PIT II' TUB SWORD. 1 li.-ivr sung ill' I In' soldier's glory As I never shall sin; aigain; 1 have gazed on tlu sliMiuJiles gory. , 1 have smiled of llio slaughter-pen. There U 1 I 1 in tlio ink-well clotted, '1 hen- mi' stains on I. In: laurel li'iil'. And tlii' l ull's of Fame nrc hint led With I hi- tears uf ;i needlcssi grief. v, Tlir bird is slaughtered for fashion. Ami tin- beast is kclliil for sp. it: Aiiil never the wmil compassion is i hiyU'l'i il 'al Molorh s I'"or tlir parent s.'iil in llio water Is s 1 m '. 1 1 . mill lii'r child must I i . Thiii" some sister in- wife or daughter 6 Hit beaut may heaiilify. M And the merciful t In hi li I wo smother--1'Vr sucli is ilicway of limn-- As mo niurilor the u--cles iihiiIht I'il' till' " It 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 : l . t f; I li 1 1 : 1 1 1 . " 1 I'lll llio si-:miii t.r rol ruin: s never i'l.l- till' 1";:IV. I SJi'Tt of ;lli: Will li!s pal ic: 1 1 . I'lnliiiv for. ver, H'll.t lllHilll ;1 riLlll-iiW 's fall? Whi'ii llio x Hi I- uf hi'll '.no .oi ping 'I llo v. .-I :,:i, t:n- ha'llo ) l .in. 1 lo j-i :l think t; 11 "ill" Cod is -Icepimr. An.', iiovr in wake a-ain'.' Win n lniiii r mil I raveimus (Yvor Aro dialing llio w.'islnl frame, llill MO lli!'-ii:0 till' I'Oil iloOI'il IT. Th" ilovil iliiil no li .-sill Fume? Wo 11I;V slill:.' llio cell-el- 1" 'OUT Tin- "'loi' of tl I in v I'm: lii-il ;i-ks il-. uor :llnl over: ' Vv'lioi o is I !'.v It- : In i-. I ' lin ':" .lalllo .li I'M'. V It 'die. ill C. ullirj I'.-v I oi i lain T. IHSCJOVLiUKU Bi A WOMAN, Another great discovery h.is been made, ami thni Un, by a lady in this country, "liiscist' faslouul its pi itches ilium her tiud for seven years she with stood its severest, tcsU, bill her vital ' r gaiis were undermined and death stcucd lauiiinent. Fo-- three inontlis .she cungh til incessantly, aud could not sVep. She tinally tfiscovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of its a buttle of 1 )r. King's tNew Discovery for Consumption, and was so iiui'h relieved oa taking first dose that sfc- slept all uigtu; and Cor I wo bottles, hits b-ru absolutely cured. Her i:ime in Mrs. Liuhcr l.utz." Tl us v rites W. c. lian.Toek & 2o., of Slioiby, N. O. Trial tattles Li-ee I ( all drus etoyes. Hegi;-!- Kitj oUc. ami tfJ.OJ. Jivery bmTlt .rflrav.U'ei.1. t'Oll OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wirslnw's Soothing Syrup has been used for over titty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes file child, softens the gums, ni 'a?s all pain, cures .wind colic, and is t!e best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will -?lieve the poor little suffer iinniediate 'y. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-tive cents a bottle, lte sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and taka no other kind. U hi FOOl-EI) TUB .'UlKd-KS All doctors VA1 IieuicV, Il.ititiiton. of West Jefferson. O., r.'ler FttfTeriL 1? anmths from i.'.eeial Fistula, he wh.'1! di unless a costly ojration was itrr formed; hut bo cured Himself with liyj bnxes Uitckleu's Arnica iSxIve. t.ie sitr -j: t''' cure on fchirrn, and the ln-st Salve B rh,? World, li.') cents a lfx. Sold by NH'I 11 1). To 111,- Sin, i,i...! , is ill" ill,- l'ill-1,,,1-,, li.iiii'.;!,! I ',i'ni il. y: A a- ii. r.il :;i. oiiii-. i i ::io s.. 'i k i,, r-. "I ill.- 1 ill-bo r.i K-.t lr.i.,.1 ('..oil any lias I.e. Ti .boy . a;. .! and v. ill b,. lo i.! :i! the tli. o "f llio i , any in K iI.m-Ii, N. I'., hi 'I lni:'-,l:i'. . 