKCr SON'S Sl'CCKSS. Manila. Oct. 2.1.-I.ieulenant Fergu son, of the Thirty-sixth infantry, with a scouting parly of twenly-two, h.-id two lights yeslenlay and killed six of the enemy and raptured cighl or 'ten ritles. No Aniei-ic:iii losses in the engagements. lli:i:HC ACT OF COL. C'lllSMOLM. Ladysmilli. Oct. 2:!.- Col. Scott Chis lioliu. of the imperial lighthouse, was killed in I I lli' al Flanders. He died displaying remarkable heroism, which would pioLilily have gained him the Victoria cross, had he lived. iMiring f In- charge up the hill to captur' the Boer sit mi ! ii in a trooper fell wounded in the open, unalile lo rraivl to cover. For him to slay there' meant i-erlain di'atli. 'Ii i hi rim eiinly walked to where the Iroopi'i' lay and. picking up the man, Miirlril lo e-iiriy him lo a shelleri'il spol. lie had not gone' far when a linllet from a Boit Maus'er sirm-k him and he' fell eie'ad with his huriien upon him. Mis eh'iitli was uvengeil liy the di'.-ith of a niinilier of Boer eJTiei'rs who fell in tiallle'. NO CONNECTION Messrs Hood & Gantliam Say they Can not Talk to Raleigh l!i i'1'iiily Ihis papri- tii 1 .'il tihe fact thai the 1 11 1 1 1st II t' I'lliine f re Mil Iialeigll to Seliea wiiuM not now e'aiineet at elni i w 'til the line lo I Minn ami oilier points in Harnett coiMity iiml this was a m-ivoiis 'inconvcniui : e. Tlie gentleman w '.io gave the- iiilorinaticn -a hi that he li.nl been n t'use'il ceiincciti.vn and intpiidril to lying the mailer In fire Hie t u p rat Ion Coirimissinn. It is true lilial I be liive from S 'Iiimi into llainclt ceiintv is not owm .1 hy the l.i'iistale Company, bin i:uiM ie i-cnily e'!onneetieiis have always 'la i n niadi' al Se Ima w ith that l;n: The slateiin.: : ri'ent ly print.! d in this paper of ilii' failure to council al Sclira wis ii nii'd by an oH'icial mf the tel 'phone' e-om;any. Be'Ieiw is givi-n a letter from tir." tirm of 1 1 ti a I and (irauthaiu al IM'iin in whose (-'lore the 'hone is lo eali'il: IMmn. N. C. Oct. 21. IX'Mt. llcao- S.ir: Yours r l!ie INtli ;'.nst. :o band and contents noted. Will stiy that wi' 'have' had no iiiiini'e-lii n wil'ii Kali'igh 1 1 ; al i at .sixty days. We do not know the e-aiise: supiiose. Mr. Katun tries pi I 'iii-iii 1Miu.:i. If the In'II lings we- will ri'spoiiii pri.iu'plly. We i a.lv wish we did have l!iahigh e-ir.ineclioll. Be'specl flldv vein's. I KM, II iV- ( ! It A NTiU A M. This i ier elees not know who is in the' right about it. bin there' ean now be' no doubt that the I wo lines are nor e-oiim'iling. SNOW STORM Many Lives Lost and Cattle Perish in Montana. A elispate-h from I Iih'ii.i. Montana, says for four eir live days last wivk it snowed almost unceasingly in the' ntiitherii part of the' Slate'. Ten or twelve' fi'i't elve'p drifts anil three on the" level are i-oinmaMi. The Isielie's eif I'ight shii'p herds we're- feuiml in tents in (lie country and fifte'em eillmrs are luissing. Twe'iity thiiisauil sheep in' Ti ton eeiiiirty perisheel. XOIiFLKKT JKJ'FUIKS DKAK. One' of the Bewt Known t'oloreel Mem in Kaleigh. N'orfhvl Je'lTrii'. one nt" the be-st know u i-oleii'i'il mi n in Balcigh. died at his Ininu' in this e-ity ye-sterelay men'iiing at i:l."i and was bniied' in. H. ITeH ('emit cry thin afti-rnoon. ihe funi'ial serviei" bi'ing hi'hl from -St. I'aiil's A. M. K. Churih by ltev. Jordan. Xor tleet has- hi e'u cinidoyeel as janitor in various printing offiees Imrc ahno-st on tiniiously since the war. He was a geiud mm ii. rausBcit Tixr, tub jrws. A'ienna, Oct. 2.'