THR TIMBS-VISITOR. RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY, DEOEMBKR It, im HK LKADEB IN THS NEWS AN1" IN OITK OlRHDiiATION. PUbLisheu BX t'MU VlolXOK-l'IlESS COMFANV CwUOKJ'OltATED.) STATE I'ATUONACE CI ON. AM UF.I.l "Till- Si :l 1 1- a. Is II" rilillt 1" I ' t 1-11 1 ) IK- whai is lh,- iriii- r.-linioii, an.l litis rii;ht tl il"r llrip tviirii il'lisMulls :l 111:111 1" in lt'oiin t!h' I'mirii'.iis f tin l 'liri -1 in 1 1 miniM ry." s,i .IitIiui .1 i.i'v. ir. ;r. it. 1 1 .i w t ii. .i-u. 1 l' P. !' liiehlllolnl l.lsl Tlliilil:l.v. and III. il Ii- :ul "S:.n- iinuinw of rriii-H hi any l'..rni i ;i .'rvi'i-si,.ii a .ivil u..vern it and a 1 1 -1 . 1 iiii sa rr.l lixlns -I' . 1 1 1 i ' i 11 ' ' 1 . ' " T!u m- 'u-a-ui-- w.-nls w.-ir i-ai!..! I'-i iii in 1 ' 1 i . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 a' tin- invii"iMn -il taii'l wllirll I i'. 1 laW'tll''!'!:!' IW'llu is tilt' -I' IJri.v. Aanl.- rlU:-l taiuvli. Ki, li 111. .mil. .r.i.l -liii-r nr.' tiikinu :n ' ' 1 1 i " ' ' i i ' ' ' ' 'i;i' I'1'1'"!" ait-mia; i"!i .f I -I'l:-T T. li'l's 1 i ; 1 Ulii'lll ill' .'' I'-illl lllcill ill' II .'lull 111 ill f'T ill- 1 1 . 1 1 i . -1 1 li.ll-v -f Virginia. 1 ;..v.-.-:i.-r i'. ! r inn! i- r inll:.' n . i -lli.l I -'-lll;-!!.'ll" ,11 111- llllU i.,-1 .1 j i i ti .0' 111- inia's: r. . -r a'- .i..i"HI -1' allil "In -I i-ll is III- all; il- 1 I---I :,:li I" s;t lb,- 1, :i-. . ( civ ;i:i:ss ami ui 1; sin riiiii.N i i;k. Ti:,- Ti.i!. - -" i-il - !- : ' li-i.- i r. ,,r i A-: .i!:i. !'iii- i'-ni : . M , -;, 11, V ; il-. I '.ir. ai.a 1.1 i . . . ',,. . ii-i:i ii-il I'm- a fm lliall ir-i im- 1 11,-1 n a class liainiurl aroiist'tl llir suspo-ions uf -M.-iiiiu-r Si.ii-U. II- inv-si iira I-il ami 1'iniinl his -in s,S irrr ii-t of ihe lass .,1 iniij. i,,i( ,,r rii- . lass ,,r 1 ; h 1 1 . ulii. li hail iln- rally 1- . il 111- ll0l!'s dinner. Mr imn i ii,!-.l i!i - ,i'..i-iv, lines and I i n j 1 1 1 1 ; -r ware re. pi. - 1 I 1.1 I. .41 villi- wllirll :li-. .lid. Tlti-y .liiln'l -i-y fur :,wa,. S.-llli-iirls h.i- 1 . 1 il snvet in. Is. hv I ; ili- iln- main tin li-l"l-, I ill III.- square ;., '-,, ui ,,r llir 'In. l,-l. Tln-y Hii'r : 1 1-111 1 . i Willi ri.iT I U- mil ( flour an.l lii'ii ilu- si-u-il -;s -h'fii t'litil liu- 111'-' llrlarllllr-l,; ,.f l..-li.lli -Is .is -0111- iir, HI' ill- sir-, i. HKi i n i iir-.l inr llu Irav. nisli was in.-i,!,- ai ;li- aihaiir ill:: rl'i.Wil aatl l1!- lilt In- wllirll rllsnril im !;nl lil;r a l'i-1 1-' Mli'-l-liisl ira t i-i 1 l. -Maniiri-.s. 'l lir ; i i - l,a-s , m sailing ilii-.uuli lii- air. 'ii- l' " '. i aim nl" ili- l'.IHl Iilrll In ill- sii.-w "t liy 111- II l;1i.'s lii,- :..,t :i in i,,-,- .,!' th, I'.lliJ -,..w.l Win ii -i I as: liit 1 in- ma rk it lmrt ami llh I'l ,. 11 1 w , II! I'V. l'l W ll-f- . I i'l.lliv il-,- lMlJ 1 11 1-it - -1 ;n ;.y Ir-ill I li. ir i-rir .ti.