y. "... TSflES VISITOR No. 9,o3o. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, NOVMEBfcR 20, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. THE BOER WAR NORMAL SUSPENDS CONFEDERATES TELEPHONE WORK TO SEAT TAYLOR NEW CORPORATIONS Harlan County Leader to Use J A $75,000 Cotton Factory for Force i Newbern. Difficult to Get Up to Date Dis patches College Broken Up by rial Fever. Mala- Raleigh's Drum Corps Second to None Line Nearly Complete to Wake Forest. DUTCH MAY REVOLT IN CAPE COLONY News From Ladysmith Distressing Boers Capture a Towo and the In habitants Cheer the Victors Relieve Kimberly. Cape Town. Nov. 17. llMayri'i.- It is reported from Deaar thai I In- Kocrs have ncciipiisl I (Olivias. Major Ouneral CiUinc ami his staff arrived ;!t Qiiccns tnwn, C'aiM' Colony, today. OllANOK FKiKI-: 'STATK SIvIjKS 'PUB A PKK'KT D'STKICT. lxundon, Nov. '-.- A St. innliri'K special says lih at Coni'ina.nilant Duplooy lias pro claimed tin- Albert District a mrt of Ora.i'tro Five 'State ami ordered flic 'Kritish to leave within fourteen days or iH'eoiue bui-ejiors. It is nnno'iiiuced Hint the commander would proceed to Kast .IaiiwIimi. Other despatches from tUinf Pis'tricl inilicatc that thmiph a few Col onial Dutch 'have jmnnl tin' invad.'rs they ivjxqil.r express sympathy mind unless the Krirish act quickly a mimltcr of tlx" disaffected villi join the enemy at Solium-.' and Aliwal in ihe north and Bnrk ley in tin- cast. 1M.VODT IN OAPK COU1NY. Herlin. Nov. :il.-'Hie Cologne dazcttc has receive! a 'mail 't"ry from I'ti!"' Town dulod .Xnvcmbcr 1. which -ays that cver IhiiiL' there is ripe I'or revolt against the Kritish a-ml adil t'hirt it only nipiMTs an initial movcnicii'i to Intake the Dutch population in 'npe Colony join their Transvaal brethren. KPI.I.KKS APYANPP. Cape Town. Nov. -Jit. Tin- New South AVnlcs Panels have arrive! at Deaar Jnui.ciioi mid arc cxiH'disl to advam-v to the 'relief d" Kimbi rlcy lo hc-in hy the end of tin- week. Tiic Koci arc reporl il cotu-cntratinj: at Kiniheriry. Important news may 1m expected in -oii,ncc'.i u: the Padysinith c.iin- liai-tn. .Inst whin Ocncral RuIIct's force will lieiriu to advance U unknown. Kc port, still has December the lii-1. hut Ihe fact id" t'liis 'hcinu- allcwed lo pass the strict censorship is regarded as evidence of its fallacy. The .reported destruction of Colons., lir'nfcc is not. eo'iitirnn d ami it is believed to I... imidornrincl It is uu.lirsi.'O'i unit the Ilrftish propose I . enws tin' rivers on pontoon brldjjos. , LADYSXII 'PH. Tendon. Nov. -I. A tHcsniro i'eo. ' ...1 ...i I d.n.i 7i. Xliiriinc. from Plain! laaj-'te savs that l.adysniith is ooui.pl.'l -lv invcsti'd. A sin.ud Pleach giro has l.ccii 'placcl on Bitlwaiin Hill and every sliot reaches 1lic town. MO'KK TKOOPS. Hoiubny. Nov. -JO.--The loveriinu nl Is preparing a second snp.plein-etary In dian coiithc-cnt for South Africa. KKPIMMl D'lSIH'-.AKTPVPP. lndon. Nov. A d spa i. h t . the 'cutral News a I Pretoria -ays that Ixiu cr no loin.iv is i-oiilideiil bill npp; a -s rerriblv worried. The d.-pateh says thai he lives like one isolated fmai the world. T'.OKKS CUKKKEP. Cape Town. Nov. lid.-The I. lo-rapl, line lo .lamesto-.vn earnot be operated and il is sup-..s,il Ilia: the tmvn ciivied bv lt.M-rs. When the Hoofs eul.-r-cd Aliwal Noi-lh the inhabitanls ol the ,lae clut rcd thi'in. A skiriuii is rc-lKit-l at ICiinnan KluHicsia. BRILLIANT EFFORT Capt. Hauser Captures a Filipino Strong. hold in the Mountains. Mimila. Xv. O.-K'tipt. 1 Hansi'i Jias miade 1.110 of the m.st hrilhanl -oniis of 'the war and captured Odoiniell. " town in the nKHintaiiis of West Kw. lie UKi'de a. ititii't -nidlit niareli lr Ccpas. snnn-is.'.! the iniweiit carrisoti. who snrcndenHl with, thek arms. '1 hey n'miilwred two hiindiml. Ten th.ni'sand rounds of aniniun'ition and several tons nf imivision were ciiiituT.il. One Filipino wan killed. No casualties anions the AniericanK. ,, , fou riiii-irriNKS. San Fram-isco. Nov. 2ii.