T3'-' 4- 4 I THE TIMES-VISITOR. RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 18Jl PUBLISHED BY VISlTOK-l'KESS COlll' ANY UNOOKFOXATED.) u Second-Class Mail Ma'ter.) OPIOID IN THE ACADEii V MUSIC. OK 4&TKKSTATE TELEPHONE NO. ITS) BELL TELEPHONE . . . .NO. :3 SUBSCRIPTION FR1CE;. On Year 3.(X On Month ZS 'ME LEADER IN rHI NEWS NE IN ;iT ClKCD-iATlON. The im-iiiia.-ti-r nf a .-mall Inwn in Kioleni .Massa -Inietts resigned ihe "til er day. ami liei'nre niglii fall si:, i-ainli- dilles were nelively ill the lielil JIlVM'.s- ing fur the ;i - ii i 1 1 1 n t -i :1 1" sin i-i i I Jiiin. Chicago juries are m i i mii :i ir in give veriliet lor large ainounls to i-i -i.ns in juivil hy sireet ears. A liny who Ii.nl Imili legs em hy a Imlley I .is jii-t I n 'awarded S-l.iHHi. ami a woman wlie was tlireun in (lie street hy the stalling nf lh" ear while she was at leiiiiaing In alight has reeeiveil a verdict lei- SlL'.-'IMI. She hail slli'il I'm- S lU diTi. Ir. Calvin S. Kllis. win, ,lie,l in lss:;. left sri i.( n M I !,. pay the tuition tltnl VoolU rent of any ut' hi- ileseeielants wh.i niigiit eleet in mi .i Harvard. Tile lagaliiy of this l.eijlli -1 ll.l- jl!-t I'eell esl llilisheil after a I'i year ei.nie-:. ' Meanwhile sev eral of lr. liiii-' ,rM fllilallK have been graduate! ri.eii Harvard, and there are lleV IK nil- left In prnlit hy llle will. A writer iii l-'nrest tiinl Stream -ays lh;;i llie erjininal tendency is nia ii l'e-t In a greater nr le-s evlellt hy all tile Inwer aninia'-. ami he has entiiiil..il a i- el' IN erillles wiliell are enliilnnlily eenl lllitle.l liv liinls. Ina-ls ami reptiles. ''ie llXllctniotlt 'llelil-ies llillhlcr. p. i rn e!i 1 e tratrieitle. -un ic!e. theft. kiilnappaiu liialinay n.Miery. polygamy anil Irimk e:me-s. The felleu ine; ellrieiw Itil Kllu'iisll .1 1 ici 1 the Miller .lay in llie . .1 ;i : nek et 1 1 it 1 1 1 i i -1- ami MiiT.ir: "Siiliinan '. ( ali ean'hl a Inmli in hi- tinsel-. S iiur- l.l.v. while e.i.ltihili- ..IT 'S. -..ii-el. lie va- iinahle in eMvie.ite il. ami hail 1.1 take hN anelini' au'l rmv a-lnee with it ii'nliin-' the lleii all the time. I it-. 1!. !'. I'it ini.ni fetni'veil il." The l."e eat' n. I -mi nf (' .111111 iinlaiit Cri'li.ie ef tile Tran-vaa aflnv liirliK at lli- t'atllef's -iile. 'I'I ly sell nf Mynheer Wnliiiarans. an-1 hi n- nf State Seeretary lu itz. .hi. lie K..ek. K- .lli'lie Iv--elll, alal -evel'al -ens of 1 11 1 - 111 - hers ef llie t'aie 1 a rl i a men t . are liiratii,. "II the Hiief si,,.. One Hi i III i lent enlnii i-t at I'aarl has ."T relatives wiili the llelull'Iirittl fni-ees. Tile Chv C.iiiiiiil i.r Arhim.i. (In., n-- crlllly p;ls-ii Mil iil-ilil;M-lu-c ni-:lliill it 1 1 1 1 - IuhI'iiI n liri ..il Imrv ur niln-r rue s in llml cii.v. nn. I Miivni- WiiimIwiii-.I v.-in.-l n. lie said Mint tlir nriliiniin-c .j . . . 1 1 stllli tiMl will li:lli!i In In- ll-i-il lll.-liri....l--ly. Mini inriili-nl:illy !n- --r-i-r. 1 1 In lln-i-vils nl' l.iicki-i xln,i mihI -in 'nl llint I lii injiiry .-i -- 1 1 il i - In I Ky i In- li.-iiins i.ii iinrsr niciiii: .iiiii.imis in ii.n-tii.illy iii'tliini; lirn i-i hi i j -:i j-i-i 1 to ilii li-i;.ilii. Mini ivNir,-i;i!i!i- I',, nn ,,,' K.