f !"' ft THE TIHESV No. 9,028. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVMEBER 17, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. OR BANKRUPTCY REFEREE. Judge Purnell Appoints Victor Boyden, Esq., of Raleigh. Judge Thounis H. l'urnell, of the Eastern District of Nnrtb CVrolino, to iluy appointed Victor Hoyden, Esq., as n referee in bankruptcy for tlie district, embracing this nnd adjoining counties. Thomas 1'. Deverenx. Ffcai.. was, until today, the only referee in this, the fifth diKtrict. The appointment of Mr. Boy den docs not remove Mr. Deveroux-, but simply gives the district two ref erees in bankruptcy. The number is entirely discretionary with the judge. Mr. Boyden is a rising young lawyer, audi bra friend congratulate him ou this honor. The referee receives $10 in ench bankruptcy case and wueti there are any assets he receives also a per centage. Judge riirnell also today noiiited three United States Commissioners. They are: U. S. White, den county. .1. .1. Coekrcll. K. L. Burns, county. of Elizalicthtowu. Ula- f Nash county. Carthago, Moore CHANGE IN MANAGERS In The Progressive Firm of Thomas & Campbell. Mr. ('. 1). Holland has sold bis inter est in the furniture store of '1 lioiuus & Campbell, in this city, to the other mem bers of the linn, ami will retire I nun the management of I lie business here. -Mr. Holland will pi to Raleigh and take e'hnrgr of the Raleigh store and relieve Mr. Campbell, whose health is not so good. A. K. .Ionian, who is now in charge of the Raleigh, store, will arrive in Dur haut to day and take charge of the store here. Mr. Holland has been in charge of thi Durham store since it was oH'iinl some three years ago. lie has worked hard and built up a wood business. lie has made a reputation for fair deal ing that will not be forgotten by the patrons of the store. His kind and po lite treatment to those with whom lie has come ill contact with has made him many within friends who will regret to sec him leave Durham. 'Mr. Jordan, who is to take charge of the store, lias been with tlie Raleigh store for some time anil knows his business. Mr. Holland will remain here a couple of weeks so as to aciptaiut the new manager with tile business. Hiirhain Herald. i a i it vi:atiii:i:. The forecast or the Weather Hurenu for Raleigh ami Vicinity says: Fair to night and Saturday. The area of 'high barometer in the northeast lias increased In force, and tlie temperature has fallen -iiisidcrahly over New England, being just freezing at Huston. The storm in the west is central over northern Minnesota. Cloudy weather wit it showers prevails in the Lake region ami upper Mississippi vailey with southerly winds and higher tem pera lures. Tin- isotherm of ."ill degrees rises to Maniuette and ttieii falls below North Carolina. MRS. TERRY DLAD. 'Mrs. Terry, wife of Mr. .1. A. Terry, of St. Matthews township, died at their homo last (light. She was sixty-nine years old. Tlie interment will lie to morrow. 'KTOiltM IN ITALY. Home. Nov. lT.A ti niipcst is raging on tlho Italian coast. So far as rcHrtcd sixteen merchantmen huve liecn wrecked ami twenty-one lives lost. DIIOD. N'oviiiiIm- 14th. at. Rcdhank. New Jer sey. Hichanl Oliver, only brother of Mrs. William Woollcott. of this city. 'Manila. Nov. 17. The commands of GeniTal MacArthur and General Liiwlnn are now- near each other, General Mae Arthur lis getting supplies limit Tarlae over the railroad at Buuiheu with an engine raised from tlie river by tile Xinitli Infantry. xrrxK). 