-Fouf trans Vorls Mi'th'il t.Mlay for the Philippines. FAIR TOMORROW. For Kalciuh and vicinity: Fail' "-i.-l,i ...i.l Tuesday: increasing cl lines. Tuesikiv aftcrniH.il. The 'pressmv is hWhest in the east Avith generally fir wcatJier. A severe storm this inoniiiiv over northern Texas .,ri Oklahonia with the pressure Indow 11 ."ill inches. Yct.v heavy rains are re rtrl at iialveston (X2SI. with sniither ly iralcs: on the . middle (iulf eoast. Cloixlv. thrculritiiiin weather prevails ithrimelioiit Ihe entire Mis-swippi valley unit westward. The storm will vn'lm l.ly move noil ln-a.-'t w ard to the Lake rc Ifiou. iMiv 'K. K. Slarlmck. of New York. Hli-x!Hrt corset litter of the K'a.bo Ow it (Njiinpiitiv. w ho iluis liei-n hcnt!tlie Kist wvcml days with loHam'. 1 earn- and Company, left yesterday for Saviiii'iialh. (in Mir Stiiifliuck's work was wry smessful here. Any un.titt.Ml imlyi's will have the sitteiition of ..w hif .Sni'ith sit l!ovln,u. Pearec and Co'livpiwiy. Atlention is ealUil to the ad. of . Al and W. .T. Y.nnitr in 1liis issue. I hey ini've a full U'Pll.v of the celebrated Kins Ntyves. K'ms mul sporting !."ds generiilly. COTTON. Now Yor. Nov. . i"otl :'" Mardi 7.8; Miy 7.4-'; JuHy 7.4o. TWO STUDENTS DIED About Eighty Students Now Sick The State Normal and Industrial Col lege Closed Until January First. The State Normal and liidu.lri.il Col lege at tireenshoro has cbksrd un-til January tirsi en accouet of an cei.leinic of fever in the school. The dci isiou w as reai'licd Saluirday evening and many of the stud. 'nts passed through this city yestt rday and tilay 011 ihe:r way home. The Southern 'Wailway this 1110:11111 had two extra coaches tilled wilii v..ui'i; la d;cs fiom tde i-ollc. . The d; ease was called malarial fc.-er. bul t.bo'd is said to have res'i' cl in sove-al nis l'"ever has i rcvailed slifrfillv in I be s. I100I for seven-ill w. eks. until la-t week win 11 it beranie cpdeniic and caii-i I the mi Miiimi of the 1 1 1 1 -1 for ih' :ms- : lit. Tile city of (Irccns'lrorii lias hi en iiinr- ainined against t'h illejre but imrlii's froin that section state that there is tiiiUelli sickness the same character in ( ireensboro and other places ill that sci ti. 11. Indeed il is said to extend fnnn Orange counly wesi. almost to ilie nioiin tab's. Three deaths have result. si in l!ie Nornitil Colh-jre. There were Miss T,,ins. . I' UuliierO.rdleii. who died Thursday: Mes Deans, of Wilson, who died Sal I'lday uioiiiiin' and Miss ('aidwc;l. 01' Sla'esville. who died la-f nihl. The body of Mis Deans was carried liiroiiiii here yi -ter.la by h. r l.eart-I'l-oki 11 i.arents. The Iiecnsl.or.i Tele-rani of Saturday said- "Mbs Abby D.-.ii.s. of Wils, a. N. 1'.. a sin. lent al the Stale Normal and In 1l1Mri.1I Coil.-c. di.d about line o'.-ai.-li tins nioiniiiL' afl.-r a two week-" iili.. -s. H.r ii'ofher had b. .11 with 'her for sev eral days and her falliev arrived liiis n;i rnin-.' alter her death. Mis ). aus ;.. a lovable younv' lady ami iv.i- ni':. 'i I. .v. d by ail li.-r aceii iiii- uc-es. Oar sviepalhy iroo 0111 lo tic oer'P e.1 on. . 'The yi'.uie.' ladies Iroin Kaleih at Ihe .. i mai have arrived home. There are now about eighty students iek al fin- College S f :h. in are In a critical eondil ion. None of lies' fri.iii lt.-ilcii;h an- umoinr the si. k. Tl. li mi i.n-s' "f '. :r.ni-1ir. i-fe .loin- all thev can ami trained unises 'have I I, l:n,U'i-!lt lo Ihe C oil Clio lo tltlelld 111,, ill. l'vi rylhiiiL- that poss lily ean I,,. ,1, . I'rr file slllilel'll lISW.oX. . N. . . dene I'.T Hi" stuih'iits, win. ilil n: b ave is provided. 'Ihe Yi'.-L'iiMi Military Institute closed laM eel; on aei '.mil of an ep'aleni'io ol' I v. huid fever. HORRIBLE WRECK Six Killed and Four Fatally Hurt Train Struck Hand Car. -,ii. ic.iis. Nov. -Jil. New w as r. eeivi.l liiis niornim-' ..I' a na--' n--, r nam wreik on ihe Chicago. Si. Paul. Miuni apolis and Omalia U ii'lroad lasi niirhl in which six were killed awl four fatally hurl. The train al l.umboldt. in round iic' a curve, struck a -handcar and n dciaih d. T he (rain then inn bled into i,he lake. 