0 7. nnrniT inn No. 9,040. .RALEIGH, M. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. OR II I'll El .. I --w Vial ill lies TO AID THE BOERS Twenty Two Hundred Ameicans off for Transvaal MEfHUNE'S MEN STRONGER Reported that Buller is Ready to Ad vance Boers are Running Ex cursions to Pretoria to the Boer Camps. lWllaml, "Mr.. I ee. It. - Sio.ial rars ami trains expeetr-l today ami tomorrow over the Jra.no! Trunk lane, iimsi u'" tin pnsi'iitfprs it' whirli are lu-Hevrd in he liouml hit Transvaal to In ! 1 1 1n Itoer. Theo are mainly 1 n. 1 lorn 11. ( Jfi uiaiis ami: Freiiehinen ami en an- from St . lanl. Minneapolis, Mil .va.tke. ( "'hieao ami other V.-t r,i:. eities. They havr Iweri traveling t Ii run :rh 'Camilla mi 1 1 1 -iraml Trunk Line. M hey arc imt mov ing as an organize., force, imt tho ir-.v-emm.nt of Camilla i-- oft the watch ami Iuim. r "bison t snspeei that the 1 11 1 11 an ivaily bound for South A frit a. sunt an proee. dim,; mi a tan-fully prepared plan of a'limi. London, hir. It. A Pi-Hnria !i-:i;r 1. of I IfCI'lllIn'l' S s; 11-'4 1 llolsaitd llrilis hlronpv precede .111 annm-cii lraj.it ad am .nu on I'uV-lnruh frmn Naiiw point. 1 jhmIihi. 1 . i'. Ilt'iim-; - 1 1 1 1 t 1 Htoemfonirin tiinl -vt i hody ro:,.-ptllt-ft lo 1 to duly in iin army. Il i stated thai the Free Siar.-rs havr de rided not to defend 1 ii -iiU'mi H-n". i) a ft is imt fort iiird. Ion 1.1 make a --.ami al ISaiiivlm. -oaihwc-l .,!" Ir.ln iiilon tein. Moddei" Kiv.-:-. Iv . tt. Me.luieu ( roups have Im . ii npi'i a iim.' for week at .larra ami ; re mw hi tine r.indi limi. The iHv v.i. ,!', 1 l.iiiui- -.vit I In river i a!m-l complete.-. Tneiv wa an fcli:iii,L;i- of fh'ih ui tin- .nilpn-i-. early ihi- iiMiriiinir. ami :.l-o yrsiei day. 'i'hc.-c l?it s show 1 ha 1 1 In- 1 lin-r 011 : 1 hi ! a r:' only four ) livi' milt's mmi .In- .'-.aii, rati 1 p in ilit lirrt i iuii .f Jai 1i-.i;iI. Tjr Btirrs an- nit ivurln-il on iln- InlU fr-un 5fiyfniitriu oiit!i. al-' at Kopje-., nver ..iMkinL' tlie railro;ol. ltorr llrai! Laaii'ir. 1 anlyMni! U, I er. Tin' Ittiti-Ii .sturnit l ami t i'-rieil Mill 1, iiitl::i I'.l-km.. Mil 1 in- a I ml: mvii svi mm out f ju'iimi atei iap!Mr'::'4 a -mall Muim. loiiiioii. I ii'-. A tlii ati-li I'roni )iHMii'to n states thai fJniaeiv t-izt 1 1 a nnniher of rtti.'s an tlainiiniuil imi, ;n el inline iliiiii'lnni run 1 iilrs I (.11 ml ;;i two store. I'ape Titwn. I ('. !. The ;m aee niiM tnissi(Mii in aaiu reports th nisinir from IVe-toria, Heemnpnnieif 'oy ;;u mivoy of nssoeialeil witli l!n' Si-hrim-r Ministry. Durban. I'ec. ii. - Tin am Inn ii ii ."! eii out Li.Jntl strrii-iier bi-aier !" -it -let in the frmil i m 1 in-il 1 . . 'I ar eaitse'l JXH'at e.seiu nieiil. I: n.-!'c-eil it foreshadow-, the v,i a.lvaie-.- . f Itulh-r. KroiT ('aunt. If-r. j. Tin- It.n-r- ate runiiiiijr sjneial ext-ur-ioii Iraius lo l'rt toria to tin- Ilo.-r i amp-, ami many voineii are -ouii!:u in to .rr tin- -iL'lit'-aml also to n(i-v hu-haml- ami sons ai the frmn. Cape 'I'dwii. ln-. '.. -A rep"!; i- in eireiilat ion lliat l'i'esi.l.nl Siryn N failing menially. He ha t-oiuateiel-rrreil I'ra.er lii-; op i.n. iil lo tin- l'rr-i-ileney. I.oinion. 1 -. !t. Tin- war ollieiaU le eliue to ii'-i u-- the i-f:.ni from ';ipr Town, saying thai Major ICIImtt is ai ,ie 1 111: n.ii ivt's 111 riiptilaml Kasi . ROBERTS GIVE IP. 'a!iini;loii. I rr. !t. The -o.-.-ion o tile special i"iuuiil lee of the lloiie oir the Uoln '-ts eas,- are . ihere i a .mowimr beiiel" ihai ilurr is Ml Me eluniee for his -aii'i'i- his .1 at UoImm-Is Iiim-elf -ay thai he i.-;.aIs tlie i-aso a hopeless. HARD ON MOLINEUX His Couoscl Admits that Ho Wrote the Burns Letters. Ni-w Vnik. 1 .-. !l. -Tin' Miliiiis-.i.ii. .lilill('MX wrnlr 111' Hunis Icllcr is tin- llliiyl slrikiliK fi'iitiirr 11I tin- lli:lt su fill". Ilii' prusi'i iuiiMi i hiiniiilf.' ih.ii Urn ivliolt- (iH"Hliuii i' tin Kiinn'l-t'onijsii IrlU'V ri'clx 11 1 . : i 1 il. TIkmt iuc m mini lirr li'l Iri's, nil wiiitrii 011 Uiiliiiiiis i' liliir i::hht III' vnriniis llHMli.-lll' tirnis. siiirtl ('ni nisii nr l-titriit'l. "I p lill jTstrrdny lln- ili'l'i iii-i- siinilil.V nicil lli.il 1 In- Hums liiii-i- w.is wriilvi. Iiy Muliiii'tix. ninl nl'li'i- Iln- si-rv.-mr cirl Millllir Ml-lll:'ln UMs fiMlllil .MmHih-ux's t-ollii-t'l adinillril il. DR. NORMAN'S SUCCESSOR. Rev. Geo. F, Smith of Louisburg May be Sent Here by Bishop 'VI111 will In- t lit- iK-w" pnsi.-ir 1 ( KilfiiliMi Slm-I Mi-llinilisi ilmnli K. sm-cri'il Dr. NnnimnV" jikUhI ,i l'iii" Visitur mmrtvr nf 11 stewurtl if lliar i-lniirli tliix iiftciiiiM'ii. "Wt- ili imt know ili-liiii'.i'l:.." ns the lvxinsi-, "lull i lui vt- hi-iiii.