-iinliliii ku.iun .Is ili-.-ilin: in I'liiiiri--;. In ltii-imi I In- niln-r imv n ni.-iti in) IimiI Ihtii nniMi-.l mi i.i i Ikii-l'i' nl' lion support w.-is li 1 SJU. .-mil ii. Ii i-io, U scniri'il Ins rrli-MM- hy pMyin thni Minonnt. I'min- lln- provision ,,' iln- ;w ri.,-itivi. to fin h i-,i-o whi.-li pr.iviilos for tin' p.-iyini'iii of ih,. mii nt of lln. h il - - IimihI's lino lo tin. '.U liowi'vcr, 1 1n- sum proinplly ii I'nn.li il to tin- woiii.in. Mini the pair li-l'l t hi- cniirl rfjoiciii'. Tin- Philippine ( 'oniinissionci. ii now uivni inn. will niMki- n iitvliini.-inrv ri'iiort upon iln-ir olis: r .-u l.".ns of tin- i on ilitiim nf a II ;i i is in tin- K.-ist Iinli.-in ,ir cliilH'Inii. Tlii- n-port will In- too lalo for nny ,-IToi-t upon th,. cli-riious next TnrMl.-iy. hut ii will h,. of iri'i -nl ,-nlvMiit-: as n l,.-isis for inii-llii-nt ili,-ussion Mini snit.-ililc- ( 'otiL-rr-ssionn! ni-tion. Tin ( 'otniiiissioiii.fs li.-ivi- Ihm'Ii on tin- nntiil. anil Imvc 1 1 ; i . 1 sin ii opportunity of iiil'or inntion .is will tfi vi' tlii'ir j-oiort mi,. I ;v i innnn nil.-nioMs mi-nt wi-i.'lii. The islands of the Philippine nr.-lii-pchi'o Hiv spivail inn like a fringe in front of the Kn-Mi.si market for niton cloths in the world. The inlniliitniits nf iii.piial A-ia are wear-rs ef cotton faliries. anil they far 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . - r tin- e it lon users of all other otii:lries. Tile possess-ion of th,. I'liili-pines is a wedtfo "f Krent coiniiieii i.-il import Mtuc in holil iiiK -the door open for our trail. with lapnii. Korea. China. Srani .nnl tin- En lvpean Asinrte colonies. This aspect f llie question of expansion is worthy of serious consideration. esiHi-inlly iu Hie cotton-growing Slates. William It. Moody, a son of D. I Moody, has resigned the erti torsfcin of the Rworil of Christian Work, Haul will assume the editorial liiauagi'ULeut of the 'NorthlielJ Echoes, which will hereafter appear every month, ami be the regular organ for the work of Xorthtielil, Chi cago ami the Norlhtichl Extension improvements. "Ilon'i .1! want the water nf your well analyzed':" askiil the travelling agent of tin clnniiial eonipniiy. "What fill ?" asked llie iiak' nhl fsmn er sitting en the frnnt poreh. "Tn k now whether il , is pure anil wllnlesnnie nl' n it." ! reckon tint. If there's anything llie matter of it. ini-ter. 1M rather not knew it." "Umv long have nit heel! Using it V" "Kighty-scvcu years." The I raveling agi lit pa--eil en. Cliiea 1:11 Tirliitne. I'rol'e-snr .ii--lianin. nf llannver. has discovered that the plastering in tin walls nf a innm seriously a fleets its aenalie plnpi t I ies. Any a 1 1 1 1 1 i I II re of s.iinl with the phi-ter -pnils the rever beration nf lin;-ieal Inne-. The lies re Mills are 1 ill! 11 in. l hy using 1 are gypsum whieh has l-eeii kei I In whiiua'ss. '8 Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and v.'hile .qentle are reliable and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. .Vrenareil eC. l.Cco J ;! Ca.,Liwell,Mass. SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. North Carolint- In Snper'or Court: Wake Piinntv J. M. Williams. W. M. Villi.