'I lie live killed oulri'.'ht were weikiueii on the hand car. REVIVAL BEGINS. Interesting Exercises at the Tabernacle Services This Week. The exercises al flic Kaptisl Tab. .' naele vesterday. cliiMiiiu ihe silver jubihe were hill of interest. The rally at Sun day school was largely attended and the address bv Superintendent N. II. Proiiulilon a.nil Mr. 1!. X- Siainis were listened lo wifli the deepest interest. In the nmnxiii!.' Kev. Dr. Willia ins. o' Washinlnn. lu-eiiehed and Ihe cliureh ciu'lil sH-areely hold Ihe crowd which came to hear iliiim. In flic afternoon a Haplist rally was held and short talks were made by Kev. .1 V. Carter. Mr. .1. C. Marconi. Mr. I. II. llrisjM and Mr. .IhImi K. Kay. In Ihe eveniuf.' Kev. Dr. Nelson, who is so ffi-eatly bclov.sl .in Kaleih. 'prcaoh ,,l on "Winning Souls." Il was an ex 1. nl sermoiii and w ill do jrood. 1ici:iii'iiin with l"i--10 ss-ial service-' will he held in the Taln-inacle each cveiiinir at 7::!0. Kev. V. W. Uamil lou. of Yii-jrinia. is 'licre lo assist Kev. Dr. A. M- Si nuns in this revival. A.I e invih'd to atlciKl. mUU KP.JP.CTKD. 1....1-... V.,c oil -The Kei. list air ha ivicclcil Ihe whole- Hard l.:iborcr :iu imperial nicasuirc. to lie!;, the union' laborers. ' bill lliill- OI.INDA APIKP.. Norfolk. Ya.. Nov. -20. -Hie O.rman sleanier Olinibi passed in at Cape Henry iluis nuirnin siBiiiilliK 1rat sl."' :,fire sind in iirpfli't need of assistance. Slie was iMUiiril far Nenvilas. Cuba. CiP.PKItKATPD MKDIPM. Madame Aniae, the cvlelu-uleil Sipirilu l. Trance and Kusiness XPdiniii, )' now located in Italciuli. She reiHls hie l-rntil the cradle to Hie Bfave with a'hs te cvrreclness. S'he recomciles fani'il.v aind .lmtrimi'ss troubles, rctunin the n ai.ailed. miMl ea uses happy uiarnaKf. "'le has im-vw failed to nive name an.l de seritiitjon of future liusl 'and or wife, will) exuel date of marriage. P-v.-ry one in troiible of nnv kinwl should call on the Minlam. n her advice will lie r tfrea U neilit. Ofiico ami n-sidei.ee 1"i W est South strwt, next dour west of H'X llosirital. LADIES WILL ASSIST Effort to Build the Monument in Nash Square Will be Begun in Earnest Next Week. The T.adics Auxiliary Cui-ps of Ihe I,. )"H. Branch cninip of Confederate Vri erans met ' i'c tidsi afternoon and de cided to assist ihe camp in uniforming ard ciiuippiic: the ilruiti coris. which the camp is -ri-tliinx up. .Mrs. tlarlaml .loiies is president of the Auxiliarv Corp. . 1 ..- .. -ills. a. vi. ii.ns.iaie. viec-prcMocni ; ami Mrs. Y. S. Primrose secretary. Coinmaniler A. 15. Slrona.h said I'his mo I nintr that Ihe Kalemli camp would have one of ihe very linc.si drum corps in (he Siate. Wli.n Mr. S:i-iMiiieli 1 1 tiTinines to do a lliiiiL; up in style and has the help of I be ladies -ue-ecs is assure, I. The Charlotte canin no.v has a line dnini corps. Mr. Alex i. Stii'iiaiSi. Ihe commander nl' I,. O'll. l'.raiiih (''.imp of ( onl'i il. rule Veterans, ("lis Col. Olds that t'he cain;. lias :nil nieinbers. all of whom are to be iHiifornieil. There is to Ih' a laruc druni corps. The camp iroes to the annual em- 'il t j l iint-ii t al I .'oiiixille uexl year. Its slay I In re w ill be brief, as il w ill he able In reliini lure barely in time to .lll"ieiiale in the ceremonies of Hie mi -viilina of the Vanee sialuc. on May :'ll!h. Mr. Siroiiai'h has received ihe rcvula li.ns for iiniforni-- and insignia of rank lo be worn by tile veleialis. They are an exael copy of Ihe Coiil'o.L"-aio rci'.i-l.ilien-. (ieneiab ami si a IT oflii eis are lo wear i'ro.-k coal-. Ill Itieers sail; coals. A major general will wear a ei al wi;h lurneil dow n eollar witli llirc slar on caeh ide ihe lapel. Tie- in. .veil'..