- it siis-j!t-stiil I lull jnisMlily Iti-v. (iro. V. Si-.;i;!i. WllllJ llUM jlWt 'llllllOtl'll 11 4-ji-iii's" piis torntH ut l.-iiiislmi-K. niny In- si-ii Inn-. llv was fonnuly i r Cri-cnvilli-. w lii-n-.In- uWo soi-vihI fuur yens, ami is .-. very popular pri-iu lui-. "1 a 111 tolil that In- is vrry mm II mi tilt onlcr of Dr. s"iiiniin ami is a Hue jMistfir, that lwiiiff hi ytinnsi-st point, and is alfo a -apilal pronchor. He i mil exot-llt-iit imii'i Hinl if sent lu-ri-would jtive siitisfiii-tinn. no ilnulit." TOLST1H U.I.. Taris, Dee. 9. A Jliisww enys Tolstoi is seriously ill. tile-.'iani TAYLOR HAS CERTIFICATE. l'lankl'i.ii; Ky.. Ui-c. !. Tin- nuii iiiissiniH I's hiivi- sit'in-il Taylor's i-i-rti-lii-at-- as 1 J n I'l'imr. ANOTHER ADJOURNMENT R. & 0. Stockholders to Meet Here Again Dec. 21st. Tin- iii. il iiiL' oi' ilir Kiil.'ijJi mill Cast, in sliH-kliolili-i's was In-Ill, pin simni U i,,t. tin- piililisJii-il. in I lir oil ic,' of tin. ciuii iany in liiis riiy ,u noun toilay. Col. ft. 11 i:i-l. .111 Cain 'iMti pri miIimI. .r, Clias. K. .lohiis.in am! Ii. C. llolTiiian wi-i-i- np I ,-int'. I a i MiiiiniMic mi pniMi-s ami tin y rip, irli 1 pr.-i-iif in pi'ismi or by proxy I -I. )!.".:! Kiitiri--. oul of 11 ti.tal or ."i.('lllll slum's. 'I ii.-n- 'nil' pii'siiii lU-i'siili-nt loiin Ski I:. hi Wiillains, Vii-i'-Cn-siili ni !:. SI. .I11I111. .luikv U-itrh I!. Watts, .1. W. Miili'inlorl. W. II. I!,,ik lonl. It. C. il"it'li. :li. .I111I1.1 Cnss. S. rri-larv .iulm M. SIii-iim,..,I. A. W. Waildrll. W. K. l''li.iinr . Aitorni-y 1'ai.v, of .Ni'W York, and Ci oin r, oi' .orlolk. ind I l oin lial-ii-!i .Mr. .1. !!. Iiatilii-lor, Mr. W. C. Slroiia. li. Mr. A. M. Mi-I'ln rn-i-s. Mr. C. 10. .1. dins., ii. .Iii.lci- Walts niov.'.l lo .'idioiirii inu,l I ifi rir 1 in- Ji:. ami iln- niolioii ia iiiianini'iiisly i-arrird. 'I In- I'iliii.ils I. 'i on ilioir privalo mis iliis .1 1 1 ' rii, "Hi l',.r I 'i u-t - n 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . LOCAL DASHES 'I In- I ii-i 'r.-ilir Si .: : i- Coininii ii-.- in i v iii'ii iirM Mniidiii'. Mi-s Kali- llolliilav is iln- m-t nl .Mis l!in,lal.-. Miss l.i;:;i. l!ii;:;;s wrnt t.i Wako Kor-i'-l today. Mrs. .idil, II i i !u- .'iicsi ..." Iici- si-iii Ails. C.iliu.'i- .Ii rinaii. Mi's. I-'. V. Cn-j-ol-y. io-llllisln a! t'l, well's. li.ilil'lN inllllly. i in tile .ill. -t.'l ii i al Mr. II. id's limit-diii; liniisi i. ii Wisi Miii-iiii Miirl. Sli" is a wil ;- at. tin- pre-i'i:! i.-rm ,, ilie riLiid Si.ip-s '1 : 'I lie lialeiuli l'la.l,' ns.-s o ! ,i hai; .1 i-iImiM! oi' iK a- .- in ,L.ivi:i'i a li-i o:' .n -on - i r. i. li d a n. --. '. man . ! iiiloii'd i ri 1. i.r lid- rill, a ml ion. hull', wiili liii- lion's, "i oiiliiiHr.l in our in t i---ll;." '1 lie l I. ..-His iiaini'd iln'lllde al ii,oi ei. i i kii d ,r lion-, iioiil arlii-if Mini i o .-mil- aj pari'l. I loin a - hirl lor iln- j.'ii,..iii up lo ial.li -els. and in two in-lain''-- n i-y is iiaiind. ih,, .inih I i-in -s I ami in i-asli. I -ii -I liii..!' ICali-iuii ( iiapler. Cnyal .r. li .ia-on-. eleel.-.l ilio I'. ii'.u in' ..J)-;, r.r- iln- Il iM-.inir li'ini: I'. W. I I, n.'.i . mi .liiirh I'rii-t: M. I). .Imios. Kinir: A. I;. A ,..!, oils. .Jr.. Sirilio: 'I. W. lil.ik.'. TiiMsntvr; 1 1. I '. I lainilloii. S. . r. tal i : '. 1). I'ai.-in. C ipialu ol' tlie liosl. 'II.' Ill,, illsh'llli'l':- ll.H O Inn k. opinu III. ' poli.e a. live I, ii. kill!; al'l.-r III., v.o.lk I:nee I. in. at. and nearh .very -oi :' :'n a: hale in Ii,- i .'in d I.-,- . i'io -'.alion li.i'.i-.-. I'.nl tin- iiii,iii.,ni,"rs Ivor.'' In I .i!oi;e on at least III-, evelii 'iu-. i !i. ii in., ilopiii.i I". S. M nsli.iN -ii.-. i'iinilii',1 lo the -..'din-live iii.l.n n. o- . r Iln- iinia n inl - irii- liny no o iai Mil to -iij.j r.-. and had I.. In- Mn kel .-i.ay on In in In s in Ho- Miition li,,:i-o ooi: In I in- Seerelaiy of Slate's ol'liee to day a r.i,ier to,- ilii- iper saw a do, nnu'iii u liii'h is i iv o hnniln-d anil IVolvo ll.'lls .,!,!. It is i In- .MSN. eopy t !" lie- la-1 uill and I. -lain, nl ,,r om l.i.i.iir.o i'oii-alo. ol' Cliouan. ami i-oais tin- aiiei, nl .1: f 1 lee, 1 1 1 : 1 1 r o.-.Hi. Ii7. II. my M. Little. ..I A Ii..':.. !hi Springs. i;illi,l :i i i- I nil,! a..n. I, li r y.-l. :-,l.ii . 'I ho l.id an- -is ill. 'lie- 1 . 1 1 1 l: . Alior loinorroii Kov. Dr. .1. W. I a I' ll r. pa.-ior oi Hie l-'ir.-t !apii-i ehiir.-ii ol' this lill'. will have .illi.l liiree nun'.. el lis lo ilrliler 1,1-fnri- hi- resi--,,;. ,. n lako- eitooi. and Hie la. I - i- I -I lor. d lii nui ii liiindr.il i inn eli-oer.