o"H 1 'ft f 1, : '7 J No. 9,014. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. Iffe TlflSVISiTOf BRITISH MEET A CRUSHING DEFEAT Boers Capture 42 Officers, 1,800 Men and six Guns Near Ladysmith WHITE SAY "I AM TO BLAME FOR DEFEaT" Lansdowne May Resign From British Cabinet Now Constination in Natal Boers Attack the Town Now. L.id.vsiiiith. Oft. in Tin- battle at ' Latlysinith tit rt'iHiiicil is a 1 1 i-i i 1 1 1 de feat lo llit- British. I'oriy three officers and two tlioiisiinil men. from tit.- Irish Kusilccrs and (llouocstrr lYiriinco's. ivi rs surrounded liy tli( Boers nit captured. These two lllltril l".'S:illll'llts. tnjli'tlu'l' Willi a mounted battery. I'11114'it In 1 .i ally asoiinst enormous odds. When 'hey wire lii-iiiuii'il in liy more limit 'ificcii ihnitsniitl wi'll armed litters, he pick if (iencru! Jouberl's forces, i'i -y foiissu' until their ranks were terribly deciniat (il. 1 (ieneral White says t'l.u Lis. men fnils:!it nnlily mill lie accepls nil tlie liltum fir the ovcrwh muni ; ilcfc.ii. wiiri'K will in: s' si'i:MH'.ii. Guidon. Oct. 31. The War Official consider tlmt (ieneral White will he able tn I111I1I Liiilysinilh iles.ile his heavy losses. They calculate that the eii'ln transports with ten t hniis.'tnd men v '!! reneh Durban by Xnvemlier tenth. J . 11 'eral While haw fixiil eumtsrh. if he is is sieireil. In hist two iininths. lie will pr lintily lie snsH'iiileil innneiliai ely. SIM 'NI CORPS CALLKD OFT. Loudon. Oct. St. 'Die War Ol'liee has ordered the second army corps to he in readiness tu he called out. LNtMl MHN AND -12 oiTinnts cap ttrkd. London, Oet. SI. The total force cap tured liy the Boers was eichteeii - liun ilreil anil fifty men anil forty two of- ImKits bi:si:m:ix(; kimrkrly. Cape Town. Oet. "1. A messaire from Kimherley says that the Boers are huildinsr forts aroiinil the town ami pl.it iiiK siesro nuns. TIvxsjMjAVX'K May rkskin. Loudon. Oet. "I. A lieree iliseeiisioii in the British Cahinet. is the result of the crushing ilefeat at l.nilysniiih. Sec retary Stale for the war Liuistlowiio may resis-'ii as a result of tin- acoiisalioii of Wolsley. who chnrs.'es him with rejeeliiiK his iirtrenl ailviee to I he w aV ol'liee an lliorilies to semi an army eorps to South Afriea as far Imek as .Inly. Wolsley then Wiirneil the (.'.ivenmieiit that the Boers were not then prepared to invaile Xatal. anil sahl if the British expedition was sent it would prevent the disaster. Lansdowne opposed Wolsdey in a eonn Kel of the 'aliinet ami was allowed to have his way. (il XS AJ.KO TAKKX. I.iinilon, Oct. Ml. In addilion In the loss of men six seven pound screw trims were lost. nml. 11s the Uimt artillery is already st runs.'. I In- capture of these jiuns will lie of Brent help to the Boers. Apurt from the immediate loss of ef fectives it is feared that the defeat Will have n most depressini; effect on the remainder of the Ladysmith force. II is .also feared that the Boer sympathizers who have not yet taken sides will pnlilic ly now- join the Transvaal forces. EXCITEMENT IN ENOLAXI). Ixndon, Oct. :1. The manliness of (!cn. White's avowal that the ilefeat was his fault has awakened the steeliest sympathy. An official fnnin the war ol' liee said it was more likely due to the craze of our younixer oflicers to dislin (.'ltish themselves, mid to ohtain mention in the despatches and earn the Victoria C ross than the fault ' of that splendisl Indian veteran. Oenernl White, despite his pitiful avowal. Terrible excitement prevails in (lloneester and Dulilin, the home of many soldiers captured or killed. COXSTEBXATION IX NATAL. Durban, Oet. 31. News of the disas ter has spread consternation throuirhout Natal. Every available niuiii has set to work -raising