L.a r-e'.fcep ' ' ' ' ''"'f - ' ' ' ' " " '!'.,'''-, f ' 1 1 . - - r '-' -: - - ' ' .. - I THE ITOl No. 9,009. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 75, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. Tines vis 3 1 BRITISH BLUE TODAY OVER DIRTH OF NEWS Boer Strength 98,000 Boers Have Taken Kilpdour and Bombarded Kimberley"-Warm Time in British Parliament IV embers Resign as a Protest. Ixiiidon. Oct. Li.". Till' anxiety over Ihe perilous nuidilion tin- liritislt tinny in Nnlul was aggravated today by the luck "I' official continuation of i 1 1 -reported union of I In- Yules nriny with the White's. The War Office has not published iiny disalohcs from White today. Although it is believed that Ihe union has been accomplished, yet the silence of the War Office arouses the fenr lest evil news has been received ami is being suppressed. Kr.MKKKLKY KOMIUKI KD. Ijonilou, Oct. LM. The report has reached here that Kiinherley has askisl for terms for surrender. Following the bombardment of the place the besieged Itritish garrison is said to have sent a Hat; of truce. A despatch says that no casualties ro- cnlli.it fi'tim the lii.ieliM-'fliiieiit ;in.l tlinl tin place is well prepared to resist the I assault. niUTIKIl LOSSES. Capo Town, Oct. :M. -The Imllet hns been extracted from Oener.-il Symons, and bis condition is improving. Four llritish who were wounded at Klunsdnngto. have died and live others are reported missing. I'.OKK STKKXCTII !is.(iii0. Ilrussi-ls. Oct. LT..-The Transvaal League has issued an estimate of the Itoer forces, placing the number o, troops available against Creal Kritain at '.IK.IMM). Transvaal and Orange Free State are credited villi :i.1.ltlli: Cape Colony recruits with S.illlll; llolland ers at fi.OfMI, while 4.IMIO ( irriuii ns, H.linti Iris'h, (MIO Americans and seven thou sand of other nalioiialties completing the I'S.IHHI estimated. HOKKS OFT K I LPDA M. Cape Town, Oct. il. 'Hie Itoers has occupied Klipdam. one of the principal river diggings near Kiinherley. It is xupiKised that lliey are advancing on Iouglass and the inliabitants of thav place have asked for protection from Hie 'British troops. TO ATTACK K I'M IfF.Ii I.KY. Iondon, Oct. il. Con.jc, after being twice repulsed at, Mali king, is reported to be advancing nn Kimberlcy and conimanderiug men. stores and munitions on the way. On the left a small com mand is investing Mali-king. The Or ange F'rec State burghers and the Itoers are moving westward to jiiin Cronje in his attack on Kiinherley. DAYITT 1'KOTKSTS. London, Oct. 'St. Michael Davit!, af OATLI.NO SI'IT. When Court took a recess for dinner loilay Ihe Catling suit against the city had not been completed. Several wit nesses remained to be examined. This afternoon argument was begun but the case can hardly be concluded tonight. SIDEWALKS. I Tlie -work of pulling down a grano lithic pavement on the sidewalk, of tin' Haplist Female I nivcrsily has begun. Some improvements to the sidewalk in front of the More of Dobbin and l'eriiill are being made. AFTERNOON MARRIAGE Miss Taylor and Mr. Henry W. Miller Wed in Church of the Good Shepherd. This afternoon at half after three o'clock in the Church of the Oood Shepherd. .Miss Lizzie Taylor ami Mr. Henry V. Miller were united in mar riage. Ilev. Dr. I. McK. l'ittinger. rec tor of the church, performing the cere mony. The church was beautifully de- I coraled for Ihe happy event, ami was " crowded with friends and acquaintance. Mr. K. I'. McKissick. of Asheville, acted as best man, and .Miss .lane An drews, of this city, was maid of honor. The ushers xvere Messrs. A. . An drews, Jr., .1. K. Marshall, T. It. lleartt mill S. .1. Hinsdale. The bride was