--mil only l,y a majority ol' In- own ehut'eli. I. ill hi many of o!':er ennreiii'- 1111,1 I'lllir-'il Si !'- Ill), i lie 1 tlielal e. nine, t ion with any etuis reunion. Asked Iiy 'I lie Tiini s- ,,iior where lie iv. ind loeaie. Dr. Cartel: n-plii-.l ihai In- eoiii,; mil -ay positively; Inn he had liol yet made ill linite .iirani.'onii n:- lor Iho I'n inre. Ther are lew pnlpii oraioi-s . more lone and i'!i'i)llelii'e tilan I r. (';u'. 1 IT. Uu iho Ki'iiml jury of Hie I-', .j. t-iii C..I1II lill'le are III'. I eololi i lllell. Ol'" ol lli. -o. Flank Di'limim. .i i.- oh-, M'l ielary of Hie jury, and has 1 n fill ing Hie po-ition ;no: a. . . j.:noii . w ar, told. Tile eohireil i:el .'-J a er of II r.'i'jil, the lila.le. has iliis i.. v:iy 'i-tom mh- laxini; of hoot Idaek-: "Th.- : !ae..s are irt 1 1 i i se.-iree -im-e ih new eiiy oi-ilinan.-e has 1,. en pa ir.i. '1 lev ne noli' lieensi d aiol have I.. iv t ia ol $") per year. Very likely i hi- lay- V li eliari.'e In . eiits lor a -hine." Itev. II. II. W. Leak, the pr-sidi e,. elder of this illaleiuhl dis-triei of he A. M. K. Clinr.li. says he raised .$11.IHN) iluriti.ir the eonfei'eiiee year just eloseil. whiih is a laru'er sum ill. in wais raiseil l y any ..tin :- persiilini.' elder in the eon fi rea. e. The pres. nl raiiil jury of the I'liiled Stales C .nrt is eomposit entirely of r.e-.v men. nni -ne .1' th'-ni I'.av-i-.i! sei v . .1 on the (."rami jury pi-rvioitsly. 1ml ii is slated that they have mule lieltet-pr.te-s limn any jury of late years. V. C. Willi nils, of Little Kiver A.-adeiny. Cuinherlaii.l eoiiuty. is foreman, intil W. F. Delinani. of U llrich, elerk. cni iicH iTiiitj iitioii sni;r- I1K1ID. li -v. I. .1- K..!'itiiiirei-. D. D.. lliet.r. S.ei nil Sunday in Advent. Sunday sih. nl al !:-!" a. tn. Si-rrii;j' an I .sermon al 11 a. in., mul at :'Ao p. in. Si-rviee on AYiilnes.lay al 111 a. lit. anil on Friday at " p. in. The seats are nil free ami strangers ami visitors are enr.liiiliy inv'-teil. Fieri-. Dee. 51.- N.-wspap.r .lispatiiie? now jioinfr t. the Idejrrnph st.-nio-. Iy lieyele mill riiler. The iinny is alien I of railway ami lelegritpU lines. BIT A MAN'S EAR OFF Mayor Powell Commits A Countryman to Jail for this Offense. Mayor Powell !.,la .."iiimiited a while I'oiiutryiiian. named We-ley Fearee, In jail in defaull ..f l.nail. on tin- ehai''i- of as.si.iuli and lareeiiy. (i is a peolili.U' I :l -e. Lat iiihl Feari 0. who i- said to Uave lieeii pal tially lllloxiealed W eill to Hie -lore of Mr. T. I". .lohii-on. on Sijuili Wihninpiiiii -iiii'l, and piekiu nji e.i.ai!.h i-Kjrs lo lill In.lli hands started oil'. When the slol'i keepi r e.illed llp ''l iiini to slop In- l.roke int.. a run. Mr. .1, hiisoii ran .ilier :iu- ihief and liually catmii' up uilh him. and in ihe -i ul'lle iviii. Ii .ii-in, I Hi. iiiiirynian ol i lit- h II "ar ..f iln- fioieke. or in 1:1 inoiiili mid l,i, oil' ,-i portion oi ii, iiini pi. led M-verieu ii. 'I Ii- pan ehelli d off ,-ollld liol ho lollmi. :i. i is not knoll n if Iln- in. in .-watoiiw-.l ii. Ma.l, , I I'o.Vol! e.iO led il holl-l of Sll'll for nil and a S''."i I... ml for lane . of llle d.-fellllrU-I loihl.V. failing lo i- lllell ho M:,- l oliilili 1 led to jail. Ti.i '.'l llld .hill' of S'ake Superior etnill lln.l iiud a lull !--i- May term au.iin-l Hn- pri-- on.'!' l llrlt eol i'l 111.', 'I s. I I I V NK'.VS Nl 1TJ.CS l i-'knl I'p I'n i lie Siroil- i'i ,; 1 Vpa 1 1 meiil -. 'I ue Sii'li :.:iy of Si. Ho I. day i-.-.l. .! .'1-lii'll- of llho: I :. a ! i"ll I, i l!:e SollHU'l I ilaldllare Con -.nil ,,f l :. rlollo. ( ap oal ..eU Sii.tilin. with pi i . il. i:o lo i, .'lea-, to S'J.'i.lllll. Ilieorp, ralol-s: 'i, . W. Di.x.-n. A. C. Ilui.-hi-.n. C. A. Dixon. 1 11.' .ll'l i. e o. I he I .1.-1 i, .Hid I il ; ax oolh ,i,,r i- I , i 1 1 p.-i in, .1 t. iiini '1 he illlelior ha- l-i ell el; la ru, '. -o as I take ill the elilile llid'h ol l,,o oily ll.'l i h'lihlillu' and nili iiov uiio llio.-e id'f -.',' lis h, iter fai ili: ie- for n oi l.. eh I'k ill a l-'a.i . : !, ilio .-:n .-l sim. . h,. I --1 a :i i (,,o l.iia i ;,.;!-. uii, ,' (he "111 li. oi i.i e" al line: ,,'. lo. k :!.i- i ninu, am! v,ilo;i!!er L . i : I u . " . - ; i I .-1 1 . . ! il'oin llu; ,-u.;,-.:i of the poii'-o eiii'ly tiii.- i'i.,rniii ,,,.e,iii! I,, load up auaiu and was - e I, -e.pl, -III i.v ail. -led llle -eeoliil IIIU-- va- Hie onl.i iioi'ii) iii oi ih-- siaiioa !' ,1'vo lili- e VollillL'. A iiiiile man liivili:: Hie n.iieo ,f .l.di-i i'i. inn ua- an. -led ilii- noiinin. lor -.iLl'.ili, in,,' In u'ili' in iii, .