T TT r W J Ti Tv rTT Iv TT'f m. Mas - v. nan Jiw 4 m k 4 JL m No. 9,046. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. BRITISBf SHOW! THEIR BULL DOG DETERMINATION Buller's Defeat Nerves Them to l,More Positive Action DISTRESSING SCENES AROUND THE WAR OFFICE The Nation Eager to Retrieve the Losses All Available Troops Must go to Africa And From the Colonies Gladly Accepted Now. London'. Dei-: It!. Terrible scenes were witnessed ;it the War Office tills morning. Hugo crowds gathered in learn the details of General Build's dis aster. Xi IH'XV official Iism t-li XX lis given out ill' to iHion. inn) tin' losses Jiuvt- nut boon iniid mil. Tii' m-xvx which linn causisl tliis con stiuuliou iinil distress throughout Kng liinil was t ho dispatch xvhich nunc from General Butler lust niglil slating t tmr in in t tempting t" uilv:iii('' near Tulgtir river lie Was forced to retire utter n ii.it ongagenieit. in v li U-li lie lest ten guns and heavy hisses among his men. In spite id' the fearful defeat, the one dominant tune "I the iress and public conversation is a mini delerinination to retrieve this disaster anil send more I rutins to South Africa. Never was there a more uiianiiiioii' prosecution of the war. General . Buller's defeat tonic of discussion today. all lor is tin sol' Tin- iri -lx-ral feeling is that this is no time for crili-tici-ni. Kvcry possible means will now be taken i retrieve this disaster and the government , will neci all ibe li . lliat 1lie colonies may ofl'er. The War Office will now malic more use of (lie loyal subjects in Cape Colony .ni l of the British subjects who have be. mi i polled from Transvaal, and will ali utilize the services of volunteers f"..oi the mililia in order ihal every regular possible may be sent In the front. V.Sfi LAM) WANT A M KIM 1 'A N COLD. London, Dec. 111. - Tue anger -:: 1 re M'lituienl of he nation was retlccied on the sloCk exchange this morning. A panicky feeling was evident. rc-iilting iu a drop of one cent hi consols, whib' Afri cans piling. I downward to fnuu one In six points. The apparently indefinite continuance of ihe war threatens a scarcity of sold, llle effect of which w ill be serious. In anticipation of this the Hank of England expects In secure thirty-live million dollars from Attsirn- Jia mid one hundred millions from I he 1'nitcd Stales. The bank of France refuses to furnish anv gold. STOCKS IMPKOYK. Ijondnn, Dec. lit. A report is current on the stock exchange that Gonot.ii Butler has recaptured his ton runs. There is m confirmation of the report, but slocks have improved in tone. New York, Dee. Hi. The reports on Wall street of declines in Loq-'io.i pi" pared the operators for a lower mark'!. This cxpcctaliou in the report was ical i.cd and the first dealings shnwo l voiv sensational declines nf from .1 !i df to one ami a half points in most sh-rcs. but a firm time was noted in the result of buying in stronir inn-risi- mnl !-.-recoveries are almost universal. Cape Town. Dec. l-V-lDi'lavcdl-The British consul at Dclagna Bay lias telegraphed Milucr lliat the Transvaal government intends to shortly expel all the ltritisli siihpei-ls in the South Afrf can Itepitblic. Milner, thereupon. n-ks for funds for Ihe needy exiles. Milner lias been (minted a thousand pounds from (lie Mansion House fund. The natives in Tciuhiilani! are restless and unless speedy British success comes, the authorities fear that the position there will become critical. The Colonial Boers on the borders arc also excited over the Itocr successes. KItITI.SK MAY A HA X DON" CAMP. Pretoria. Dec. 11'. I Delayed.! The Boer intelligence office tit Mngcrsfon tein reports that in its opinion the Eng lish eiinvi