W"! .-, tM TV No. 9,09. RAI.EIGH, M. C, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. TinESVISITOR 4 AGU1NALD0 ASK A QUESTION Afraid to Flee to Hong Kong Because of British ILIOLO CLEAR OF REBELS Americans Defeat the Rebels at Pasel and Capture Tea Cannon Our Troops Garrison ; Towns. Hong Kong, Hoe. 1. Agllill !.! in:s communicated with the Filipino .Inula, asking whether he will Ik- pritci'iod in the event. if Ilis taking refuge hero, ol whether the English, autliori'iosi will turn hint over Ik thr custody t.f th" I'nitcd St 11 tcs government. II. IOI.O CLKAUEU. Manila, lice. 1. 'iiem'r'al Hughes re ports tlii- province of Uiulo clear of reb els. He lias been chasing the rebels lianl. forcing a tight at I'asel. The in surgents have been scattered anil the Americans have captured ten cannons. Troops are now prnci oiling lo t'api.. The Twcnly-siMh volunteer in funtry is garrisoning several towns ami il is expected thai the cnlire island will soon he clear of rebels. i.i;ti"i:k this i:kmm;. Yon Are Iini'cd Ilea.- A Led 'ire oih "Protestant itcforiiintioii." V. E. Ilnihl. I'h. 11.. will lecture at. the A. and M. College this evening, be ginning protupll.v al S o'clock, on the 'I'rotestant licl'ormutiou." Thi' public is cordially invited to allot.. I and hear I M-. Dihld. who is a I'll. I), of a cole braled ttci'inau university. !r. Ootid is a .North Carolinian and a young man of great promise. women e.mim.oyep. New York. I lee. I. Mrs. r.MMo Devc reiix Bluke. says women will h -'inplny-ed as census enumerators ami clci !;s. M'any will apply for places. HAII.WAYS IN thi: Sol'TII. Chntrges in Southern Kaiitvuy and At lantic ' aiMI l.im- Trn ns. Inttpnrlant changes are nini-nunccd in through irain servile by The Southern. Hallway. ( "omim neing on I Icceinlicr 111. the company will tdternte over Us own llim, via Columbia. I'err.v. lilix kville ami Allendale, S. ('.. into and out of Sa vannah, (in this date thi- through car service south of Si.ivalinah will he oper ated in ( 'ounce, ion with the l'lant Sys tem ami the I'lorida Kas-I Oust Kail way lo ami from poinls it the ca.-l coast id' Klorida. with direct service lo anrt from Key Wist. I'la.. llavauna. Cuba, ami Nassau. N. I'., via Miami. I'la.. in conncclion wilh the I'lmida Easj CoaM. Steamship Company. The service be twecn Savauii'.ih and i tiler poiu's in Klorida. including the w,st coasi. will alsi he via I In- riant System, will) a direct service to and from Key Wist ami Havana via Tamp'.t. l-'la.. in cu ius lion with the rian! Stcauoliip line. Ity this change the l'lant Systi in oc cupys the close traffic relation with the Southern Kailway formerly l-chl by the l-'lorida Ceiilial ami 1'eiiinsiilar Kail road. In preparation for its winter tourist travels i lie Soiiiliein Railway has been liberal in ils cxprmli'lurii in saur ing line eiprpuii-nt and hcd'Ting its, Iraiu service. Oil Hceeiiiber 1 the passenger trains of the Atlantic Coast Line will run into Augusta, ti l., over fis u "wly c.'ii 'trilcli d branch line. Freight trains began so running November 1. This u -w road runs from Denmark. S. C. via I'.arnw ol1. to Kohl 'lis, s. C. there cuinei ting w ilh llle Charleston and Wi.-tirn ("aniliua ICailroad, whiih is (he properly of the Atlantic Coast Line, liy this lad-range-meivt a much simmer route is secured, with a fitnl'er through far .service from (he Eastern i I i t s lo Athnnla. Augusla, .Macon ami oilier points in (irorg u. and adjoining Slates. ltaltiinore Sun. OTHKU 1IEHOKS TIOFSES. Disposition Made of Farragut's, Wor ileti's, (iranl's mid Meade's. From the New Y ork World. The transfer by Admiral Dewey of the house presented to him by, the pci ple to his wife anil thence lo his son does lint find il parallel in the history of houses presented by the people to other great heroes. Admiral Fiirragul's brilliant achieve ments in the (iiilf were rewarded by u popular gift oC fifty $1(HI0 Coviinuienl iMindst by the people of New York, with which Ihe Admiral iimnciiiiilely pur chased a house which he occupied till his death. That house. 