-nt for a niouiiincii! here lo 1he "w .-meii of Ihe ( 'on I li i'iiey." in :a-' .eiil re of Nash sonare. w l.i.-ii is ihe j.i.lii in IVoii! of ihe union )nisselier sliiiii.i; will be ua.br full headway next v.eek. Moiel.i. eir.-ular hlter-. will he s"i:l t i:i. . ea.-h of liie T.'J camps it: the Si i 'tad I.- i wo ,.:-oii'iiiei.: v-eiaTi'. in a.n ei. i:i ty lo lake interest in ihe plan. I I..- i-oua'ics will be asked I., pay tea ivi! si.-- each .nli-.e.l man Ih sect le ilie e iiiv. T'iiis will aro is., counly i. ri.le. Mi. Slri.naeh will also, on ln- ii. il' of I.. O'l!. Praiuh Ciinip. semi I . 'be "S. us .." North Carolina ' all nvr :lie coimiry. calling on tli":n lor aid, iit.il I .'. :' :i.l. liieni : list I Ih" caniy lta r. ilei'iiil:. a o raise ihe inouev ami haild the i,H.ni;n out. and lira I this movcine'i' Ii.m lie. I : i-ly ciiiloi'seine'.i: el' the i.-:iiii.l . I y p , f I'll S'. '!.'. BICYCLE THIEF. A Negro Who Stole Mr. R. VV. Busbce's Wheel Captured in Durham. Mayor Powell had only ore olTeiuh r before liini' liiis no irninrf ami he was I roiiL'hl here from Durham on flic ln.-lo a. m. Iraink His name was ll-iury .laeksoii and he was . hurircil with l.lie larceny of a bicycle Iroin Mr. K. W. Kns'liee last Saturday a I lorn.. on. .laek s.n look I he bicycle from the Southern Kailway depot, rode il lo Durham, ami was there ar;-es;eil. the police here hav ing telephoned 'lo Durham, .laeksoii is a nia-'i-o claimim.' Kei.bville as his home. Minor Powell placed his In. ml nt Sin. in default of which he was sen', to jail. H0BART WORSE. Palerseit. Nov. I'll. -The con. Iili .1' Vie.-Presi.lcnl llobari ibis liioiniuc was rea-suriiiLr. 'lie has not recovered from Siualay'- relapse. 'I'he physician adinils that ail impiovcnu ui has ceased. SAM.OK. .-si'OKY. Norfolk. Ya.. Nov. IS.-The crew ol' Ihe Piitish neiinier Kuvilislan. Caplain Lillleliales. now Hiking on a cartfo of mil al LambcrTs Point, tell of an e 'peiienec al mice stranu'e and horrifyiiiL.'. Tile vesels .s from liiuiiiie. Chile, and Weill off the 1 '.-nt it i nii:i ll eoasl. near . ,i nil del Piiem.. was cntitflil in a sfoi-ui and fii; and came to am lu.r. A Ikki'-'s i row went 'ashore, and. heal in;; strange noises pi'iicii din' from a cavern iiiear their hiiKmr place, imsin'clcd it. A parly of savages were in the cave, ctis'aiail in aliiiK what sienied to be the ilisnvin hcred body of a ..iinniii beiiiLr. The sav ai:cs at'taeked lln in. Ihe seamen slay, '.vhcrcupon ihey lircd Ui. n Ihcin, killini: one savage. His coinpauiiins carried tin' dead body away. ami. ihe sailors believe, devoured it. In the cavern was a Danish IhiK and much wrecking'. On the show near the cavern lay the -wreck of a w'imhIcii I n-is. 'I'he Kurdistan, wiih a caiKO of Pocahontas coal, will sciil short ly for Valparaiso. Chile. "CHILD HPKNKD TO DBA Til. ' in . C! 1 ... .... in a West Asbui-y Park this inornini; the in fant son el' pinery Oardiiicr was luiincd to ;i crisp. The oilier children were drassi-il from the house and i la ssw . . draL'L'e'l f. in relit.. Ii . .Ii ' .11. -'i-diai-'scd from The house, mill it was ruip poscd lhat the nuilher hail escaped wiih the child in Jier arms. The child, how -ever, was aslet p in its cradle. "Sii'porintemleii'l Day's financiill report of the iieniteinliary Ji-it np:eare.l. H is im tihree wVtions. Tlie lir't seetion covers the time frotm .lanuaM- Is: o Pebirnnr-v 2Hth. niHV slhoW's receipts air- (.'reirntiiiir $2.T8;!. The .Jia-ond period is fiiini Pcliruary JUtli to Aiirp i-.'ii am: shows reci-ipts of ".oW. Disburse ineiils for Hie lirst iMM'io i are nor '.ivon. The tihii'il period is rroi.i April l-'.lh i" Oi'lobii- 1st ami while Ihciv ar' many li!Tin-s, 1hcre are no to! lis of either n eoiiiU or (jisbuTseinieiits. R. AND C. F. R. R USES TELEPHONE, NOT TELEGRAPH Selma Has a System Useless Poles on Fayetteville Street 'Phone Con nection with Weldon, Tarboro, Henderson and Oxford. Mr. William Wynne left 1 1 i nfiei- ii lor Selma where he will initiiedi- al' l.v ii; in a local lei. phone rM-liniivi 1 1... ;.: ;. 