-'- ami rii-'f ! im- ; li- I:-.,. .'. -::i iir ..iii-r i'1-ar h.'-s r..l,.i. ii: .Il i t 'lll'-'luil inr .1 1- ,:i:, s. itl-'il:; lii' il V. III!- rlllrllls in ih,. , . . i-i. I . :-. This i'..: iii. w 'li'aif w a- r.n i i. i! -11 ni'mi ih i I' r,-ry .i-Ia'-iilii a! ..f iii.s. win ;l:- i ihr , inn- in -:-,.,,! s ,,i- s;.,L-y. Th- n ail: ..hi-.i ..' V.'t't .,s i, -ajlili- 1 l-Mi..,;' Mi-. II. Will., , U.....1. wh- W. is i k- , ,,s I, SI l, ,,, 1. - I'l, I. Hi 'l.til Will ii.'ll lii-' llli'll II . ,H'.s. I - .'-.'! as il. .,. v wilh w hi. !l I- lia v s ,., ,.. l.i-ak Do You Think liccause a tiling is half done It's Cheap ? r.!i; .ii -: . l iu. il. . I- ; ., -at in ' . .a . T l ', .-,!, '.';.!- i I. !- I ,1 1 .- shail ilr. I w,,ni i-r 'hr .lilill.i'. II a V a t'l .-.! ilu- r'.-i i .1 w ' i-i-i ai th.- h :. m ti.) ,1 si 1 -'. I, J. II! -Ill tl 1- .ill. .- 1 'a a" iy a H-'i'w a ! .l ih. i h"l .1 n.i'M'h :l . ha. i v. a in-; i- '". .. .,-t.t a Th-y ... .i-Mri','.! a: Lis: In n ! , lit!,' i i:-..,- uilii . I ': : .: I " i -1 Ii i; , ' .,ia , li.'r.l. ii ami i.hi . I, Mil l', ll h'.I -h .1- - II I il- I I'll Illit'S, :; :u-i..' !in .- '..-ill s,-:-haii'iai. .-! a -Mull'." a,.- L-ll-! Mr. W.H.I lU In L'.-IIl I- .1 in:- -, l. r. .a in I h -h'. mjM .an a i 1 1 ' I . -II-.-.! hilil '-w n i. : - - si H . -1 in II .-.-li-n;. W- . I I I II. 1..I' . a. . ..aia;.H!-il , :- ill- ,"-h I in S-i Mi i.l ILI' "If -I a.- ( .11- wrll. Tw- ISotch Sign Work and Chi nese puzzles are dear At Any Price. BULLOCK of Course. !F YOU WANT To Seli Old Clothes. Old Shoes, Hats Old Gold, Pistols, Watches, Guns, or any thing, Call Bel phone 86-4. Harris Steam dye Wk's Suits Cleaned 75c. Cleaned and Dyed $ 1. 5 . A. CARD. The City havinrg required all pipes cmptjmg on tiilewaks to be ar rauged wiCi drains ui derneath I big to :al! attention of all interested to my Conduit covers which makes a neat al tractive tinisli Hespectfully .J. II. GILL. PRACTICAL MACHINIST AND IRQ FOUNDRYMAN. McDowell and Davie Streets Raleigh, N C Archileciual Iron Work a Specialty. SASH WKIGHTS, (JKATK B.MtS And all Kinds of Work Promptly done ut Rm. sonablc Rules, OAK CITY Steam Laundry J, K. MARSHALL Proprietor; 126 Fajttevilfe St. Raleigh. N. C. rushes Any nd A. J. JACKSON, Pruel'rsil Builder ami Contractor Remodeliiij; and Repairing (.specially. Estiuiaies furnished on appl!ca!ion. Ortice at Residence, 606 Saunders I street ' See our window display. Quality Riht. Pncos Right. I liBUIIttfl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. -. .:-' ,' -. .. , -'.:"."; i "'ri --'iftv .M'i, COAL ! . Oi 'y m Is ;oin down now just as fast as our wagons can carl it to your ce lars, but the prices are oins; to pn up. Forewarned is forearmed! So don't wait for cold weather to catch you unprepared, (let your supply now, while prices are down and the roa'-s aro jjikkI Our ;oal is b irb grade, well sereened and guaran teed to be sal isfadory at ,"kto7,5() per ton, if ordered at once from Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C n.