-lr.fi , lie u ill In- l rii ,1 i ai- a i'loiiaion. BAPTIST AND METHODIST. A-iieville. .. I '.. Dee. !). Al llle I'... - lisi t h,a von I ion in -."-ion here tin- Fe male 1 'nil er-il.v nl llaleiiiii t 'oiuuii' !.-e :i'.ai!e a reporl shoiiin thai :!n iiiL's eo.-i ssii.uNi I,, .-'pil.iiiin and a.-.-m .ut h S li a I,! ,i ii I. They have aeeoiii luoii.ii ion- for l.",n hoar.! "i's. Tin- .-"V- lllli- ri'ieili'd was Sll.l'JI. I'n-: l.-ii! Hla.-iii'.:;nm- and l-'diior liaih'.v -poke as!. iu for al ' ilieu ilse of aeeoiuijlo lilpol:- :i- Hi,- pie.-, nl onpmitv ,. . ! t ii -liialio ni- ah'eao.i iii.uleipnite an. wiil heeolile M! "1 .- -o eat'!) leal, i: is lie- lieve.i. It i- li.di. ltd thin provisions I'. .- this ivdl In- made soon. Tin- ) 1 1 m h i of Hie Coiiiiu.iliee on Orphan- .--1 :l t i-i I ilia: 1"i-"i ellil.il'ell are 111 iin home. All ex elolil lire o! oil per eelll. 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 - llollhl dollhle llle aeeolll- lalion-. Tin re aie lii.niiii oiphau iu the Si "!e. ,., v, In in only Limn art ill the o; l.all.i-l'i 'Tile in w hllihlill.i; for 'ili- helueen o nnd S ; v. ill ,ie- I'lollllloillUe od. Al lli.il' la-l llleelill llle I I'llslrrs ,h ridnl in ol i el a .1. II. Mill- Mm:.-rial Hall, viiihh -hail hav-.i.-rk-!.. - i aeh Luis ira-l.-. X. '. I'.l iillllt olh , led lor 1 1 1 i - S'.'.oS.i iii li a miiiuli in -ul. -ri ."pi ion-. The rep. ill of llle ColnlniMi e on Wake I'i rest Coll. t-i- shoii. ..I lil'tei 'i inoi-e -II,-d.'i.ls than Hi's linn- la-l year and all di , ainiii ids tioiiri-iiin. TIIK M I. I llODlS T ('(iXI'KliKNCK. a-hiiilon. N .('.. I i. e. !l. A . llle .!. !hoiii-l ('..111. li u. e here llev. W. C. Norman, of !Iah iurh. ani. iiiin-. ,1 'aal 'In- I'.pnii ol' lie- eoinii!uee a ppoi n: - 1 lo is,il,li- mi oi-aii for I hi- i-o' .- ei-.e wa- rea,i. lo he read. This reporl l as ivilll l-olerelln' lo llle so ill I'I I io'l of the oi-;h Carolina Coufereuee from ih,- Noilli I ai'.liua Christian Adv.. rate, tin- orj.iii of thi- ami iin- Weslirn Noriii Cai'elin.i t 'on lei-ell.'.' for s.-ver.-il year-, and of Hie ri-i'-iahli.-hineni of -he Itale'eiit I'hri-iiin Advoeaie as the olliull of Hris eollfel'i'lii'.'. The report lias I'l'ieri'i .1. Dr. ,1.. V. Craulord. nlilor of Hie Noriii Cjiroiiua Clui-lian Advoe.iie. .1 I r. eii-l'oroi. was inrroilueeil and i:oke to I he eolllelenee. lie ex ' !'e.-se- lo- "e L'l'i'l oier llle s. i:l I'll t lull ol Hie ' ill !'.:--ellees flnlll llle support of a -ilia.i- ' i-Oll and a-ked for eoui iniie.l -tn.; on ftoiu iliis entilerellee lo hi.- paper, ii i- not yet kiioivn where Mr. N'oi- ll-ill '.lili he Ineal.d next le.l". lill 1 know dial .-eveial of i!'" iarei t elllin lies in tile eiint'ereni e- de-ii' ' lo se. ui'e him. There is no nin;o popular prearher in the . onlerem e. Six yoiiiiL' ilieu were a.lmiii.-d e-i li'i.-.l. A i'i ijuest was sul'initted ;', mi W. C. I liiiluoii er for the ri sim . ii ion of his nvilei.j. kili. surreiiiiel'ed i'.vel-.e year iT. on a. v. .mil of .Iiaii-s ..f , ,111.1 o.ili ty. Disrtissi.in ensiled and Hie ronim-l was ili'iiied. llev. D. J. UalTei-ly. rdiior of tin llii'liniiiiiil Ciiristiaii Advorat". lerinreii to a law imilieiiei' at the opera h a:-e last nieiil for the henetit. of la.- eliur. h I. nil, iin--' fund. l!ev. W. I-'. (Inlloway annoaui.s willitlraival Iroin the niinisi ri- of Hie Mi 1 lioitis.il ihureli and also from its nieiiilii'rship. lie has joined the sai.e tilieil htinils. All the pulpits of the various ehurehes lu-ie will In- tilled tinnorrow l,y Mi-iiind-isi preiii lier.s. inenilH-rs at ti-.iitiuy: the run l'i'l-tn-e. 1' A 1 1 1 NI MV aTujTK 1 1 . Fin- It. if; iuh ami vifinity: Fair to nihi: fair, w.irnu-r. wiith iroh.dily in rreasiniir elnudim-ss Sunday lal'teniooii. The pri'ssitre eontiiiurs liinh in die east with (reuiTally rlear wi-ather east of the Appiilaeliinns. The storm, in the west is n.ivx- i-enli-nl over Kansas, with rela tively low barometer throuirllotit the emu: try west of the Mississippi, where i-hmily. tlin .iteninsr weather continues, ltnins have neeurreil at ninny stations in the wesl; the largest aiiiinimts have fallen in Texas. The rain area lias ailvaueeil i-nsiw.-uil to Sr. Iwitiis, Memphis, ami Vieksburg. NEW SCHEDULE . ON THE SOUTHERN Twe,ityPive Hours From New York to Jacksonville TRIP BY OFFICIALS OVF.R NEW ROAD Why the Link was Built Rapid and Excellent Construction Party Roy all) Fnterlained in Savannah The Inspection Parly. 1 1 S 1 1 1 i 'on-. -1 oiiih ui --. 1 I . . 1 1 1 n :: L-i 11 l: 1 one U'l ,, v. . Sllii.la.i. I o-.