given away at tile al Inr by Dr. A. R Hawkins, her guar dian. - Mr. nml Mrs. Miller left for a western trip in the private car of Col. A. 15. Andrews. For several vears the bride bus neole !..! hltlx. tl ir..i..;.rii ..f i. :.i I of Dr. Hawkins and few young ladies have enjoyed the popularity which she merited and received. She won the friendship and ami esteem of ever one acquainted with her. IJIr. Miller hold the most important of, all the semi-official position with the Southern Itaihvay. Since he entered rhe office of First Vice President An drews he- has risen rapidly until today lie has oliarge of the taxation of the Sothern Railway in nearly all the Southern. Stales, including Kentucky jiml the District of Columbia. His fine business sense and excellent judg ment is appreciated by all who know him. He is now one of the representa tives mi he Hoard of Aldrrinen from the Second Ward. The -funeral of Ihe lale Stewart Elli son, colored, was held from St. Paul's A. hi: E. Clnirch nt three o'clock this nfteruoon. The interment was in Mt. Hope Cemetery by the colored Masons. at ter a powerful indictment el' the war against tlie Itoers in the House of Cnni nii.ns. said that lie would resign his seat in Fariiamcnt tomorrow ns a protest" against the war. A NOT 11 EH FK MIT. London, Oct. il. A Cape Town des patch this morning says that in another battle at l.adysinith. the Itoers were re pulsed.' The Itritish casualties were four killed and seven wounded, all rank and tile. .UNCTION MADE. New York. Oct. Si. -A New York Journal special from l.ailysinith. dated Ocioher ilth. .--ays Yule's force from Clencoo lias successfully efi'ectcd a jini.-t iiii wiih White and both comma nils are concent rated here w ith a strong oolllph-le line of elll ri'llcll men I s. The army mm under White numbers ten thousand, with :iii guiie. and 1..11WI cav alry. .loubcrt is expected to bring up a col umn of nine thousand from Clcncoe, lull the senilis have not yet reporteil his advance. I'.OEKS 1 US1 1 EA ItTEN ET. l.-ondon. Oct. St.- A despatch rider, who rcaidicil Orange river Monday froin Kimbi rlcy. said thai the Itoers wolf three miles from Kiinherley. and wcre afraid to attack the town, waiting for Celielal Cronje. No liners were seen south of ltcinmnt. which is twenty miles th of Orange river. The defeats in Natal is taking all the tight out of the Itoers. They will net attack the Itritish. though they will defend their few positions. It is believed at lleaar that the heaviest lighting is over ex cept a battle near I'rcioria. TIAM It E II LA 1 NS KEN I A L. London, (lit. St. In the House of Commons today, during the debate on tlie second leading of the appropri.it ion I. ill. .lames M. Dalzoll. a liberal, charg ed ( 'hamberlain with suppressing trie grains from t he Transvaal. Tin- Colonial Secretary indignally de nied thai he had suppressed telegram, saying: "I have not g,., ihein." He also denied that he refused to see Mon tague W hite, agent of Transvaal, who never asked an audience. THE LATEST. L .union, (let. St.- A despatch from Kimberlcy dalcd October L'lst. ays. We are afe as a bank. Not one man lia left. Kain is approaching. Our troops met the enemy, lulling their hue today. The maxim on armored train did g I work, and cleared awav wreckers. THANKSGIVING APPOINTED. Washington. Oct. LTi. --President Mc K in lev issind today his proclamation ap pointing .November thirtieth as thanks giving day. COI.l'MItlA IN DOCK. New lioehelle. Oct. Jo. -Tile cup de fender "Columbia" was dry docked lien this illuming. It is reported on what seems good authority that ihe owners have practically decided not to take her across the Atlantic next year. COTTON. New York. Oil. St.