'New York. Nov. 17. Ciltou: 7.X!: March 7.:i7; May May August 7.41. Jan. 7.o4; THE SMALL BOY'S TKOI'BIJES. Before they had ivrit'l) mtt.i-. Or telfiiies, or chalk. Or bliK-Msmrds. mais ami eopybo iks Wheal they eould only talk: IVfore CoIumUnw came to sthiow The -world1 treogTapliy, Wliii t 1M thoy teacli the little Jioys Who went to school like tneV There wasn't amy grammar it Iicmh, They couldn't read or s'iell. For 1wioks -wvro not iiiV4"U'tod yd I think 'twas just as well. There "were not any row of thitrs. Or laws. wtiirs. or kings. Or generals, or vnetories. Or any of those things. There eomldn't Ik nvucli to leanm; There wasn't nuiK-h to know. Tw iim nice tx 1k a loy 'l-n thonsan! years ago. l'or Msitory Innl allot legiui. ISeei world was wry new. And in the schools 1 don 'it see what. The ohildreii hud to do. Now always there fa rooro to learn Mow JiistniT i1os grow! Anrt eviry ihiy they ifitwl mcir things They think we onghit to know . Ami if it niuft go on like this, Vm 'glad I live tinVay. Fnr boys tnj thoiwand years from uw Wall not haw tfiaroe to play. From Answers. The Vt.aitoT bnn-tiilv eoiiiri'a 1 11- o.,wt iutile fkf Ibe H:llt:st Til- lmrnaele iitmjii the eeKliTH'io: I tlici" etilver iuiblee. There As not a mere S (rreive, wido-itwMke chtiiroh in North Carolina. FIGHTING AT LADYSMITH Boer Forces Encircle Entirely the Place HEAVY FIRING TODAY Boers are Desperately Active Way is Cleared for the Relief of Kimberly More Troops are Landed and Hastened to the Scene. New York. Nov. 17. A ipuial to the New York Evening Journal 1 nun Iur bau gives the very latest pews from Lailywinith brought by reliabl' messen gers! through the lines. The Boers suf fered a disastrous nve-se in fi;it of I'lie town. Their bws was fully four hundred killed and wniunled. The British imide a sortie I'liday. leading a column, cnmnioseil of Colonial voliinti'ers, w.bich mauoeiivriMl cleverly to deceive the 1 loci's ami direw them fioiii their po sitions in hot pursuit, then a body of British regulars fell on their Hank and drove Hum back with great slaug'liter. Their lines for the time were complete ly I'lisarrayed. l-'H;i!T Pretoria, No patch was ree AT LAHYSMIT1 1. '. 17.The '"oliowiing des iveil from the Boer camp at Klaiidslaagtf. ilat d today: Laly- smiuli i,s coniib'tdy 1 1. i - -1 I by the ITioer font's. Our seeond big gun w-as siiccsfully placeil in position on liula wana Hill in front of La.lysa,:tli. The tiring of heavy guns ciuiuiieuecil earlv this niorn'ing. No casuaires among lie Inirglti rs up lo the p-c-ont 'ime. Botha heliogra'phed from smitii ol Laiysmiih tlliat the Britis'h batteries unci e dn heavy tire of I'ig gnus continuou-.!'.- d'ropped .shells aniHing the Biht wor' s. The l'rc torial fimee wliio is i na 'i.'ht place, hav icig takin a position to eoniniaud the big dritish gun, t lit" tire lie-ai::e .o hot tltat l!he Hiiien was uiiti liable: t::e big gun. however, saved the situation. RKLIKVK K'lMBIvUUKY. " I.eiiilon. Nov. 17.--1AU undated des patdi I'loniii Dcaar says a strong British force left there for Kitr'bcrley Novi'iu-ln-r lltli. Within liftv miles of KinilM-r-ley a lelinf roluinin encoiiutere.l a ihii siil'erablc body of the enemy. Tic Boers were routi d after a smart brush, leav ing the road elmr U r Kiiuiierlcy iriwy iurr. the despatch coiiel. lib's which 1,.. V. lic'Vcil at any motim nt. I'lltINC IIKAItl). Ksoeurt. Nov. 11. Heavy tiring was I'onrd in tin- diii-ction of Ladysniith tills ni'i ining. No news of its w herealwMits or the ci ihlil ion of the British soldiers wiMiioled in the tight aiurnd an arunored train. All) WIIITL. I l'eou'-l. Nov. 17 Tin1 continuous ean ii. n nl:ng at I.ndysiuith all day Thursday eea-eil at cvctning. It is hopisl lure flint the relief of (JiUMTOl While was achiev ed Tuesday. tuneral I.i'ri! Motliiiiu's troop-, it is announced, are ready to start from l'ii tcrniai itzburg. well supplied with ar tillery. I TRANSPORTS ARU1VK. j London. Nov. 17. l'our ne-rc trans-, ports arrived at Cape Tow n and Manuila with tmops on the way to Uiirhau. BtVIMt.s'MAltflllM;. I Loudon. Nov. 17. A body of Boers are wonkii'iig their way southward from 'Colenso. It is s'llpiNised they illtctlil;tl to join hands at Schilkcnbiirgs with the column which 'has been ma reining from Ksconrt to I'ieteriiKirilburg in a circuit ous route. Tlie Ziiluland force w liieli blew- up the railway bridge at either Bushman's river or Mooii. n is 'believed, belong to Schalkcnl urg's column. I l'KiiHT N TK'NTIL ' Loiiidon. Nov. 17.