?. People of Holles (han, hating the Jews, today pillaged thi-ir stiops. The police fired mid killcil three and wounih'd thirty of the mob. MAYOR ASKKI TO (SHAN'T A 1I VOIW'iH. A I'olored woman Ihis inoruing appciir cd in the mayor's uffice ami ri'enieste'el a privjite interview with the mayor; This Mayor I'erwell readily gijinled anil the! wonuau askeel him to give' her a eliveirop ffoiu her husband and to make liis price for the divorce as reasonable' as pos sible'. Tin1 weimaii did neit gel any en e'ourage'im'iit sine-e" the Mayor .simply informed her that il was eiin of his line' eif business. 1'1'JltKIXS-YA l!I!( ) l.( M '( ! 1 . On Sunday, Oilohi'r 22. IS!I!, in Franklin enmity. X. l y I lie' Rev. (Je'orgi' B. 1'i'iry. Miss Annie Kulnn YarlMirough, only ilaiiiolcr of Mr. KoImtI YarlMirongli, ; . i -1 Mr. Then in Alston I'l ikiiiis. of Iki'ii t., V;. . wi re tinile'd in ma i l ia ge. DICIPLES OF CHRIST. Itev. .1. I.. Biirnis Ictl for Wilson tlijs tiiorimig to attentl the State' C. nventiitn of the Ilesciples eif Christ waidh (nce'l Ihi'ie lonight. TJie couvcntioii -will Insr fur tlin-v or four elays. Tliine- arc aoi.ul l."i.lllill while mcinleei-s eif "this faille j,n Xortli Caroliuii and ahonl Ki.ikki eolin-eil members. ltVy. Burns has just i-clunieil f i''m the nathtmil e-unveniion of lliis i.'iith wli ii 'Ii was held in Cin'i 'iiunali hist wi'i'k. T'here' 'We're' lo.Ollil re-gisite irvnl eb'h'gale's. making il the. largest eliiire-b e-oTiivi-ntion ever hi'ld in the' I'niti'd Stales. , I'Alli. .Ml C-II WAIt.MKi:. I'"ir Kaleigh ami vieiniiy: l-'air to night: fair, innioh wnniiei- Tnes.l'ay. I'lie1 we'iilhe-r throughout the entire- e.-ist and souuh is eloiminale'il by the extensive ari'a of hiigh barometer, e-iulial over N'erth (lamlii.'a. A little rain tell only at Cnrpuis (ihristi and Jai-ksonville in the South, and at Jlu.rou, Maiipiette, BulTalo. and Boston in 1iho norili. 'Pbe ti illl !H-ni't lire- e-emtimie's low over be mi d dle Atlantic Stales, with I'msi in North Carolina. A e-uiisiileralile elcp-ie'ss-;! ex isls ove-r Miii'iii'sota. and the ti 'lopi-rat lire' is epiiti' liigh in tlie Missis-'ip .i valley ami westward, mulling Til degree's at a. m. at Omaha. m FFN'Kl! A 1. OF MISS JKN" KIN'S. The lllneral of the bill' Miss Selilia Jenkins was held from I'lie I'iis: Bnp tit church yesterday afti 1 imcn al :'.::!n o'clock. Many friends wi re- pre-sonl. T.oe' service was ooliiliM'ted by Ucv. Ih'. rl ' 1-1. Skiiwier. assisted by Itev. .1. W. Cai--te-i-. The- e-lioir sa ug Pi -a ii I'i l'ul l.v "Asb'"p in .le-siis," Tlie int' niM'iit w as in Oak- w i .-il ( 'e'iucter-. The rail bearers Mere Messrs. W. H. 1 1 i;g1i.'s. S. C. Cod. .1. A. Itriggs. limo e vi Siii'i sun. Charles Wildes and (i. M. Allen. GREAT FIRE AT WAKEFIELD. Wale-la LI. Mass., 1 la t lia u a. 's uiain nii.th stable, witli thirty horses mid a large number of vi'liiclos w is liijnn.ii I mlje.v. 'I'iie engine house. lYrkiiis lilm-k, I iit it's lai:;iilr.' inn s('cn dwellings were dest i-evcil. Tlie tire ilcp.l . : lll"l I ' s lli mi Mal'inc, Melrose am, Uriinmg iicll'cil to cxliugiiish tlie llatacs. TOBIAS MARSHALL DEAD One of Raleigh's Most Popular Citizens PasseJ Away. 