- Cotton: March 11: August J. .Ian. GRANT ALLEN DEAD. Loudon, Oct. St. ( 1 in nt Allen, tin. au thor, died to-day after an illness of 'wo n ion I lis. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. The Kaleigh township school com mittee helil an interesting ami import ant meeting hue this afternoon. 'Ihe report of the expenditures for the improvements on the various school buildings was submit toil by the secreta ry and approved. A petition from churn of West Kal eigh was read asking that the commit tee build a -school house in that locali ty. The committee look Ihe matter under consideration to be acted upon at a subsequent meeting. Several bids were submitted lor the erection of the new school buildings, but the bids were not opened before Ihe hour of going to press. A STUMBLING BLOCK. Because, professing still to be A follower of the Lamb of God, I walk in devious paths where lie Is never seen, has never ftod. E'en thus it is that some, through nie, The Master's face may never see. Because, professing to he wise. And to have found the Turth, the Way, ' I oft am seen in Folly's guise, I ' li ii i i it il f 1 1 1 whom I thus betray Yet so it. is that sonic, through nie, To Heaven's gate may lose the key. Because, professing his dear name Whose love is inlinilely great. My tongue will even friends delaine. Ami Hashing eyes oft tell of hate Alas, alas, thai come, through nie. May hopeless, face eternity! Fred J. Atwood, in Sunday School Times. Estimated Men A CAPTI YATINO WIIOW. The mistaken identity of a captivating widow furnishes the theme for a con sistent and well planned plot in the reigning farcial success. "The Ileal Widow Itrown." It's funny, very funny, and tin immense winner. I'rdtty girls, I ( lever comedians, gorgeous costumes, en chanting music, new songs and pleasing dances supply the cnlertaing elements in this attraction which comes to the Academy of -Music Friday night. Ho servc seats on sale Thursday morning at ltobbitl-Wyune Hrug Store. 1TUE YIS1TS SCHOOL; LOSS .'tJHI( One Section of Hiugham School at Ashcile Was Cuttcil by Fire. Asheville. N. ('.. Oct. 'H. One sec tion of I lie barracks of Itinghaiu's School was gulled by tire Ihis morning. Five rooms were destroyed. The tire w as caused by a defect ive Hue, ami wti.i discovered at S o'clock. The barracks is so built that it is im possible to burn more than one section at a 1 i inc. One hundred and tweuly studciits are in the school, from ecr Southern State. The loss is about $.'!.( It M I. fully cover by insurance. No casualties'. The school will not be iiilcrruplcil. FATAL ACCIDENT A Rammer Killed While Firing a Salute to Sampson Trenton. Oct. :.'.". --'A salute was tired of seventeen guns Ihis morning in honor of Admiral Sampson. Ihiring Ihe tiring of tin' salute an old brass howitzer, pre maturely exploded, ami Waller English, a rammer, was mortally injured. Both of his hands were lorn off and he was humid and lacerated. BALL HAM E SAT I ' I! DA Y. n NY xl Siiiur.liiy the A. :inl M. (Ylli'.1 .Mini (he rnivri'v-ity NYrlli (Ymlinn will i;iy .1 I' fiiut li.'lll nil lh !-';tir irniuihis. This promise-; to In-- ii I inline ;ui! (hi' A. ;iim! M. hoys irc pr.irtii-inir linnl. Thr ponplr slnmM pi nil ;m)i I'lijoy t his lt; n;r. Tin ;mn' will hr .-ilh'il ;it iwu o'clock. DEATH OF MRS. WILSON. PYil in Kiilciuh. North Cnroliii;i. on the cvcninir of O. toh.-r iMlli. 1N!H. Mr, .hiiict M. Wilson, (hmhtcr of the nt IVtcr Mitchell .