-. iiihor In. I Si i! i. :ho Souther-. Uai'i,'.' . "ill .-i "Oil" iii: il- M ill, - I- 'ill- 1 or ii- oil ii jj i.-i A..,..-!r. S. C . Olio and .on S.i -. tun. in. i, i ui i ear -. - ! II ill he oper.'lleil ill eolllieel ion lliill li:-' I'l.'llll Sislelll -olllh o'i' Sil'.illl i.iii. 'la., and ilie I'loi'ida La-i Coa-i II. iii H .ii . lo and from points on llu- e.isi i'-,.lsi of I'lolidii. villi , Iin el eolili, -,-i i. al io ami li uu Key We--, I'la . liav. Ciiha. ami Na-an. N. IV. Via Miami. Fia.. in .oiineeiien iiiili llie Florida La-t t'oa-t S i e.i in-li i p lino, and in eoii.ieet ion "iln die ri.iiil S.l-Ielil -olllli of S:l in ll M.I Ii lo and IV -in oilier .,iu;- in Florida, illi'illilili poillls ell llle lie- eo.-l-l. Willi lan i . - iiii. . ii. -lis in ami Irian Ki y We-I and liavai.i. via Tamp:i. t-'ha.. in. i- lion wiih die I'lani .-leam-hip line. Tlie I nr.li miles iroin Ni .- V..i-k lo I. in i ilh- will h" run h.l llle N'.-iv oi'i; and l'eiriil.i liniili-d in i u ,-n : i li v.- !lilll-s. ill'irll i- .1 inoi-h f;,-lol' -ehi'dlllo lii.in an I, "iii'i n e,i Y,.:k and 'iiieairo. Thi- ii-.i'm ui!l h .iie Ni York al IJ:li ;i. in. -r m:!I arrive in .lai k-oni ill,- m 1 ,', io.-k ill" loPoll ini; ; onioot CUNNFl "I I N J LINK. ' Hi fore di-i u--in:i:' she fir-i nip oi a pas-i iiuer iraiu ..ver iliis neii iim- of I in- Soul ii "in lliiliv.iy i: uill he iu;irr-i-in' o uoo- he reason u hi thi- ro.-id t'l "III Colli''- in IVl'I'l. a ili-lam-e of ill iiiilos. uu- hiii!;. Winn Hn- Florida Central and I'eiiin--nlar sy-l. in v, ;is puriiiased h.v Hie Si ;i hoard Air Line last spring, ii hee.iiue ii 'iessaiy for llu- Soiiihern to imni.-iliaie-ly -el a roiiie heioml Cnlumhia lo I'dorida. After -oiiu nook- Hie oh! Cur,,, limi .Midland ,II:iili ay u.is pur.-haseil. il'ld il Il iis delel llliin-d lo hull, I a link' I' ol miles from Cavee's lo lVrri , mi die t '.'iioliiia Mhliaml. ike ir.-u k of this road briiifj uo'd mi fri in Ferry lo All. U'lai '. ivhe:-.. de ' ' ha lie-: on .::;,! W.-ie.-e Carolina inn-ks would he u-ed lo Ynn-as-e,'. ih Ira.ks of die I'lani Sy-ieiu luiiii: uliiiztil Iieioii-l Saiiiunah and all I'M, ri, la poinls, h u;i- neee-saiy for he Hoik In lie done tpliekli. and die roniri'ii v.. is I.i I., ''. i;. .lone- and C, an, any. oi' liMliiuiore, under :i dtne liniii. I, ale in -I mil- iln- work wa- ln--ini. In e.niil.v four i ii , ni : li-. and si lei n da; s du- road had h . a luiili and :!n- li-aek laid ami liio'elial and h.illasl irains were niovinu over die line. Tin- .'tl-tnile link iii - for die itm-i pan ihroiiuh a ri:iher hart-en I rai l of .'oiinlri. I: i- pieuliiir ihai iho iwo ,lif- fietll! poilll- v.'el'e near l.olll I'lil'i Ulilies of die link. A hi:: .in. ihrouuh Sand Mountain, wa- nunh-. and il.i.niiii yards of din taken ..in. The oilier iliffieiill lint w;is ei'o-.-ii, Norih Fdi-io river ami a very Ion;., hi.h ami massive ires, ih- was luiili. Over one million foi l of lumber were Used in III - ureal tle-lle. The t ra. k hi vina. balla-ii'iL: and pin tin- die Iraek in tirst , ia-- eoiiiliiioii wa- uu, lor S n p. Timed, ait W'ulle- am! he was hear lill rouur. IMllalt . I upon die sun-i of his work, li is i--seniial to des. rilie die dilii. "lili. s u Id. h die slipi'l illlenilellt om r. iiiue. I. ni il i- 1 iii ja-i l" say that llu- -linn lime in whirli lllis exeellent ro.nl was huih is doiihile-- wmIiom-i a parallel in die South. W hile th. Hoik on dn- m-ii n ad was I eiliL- ptl-hed lliill -mh rapid: l. i' llle irin-k ,-i' Il !d Carolina Midl.i:',! mi ll,.! i"ili,kol. Tin- iraek was ballast, ereil. new cross di - pur in and it was bl-ollhl 111. In :l 1 1 . ' u' 1 f rXi'i'll.'Uee llll- siii.a.--ed by ani ri iid in dial State. At iie -aim- Iim.' iiii- uo.k was ioiui: on the Smith, ni foil'!'! lime lo build four stations mi die m w iraek. erei i a, r.ll. iiiiO nallon water tank. Cent ran - lia'e belli u I ' -r i So.Plltl depnl :ll l'.l.lek- vill. iho j:-:ci' in with die Cliarlesten ind S. ii ann. ih division- of tlie track. A Si.'.ll d"" 1 will be built al.-o al l'elioll. Si.leir.-eks wore put in .-' .very .station As the resiil: of this w.ul; the Southern Kiiilway now has a niaKuitici ill line I'roiii Washington to Savannah, cimneet in' there wiih die l'laul System so that die Southern now all'or.l- an nnsiirpas.s-'-.1 route from New York, riiihulelphia. H:ilii re. Washington and llielunotid in Florida and points sunt li. TOl 11 l' INSl-FCI'ION Thursday al U'l'iioiui Col. A. H. An-, dri'ws left I!:ih i-;h in his private car for t In eiisbni'ii. lakiic-' with him a reprcscn- nnive of each ol the daily papers here tvlni W i fe his Kllosl-. At. Jreensbol'ii Mr. Clem Wright, of The Telegram, ioiiml Col. Andrews' pally. The special train from Wiisliiii.stioii bearins the f lici.ils uf the svsti 111 and th -ir itiu-ts ar rivi d at Creeiisboro al S:-".n. I'li- r Col. Andrews' car was added and the special aniiiLiliately tinned to Columbia, ar riving there al - a. 111.. having ln'.ide only two brirl" slop.