11H East Thirty-sixth street .is Mill occupied by the Admiral's son. When Itear Admiral Wvrden. eoin tnaiiiler of the Monitor .came tshir,. alter having ramlll 'il the M"rriniac. lie was rewarded Ity a public deinonslra tiou and wus presented a house ui tiir south side of K street .near Fifteenth street. Washington. The Admiral died there u year n(fo. and the house s-lil; belongs to his people. By popular subscription a home on L street. Washington, was presented !o fjeneval (irant at the close of the Civil War. YVheii (Jem-ral (runt became President tlw house wlis turned ove? to (Seuera IShenitni' .who afl'i'wi'.rd sold it iiii.l' bought a home in St. Louis. Philadelphia suhserilied; for a house for (ieneral Meade at the close of Ihe war, ami whett the (feneral died auoihe: fund of .fUiojMIO was raised for h's family, who oceupieil the home. Shell oysters 25 cent per dor.en at Denton's. Jus1! try a "fry of o!ers In a hox ut Duglii's. UEXBRAL KILLED., Caracas, Dec. 1. A running light be tween government troops and relxds. it'll. Yagaracutin, goveriilment chief, wus killed ami the forces of (ienei'al Castro are pursuing the rebels. Fresh supplies, arms and ainmunil ion are be ing sent to Valencia. Ycimicla. The tlclinc utnry commission of Columbian, and Yeueziielean frontier start promptly to comply with the SpLiuish decision against Wnc7,ucla. PATIENT'S FATAL LEAP. New York. Dec. 1. While in delirium pneumonia, pursued by some horrible phantom. Jennie Michcihank. a patient in Kooscvclt Hospital, eluded her nurse and jumped from the Court li story. She died soon after, having struck on her head and fractured her skull. 1!I!DE AT Till KTEEN. John Henry Turner, of Holly Springs, and Lizzie Jane Akims, of thi' same place, a colored couple, secured a mar riage license today. The groom is nine teen, while the- bride has attained the 'age "I thirteen years. Tile bride's par ents gav,. their written consent. MAKIUACi:. A Kicliniond Lade and 'i Florida Man Wed Hi !.'. Last night ,il llle larsi.mig" Itev. W. C. Norman, o'f llie IMenlon S'rcil Melhialist church, united Miss Imogelie L. r.aseoin. of Kichinoml. Ya.. and Mr. Willii.nn E. Uriit. of .laeksonville. Fla.. in marriage. The young pisiili' met here yi ster I i.v ami the groom having sei ureil a licence last niglii ihey wenl lo the parsonage ami were inarriid.. The bride's parents live in Kieliiuoinl. while ihe groom's mother and father rc.-idc in Miami. I'lotiili. CURRENCY BILL The Monetary Bill to be Considered by Congress. Washington. Dei'. 1. The lorilicoin ing Senate currency bill, it is ihoughl. will lay greui iress on ihe tan of refiiniliug the total outstanding bond ed debt at tile uniform ami a half per cent ami lime lo sweep away all vi-ion- ol' (he house bill swept away will include cite ol two al the same hanking pro Tie parts the provision of issuing bank notes up par bonds deposited as security, bin s'.iving coun try inleresl will make up everything else. Il is not expel led to affect the bank circulation injuriously. The Sen ate liiranciers will contend Ihei nneas nre is in the inleresl of economy to the treasury and the public Wcdit both home ami abroad, am) lo the bona lulc investing class, as opposed lo mere s cciilators. THE DEIiATE. Tile del.'lc hi'lwccn Trinily and Wake Foresi last night In which ihe judges. Kev. Dr. Eugi ne Daniel. Hon. K. 11. Itaille anil licv. Dr. lirallou. de cided in lavor ol' Wake Foresi was highly ci ntplitucnlcii by every one to day. The young ua n all aciiiitteil ilieiu selvcs well. Trinily had ihe alTlrinaiivc of the iii "iy "Itcsolvcd. Thai I'nileii Slales Senilols should he elceled by the people." The debali is reprcsi'iii ing Waki I'or est were Mr. A. K. Duuuiiig. of Iterlie. Mr. O. L. I'owcrs. of Fender, and Mr. A. W. Cook, of lleitford. while lin.