-mis, Mary A. .lelmson atnl liiishainl, .Tohn .Tnlin sen, Gli tidnra Minims and lmsliand. Henry Minims. Myrtil AVillianis and C I Williams as next friend of J. K. Williams. Masrip anil I.uther Criteher, minors. Ex parte. I!y virtue of an order of the Superior t'nnrt of Wake County in the iiliove en titled notion, I will sell at public anetion, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in KaleLrV . ('., on Monday, the llli day of 1 leeember. 1 S". '!. the foil.v inc deseribeil real estate sitn:ite in Cedar I-'ot-k Tow nship. Wake County, adjoining the liimls "f C.iston l-'or.l. Mrs. Ad:i I'virher ami others, containing Tilt acres, more or less. This the L'oili day of October. ISfKl. .1. A. GILES, Coiiimis-dniier. A. A. HOWtLL, COA'TTCACTOK, IIOUSK P.MNTIXf. I.STI.'viATKS FURNISH MD ON AL'l'LT C vTlON. Cell 'Piioue 1ST. team OAK CITY J, K. MARSHALL. Proprietor. 126 Fajattevilie St. Kaleigh. N. C. Are pleasirif; everv are undoubtedly the j strongest of their f sort the market, af fords. Children require Cala'o'ue sent free. S. C. POOL LE4DEH IN FINE BLANKETS, BLANKETS. You will soon t.ecd thorn. L,et us renovate them before you put them in use. Wc will return them clean and soft. Guarantee not to shrink them. I ana Puntoino You iuii no risk in sending us your finest LaCe UnainS-Curtainstobelaundrcri. Excelsior Steam Laundry, LAUNDRY ACADEMY MUSIC BUILDING C. F. SOWERS, Manager. 'Phones 19. Academy Jiisfc. FRIDAY, NOV. 3, EXTRAORDINARY EVENT. America's Greatest Theatrical Organi zation Headed by THE THREE DISTINGU ISHED bTARS LOUIS JAMES, KATHRYN KIDDER, CHARLES B. HANFORD. In Shakspeare's Masterpiece The Winters Tale." The social and theatrical event of the season. Prices 5 . 75, $1.00 and $1,;0 Patron s are requested to be in their seats at 8 o'clock sharp, Panacea Springs Mineral Water rect the Springs ami sold to consumers at 30 cents per giillou acd a libera' discount to the trade. Pabsi Milwaukee Beei -leceived in Car lo's direct from the U re wry in Milwaukee, and r Id to con sumers at $1.50 per Box of Two Do.. All the lead ni; ' jqunr Merchants in Kaleiob sell Tabst" on draught and in hot les. ACME WINE CO., Vlioleisnlc Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Interstate Phone 144. Pell 1.UP- A. J. JACKSON, Practical Builder and Contractor Remodeling ar,d Repairing especially. Estimuics furnished on application. Cilice at lu'si-,!ei:ce, Wj Saunders street. T. TWO TONICS I atjfidri mi ifT mlV WL. JL. JuL W?m. A. Our Specialties in Children and Boys School Shoes IEHRlAht body and trnir" satisftielion. They i special stroni; shoes for protection and ser vice and wc have them. SllOfa UPTOWN OFFICE: 126 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. B. W. BAKER, Proprietor. 