-, namely, ai Salisbury .:t:d Charluile. This sp.-i-ial was eompo-iil of die iri vale ..us of l'resi.lcut Speueer. First Vice -President Andrews. Snuml Vice-I'l-rsidrut tJiinnoii. Cem-ral Snpi-rinieinl-out of Triinsporti.-irion ltarrrtt and fien eral Superiiitciiilent of Mainirnam e of W i.vs l'eihlel. Til F.FAIITY. The officials on lioanl were as follows: Col. A. H. Andrews, tirst vice-president. IIah'ii;h. N. C.i F. S. (iaimon, third vici'-presiileni tttul irenei.il iiinnaper. Wiishitigtmi. D. C: ltouheu Foster, president nail general , inaiiaL'i-r I he-apeake Line Sirs., llalii iiioii'. M,.'. I. M. Cnlp. traffic innuair.-r. U'a-hiiio I. 111. 1 1. c.: W. A. I'll!-!-', lielll'l.ll pass ellL'el' IIL'Clll. U'a-1' inu'lon. 1 . 1 '.: .1. II. 1; ir", ii. u'ctu-i'.il sup riiiieiidoiii. W.ishiii-i'.ii. Ih '.: W. II. Fiddle, general Sliperilllelnlilll, ..f 110,1 mi:: -. Wa-hiiinion. D. ''-'- W. II. W.-u-. civil ciiidi'oor. a-hiiiiu ion. D. C: t o-ol-.-i- I'.. Alien. ilil l-ii'll p.'l-'-i'llui'l' ai ni. 1 h.i' :' -ion. S. ( ' The 1:111-:- j"'.--e!ii euibraei'l : .1. Humes Smith, president ..f dn 1 ha 11, her of C, in m-'iee. Hall iiiiore. .Md.. II. C. l-'osi, r. al to! in'i. F.iiiiii'mv. .. I.: li. li. Vr. elaud. ire-i.elll of die Me 1 1-. p-.lii in li.iilwiiy Co.. Ni iv York City: Ciihh'i't .Mil!-, of die firm of Law-m i'i I Co.. bankers am! brokers. V w York City: I- rank Well-. 1 a-hi' 1 ! 1 he Fir- Na il, mil Hani-. F.r. -ter. v-- V.: Wah.r II. lloii-li. "f Th.- I'.allii '.- A in. ri. an. J t.i 1 1 i uu . :- -. M.I.: A. K. 1 '. irbi . K. K. ml i'in nn ial eilil. 1' ol Tin- linli inr-re New -. Halt i lllol'e. M.I.: Liile;'jii C. Sini'h. of Tii" .M.iniiiitf I I. 1 .1 :. 1 . r.niii e. .m.i : I All. 11 W.llr.i . "i Th.- Mani'la. tur , is' Kir, id. Ilaliiiiioie. Md.: W in. .1. C.i-e.i. Iliilr,. a, I edilol' of Tin I : 1 i : i 1 1 : -1 1 1 Sun. liah iin n-. . .Md. : I). N. Ad. I'.-, propri.io,' and .-ilin-i- of Th.' lli'- u -iii' Si .iii'lard. I'.i i i. .-i i'. N. Y.: I iank Weld. .a, -I I'ii" Allan:. 1 ' ",- ii. 1 111 ion. Allan a. '.;:.: Ie . 1 !uiehiiis. oi Tin- Wa-ln: ai-.n Tim s. Washing..,.. 1 1. c.: K.I. C. Sinidi. "I The Washiiuiou Fo-i. Wa-hiniroii. I '. '.: II. A lb nk-. "I Tin- Caaiioiie oh -ii'iir. 1 'har'.oi : . '- ,i. Si. w i"! Ih.ian. "f Tin- Kiel ml Times. Hi. -In id. W: 1 rid. !.. Mcri-iti. of The News ami Oh son, 1. Hal, ;: h. N 1.. t I. in C. W iiulii. "I I ho Creon-b.i.o T'-loL-rain. I.'.,-, :i-l,"i". N C: I i,,.. .1. Fence. - I The H.iielull I'osl. Hah i'--h. N. C : idis 1 1. I i: i '.'-. .a I'he I" 1 11 1 1 1- l"i'. Huh ieli. N. C.: I '..I I W. A. l!i .uphill, of iln- 1 'on -nu'o'i'. Allauta. ia.: Am-.. K..I111. of 'I hr Ni v- - and I '--ulier. Chad. - S. t '.: N. i. 1 ionzai.-. ol Tin- S:aie. 1 '0I11111 iiia. S. ('.: Mr. lhiiiiii'. "1 Th.- Moiinii- News. Sal nullah. Ca.: Miko Wiil-h. ..!' The Cin.'iii'!'. An mist a. ia. The live la-l named join, d iim par'.i ,: t 1 1 i : 1 ! 1 1 1 . i : . ,r. T. H. l!e;iiii. private -ee'-'laiy of Vic' Fl'e-i'llill Vllllli'W-. a:''' ''I' s. .-1'ei 'lie- o! llle "ol''!' "ll'l' iaH Wel'e al- -11 hnai'l. STiil' AT COU'MI'.IA. Th" -pi"'i:d I l ain n 'ea ine'! al t '"inm I i; I i .iiii 'J .. 01. 'tnl4--:o!l -i- m- ' l-'ri,l.i.i. This s-ivc liiiise nl' 1 In- I'-i'-y .iln, were ",- . ; is ).-. -1 ! an 'iv ' " uuiiy 1. 1 lake an c.-..r iinii'iiiiu !ri ' '' i':'-"' ;: die 1 apil ii .-I Soiidi ( 'aroliiiii. 1 ...1111! hia is :iii old la-!ii..neil Sou: hern . ay. wilii a population ! nearly "JU hut i: i- rapidly un-wim.- and with -ix hit";.-,-..i:,.i. mill- ami um-. . Ih ! railroad la cililies 1 be lo 11 i- ,1, -I il'.-d lo he .pule a city. II OHii nniiAKFH. I.,:, lie- Col hiii ih- -peeii! Ih 01 over ill,- hi audi 1:1 1:1 vv 1 1 ark a:, i. a- Tile TillU s i-iior . 1 1 1 1 1--1 1 1 1 - rl le-ielibl.l. broke all n ei id- for I'.-.si niimii:- 1:1 ih,- South and die world n- d for a urn ir.-uk. l'-,r a -b"i'l -tn'i'l: die ill lit an ir n -i-hii I a -, ri ,i of 71 miles an hour. I hi- . xen-.N dn- re. or 1 "f ill.' I Iim ill- lilllpile Stale eXl 1'.--. "pe l.'ltell ovef I In- N-W Yolk Cl lilliil- wl.ieii aiiaine.l a -'- i d "f 7" niile- an lentr. The run over di- S.. utile. 