-,-who cotiicstcd Co. Trinity were Mr. S. A. Siewarl of 1'nion counly. Mr. John Dent, of Ashe, and Mr. .1. M. Flower-. of Taylorsville. Fotiriceii miniiles were allowed each sjteaki r in Ihe opening of the debate, and live iniu ulcs to each in the reply. WANTED TO 1IEAK A P.IC BANC. Koy I'sed -an Ax en Dyuaiii'ii. and titil More Thau He Expected. Mill'onl. Del.. Nov. L'll - A dynainite carnidgc which was exp.loilcd wilh an axe has disiigiired Arthur Koberls for life. He is the seven-year-old son of John Huberts, a fanner of ('.d.ir Creek Hundred. The boy pill Ihe cartridge in the slove tw.iee to hear il :op. and f;iilin go get any sal ist'aet ion lo' k it lo t he wmMl.-lied ami ii-nl an axe upon il. One side of his I'aee was terribly torn and Ihe sight of one eye doslroyt'd. I! A IX. For Kali :g!i and vicinity: Liglil rain to-uight or early Saluiilay. followed by fair, cooler. A marked barometric depression is central this morning over the i-at-t Lake legion wilh the pressure b.dow L'il.MI ini his. A trough exte-iluTh . .li ..(.. incln s. A trough extends south to the tlnlf of Mexico. Cloudy. Mirealening weather jirevails in the ceirlral valley with light rains at iniints I'rcm Mobile lo M.llqni l. Clear weather continues on the A 1 l:i n I ii- ccasl and thmughoul the region west of iihcw Mississippi riv er. The temperature is slightly Urlow friTy.ing in the extreme nor'.hwist. Where the Tronhle Lies: Don't you have a horror of lending booksV" "Xo. I haven't nny horror of lending hooks, but 1 have a horror of not getting them hack again." Chicago Kecord. The Figaro tolls' the following s?lory of an author who consulted a physician: "To keep in good health I need a itreat dial (of sloe)).'.' 'That's a mutter of ten ipei ; .nenil . Your fi Haw-writer 55 now; six hours are enough for him." "Y'es, but not enough for his readers!" NOTICE. Seaton (inlet Lodge Xo. (4, I. 0. 0. F., will uni t: in regular session in the I'ul lcn building tonight at 7 o'clock. AVork in the initinltitry degree. C'andid'aten for the iuili.itory will iresent theiikselves tit 7:"ii o'clock. All Odd Fclows are in vited to he present. THE'IM. Secrelary. Plenty of bananas lit Dnghi's. BRITISH SUSPENCE IS NOT RELIEVED Despondent Conjectures on Me thunc's Sileuce BRITISH SORTIE FROM KIMBERLY Journal Speeial Says British Loss was Enormous Hildyard's Advance to Ladysmith Meets Obstacles. ) t London. lice. I. - Mi'lllUell's ll gelll call for heavy ivinl'oreoiuenls rigbi on Ihe heels of III,' report of llle bailie of Modd'T river, convinced cum the 1 1 i is. r oplolllistii' experts that Ilis throe hard lights, so depleted his ranks as to make il impossible to push ahead, wiili niit roinforo' ini'iit-. It is deemed sig- nilieanl llial Melliiieu ilidn'i claim a I- iclory and this with llie fai-I licit no lil of easuall ies was scni causes wide-. s;read anxitlv. MET 1 1 LEX'S SIT.KM'K. London. Dee. I. Metlllllle's silence is believed to lie due lo the censiuship and is Inkcn lo mi an dial i ry iniportau1 stralegic nuoeineiiis are under way or else news of a British reverse is held up. Before the advance is made Mod- der Kiver will have lo be bridged. Ke- pairing railway will i i k ail Mellnme's resources. F.xpirls say that more men are needed ill all ilircel tons. BKIDCE DESTKOYED. Cape Tow n. Dec. 1. The Iraffie he-twt-en Easl Loudon and Siormburg is interrupted by ihe ilesiriieiion of Sicyu's bridge. ENOKMi S LOSS. New Y'nrk. Dec. 1. -A -loiinial speeial from Pretori i. via Lorenzo Martinez, says: The I'.riiish sustained an enor mous lo-.s in ihe battle al Modilcr river. Cronje was i ra!fetTed frmn Mafckln In commauil llie fort-e opposing Me Ihiliu. ( 'itlumaiiilanl S.viuan eoliliultcs lo invesl Melaking cluselv. BOEI! At 'COT' NT. I.oriu.o. Maniiic.. Dec. I. Delayed. The BoeiV Kimherlcy repor! Noveinber -."till. sa,s iho I'ritish wilh a siri.ug force made a sortie, accompanied by liclil- ieccs. slUirised ISIoeinllof eom niautler and at'ler sliarp tiring assisianct arriveil for llie liners. The Kiinbi'rh'V garrison llieii. reiirerl, eo-eeil by i ar liMer.i lire. 