eiitrenehnwnts at 1'iotcr marVtilmrK aniiinst the Boer attack. Boers are reported ns'ar Tusiela, over ten mih-a south of Ladysmith. in rs-nr of the Bullish position, nnd are reporter fee'.ins tliir way to Oolenso, evidi-ntly to destroy railroad -omniniiieatioii to the coast. AXOTHEB 1-1 OUT OX. London, Oct. til. A Lndysinith des patch ways the Boers were observed this iiMirninir jidvaneiui! toivard tlie town probatdy to Ik-k'hi an attack on Lady smith itself. Xothini! in additional to the above has Ween received since, nnd it k liclieved that another tight is im minent. Beauty is as summer' fruits, which are easy to eorrup nnd eannot last. 'Bacon. "Every wonuin in the country should read that book of your." said the kindly critic. "Yes," replied the author, 'and no. wilf yon kindly 'announce in yonr paier that thej: shouldn't?" trnprntefnlness is the very poison of trainhood Sir Philip Sidney. Open 'for an en(racmiit n war ships '1 port-holes. Hundreds would never have known want if tliey had not first known waste. Spurgeon. SILVER JUBILEE Reception at Church of the flood Shep. herd Tonight. Not withslanili!i the inclemency of ihe weather Ihe program of tin- Silver Jnlii h e services bcim; hel.l at I lie Cliureh ot I'he i'.hmI Shepheiil will not he in'tei l'ercl with. SEItVICKS LAST NKIllT. The Silver .lirhilee seiviies ,4 the Cliiireh of Ihe ;..! Sin pherd were held ill Ihe paiih i-onins last nilil. .iiisiin ii:iis: al T:oii o'elisk. l'rof. llusjli Morson. '.Mr. .1. 1!. Bal iheler. Mis. .1. 1. Batcheh r and .Mis,. Liny Battle read historical panels n hiliiiir lo .,ie parish and its principal or aiii.aliiin. 'these papirs were all highly inleresl i iivr. and -linw.il ihe woiidi'rl'iil s:rowih i f this ilinr.-h. The papers were pre pared with meat care and were rich in historical inleresi. Tlie papers were read, as follows; 1. "History ot the Vestij," ,y I'm'. Ilii:sh Morson. -. "History of SI. Marv' (iiiihl." bv .Mrs. J. It. Hiii. h. -lor. 'ilistiny of ihe Woman's Auxil iary." by Miss Lucy P. Baltic. I. "'Ihe l'lilpil of the Church of tile Co. d Shepherd," bv .1. B. liai.-iielor. 1.1.. 1). MOltNIMi SIMiVK'K. The 1 onvH alii.iia of Ualeisrh was held litis nioniim.' al 111 o'cI.m-U. ltev. Hr. Meade, of Chapel Hill, prfeai hell at this ervii-e. His text was "Make the men sil down," John Hi: I:!. 'I his was Christ's instruction to his disci ples, who desired to drive the 11 1 1 ; 1 i it inles away; but ( Jirist ronrnmirdcd the disci ples to make the men s'.t down in order they inifrht be led. Ir. Mca.le preached a n. .st 1 1.iouent and able M'rin.iii, nsiair many he.iul il ill lisiures in iliuslraliu.u (lie lesion to be con veyed- ( 'hrist iau .servi tude. BKCKI'TIOX T )!i I ! 1 IT. Toniuhi i.ie ladies of Ihe church have l.r. parid for a bis: leceplicti in the par ish 101 111s. No mailer how inclement (he weather may lie loaisrhl. Ihe reception will be held. '! he rooms will be coni forlally heated and liurhte.l. and those w'iio s;o will he assured of a mosl pleas ant time. Kvcr.vonf is eord'ially in'ited. and will receive a cordial welcome. SK I! VI (IKS TOMOIKUOW. On iniiH-rrow lAII Saint's Hay! the exercises will be as follows: In a. in. Service in the church, with cell b radon of the l..Iy Communion, by I in- losllnp of the I 'ioeoe. assisted ' the rector. - 111. Layinsr of the eorner slone of I he new Church of the (bod Shepherd. Bishop Lyman Memorial, by the 'Ut. ltev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, i . I .. Bislu p of North Carolina. A.blicss by the ltev I. M.-K. ritiinsrer. I . 1 ., rector of the parish. THE ci'TO!!KI! (M'.liMAN. ('impel Hill's First S.m ial Event a Bril liant Success 'I lie I'arlieipauls. Ci ; respondent ; of Charlotte Observer. Chapel Dili. Oct. L'T.