-A native luissionary ai-rivcil at illseourt Wednesday fnnil Ladysniith and reports a big fight N'o vcni'lier tilth. He says over two hundred Kaffirs were cnrploycil by the Boe-rs to l iny their dead. Two trains, each with two engines, earned on tile woundcil MRS. 0. T. ROBERTSON DEAD. Pr. II. 'II. 'Marshbiirn. of this i nly. was called lo Converse. Norfolk county. 'a.. last T'hursdav on iiiriHint of the critical illness rf his wife's sister. Mrs. l. T. Robertson, formerly Miss K. Car rie T'lnplc, of this county. Last evening i telegram was rm-ivrd by Mr. R. L. Johnson. Hnrol her-i n-la w of I)r. Murshlnirn. aiiinouiicing that Mrs. Robertson had passed away. Mrs. Holieirtson was a daughter of Hon. J. A. Temple, of l'ett. in this county. She was greatly beloved here. She was a I faithful daughter, a good moWicr, n lov iing wife and a 'bright Christian!. ihf was 4,"i years old on October iJnd' last. I To the Officers and .Members of Capital Lodge. No. 147. I. O. O. V. I Y'ou are rc(Uestid to meet tonight at 7:311 o'clock at Phalanx Hall to attend the memorial exercises- of Seiton Gales Lodge, No. 114. at Sent.ni Gales Hall in memory of Bro. Phil. Tliieni. Capital Lodge will attcml ill a luidy. and every member is urged to be present. It. Kl Luuisdcn. N. G. PKlt.lt IX Bl'SBEK, Scc'y. Ladies invited also. VI N KUrJliORD. Dr. R. II. Wliifiiker. of tlie Yoiingsv..'e : Circuit. iiid his a visit this week. He rr- ports his work in git condition at must of the illiurelies. and finds sure, 'lint the' collection oil the ii.reuit. will be bug' r tli'am thy wen- last year. Although seventy yearn of age, illrother Y hanker has iKiit faibxl to mieeit iuy of his n giilar aiTintmenK dnring the entire year. -liuWgli CHwistiiau Advocate. SENATOR BRYAN PERHAPS Col. Bryan May be Appointed United States Senator If Me so Desires. I.'hwoIj), NVI.. Nov. 17.-Jes.pnt-lie3 from Nebraska City announce that Sena tor IHaywtH-d lis failing rapidly and can scarcely live more .than a week. Some friends of Colonel W. ,1. Bryan lintinuite that 'he muiy lie appointed as ILiyward's swecsBor if lie desires the place-. The tjovenior will doubtless ap point his successor sthe ligislatU'o does not mirt until l'.Mll. ACTIVITY IN COTTON'. New -Mills' Being Sitaitoi! in All I "arts, of Tlie Sout.ii. A Se.nd l'iant in Ka.nsas. -Heheine ",o l'tdie Seti Maud (Ait!o-i. The Litton mill huiihlHo? biKim aivoei.i-s to lie .spreading throughout all the) Soul'hom coltoi. grmving Htati-s, and will I now no loniger lie eonliinil. as liereiifon , I to .the two Carolina, Oeoirgia and Ala-1 hanr.i. The business men of Nitehe.. Miss, are moving in concert i.n- tli" rsjiblish iiu nt of a I'oltou i;.ill at that pl.icc. and a meeting at which addresses livered by invited ni.ill iiH'ii w ill b" lie from tile t 'arolinas will soon be licl I. Kansas, even, has become inociiial-d wiith ulie colli, a mill t 'Vir, and a' a re ci"iit nici'ling of the Ciiiiini :-ei,il 'Jliib. of ColTey ville. Kau., it was .iieided p ap jwiint a coninilil tA'e to raise iiiomy ciioug1! to guar.-nitee the consc ol" a cotton nidi capitalist 'who would fcro tliere anil work up a -oinpa!!iy -with :o.t a:i 1 outside capital. This will, however, no: ! Ine the lii-st .mill establish.- 1 hi lliai Stale having started last This plan! is at lndciiendnnce. and is ip-'raicd by the Kansas Cotton Mill ' ' 'nipan.v. The ma chinery cost $7H.IMItl. jMiiploynient Avill be given to oil people at l;r-U. Tie capacity of t3ie mill lie 4.IKMI pounds of warping twine daily. The eomipany now has oi'.hirs for 70. (Mill pounds of twine, lo Is delivered as soon as it can 'U' made. I-'or the present oinly twine will 1m' minlc. but next spring li: is tlie intention lo -build an addition-and add machinery for Ihe ni'nuiH'aeturc f white diteik cloth iii-u'il sea'iiih'ss sacks. As lo the Carolinas. it would reipiire a nimble pen lo i-luronii-le the statist ii- relative to now m'ills and enlargements. In Norl'li Carolina, dnring Oelolicr. an iiupreccilcnlcil condition of affain-s exist ed. Cotton here was qitetcd higher than at New York. Tiltis was due to the fact that 'North Carolina cotton nuilN mow nianufai'ture 'in.or.' raw cotton tlh.in is grown in the .