'I'll.- Iloers i,i;,. Hillod I'll llst'enleeu wolllltled. K EACH El ' TI'liEI.A. I. 'Ililoll. I Iff. 1. - A liispal ill I n I lie Evtiiing News freai Ctipe Town, says a force of Iloers while trying lo blow up llie live hundred fool bridge at ('deiiso were driven back by I'.riiish arlilhry lire. The dispatch indieniest Ibal 1 1 ihlyaril is adva neing lo llie re lief of Ladysinii h and h.is tivercoiue dilTiellll ies spit-jitl ill Ihe paj II by Ihe Iloers find has reat iu-d the south-shore of Tugela river. CHARMING RECEPTION Friends Visit the Baptist University This Morning. Tile l!aj :isj Female l'niver-i;v -jave holiday leday insiead t.f uev l.niLi.. . and a public reeeptiioi was . - . 1 frooi nine in. lil two o'clock. Tier, v i re a coiisiaiii sireani of callers ami llie fae iilly and young ladies roeehed lie vi-i lors iu'ilieir usual charioiu- uniniei. The aliractive 'rooius w t-re b-',iiiiifu''iy tlccoralcil in while and blue. Tic- young men of Kaleigh. friends ol ike I icull.. ami sliulinl.-. tl ailets of ihe A. an I M. College anil others inieresi,. m llie Fniversily were inviied and avail ed themselves of ihe iippor; imi: v w.lli Tlie second recil.il by llie faculty of ' ihe school of music and eloculitei of 'ile n is i , t n 1 1 ii i given yesterday aflernooii was a greal sueivss. Tin. iu-g mi was as ftdlovys: Piano Solo -The Swan. Sa i:i' S,: ais. M iss .1 ii lia Brewer. Yocal Solo Memories. Temp!'', Mrs. Henri Appy. Violin Solo-. Kallatle and Pol mais... YieiiMcuips. Jlr. Henri App-. Piano Solo Staccato ( 'iprice. Max Vogrieh. Miss I.ovie Lie Jtn.'-. Kemliiig- 'I iie Lady of the Land. Win. Morris. Miss Sophie Ueyn il Is. Yocal Solo -A May Morning. Dona. M i s. I It ,iri Appy. Piano Solo-Yalse from Fails'. ; . ti mid Liszt. Mr. Henry (irulil. r. (TIAKLOTTE PM LTKY SHOW. Premium Lisi I'or the Third Annual Ex hibit Heady. The premium list for the third an nual iJiow of the Charlotte Poultry ami Pel i-'took Association, to he held in thr cily hall .laninary ll-l-. has left The Ohseiver presses. The lisi is Dinn er ami more attractive this year than ever. It is gotten up in pretty style ami contains all inforuuUioii desired by those who intend to semi exhibits or who are interest, d ill poultry ami pet slock. The show ceiis al S o'clock on the aborning of Jianuury llllli. 'Hie officers of the asMociaiion ar .1..M. (iihhs. president, S'tatesville: W. B. i Alexander. vice 1 resitli ut, Charlotte: W. M. Barriuger, secrelary-lreasurer. (.'harlolte; S. W. Porter, si'tperintciuloiil, Ilelwon. Directors: .1. M. (iibhs. Kitatesville: D. II . Mayers, Charltdte; W. D. Harrill. Elh'iiboro: B. S. Davis, ( 'haa-lon e : E. B. YYatts. Stale-sville; X. J. Sherrill. Charhdte: It. L. Alvernethv. C'harlotle; W. B. Alilexaniler, Chailotte: S. . Porter. He! run; D. C. Moore. Clus lr: (iisirge M'iidue, (Niarlulte. Executive Cotnnii! ,'e: Y'. B. Alexamler. It. S. Ihivis. AY. M. llariinger. W. D. Harrill. .1. Sherrill. Judge: D. J. l.ainlicrt. Apponiiug. K. I. Charlotte Observer. LOCAL DASHES. Mr. Joseph J. Holers, of An x, w;i in lllr fitv IniLiv. .Mrs. K. K, Alni'liit rrinriM'-l litis laoni- Mr. 1'. It. Wtniliiish w.-ui i Omhii! this iijt.nihi-. Mr. Willijiiii Hiiiih-v n'lur;hl : Iiiiis hnru llii-N ii ! rin ii r. lifv. lr. U. il. W'liilnk-r w.-ni ut KrankliiihiH tins niuniin. Mrs. M.ny 'rttii wciii tu Kninkliiiinii this tin truing. Pivsitlhi;: Hl'lcr 4 ; i t 1 Ki-(t ihrniih 1 lir city t his iiioi-niiii; on hi- w;i v ii l'r;iiikltiititi. Mr. MMi-i-i.i.hikr Ihnvk-n- i.-t isnn-.l li'Hii thU lmniiiiii;. Mr. l 1(. I li;vcr. i.riv.