-'Ihe lirsl of ihe ciai function since its otsiatiizarhMi1. All the most brilliant and lie.-l attended s.i si iiii-ai.:niial srermans sriven by the I'ui versily (icrman Club. coniiiMialy known as the Octnis'i' sicntiiau. iroes ilown in (he hislory of the club as bciiis; difidoslly seitions -were li'i;t.rally represented each surpassing the oilier ill lue beauty and srrace of its fair daughters. The leader. .Mr. E. N. Joyner. deserves csqiccinl praise for his skilful inanaciiw'iil and il'.aiias.'ement f the fiirurcs. was as sisted by Messrs. Kemp J.'Wis Jt.iitl Mctra Mnkely. Those taking part were as fol lows: Miss ByniHiK Trot". May: Miss Connor, 'Mr. Cook: Miss Moses, Mr. (Wles; IMiss Le!rande, tlr. Thomp son: Miss Holt, Mr. V-ii-k: 'Miss Landis, Mr. -.K-harilson: Miss Eiorenee , Holt. Mr. Woorlwanl: Mist Annie Taylor. ..Mr. Harris: Miss Joyner. EMr. Sliull: Miss Sadie Knot. Mr. tBorem: Miss Alexander. Mr. Bnnn: Miss Hal ilorsiini, Mr. M. Canr; 'Miss Holt, 'Mr. Ili-mlerson; Miss Maude Latta. Mr. Battle; Miss Tontl-on, Mr. Tlw:-ne: Miss Lena Latta, Mr. Ham say: Miss Siinith, Mr. Ixndon: Misx Liza Bu-iliee. Mr. Minicum: Miss Mock, Mr. Moore; Miss Isa'liella Winston. .Mr. A11 ders1.11: Miss I1iillis, Mr. BImaii Alexan der: Miss Apnrsaiii. Mr. B. C0M1: Miss Armstrong. Ir. 'Slnrirhy: Miss Hoyden. Mr, Berkely; Miss Newman, Mr. Howell; Miss IfanHuii. Mr. Kluittz: Miss .loyntr, Mr. Vhiteli"Atl; Miss Hoke, Mr, A li re ws; Miss Iaee. Mr. .1. Chit; Miss Oow. Mr. Ilosx-; Miss Thompson. Mr. Turner: Miss Lucy Wsst, Mr. Taylor: Miss Yuniii;. Mr. Caldwell: Miss .Ionian. Mr. Cliniliwwirne: Miss Wrj-nn. Mr. Ijiiw rewre Mt'Kae: Miss Daisy Holt, Mr. Brem: Miss Ashe, Mr. H Alesnnder ; Miss IsnlH'Kn Biisbce, Mr. Root. Cliaiwroiies: Mrs. iLnttn, Mrs. R. ft. Mt-Rae, Mrs. .1. C. Mciltne. Mrs. Core and Mrs. II nine. When .1 woman comes down town look iutr particularly worrietl yon can't tell whether she is drendintr to so to the dentist and hsve n tooth pnlltd or drend iiiit the onlenl of tnkinp n $4 hat when a $15 one suits her better. Atchison Globe. COL. HINSDALE'S BRIEF. The brief of Col. John W. Hinsdale, of this city, on Taxation of Railroads, as solicitor ,or Ihe del'endanls, in the circuit court of the l'nili;d Spates for ll.e Easlern District of North Carolina, sittius; in eipiiiy al Ualcii;h. X. ('., ill Soiilhi'in Railway ( '.iniMitiy asrainst the Xorlh Carolina Corporation Commission and oilier cases, bus been printed in pamphlet form from the presses of El wanls and BroiiKhlon. The brief is able and exhaustive and will be studied with interest ami prolit by students on the subject. CIV1I COURT. Bufi'aloe Divorce Suit Comesup Tomorrow Civil Court convened airain this niorn i nsr. Jnilsre Moore presiilius;. The soil of C. F. Sowers .asiainst the Italcisrh Water Company came up. Mr. It. C. lieckwith. attorney for the plaintilT, was pri ssitiir for a trial but the case was coiilinuetl until Wednesday of tin- Feb ruary term, on ai lint of I hi' sickness of the siijH'i-i hi "iiilcn I of lip. company. Henry Riv'srs s. S. S. Batchclor, con riiiiie.l by consent. A. B. .Marslibiirn. vs. Lashlcy, eoiiiiuu ed mil Wednesday. In tin- suit for divorce of Mis, Julia Hicks Buffaloe anainst Dr. A. .1. Buf falo.'. Ihe latter was allowed lo lile the I'oHowint: amemlnieiit lo his answer: "That on J'.Mh October. 1SIIS. the plain lilT abaiiiloed the defendant and from I hat day to this, the olllh of October. IN!!! I. has lived separate and apart from the defeiidaiil. hi insi' more lh.au one year "Wherefore the defeiidaiil asks that the bonds of nialrimony exi-linsr belween the plaintiff and himself be dissolved." Dr. llulfaliie is represented by .Messrs. Sin pherd and l'.usbce and A run and Snow, while the plaintiffs altorneys are Missfs. D.ini;lass and Simons and S. (. Ryan. The ease will come up tomorrow. FIRE AT SING SING. Sins; Sins:. Oct. .'