will be abandoned and the entire fiyoe will retire. The British loss i so groat that their aiiilnilauces arc unable to attend to the wounded. FIELD DAY IN FEDERAL COURT Two Counterfeiters Get 3 Years Two Moonshiners I Years. Federal Court met this morning at fl::il) o'clock, Judge T. It: Purnell pre siding. It whs a field day for heavy sentences. Two counterfeiters from Harnetr county sot three years each in the lion and two illicit distillers S"t two years each. Cases disp'osed of were ax fol lows: Peal Norris, llarjiolt county, counter feiting. .Iiidsnient, 3 yours in X. C. penitentiary and $JH). T. B. I'nrisli, Harnett county, counter feit injt. Judgment three years in Xortli Cnroliiva penltenttiiry anil JfltH) fine. ' Well Walker, illicit distilliutr. .Iiids nient, 2 yearn in Xortli Carolina peni tentiary ad S10O fine. Charles) rearee, illicit distilling. Juds ment 2 years iu North Carolina peni tentiary and $100 fine. , Kobert Walker, retailing and illicit distilling. Judgment, ti yenrx in Xortli Carolina penitentiary and ?100 fine. iSani 8haw, illiekt. distilling.' Judg ment, BO ilayn in jail ami $100 fine. John T. rittttian, retailing. Judg nient, 80 days in jail and $100 fine. J. S. Hnrrelsion, distilling and retail ins; not giiiltyj . i .Tames Lynch-, retailing: not guilty. Joseph W. Whitty, having in posses sion distilling' apparatus: verdict, guilty. Hill McLeod,' retailing. Jadginent. 30 days iu jail. ( 'OirON 1M t Ol ) F CTI OX. Mr. Tompkins l'ahl a lligli Tribule to KxM'rinicnl Slat ions. Mr. D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte, reinaimsl over in ltalcigb today anil was a lnosl welcome visitor at the State Agricultural Department. Iu his ad dress last night he paid a high tribute to the work of such departments. He said that it was folly lo attempt to curtail llle American conton crop to raisu the price, for as soon as Ameri can' mills consume all the cotton raised ill this eofintry then the Mliglisli mills will have their raw material raised in Ihe vast areas, suitable for the growth of cotton, which the British Kinpire holds in Kgypt and iui India. The slinrieninir of ihe American cotton crop will limit the prodm-crs' market to home mills mid cul off our export of raw cotton. This would already ha trill. spired had it not Won for the work nf experiment farms and other depart -incuts of 1 his character. STAFF COMMISSIONED Col. Armfield ol First Regt. Names His Staff Today Col. .1. F. Armlicbl. of Ibe First Ke gitneiit N. C. Stale (iiiard. today sent Ihe Adjutant (Jenoral a list of his s-tal and they wore accordingly eiuninissiuii ed by I iovi rnor Itusscll. The stall" is as follows: Maj. ami Surgeon. Charles .1. Jordan, of Ashexille. ('apt. and )iiarlerinalor. Charles C. Hunch, of Italcigli. First I.ieiu. and Coinmissary of Sith sistance. lienrge 1.. l.yon, of Durham. First M.iitalion Adgt.. Arthur Y. Fret man. of Wayiu-svillo. First lb:ltalion Ailirt.. .lames 1.. Wat oii. of- Salisbury. First Battalion Adgt.. Harry J'age. of Charlotte. Cn t. and Surgeon. Baxter It. Hiinlor. ot Kiim" Moiiuiaiu. I.ii in. ami Surgeon. K. C. I.ee. of Clitiii'ti. STRIKF IN COTTON MILLS Operalives Object to Too Much Work Now. . Hi. 1! Fall Kiv, I loi the Inn vorkcrs object to working night and day ihe lexiilc council today or dered a -irike in ton c.ll.in mills. This will call out iliirty ihoiisanil if Is claimed. im c wages were increa-cd leu per i out per hour. KITCHEN'S BILLS Wahiugoii. Dec. 1fi. - Kepresetilative Kitchen, of N'orih Carolina, has iniro ileccd a. bill to amend the war revenue ail roibicing the lax on tobacco and snulT I loin twelve In inn cents, and riAiriring ihe telegraph companies, not (he m odor, to pay the slump tax. of one cent on each message. CHI IICII OF TUB (it)OD Sllr- iiKitn. I!ov. I. Mi I. l'itlinger, D. D., rector. Third Sunday in Advent. Si-mlay school nt 4!:45 a. ni. SiiAiee and scrnion at II a. m. and at 7:".n p. in. The seats arc all free ami strangers ami visitors are eonli illy invited. CHRIST CHI KCII. Hi v. M. M. Marshall. D. 1 .. li ,-tor. Third Sunday in Advent. I Katly Communion. ,N a. in. Slt.iday school. 