-iii' -i- r ;i i ! Sciiainf Itntlrr, It'Cl ihU iiio)-ii 1 1 r it.r W.iliiinrtuH. M r. ( 'liiirl. Ic;ifsini. of 1 1n h-a f IN'iirsnii aiitl Afhr. it turned tin- ninrniiiir from Mohilc. Alti. This .iid'nu o-inir L t' i I'll i h.ivr I hi- citiil lio-t for in-iiiriti llie plans .Tiiil specifications of ;. new i hilt liiiilditi' to he erect .1 then-. Mr. il. A. London, of I 'it i -Uu ... ienl llie .lay here. Air. 'I', .. AIIiiiurIu fame in ihis morn- 'I'lh' -iinh ids of Wake Forest h;id a. tlZ ei'lehralioll at lile ('ellee last niu-Iit t'pnu Mieir return there, in honor of their victory in the dfhate laM ni.uhl. Mr. Steinine;.. the florist . has phinlcd 1.."lM lulii in ihe ccnii'e ploi ni' Nah S.i!ar;-. There- are I'oiir varieties. Mi'. P. '1'. Johnson invito your allen lioii to his ehjinire of ad. ihis is-sno. If von want tine pork sausage si e hint. M is M ary Kit eh ford wciii Frank liiiti n ihis iiion'iliL:. Mr. John A tidier wa in ihe eitv in da. Mr. I-'. 11. IIul.ee. Mr. Vi. tor I'.oyden. Mr. W. V. Vas :m J Mr. and Mrs. Julin- Lewis, relumed from lurliaiii this lllornillir. where they vt Hi lo a'tell.l llle Ilill-Watis Ai.'diu-. !eputy J. T. Ada. ii- -i-ized I'.. i:ovcrniiieiii di-iillery ai l.ar I'or1'. Wednesday for irreiil i :it ies. F nir h.n--lels of whiskey were r::- I ::l Keii'v eslei tlay for 1 lie saiih reas.tn. Mr. Williams llohhins re 'rti-l froni Fharlolie ihis morning. w!i-:e in- ai teuded ihe funeral of hi- itioi h -r. Mi-s M.irie! Wotnl ward wetn lo !ur liam .esienlay to -ii nlaiives. Jniiior Order I". A. M. ic.m : t.iiiiht al S o'clock ovi r Jnlin- Leui-' Hard ware Ton p. my store. M ayor Ft swell dealt wlih s era I Tiianksjji viiii: cases this m imiuu:. M is. ''a,niii Craii; ariv-'d in ihe cily yesjetday aficruooii. The nii'l seho .1 ihpntin nl of Shaw I mvfi'sily is o; it 1 ii eery ni;;lt, duriiii: llie we: k eei pt S;iliirda.y niyhi. and is prov ing a yrrat. siieee-s. Thi re w , re in a' ttiidanie diiriim the week llo men and ii. iy - . A vi i a p- Mi It 'ltd a ltc S'2. Tin-I'-aelnny: is all done free hy sevri-al Ir.i I'rssors, and under graduate d .relcrs fi-inu the .ri:l'( sional and e.dlee de pa r I men t. I'rof. N. ( '. I '.nice I. iny; li- leeler. All rf tlie III W and In' I M i fill lf eitaiieii V'- uiis ;nv well heitetl and liuht i d hy elect l iciiy. Tin re is yet r -om fo, hiimlirds of ciiri'i. Lei ne u and hoys at e: this -;reai (lian'-o fur improve iiu 111. Kah i-h Miade. PANAMA UMI'ANV Fan a ni a. Fee. 1. - Thi- coininisii'ii or Miiciheers appointed hy the new Faua ma Fanal 'ompauy has cniiiplctcd ihi'ir -v ol'l. Tliey t inlorse llle plan f'.V Ihe canal. Tiicy d-'t-rared the work can he cai;de: tl in ten years. ATTAUv VIFTOIMA. Faris. Dec. 1. Tin- open ilm-ai in ( 'hanthi-rlain's speech exciies liule -oin- Uieni hcl'e. The lieulerale pajicis re peal, wilh eeiie. atlaks on the iieeii which in ils tone is like KhINIi paper? on " I he I rev is case, ami say that t in I'fem h army is as re--pceiahlc ,i the Kiiirlish iiiecii. I'.AST MolMiAN STIUJKT. Oli. Mr. I livery: Ol,. Mr. I'.lake. Our live veil nhiy gather, our l'i n, es nia.v lake: Iliil doii'il make u ClilV Hwi Hers, ilon'l leave us so hiyli. v are u a vet pri pareil lo ahitle in Ihe sky. We'll soon have o eoal. i'l'itni our tli kits 10 Ihe .ireel. t'nipll. Woll'l Ihis Iie lovelv ill ease ol' a she: Our iioifhl'oi's look up lo us In v will 11 eiitlV Oh. give us our own rctl mud lull hack iiL'ain i: MOItCANUKK. "Why ilon'l you roast this electric coinpanyV I tlcclare ihis is iuiolcralile." Such remarks as the ahove are hurl cd al The Tillies-X'isiior reiorter on every side from early morn uniil niiriil. In truth no one is suffering more from the ahoiuiiiahle service Ihis week than The Times-Visitor. No clecirie power for tiirce hours or more today ami uoi a line could he set on Ihe paper wiihoiil il. The reply iven when ihe eoni any was telcphoii.'il was thai tin' power would he on