1 veonJ.cr I l.li. A 1.. IV'.i. ai 1 o'. I... k M. The ..bji cis and I o 1 1' j i, , -os ." , ai, nioi-lini; aro a- I'ollnu s: t -l . For Mi" I'lirp,,- ' o, u-iileriii lao ..,.,,,.i.!!ili-.H f llio I'il 1-1, ,.",i linil i ":o! ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 : t n y w iih Tin- Ka li'o.:h ami il.!'-;. :i ItM'lr.'.i'i I '.onpaiiy. ii'id also to i.,li-i,.r ami ir.o li.ion llio : lias ami oi-ii.Ij; :,,n- ii.,,n i i i i a i ;!io -.-.!-." i. l.i ; ion with sa.-li Te i:a,.;-:!i am! ;.--., .a lla l i '-.lit ( . ii. i.;i : -hail bo ma.! . . and. ii ii.l al-o to c'lisld. r lie sjil,. t,. 'I ho ttaleiuh ..Ml (I.i-i' ii Ko.ili- .i l I'ioii pany ;lio ri.v ;iml I ran, hi-os ni" :lio 1'iiis; ,r., U:. ilr-ad I '.,:o( ?i!iy. and llio l.Tiii- and o'.io.i : ioos ,.r sin-h -ale. A. .1. II Y X 1 M. I'lii Ni.vi noicr. ISoli. S -i-.'oinry. .NOTK'K. To the SioolJoililers , f tin- I tiirkam and Xorihoni Kailuay Coiii my. A uoiioi al niooiiiiL' of Iho s: iir'diiihiei s ..!' til.' I lin loi in and Xoi'tli-T'ii liaiiway t 'otupaoy iia- bo.Ti duly oalli d and will bo hold ai fao ,,!lioo of the t 'oiiipnny in Kaieiuh. V. ('.. ..n Tbin .-.lay. I iivi'iuher 1 lib. A. 1i:;i ., 1; p. Tile obj.els and purposos ,f si.iid llleetilljx ale as follow s: Isi. Kor it:., pui'i'oso of . , u-iib rin llio coli-oii.'i.it '.on of th.- Illllhain all, I Xorihoni Itail vay ( 'oiupany Miili the Kaioiirii and (lasiou Kaiiroa.l ( ',inp:in'. and also to cwiisider anil aioo iipini the leiius a:.'l ooiolii Ions upon which the eonsolid ui, n v.iih sin-h The 1tiih-ij:u anil (Jiiston Jiaili'oa.l Coinpany shall be luadc. 2nd. And also to e. ushlcr tbo sale to T'he Ilaleicli ami (iasion liailroad Coin pany of the property and frniiclilses i the Diirjaiu and Xoitbeni ltailway Com pany, and tile terms anil cundii ions of sin-h sale. .i. m. siii:i;winn. November '.ftli. IM!. Si oretaiy. fNOITCK. !i'o the Stockholders of the l-oiiisbiiri: liailroiid Company: A Kciienil niei'tiiKi o-f the sl..okliol,lei-s flf the I.iiiiislniri;' liailroad Company has been du)y.,-."caloil and Mill ho held ai the ofti.-eroit -the eninpany in Kah'iuh, . '.. on, 'J'hiirsilay. locember 14tii. A. 1., ISiH), tit lUl-'IOo'clook. p. III. The objects and purposes of sflid uieetini; are as fol lows: 1st. For the purpose of eonsidorinif tile consolidation of the Lonisloir;; li'ail road Ci.nipany with The It ji ! -i frit and (iasion Uailroad Company, and also to consider and auree ninii I lie terms ami condilioiis upi'li which the oonsoli.bition wilh sit. il The Ualeifih and !asion Kail road Company shall be luado. 2nd. And also to considi r (be side to The Kaloii.'li and (.'aston Itailr '.ul J'oui ' pan,v of I hi' properly and fr.ti chives of the lAUiisbiir liailrmtd' Company, and the terms and 'conditions of such sale. J. M. SHKKW(M)I), Mh Xovi iulioi', IS'.I!). - Secretary. "DEEDS ARE FRUITS, Words are but leaves.-' It is not what we sa, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story. The many wonderful cures effected by this medi cine are the fruits by which it should be judged. These prove it to be the great, unopuallcd remedy for dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, salt rheum, ca tarrh an.l all other ailments due to im pure blond or impoverished blood. "Seeing is believing.'' You can see rt li.it Hood's tiarsapnrilla has done for others, and must believe it will do the s.'ii.ic for you CHILLS. and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. The formula is plainly printed on each bottle, showing that i' is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. Imitators do not advertise their formula because i they did they know that you would be afraid to take h.