11 1- tin- m -'.'" reinarkalile vx in n il i- rr.-a ll.-.l dm! ibis i- die iil-1 pii-'ii-i'l' it. 1. 11 lii.ll 1 v r ,. i--ed over llie i" v. hi in .1. Tiii- 1 lain v. as pulled hi eiia-m- si'-s. ivhirli wa- in rh.irae of Fujimi r- lina i..r and Mr A Hi-i.r. ni., ,-f d hli-l ami luosi lapahie ni.-n du el iile SoUlllelil I otnp.illl. Ill'' rnailie ha- an lvi'i'li eilinder and eiabt w hci Is. Tin- sierd cull. I . a-il have 1 11 inaintaiiteil. Imt : - Thii d Vi. e- Fr. si.b nl C, 1 -aid. 11 i:h a lan-li. "Celieial Sup. ril.il' inlei'i li. irr.il io-l llis llelle lllil lold llle eol: !llel"l' Ilia! Co miles an hour w.:- plenty 1'a-t. The olfi. ial- and tln-ir sm-i- w.-re ,!, liuhied nidi die new iraek. Ilidiua mi this Haiti l -1 nl hi die ll.il I Ill-si- -ix palaee ears - ir- 11 . 1 iia! in ueiaht p. ten oidiiiaiy pussenicer ear-i -, a-i.-r than ridai-." .-n an ,,1, Unary iraiu .11 'Si miles an hour. AT SAVANNAH. The 1 arl.i arriv, , I in S iv; ah at Foil, and were me; at die station hi ollieials of die Flaiu --:oni ami lur-i ni-ss men of the ri! . This lir-l .ivia if the S. mill. 'Ill illto S.ii.illllill li. rived an enihu-ia-tie w el.oine. but many Siivannahaii- airived too late to ::reei the parly, as die - i . ial arrived ahea,; if lime, like Admiral Dewey. Carirayes were wailiiia a I iim -lalion and ine ollieials ami their "iicsis 1 njoved .1 ride lhrom.'h die beauliliil citv of Savannah. TilK l.l'Ni IIKON. At - o'clock lllll. Il was s.i veil ill 111.' baiuiiirt hall of dm De S.... Hotel, which is ..tie of die 111. .si nutmiilieeni lintels of die Solllll Atlantic. Third Vi. e-Fi i-sid. nt llaiin n presided a: the baiupiei. and .Mayor 1 1 1-1-111.1 11 .Myers. Savannah. il mi hi- liain. From the speeches al die bauiini and die royal reception il isrli.lelll that llle Solllhern llailwiiy is a ino-I w cb mi:- invader at Savannah. The mere ni-iitinu of ibis -arc. it )--trin 1 llu- sixth liiraesi in the world and Hn- second lai-Ki-.t cast ,.f the Mis sissippi, wiih it si c,.:',ik) miles ..f nn.-k, and iiiili; lii '.' die 1 1 .10" - of ils allies 7,."iitt lnilefi always lironirlu fi.rih loin: applause from the bu-iuess men of Savannah. Mayor Myers wcleouieii die road into Savannah with appropriate words, and Third Viee-l't-esi.lrn.t Can mm litliti'.'ly irspi iuiei!. Colonel Hemp hill, of Atlanta. s uke mi the creat in ilttslri.il future hclore the Smith, ami in the course of his remarks, when he de-i-liirtil himself stiiinirly in favor of nii plmi.lc.i. l'l-i-shlent Smith, of the Bal liniial expansion. In- was loudly ap tiniore Clininhi'i- of Coiunii-rce, in his qieevli, euiphusizeil espeeially the iiu- II" . C I a II. !' I lie rol l: rl'-.p. A III, lira ill'ilo !!:ll-l proline I'll for die World. I i . ii. W. W. Cordon, of Savannah, like C.,!. Hemphill, di'iiali il dial h, wu aii e, 111-i ,ui-l and ilii- ;i, e!,:,.,,, Col. Laivlmi ,-iu, I ,.ihrr- -poke, lull p llH - I li - -p. 1 III- o I In- .-,'el.ill" I- . ,- l,y I'. A. Slot all, nlilor .,!' die Sar.m- mill Fvciiim: I're--. ni,! I'resi.h-nl II. I II. Vreela.i.l. -I dn- .Meiiop,.ii:.-,ii I;-; i i ;n 1 'o.iipiiiii . j iim: id'hsT ! M r. iv. liiu.l hi'L-an a- llnu-ii -n . n a , railioiol n New or!:, mid .r. Ca h, ,.. j -i- in.ii ;iu in '-ier. "... I ix Mr. ii eland i- a: di- lien. I of die -real l-:re"i liiiiiiiti -.1 ndieal- :;i which Cr oi ! I :. vi i..i"l ai 'l W. I . ii,!iir ill!: Ie-', ,. ' i- -I nd j, :!e. l'. M.-i r..p..'i:. ! H.iiiu ( , , v. on 11- .iii' ii 11 i i . - o n lie- , .,.- li!H) I,i!e- ,,! - i 1 eel i iiiiii n in , h,. ,' ',. I, d N':il -. 'I In -.. o.lir ... li- .il: llle -: li , I , ,,r I'i.-- of Sen Y'U'k ('ill exr-pt 1 li" T li'l A l r;,:t,. !i. .ill I i". I" -!i"! u. d..ii- .-.-' .'a-- ii. I'hi'.-i.!. Ipi ia. I 'o : -i.'ii'l". eh. -, ... .1 ' id- - 01 , l Jersey .... I ..: lo pl.O I'-. i ,1. r. , e! !- f,-. ,, ... '-'i mil, - of -' ; e I Viillu i;i ', 01 V.irk 1 ii i aloe 0. he .;.. i lili- ;. e;i:-. an iiier.im- of il',.': .'7-l-"l-" I o dn- lili!,'. Tin: hi: 11 iin. -V 1 1 ,-r 1 n- i:.-ii,:ii,-l. u hi, h liii . ! in ,! !:'!". llle : .nil Mol'e ::L.-;hli --'i, -;i .1 i! :--Illli'illia il"- oily. ,,i.. ill r, ' ' -, ),. -,"''i.i! -'.'I ie, I nel, for ( 'ohl!l.i 1. A - 1 of -,'. , r I l o b ur- u .: 11. ,.e .,; I 'ohuuhin uu, I 1 !ie -p.-.-in i -, :e h t ! li-ii-h i ,, a! .". i. in. 1 -, 1 , 1 .1 1 'i on, I lli - l!-horo Iho - j I lill i, - I 1-. W i-hii!a:,,n. w hih- 1 he ear ..1 ' '. 