-la'c. the only Southern State claiming that listinction. 'I he mills of both the Carolinas largely purchase Ocorgia cotton, aid-lic Caro lina mill men and the cotton growers of a large sootio-u of O-iergia are scoring the CciMral of (leorgia Railway Com pany, ft hj-. a c,-w- days ago. pulling a vir tually' prohibit ive rati- on cotton .from (ieurgia to the Carolinas. T'iic rate was suddenly raisril. about 111 days ago. from 51 cc-ri'ts tn 7.'! cents per KMI pounds, wb'eh is an increase of $1,111 on every average s.ize bale of cotton shipped from law.-'i.ii and other (burgia p.iiu.ls .to the Carolinas. This is virtually ,i nhibi tie rale: so loth mill mien and the grow ers declare, the pun-pose being lo throw all the cotton from that 'section of (ieor gia to SavatiiMiah for export, including the (ons'iderable pereeiiitagc of it which for 'the last two or three years lias been pun-lliai-ed by the Carolina cotton mill mien at higher figures at Kalton than the growers can secure at Savannah. I'i to the present lime no attempt has bceni made ily the Soul hern mills to 'iminuifne-ture line goods from Sea Island cot-ton. but the ipieslion of establishing a mill especially designed for the manu facture of sueh goods is now 'being dis cussed by the business m.-ii of Charles ton. S. ('.. at a point closely ini touch with I'lie home o' the bulk id all the cot ton of -1 bis eharaelcr raised in the United Stales. Nearly every pound of this cot ton, it is argued, is Ivoiight up. shipied North, tlienco u'hroad, much of it manu factured and some cl' it s nl back to is native home in that shape ami purchased and utilized by the wearers of the clot lis into which it lias been ninadc. Jnsi as we are wiuoing up this gossip of the Siout'liern coi.toii inilU -omes the lm ws that the Cob-nian Collon Mill, of C. ncord. N. ('.. which is owned chiefly by negroes, and w hii h w ill lie operated by them, will be i-eadly 1o begin opora ti.a:is about I leeemlN r 1. The mill is to lu- siipcriuienibsl by a 'Northern white man. and a 'iiinnrbor of white overseers, second hands, etc.. are to be ennployed if prai.ticable. and they can be sivurcd to tnuli the ordinary green neuro opera tives. About lot' looms and 7.o(M iiiu dhs will form the cipiipiiicnts. The ma -liilK ry is sivoiid-lvand. it is staled. If tlws until 'begins . operations, as ant'i '.- paled, there will lo two new Is using negro operatives in til eininoir positions in North 'Carolina, the other being the new silk mill nt I'ayetteville. N. C. just built and put into oix ration 'by Ashley and Bailey. It is also stated that Ashley and Bailey eonteniplale quipping a sec ond mill if it lie first scheme -proees a suc cess. Philadelphia Roecrd. TUB BACHE'UHl'S COMrflUUN T. Itoturning home at close of day. Who gently eluiHes my long delay, And by miy side dcligflits to sLiy V Xolxxly. Who sets for me the easy chair. Spreads out the paivr w ith such care. Ami lays mny slipers ready thi-reV Nobody. Wluii plunged in deep ami VLre -distress, When anxiousi cares my heart oppircss. Who w-his'ineirs 1ioik of 'haiipiness? X'olKuly. Whin sickness comes in soitow's train. Ami gri'f distracts tlie fewrenl -brain, Who sympathizes with my iiin? Nobody. St. Paul's l'Jiiiseopal riinrt'li was the scene of a irctty -wotMing- ye'er!;..v evemiiiig nt o'eloek. tli" lHiii'c'pals iH'ing Mr. HertH'rt. Iee I' -ntress- and Missi "Mrnry Worth Elluott. daugh-. r of Mrs. iMnrv Pbmhw KlMott and the la'. Mr. W. I. Oilltott. Wilmintou btar. LOCAL DASHFS. Mayor Powell today gave Herbert Raynor. a little negro boy, fifteen days ou the streets for pushing till' son of Pe ter Cobb in front of a bicycle and caus ing him lo be knocked