11 .1.... ..l... owned hv -himself. He sav I Ilil I Silm wi'l have the be-1 switch l.i.iir.l of aliv 'own in 'he Siaie. Of coins.' n is a small one but if i-' i In u-" 1 1 l: 1 1 1 .'. in. :.. dale. 'I in- lei. .phono line Let wii ii Kalei'h and Wake I'uresil will soon he e..mplel e.l. All ihe poles are lip now blweeii. 'Pal' ''.ill and Ihe mills al ;he T ill- of Nell.:' -if.il in les than Iwo w. I,- lllev will he strung with Hie lies' enpper wire. As seen us Ihe line is complete to I he Palls II w ill he extended lo Wake Purest. Il is iihnosi eeriain thai ihe line to wake Fores! w ill then connect wit 1 1 t he 'I ll I .1.-1 -"II Telephone 'oil Ipll 1V 's line whiiii already eomieels Yuunsville and the stations alims 'ihe S. A. I., tn. Wei ib 'i and al-o Tai-hun. and ( Ixlord. T.hus it nil'.. ais that in a shorl lime Kalei.-h Will have excellent lell pli. I'.' coll lleel h.n Willi Wake l'oresl. Youn - v:.l". Ilen.ler soii. Weldon. iiiicriu.di.il" laces. Tar bor ami Oxford. These l'li's are of the In si i-.ippei- wire and it is claimed ih.it the., will be s,i pel-fee! ilia! ihe licking of ii w.M ill can be heard ..v." ill. an. Telephone w ire instead .:' l"h -raoli lines arc use, I on the Kaleie.li and Cape Pear Kailroa.l. This is said lo he i'ic onl raiir..;!. in ihe counli-y which ll-es tel. pi s exclusively: doim.' away with the icle-. i 'i ii';.... In r. Tin- lelephon liic- :o cviiy I lace al l:e Ihe line ol liiis railroad have all 1 u complete. I at .1 coiiiic ii ui will probably be made wiih the lalersiale cx.-liane;.- in lllis eily city this allcino' ii. The telephones on ihe Kmleiu'li and Cape Pear Kailroa.l are pul ei;. and ,.w ::er by Mr. John II. Mill-, pri -hleui of the road. Wl.dc the hues and 'ph-en s are his .r..u. n. yet tin v .. . , ii . I 1 WIIII 111.' Illl.'isiil I lllis ei... culi. -n. an nils iii'.i nine; uiaue ii Villa ilile -..iivestioll. ".Ill- look ill the pole-." he said, "on Pavotlovillo sired. P.i : '.veeii Ihe intersection Davi" an.l M. -.-an streets alone there are till poles ,.,,i,' I have luaiie a , ah-iiiai ,..ii ,'i,.l tin. I that o'l would he ahumlanlly suflieient. There is ahsnlulei.V no lleci'ssil.v I'm- each i .'le! h.iue and telegraph i oniiiany liavhisr -eparale l.'.le-. Those larse P"l''s 'mil be "lilize.l hy all e .nipiinies an.l I has ah. ml half as many i.ic as are now n. i would he ab-iudniilly siil'l'u .ei.t. ll Would a. id LU'eally lo I II. llppel'iliuu'e of Payctlevillc sired loo." RALEIGH'S NEW PASTOP. Kev. M. W. Puller. I he new piisi. r "f the Christian church, was iri led by laruc eoii'.'rcsrali..ns belli moruimr aid evening yesterday. Mr. Puller is an able preacher ami a pleasaui speaker and all who heard him were .l.li'-'h:e,l. In Ihe inorlliu-' he prea.-bcl his inil ial ..ly sonnoui in Kaleiirii "ii I he approni ia'e l.eine taken from Sl. John "f a man s. iil by Cod. In Ih ' evcninir In- spoke lo a lame e..iiirrci:iUioii on lln- .arable of Ihe wise ami foolish viiL-'iis. KAISER ARRIVED German Emperor Now at Windsor to See Queen Victora. Poi-I.snroulh. Nov. J". The Kaiser's yachi. Ilo'heii'zolh i-ii. entered harbor this iia.i ninsi. eseorled by a flotilla of or-.lo boats. Th..' Pmperor si 1 on ihe biidirc. The royal salute was lire, Duke Coniioiiiihl received the Isniscr. iirstead of Ihe Prine ' Wales, as was th-s't inlcmleil. The Kaiser went liired to Windsor lo meet i n Victoria. MERRYMAKERS SUED Interesting Case Before Judge Roberts This Morning p.v-.luike Si 'ur Wh'naker. iilloiney for Miss Piillia Ak. I'siroiii of Hrooklyn. New Yoi-k. lodav souuhl m allaeli lln M. rrv-Makers, who have been playing 1...... f.i- t'he nasi week, for flic sum .HI1S. licfere .luilire 11. II. KolM-rls. Miss l.eisi ruin has a rovally on some ol in nliivs ircsenleil by the company and ..was (some of the ointit used bv tin .