10 a. m. Dmno service and sermon. 11 a. m. Kveiiim: prayer. 4:.'tO p ni. Scivicis during the week. Wednesilay l:"l' I', m.: Thursday. iSt. Thomas. Ah .) 70 a. in.: Friday. 10 a. in. Fr sat. Strangers coiiliaily wel 'cult d at all -ervices. ST. SAVIOFS CIIAI'ICT. Sunday school. 10 a. in. Mi ruing si rviee, 1 1 a. in. -Night MTvice, 7::f0 p. in. Sim's all free. Kvcryone invidd. COTTON". New York. Dec. It;.- Cotton: .Tan. 7.2 i :Fcb. 7..H: March 7.."!1: April 7.H. FIltST I'liKSBYTKKIAN CKFKCIi. Sunibiy school !l:I!0 a. in.: II. W. Jackson, superintendent. Divine service 11a. in. and 7:150 p. in.: Itev. Kngeiie Daniel, pastor. WcsMniiis-ler League prayer service, 7 p. in. The Baleigh lilaile. the colored paper In re. has s:arted a new style with carh ichmI of a marriage ihe list of weihling presi nls nr,. printed togelher with the donor's ii.une. A coin inn is required this wk for Ihe list nt one marriage alone, and if the articles wi re collected they would Mock a bee hive store. I!ov. J. W. Lee, the evangelist, who is well known in Ttuleigh. and whose conduct. wn some time ago made a matter for inrestign.tiioii by h! church, is now o.Midueting w si-ries of inietiiigs at tin Central Union Missionin Wash ington. D C. Mr. Lee went there seek ing an a , ointment as chaplain with the Philippine army, hut so far has been unsuccessful. It is said that mowt of thee positions are given to young un man ricd men, and furthermore, ithat no appropriation was made, owing to an oveisight, for elitiplains in the new volun teer regiments. . MASONIC, llii-am Lnilgi-. Xo. 40. A. F. & , will line in regnlar coiiimunicairioni Jlon day evening, December 18th, 18!)0, at 7:1."t ii'clnrk, and as it is the regular time for file. election of officers for the ensu ing Masonic year, a full meeting of the membership is earnestly desired. Bpeth reif rf sister bulges cordially invited to be present. W. W. PAItlSK, AV. M. K. B. THOMAS. See. 1 What is more suitable for a nice Christmas present than a fancy basket of fruit? Twcntv different kinds $1.00 to ifo.OO at Inghr. M US. SCHICK DKAD. Heading. Dec. Hi. -Mrs. Schick, dangliler of ex-Senalor Ingalls. of Kan sas, died suddenly this morning. SKC. TltKAS. BltOWNK DKAD. Hlaintield. X. .1.. Dec Id. Josih Browne. Secretary and Treasurer ol the American Toliacco Company, died this inoriiiug. " CHINA WKDDIXi; CHLKBJtATKD. Mr. ami Mrs. Alfred Jones celebrat ed their China Wedding last Thursday night, the twentieth anniversary or their marriage, al their home on Kast .Morgan si reel. A largo number of their t'rienos wore present, and the oe easb ii was a most delightful one. There were many beautiful china present re eeived. NKY PAKTOli IIFUF. Itev. ilcorge F. Smith, the new pastor of Kileuion Street Meiliodisl church iii Ibis oily, arrived ibis afternoon ami is the guesi of Mr. J,,s. (J. Hn wn. 