!!. The new ailminis Irati. n buil. litis; ami prison eaus;ht tire at niiiluissht hut the Haines were linally con Inilled. The loss is twenty-live thousand. Tlie convicts were siren liy excited but were linally itiiielcd. MR. HOBART RALLIES. Vice President Cannot Live Many Hours lie is Staking l'atorson. X. J.. Oct. "1. Vice-I'resi-.l.ui llobarl. who had a sitikins: spell this iiioriiiiei. has rallied now and is snincu Itai imiii'oveil. Mrs. llobarl and her brother. Robert Tnltlex. jrair out the statement today thai Mr. llobarl could not live many hours. Ir. New ion. in bulletin eleven, says I In- Viec-I'rcsiihnl awoke refreshed al nine and has In en comfortable since His pill-.- is stood and he has taken con siderable nourishment and now sitlinu up. He condition is s;o').l. DISMAL SWA Ml' CANAL. II Has Already Become An Important Arlcry of Commerce. Special Dispatch to Itnllitnorc Sun. Norfolk. Va.. Oct. HO. When Ihe pro moters of Ihe Dismal Swamp Canal, re cently opened I.. 1111 visrht ion, evolved the sela me of more closely conncclins; the 1.111111:1 rein I interesis of the North and Ihe Sonlh by means of this Inland wa teiway. 11 is doubtful if Ihcv fully real izc.l whal 1111 imporlanl artery of com merce their enterprise was destined lo he. As soon as the canal was formally opened lo traffic several of the lars-'e-t lumber lirnis of Baltimore ami I'hiladel phia, quick lo see its ailvanlas-'es, imme diately availed themselves of its opB.r liiuilies. and as a result Ihe canal is do ius: a business which is doubtless far in excess of what was .anticipated by its owners. One day last week three barsres, carryins; over I.IIIHI.IMIII feel of dressed lumber. 111 route from North Carolina lo I'liiladelphia. Other vessels, schooners, lars:cs. Ius;s and yachts lin.i a safe on. I pleasant route South throns:h the canal. I iivoidins; the ilamas:es of the outside pas- snstc. The recent passasre of the tour niasled llertis and Maud. Captain Le vins, was an event which proveil very KialifyiiiK to those interested. This ves sel is considered the mosl difficult to handle of any that uses tlie canals in the North Carolina lumber trade. The schoii er drew S'i feet of water and carried the larsfi'st sinstle oiirgt ever taken through, the cnnalH. A Brent lleet of vessels is at in an chor off Lambert's Point, nwaitiiii; to be loaded with rocahontas coal. The pivs- ence of so many vessels is tine to delay in scciirintr all the coal desired, which is occasioned by the streaf deiu..uid for in n and coke, ami it is said the supply is nlso effected by the "walk-out" of miners in the 1'ocahontas coal fields. Reports from North Carolina isiinls are to the effect that the exodus of ne srroes. eii'ieiidered by the race troubles last fall, has not abated materially. The m'srroes. mostly youns; men and women, lire srointt North. It is estimated that fully 3,(MK) have i?oue from Wilminsrlon alone. THIRTY PROBABLY LOST Montreal, Oct. 31. The Webster House was burned 'to the ground this morning. Thirty (inests " are niissinsr. Five sruests nnd thi-ee firemen, art1 known to he killed. The olice have the twenty live woh are missing iu their list of dead. THE WIND STORM Blew Steadily at Forty Miles an Hour MANY WIRES DOWN Storm Now Central Off Wilmington and Moving North Storm Came by Santiago de Cuba Wind Record. Kaleis'li last nissht had one of ihe st ronsrost wind storms in the history of Ihe place. No streal ilauiiiice was done, for 1 he wind w as si rims: and stead b'.il 11. il of a siil'licietii velocily to do serious b ., cm. However, from ten o'clock last ..ilJi! until this uiortiius; Ihe wind siis aiiie.l u veh.ciiy of 111 miles an hour. ..ml 1 his is the hisrhcsl steady velocity lhal ll;:s oe. urred llere since the weather bureau was established llere ill 1SN7. There are only four limes when the wind reached a hissher vclo.