'Mr. Tobias Marshall, wh I'. hit years has brcn the faithful janitor of the city hall, dieil at bis home mi Seiilh ret'son street Sunday morning at live o'clock. lie had been sulTering from lirart trouble and for several mouths ids condii ion had been sii-iniis. but he kept at his work most of the time'. Tile' statement ean be' made with out fear of contradiction thai llu"e was not a more popular man in Uni eiu'h than "Tube" Marshall, as he w as ealliil. He showed himself frieiully lo all and ihis maiui.T always made him flit mis. He w ill be sadly missed. Mr. Marshall was burn in this e-ouniy .Vi vr:!rs ago. When Ihe war hi-eko mil he cnlisicil ami served in ihe Ciiufi'd e'tati' army. Aflcnvards he canie in Kaleigh and has lived Iutc since. lie leaves a wife' e formerly Mi-s I'iei-ie. sisiei of .Mr. I ). A. 1'ioiTci and two small children. The fumral was h.-ld al II o'clock this nioiuing from Christ churcli nun was largely aitendiil. The' service' was eoniliii-leil by Ci v. ir. M. M. M.-ushnll. Tin- ae-tive pail-bearers were Messrs. J. II. Mullen. Ham Smith. W. K Blaki . A. A. Thompson. I . S. Hamilton and William Boybia. while the- fellow iug we're- houorarv pall bearers: .Messrs, Charles B. Boot.'. W. Walker. 1.. II. Wooilall anil .1. It. W illiams. Tin- iv mains we're- ese-urii'el to tlnir tiual re-sling place- in Oakw.iod ('enielery in I he following order: The imlice force, the cily officials, tin- In-arse e-airying the' body. tin. I,. (Hi. Branch Camp or Cinifitlerate- Vi'lerans. the family, rela t ivi s ami frii'iids. AN I'NPI.KASANT liKMI X HKI J. Jyine-s iloesii't g.i lo eihitrc'li ..i:t-n. ton his iii.'iiiinia i.iuk 11:111 there last Sinubiv. .Now s'hi" wislii-i'S she- liaeln't. lie sat. ih'iniirely e'lioiigii until tic leiioi-, who indulged in a ilri'inl'l'iilly iin -e-iisabli' ll'ehiiilo. hail tiuisihi-d his solo. Then he s-poke lip: "Manima." he- aske-d i,m a shrill wliis-IM-r. "what m'.-ikes the man's voice' t-'h-ike sor" "ilus-li. dear." rtiiil maiiiimi. "I el ni'l know." "But. uiani'uia." the lillle- si-amp ;h i sisteil hi a still Imide-r wihis-per. '! know wiheiu pa-jia's voiee shook ehe- eil'lier niig'ht ywi s-aiel it was Im-t!" Ami that's why .Ian lie's i-hiuvli privi-le-gcs have bei-n sei rinlcly ean oil'. - San ancise-o Kxanriner ' ('.HOIKS INVITKO. The- e-heiirs of the several i-liiirilii's in the city are cordially inviteal tei assi t hi tlie music in the laying of ihe- i-eiriiei-steme of the 11nirch of the (le.e.d Shi'phe rel on- Weeliieselay. Xiivi iiiIhI' 1st. All who will m-ssist an- askeil to mi-i f in the parksh nsuns below the ehiire h on Tiii'selay night ill 7:.'!( o'cloe-k for rehe'iirsal. JUST FROM THE BAT Personals Caught Here and There on the 1 Fly Misses Ada and Alice S.nnit'1) nnVI -Mi's. ... A. .Vlih-rinan. of Wiliiiingtim. wlio ihae bei-n visiting friends an the' city, ii'liirncil homo this iiuirning. Or. I!. .1. Noble of Se'lina, retii'-ucd heme this morning. C..I. W. II. Bobbin, of Os.'.rd. left this morning. Mi s Mary Hurl, of Ncw'i.-.n, who has been visiting at the homo of .Mr. K. II. Carter, returned home this morn ing. Col. W. F. 1 till in. of W-ishingi.iii. I). C. who has been visiting at ::.- Iiniui i'l ('apt. F. It. WohiTis. I it lei home this uiiiriiing. Messrs. Miller and l'-.b- l.-fi Ihis iii'.i iiing fur a business n ip in i In- '-.-1-1-ern i:i ci of the Stale Miss C! a Baicbi-lor. of Nasbville. who has been visiting al tin- 'homo uf Mr. .1. 1.'