--(r medicine, ii sure then you gel Grov 3 fi". iM formnln shows what yon re ukls. NO CURE NO p.?. THAT THUOBUa HEADAtHE. Would rr- 'ckir ! cue you, if you used Dr. KiiiE'u LU". Tills. Thousands 3f sufferers have p.ovc-2 their matchless a"it for Sick and Nervous Headaches. TPbey enke ptire biood and strong nerves tiso imlid up your Iiealth. Easy to take. ftp tDeoi. Only 2it ceats. Money back " (turV boid by !! d, i3i,gist. FRESH, SWEET. PURE POPE'S MADE EVERY DAY, At POPE. Candy Manufacturer . Three Brothers. 3 WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD OF OUR STOVE TRADE. This season il is i-.ttnply iiniiieuoe. We have the ooods at the rir.t pricis. Ljidh coal and wuod Stoves. W.' pay spei ial alU'titinn to fitting u p Stovrs. 1'urc.accs, &c. Lni-oe stock of tire boards, I-ie Slovc Hoards, Elbows, Pii e Collars, &L-. on h;tt:d. On? st'lid tar load , ot the cele brated ' IML'.VUIAI' Shoot Inn W'.'od Stovos ju.st recti. 'ell. Crn.o and bee i:s. LUMSDEN HRO'S. Itn. orters of Cutlery. VJiw xvr "," iO ALL P0IN1S Noith South aud Southwcsl. Schedule in EUcct December 11th, tOL'TIIBOUND. Nri 403, "o 41. Lv. Kalcigh J3.U a. m, 11! Hiipni &.T. So. 1'ints 4.23 a m o.Wpni Ar. ramlet 5.07 a m 6.5:pm ,r. Wiltiiinplon.S. A. L,tl2.0."ip.m t Ar. Jlonroe.S. A. L Mo'am jD.liipm ArChar. S.A.L t7 50a m U0.2pm Ar Chester, S.A.LiS.OSam !0.5Hpni Ar. Greenwood 10.35ain ;i.7am h.T. Athens 1.13pm 3.-l.'iam Ar. Atlanta 3,50pm G 20am ArHALElOH J2.10am ?,S.34pm NORTHBOUND. tio. 402. No. 38. Lv. KuluiKu ?2.0!Jm ?U T.'sm Ar. Henderson 3.2bam IS.BOpm Ar. rortsmouth 7.25am 5.2Cpm Ar Richm'd.ACL S.45am 87.12pm ArWash'tu, ePK 12.31 pm 11.10pm ir Now York 6.23pm 6.f;3im Ar HALE1GII 2.10am 11.18am I Daily. Nns. 4(13 and 402. ' The Atlanta Spe cial," Sciid Vestikuled Tiain of I'ull man Sleeper aud Coaches between Was hington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth nod Ches ter, S. .'. Nns. 41 and 33. "Tue S. A.L Express" Solid Train, Coaches and 1'ttlltnan Slce peis between Portsmouth and AtUula. t'ouipauy bloepers betweeu Columbia aud Atlanta. Ifjthlrdns make immediate connec tion at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile. New Orleans, Texas, alifoinb,Me.ic , 'liHttanooea, asnville, Memphis, Ma con and Florida. For tickets, slceptis, etc., apply to agents, or II S. LKAKD, G. T. and P. A. Raleigh, N. C. E. Si John, Vice-President and General Manager. A. W. B. ojdver, Trallic Man igcr. V. E. MctJee. General 8upt. A b. Allen, Gen. Pass' r. Albert. General OtHces, PortMnouih, Va. CANDY J.R. FERRALL & CO. 1185 lbs. Sugar Cured GUARANTEED MISGUT. SOUND AND SWEET. 81-2 CI Small shipment TELEPnONK S3 CROSS & A Stock in Touch With Soils-- Overcoats Suits Ouri-lnck was never so lirije and attractive as at llie 'present time, innu.iicia blc adilitl jiis liaviii); li en in the last few d ,s a 'ded tlier to, and t lie p-lces arc ceilninly i o ti.e least tc:nttin r fcaturo W'c are flmwiiic; and se! in? suits that cannot lie dtipl'catc 1 at the lii;tircs a ked,' that c iiihinc fas'-inat inn style with ttioroutjhly depe-hdair.e service'. Every one is perfect in tit sulistaiil i il iinimiH carelin finish choice material 'i licy arc cut in tic- lic-t approved tiwiie ami tiicte is i rough of t In m to rive you the assurance of Hie neatest po.