-ity since Ivm and Ihey are as follows: In March. INN'.I 41 miles. In April. lSNii- -lo miles. In March, ls'.io- I I miles. In March, 1S!I? 15 miles. Wind decs not do seri.ins dam.-isre until i. reaches till miles an hour. Mr. Yon I leri'iiiiiii said this iiiorutns; that Kalciidi was remarkably foriuiiaie in iis itii:iti. n -.. far as wind storms are concerned. The preseni siorin caine via Sanliasso 1.1 Florida and up ihe cast. The vel ocity ut Charleston a.nd Kitty Hawk his moriiiiis; was liu miles and hour. This is eXeeedillly severe. No repol'l was feci ived from W'illllillssl'.ll inec the itircs are down ami coinmuui.-aiioii cut ..M'. The siorin was said 10 be central .11 Wilmington. Mr. '..n H.-rriuan says ,1 siorin is weakest at the center and Mi" strongest wind is ..11 ihe oilier ra.liu ..f tlie si. inn. Thus Ihe wind must have I t'l-ii very strons; at Wilniinsil-.n before ihe center of the slorm reached lhal illy and after the ccnler passes inrili. 1 north the vel.it il.v of the w ind will nsrain incl ease. The present coiiililion is tin- same h re as lhal which produced severe wealher last winter with the iiiiporiaui exception lhal Ihe iherm ler is hisrh in Ihe c 11- tra porlion of the country, whereas il was the reverse I here last winter. The wind is lie- same, namely, northeast. Numerous fences and some trees were blown down liere last nisslit. The only hiiildim: seriously injured was to the Iran ' ihe eoloder V. M. C. A. !.rild ins: on Hast Cabarr'is si reel. Il blown down and parily denioii -!' ! a -niall holls" m-xl lo il. Mr. Von Herrinaii says it will proba bly fair off totiisdit or tomorrow, another s;ust of wind precedins; the elearins; up as the storm renter troes imrlli. Il will n.u turn colder all. r il clears up. In reply lo a question Mr. Von llerr man stiys lhal il is a fad that il seldom slays fair Ions: when il clears up al nisdit. he has never sei 11 a satisfactory explanation, bin il is a la.i. RAIN TOMCI1T. for Rnleisdi ami vicinity: Bain m nisiiil: elearins: Weduesilay : cooler. The slot in w iiicli w as yesterday coin nil off florid. 1 const has advanced 10 North Carolina, and increased I ivuicndoiisl.v in force. Hi. -ivy rains and hisrh winds have occurred over the entire smith and mid dle Atlantic coast, with wind velocities of 111) miles an hour al I'harleslon and Kitty Hawk. The barometer al present is lowest over North Carolina. Heavy rains occurred al Rahisili. Norfolk. Charlt slim. So' auiiuh and Ausrusla'. No reports wen- received from Wilmiiisstiui or Hal terns. Tlie w eather is generally fair in the interior. Till.' ST A 1! TKH'MVIATL'. 'Tim Wild, r's Talc" Will be rreseiitcil Friday Nisdn. Col. Harry M. Kidder has presented to his 1l.-Mis.-l1' .'I- Miss Kathryn Kidder, of the .lames-Kidder-Il.'inford combina tion a number of pieces of .jewelry of (ireciau desissn conieinporaiieoiis of Ihe period of "The W'inlci's Tale" which she will exhibit in the dual characters of Herinione and I'crhlla iu Waurnhnls and KenqM'r's bis; pr.Hluclion of ShaJics peare's comedy. The jewelry is I he pro duct of the Paris branch of the Chicas." house of Spauhlins; and Cimipany. and was especially nnide for Col. Kidder from desipiis by M. Ctidiner. Ihe well known archeohisrist. This stvonsr play will he presented al the Academy of Music Friday lns-'ht. Reserved seats will be placed 011 sale Sale Wednesday niornins; at BobbiH W rune's drnj: store. TWO PKIilSH. New 1'ork. Oct. 81 .