III No. 9,055. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1899. 25 Cents a Month. FAMILIAR PACES What Your Friends andTliitr Friends are Doing l'mf. .1. I. I'liifl. of i . 1. 1 K ! is ill I In- ily. .Mr. ('. Frank Siller, of Pose Hill, is in I'lWli. , Prof. Thotiins 1'ousl. of Newborn. 1 in I He rily. Prof. !. 1!. Kinc. "f Itnekiiinliinu. i in T In- i-ily. .Mrs. V. 11. Kroner returned i ' 1 Mir hum yesterday. .Mr. T. It. Feast. !' N'owhcrn. is in i h fity today. .Mr. I.. II. Crawford, of I h .cii-Ii.m ... i al all Yiii-lioroiij.rh. Mr. W. W. Viiiifc'iin mi. I Miss Vanillin, nl' Hiii-hum. nv in tin' i-ily. .Miss Tcmpe Kelts is sponiliu;.- Imli i!:ivh at Iiit mule's. Iter. Alviu Potts. Mr. M. T. N. hi is is Imi'k In in 1'im- ' huiM where hi' .spent (iirislnnis. Mr. S. .1. Collie-, i i' I mi lull", is I In' miesi 1. 1' Mr. John I'ulliiis. ..ii ...riii Person street. Ir. A. I. Kills nii.l wile .'iv vi-iiin.' l!cv. Alvin Hi lls, i-.ii'iii l' Per-mi urn I Morgan si reel-. Mr. un.l .Mrs. I!. II. Itnl. c. win, have been visitin-; rehii ive- in r.' h:;ve i.-.iiin-i.l home In 1 II ill :l 11 ! . MNs Huisy . : Win-: i- liie clialiiiini; ;:iii'-i ( Mi-- Kll:. I Noivis. on N! Hi ltlouui ' I iv. i. Mr. M 1!. !!... I. ..I Pinnacle. Si.iko- -111! I .V. Mlh hi- li.li I'm- jiin s ..I' His n-i.-l Ailiirni') I'. M. I'.i'i ii.n.l. ii-l i i" llOlllO I tt.l:i . Miss Marlll.l llollowuy relumed !. l!:dcicli yesterday, after sp-mlin- 111. holidays vih n !.'iiivrs in I mi Ii mi. Slipel'illlellib 111 .Nlillllolsou. "I' I llllilillll. Ill ri veil ye lctll;l I" illli lei II lll.'i'l ill-' ..r iiii' Or.i.ie.i s.-h.i.ii Sup. 'rim. mi. .!!-' Association. Mr-. Mamie M v .11.. I In".' ! lisiie il.lULlhlcrs. of I'll ell, w .11". il'o lisilill III III,- I1..1111- ul' III I- -i -1 . i--. Ml".. ( "il:l I-!.--; J '. dike. 11 K11..1- ('nl. :n 111- sir.',". Sir.'iiin 1 1 .-i-l - -1 : Samuel ll.-i:,. . t!i. reiruiar ;irni. wit. ii.is Inn station. t ill. Ashovilie. hits nr:'ifil lute nii.l tins liikcii ch.ir;:.- of 1 lit- ri-t ruitiii r -t.-ili".. hero. Hi- nik.'s 111.- .lai'.- of l.i.'til. Sc." ili who has ini 11 :ini.-ii'ii. .1 1.1 For. Mt'Kiny.ir. Mr. I.'ivi- llninill..: Irfl liiis 1111. 111- 1 H IT flit' '(.til -holo Mil II l.llsino-s M il.. Prof. J. A. 1 1 ;i i) 1 1 l .i-l 1 of ll;ii.''s Ci-el; cnine in this uiornin.L'. .Mr. T. 1". .Ii-r 11 r'i"i' :iif! In 111 Car Ilinu-.' whore li in - p 1, '. Ohr.-i inns. .Mr. .1. K. f.iik.'iis. liie news .i-.