. liarklcy. Iclt lor In. me this lll'Tilillg. Mi's. Ccol-ge l. Crcclle. of Wil-i.n. w i.i lias bce'ii visiiiug Mrs. Kenan, h it f..i- home ltlis mol-liing. Mr. l.oyd Woolen, of Kinstun. i ho lias been tin- gm si of Or. elei igc I.. Kirl.y. re'tiirned lioiue ihis in o t ing. Mrs, .1. S. Haulaway, of OM..1.1. wan Ie ;i s bc.-n visiting at the linnic of Mr. F. i. race, rel n rued huuie this inoruing. C'li.-ial IS. I''., llnke b-l'l lliis morn ing. M '-s Nannie Si i i.-kland. ol Wils. n. win. has been viiitii':'g 1'i-icius in I In c:y. ivlunii'el home lliis niorning. Miss Fssie l'lunrn.i r and Miss Siei,- T.. It. of Chat-lolle'. who have bcrll veiling Mrs. J. II. Mason. b it for li. 'ue today. Mr. W. A. I'orler. of Moichead Cily. v ho Iras bc.-n visiting al ilie bcine ol Mr. I''iib l'-roWJI, relll'Ilnil In llle Ihis iimrui'iig. Mrs. i. A. Coble, i t' Cldsiini-.i. who has beiii visiiiug at I'.ie lii'lne hi' Mr. ii.. ning. Miss l.e-na I.e-.s-i i. who lias been vis aing here during Fair week, i . ; iirnel I" hit- heme in Wilmiugtc'ii ibis im. ruing. Mrs. Joseph It. Ball, of Kin-ion. win. has I u visiiiug relatives here for the I ,is lew davs. ri-iiiriicil In no- lo-,lay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wh, d'l "I I ri i ii villi, who have Im-cii vi-iting Mr. a ...I Mrs. T. B. Wilkins i i-liiri: .-I hen I. day. Miss Kslclle Oavis, who has been i il iug at I be J I ml i lb' . -I. O. ( Jul 111 ;e's. n I liiiu d bum.' I his morn jig. Miss Mary Bell, of M.'i-che-id Coy. ulc. Ikis I.e. ii vi-iting ihe Misses Flliug m:i on Ncw'l.crn .-ncuue. 'n il loi' hem ' this morning. Mi-s Mattie Taylor, uf Ko liui' uid. Va. i- II: gliesl uf Mis Sl!-ie tle-ek. Miss Klhcl Norris lias gone to W'iu--loii to visit Miss liai-y llano. Miss Paisy Unit, who lias en lie gin si ol' Miss Snow, went lo Haw Hive-:-pielay. where she- "ill alleinl the inni riagc Wcihii'silay cveaiing of Miss Cora l,,li to Mr. Mel.ane. Mis Mamie Moigan will gn I,. Haw Itive-i- We.l neMlay iiiuriiing to act as a lu-iili sinaiel in the marriage. Mr. Ned Shore' return. 'd to Cliarh.llc this evening. Miss Iloifnian. of Cl;arloiie. and Miss 1'iiti'iek. of Creetiville. "It" .nim- l"vii I't'i .in. ihe S. unborn I '...n.sci-vat . tv to rpiiMl a few days takvv hi the Va-r, have p'tunicl. Tlo y were ill gai'-as of Miss .Ii'ssiui";iie Higgs. Mr. Allan lliggs' gm -I for the Fa;-. Mr. W. W. Moore, of Asli.-villc. lias led fur F.asteru North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, who have been slopping with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hughes, left loday for I'm isuiouth. Miss Sadie Clark loll this morning lor Halifax where -he w as ealb .1 by Ihe illness ,.f her sister's hnslui ml. Mis. Ilicksun and Mi-ses Klva and An nie Ilicksun returned to Wake l''.i'i'-: today. Miss Margaret Moriug leaves tonight for l.aui-ilihitrg. Mrs. .1. C. Sen rhoro. win. has been visiiicg Mrs. II. I.. Watson, rel iirne.l lo lii'i- Jioice al 'M iirl'recsl" a., ycsti-i dav af ti'rnoon. Mr. All' Haywood relermd lo Haw Uive r e.sl ii-.lay. Miss Annie Flimim: and Mi-s Kate W.ilti ;i rel line d to M. rgr'nlmi yes,.,--d'ay. Mr. W. K. Ii.