-sihle lit. 1 1' you aim to lie dressy, neat and in style, do not pass them hy. Stylish Stylish No need to m ike any mistake in this line. If this' store wa- not entitled to Ilia' ik'si naliiu. we ould not tie doinii Mi -liusiness we do. Von "-re n ts p porud to lie ' ti,i' mi tn-ty I lie fa hi jii, Oct we are. U is our lm i icss to lie up to d.tle. Ii. is nut eno'.itr'i fur us to sell von any a'n everything. v e are impel led l Ims ness houcstv ana piinci lc tn sell y.ui tho latest and most stvlish ir.iodh. 'I his is our iluiy as progressive merchant?, and we aim lo nicci the same on a'l ccens si. .n 8 Cur Htm k is in sty e new -'.yle t'ljs seas .iV style. When you buy here lie assure 1 of on, certain fact -you toe procuriu the latest, von arc uesiinu what was made 'o wear i ist at tliii time, and t ere to re the inos: laslii mablc to be 1 ad Neckwear and Furritshings, A Glance at the windows will show you the correct aud latest thing. CROSS LINEHAN- There's No Mismating I ci c of your feet and our slices or of I Li a I i t y unci prico. l'lilke many htcjeks our line; of I'OH'LAR SHOE Southern Railway. THE STANDARD HAIL WAY OF TIIK SOUTH. The Direct Line to All IViuls TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment o al! Through and Local Trains; Pultma Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nigh Trains. Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by the. Southern and yon are as sured a safe, comfortable nd Expedi tious journey. Apply to ticket agents for time tables, rates and general information, or ail dreHS U. L. VEUNON, THAD C. STUIHilS, T. P. A. C. T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. No rouble to answer questions. I rank S. GfiDnon, Third Vice Presldont and General Manager; J. M. Culp, Traf fic Slinager: W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. Miscut Hams, MULLET ROE, LINEHAN- Nature's Requirements K3 Holiday Footwear is of a hiirh 'rade. The ideals aro not muelo to fool those who buy hur riedly but tn s itisfy ihosj who de mand Fine Quality at reu-onabb" prices. We nrc .shovvinj; a fhai'mm as sortment of Men's aud Women's S 'ripors Your Shoes nra'lv and promptly repaired b our SHOE SIIOI wilti very b st tniterial aid workm.tr. snip The work is done under our own supervision at regular prices If you have your shoes in.tele to order, bnnr them to us and we will iivi. you a tirst. class job, k'uarun teed to lit aud wear. We nmke j;ent lemen's boots, Tel pphone us and we wid call for or de- liver your rspuir work. Stylish . T. HARDING'S AND TRUNK STORK, Roscb., Carnations and otht' choice Cut Flowers. Flora! Designs tastelully a'ng eel at Short Notice, Bulbs of Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillies. Narcissus, &e. All line Imported Sto'jk- Palms, Ferns and ail other decti live planta for house culture. For namental gardening at lowct figtu All aorta of bedding planta: Rom Geraniums, Ileliotropea, Golest, t( Chrysanthemums in tlie best and It est varieties. Vines for the vran,U Tomato plants once transplanted h best sorts. Cabbage, pepper and Pal grown Err Plants. Celery at prop spipon. All mail orders promptly tt tended to. H. Sleiiimetz, Florist. Ut!eigh, N. C. Bell 'Phone 113. Bell 'Phone 1ST. S. V. HOUSE, Artictic Painting of All Kinds, GRAZING DONE IN ALL PARTS OF CITY AT Lowest Price. Weddino ecoratmUs WILL BHKPT OPEN EVERY Everybody Enjoys Our Grand Collection of HOLIDAY WARES And the vei'3 low prii.ts. Ail are welcome looking or buying. DOBBIN & FERRALL! -o Busier, Brighter, Handier than ever The store smiles at itself in holiday attire. Never before was there such a variety of things to choose from even down to the smallest article for