- h i.l a .'-li 1:1:1 11 - in I '"II-!' i" 111' .'".i.''l. Every 'Path Hath a Paddle. tt bota:- healachs tablets. li T. 1 Mhi Would be a Mm Suitable than a nice Dress Suit Case ot Traveling l'ay;, or a pair of House Comfort Shoes. A necessity well as a luxury they arc $1.00, 1.50 and $2.00 at S. C. POOL'S. Shoe Store. DO TOU SBFPEit WITH HEADACHES? INDIGESTION ? MERVOUSi 1 : 1, i "i in-.. il-aija. ill' 1 i.j :i ; : 1 Mr. I' Mr. ' la- I I -'i 1 ar a a . . -in-1 i'li;-. I:.,., " I N"in i. ;.. .1 ! in. -nil llti' ...!i:.-i.-.. -a haal'lKx- ,.;a.' ,H ..i-lii 1.. .: ..i.-l i. .1 in i;.ii,-i, .-ii,, a! -a.nili-'. - - 11" liil:'i'..u a -.a ai K.i'i ijll !;. 1 ai. 1 -I'-' .e il. -- .an.;- -.'it : . la -i --. r li.- .'a.-.-. , iin it " ii.. a I'. . I -: 1 1 1 ': 1 v "a.' iiwlj . im." 1". a 11, an.l ill -ili. n .l.i.t ,i- lil'-ali.-r. ilf. i; ,.l;,rl. :i" .1 a i a- w .111.1 It - ii,' ,i .,ii ii ,n'-- -11, ii a- : li. -1' i- a,.i a .an-,- lar .!i..,r.r. Mi-. i;-iill'.i!-li iv -O--. ,1 "ill' .M ..III- !,,"ii! -a,il,l,--. - -ii"ill. I'.', I v,'l' iiiii.-h ,il-.,' i i.tlli'i ins ,an- -. rviti - 1.. a--i-1 la i' a, i r r'- ( ili.- siii- 1.1I ! n. 1 in- a ll.ii'' .1 wii i lia- a -i i. al.. .'. .1:1.1 ii i- ,1 ,n v iln- i-i- ! ,. 1I1.' li i-r aih'T'linu- li.T ' II'1 r-iii'l - , , J 1 1 1 1- h"l .1 -!,, ilIi! a- il -il"ll!. In . i n! ; 1 1 1 with r.Ai.s ir 1 i.ui 1:. A ili a: r:in.,'. l- .i:.-inii ..I' i"a- "I I'.ml i" lap Mir lia.,- a,.! .-f I ill 1 J. Tl.'i-.- ua- .. "hii-'ii ..1.! 1 in " .i.,:,.:i; I 1. : ,-r-: i s'.i i 1 -i 1 : - iii li..! 11 a.- rinn--- .!.,. nielli. I 1-1 nil i I'. 1 h ii'..i-!' Auii i.-'-l'i!'i - llir aillll-ill ar:.. K-i. I'.'I- I'.w .vi in - laii'iii - .,r 1 ' r ni i i -ii. . I .l.n.vl;,l',l , i'. i'l.- iliil 'i-.i Iy l.l-a mulll .11 iln- .-"i-itt-r . !' I' I'l.!. .- an-! I. -in ait- -:r. .-l. Til.' . . . as'.. .11 vv.i- a I. .111 Ma.-i v. hirli III,- , la-s i.l' I IMH! Inn! m-Ip-, 1 , 1 1 , , i a; iln !!,,!, I A i 1 ni.-cit ar I ih.' livr- lv -I . li.'S Uric . a.l-i-.l l. tin- .-..II.-. I'i.'.l fll'.ll- i.l' i.V.'f II -.-..!.. "I In Illi.rl'S ..1' Hit . in- ..I' I'.ml I.. 11vv. nl iln ir n-ll..v -i, nit -1.1- I'r.'iii tn.i'.v ini; ilia 'I'tr,!" mIii.-Ii In- I '.iiiinil ii r li.-t.l pri'i ar. .1. In lit.- lirst iiI.-i. i-. iln- I , :i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I Ii rl la .-ii ..i.ltiv.l I..1- ii ..'.l...-k. V'sii-ril-i.v .MaiiiiL.-1-i- SI..I-I-'. ..I' ill.' I !. i-"i-i'iv.-l a ; ,'lt".ln.ii.. ii'i-ilur -:iy iiiLT ,lial lllrtlas liii.l ilti-iilfil Iii ili 1 7 :4.. ii", , -k iiisl.