-k-. an old lialeigliile. now of Ci-liinilia. S. ( '.. who bos 1 ei n visiting I'liciuls In re lining Fair week, I'll 111 lied holll-e yesterday. Miss Oerirude Buy-;, r re;-,M-ned to Trinity College ycsierda: . Mr. C. I'. S-app. uf the News and Obsi'iver. left this morning for Ken lueky to wiitc mi Ihe political conicst thi'ii'. Mr.F.inuiit l.cvv Ictl ibis morniiig. Judge- T. K. I 'in mil. Marshal II. C. Doekery. i I :-l rir-l lloruey C. -M Ib i nard' and I - in ii-s Slum and Brow n left loday for Newlern. where Fe-lcral eoiiri will convene i-iinoi'i-ow, Mrs. I . A. (Viblo. arciiiupanieil h Miss Bellie Filwards. i-e-liirinil lo Coldsltoro today. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Parkin left lor llieir lioiue ill Beaufort this morning. Mrs. 1). S. Hamilton went in 1'hila d.'ll hia loday to visit her parents. Mr. A. I. l'rmlen of Norfolk is in liie cily. .Mr. K. Chisliolin. of Charlolli'. is in the cily. 'Mr. .1. II. Anderson. i in Kaleigh hulay. Mr. Kd II. I.e-e' and his nioi hi'i'-in-law. Mrs. Tuike'i'. leave for Bnlliinore lonighl. Mr. Joseph Waldo Whiiakir. of En field. X. ('.. who-is her.- to atli'iul the A. and M. College, is stop'ping with Ihe Mi-ses Whitaker on North Salis-hmy stris-t. Mrs. T. II. Bain today i . lurin-il from Bensiiii, where she hoi her mother. Mr. William l lle-v. some' bi'iii-r. loll slid epiili- ill. Miss Beriha Hicks, who had i-harg.-nf the ixhibil fioiii the' Oxford Or phanage', returned Inane toelay. Miss Leinise l.alham. of On-'iiville. is the' gin-si at the- Yaiborn for lliis week. 'Mr. Henry Hoiiiinuil will o'.cn an up-1o-date fresh ini'iil markel here. Miss Vioh't Alexaudi'i' hit fur Char lotle this I'venin.g. having spent Fair week with Miss Miiry Armisti'iiel Jones. Mr. F. C. Olds h't't last night lo be gone a week on business) for Johnson i.V T'lioinpson. Mrs. Hargrove and1 Miss Nannie (Iri'gory. of Oxford, who have beam gni'sts e.r Mrs. T. II. Briggs, we-nt home tu.lai. iMr. W. S. I'rimruse, Jr., wenl to Biclunnml ..ii bu.siucss this uiuriiing. Misses Cr.ihaiii. who have l.e-e-n gue'sls of Mi-s Susan Clark, ivi iiriied to I ,i im-i .In l.iii loday. Miss I-'rcih I'icksnn. who was a guest of Miss Annie Jones on llill.sbi.ro sirecl. has r. turned home. Miss Bessie Spier, of (Irifloll, i.s visiting Miss Alice Ball. mi;, obfjwby ski. i.s. Mr. T. K. Bruncr has purcli.isc.l from Mr. John C. i re wry tin- funnel- Bain site on llillsl i ro siieei when Mr. I M'ew ry formerly intended to build. WASH ING1 ON LKTTER Methods for Raising a Campaign Fund OUR CONSUL AT PRETORIA British-Boer War Makes This an Impor. tant Position Lieut. Gillis' Brave Act Rewarded Dewey's Health Americans Offer Help. Washingin. Oci. 22.- iSpeiiil.i A re port lias been cil . lll.lled by I leinucra I ie paper- ihal I be I '-eeni cii -il'ar !r..ui the Ohio Ib-pllbli. .in I 'onilliil tec a.-k-illg COUt riliil i lull- t l"ll ol l ice llul.t.T-. was -iibniillid I., lli. Natioal Civil Ser vice ( '.Uninissjuii belui e being sciii .on. and alter suine nii,,r .-kan.-s wa- in di.i-i.l by Ilicni a- cutainiiig u.lbiltg coulrary lu law. In.piiry al tin- ul'tu . of ill.- ( 'oullllis.sioi failed lu develop a p. -iiile -I a I eiin t . bin il was -ai.l that ii. Uaing in ill. niiniiles showed that it had . . r uftii ially consider,-,! so. ;( a ' tor. and as all prncccliiigs arc by law reouinil I., be inlcr.. I ull llle III i il 11 1 es il was pr. .I.al-le that n ..flici.-il .oii i.lera lion wa- given llle circular. Ilecau-c ui tlo- pi-oii-is against the Ucj aiilii-.-n cir cular, llle I 'ullllllissiull has r.'.llesl . . lie I'u-lliia-l. r Ceneral an. I tin- See;,iar ul' the Treasury I., call Ihe aitciilion ol llieir olnpho ee- to llle law forbidding as i ssii'.