-.iniiianv. The dcfcndanis. I',. Orecn 1,111 and Jo-cpli M. Jacobs. ,in- l.usi ness under the name of The Merry Makcrs were ably reprcscnlcd by Ce'l .1 V. Hinsdale. The suit was coiilesi- c.l ill' a ii.irilisl niiiiincr and Ihe decision ,.f ,lu. lire Kulierts was really a victory for he ilol'cinkiul foi Mislead ol sccuriie,' S11S, Miss Kullia Akci-sii-oin pit only si-s il... Idefendanls also payini; Ihe ... sis. The company promptly y-M the s-.s .....I costs and hit I Ins; all. -moon I'd- (lobislM.io wl.eie (ley will appear to-niu'lit- OMVIA HANKY PIUKAKY. A ineclim: of Ihe trustees of the Olivia Kaney Library will be held this illornooii al ll o'cliM-k al Ihe 1 ariHrouBii House, roonits 1lt ami l,.,l...o Aniie. tfae foirllllle teller. IS III ih,. cilv for a limited number of da Held (ber ad. in this issue and if von want to W'liow the future cull and nee her. ' Mr. YY. P. Strouach left, this niontiinn fur Kichiiwind. iMr. AY. T. Hall. 4 Norfolk, is in tin cily lV,k nround filestores in Kaleich a ii.il I see how scarce hanatui.s are. lvook in ' Dughi's ami e"e ideuity o them, TENDER SERVICES TO GOV. BRADLEY i They Declare that Taylor Shall be Gov ernor No Matter What Electiou Boards May Decide. I ... u I s v 1 1 1. -. Nov. I'll. Tlh" Commercial of this city priui.s a coiiiiiiunical h.u from Harlan counly. signed by ihe c-uiniy jii.li:... counly aiitii-n.-y. -;.e riff. .tier etiunly ofli. ials. i hairnian ..f lln- K pub lican counly coniniil tee. Pn'.l.il Stales Coniiiiissi.iuer. i.osi iiiasi er and ol her proiniiu nt men. slaiiii"; thai ihe-. wiih :l I liolsii i nl ollu-r able bodied men. have l.n.lere.l i heir services p. Cverm : Pradley lo inalluiliale W. S. T;i.or ii.s Iboernor of Keiiiiieky in. inan.r ie.w ev. i- any Slate Pic-lion Hoard may ehle Ihe eolllesl. LOCAL DASHFS. Mi. K. I'. Kivei-s. 1 1 !' ihe Slate Audi- ler's olliee. I. II T-1 . ' ri I a , for a I -ii e.s mi Siale business. .Mr. and Mrs. . II. ;lliaai-..a i'.' I Ill-lied 'lo do i it is I er.la.v. I r. P. P. II ilies rel 111 le d lo I lie il V ye,ser.la . Jude W. S. O'l!. P., bin-. ,n ..ass,, I Ihl'ou-di lln- ''.'.) y.-sici-day all. ll u his way to Salisbury. Prof. M. C. S. Nul l.- pi-s,.,l ihroiinh Ihe cilv VI sler.lity l'l"lll Scllllll I I Chanel 'Mill. M:-. Shipp left ibis in, i nil f. r Wil li i 1 1 1 U I " . II . Maj. II. 1.. Oranl. Chili !' lac lbs. irlel Can. r.-lei iicl Ir u. I b.l 1-1...;.. I !. is iiioi iiiu. Scuiiioi- K. It. .-nil. of Wiii-ior. is in I he -il v. r. I!. i'.. W.-i.b i- ill Ihe cilj . Mr. A. M. Slack. ..f M..1.1..... Mr. P. W. ilabel. a p.e.;.!.ir hiiihl .1' Ih. l'iI'I'. h II ibis ii,. i ii i ii li I. ; point n l ae Si aboard Air Line. Mr. John W. Cr. -s I, :. i his ;. .-uiic. Ji'l' lie illil. I. J ; ( . Ol Wilistoll. is ill lie M. C. H. Pool Weill lo Kl.l-.'.ll this ni.'i ninu. The railn i.l laic :i :ii mil ..'' :-iie Masi.ine I .ii-. (.. iln:;iii;ii.:i an 1 rda' u is s i A.i. I 'Inn !e- I i i-i 1 1 -. nl' Clay tun. n I urn cl hoinc today. Mr. II. e. Za. bury retiirmil Wil m.:'HL;l..n liiis i n . n-i i i 1 1 .l: . Mi-s Klise Slime's and Mi-s Ucia I .en i ii. who have been alti'lidim. the Siale Nnnikil CHe-e. aii'ivi'd ye-.n-day. Mr. John W. T' in .11 1 1 .-"ii. Coiuinissieiier ..I' liiiiim.riilii-11. r iii-ni. I j esiei'ilay i. nine, from a visit .. vv a-a,nLii..u ami I li.-r points. Mr. Will Oaitis and family return. .! I.. Oohlshcn. ibis nun i.-iiii. Mr. liatlis is a his reliini from Philadelphia, win-re he weal I., a I lend r.ie iimi-i'iiil:.' reinciii of his . n.i her. Mr. Charles ll.tllis. of ibis cilv. Air. J. I. Cun.il and Mi-s Pill;.- APII-. belli of li'Aill-'. N. C. Were Ll.'illi:- e.l ;i lnari.-iLie license I. day. The A. a nl M. Colli-.-e I. tin returned Ii ihcir seiiiluru trip pnliv v.cli eoi-s.,.,1. XI -. and Mis. K. V i,-i, ivio.i.e.i la. .iiii- I r a ' up I" A' i - naa .a. Ph. I, .1. 'i.hi.l and New Y.e ... XI". 