in tiftccn or lliirty inin ntes, hut hours passed ami slill no IKiwer. I'roni iuilicatious it aiipcars now (hat 'lie 'Hum's-X'isiior will he ver fate, hut it is not our tault. Il is ini possihle to ct copy set. ami the tiay is virtually killed. Two consecutive iiii;hls the city has hcen in total darkness so far as elec tric street lights are concerned. The piililic are hy no means salislietl with the st. i lenient, that "Well. the cily don't pay for lights unless they inirn.' Whul the )ct.le want is light ami this they have not. received this week ex cept hy spurts. The company ought to he encouraged so as to keep the ears running, hut they need a plant which will he etpm! to the requirements. Tile promise to do helter in future has he come al.oiit as valnahle as ihe tem perance pledge of a continued inchriale. The company is doing thi' lies! they can is nuiiiestieual Iy H ue. lint they should have a plant which should make that "'lust'' betler, DR. SCHLESINCER TAKES "SAGE TEA." Dr. Dughi Administers a Heal lie j ful Dose to Him ? DOCTOR DIDN'T GIVE SATISFACTION BUT DUGHI GOT IT. Mr. Dughi Pays $1 SO to Learn that His Son is a Daughter and Needs "Sage Tea" Dughi Then Gave the Doctor the "Tea." Mr. A. Ixmhi. '.Kalcigli's lies! : i Mil nio-i prosperoii- citizen, loday i:avo 1 ir. Si-lilesin:;er. ihe spirit ualisi . who i liiiariling al ihe Carolllon and n veal im:' Hosieries i ;t io llie mist phisi ii iiietl. ,i siH-ii ilo-e ol' "sasf,. ti a." as .Mr. llniclii polilely t iTllH il il. 'I lie facts in the ease seem llnis: Wn nestlay uighl Mr. Dughi luriied fool, a- lie e.ress,., ii. ami Visiled tile tl'iior in t ' . a u pa 1 1 y wilh Mr. M. .1. K.laarils. Ilr. Si IiIi simrer received I In 1 1 1 in his usual all'aiile manor anl iiil'ornicii Mr. Inighi ih. M if In- was i jhtiir iiciii lie Wtailtl tharc him noihin-. Mr. Iiiuiii s:iitl lli.tl he wenlid lo pa htm an I liie tliicior llu a. in ihe i-iesentf of Mr. LI-waul-, said io give hint SI .."ill ami if wh.il lie s.liil ;ts not ,-l 11 fly -.Ilis; : o ho would giv(. him his iuoite hack. i-. hughi ilioiigei ihi- fair enough s(, ;t pllliiketl a wheel aii.l a hall down. 'I no tlocior I h 11 told him lo wr":c si lennts on a slip ,,f paper. Mr. Haghi did I lii and among oilier wrc;c "t 'h'l-sl ia u." Ihe ii tine -if his lilllc sou. ami llie tlocit.i 1 1 'It I him ahoui as follows: "Vou wrote ihe iiaine of a chiltl of oin-s I'hiisiiuc ''"lie child is very dear lo you. Il ,vil he a greal chill and will i-allse iiii great ju.v. l'ul is -icklv It 1 1 . lloeer voll can t III- i.ie cltdd if y .11 will give her s;ige lea. M L'iii gi- illg llle chilli s.igt- lea iuill.eiii; : . l. ." Tiic child of Mr. Onghi was uinutl for Mr. W. Iv Christian, formerly of Kaleigh. ami is indeed a fine hoy. I loi It r .1 s. how ewr. lhal lie is tlis. a-etl. Mr. Iiiighi 1 1 -1 1 inforiiicil i!e ! rini' s rr ihat lo- did have a dii!. iiaiuet! "I hri-lian" mill thai liie child vas a JtOV. imi a girl, anil was a ,: sickly. Ion liie llralllli-'Sl liov he e.r s-, w. The do, lor lilainlly replied. "Weil give him -age lea." .Vi Ihis in 'ill I llie il-ii - n.'lil oi'i ami ilms the iH't't'oriiiaiii" elu-c'l a;..l Mr. 1 lugiii rel iretl. Vesd'rtla.v ; i ft, n,o n Mr. Iin-li: goi to rliinking ocr the n ailer a;nl ti 'ei'f'.l l;;,t the iiiforinaii'iii -lo giv.- a hi t'liliy child "s.ige lea" was ma .oii. .yLoli and llltil lie had received auyihiug Itli; sal is fa ot ion. Tliereiip tn a fii: I v.'o o't lock y.-slel'il IV he wrele i r. Scllies- iug. r i Hole and asked him to riluru hi- Sl.ol' since he prollli '"I I ii he oi l imi give satisfat-'io'i. The Hoc lor senl liack llie reply :h:il her ' vs a s if i answer lo the noie. dark Mr. Iiiighi senl him aiioilicr not,, saying I n ,i he ilid itoi care ftir the m mev !i 11 hat Io lie llll.ulillggi tl anil retplcl. .1 llle ll'.c-l"- lo llllli over llle SI. ."ill I t -nine I'tiji ci of t hariiy. The nolo was -eui 0:0 I, 1111 t i netl. A Hi. ml of llie Hot, ol' called on .Mr. Iiiighi .