-nt-. w lii. b the former ha- agreed to do. I'lcsi.l. Ill l'l'uelur. o llle Colli mission -ay.- be believes a.l soiieilalit.il ..I' i o 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 - ..nil l-'cleral uipl"y" is again-i the leiier as well as the spirit ..I' llle law. Manila dispatches report. . a lew days ago that Ceiieral Pin del Filar had offer ed to -ell ..lit to lb neral ( His bill t iiat llle oiler ..as hoi believed lo be ail tbelltie. Pilar has since bei n ivpurteit as in eonniianil of the Filipinos that resj-ieil la w 1 1 ;n's capture of San lsi.lro. which lalier town is !u be ga rri-onei I. The Filipino ..flioors a. plied lo ielieral M a.-A il bur lor per)ni--ion fur a naiio i'iiiiiii-.-'ii.ii to vi-it Manila to arrange r 1 in- n lease of more American pris- oner-, and ,l' Sn::n:-h ri-. Hers, and to discuss terms of p, a.-i'. The Inicrual Kevenne Iliireau iiovy hohls ihai when a transfer company gives ai a resiilen.e ..!' hotel nceil- t'nl' trunks ,-alliiiL lor ihe .leliverv of -neb trunks at aimllnr residence or hulel. sltch leceipls ,,r checks must bear ,1 revenue siainp. Tnc reccipls I'rum stamps iiml.r ibi- rilling will prul.ibh be in-iguiticanl in i oinp.-iri.-ou with lite bother and anco an, e il w ill cause, bill the Bureau holds ib.,; n is ihe law. and must be complied w illl. From b. ing a p..-ilioii ,.l cuinparal i . obsclirilV and llllilll il'lailee. lile ullice "I ih.- Am, -ric. in Con-nl at Pivloria in the Trail-van! iia- be.uine um- ul ioii.li r.-spuiislbilily. Then- an- a large mini bcr uf American cili.eii- at .luli.mucs l.ui'g. and 'Am. riean i ".-uiiiarx int. i---f s in tin- mine- are n, -a-iir. .1 l,.v milliuns. bin ihe ri al delic.i. v of the Cniisiil's la-k lies in bi- acting tin- inlcre-ls ..(' Itiiiis) u-iudian f iii"ii- ibiring ho-: jiii i.-s. Tin- Aic.ri. an Clou! is Charles F. Marouni. "I Fa-r l.ivei 1. Ohio. He is :!l M.ir- ..I age. and was inanagcr of a gla-s facloiv until ap puinii.l lo his present p..si bv Mr. M. Kildey. A gallant action dining ibe war with Spain has bc.-n recognized b ihe ap puiutii'. ul of l.icin. Cilli- in i-uiiimand ibe I. irpcb. boat Porter, h. which 1 w as aiiachcd off Saining... One m,,i ,, ' .-lii.ei.il ,.n the position of ihe Biblical ing he saw a big lurpc.b. moving mil lb . ..rd.-r with r- I en nee 1" Ccmral Oti Inwards the Aincrii.in Ib.-i. .1 ulupiiig a.;d l'ic M . K i nl" war in lb" Pbili'l jiiucs. u ciboai',1 he ihrcw .mi- arm over the vvbi, h . b,s,., wilb a p.'l'a-gl'aah t'roilu Pie eb-alh eb aling pr.i.iecl ile. and mi-, n-vv eil the war head coiilainiiig ilie fuse welie l) tlnr hand, ihu- reinleriug ii liai-in less. ' " .1. I.ec iuiiiiai ai:a, ie ..c Mho British Fiubassy. says ihal ihcy are elaily re'fiising oiler- of the pruie.-ieil organi.a i inn uf Amciiiaiis I'm- scr i,-.- in Ihe British army dining ihe Tran-vant war. While tin service- of several re giments from British C-dcnie-s were ac ceplcil. il was in order to ice-ugiiize ib.-ir membership in ihe Fni ire. rather iban a need of numerical assistance. Admiral In-wey'- yi-ii m ib- ,,l, ii .;nc in Vei-inuiit lias siarinl iinie a g I sized boom among Ucpuhlican- in ihal State in favor of presculing his nani" for Pi'i'siil.'iu io the National liepubli i-aii coiivi in ion. Scn.