-So I'ns as known one man, John Prison, the mail wapm driver, was drowned and lireiiinn JUrnom wa.s lost by the sinkiiii; of Ihe ferry boat ChiensTO last night by the steamer City of August. ie' OIA! OASHFS. Items Both rso al and Real From the W'.i)side. Mrs. .Mar L. P1-1. . o Roanoke. Va.. is visit ins; I In;.. Vi r, Mrs. I,. II. I'artin. Mr. A. I'i ,., 1- ,p.,ied a cloak es tablishment , 1 '-.jf iteville st,-.,. 1. He has a 1. -' .! .' hicli he is off.-ins; from o!i cci . .Mrs. li,, !:,.-!, ,.ro. is visiiins: Mis. Frank .a 1 or Nor-'h Blood- w.oil. si ri . t Mr. Willia : ; .f Sparks, (la., is in the , 1. . e,i if his brother. Dr. .1. It. It. :. i s Mr. .1. . H.:i..v. and '.ev. Archibald Jollllsoll h.-u - e to I 11i.-l.ursc lo al lend the III. 1 1 .. Al ; ; M v I lavis lo Mr. Iscy ,.i.. vlie will be sol emnized tod; V. The l rcensiie.ro ef t. I band arrived in the city this in.. ra, .g i plat for the Colored Fair. Mr. Stark.;- lia o 1 lit- Revenue Deparliuelil. alnt . 1 1 I ll celisboro litis moriiiiis:. Mrs. Amai , ,i a- : I .Mrs. J. T. lions,, lel'i I'm s,-oi 1 i .' -k ibis lit. .ru ins:. .1 ii.lsic Will- a. 1 ' 11: ! f. arri ml in ihe city this 1 ..riti..-. Mis. I'rcsloi Bi-n,'i: . Wilniinsrloii. who has been visions: lie: not her. Mrs. K. Burke lla. wood, i !i r home litis uiornius:. Mi-. W. S. 1 -i.ui lei his t -n 1 1 1 sr for Rocky Mo .. n. a lire loss- .Mr. C. I!. 1- '-. . - 1.. Mr. Charles I-'. I.lltnsdell. - ,. c Odd Fel low s ( li-phan 1 I 1 .Is 10. let! lllis niornins: to utti 1 a. 'ii "f the Irus ices. Crand 1 I. W II also aceoinpani : 1 .. I r. K. 1 1. l.e ii iinrniiis: for Wilson to :)l i i I I conl'creiii e there. He will ... lay. The Darkesi :. i.v c: in lllis 111,, ruins:. . . iln-ir play al Ihe Academy ..f ihe'.- loiiiuhl. The show w indows It. rw.ius;. r are decorated wilh 1 if haiuaiii in suit- and ..voreniils as aiheilisi .l iii lie id bis;- ad. Sanitary lnspceiol' Sale and Market lilsp. ct.ir MeUars e.ill.1. lllll.-.l i WO beeves which were lu-ousiht to narkit here. Tiny were broiisslil here froiu Ilarnell coiiiity. and al'lcr liny had been butch ered i: was cvidi 1 1 j that both had been badly sored. The meat was . . : 1 . 1 -1 1 1 1 1 i and eait.d out of the city and buried. .1 n.lssc W. K. Allen, .d (leldsbot-o. is al die Varboroiissh. Disllicl Allotiiey A. F. Holt of Win-ton. is in 1 lit- city. Mr. R. D. Doitsdass, of ( ireeiisbot ... is hcle. 'I he will of Mr-, .land M. Wilson was probated today before Cleik W. M. Uuss. Marshall Wilson, her sou, was app.'iiiletl CNeelltoI-. The lerri'ble Weal her prcvelllc.l llle opciiins; of 1 Iii Colored Fair this 111..111 iesr. bin this a flcrnooii Secretary Leak ssol Ihe band lossether and proceeded to the strounds. A t loiuey I leueral . V. W'alser is eXieeled oo.en llle Fair with an address. TWO DEATHS. Mr. Robert Fool, astcl :!5 years, died this moriiiiis; ut his home inar 1 lamer in St. Mary's township. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Mr. William Susss:. an au'ed while man who lived aboiil eisihl miles from Ral eissil. died l s allc111.11.il an.! was buried l"day. lie was a familiar listure iu linleis:li and was often sc. 11 on the streets selliiis; horns, brooms, etc. A IMTIAlil.K CASK. Horrible Dcaih of a Woman in a Cabin 011 Sixth St reel - Lack of Food and Al I -11 1 it ill the Cause. A 1 i t in 1 ilt- case of human siill'erins; and des;railalioii that would do credit to an Fast Side tenement iu New Yor. came to the Observer's notice yesterday niorn ins;. says the Churloil.