'li.ery Oriffin is in lin cilv uid has 1-, siiu cii his position .u I'm Sdllh e'u i:i.ioa.l. XI r. A. XI. XI. Phcciers. Sr.. ami Mr. A. x:. XI. -PI i' i-s. Jr.. will h-.iie I .r !al- I- i i- loniorov . w i la,- lain r o ih hav. le. .'.i.-a! consii. '. : '( ah "i: fool, lie has suffered severely from a sprain f. r several nuuiihs. 1 r. Pah. Haywood w ill i;.. I.. P.aliiim.re also. Xir. W. W. Jones, special represent i rv, Im Charles XI. Wb'nh'.k. Wilnmu. Ii.li, N. I '.. iirrivcl im 1 be city Siilin day iiiehi ,,vei' Ihe A. C. P. ami Smilhrrii Ka'lw uy. Air. .loiies has been very siio- eesvlul reeellll.v ill flosillt' lame eoll- iriels I'm' his h'u;-e. and says ihey now h li e sevei al . oniilele pl.-llltK I" instil II. Miioint li'dii a lar-'c eleelrie liuhl plan; in Soulh Cii-.'. .bun. Xlr. .Idles has r, .elilly '..ecu cclcd seerelaiy of The T ravelin-: XI n's Asecialidi of Wilming ton. He wi.l be in the .'.ly for a I'.-iv davs al Ins 1 Hue on 1 I'd Norlh Per-.u sl re. t. Air. W. P. Christian, of Ihe Seaboard Air Pine, ai rived ycsierday a I'tern ...a from- Porls'inoiiih. He flopped over a few- hours, ihe irncst of Xlr. Jos. phus 1 anicls. 'Ihe n hersals for the "Chimes of N. r nianil.v" are proressini: wiih i:c.d n siilis. This charniiiiL.' . pera will be pre seined by Im-al talent uud. r the brec lion of Xlr. A. P. linker, who has mad, such ereat suc ess in former pio.liiot'i.c.s here by local lab ail. This presentation is for the bciiclil of Hex llo-ipital. Chairman Simmons has called Democratic Slat.- coiuin'.iiee lo me i. here Dc-cml r 11 I'll. Secretary T. Is. Hi iiuer and llei b. i i Kiiinley. curator of Ihe Siale Xluseiiin. lell y.-slerda-y lor 'a-hiil.n lo cni r with pivcrnnicnt olticials rccanlinir Norlh C'arolina"s exhibit al ihe Paris Pxpi.silh.n. and also lo study methods of a era interne nt of museum exhil.il so llu-sc can be utilized in re-iirranou- I'he Stale Xluseiiin when I'he aiiiieve. are occupied., A lyiioLM-aplliieal error in X!r. D. ' Johiisiin's ad. last week niade il sa;' thai ' .Hiss besl Dairy Hutter was o cents a qioinnl," und till a I "you could kit iM'ltcr f. r :ll i-cii'ts." It should Ivave been yon CAN'T get In'tti r for .".II cents. At all eviMils, ivr have a cinalini: slu tion iti 'S'litnoa. and .now the uexl lliini: im order is to put some cnnl there. -l'lola.lcbiliia 1a'di:cr. started 1o say summer is pile. II w J not si. Sunnnu'r is here, also Liihi s ice cream is liere. MICHIIi BAYONET SHOVEL A Norlh Carolina Patent The Brothers at Sugar Creek in Mecklenburg Connly Form an Aid So ciety There. Sc-l-elary ,,f Sim,. h..li!soll did il l Usllili- hn-hi. te.hiv ill spile .,f tiic lae: lhat his ofli.-e is in ii chin. lie cii diiioa due i.. th,- ciirpeiiicr- an.l i'he cillpel lilell. Articles .,f iMeci HI Were tie. f..' ihe P. ml r..ke Xiaiiiifii. luriiii: Company ..I New hern. 'I I hic i ,,f the ocrp,, ra tion is the III. I llilfael lire i.l cell. Hi ;I. woolen imo.ls iii .l i.thcr i,ti,. products. The company is in. ..i p.iran ,1 for sixly Jears and has :, ca.ilii stock "f .VT.i.lMIII. 'I lie il pel lllol-s are Will. 1 1 It 1 1. '. S. Iliillistcf. .1. ('. Wliitiy. C. I). Hriidhatu. I. II. Parker. Jr.. S. K. Ki i. A. II. I'.anui'i'i. II. I . Smitii. P W. Armstrong. Ii. 1.. Leyhurn. C. P. Kev. W. II, Oliver. I' 'hi 1 Mi S. XI. I'.rin.-en. T. . .'aust. A. I'. Ward, C. I,. Ives W. ... Pitch, T W. 1'cwev. c. I.. Sievns and P. II. Polio tier. I S. I 'hit. Jehu c. Alh-hie and Win, A. H'llhrie lit, , ariieles of aLrreeincni for III'' illco'-pi'l-.ll ion of .I,,. Xliehie P.'ayoni't Shovel Cuipain of liirrham. 'Pliiscoiu- .mis oruilaizcl for the pui-..se of lll.l II I' lit.l 1 1 li !IU all. I scllillL.' clltfeUeh i ' l""!s. c.o, re, I hv lellcf of patent of Inil. .1 Siaics No. r.ol.i'.'.iii to John C. Xli. hi i ll. tob. r I". IS! ill. The heinl- 1 1 1 .- I-1 - . I ll on, pan y w ill be Dlir- I'.::.. ami :h.- . apiial slock will Im' ild less hii.ii S 1 1 i.l a H I or t -,. than "i.l Mill. due d:ililli..,i of the col ;...