-mil Kliz.ihcili I Yrsoti, ;iiil witlow oi' the lute I U Thomas K. Wil-nii. of W:i1Telllon. Th" fmiri-il will l;ike l;u-e Thursday tnoi-niiiL'. (Iclohcr L' lt li. ;M tit oYlock. frmii the rcsith-in . of Jink'' Walter A. Motiipimci'.v. lo which ilic frienJs ,t the family are invilnl. TUH'K 'K A SWlNTMvK.Il. I'oseil us a Ii'iL' l.iimhermalt ami ';isliei in a Cliet k. N'oitNiowii. I'm.. Oct. HI. A Nor ritou lianlware ilealcr was neallv lleeccl mil of JX hy a sharper. The si ranker. mner t.ie nanti' of John iJrecn, arriveil in town early in ihe week au-l ' vKih .1 Walter M. C.M.Ue. with whom In siriick up " ticotitai ion for a iracl of woudlaihl on Samly Hill. lie ln illtemlcd In cltt till lilllhef inniHMliateiy. aU.'il Mr. Cooke In in iroiluce him to a local hardware deah-r. of whom he wmihl hny axes, saws and other implements for tlie work. Mr. Cooke did as rciUested, hut the siraimer wailed until lalt-r in the day to make his purchases, anionnlin lo .;!;. Th' merchant, ihiiikin ihe man was a friend of Mr. Cooke's, anil, there fore, all rkdit, had no hc-diation in iic ce tin.u' ihe proffered check of .S I in paymenl. atnl haihleil the imnhaser .SJS change. As the man dep.-irled, he said the men he hail eiiiployeii o fell the lindier would call the next morning for the Is. Tlie men-liant K still awail- in: for him to call. The check proved to he wurlliless. SAD DEATH Mother Follows Her Child Into the (irave. Mr-. Nannie Hyr.l. nyeil thirty-two years, died early this nioriiiiiL' at her home .".10 t'aiiiien street, in ihis city. She mis a unlive of this emmiv. iml had lived in UaleiL'h olili aliout a in. mill. She hail eonsnniit ion. lull va ill only a short while. .Insi la.sl Sunday her lui'hl little inn yt ar ..M ehild died ami the rief over her loss and ihe strain was too irreat lor tlie mother's sirenih. ami she fol lowed her hahy to the .urine. 'I lie remains were curried lo tlie country for interment. Her husl.aml survives her. AI'P M'NTED. o Mr. Will O'Neal, of this city, has heen appointed a storekeeper and unujrer. His assiuinent is in Cuinhcrluml coun ty. INSiniiENTS. Manila. Oct. St. The insurgents have returned to the vicinity of 'ahimla in increased iinmliers, ami are siirronuditi the town on the land side. Henry ltonrassa. a menilier of the Canadian rarliament for La Helle. Que hcc. has resigned his seat. Localise he disproves of the action of tlie Govern ment hi seiidini; a regiment to the Trans vaal. Mr. V. D. Howells is lieginnig this 11 11 1 Minn an experiment in the leclnre liehl. It used to he a matter of course that successful authors should appear on the platform, hut of recent years this procedure has heen something less usual. The snlijecl of his lecture in "Hcroe and Heroines of I'Vtion." one on which he should have many iiiri'rostim; things to say. We sell ihe host in cent Green and Koitsted Coffee in town. . B. MANN. SHORT STATEMENTS Familiar Faces From the Passing Throng Movements of People Mr. I'. A. Dunn is in town today. Lx-SlierilT II. T. .Lines is in the city. Mr. W. II. Winn, of (ieorgia. is in Ihe lily. .Mr. II. A. London, of I 'il I shorn, is in Hie oily. Mrs. .1. li. Koese went lo Clayton this nioriilnu. Mrs. ;. L. Kirhy left lor (i.ddslioro this uioriiing. Mr. Charles l'.-ar..ii returned to ihe .ily this iiioriiim;. Mi.-s Delia Dixon. M. D.. went to Wilson ihis morning. Mr. .1. 1 1. I'.iadsliaw and Mr. T. T. Hay loft this liinniini:. .Misses Maihh and Lizie llehu.illi re i e.l I.. I 'lav ion this morning. .Mr. Siewarl Davis. ..I' West 1'i.inl. i- at t he I if .Mr. I iarland Jones. I ! li'iil Aid. riuaii. of ihe I'niversi arrive, I in I lie eii.v ihis nmrniiig. Mr. and Mrs. J. l.,l I.iviu-slon. ,it 'iVa-liiiciiiii. D. C. are at the Y.-irlmro. 'I hi-re is some liiile i in pro venu -n i in die .