--iiiii:i fur tin' News nnd Oils, rv.'i'. nirivi'i! ,.1 n :i few l:tys a-,, IT, 111 Atlanta, mi. I has 1 :i!;i ii Inn u,' "f I li" . mai:i:ii:m in ou ur inn si:. Wiliiiini Minimi mi.l K;!;i Williimi. c.il.iriMl. wi'i'i' n,:iirii.l in I In- K-'i-l.i' .if Hl-I.i-' .l.li.'l' ll.lllU I.. Urlll,V K.'KI-l." I'.irt. 'Hi,' Li :'s ), ..m. w liil,' tin- ro.'iii li "! ri'in'i, ,1 i.i ' ;'- ,.l' 1. Ijiri'iisc us nl- i-, 11, I i.i I 'nuik lliu:ui 11111I Artii r.in-uiil. nil. 1 'MVSTKKV I.KA It Kl II'. ' 1 I ...I W... I.-...., . ! 1- mill 11 lit-." -nil! .Mr. 1". '. I'.-.mW -mi 1,1 liini i,s tln-y -.I.hnI liiokinif nl W:iA iiisrtmfs stnliii- in iln' iiiil.il -unnii'. "Wli.vV nski.l Irs Inlliir. 'ltfrini-i' In- is nuiilr mil ,f ir.ii'." ri l,liisl tin. ln.y. ABERDEEN TO ASHBORO. Il is i-t'i'orlt-il llim iln1 S"Ui hiTii I!;iil ny will 1 1 1 .us i.vrr iln- I'ni- mil mini I'r. ,111 A -liiiiiir.i I" Ahi'i'.l rii nilii -i .1 ii 11.1 ry- l-i. Tliis will srivi- tlsi- S.inili-i-rn a llii-imii irain fn.111 lli;'.h Pnii'.i ! Alirnlrt 11. Iniiiiic 1 In- S. A. I.. 111 iln-l.'ilh-r I'liHT. MAUKlI-in 1!Y WIliK 1.7i:n Mil. MS AI'AIIT. Itriilc in MiiH'In's.ti r K... (Ir.i. ni in NVw Mvxirn. ty,(',iiiiiiirKil,ilyiH'h:iina ciiinin shrilliml ' W nii-lK-sli-r. Ky., Di'i-. 'J.i. Hy t -Kiil.i 1111. 1 .si'Vi'iili t-ii limiilriil irilr- npiil. two -icrsons wire hhiith-iI S.-ilitnlny. Tlii'y iviTi- .Mi-s Lizzie lluiiini, 11s. of this rily. tun! Ti-mih r Sum Wlu'i-li r. ,(' I-'nri Wiiifciati', X. M. Until livnl nl AViiirlii'sli-r 11 yrnr npi. iitnl fell inliivc. Wlii'i'liT i nlislcil in iln nriny. nuil vns Irnnsfi-rrcd tn Xi-v Mcx-ii-n. Hi- -nn'rsiniiil.il with tin' ciil ri'K-l.-irly. nml slit' iirumi-'cil lit i;n In him iintl in- niarrir-il. Hit fntln r, fi'Mrin llnil Iiit fnr-nvny Knucrr mielit ilisini-il Inr. r,' fusiil tn 1(1 hup L',. Wlii'cliT Iriril In gvl a imi'iili'. Imt tliil nnt" siict'i'i-d. TI10 yiinn.? snlilii-r ttirii 1-iinliili'it in ('nilt)lill I-'ostiT. nl' till' Hls.. fit 1 1 1 till' sclu'inc of a inn rrin uc was iisbisihI nml lif.n-lily .ipiiiiivifl. Siitnrilay 111 I'liini.' iiiiinniuii'iition was ivtnlilishril lii'twi-i-n Fiii t Winalo ami AViiii lu'stcr. All the IK-l'lltOlN lllnllji: till' lilU' 1'lltlTlil illtn tin' Hliiril of rlii" nc.Tin.inu uunl lnintl iilnna thi- ('(Tpuwiiiy. The ltivv. S. 1'. YmniK rcail the innrrinci si-nieu nml it was re lioaUd over the vire fpnin liere. Cliiiplain Fnster nfficiateil nt the oIht (.nil. The cit-rs fntlii-p (rave his misent hy teU'ttrmih, nnl in liftpert inimitns tln ! miirrlaK was iiepfnnmtl. die cnsl fur tlegrTh talis lieiiiR 2ii.."i0. This af!r lMMin till' lriile Ktnrtiil tn join her lni-s-hatiil. (Atlantit (Iiuistiiiitinti.) A ilisiipiHiiiitcd rilitnr has the following in 11 JCortli Carolina ncwspniior: ' "Tlitw weoks i;ri we hail the cnoil fnptuiip to have our left let? ait. off hy it train on the Short Line Hnail ninninj; lH-twu here anil the mi win ill rejrion. We fully exriti'il to crt I'in iIihiuwk fi'inn the roiiuV and t-a.v "ft our ilelits w'Kh the wiino! but, tn our norrnw. the iniATiilile mini went into the Inmds- of 11 receiver lliroc tlnys nflerwnnls: anil here we lie with foil1 leg cone and -not casli enough on liaiul to buy a wooden one." New r(.rk, Deo. 29. -4 .3 ;.--TV- ,w. ber. 7.34: .Tanunrj". """; Kcbrniry. 7.40; Mnreh, 7.44; April, 7.47; May, 7M. DULLER RESTRICTED TO NATAL TERRITORY Lord Salisbury Wants to Re Jsign the Premiership INDIA'S LOYALTY TO ENGLAND British Troo s at Modder River Anxious io Attack the Boers The Boer Losses Were Heavier Than Supposed. ('.iln' Town. I '. L'!l. Tl loin I .iiMlinmlinu' tin- ''iii;nlin:i c.iiiiimelil is lii j.iin the slnH' i.f Ceu. .ml I'.uMer: a!! ,,f w in, 111 ;il'e Jil'in'i'i'ilill . N.-llnl. il' 1:-,-llil. I'inl Cen, rnl llliliei's 1,,-r.' ill M...1,- I..- e;.!i!i.!e. to N'nlnl. I't.inn r S,'; irrnni M.-ijor (li,. 11. win, was ; 1 1 1 . t nr -li.-liner I'l'i-.iiie! s , :iiiuri-il a! ,M ;i '.-rsi'.,:i-li'in. nili::il" :li;i! lie wns t'.ii' s.nne I'liie ill the Hi. el' iTvirc i 11 s rn r i ll;J 1 1 11 -111 r.i I I',' I it'll i li l;. I!i- .-ns Iwenlv lllle' lie, II--.'II..1 lt.-l's , , re at M.mel'-I'.illt 111 .1-1.1 .'ill 1,1.1 lun I ,1 ; II -;l l 1 1 ', -"e ,'II J!I,'.I , I i In- ilny ,.i' 1 1 , liaiiie. , 1 1 . i--,r. .. ih.-n I in, r.:rr In-- es w i v, '. , ; ! i ' - u : il I ren.'li, s 1 , in- lull ,,i i : 1.. .1. , i - 1 1 1 :l I if tile l!l"li-!l a. l:n i. ' i el I.." a , i il I in- l!.-.- w nil. I !. n . .1 ,. II - miv- i he lt..e.- In.rses i . ml; -i I,, M, 'III,-,' I! ,er. a- u,,i ,.. ... i,-..,. hi MllL-e, i.'.. Ml. '.!.. CI, i.i:. i. in- -. -.".I. l:i-,l. ieu to a ' nl a i."..Mit l-s: ai-lii l-..ii, 1 1 v .!.,-;, i!nl. I i- i-i , ill - I M','nninl.,sl.iii ii.nililal il! I , Ii;l. -ll'il lll.ll Ills llV-e nil. I ill s, i, 1.1 , , 1',' ,'Vi f I', nth' In ,1. I'eliil I i r Ifiilisli ,",i:;iii.-. M a li.i in.in II llnwnll.i wns i, ',on :'..r nn an, ilniin, ..: n- .1 ,,si:i, 1. ,.1 I.. ,:l I!., I. ells' -lall. lie ., - I e 1 1 , 1 I., s, , ,; :. i iaiis -ii wiih i -i t i v It ,', i- ;;, ! II. s,.