-aliell sliiill 1.,. hfly veil is. Tin Pi-dheis Aid S.-i.'ly No. -I tSll I'lir CreeKi". in XL, ckleiiliuri: cninty, was ill-,, incorporated today. The ob ject in- I,, be :he intellect uul. tiuaiicial and s, i., iMI I-.,,, , neiti of the nieinbers. lakinu: .-are .f ihe sick, buryinir the ilc-i.i. etc. The t rincipiil i.fliee shall lie at "I'catre llr..vi. Cburcii in Suar Cris-k n. iniiborl I." The iiu-oropr;iti,rs arc XI. S. Common. C. ll. Cochrane and W. II. I lenders. ,n. The I 'nieii Puruii ure Coitipiiny of liiiPhuni. . J. Ch.i-sti.-iii pi-esidcnt. has chiiiiL-ed iis i.iaine to ihe Carolina purni iiire Conipiiny. TEMPLE DEDICATION. Air. I!. II. Pradley. uniid lyler of the i li iiiiil l.o.ke ol' 'Xlasi.iis. It'll this 111. un it i l: to 1 1 a i i i i i ale in the ileili.-ir: ion eere in.ii'ies ,,i' tiie new .Masonic temple sit Wiliii inu ! i a, w iii. h I a kes place t otnurrnw, Tllle iiclicalii.il ilihil'iss will be d.'livel'eil hy 1-'. II. Pushes Ivsip. of this eiJ.v, 'I'he Xlasi ui. tier, which will list twelve davs. hcLiins o'l.iiihl. SOCIAL. A sil,seri,;.tie. dance will be -ivell ill pile Henry bud. lie:: this eveiiinc al'ler ihe l.ouis P.relian.v Halhnl and O'pcra Cin- cel'l eonipilliv llive their e hi 1 ill ion. 'Pile .lilllce is eempliinent .1 ry I". visjt- iui: yoitim ladies. Tn -.lav i vniiiiL' al li.-r home on Nort-h Pel-sen sited Xliss Oertritile Hush will elilellaill Ihe pll.'lle Club. SMALL POX ACCOUNT. The city Ii 1 1 ii ii . i- eoiuinillc iield a c-on- I'el'. tice ill the Xlayol-'s ofli, e this uNrn- iu-'. City Attorney W. P. Watson. .Mayor Powell and Perrili Hiisbee. Psip. were pies, ut . n iiiviiaiion of ihe coni- icittee. Tile -et 1 lellll'lll lll-l W'ecll '.lie eit v and county of the expenses incurred ill lite small p..x matters lasi spi'.iiL' was the subject i -i.lel'eil. Till' ell. lilinnef couiniitiee auiecl to hold ii lonl'ciene" wiih Ihe re; lcs.-n'iilivi's ol 'be coin.:'. eoinniissi, nets this ut'teinoea a; si o'clock, T'he cit colli, Mills lll.l' III. ml arccl I.. l'a.v one ha I i' el' the e- A Kd.MAM'P PNDP.D. of Ali-s Plizilheth .1. 11.'-. A-ed D -a ;h Chni Nearh HH Y",irs. i lesion. Y. V.i.. Nov. is. Miss Klixabitli .lone- l':e.l lasi ntuhl oii '('ani.p I . '.I Creek, ill... Ill twelve miles I't'olll lllis i in. She would have been HU years ..Id bud she livid linlil .1 il ll 1 1 II I' 11. 'XI. I-', r .some yi ais na-t she made her Iioiik' wiih Herh'v AN'ini'ree. ami her death was caused by a m-neral hivakine. down of lin- vita! powers. Her death is the cud-inu- ol a renin' e such as ;s seldom foivird ill lea' iife. and ihe -lo rol'v li'.j Ii1 ill real life, ii :d the story of her faith ful:!, -s to liie memory ..:' Icr lover is one thai is ii"l often found otil-ide of tidion. In he- .ally wonianl I he was eiiuai.- e.l lo be married I" a v..,iiil' nieiuber of the Virginia miliiiii. who went out in the - rvicc of ihe Pniicl Stales in Ihe war ..I' IM;. lie was killed til Alexan dria. 'a.. mi AiiL.'Usi -Nl. 1X11. in a skirmish wiih Ihe llritish troops. Th's w il s;i few days previous lo Ihe dale s.. for his marriage with Xliss Jones. When the news f h';-. .Icith rcaehed her shr was almost broken hearted, and ifl ihoiiL'h she shoriiy alierwai'd recovered her usual spirits and was a cheerful i I welcome companion to all 'luT friends, she i In l-islii'il his ini'iiiory In the day of her deal!:, and allhoiih would-b.' lovers came in plenty none foiitid favor in her eyes. She remained true lo the im nn ir.v of Ihe ill ad. anil now, lifter liirtirly il. cent ury of siepa ration, she lias uiuic to tired iii r soldier lover. MASONP'. A rc'itliir coinimuiiication of Haleigh chiipter. No. 111. Koyal Arch Mason, wjlll l. held al Masioi-iie Hull lonilit nit 7:M0 oelock. Kleclh ii of oltieers. Bii'tlnvn are rciiucstcd to lie iircsiirt. 1 'I to

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