-..ndiii f Mr. .1. W. -'oy today. Mi-s I'liillips. who has hern visiting in Ihileigh. left loilay for Winston. Sue Brow n was lined $o.'J." for dis--iderly eondm t hy the Mayor ihis niorit Tin- will of the lale N'ortleel JelTries "as prohalrd lodai. lie left his prop- ellV I o his W il'e. .Mrs. W. A. White, who has I vis- iiiug her mother. Mrs. Small, in I'Myetie ville, has returned home. Mi William Henry llagley left tliis tnornin.g for A'itisnn to attend ihe In.rse show ami lohacco fair. Mr. II. A. I'.ell. of New In in. slopped over here today on his reliirn Ir.im ihe Winston Fair. lie says it a splendid sll-.W. , , Mr. W. II. Pool, id he revenue .lepall- ineiil. left ihis morning for New hern lo .ill. in I l-'ederal .oiiri a a governnieui u il uess. .Mr. L. Itrown I'egrani. one' of II.il eiuh's ". itv failiers." and a popular eoiu iiiir.ial traveller, is in t he oil v.-Ka.vol to . ilic ( 'l .server. Mr. !. !. Daniel. s,.,-relary of the Weld. oi I'.iir. reiiirne.l home this niorii- il!L'. lie sas ihe Fair llet Week will l.e a l.ig success. Allelltioll is calle.l lo m;, adverlisc. ill of Mr. Henry T. Hicks, the popu lar druugisi. who oilers aoloi:ics for iml I., in- aide I., handle ihe rush at his esl.-ililisliinenl las Week. Mr. (J. A. Strickland ha- returned lo Itnleitfll aiiif reeslalilished II i.s lui.inrss. lie now has iwo stores in the Trade Iniililiiig. Wilmington street, ami is bel li! prepared than ever lo supply ihe trade. load his a.l vert iseineiii in ihis issue. The rr.igre-sive Farmer in an edi torial heartily cinlors, Admiral Dewey lor governor general of i. I 'hilippims. It is as.M'ric.l i ha l ihe shortage in the cotion crop in this Slat.- i ever greater than tlie estimates. g s.-( j, IV ;l larnier who hs year made cotion at P. cents that this year its cost him in. The tiuial of the lower of the new I'resliy tcrian chin eh here was put on today. Work has been resumed on the Clnirch of the (iood Shepherd. Kvery thing will li.- ready for the laying of the corner stone. Two convicts from Caswidl arrived at the penitentiary today, one of ilu-m lo go to the ilcpariiiicin of ihe criminal iiisauo. Tile Agricultural Depart meiii is pre paring liglllvs as to the nltlllbel' of hogs. horses, mules, sheep, cattle and beef cattle in the various counties, as com. pared with last' year. S.,i f the reimns by correspondents are observed, in slating thai tln-re arc only half or tin fourths as niaiiv a sihcr,. were in I S IS. Alining the aiiorneys alien. ling ihe Siipreine Court ihis week are: John A. Utirringer. I!. It. King. Charles M. Slcilman and A. I.. Itrooks. of Chapel Hill: .1. S. .Manning. It. li. lioone anil W. A. ( iutliric. of Diirhani. A SI! UK WD FAiahKIt. In one of i !u tow us of I " k mi- '.Michi (fun is tlie pn .i.le.n ,.f a r.iiilr,,a.l llial is scver-.-l rem.... s from a Irunk line, says the Delr, ; Frr - Press. As :i iiorse n.-nler lie is ,.f ehe same tyic us D'avid Miipimii, and thinks it perft'elly "CUnris-ti.-rn" fo get the bettor of flic other fel low. No! long ago !he sold a nioadister to a I'ariiur mar the place, reeeivinig $17.1. One day last week the farun-r dmpiwld into the presidetit's oflicc and casually iniiiiroil whether tliat oflinial really thniight the 'horse woii'li the inonev paid for it. "Not trying to rue a bargain, ai-e you. SiV nplinl t,he presiidenl . "That lnu-se is wortli SaMil to a loan who drives s iniiieh ns you d'o. If iteedcl one at nil. you iiulilu't have l.oiighl him at any tig iire." "Woiildn'l !?.1iHI lie a little stiei for hi in?" "Not a hit of it. lie's got a heller pedi gree tlhan iniany a hors.; he ran kivp ii a line g-.