1. A n .1 li M - Hi- i'lo'l"Ili iilllllldi;, "il ;.. Hi 1 ei"li. rea. ..i:i- I., iv ni 7 a. In. II- i.e. hiiiitu Su-. iinn.i I, a: dii-k la-: ei -ai: u We I , ,,,k hie 1 k ' 11-1 ill Ilii! -Ijil ' io- lll-, I llili:.. Tin- an,.:- 01" dn- Sondi I;, ,.-;. oil iei.-l is eiollollm-e,! iho I 1 0, ., ,, . 1 ieiiain I'd 1 i'i' . Their e . ri w .1 -o w . -.'! iiii i.ii.i i - ..p, ,',!. and 1 In-1 .-, id I n, i li.i '. e h, 1 i' ii ,,e p !e; -, nl ! 1 e, ' e - ; ij,, , . I 'ol. Alldl. 1'.- i- II'.' old) 'roe .:.,"-.'- I a- 1 I in- :;e.i : . -I r. liii'". id 1.1. 11 i: ' in- oiiel ri . i.'ii a s a ho-i he . :. ' I e i'l'Hol. No o!e e.'.li In ,e dps I I'i p "I lie SoiidielU llaillii!'. illd fail I 1 II dii.e -on,: ! 1 1 in 11 ei' 1 in area 1 alin- d:i- a 1 1 - a .1 -;f 1 .on, nni - i- I,, hundreds .,!' ion n- al-'ii'' il - 1 ie. ii.v tin ni-hii'" ai- 11.:. ' :in I 01:: !. 1. hn, I iii fosh i-iiio s, ,,.' ellol, fa. to!';,'-, il liieji iilua.l- -llpii.l a I'iid.l In- n.- inai ke! for all ,:i, a p -, L;. S. DISTRICT COURT Two Interesting Cases of Sending Ob. scene Matter Through the Mails, Tii.'l. Moolisliinei s Selilcneoil. In die 1 'die. 1 Slates District Court I' dai iwo .-a es in which ilie ilefeiiilanls "'i eilal-e! W'dl -.1 dill-.' olisen.-e mat- ., i . iii oi: -h ! he moil- n , 1.. ,hsp,,s.sl of. One of l!le-e ll'.is : lii'oi. Willmill of I 1 1 1 ! 1 : 1 ill. ll'l, 1, , I Sophia I'eoples. She .in- 1 - ..1 . -. !. alior cnuscl hud vainly iii-. I lo have iho bill niraiiisi her ipinsh. nl. ami si in, need 10 j ,n a fine of .-sriiin or ; id i'i . .-ii : iiii- in ih.- Noiah t'.-u'olimi peaiien; 1:11 y . If die line is paid, which 1- ii"l probable, -he will mil lie inipri--m I in I in- pi-nil .ill iary . In -,le nli.-r e.i'se. Sam Snfilli, a Moole , .'11111; ll'llite fill'iler. ivas die de- lemlani. He sVpp.-.l a .at- I,..!, I of brick ' lial'iab. 1 oit-iaiie.l in .lohusoii ami .1- hn .on. Tin- lu i,-!. did no! .-Tim,, up ;,, 1, pie-i ma: ioie. die firm claimed, and liny ivu-i.l i-i ia!:.- du -in ai die sii pul. 11. 'd prior. The brick were held for .-ollle .1:1,1 - III llle r.iill'Oild 4 -1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 . .ilii'ii liuilli ilenianiie. its freio-hl . h.ii". -. nidi die t'e-uli ;hat Smith was iniiitaitei! !y .lohusoii .-1 1 1 , 1 Johnson thai ;li, y would i-i.v III, rliiirji'. if the brick eoi!l I Co ia!;. !! p, reiinhui'se diem, or lloid- ;,, ih el'fe. l. Slllilll. il is claim- ni, teei di.. oiler !,y ivriiim: lite flitn .111 ind i:: n:' a' iellor ii! which in eon iiinaoil .loiin-"!! ami . J . .Iilj--.it in ii"!' oil- li'llli-. il-ill" il i- eliillied. olt-elleo lalio, l::e. l'or l.li- lie was i ndiel ed. Hii.it 1 1 phi.! auilli thi- nioiiiina; lull ilie judee :,iii-li l .iudatnelll. wher.it 1 1011 :l:e I'l-lliii Ailoliiev aale notice ol ap p. 111. 1 II ! he II" ill! ill,,' ! lie il o t'.' i I.I II 111 is .1 i hn, 1" y . Till' folioll il!" ":iooll-llilir" ca-i s HIT,' dl.-pos, , of. .ill the lefendiillts heili"' , iiaia, d wilii illicit disiillMiu or reiiilim: ,,f liipiei I . S, vs. lb-.,. Si loll ,1 : Verdi. I "oiil ; I .ri s. ,11 , -v :-, l,e -1 n ! liieed : I . S 1 -. . li. Chirk: . 1, ..!!. :ro--,"l. I . S. V-. I iiirhaiii Si. wai . verdict aiiilly : slim fine and iln dais m j;:ii. I . S. i -. l-';vd Fail.-isoii: ,i-e a, , 1 pro-, ,1 1 . S. vs. 1 1 -ii pi W i.ih: r: ii.,i aiiihy I . S. 1 -. .Vek I lel.oy ; liol pr-'S.. w 11 h leaie. I . S. v.. .1. I'. Carroll: d.-fen lam s:, l, roiil itill"il. I . S. is. 'Will Mooi-r: ma aiiiliy . I . S. is. J. II. ( i-r.-rh: irnill : .ind" il"!!! -U-li'll.ll'.l -II . Ilii!' Ill of c-ls. I . S. vs. ( lai : i- 1 1 oi-m-r: u,,i 1: uill .1 No true hill- nel, found by "rami jury in iln- 1 :i -is of C.ih ;i ll.-rnrr. Km r-l A. :i Ills ami l.rsiei' Hewloi-. s ill: 1 s r ciu ucil. H. i. M. -M. Marshall. D. 1'.. II' ,0 . S, e.eiil Siimliiy iii Ad' enl. Fail; romii.anioii s .1. in. Sunday seb., ! Ill a. 111. 1 lii ine service .iiiil -erinoii 11 a. ,: F.icniu.e prayer l::'.n p. in. Services dlllili:: llle Week. Wei 1 1 !'- la ) I :"0 p. m. and Fridai 1" .1. 111. Ft'ce seals. Sll'llll".'! - ml di.lll.v wr! rnlllril 111 all s. i vices. S FN 1 1. V AT '1I11K FI1IST ISA I' l l S T CHFHC11. Kev. Dr. .1. W. Carii r. pa-lor of tin Firs: liaplist church, has not i;oiie lo the eoiiii'iit i.ui. hut will occupy his pul pit as usual Sunday niorninu- 'and even ina'. Seats I'n-c and a cordial invitation to all. i.N .1-Miller-Waller, io-l : Mayn Mniaarhcru. 'J.rioll, S: t iiinni-l'ieree. 2, r,.'(tl. 7: Fisihcf-Chevaliir, 2,."i:".tl, 11; Sieveii-Turville. i.'..".:!!!. SKATON (iALIiS IvDDCK. Seiitoti Call's Loitiie, I. O. O. F Held . iiu, iutureftiug -sessioB last night, JTliu IP-far- 1