'Phones 140. fA Bsd Photoffraohic Enlargemfent is an eye' eoro forever SEE TO IT THAT YOUR ORDERS AP GIVEN TO "Our Agents Only' or cill at olllrc and make y. ur own sc lections. A card addressed lo us. will briDg out Salesman tn vo. rdoor. SATISFCTION GUARANTEED or there wi'l bo no charge for the work We sell for cas i or on small weekly Installments. UNION PORTRAIT CO. 312 Fuyetteil!eSt., Raleigh, N. C, Next cioor to office of Morning Post, AGENTS WANTED ir. every town in 1 L e state mm tutiSiCht i-'l Dainty Breakfast Foods iu all kinds of cercft's aiul fnrinacvous goods are most palatable and healthy at this season, and Ave have put forth all of ourillorts this season to have the most complete lire ever offered iu the city. A few of our miuiy ;iven below Selected Whole Wheat Fionr o lb bags for 25 cents. New process Graham Flour -5 lb. bags for 25 cts. Best Rye Flour 5 cts. a lb low prlcc9 In quantity. Franklin Mills' Wheatlet-15 cts. a package. Liggett's Wheat Flakes 15 cts. a pack age Nabob Pan-cake Flour 15 cts. a pack age. Quaker Uats 2 packages for 25 cts. Fresh N. C. Buckwheat 5 cts. a lb. Ralston's Breakfast Food 13 cts. a oacknne. Pettiji. tin's Breakfast Food I'i cts. a package. Shredded Wbeat Biscuits 15 cts. a pack age. Sohumachers Cracked Wheat 15 cts a package. New Grits, new Oatmeal, new Oatf lakes, all freash and at lowest pri.es. W. G. UPCHURCH & CO. Leading Fancy Grocers, Thone Iiell 101 2. Inter state 2f0. ap and Toilet Waters. V,Te are showing in our window elegant assortment of soaps CoU yates and others, both domestic and imported. Aiso a Kcod assortment of TOILET WATFRS. mmi t. higks, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. BULBS! bo Les 2 WIIITE ROMAN HVACiNTilS White Ita'iao Hyacinths, Dutch Hya cintlu in all colers, double and single Narcissus, Cliinc9, Sacred Lilies, Heady i.jw. OtaerUulbs will arr.ve later. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS or Cutflowcis, Rases and arnationg specialty. Boqucts and Floral Djsigni arranged in best style at sho t notice. PALMS, FERNS. AND OTHER POT PLAN TS, for House and Window Deco ratton, Fern Dishes a specialty. SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS and I SI1RUBERIES, together with all kinds of green house and out door stock. Vegitable Plants of a'l kinds in .-essens bee our show-window at J. I. John sons drugstore Jieave orders (here ci call 'phones Oftica Inter state 149. Bell 149. Residence, Bell 1)36. d.LO'Quinn&Co. Florists. Corner Polk and Swain Streets, Raleigh, N. C. E J HARWELL, Contractor and Builder, 211 W. JOHNSTON ST. Notice to the People. ' Great Bargain Sale Started, s Capes and Cloaks. Having Bought the entire Stock of a BALTIMORE CLOAK MANUFACTURER we will offer First Class Goods at 1-4 THEIR ACTUAL VALUE, 19,000 Capes to Select From. Come early and avoid the rush. Prices from 39c. up. A C1 (l!-J Li 1 1 1 A BIC FIRE You will need as soon as Winter setts in, THE ALLEN ROMS CO- is fully prepared to put up all Kinds of heating stoves, Ac, Wo luve the best tools and handle onl .' the best grade of material and guarantee all work. Interstate 'Phono 70. "ALL WORK DONE WHEN PROMISED." ALLEN ROOFING (X). IF YOU WANT 10 Old Clothes. Old Shoes, Hats Old Gold, Pistols, W.alchca, Guns, or-any thing, Call Bel phone S6-4. Harris Steam dye Wit's Suits Cleaned 75c. Cleaned and Dyed $1.$ : JUST OPENED G. A, Strickland's Double Store-Trade Building. WILMINGTO i STREET. I have juct returned to Raleigh and am tow better than ever pre pared to meet the trade and ask that my former friends ana the public generally give me a trial. 1 UNDERTAKER DEPARTMENT. , gaetaayys.