'lie will jiivai-h iniuorrow morning im! nighi. Wo Ii i i in thai our .Mcthoilisr fiiirds mo greatly pleased ai ihe ;ip poiiiimen: of Mr. Smith to their ,-hi n h. SUPERINTENDENTS TO MEET Heads of the Public Schools to Convene Here December 27th. The superintendents of public schools will moil in this city at the Centennial school a I eight o'clock in the evening of Dei oiiiln r 'J7lh. Mr. K. I'. Maug.nn. o!" Wilson is president of the mssocia lion. A must interesting program has la-en prepared fur the meeting ami tin session will bo interesting p, all. Tile pi-ognnii embraces pawrs and addressee fnuu such prominent educators as Mr. M. C. S. Noble, of the Stale l niversiiv: Mr. I). I'. Moses, of ltalcigb. Mr. .1. b. Kgghston. of Asheville; President Coo. T. Win-ton. of the A. and M. College: Mr. .1. .1. Blair, of Wilmington: Mr. c. S. Color, of Con, old. and Mr. 1 1. M. Th'imp-on. of Si.iiosville. PURSUIT OF AGUINALDO IS ABANDONED Major Marsh Followed Him Into the Mountain anj There Had to Turn Back Manila. Dec. 10. -Major March aban doned his pursuit of Agiiimildo win n be had readied Bagon. in the hear! of grand Cordillera mountains, when- tin range is tin llioiisnnd foot above sea level, mnl food was scarce and travel altiiio! impossible. Major .March's command had depleted twenty per ecu! in his i wo days niach to Bagcn. si he returned lo Cervantes ,,n Deei-mhor Hilh. ciiiMsTiAN cnrncn. I'siial services at the Christian church tomorrow. In tin- morning at It o'cl. -.!; the puslor. K,.v. M. V. B.tlicr. will speak on 'Bolshazza's Feast." ami in the evening his subject will he 'Paul's Shipwreck." All arc invited to attend. HANNA KILLED IT Payne did Not Present His Plan to Cut Down Southern Delegates Washington. Doc. Hi. The member of the National Republican Co.-nniitioo paid i heir respects to President McKin ley today. Afterwards, in session of the i oii.mil ice. Mr. Payne said that lo would not ptvsonl Ihe plan to change tin- basis of representation which bo had prcpari-il. Senator Manna had express ed i ppoMtion lo the plan. The conven tion meets iu Philadelphia June 1!lih. SOFTII AND FXPAXSION. Pr. I. (iraham's Abb- Li'cluiv -Showed Fxtcnsive llesearch. liiirbitt.- News.) The loci lire of Prof. Alex. Ia.-t night before the Triniiv Graham Kpwortli League was a rare intellectual treat all through. Prof. Graham lirst proved that from Ihe selileniont . of ibis country np to the present every great movement for libirly was under llni leadership of si. me di scendaiit of llie Jamestown colony. Most notably under this hmd is the case of George Washington. "Washington." said Prof. Graham, "was the Hcvoliitionary War." Iu the laic war with Spain. Prof. Graham staled that the record at Wash ingluii w ill show mat the very first vnl itnlccr regiment enlisted was from the Old N'orih Slate, the First Xorlh Caro lina. Taking up the subject of expan-iou Prof. Graham, from the facts of history, showed that froiu. ithiri-eii original Sta.tes Ihe country has increased to its present gieat size, ami whenever a new Stnle had beiii added or new territory purchas ed, as for instace Alaska, Florida and the Louisiana purchase, these had all been added to the country under the ud miiBlstratioii or through the influence of a Southern limn. "I will chnl Ion go any man." naid the speaker, "to show w here a single square foot of territory has Is-en legitimately nihh d lo the government except through the influence of n man from the South of the Mason and Dion line." Tin' lecture throughout was intensely" logical and inleresting. and showed that mnili original research had Iieeu given to -the siibjei t by him, who so ably han dled it last night. The Georgia Legislature litis passed a bill imposing a tine of $1.00 on every male dug in the Ktafe and $l.of) on every female. That is -the bravest li-gislntion we have heard of this yeur. What has the ,Xrth Cai-otliiua LogSjsil'iitiire p done to assail the canines? No amount of preaclii'ig, exhortation, sympathy, lienevolence will render the condition of our working xronnn. what it should-lie so Jong as the kitche'i and needle are