down. Messrs. W. 11. King & Co. have just pul in an elegant new foiinlain in their drugstore. Il is a beauty. Mr. iSam llanff let this morning f ir I i :i n k I i nt n a li ii ii i tiir I rip . Miss Lucy Merrill, who has been vis iting relatives in lliis . il y. returned to l-'ranUiililoli this liLornili. Marshal II. C. Hookery left this morn ing l'or Sclina. Col. W. A. Turk, of Washington, general passenger agent of ilic Southern Itailway. i-etui-iun! this morning. He was acconipanicil by Mrs. Martha Mordecai. Miss Carrie Skinner, of Oxford, is the guest of Mrs. C. P. Spruill. on South Person slree!. Col. Sprigg llrunl. of Cincinnati, is in the eily. There was a I i-eincndoii- ruh this luoriiing lor seals lo the Louise Bre boiiy Ballaid and Opera Cnti. en Com pany next Monday nighi. Indeed, soiih- I' the gi'llllelllell Were very lliuell dis- alisiieil with the method in vogue for st ' r.'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i u g for seats. Miss Ann, Kallieriue McDonald. Ho liilile daughter of Mr. A. L. McDonald, of Rockingham, i sthe iruest of her grauiliiiothcr. Mrs. W. C. McMackin. RUSSELL SAOE'S CHAT Says Sec'y Gage Prevented a Disastrous Financial Panic. New York. Nov. 17. -Ttn-se 1 Sage, disiiissing the oiler of Secretary of ;h. Tri asur.v Gage, to buy hol d-:, sai l to lay ih.it he helicv.sl (lau'cs ,-i i 1 1 i i has saved the financial world from a oi-as: rous panic. No one in touch w r. li business enterprises could fail to n-ilizi tin strngciiey of the niou; y niarUei. for ready- mom y a'piicared exi i aortliuai ily scarce. T'h'isc wiho had il !i"!'. it or de nuaiideil Ihe hiuln si i-la of securities be. lore they would let it no. il .s known thai hanks in different parts ,,r i In country had Ihe hardest kio.l c a nine in realizing money, yet they h.l l eeiin tiis nihil h ortlinarily woiti-l have been negotiable arywhere. V:is-ilie.'l..n. D. '.. Nov. lo.-Tln- Treasurv 1 )cpa rt'inciit announces iis readiness to purchase any pail oi an m II "I SJ.,.iliiii.i!liii in government L'miiI- '''( ;), Sunday school n. he ladies I "." I- cent funded loan of 1!Kli. or Ine lhi, . . , t i-. '1 at middav served an elab- per cent loan of T.HU, a! the p.,,-- L,,-,,,. neli n, all iwi-i--. There were low indicated: 'three long tables r himr char across "The 4 per ceii'l loans of VHi "ill l''' . ,., .,. i,dre,ls iarl..ok ..' Ill" received ami paid for at 1 1-'. . n-i. I hospilalily .1 ihe ladies. The fniiliv "The ."i iht cent of l'.HII will lie r cl and paid for at 111 m t. "The above proposal I i bold unlil Ihe close of business on November .'.Hill instant, or until the amount "f J"i.NI'1.- (Mlil t-liall 'have been sr.- 1. if prior t ' that date. L. .1. GAGK. Set r -'ary . MRS. ANNIE BLEDSOE DEAD. Diid I his morning at 1 1 :"!' "clock. Mrs. Annie Bledsoe. Mrs. Bledsoe was sick for aln.nl a week and at the Rex Hospiial. Kveryihing thai med ical skill and devoted attention could do for her ei.mt'ori was done, lull from Ihe t'n-st her eomlilion was eriii.-al. Mrs. I'.lcdsoe was loiiy-six years of age. ami leaves a husband, lour daughters and two sous lo mourn their irreparable loss. A large circle of friends heartily sun.la tiiize ' with the sorely al'llieled family, but are o.nilorioil with I he blessed as surance that such a beautiful, devoted Chiisiian life has ended bin lo be crown cd and glorilied in the life beyond into which she has now entered and where there relliainelh a rest for the people of ( biii. T'ac funeral services will be hid al the residence of John S. Peseed. L... to morrow. Saturday al'lcnoion al :!:.'!ii o'clock. FIRE AT MAGNOLIA Disastrous Conflagration in Arkansas This Morning, .Magnolia. Aark. Nov. 17 - Lire began al two o'clock this morning in the Whaley buililirg. Among Ih-se burnc! ou! were inanv tirins. :nclii ling t."' Journal oflice. Odd Pel'ow; building, Hull his. ui wan house i.nd a iiamber el small bail-dings and h- Mcthodis iihrrib. 