-lid a nies-agt was .-cnl lo lile llo; tor lo give Ihe 111 Mil V to St. llle I'eggar or i i lo r. 'Ihis n: trii'iug Mr. Ouglii .-ithtl in 1 ive a personal interview wiiii liie spiril uali-I. s,, he caled on hi ,1 at llie Carrlooion. The lio.ior was Im-y :, 1 his disk, and after Mr. Lic-hi wain. I some lime lie mildly siigg".:.'.! lo lir. S; lieli.-enger thai his u.ini" was Iiiighi ami he awaited his ph a-uie. "Vm -anl if yoll did' II til give sa i i-i'.lel :ttl Will would n 111111 my SI. ."tli. and all you thi me was ill it my son was a il iiigiile:- .in ! had si.uii'lliiiig llie mailer i;!i hei .,11.' to give lier sage lea." The vriieraltle I . lor liee lino r ii.-d ami intlignaiilly denied llial lie over .'id he woultl giv,. hinii his moil' v It, n i:. "'Ilis denial of the Port. a- aroused the Italian tire in Mr. I'ughi's veins ind he oegai. si;, idling llie spiril ua lisi rigm and ieli, using hi- open hanils. his arms lltiug like a wiml mill. Tlie I'm tor vainly .it lempted to waid off the in' vr ihle cut aflcr he hail received aitoul 1 well d: lei led slaps Mr. Cajicrs- Widie i.mii-i i the resell,, an. Mr. Iiiighi rcnlily ie sishsl. lie was cnlircly -.ilisfieti wi,;i Ilis set tiiid interview wilh the i . i-.r an I colisitiereil lhal he had given him a tins" if sage ha which ihe lioci.n' liatlly lie, di d. A wlirrali! was sworn toil againsl Mr. Iiiighi and In- was iioiiliei 10 apjicar he t'.iic .ln-lice 11. II. Itol.erls at -L.'SII this afleriieon 011 the charge of assault ami l iilicry. Moses N. Amis. K-ip. has h. e n I'i'l .1 i 11 nl hy I ir. S; hlcsingi r to proseenie ihe ease of assail! and haltcry againsl Mr. Hnglii. Mr. .1. C. Carroll, ill,, clerk sit the Carrolliou. and two oihers have hceu siiinniom tl as witnesses. Mi Iiii ghi was iiol represeiiled hy counsel. Al live o'clock the In .ii'iitg was siill in progress. The follow' an teachers for public schools elected today Eiss Nina Green., Miss Emma ConDjMiss Bir die Lawrence. Zuchary and Ztcbary gut Contract for Watson School $S,-m 25 Annual Conference C. M. K. (Mmivh. Shelhy. X. ('.. lK'cemli.r 1st. lNIKI. On iiccniint of the ahove occasion the Sealioaril Air Line will sell round trip tickets from Unlcrgh lo Shelhy for ell.-IO. tickets to he sold 1 lecellllier 11, 12 ami 1,'!. final limit llecemher L'llili. Iiughi his just received one linndretl hoxcM of sweet oranges, cheap hy the box or dozen. CIII.MKS TOMdllT. The Chariiiiiii- Opera Aaiu This KvellillL'. The Chillier ol' Noriuanily will he pre seiiieil auain this eveiiin.ir in ihe Acailein.x ol' MiiMe and ihe opera proini.e-; 1" In- ill It hrlter : !l: II il was Weillioil.l.v ex eailiL;. 'I'ho ciii-lain will rise proin'pl l.c .11 s:.-. It voii fail In see this opera von wiMjnis- oil" of Hie preltiesl opi las e'.er preseilleil li ioetll talclll in Kal- llll. A I 1 1.1 1 'I NO AMAZON. Siie is Wry t giv ami Wears Cuiipleit. .Masciiliiie riiilorm. A Mtinila in w sta'cr called I-'rectloiu prinis ihis slory a- ptiri of an interview with a Spani-h prist. m r escaped froni liie I'ilipino lines: "I ine iliiug leu generally known i lhal a saddle-,-olorcil .loan of Are is lending a lirigade of I ! aglag army . She is ilescrilieil as lieing :l I "111 I o-"l .Villi's of age. a pure Lil'i'Mio anil very ilain looking. Sin- was dressed in trou-ors. high I is. short khaki jacket, ami ear ned a1 handsome hell, wilh two revolvers .1 1 1 ."Ii".! "Kile Wore one of llle I'll'lti'd S'Mlos service lin's. anil en her shoulders ihe siras of Iter rank. The natives gave her every honor and -aid she was per- fe-lly t'carlt ss till llle lit'ltl. 'Her liiisltand. whom she was wilh when lie Has killttl near iuiiis. was a major: when lie fell lie seized his re volver anil tried lo reform llie Hying gugiis.' 1. 