- - -sat - : '.' ' v I t-uurt it Wake Uounty, in specinl pro I have a full acd handsome line of j ccodings No. S87, entitled "J. O. Mar CASKETS, and COFFINS in plush, j eom, adminisratror d b n. c. t a., of Jno. black cloth, rosev.'ood. oak, walnut, , Manuel vs. M. N. Dunston, et etc.. also a nice line of BURIAL ' 1 will as commissioner ap- aOBET. First class funeral car FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. A nice line of Furniture, cook and heating stoves at threat bargains. Lowest prices. Satisfaction gua ran teed. FRESH, SWEET. PURE, POPE'S CANDY f 1 I MADS EVERY DAY. A POPE. Candv Manufacture i tister, PAYRTTEA'ILLE ST, COAL Is Koinn; down now just as fast as our wairons can cart it to your cel lars, but the prices are tfoint; to go -up. Forewarned is forearmed! So don't wnit for cold weather to catch you unprepared. Get your supply now, while prices are down and the rou .s are good Our coal is high grade, well screened and guarans teed to be satisfactory at $5 to 7.50 per ton, if ordered at once from Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C I Roses, Roses, Carnations and olht choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs tastelully a ?ng7 ed at Short Notice. IJulbs nf Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillies, Narcissus, &c. All line Imported Stock. 1'aluis, Ferns and all oilier ioctttt tivo pluutt for house culture. For c i.amuilal jsrdouins at lowust tigu All sort of beddiagr plants: ItoWMt, Gerauiviaia, Heliotropes, Colest, et. Chrysnnthemuuis in the best and ! est varieties. Vines for the Vurandt. Tomato plants once transplanted to bett sorts. Cabbage, pepper and Part grown Ecg riants. Celery at prove season. All mall orders promptly tended to. H. Steitimetz, Florist, Rceigh, N. C. Bell 'Phone 113. Typewriters For Rent. Also (Jranhanhones. Autoharps, Guitars, Paper Cutters. FOR SALE. We buy a'l kiml3 of Books, paying cash or exchange for stationery or other boo 'is you uecrt Call aud see the lnrg:st stock of hooks in the South at the SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE, Raleigh, N. C, Catalogue Free. NOTICE. OF SALE OF VALUABLE ltEAL ESTATE. irlue n of the Superior pointeu Dy uie i;ourr, sen, ior casn, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door of Wake County Monday, the 13th day of November, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., a cer tain lot or parcel of land in Oberlin village, about 1 miles N. W. of the city of Raleigh, described In the petition of sale as follows: Hounded on the west by the lands of Henry Nunn; on the north by the Ianda of V. Iiunston; on the east by the Hills boro Komi, and on the South by the hinds of James Morgan, containing 6 acres. The above described land will be sold in two parts. 1st part being that part of said lot. f described in a mortgage from John Manuel and wife to Margarett Durham, as recorded in Register of Deeds' office for Wake County in Book 44, page 3titl. 2nd. The balance of said lot and ly ing east of the land described in the mortgage and fronting on, the eaid Hillshoro rond, and containing about 1 acres. On this lot is a 4-room cottage- 3. C. MARGOM, vnr iZHb. 1800. tds Mill? Decorations mm.