'It leeks now li.al the coin n colliTcss will go together With eight thousand bales, also Ihe Louisiana an I Northwestern Station. KAI.APAIUKt'SIS 151 1! II I DA Y PARTY. It is mi'ii.s-esMiry to e.:plain .the Kala liai.leiisis to the in-oplc of Raleigh, ami w in u they receive the following invita tion it will need no explanation: "This birthday parly is given to you. "lis something novel, 'tis something new. We send lo each this little sack Please either send or bring il back With as many cents as years you are old. I 'e promise the number shall never be lol.il- The ladies will give yon sonic good things to eat. And kind friends will furnish a musi cal treat; Ami now we extend to yon greeting most hearty. Hoping you'll come to your own birth day party."' Kalapilideiisis birthday reception, Sunday school room First Baptist chilli h. from 8 lo 11 o'clock, Novenilior i".. 1MI!. BIBLL SCKNFS POSIT'ONKICD. The exhibition of the pictures illus trating the life of Christ, heretofore announced for tonight. at Kdenton Street Methodist Sunday School, lias been iostioiicd until next Friday night. Vim K'I'JN'TI'CKY. 'New York. 'X'ov. ,17. Tile Imttleshin Kentucky airriwil in linnbor this morning 1o Ik- doektd iireiairator to her oflieial trip. , . . .. ! SILVER JUBILEE All Day Session at Baptist Tabernacle THE CHURCH CROWDED Reminescnces by Former Pastors I uncli Served by the Ladies of the Church F.er. cises Tonight. The jubilee services at Ihe Raleigh I'.aptisi Tabernacle lasted today from HI o'eliH k till late ibis alierni'.'i.. I: was one of tile 'lllo.t inteli'sl iliu' of tile s- ll's of scions they 'have lei 1. The talks by the to ui'-i- p,islor and ini'mliers were hort ami lull or interest, being niin ihe early wo.-U of Hie cliiireh and a'l'inl some of ihe i.ii:h:'ul orkei-s who did so much to c-la:di-li and make the Baptist Tabernacle what il is today. Many In aiwi.l'ul incidents ,,f ihe ,Me .-ird great saeril'ices of its early iie-mlier Were i-eci'.cd. l-'ormi r Pallors Nelson. Williams a-i I Hall, and .Mr. . B. Broiiglilon and Rev. Dr. .Ionian were among those who sp,.k at the -iiiorni'iig ser iee. At Ihe alien n service Mr. N. il. Bniu-gliton read a numb"!- of letters I'neu !lii.sc w'ho had 'been invited to pai'tieipat" ill tile jlilalec services, bill w i:o w ere un able to be plesell!. A letter from IteV. I ho-uias Dixi' .Ii-.. was anions iliese He cxples-ed tin- dceliel reu'l-' I a! not being able lo be pre-enl and ex pressed liis creal love for the -Baptist Ta bernacle, ils pri sent and former pallors, and 'is nil-lulu r. Dr. Ni-Uiin lolloweil with M.inc r.-iiiiii- iseeliees of his lirsl revil.ll Work at tile Tabernacle ai d of im iiicnls during liis iasoia!e. These re:i! in iseenees u ere full of deep feeling. Mr. .lace!. S. A He ado a slool tall; on how I iie pn.-etii cliureh building was ereeted the difficulties which had to be overcome and I'll.' gencros'.iy and s'li saerificc of si iii i e members w hich ii.ade the present church a poM!,iii y. Dr. Skinner and oilier followed in oilier :...,..;., .,,.,1 ai.oroi.ri.-ne n-n-ii-U and students of the Baptist l-'cinale I'ui- ' vei-sitv attended and partook of lunch in body. Tile tables w. re in dia'-.e i f Mrs. N. P. Broiiglilon. Mr-. A. It. '"' . rest and -Mrs. It. II. Bradley, and each had a cups ot charming you: g l.o. es to serve lillo delicious eatables. These voting la dies were: Misses Beruiee and Clyde L'lliugion. Miss Ro-a Bi-o'iiglitiin. Miss L'niuia Love. Miss Florence Br.iiighlon. 'Mrs. Minor. Miss Margaret Broiiglilon. Miss Alice. Agues and liencvic Wmii Ide. Misses Cat rie and Mary Broiiglilon. Miss Mamie Rirdseng. Miss Lilly Brad ley, Miss Gertrude I 'pcliurcli, Miss Clau dia Willis. Mrs. Cowan. The conrmitloo of ladies in charge of Ihe luiieli wi re Mrs. A. M. SiiiHiis. chairman. 'Mrs. X. P.. Brought. m. Mrs. It. II. Bradley. Mrs. .1. I;. Barkley. Mrs. W. I'. Futinan. Mrs Willi. nn Saiitliefs. Mrs. .1. C. Kllingtoii a. d Miss Maude it I. l.