-inl .;!' Ml. il. ainl ,-iskinj: linn tin- t!itBT r ri'ail.v ut thai liuiir. So il rn-. Al T : -4 liu- tt sit-rs wt-i't' rt'-iinir l.-initi inj:li' iin.n lilt' liililfs. Hiiiriiii; lo lit' ili'vt niTtl. iiinl ill tin- .iinijutrtl In. nr a l.i i-".- Ih'' nl' ytiiin;? uwn iiri'ivt tl an I writ' usliorotl hit 11 1 hi- tliniiif.' rnifni. Tho I'-iit'l thill sniiii' uf iln ini'ii wt'i'i' U'Wftl in swi.'.-iit is" jtnil liHikMt bettor . The puddle in the path- 1 may of most lives is a de fective circulation due to a blood supply that instead of growing clear and strong like a mountain brook, is stagnant and impvre. Puddi-:s may be purified, ho:ivezcr, and be come limpid streams. That is -uhai Hood's Sarsaparilla does luiih blood. It t. j -'; Vt-.-. cs .v.J sirtr.gtheis tw t.Voj. .1':.;' is s.cconrHshea the ' ;a.::i, itvc '.xTcr-, kidneys, btnocls, dre br.u-j .u:d ti::'jorMcJ. Asthma - " R-.-.r telt'es of Hood's S-rs.irjru;.i t::e permanent relief from a::f';.v:,t, Ar.d 1 :.:T'f had no Ucubie f'Orr. 5ri-.'...r ,.; 0 r-a..n''i ,':ncc." Edith G. L;'ie. Vwwu, C.i. Pimp!e" " used to re tr?i:b!cd Tuilh r.-.iuru a-ui rinve'.cs : .1 frierj ,uv:seJ me to Like Hcxi's artfa. I u ve been free ever" W. Sle-iv.irt. 60S Myrtle i 1-... P . -. nr T' - ' 1.'... la.' . yr;, .,. 1. . j vliii retrlllli' J cc-Liata 1.1 Like Heed's;.ips.l'.i.i fo- a veom ot:'. feeling, .v.d ,1 few iottles relieved me en tirely a"J n iv I able to 'work a great deed." K,!ty Allen. ?kd;?. n. JfccdS SaUafiWulh ROYAL, m-i ',v. - ::f cr 1 Mb H !.! I-V ALL, Dii'-r, H' jli' '0:'whe ii".'; ; Air. Ii r. ,i r. .A A UI G3TTQH I Vh I 9T!'-' l l KING I JIU!LJ IKiaS fi U Air Tight Heaters, til'NS, LW.dlXCS. WlNCliKSTKi; sincrj.s, sivtr.TiNi; (icons. Just opened 0. A. Strickland's Double Store Trade Boildin A'ILMINGTO.n STREET. I Lave jiiTt returned to Raleigh and am row better than ever pre pared to inert the trade and ask that my former friends anl the public generally gixe me a trial, UXDKRTA KKtt DKl'AHTMENT. I hive a full and hardsnine 1-ne of CASKETS, and COFFINS in plush, black cloth, roiev.oiid, oak, w.-lnut, ett:.. ;;lso a nice li-if of RUKIAL ':.01!I-:r, First clas funeral car. 1 i'RN'lTCRK n F.P A RT M I- XT .'ml. 'J'lif liiil.uifi' of sail! U.t r, ml Iy A nice line of Furniture, eeok and ! ''-' 'i the bnul : i the hfatin.r stoves at ;;rea'. barirains. iruw tm.l fronmis the sai.l r I I 1 H. 1 . .. . ..... 1 1 .... .1 :.. in .r nlu.ltr Ln weal prices. Satisfaction trua ." ' . . , 1 -.i ait..-. vti itt .tti it a i-iuuiii tt'i rauti e J , ;.' .1. H. MAiteoir, C.iinnisitii:er. N-.V.-lllllrl- Jlili, l.S'.K). nls. 1 NOTICK OV S.-VI.K OK VALUABLE REAL KSTATK. l'.y viiliii' ui' :i ihtiff of ; lio Superior l'i. art t. Wakt' t'.'.iiiny. in spi'fijjl pio . . -.'