-rii all day, ami he's as gentle a sa kitten. There isn't a lafllter 'horse in Ihe State for ro.nl work, and don't yim touch less than iCiim for him." "WinII. I won't." Then the fai-nii r winked at a houdc tf men w h'n had b-.s n listening and laid u p'lllier before the pnsiililenit. "lllow did (his liapiMMi, Si':" sHiMimier ed the jiresiilettf . "TlH'in linen o' yours that wiM'e liauliu' ties acrosM my i.l;H-e left Ithe fence down, the hoess got on 't'he track, and a freight train done the rest." 'Will your ela'ini loir $1.10 i-. ridiculous. We'll eiHiiti'st il ." Hut w'heu Si grinnnd fi'imu car Ut ear aril n-ihi'il the two incn laugh. si irH'oar fouslv. the pnsideiit Irlusihiiivgly iinnininc eil that he wonild luave itllie miatter nd juated ill aevurdiuiee xvitli Vhi claim. ( SI'l'KK.MK CDI'liT. Fiisi District cases argued to-day: James vs. Markliam. by Winston an. I Fuller lor plaintiff: Manning and F.m shee. Iluihrie and Uiithrie and Roouo. liryani am! Itiggs for defendant. (iatis vs. Max. by Winston and Full er for the plaintiff: lioone. liryant ami lliggs for the ilefelidalll. Howard vs. Turner, by John W. I . ra ha in for plaint iff : C. 1 1. Turner for 1 1 -1 1 'in I n ii t , MISS MAYS ItKTI UNS. Miss Mamie Itays has ri'iurued from Kaleigh. She had charge of ihe Chris tian Kmleavor I Ill at the Fair. She also loci wiih ihe Christian Kiulon v..r Soeiely ill tile pen i I elll in l'y I he Iwo Sundays she was tln-re. On la.st Sun day night she spoke lo a large audi ence in Central Meihodisl church on the "Noeil of Deeper Spi ri t ua I i i v ami More Firfoel Consisieney in All I 'hurdles." - Charlotte Observ er. STILLS CAPTURED Officers Ran up on Two Big Blockade Establishments. The Kcvinue oi'liocrs who left K.-ili'igh yesicrday al'lernooii have just returned. They report ihe capture of iwo stilts . one of 71 gallon capacity, near I'rivetl. in Kranklii iiniy, and the other near Mitchell's Mill, just over the Franklin line. They were very line still- and had I n pitl up for bii-'iiiess. In tbe language of one of ihe revenue oi'liocrs. "Ihcv were l.o.-i daisies." , lare Milan! ily of I.e. r was found and de stroyed. Names of il wn.-is are known, bin for prudential iva-m- are not made public. They will be looked after in a feu day-. A I "i f tile still -even men were a I work, bin limy escaped, th-i ing iii ,. cry direction. I ! 1 ! 1 1 1 K IS HllMKSICK. I'm- Thai Kc.-ison a St. l.oui- Man Wain- a I livor.-e from 1 7 Year Old Wile. New Haven. Conn. Oct. L'o. Ceo. I!.i liste. of :isn!i Finney avenue. Si. l.oui-. is s-aiug hi- w ife, w In. in In- mar ri.-d iii Miliord. Conn., ici.,ber Itii. for a ilivon-e, becau-e she is -iek ami wants t ,nie In, in.- lo her par ents. Mr-. Iljpiisio was Mi-- Nellie M. Kyle. ,,f Milford. C Her mouther i- a widow, ami b.-hm-s t ( ,M. be-l families in Milford. Mrs. liaplisle is only 17 years of age. I lor hu-baml i- ."4. She was brought up v.-ry care fully by her luoihcr and greatly petted. She is preity and Ma- f the b.-ll,-- in Milford. While oil .III Fa-tcrn j,, ,e MM1 user of ISHi. M,-. . aili-te mil Mi-s Kh-. then a child of M, and fell in love She wa t. o young to marry, so the lover waited until la-: April when he married Mi Kyle. After ihe wed ding tile couple lefl ;,l e for Si. Louis, where tiny win! to housekeeping in .-ipartiueiiis on Finn, y avenue, in a go. d -oclioll of Ihe low II. The re-t of the -lory i- told by Mr. I!apii-te iii hi- divorce juiition. in which in- declare- tli.-it he ha- ,!,,,. a in his power I..' make her happy, but that s,e wants to g,, hl her' moth er, and for this reason he wants a sep aration. FOUNDFR AND PUBLISHER Two Excellent Pictures in Turner's N. C. . Almanac. Turner's N. C. Almanac tin- r,:;rd yea; of publication, will soon be issued. This almanac is ihe obi stand by in North Carolina, and grow- better with age. In tin- almanac for I'.iiiu is an excellent ph i ni e of Henry I , Turner, founder of ihis almanac, ami by it is a picture of Mr. James . I-'imi-ls. i be preseinv publish, I'mler the pictures nr.