-ilor Bc.ll'iel.f Proclor says thai if Admiral 1 b-w ey ad here's lo his di-icriuimit inn mil tu lake the oftice he w ill be mibiue ill Atuel'ican hisiory. as no man has e-ve-r et r fu-cd to accept tin- Prcsidi'ticy of ilu- l iiitcit Slales. In talking lo his V.t .r friends. Admiral I b w ey is said lo havi niaile im sea ret of, Ihe fai l Ihal he lliiuks that Oeiu-ral Otis should be su pct-scili-ei. ami it is hinted that Ihe fail re' of Ihe' Administration to iuaugiii-.il an adeiiuaie policy in the Philio, lines would be one filing that might indue-e'we-v t.i e-liang" his mind about ace. piing a mini inn I inn for the Presidency. New York. (Id 2;'..-Iieci'iiiber. 7S; Jaiuiaiy, S; March. 12; May. IT. (JENTBY AND PINTO. 1'i.rf. tleu'ry's faniiiis collection of eiiui-ated dogs aul 1 i"s. now in their 12th year of success, have liei'onie sin h house. hold favorite-.- thai their appea.'-ai.e-e in lliis cily nil.!"!' canvas Wedms- i'ay. October 2o on I Iillsiioro r I in Cameron's liebl at 2..".n and M p. in.. I. me- siarie.l all il) - lu:ie folks -o n. ak in:: preparation to atiiiol the show. In addition in lli" piles ami dogs 1'r.ir. ''entry also offers us an e'Mra .'.itra. 'iua ibis year I'iul i. ill" tiniest elepliant in all tin- world. Pin'. is 27 -ear- old ami hardl.i as lall as an ordinary pmiy ami i- lzi-iii b- ,-is a lamb and very l'uii.1 ul ohil.lr. n. The prices uf ailmi.-sion arc children l."i ceiiis. and a. lulls 2-"e ei in-. SJXTKKN AHOITIONS. Sixteen pel-. .11- Were fecciv.-il illto llle IMollleil S'le. I Mclbo.l'i.-t cillllcii M'-i.r.iay by the pa-l..r. Ucv. W. C. Noiioan. Twelve were by leti.-r and i'.i'r u;-.ii pioiV--i i" lailh. commissions issi i : i . 1'r Ihe Adjourn Oenelal's ..lli,.- Ihe fulluvv ing cul.iiil--iun- Were to. la; issu. .1: Fli T. I b. Id-l..n as .-alain. S. .. Crier as l'ir-t l.ieiiieu.'tni aii'1 Ii. lb ''..lldwcll a-. Sec, Old l.i.-lltl'll- anl. all uf I'.nnpilii 1.. I''ii-1 lb -gi 11 ii-le I . Nuilh Carolina Slate Cuard. Tin" pl'ulJiu! lulls Were ia.c ill tl -i -i 1 1 1 c IO . ' uf ibe i.-iguali I Captain Fdward Hill lu join lb.- regular ariny. B I.I. CAM i'S Tlo- I M. College fuulbail I. -am will play duller. I Cull'-g. in re eiiher f ill's vve.k -ir .-ar.v iu-m week. Tiicy :o'i- pra. i icing fur i ii. - eiua l;i.l-.- gain. lo i " Tiiankse-iv iug .lav . The i i-o in will make a S-.ulh.rn lri; in abuiil iw.i weeks and play at lea-i llirc- :;iii:is in eb-orgia. insi i;i;i:ci io. I'oe'ii. int. 2o. Ail liisiirr. ,-iiun lias br. 'k.-n 'in in Panama. Martial law is piucl.iim.-.l. Si'AKi ITV ul' ITALIAN PlillOSIS. Iboi'". o.-i. 2.".. The Vnii.au is im 1 ' 1 w ill. ib, plaints ,,i American Ca:b'!i,-.s ,,n ihe scarcity of lialbm prii to look al'l.'i' Ibe Italian elui gra in s. 'I he 1 'up.- will la kc slips to re-ii.iiv lie- iruiil.le. AT Till-: ACAHFMY ol' MI'SIC. l nrec Sli.oig A 1 1 la. 1 ions W'il) b,- Pr. .s.'iilo.l I lining .bis M. nl Ii. The Aca.b aiy ,.t Music ha- ilir.-e strong at 1 ra. . ion- w ai. i will a .p. a r lu i iug this lb. .l .i il'.i ue .launasi-lick iicM 'i -ilie- s.la . i lie Peal Widow P.i-ow n "ii Fiida.v cigli; ami I'arkisi I C u i : i en tii" ih in-i. M A 1 1 A M JANNAI'SC'IIKK i'OMIN i. Maiiam .lanaiisehei; :v p. ar at I !; Ai ailelnv W'l dlie-day e I' I ills Week in a n-w vei'-ii ii 1. 1' "Meg Mi i ril',. -s," Waller Seoll's hllllolls ileloilie in bis lolliniU'O im liny Mamieiing. The nbl ver-ioii was ral hcv i i diie; il did 1 1 , ,1 follow- t he novel aul elM i,i.i bring .nit all the sireiigih- of the e inral cba racier. "Meg." Madam .laiiaiischek has fei- u ion ! line I, ei a end: a v i. ring to find sumo uii 1 1 1 - i - who c.nhl folhiw her ideas inlelli- . i , t I and make "Meg" what Srotl ;n I ,1 lier 1 1 1 l,e. In Mr. 1 "a nl Kes er. In.