.liiiL's .. nsT. I 'aiiiUtl ".I. C. .Mar-i-.iiii. aiiininisl r.' il li 11. C. t. 11.. of .Inn. .la111irl vs. M. N. I'liiisinn. i'l al.", I will, as 1 tiinniisMiincr ;i tiiin i. tl by tht ('.an:. c:l.. far i'.-is!i, ;it iublit-' outcry, to ih.- highest lt-ilil.-r. at the t.'oui't Itousu ,1'ii.r of Will;,' County ,.n S.itiir.lay, ttiti .'In tlay ..1' I ifiiiiilifr, JV.HI, at t'J o'clock in, a uriain lat or nma'l of luiiil in Dlnrlin vllli.'. nhout milt's N. W. t.f Ihc i-iiy of Uiilt-iL'ii, dt'scrilii'il in the nriiiioii of salt- as follows: Iioiini't'il on l lie west by the Inmls 0". lUnry Nunn: on the norlh by the lamia of W. linnstim: on the east by the Ilills lln.-iti. mill mi Die Smith by the I. mils of .Knurs Mnr-an, l-.niiainini; (i Tin' ab..vo ih .-ei iboil lautl will be soltl in two jtarts. 1 i-i l-ai'i In in;.- that part of said !.!. il, si ril'.'il ill a nioi'tai-'e from John Mani'i-l anil wife to Mai:;arot Duihaui. 11- i :'t-..i-ili tl in i;t.;;i.-li'i- 01' Prods' office ,'..r Wal.e County in Hook 41, page Bt oks and Pictures & W. J. YOUNG, i 1 I ;Y( wnro :inr! Sir ft Christmas Cards, anrl Now Yea;' Cal anders. Tne most select and cheapest in town. Come r 1 ll,- ..l ! 'is .1.1-.. i.. .. in. : 1 .-mi i a..lii.u- mill i1:,' 1 mil I'.' I.l .- r. rl. l!.,,..f. S - 1 irillv "i'ou -should have go id Wines, brandies. Rum aud Cordials for eookicj;. We have them Bass Island, Sherry and Sweet Culivrba. Wines !. pei- (Jul. N. C. APPLE BRANDY 73c. per qt. JAMAICA RUM $1.00 per qt. GRAPE BRAN0Y $1.00 perqt. Wecarry in stock the liuest French Cordials, Imported a d Ooinesiic lau.c aim cooKifii; Wiiies winch we etl'er at the lowest p;ic;-3. Our Belmont live Whiskey (10 years old), The best for rumily and Medicinal uses. ACME WINE CO., ::o FAYE riEYILLK ST., RALEIGH, N. C. Fresh iseais and Ousters. Athletic Butter qr.4 Pastel. Water Color j pan'' 8,ay in this store. Wehavenouse ana Oil. Fames in nil Siv'es and sizes. a"i """'"V" "gni. c iry . ,, 1 :er ttKra l0J,sve ev rvtomg toe very Five year old ap.i Culer megar 20 ) best. Whpn a ladv once buys here we AGENT FOR PORTRAITS In Crivnu cents pel' gallon. All or.lcrs receive prompt attention. Inter.-tate 'P;.one No. 121. " W. R. TAT.TON, j want the purchase to be so satisf .ctory uiai siiHwiii never minK or (join? else where. We know 'hat a p!easd customer is the best possible advertisement for any "ne, and try to run our store accord ingiy. BUTTER FRESH AND SWEET BUTTER notice of sale of valuablk PKOl'KUTY. FiiiliT anil liy virtue oL' the iioivuM c iitaiiieil in a uVoil of tnLt exeeiuril l.J Aliilt II. Itlouil ami uilV mi the IJlli tiny of A(tr';I, 1SD."i, ami Teenrtle.l in llttnk l.'Mi at a.-v Iteirister of' ol'tite tor , . , , m Wake County, I will, on ai.d lake youinm-k lust, Type- nwltsiAY. THo uiu day OF writers, uraphnh! nrs. Minco-! li:c'F.Mf ,-.. isnu, graphs ai.d Musical Instruments i bniohl. sold, Rented oi Re paired on notice. Samples Iree of charge . The finest typewriter ribbons lor 50c. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE, M.M. SMITH, Man. A Prop. I Intcmatc Phone 144. Bell 144 B r.L'O, N. SVisbury St . successor lo Tal ton & Surron. I We can now furnish you at all times . j from the best dairies, butter that is su e . -! to please. r . I , ! Some New Arrivals: uieapest Laundrv i ioct8., i2 r J I 1-2 r.ts., and 15 cts. a lb, j Campbell s Concentrated Soaps-All IN THE CITY. I kinds at 10 cts. a ran. j Van Camp's Concentrated SoupH All First Class Hand' York!k'" 10 cts., 15 cts. and 25 cts. a can. I FREE, witb every 10 cts. package of 1 Wetmores Gelatine we will give a 10 cts. I package of Wetmore's Cocoanut. SAV, . ! W. G. UPCHURCH fk CO. SAM WAH, Proprietor, Leading nary Grocers, Just Now We are making a Specialty I ill VI i.Yliiek M., at the tlool- ul' the Court House of ai.l e.iitiily. U. -ie at luiltlie aiietitiu, for easfc, (t.iniilile lot an.l store house on l-'ayettevillc street in the t-ity of Kalt-i.Lrli. now orruiiietl liy A. Jiuirhi. Ksfj., nntl Ijoiinileil nr. I th-serffced as folloivs, to-wit: l'.y a line heiuoini; ua the east totle ot" raye!t"Vllle slrot t, t!i ii..;liiiii-s: toriu-r 01' llir i..i of the Citi z. ns' Nniioral Hank, l-iiiming theiiee mirth wilh I-'ayel le ille street seventeen feet to tin. southwest . orner of Min. F. A. lot (otemiieil l Utihbitt 'ynne.Iniir Coinpanyi. thenee cast wilh the line of the last lianietl lot ei.-htv feet, rlience sonth to the lino m the Citi zens' National ..n:iK lot, thence west t ;lie tmginninj;, on Fayetteyille street. It. T. UK AY, Trustee. BULBS ! BULBS ! OF Tin Roof Painting. WIIITK ROMAN HYAC'NTHS Whito Italian Hyacinths, Dutrh Uya eintln in all colers, double and single Narcissus, Chines, Sacred Lilies, ltcady now. Otuer Dulbs will arrive later. WE AKE UEADQUAUTEas or Ciittloweis, Rests and arnatious specialty. Boqucts and Floral Dsdlgns t rranged in best sty.e at suoit notice.' CHINESE LAUNDRY. j 309 Fayetteviile St., opposite I ' Tost Ollice. 'I'houd-Bell 169- i? Interstate 2Sti. PALMS. FERNS. AND OTHRlt Pt)T H'.t-fl 'i,,p . 1 , : I'LAN l't, lor House and Window Deco- Uae iour oid rooi paictad and ration, Fcru LMshes a specialty. repaired by men who tborouyhiy SHADE TREErfTEVERGREEa an d understand the busiuess, BHKUBERIEd, together with ali kinds j t. v. u uuuoo ami utn UUUr blOCK, ALLEN KOOFINii CO A. A. HOWtLL, CONTKACTOU, HOUSE; PAIKTINti ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLY C iTION. Veritable Plants of a'J kinds in feasens bee our euow-wtndow at J. I. John. -ws drugstore, J.tave .nir.? third ci ett 1 'phones ..ftiOB li'le' state HD. iJtli 149. Kesideai.e, Kell 8l'0. J.LO'Quinn&Co. Florists. Coraer lJolk andSwoio Should Kaleigl!, N. C.