- the following sketches: "Henry D. Turner. I'.. iimb r of Turn it's N. C. Almanac. Is.'.s. :,s born May L'lst, 17!i at Plymouth Hollow now Thoinnsion. I'oiin. lie came to UaleiL'h in ls:n and shortly thereafter established the well known North Caro lina Hook Store of Turner and Hughes, of which he sul, -dpi, nt ly became sole proprietor, "The Almanac previously puhli-hcil a. Turner and Hugh.--' N. C. Almanac I heiieel on h w as i 1 Turner's N. C. Almanac. Mr. Turner died in Pal eigh November ihh. IMiii. ag, d 7U vears. In 1s7K ilii- popular Aluiana.- i.-i-.s,.,l int.. ihe hands of its presein publisher. Mr. James II. Fhiniss. by whom ii has since been repeatedly enlarged, improv ed and regularly issued." FAIR AND WARM Cor Kaleigh and vicinity: Fair and warm loiiigln ami Thursday. The high area remains central over the middle- ami north Atlantic States, with generally fair weather, though el li ucs.s is increasing in Ihe extreme ninth ami north. Heavy rains fell throughout the .Missouri and upper Mississippi val leys. Tlie largest ainoiuils were: Dodge City, :!:1S; Omaha. 1 .."-!.' and St. Paul. 1 :-) I. The weather is threatening over all the slates wesl -of the Mississippi. A cold wave has ap oared in the ex treme noil Invest. NKW KIILDINUS. Mr. Zaeliary returned this morning from Chapel Hill, where the linn or .aehary aiid .aehary arc now erecting Ihe (-irr building ami the Aluninl building, annexes to th,. Stale I'niversi ty. Mr. .achiM-y says the Cai-r build ing w ill be complete about February 1st nml the Alumni building shortly after wards. He says the buihliings are of beaniifiil gray brick, the prettiest he has seen. PLKASANT KMPI.OYMKNT OF POKIOD TO WOMKN AND CHILD I!KN. Permanent work, good wages from the fust day. No children lakeii under 1- years. Apply at once to the Kaleigh Hosiery Co., South West St, COLORED FAIR Same Railroad Rates Secured as for the White Fair. le v. K. 11. W. I-ak. secretary of the Colored Fair, which will be opened on the Fair grounds here October :ilsl and eon, in nod through November ord. said this morning thai Ihe largos! crowd in the hi. ior of the twenty fairs held hy tin. In, I lis, rial Association in the past was cspecled next Week. The railroads have made a ono-cent a mile rate, the same as was given ihe Fair last week. In a circular issued tin- Secretary .say-: "Tin- count ry i- prosperous, and we CXp.it the colored people lo turn out lo this Fair a- never before- Our white friends have been very liberal. Sec their ad vert i.etiient s it, our Premium list. We want the colored men and wo men to show what they can ,h, l,v send- ' ing articles and coining to the Fair. ) 'The Slate appropriate !."" for Pre- I luiiints. ami thai money i- for every Ne- I gro in .North Carolina. Think of it! We have been holding Fairs for on years and you have never attended one or seul anylhing." Tin- oi'liocrs ,,r the As-oeiation are as follows: T! a- Donaldson, president: C. W. Hoover. Irea-iircr: II. S. Smith. .-issi-iaui secretary: ... II. W. I k. secretary, box .IS. Paleigh. N. ('.; C. C, Uoach. chief inar-hal. Newborn: 1 1. T. Waison. lii-st ,-i..-..i-iani marshal, Dur ham: N. A. I..-W is. second assistant marshal, llendeiou: Col. C. S. A. Tay lor, third assj-iant marshal. Charlotie: Capi. W. A. N.-lson. of the Star Cornel Kami. I fecii-boro. DOGS AND PONIES A Large Crowd Delighted with Prof. Gentry's Show. Plot, (o-ntry's Famous Dog ami Pony Show arrived here this morning, and .suffice to say all the children around tin- town are happy ami a great many that were one,, children are in the same i ,1. Prof, lo-uiry ami hi- celebrated trays ,.f iraiucl animals u no introduet ion I" th.