substantially their o.vn res ource. Horace Greeley. Telephone Harding to gut your shoes and repair thK. GREENSBORO MOVING Three Companies Incorporated Here Today TOTAL CAPITAL $134,000 Land Company to Develop the Western Seclion of the Town "The Pee Dee Hardwood Manufacturing Co." of Anson. G reeiishot'o's prosperity was very evi dent lu re today. Three important coin panics wore incorporated for that flourishing city. Articles of .'igrccmciil were filed bv I .1. W. Lin. hoi. It. It. King ami A. B. Kiinl.nll. all of G ivonslioi o. for ihe iu I'oiporaliou of the -'National Finishing and Wan-house Company." The amount of capital slock is xrjii.iillii consisting of 3111 slraris of Sluo each of preferred stoi k and 1,11(10 shales of eollilllull slock. valued at .villi) each. The preferred sloek shall hi- entitled lo cumulative pre ferred dividends al llle rale of 7 per cent, per annum and shall be preferred to the common slock in any distribution of tin- assets of tin- company. The pre ferred sioek'hohlci's re not entitled to any mi.- and shall be redeemed al the option of the company alter .1 years. Tin- ei inpauy is int orporalcd for HO year- w ilh principal place of biisim ss a. Gri ensoot-o. 'I'm- corporation is form ed for the purpose ,,' idttet'iig ;ui- biisiness of uiaiiufai-tiii'i'e; of all kite:-, including bleaching. dyeing, printing and finishing loxiilo I'abries an.! ains and of sioring and warehousing. BOBBIN COMPANY. It. W. Brooks, VV. T. Powe. P- -:1a-Scllh- and S. II. Boyd filed articl-s lor incorporation of The Sunt hern Bobbi-i Company.'" with principal place of Pnsi ness at Groeiisl.nro and a capital si --k of Sl.iaio. The company -hall exist r lliirty years. The incorporalioii pap -"s give the right to own real estate, . . gaged iu various branches of inaiiiif.n lure. . LAND COMPANY. The "West Kml Land Company" of Greensboro was also incorporated today, the ineorpoVaioi's being .1. S. Carr. or Durham. W. II. (shorn, of Guilford, W. K. Land of Guilford and Thomas M. Gorman, of Durham. Tin- business: picpii.eil is to piirchas,. and hold real csiale to an utiioiiui not exceeding ". iltio acres al inn- lime, and to sell liu same iu such quanl it to and on such terms as the Uircctors determine to lease land, erect building-, ooniraol lease bind, erect buildings. consiriicr streets and alley, collect reiils, deal in mineral and linihcr lands. liorrow money and execute n.Ues. The company is iucnrporalci! f..r nil yc.lls iuiu llle caiiMi .slock is ssill.illil), wilh the right to increase to not cx ci oiling .f.10,000. MAN'I'FACTFltK HARDWOOD. K. Aniuan. A. .1. Brooks and James T. Phillips filed articles for Ihe in corporation of "Tin- Pee Dee Hardwood Maiiul'aetni ing Company" al tin- town of Mcl-'arlau in Anson county. 'Hie capital stock is .ft 10.1 100. The business proposed is the erection and using of mills, gins, saw mills ami other ma chinery needful for manufacturing va rious articles from wood. The compauy is iueorpoi-.iied for thirty years. PANIC IN BOSTON Big Failure of Broadway National Bank -Deposits $4,000,000. Boston. Dec. 11!.- A financial patiic iu ibis city has resulted from the announce ment of one more big failure today. The Broadway National Hank is closed, probably due to the failure of Squires and Company. The bank had a capital of two hundred thousand and deposits of tour millions. FAIR AND COLD The forecast of the weather bureau for ltalcigb and vicinity says: Fair, continued cold tonight ami Sunday: Monday fair, becoming warmer. The area of high barometer ami cold wave has advanced lo the Atlantic coast with clear weather and .cry decided changes iu temperature. A fall of .111 degrees occurred al Boston and