Doll use up to useful Household Furnish ings, A ji;ipre ;tt out' stuck slock shows all Bright New (loods, ev( ryUiing fresh, no old stock, but the ncwes". i, ili'M pr Itiest things, SterSsog liter ioe!ties, Brass Tellies end lirrors, Klschanical Toys, Osip and Brass Clocks, Grossing 0 IT " R aoj i Toys in endless Variety. Our Star? is Opsn every Night and we Deliver Gds after dark if wished. w oollcott 8l Son. .MOUTUAttE SALK. I'mliT .mil liy vinni' .if ; i.niiT if salo ruiilaiiuil in a innrtiMii Irom All'rf d l.i-.Kti anil .Mnitliii I.i'iRli. his wito, to It. X. Wviiin'. ilatul X iv.-mhi r lt. 18!Hi, ami rr.isti'foil in h.mk 140, jiayo 343, in I lie ofl iri.' uf tin' lti'istcr of Dei'ila of Wake i'liimty. X. ('.. the iiioi'tsagi-'O at'iirosaiil will sell at tlie court liotise ilour in Rali'i!,'h, X. C. on 'I'ltursilay. Di'coinlior Sih, 1809, at 12 ni., at publii' mi I cry, for casli, I lie folfowiiiK dcscrihoil land .Hid iironiisps: A trin t of 71 acres in I'll nl lu-r Hraiiih township. Wake comity. X. C, 'iidjoiiiinir the laud of E. A. .loliiisoii and Mrs. II. li. McCullcrs. ln-ins the land conveyed to the said Alfred l.each mid Martini Loach,, liis wile, by li. X. Wynno and wife, dated November 1st, lS'.Mi. li. N. WYNNE. Mortgagee. November 2otLi. 1S09. Nortli Curoliiia, Wake ('uiinty. Siiierior t'oiirl. He fore the Clerk. Maria .1. Haiifom v. .lolin llemlerson Itancoiii, Alaarns Haueoin and others. The ilefeiidaius above named will take notice that a siucial roceediiii; 1ms been coinmeneeil in the Siiiirior Court, of Wake Comity, to have dower allotted to the t.lainiiff in nil of the lands of her deceased husband. John lianeoin. situat ed in W'iike County. X. ('.. and that nu ll ss they nuiicar and answer or demur the complaint now on tile in the Clerk's office of said cmirt on or before Pecvm ber i'!i!i, ISO!), the relief therein de manded will lie grunted. This Novem ber VEr.,1. ISDO. W. M. Ut;S8. C. S. 0. WOMACK & 1IAYISS. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dobbin & Ferrall AT Tucker's Store. XOTH'l AU.MINISTUATION. II iviiiL- iiialilii d as Administrator of th estate of I'.ilward (.. Lane, deceased. ..', Wake County. X. '., this is to fy all persons bavinir claims airainst -.lid estale lo presnit then) to tho lllle llMli til'' il riil I'.. her. ill I riiigm-J al bis oftico in llaleiuh. X. ui or before llio 2".rd day of Xoveni T.MKi, or this nolii'c will be plo'd ar of their vc-overy. .1. C. MAKCOM. Ailiiiinitralor. vember 22nd, 1S!. Itwtit. MORTGAGE SALE, liy virtue of authority conferred in a inoitsiifre executed by .loseidi Tudlock and wife, recorded ill book No. 140, at pup. 3S2 in Register of Deeds Office of Wake County, X. C, we will on 'Satur day, the !th day of December. 181)!), at the Court House door in tlio city ot Itahiffh. at 12 o'clock, ni., ofl'w for mIk and sell to the lnt-'liest bidder for casli the following described tract of land ly ing and situate in Barton's Creek Towu ship, Wake County, X. C: Hounded on liie north and cast by the lands of Jesso Al. Adams, on the south and west by the lauds) of AI. A. Tadlock, containing 35 acres, more or less, being the land con veyed to Al. A. Tadlock by G. W. Thompson. This Xovetnber 8th, 1899. TEELB iv AlAYNARD, Attorneys Kor Mortgagee and Assignee of Mort gagee. KMiulili; normiiis oi a nii'tilianical or tuveatlve mind Si'HlrtiiK a trip to the Partii Kxponitlont wltbgood ialury anil cxpi'ilsrH pnln. Hlioulil write i lie j I : 11. A rUl I I 1IIIIIIIHt Mil

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