-asl nigll'l i'll the I'.apli-! i'.lb 'in.lcle Rev. Dr. .1. .1. Hall, of X'orf. Ik. cx pa-tor of flic T.lbl 1 liaelc. spi ke .11 " I he Cliureh as a Factor in 'he Lit' ' a Cily." In the eours" of his ni.ign'l'a- m address lie said: "Ohio thing is evident: Killn-r wo inn -I save the cities or tile cities will Ces! I-iv iis. If cities are saved iKitions a e sav ed: if natioiis are sav.d this ( r strug gling, tempted, sorrowing, sinning w or, I will 'lie saved. The ci-iy is tli.- I., y i., the siiualiou. The point has I i well munlo that the city determines tli' !pye as well as g-ives the 'name In civiik'.Ml To lilt- cily 111.' people will .-nu'il-.ue lo gravitate. As time rolls by the eily will move ami more doniinale the eoi-::M'-tin- Mcaniships will ei nliniic to dis. 1i-,i g -their cargo of hu-maniily at tb" g.it. -of the city: nhc railroads will bring li. IIMlltilllilcs to the eilic-: the baul- of tile litics will cotiti-ol ihe world's tin. in ces. Nolhii g surer than lliai I lie . o " -by Iheir coiniueri-ial life and by i!i"'i great new s apers. by their polilio.il as cendency and by lluir increasing popub -tion wili bold Ihe strength ami the ici,: ness. yea the life and death of a lun'oni. Here llicin. plan the liio-t earefulily. II. re display your strategy. Here b.iu. your ablest generals. Here the batll i wagiii'g the hotte-t. If the cities arc lo-f all is lo-f. 'May God helji us to save ihe cities!" The address was listened to with the (holiest interest as -was Ihe address i.y Dr. 1 1 ii Cl oil ill on the prece.'.ng night. TtbATG'IlT . At 7:::i) p. in. Rev. W. R. G wall no.-, , D. D.. of Hickory, will deliver a ser mon, taking 'as his sinbjeel "Our Dis tim-tivc Principles as a Denomina tion." At N:ol p. nt. Rev. Tlemies K. Skin ner. D. D.. of Raleigh, will deliver an address ou "Recollect hns of Karly Bap tist History in Ral. igh." 1 IOB'A !!T IMPROVKS. Palerosn.' X. J.. Nov. 17. - V'.-e-Prcsi-lent Hobart is r.portetl as feeling grca.l ly inirov d tinlay. lie was steadily in prov'ruig yesterday and a'do to move a'lHUit the li.ntse. SH'ICy. CANAL. P.irt Said, Nov. 17. Khedive today in iiiigiirat.iil a mouuincnt, wiili de Lesseps as emgiiuvr for ulie Suez Canal, in th pii'seiwe of .Minister. 1-ord H Vomer aod other diplomats anil roproseii.tatiies of various Istilies fnim all parts of L'urope. -CONVIC'IS FOR ARSON. The .Sheriff of Person i-ounly today Ill-ought four negro convicts to the State IK'iiiletiiiary. three for six years and a woman for live years. Two of these were negro boys who were convicted of burning the stable of their employer, with two mules aud a horse in il. WITHOUT LICENSE Green Powell Dispensed Whisky on East Hargett Street. Fnilisl States Coniinis-ioin-r John Niebols had one prisoiior ilHiforc Hi'm to I day. This offender was Green INcwell. hired, charged with selling liquor witli oui license in Fast Raleigh. The war rant was issued tor Green April I'.lth. 1s'.IS. and be succeeded in eluding the i officers until ihe other day when Con stable Fd. Potter sipied bim ou top of a house in l.llcwild and managed to luring bim to earth at the )iut of a pisio1. From the evidence ihe f.rct was dcveloii ed that Green ran a joint on Fast Har gett street back of the Soldiers' Hmn". w lo re he did a rushing business, espe cially on Sunday, lie had a negro wo man in coliooio with him aiiitl she dcliv.-r-i.l the goods often under the prelcxt of carrying washing. Green was sent to jail to awail the Dei i -mlier term of the Federal Court. STAR GAZERS Slight Display Seen at Some Northern Points Wednesday Night Tn inkle, t winkle, little star. i Wlui'i a fake I think you a.rei. I'p above ulie world so tall. Glow I'd like to sec you fall.i Through the t hilly air la-l night 1 1 hardly Ihiuk you did ine rigic i. 1 w ale'lied for hours the big "ga I.I list to sec you "shoot the cllttlc 'l. I'.ui tonight I'll iry again. i I'll gel up al half-past tcul. And I'll gae al you all night. i ! f ion fool me. ihen. all right.! I'll never waieh again at all 1 1 !' tonight i ou fail lo falll; Tw inkle, tli inkle, little star. (You can -lav right where you ar.o. A. Star Gazer. 