W'il niiiigioii. and over l.l degrees at nearly all Atlantic loa-t stations down to Chariest, n. Killing frost occurred -ar New Oihans. A slight depression seems to exist iu the Atlantic off the coast of Florida, which caused some precipitation at. Jacksonville and Jupi ter. A new storui has appeared on the liocky Mountain slope. with cloudy weather ami rising temperatures west of the Mississippi. A STHON" 4 rATTIt ACTION". Is the Woodward-Warren Co.. Which Will Fill a Week's Kngageincnt Mere. The Danville. Va.. Daily Bee has the following to say of the Woodxvard Warrcu Company which xvill play a xvoek at Ihe Academy of Music, com mencing Monday, Di-ooinhor iltli: The Woodward-Warren Company iI-neil a xveek's engagement at the Academy last might, presenting the uexv comedy. "Why Jom-s Ta-ft Homo." This is one of the best comedies ever seen here at any price, and il xvas en tliiisissliciilly received by a croxvded house. The srvcinltics were particular ly good and it is refreshing to have something now in this line. Guy Wood xvard is a favorite in Danville, as xvas plainly .shoxvn last night, and he is ably supported by Miss Warren ami a strong company of metropolitan players, any of whom could be successfully featured. a CENTRAL METHODIST. Hev. Dr. T. X. Ivey will preach at Central M. B. Church tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock and Ilev'. T. H. Bain xvill occupy the pulpit nt night 7:30 o'clock. Iublic cordially invited. LOCAL DASHES Pl-esiilclit M. -serve returned i Ihe city this moruiiig. Hev. .1. I., l-'ostoi- went lo Warren coiiniy today lo conduct Ihe funeral or Ihe bile Mrs. .1 .) n A. Wilson. Collector K. c. Duncan xvent home for Sunday today. Mr. II. A. Fiiiishoc. of Diiih nil. is tn Ihe ciii. Mr. .1. I . Boiishall return. business trip this morning. I Mr. .1. II. Pint went to Johnston J cotiniv ye-lenlay, returning lodny. The Haiti over the ltaloigh and Cape I''eur I'omI le.'ougbl in over til l . passen gers today lo do Cliirstiiias trading, pro sumabl j. , Miss I-'annio Jones left this inoi-iiiu for I.oiiisbuig. when- she will b- one of the 'alicudn ins- at i lo- marriage of Miss Sumner Fuller to Mr. Ado Paruain. Docclllber lllih. Mis.s Matlic Gill I'eiui-ind to Wake Forest lodaj. Ilisuraueo Coniinis-ioncl- J. H. Y'oung woiil lo Henderson this morning. Mr. Brown Pcgrnin and son rciiirneil from a siiccesstnl hunt in Chaihani couiiiy loday. ( 'ol. A. H. Alnji'ews and his secre i it.v. Mr. T. It. liearii. returned from a trip In Washington and New York unlay. Mayor Powell had two minor cases tiiila.v. hnlh white men. William G I- win for St.Vi!.-. and Titos. McLaughlin for assault on .Mrs. Grady. ST.Tii i. Secretary of Stale Thompson says i, it lie now has inure copies nl ihe UTtli N. ( '. lb port on sa lo. Mr. K. L. Tai kinton, w h. has iiccn wilh the Plymouth Drug Company, at Plymouth. N. ('.. today assuuicd a posi tion ith the W. II. King Drug Co.. of ibis ciiy. Mr. Tarkinioii is at the I "ay el leville -in-, t store, lie i a iiiosr "clcoinc addition iu Hah-igh. The Monday Fvi ni:i Cluii will inci-j next Monday evening at the Governor's Mansion upon invitation of Governor ami Mrs. Unsscll. A most inieresimg program has I.e. n arranged. Mr. A. B. Andrews. ,-., rciiirue.l from Washington this morning, where III- al II tilled the Masonic ccloliialioll of the one hundred! h .iiinivcrsary of Geo. Washington's, deal li .m.l looked after some legal business. Mr. Andrews says that more than l.tiiui .Masons nltcn.le.l the exercises Thursday. The 1 k club will he entertained by -Miss Kaiharine Whiting lions., n Ji.nl. day next al I ).. ni. The Itev. K. ('. Glenn. I'onnor pastor of Central SI. K. Church, rciiirneil