- pie of Kaleigh. he 'having made previous visiis here, and this year with tin- man) new features added it i.s even renter . grander and better than ever. Tin- parade which traversed the prin cipal sir, ,.s il,i- morning was a pret ty siin ,,, behold. The beautiful little I nie- wearing the brig-hiesi harness, Ihe pretty d,,-- bedecked with plumes ami ribbon-, tin- cunning monkeys and Pinto ami Satan, the l wo liny cli-pliauls. lookid their best to -ay nothing of the ban chariot tableau wagon, cages, etc.. which were ail models ,,f perfection. Ihis al'lernooii a matinee is being given on Ci nui's Fi, ,. A large iiu- dii-uee and satisfaction is apparent on all Pinto and Satan, the two baby ele phants, ui-i- wonderful in their act. in fa.l ih.y are a whole show in them selves. pie lire a.l i- said to be m m,-i realistic spectacle, in which dogs, uioiikey- and ponies compose a mimmire tin- department, is a pleasing feature of tin- mien -ting programme: in fact, every a, I i- a feature. Kvery fen I are is a rev I elation of animal wisdom and should be seen to l- appreciated. 'Ihis is the same show that created most favorable comment in all the larger cities ,,r il,,. east this season, it playing in liosion. New York. Krooklyu. Phila delphia. Washington. Kail iniorc and Pittsburu ami the niei ropoliian papers all declare il of the gro.-ltosl novel lies ever seen under a canvass. No failier should fail to go ami lake his children ami if he has none of his own he should borrow some one else's, lor in lew word-, --the show is great." There will he a performance to-night at S o'clock, which will conclude I he engagement . CKN IT NSl'dN FOK 'IT IK SKNATK His Keinrn to the Philippines Said to Insure His Klcoiion. Topcka Dispatch. o-j, 'Ihe fri, mis ,,r (Jeiieral l-'uiision lo day declare that his rciurii lo ihe Phil ipphies after the reception to his tight ing Twentieth Kansas here, on Novein her "nil, insures his elect ion the I'nitwl Stales Senate to sm-c 1 Sciialor Kali- or. Ccucrnl I-'utision ha- expressed a desire p. serve a I villi iii the Senate. Imt the K, publican leaders a,-,- Irving to sidetrack him wiih a iiouiin.-.l ion next year for Cuigr, inan-ai l.-irge. It is said that his ii I in n to the Philippines was broil,'!, t ,,l lo- I- eiices. aided by S, nalof Ilaniia. hoping that il would shelve him politically, but I il is probable that it will make him -ifonger and assure his election to the Sena e. l-'uiision lias politic, I his Kausa frieiids that he cannoi accept a SI.IH'tl swor.l on his ret in- here unless a cer tain inscription is scratched off liie blade. Tlie press reports staled that I'un-ioii's reply to Ccucrnl Whealon's liiery in a Inn engageineni. "How long i-.in yon hob your position';" was "I'p lil mi regiment i- inn-icrcd out." Fun stoti says he did luu make Ihis reply, and will mil accept a sword bearing stt.-h an inscription. JANAUSCHEK TONIGHT. .lamiii-chek in Meg Merriles ito-night ;it the Academy of Music. The performances hereafter at the Academy of Music will begin promptly at S:1.1 p. m. Nearly nil great artisls have a holitiy of some sort. That of .Madam .Tanaiis chek. the famous Polich actress, who ap pears at Ihe Aeiademy of Music to-night, is the collecting of jewels. She has one of the largest and finest private collec tions in the world. Il contains dia monds in ihe rough directly from tlie mines at Kinherly of almost priceless value, and rare, valuable and lieniitiful specimens of ihe jeweler's art. Most of the jewels have been presentis to her. some of them she has purchased mid some of them are heirlooms of her fumi- Y