'file meteoric sbower failed to iiralo lialize last night. Whether the fiasco was due !o l ad management or to a niisnii-.li-rstand.ing wi.. i ihe'inau whoMiiM-rutes tlie lelescopc. ralMiol be said, but it js very eirtaiii that the people arc pretty -ore about il. Il was a I it -it i 1 1 it' ii I night for observa tions and the hcav.-as were ratlianl. The -tars wen- out in force, and. grouped aii. nil ihe nrl.it of the I .con ids like an audience al the play, it seemed as if they were 1 1 -e to view the display and to speed the parting meteor. But tin re came a lime as the hours of the nigh: wore on when such pool ic i bought- a- this is -intended to be failed from 111. .observer's mind, and the whole tiling seemed a fa.ke. 'I hoiisaiol remaineil up again to view :he g:and display, which comes but three limes iii a century -and s'liuel imes not so of, en. i .oil's,-. nds of orliors tixe.1 tb' ir alarm clocks and retired to be disturbed on li'ine for the show. Ill i her iN't-son w. nt lo sb ep with out oaring whether lie saw it or not. This man is iptolisl a- having reintirked ibis nioriiiinig thai lie "knew the darncil ihing was a fake Il probably true, however, that the aicrage t-itizen was awake at some pe riod 1'oiwetn 1- and " o'clock. Col. Shaffer, who is ihe highest au thofily in Raleigh on astronomy, says lie lias wal.-h.il since Sunday night. He I hii ks there is little chance for the me teors appearing now. Accounts appear in ihe northern papers of motoric dis plays Wednesday night, but they were nothing to'ivhal was cximm-IciI. FAST I.YNNK TON IG 11 1'. The Merry Makers will present "Fast I .y nn. " tonight, nl thi- production Miss Kb her w ill wear several imported gow us made -pet ially for this play. All de tails a- to scenic co-tunics will be used and in. .i.uihl loniglll's bill will lie Ihe l.c-i of ihe week. Tomorrow- al "J:.".!' a matinee w iii b" given, and all children at lending will receive a present. Th.-y are now on ox nihil ion in the window ..r Rigg. ui's l'ii -i. .re. Pi n cs. In ami - ci nt-. MR. ATWAT'Fi; PRAISFD. We were plea-e.l to have a visit oil Ti lay from lion. John W. Atwatcr. who represent the Fourth Congres sional Disiri.-i. We know enough of Uroihor Atwatcr. who is a Methodist to i in- .ore. lo s-iv ihal no M. C. in Wash ieglon Ibis winter will r.-i resent a nior.- sieriiug ii f tliri-iian manhood than Ihal represented by John W. Alwaler. He will relb et credit "ii tin' district which be represents.- Raleigh Christian Adv.. ale. I. GST. a pair of gold ri'in spectacles, between Cros s Liire'lian'- store and nil residence. Please return I" It. S. W hile. .".L'n Newborn avenue. Want. .1 Board in nice l ivaic fain ill. Address. Geo. 1.. Gibson. No. I ID Fayette! ille st reel. Slolen umbrella- recovered cheap, or any old umbrellas, at Whiting Bros. VOI R A ITFN I'D IN. FI.FASE! 'Having iiiire'iiase.1 the interest of tli" old established house of Wyall and Company . coriner Salisbury and .lohi-soii streets. 1 am now iva'dy lo serve the oi-i trade in a polite ami s'ati-fai'tory man tier, also coiMiially iin'iitc others lo call and sec nic w hen in need of anything in the grocery line. I will at all times keep a fresh sl.iek to -elect ' fitun aa 1 my price- w ill be the lowosd. Give mo a trial. Yours to please. C. W. WiIUTK. As above sialc.l we have sold our iniertst in store earner Salisbury ami Johnson streets to Mr. C. W. While, who will pay all claims due by us. nnd those indebted w ill please nnike payments to Mm. Mr. While has been with us a number of years, -and we recommend him lo ihe public as fair ami honest in his dealings, and boiienk for Mm a sluirt of your patronage, feeling sure you will be i rented right. Thanking our friend lor Ih. ir patronage ill the past, we re main, yours truly. WYATT & CO.

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