lo the city this in, .ruing from ihe Kaslern part of ihe Slate, where he has hceu S visiting among bis many friends since Conference. He will as soon as he can arrange his affairs leave for his tn-w-hoinc in Chicago. He wili cany wilh niui the In-I wi-hes of his many dear frii lids iu ihis ciiy. iv Im loves him and wish him unbounded success in his ncv, lioiiie. The Dobbin and Fcrrall dry g Is es tablishment is decorated iu ihe most ar lisiic and beautiful manner for ihe holiday season. Tin- slock of this p re gressive firm was never more beautiful and complet with both domestic and ini ...I'leil materials. If you want an elegant ol' iiieiliuni pi ice useful Christ inas present you can find it telire. The beautiful clothing and gents furnishing estahlishmenl of Messrs. Cross and l.iiiehau is handsomely de corated for ihe holiday Hade. Their display of fine i kwoar is something splendid, ami their show ing of handsome clothing is a credit to any establishment in the Stan-. 'Ihis progressive firm is always itp-io-ilalc iu every respect. Mr. P. Ileiiry Wat kins, of this city, and .Xliss Hos.i M. Uogcrs. will be mar rii'd at llolesvillc lomoi'i-ow. The engagement of Prof. Andrew F. Sams, of Marksvilie. and Miss Minnie Y. Baniiei. of Cary. is announced. Itcgistcr of Deeds H Is mvs the pension warrant are ready. They are in four classes: 1 sil-1; z Sis- :i s.",--1-SHi. ODD I'lCLLOW l'J'KMS. All who want lo bo posted in the laws of Ihe Order .should have a new .ligesl. Plenty of degree work Iii all of our Lodges now, but do the Ledges improve ill conferring ihein'r How many of ihe new members have been assigned to do something, so as to be of service ill future. For fifty coins any menil.er can get a copy of ihe new digest .-mil hand book of law and folios from llu- Gram! Secretary. We were very glnl to have Brother Cobb-, the Siipei inti nilctil of our Or phan I Ionic, iu the city las! week. But deeply rogiei thai bo bad 1 n called to pass through such a sad affliction, the loss of bis mother. lie lias our sym pathies. The Grand Seen tary w ill be at S. ot land Neck Monday night nor xvlicro a club of twelve will be initialed. lie will remain in that section ihe Icilauc.- nl the xv. ek. XXX Forty little children are at our homo, and having no kind parent near to act the pan of Santa Clans, they xvill smvlv look to llu- Odd Fellows lo till their stockings. Please do not let them Ik disappointed on Christmas moruiiig. XXX Itulli Itcbrkah Lodge, always doinsr the handsome thinxr by the (Indian Home, has raised fl '-v doll n-s. and xvill spend it for a Christinas gift p. the Home. Where is the subordinate or oilier Itobekah Lodge thai will ho is generous as liuth': XXX (bbl Fellowship came into t in- world as one of Ihe many blessings to hu manity. How well it is lilliug that Im portant mission is being read and seen of till men. Bur what of the fulni-cV We feel safe in predicting far greater things for the Order, as it groxvs ainx expands, in meeting Ihe xvants of hu manity, it is iioxx- only onninicneing in its work. To meet some of the needs or the times it has placed itself xxitliin the reach of all; no sec'itsivi is piaeticcd and men of principle and character, re gardless of wealth are invited to come In and t ('participate in a xxork that com mends itself to all. The more Ave can ejilist the better for nil; in union theiv is strength. The Fxivlsior Slcaui. Laundry has just installed a new collar and cull' iiiat-hinc. li is one of the la. est on the market; il docs not leu- the collars or cuffs and puis on a superb d mitic lili-i-b. . . .iien'eoi is caoco in iii.ioc 10 mi 'o j W. G. rpi'hiiroh iV Coiuiany in this is (sue. 1 hey have Santa Clans. 