111 in vain, l-'or ihis she was eoniluissiiiiii d in her hit-band's place, ami has -in,-,, hcen promoti d for brav ery o a brigadier." TIIK I'KAST OL TI.KLS. Our "Ail. or Hay" Ciisioin ignite an An-t'ii-iil I llii' in Italy. A I'lon ne,. crrcsp.indcni w rites: The Tuscans arc reviving lor ihe good of Un kind ami climate ihe ancient festival of llo- "Ilea I Yronin." An ancient ciis- li.iil ei.-.ls ht'lv for llle set Is o Celt' brale lile "l-'esia tlcgli Alheri" ll'casl of 11 si Iii November, by an excursion into ihe couiiiry. where 1 hey hear a lecture on 11.11 ural history and plain a few young iiifs. A similar custom is oliserveil in A riea. en "Arbor Hay." Ii is now pi-opcst-il lhal lhc Normal ami Technical School- of l-'lorelu e should lllili.e I Ilis fete, by jthiulilig irets 011 a large scale 011 Mo n;c Morel!" and oilier bare hilis an. 11111I Florence, by which it is hoped thai the lretiieiit flooding of llie Arno will be prevented. If ihe new green ui'-iiitle of lhc I ical rain-goil absorb the clotiif- whi'-h now ciirtihe il. inir graiul ehiidreu will find 110 sens,, in ihe au- eielii tl'itvelli: "So Mollle Morello si llittle il cappollo. a0'ite rombreilo." If Morello j nr: on his liai. open your con v 1; us rs ciiANci:. 'liy Annie '!. M.'Ki'lilin. .Mli-iis. Tenti.l Is .in re no ( I o.l '.' Sean's! thou the tlowcr III' pi rlcct form, ami there no power Can'.-: see displayed, nor trace of ihoughl '.' l'.iit thai by sh.:p.-h ss force 1'was w l'.'ilglll '.' Now liirn truiii tarlli an-1 utward gi.e Where lights 11 let lial brightly blaze. her,, circle e'er coiiconlaui spheres In inysiic rhythni thro' llie years; Ami tell ine can'si 1 lion yd tlcclare .No VCslige of tl -sigu is tllel'eV I'ril all on primal million's hung. I'loilllceil by Chance, from Chaos -prulig. Ah. I'lirllier look on noudrous ni'.lli. Ami can's! I loll llure distent no plan? Can'-I say lhc Kg", conscious liiitnl I- naoglil bin imit'cr. rlire. r fillcl? II. I'liinl iiiile. tl. who caiinol .-t'c In e 'ry atom "L. 1 ihere he." Tli a 1 111 11, 's no clianee iv-nll. nor clotl ilill giandesl. noltli'si work of (J.t.d. -ii;k at o.nancock. Cat Charles. 'a.. lice. 1. -Thi- 0:1 lire business pari of Oiiancoek in ,Ui comac counly wa- burnetl early this III. lining. The loss is i-iiiuaieil al SUM!., nun. 'I he insurance was S Vjn.i H u 1. COTTON. New York. Hec. 1. .Taimary. 7.r.',: Miirtli. 'S; April. 7 .fid: May .ind .Inly 7.1"-. I'Oli SALE VOil CASH Ol! ON TIME. My enl ire stock of nierehautlise. good will. ele. (ioiid stand, and 11 gmul trinle already established. Other en gagements arc reasons for wanting to sell. Energetic man can make big money. CEO. L. TOXNOl'l'SKI. Corner Wilmington and Havic Ss. California pears ai Unghi's. lit n't forget llllglli's ice eri'.'lle. iiek sKt i:i:t. Once in an eastern palace w idc A liule chiltl sat weaving: S.i palienily her ta-k she 1 li. . '' The men ami women al her -: I IT'cked rotiiitl her. alnio-t vr: "How is ii. liule one." tin .' -"Y ni alw ays work so elie il You never seem lo break . ' . t,l. Or snarl or tangle il. in-'. Of working smooth amj ci "Our weaving gels s,, ,.:i, 1 ... led. Our silk so frayed an I ' en I'or all we've I'rcitetl. vc 1 i t hied. We know lhc lovely paliei - si oiled Itefore llle King has si ,.f.. "1 only go ami tell the I- ..." She said, abashed and meekly: "You know He said, 'la .1 17 thine' " -Why. so do we!" Ihey t 'cd: 'we bring Him all our troubles ..,'ckiy;" She turned her little bend ai-iile; A nioificul let them 'vrHiiple; "All. hut." she softly la. Mi' replied, "1 go ami get the k . untied At Ihe tirst liltle la.. Je!" O liltle children-n: t rs; All ' Our hroiihrv we snn(I0 With nianv 11 tear : n.njf need tiot fall. If on our King wr rtujtl hut w II At the lirsl Illlle 'tallglp! i I StUcted. 4 . . - - ill CTT.W 9 4 SSAS- A-t t 4A S ' 4 a 9 TTl lit! i - v -:x'- w j 'ir

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