- :i 1 1 1 1: ' . r of b:ie jii'i s. nt version, sbe lias ,i pai'i'tilly fn-u in-1 u hat she desired Co. M1'. Ke-ler be - given h : a very oovver- I ,',,1 ,,. mil lininai, iotc-.i-est Ileal rise t i lall in'ta. M.g." tlie old i a I and i .: 1 1 i i in nt he lias followed It. and al the i l.v !'-)'. i- niiade lb" . . eh.iraeler uf I in- !a.v Ih" s.un as i .-1,1 by same time lias vv, rke.l s(. cleverly that he has r.-diie i! liie play to four acts. .,,1 llle old llill-i" has been Ivstiil'cil .'Hid in.-. 'iv new inneii'l and i -'i ra 1 1 1 1 i i ' -g nnin- l.i i's'bave 1 a,.:, el. The -li.ira.-lcr of Mi g h i- I, :.g been a favorite ..f .lanan-'-: 't Is p .-uii.-ri.v lit ti d I.. In r p.-, -i i I'd i a i ,' l i , 1 1 a I -Ivi" ,l' act ing : il allow -h.r many , pi ' !:ni: i.-s oi' indulging in la ... vvil.l. nil-thrilling bin-sis u.r pas -i. a , "l vv !.i. h -i," r jn-' ! fan nl-. (1.1 linn-:- vv ii,. have se. u tin- "Meg" of I ii-1. i .i a -!i, -i-l-I not tail io -ei- ibi- p.-r- lui.li.llC' . Il W.il give t'.l. ill Illl Olipol'- 1 1 1 1 1 i I I n ; .'.-.- Pie grentiic-s i ;' Cu-b- tnali Willi I ii.-' : ui -lanail-cllck and not to ibe lall .'- disadvantage. Madam .laii.-iu-.-iiok :i,i- -ui : uini.b d h.-r-elf wiiii a large a 1 . I'll. i. at coi J any .1' will ' known po, ;.c. Tin- i-..-niiii' , a pi -. :n: - , in, ins. ei,-.. ar.- new and wi-r ic i I c-- I i . ially fur ibis r.nla. -lion. Tin i- i i.,,i and p.a.v inn.' Iv, H lei .-.v.. I ev ry where wilb unusual favor and I'l'-' i "i bid- fair lu be nunrbi ". 1 a ie u g : ic n ,i: 'liun., iial -,M-.-:i- ". Mad 'in .lanaiis.-bek. AN I'.N PI .A N AT 1 ON. I i I e. II- b, a, Tel.'g.'.llU. Tic Teh :: a:n .'si,rda.v .-. in.i iii.-.l an A-bcvi'dc Ciiiz. n. vvlii- !i ile- pa pi r ingl i-ii.;.. i d. ami w-hi' b d . lit. Bailey and Inii.i'iiu P.iplis.ts m 1 1n- Slate a gn al injustice We do n il laid. I'se- ibe K 'curdcr's )... si'ion .u the war: bin have l:hc big'be-t i.si.ecl for il as a religions juuinal. ill: 1 do :"l believe ihal il is. as he Cilizcn ,1, , lull-, -'a Pcp'ii. li. an thai K wearing Ihe liven i.i' Hi ;lli II s tu bell' .' s. i-M' tile devil." We Is'licve. em '.be .ili.r baud. I'll -it it is honest, censcien ti.,,s and -inccrc. P has been se-vcial tin es end U'si ,1 i,.v ihe gleal I ll II H b i! ,.,,,.., Ills and w. 1 I. a-ed I, We re gii't ihal ue have sceinii.gly "ii d. I'sed ihe Ciliell ill il- viciolls attack. and give llle simple i pla mil imi Ihal u :-. -- ..f uibei- icyiiicr- i:iusd ihe wrii"i" to uvei'luok ihe clipi-ng vvliieh was run in hy a nicuibi r ef ihe is1.-ill". Pr..!'. Booker T. Was'hing,n. ibe In ad f ihe negro industrial school al Tiis- kc-gec. Ala., ha- s u lYesidenl Mi-K'"i lev icganbng the sed I's exhibit at the . a"is Fv-nosh i. n. There will lvo a dis tin live negro csiiibi: in llle American section. Ion Prof. Washingion wants, if possible', a small space mirt u'lilarlv for the exhdiil ..f ihe Tuskon-e Institnlc. which is ibe largist si he ml of the k':- I in l'ic wa rid. The President assured huu "I his inti-n-si in the' e-duciit'icninl w. rk of w hich Prut. Washington is the eader. and rel'i'iTed liiiin to Coinniissiio'nei' Peck, as to I ue' ilelails uf the I'Xhibit.