1 llc ll:M'e solliellllilg lo s.iy anoni Both nk and pine wood for sale at I PClll Ki ll .V HOI.HF.it. S. M . ,v W. .1. Young, hardware nt 'i' chanls. on Martin strce. are up wilh the times. They haxe something special l. :ii to y.iii in this issue. ' Look before you leap." Be sure you get Hood's Sarsaparilbi when you ill for it, mid you will tiud lis'illh ill it, use. Ifiorsi: AND LOT WANTHD. Tin r I r n eoiiagc. Stale lowest (ash price, location, el. . Address caic Times-Yi.sdor. Wo have .loicrini I to sell nil holiday goods at est ra'lior lliau cany any stock IT. Tliotua- os C.'tntpl.ell. lbliilay g Is at. cost ar Thorna- x. Campbell. Any bill,- thing lliat tells the story of ibonghi and sympathy makes Cl:r'-: inns. The most inexpensive thing i.- ,'s 1 1 1 i it-h appl'ecialt'il as Ihe most cosily. .11 ILLY. The Jewoier. Ladies- desk, an I coiiiliination desks al cosi. Thomas t: Campbell. P.....!, case... china cloth. pictures, easels, rockers, cenirc-iables all going ai cost. Thomas - ('.impln-ll. WHAT SHALL TIIK GIFT I ' K '! . my sio.-k answer that quest "ii. A vi-it will set. joii right, and comi'1 oial.lv lighten the task of choosing. JOLLY. Tin- Jew. 1,-r. Dnglii will have the finest lot of fruit fur tin- ( 'hi-isi mils trade ever shown bore. The prophet is in.t without honor, save iu his own coiiiiiry and among bis oxv ii poop.-. Thai's xvhat David said but this oc eurred helol'e i:oysti:i: s candy xvas made. Il is equally as popular at homo ;is abroad. My ftore Is full of things suitable for ev orv l.ody. inoxpoiisive as you wish; alsu the expensive tilings too. JOLLY. The Jew In. If modi-rale prices for reliable g- oils have any ai t rait ion. n-y st.,r Is tin place to visit in quest of Christinas gi'' suggest inn-. JOLLY. The Jew-ler. WAXTKD -SITFATION. An expet'ieneeil drug "and sial;i xv.-iter innn. l-lNOelloiit refereiiccs. Address. Chas. Kirklaiul. care . T. Hoxvell. Wo have out tin- prices on all si'ver noveliies. and ;ill cut your name on all article- purchased free of charge. JOLLY. The Jeweler. If y,.ur --inn's need repairing tele phono Harding. He will do Ihe xxork and deliver them. Slcininctz. the llorist, has a largo lot of tin- tillesl e''ll.'ltiotis and roses. Also lino chrysanthemums. If you want the best go o Sicinnietz. Suitable for hil.lav presents BOYSTKWS CAN DAY in handsome basket- and souvenir box es. See them. Do you want your shoe repaired nice lyV Send to Harding. Harding's is ihe place to have y.nir shoe repair xxork done A nice basket of fruit makes a tine Christinas pros, nt. Dnghi will fix you a basket xvilh the most deb-ions a-sort un nt of fruit. N'AMKS IN GOLD. Names slumped on ltil.lcs. Prayer- liooks. Purses. Card-cases, etc.. bv TIIK CAPITAL PIMNTING i'O. Harding will send for your shoes, re pair i In-lit in firsi class sivle and de liver thoiu. Fig-;, raisins, dales, to., all fresh at .ranges, apples, pupirs. I p the neck btind on your shirt is worn anil hurts your neck send it to the Excelsior Steam Liun drj . they will replace it with a new four ply linen band free of charge. FOI! SAI.K. Five lots oil K. Lane si reel. Applv I" V.. II. I.OVF.. Three-pontnl can tommies '.. ." for -.V.: Calif.. rani lal.ie peaches K! L'-Kc; cm corn S and !i c per can: ' i lb. can mince meal lUc: -liceil pine apple 11 and 20c. can: grated pine apple L'Oo. can; maple syrup L'."i ami olio, can: Tarhcll cheese 1.V. lb.; California river Silnion 12'jo. can. at WOOLI.COTT SONS. Fancy rockers, deskis, inkfnres 'and easlcs going at cost. All'holiihiy goods xvill be sold at cost oxviug to being over-stocked. Thomas & Campbell. Thomas & Campbell. The place to get your Christmas pres ents a I cost. Thomas & Campbell.