- Observer. As the reporter was passing almisr Tryoii sii-eet u youns; Imy stepiieil up and said: "I am a sti-ans;ci- here bin 1 know lhal there is a w hie woman slarv ins: to death in a cabin 011 Sixth street, near Crahani." The reporter, in com pany wilh one of ihe iiiniiasicrs of Ihe Rosi-ue Home. Weill a! once lo the sll'eot and house, lo see if llie story was true. There are ssveral nestro cabins 011 the si reel. "Can you lell me if there is a while woman in one of these cabins ill'.'" was asked. "She's iii this house, but she's dead." said a nessro ninn who was on the porch. The 11 liolter looked ill the room. Il was tilled wiih old clothes, old furniture. tillhy licyoiul description, and on the miserable bed covered with filthy beddins; could he discovered Ihe outline of a hu niian form. Tlie room is occupied by Julius Adam--. , olorod. About a week as;o. as Ihe dist ressins; story sroi-s. some one knocked one uis;ht al Ihe door of (his house. Adams opened Ihe door and saw before him a while woman, ill and I'dile. She asked him to lei lief slay here .all niirht. He did so. She never rose assaiii from the bed on which sin fell exhausted. She was horribly af flicted with dropsy. There she lay for a week, sulTcrins; assoiiy, and dyins; by des.'rtVs from lack of proper food, .-mention nnd from tilth. Not even llle no limes in the room adjoinins: win in in minister to her. The only ait'-ution she had was from, lie nesiro who h id kindly taken her iu. Friday afternoon s'ic lhc ease was reported to Dr. H-iwlev. He went to see her. but he saw that her coii ililion was hopeless. He was horrified lit find a white woman in such a plan and amidst, such xiirrnuniliiis:s. She told him that her name was Alice Stirlli; ilia,' she had been at the poor house but left there. T never saw such tilth ill my life." said the doctor. He intended to have sonicthius; dune tor the woman yes tciday moruiiiK, but when he went back, death lmd come. The woman's feel had swollen so that they hud actually burst and the water was rmiiiiris.' out of them. The miserable creature nhe scarcely looked like a lnnuiam beius;, the doctor said was buried yesterday by the conn ty.Churlotto Observer. GEN. LEE TALKS Conditions in Cuba Quiet and Satisfactory CUBANS QUIETLY WAITING General Believes Revolt in the Philippines Should be Suppressed and the Disposition of the Island Settled by Congress ib tieral Fil izhiisdi Lee. ihe commander of Ihe I'niteil Slates troops in the pr.i- inces of Havana and I'inar del Rio, iu Wcsicrn Cuba, pissed ihroiis;li Baltimore Saturday uissht on his way to Washius:- I011 and lo his home iu Kb-humml. Va.. where lie w ill rest inilii about Deocuili.'r I. when he will i-eiurn lo Cuba. The lleneral h it Havana on Saturday. Oil.. her Ul. ami leached New York on Thursday last. The vessel was delayed al quai-an! inc. but tin S.rt unhiy after noon 'he lleneral. with his private secre tart. look a Southern Railway train for his home. A reporter of The Sun met, the train at Fnioii Station, Baltimore, and re de with lleneral Lee to Wushiiis: lon. The lleneral was lookins; well. His lace had a healthy, ruddy srlow. he was in stood spirits and talked cutcrluiu- insslv. "C lit inns, in Cuba w hen I left there." said he "wen- quiet and suiisfaiiory. Ti.e l oiimiy is heallhier ihan it has ever been. due. doubtless, to the heller sani tary c .millions as I in hi ssli 1 11I1011I by A tucrieaiis. .Many of the Cuban people have returned to work. The crops have been smoil. and hose is some prosperity. Tin re is no coiiuiry in lhc world thai an beat Cuba lor tobacco triiil siiirar. There is no ilil'ficuliy with tobacco, l'hey jttsi scratch the ground and it sri'ows. "Willi siis:ar il is different. I'neer- lainiy as to the form ot ssovernmeiil. to be established in (he islands has prevent ed 1 lit- huihlins: up of sussai plants, mosl of which had been burned down. These plains .st iitu'-h money. They are 110-es-ary for the development' of the sus.'iii' inibisir.i, however, as the supir cane has to he ssrouiid iqi al once, or lose much of ils juice. "Tlie eoiiniry is now under military s;o eriinieni . The Cuiicd Stales has pi-oniisi d Cuba a free sMvernincnt. and the peoph- are -wailins; before pushiusr ahead with business untii itis establ lishe.l. There is 110 (rouble on the is land, and the S.iiiki Fniicil Stales iroops liiere are iu s:ariisoii. ready lo quell any lii-i 111 bain-e win. h may arise. Every day liny are put thronsih their resrular drills. Their health is pood." "I la veiuy of the Cubans showed ade sire to enlist in Ihe I'liilcd Slalcs Arinv';" lb iicral Lee was asked. "No." aiisweieil the (b neriil. "and ihey eaniioi eiilisi until liny become Anieri e.lll cili.cus." "W hat do you think of the war in Ihe Philippines and of its conduct'" (leneral Lee was asked. "1 eannot discuss the conduct of Ihe war. 1 think, however, lhal lhc Philip i i in- iiicsiion is a simple one. The war should in- pi osei nicii. now mat .Miiei nan blood has been shed on Ihe islands, until s;uin.il.lo lays down his arms. He and his men should he Ircaled humanely. am! it sin HI til lie lell. lo onsTress 10 oc tet mine w 1 1 : 1 1 is 1,1 be done with them and what I ill lire course is 10 nc anopien with reference lo lhc islands. To retire now would be 10 make this connlry (he Iniissliins: stock of nniions. It would be like 1 wo nicii iisrlil insr in this car and the liietiils ,. if th, inhalants lakinsr him away. The friends of Ihe other 1-1 mil ia I :i 11 1 would say thai Ihe removal ..(' the lir l 1 ..inhalant Was done because he was beius; whipped." "Whal do you iltiuk of the coinlut-t of llie Fusdish r...er war'.'" "I know notions: of lhc military opera lions in Sonlh Africa. I am just hack I'l-iini Cuba, and the news of the war 1 have received has been scarce and unau thentic. I can pass no opinion on the cause or the course of the war." "Whal do you think of the political -: 11 1 1 i.-i isr 11 in Virginia, and will the Demo eials will ilicre'.'" (bncral Lee was ask e.l. 'I he Hem nil smiled pleasantly. "1 have been away from Virginia. " be an swered, "lor ahum a year, and 1 do not know .inythiim conccrnins: Virginia poli lics now. P.e.-idc-." he eoininucd. "in my men know no pol'iiies. The Presideiil, of whatever pol'iiies. is eoiumantler in chief of ihe army, and we serve under him." (bneral Lee lell the train ill Wash insstou. w here he i'i niained liver nisihl. lie slalcd lhal he had 110 official busi ness with ihe War Dcp.irl 111. He will, however, probably call on llle Presi dent and Secretary of War before pro ceedillsr lo Richmond lo take his nioiilh's rest. A ( ' A DF..M V OF MFSIC. Darkesi Russia Will be Presented by a Strons: Company. "Darkesi Kussia" will be presenleil (his eveiiius; al lhc Acadciny of Music. The I'a el I li:it this play is now in ils seventh continuous season of continued presenta tion shonhl commend it. if anthills: else, for in these days the (healre-stocr has learned lo he diseriininaiinc and only lhc best of plays can survive the tryinsr Isei of time. But Darkest Russia has been played all over the land, and - always wilh the 'best of resultant pleasure to those who have seen it. H is a country full of opportunity for strons; plot nml story.' 1 1 is rich in it's chances for pic turesque staste pictures, and also in the bright rich coloring and elaboration in its costiiniins;. Anions the many plays that have been written on the Russian, theme, no one has hail so much of popu lar approbation showered iion- it us has Darkest Russia. All of the scenery for the entire play is carried, and a most ca pable east will be seen iu its- several I characters. t ', t -t if 7 3 L :''.