- I,, fi 1 , ; in S' li II A l' sai ism in w a N i in to liiisicv I. on.!, n. I . '.1. - Tile l ii,..i:. I Lilly Po-ll -.11. 111.'!! til IV is I.' as, III I,, S.I-lil'W' lll.'lt I., .I.I S., ' ' s I . -- inlemieil I,, l-esiun I In- I'r. ,i i, i-sl i j, .lin ing i lie lii'.--; ..r I :i , , , 1 1 , i 1 1 year. I ul. niter liis, i-.-.in- ih- lenll,' u:l!i lie lllleelt. I'.-- li:s now ,li -, lii, ,1 I.. I 'li; In in office 111,1 i! lie- i" I , I' tin w.ir! I .i.iiv'i lie will eei'lninly : - li,,- In I'.i'i' t li 'l t'i n. '"nl el eel ion- in llllll. Til.- I 1 ike of 1 li'VMll-ilil'i will -'I,' e, nl Ilini n- I'l'ell i-T. S ! ! A I! 1 ' I'lCil'l' TIIISDAV. 1 lull.- n. 1 1. .-. '.".I. A ilispaieh I'r -en I aii-, I, - I an iv.rN 11 slin,-, -kiniii-h i .i Tii.-ln i"., r lieielli i r Jlilh. t 'nl. I..ll li.i . ' 111,' r.llM'l I'llsileers. fell ll'.ini lii s,,.. I , ..lie 111- eollill- I", lie. 1!1!'1 IS 11 i-IAlil-Ii: Til ATTACK." i,,,!,ei' lti'.ep. He,-. -J",. The .,"ii -- , e!Vi i'i nml flitter i attack the l' (i- a-'niii. Il a; ;n :ii that 111 - Imii-a el. I u'.' , II n! lie ri liuiells s', i.'. s ai'ie,' Co l':i:ii, ,. .Mnrrl'.-n;, in m.l a !:z. il on I lie el -e l-.rti 'Hi, ,11 of I he l!i-li!nu-,l I!':- Bll.le. I1, ii:. Il ellill.ll'il I III' Meet's. I-l e ii.'l -mil .lil.ini;,'. The .r, n.in i's eel .'i-ally -;i.,l,e ell 'lie .lli'll'e "Wicil l!,"l wishe- lo ,i-:i,,y li.- tiis-i inak.'s m i.i." SI. (H I -1 Ft ON TIM-: SCIINI'I. ThiMley C:..lli. I lee. -!. lllelaycll Ciijil. Sli . in;, i. llie Ann i i. nn military alt.-lehe. nil, I :ll" lllln.-lli- of l-'i-allei. liussia. Iialy. Au-'rin ami Cemiany. ar rivi.l I,..! ay fi. iii I'ieii rniarii.l.iir. Tin y isiti.l till' en.lli llilll' l!le sr. 'lie of iln' kittle "I' I le- en, her loth. FATAL ACCIDENT Son of Mr. George Tillman Killed in Chatham. (Chtitr-n-n Cilize i. Deo. t ) On la.-i Friday. Mr. Iror' illninu's ;ns liil',1 ,01, , I le 111' t 1" I K IOW I1S11I. Itui'lii:-.- ami les small li",,'her willi him. Sonic liini- It. w tl on I In- ,,ii.,sile side i.f II lle.krl. W. Tile Ji.unu' 111:111 elo-sed the In .1. -1. iv io shoot tin- birds, telliiu' his liiih- l.i'i.i'nT to r, main where he was till .-.ill.'d. lie kilh',1 .w ' three biitls and l in- lillie l,. bcina anxious Io see 'In- tun. s'ariiil tliroiii;h tin- h, due row aiil in " doin seiired u;i menhi r liini. Yniiun Mr. Tillniaii. with the (inn. not seiiiirf his lillie brut her mid Ihiuldii lll.ll he wns .-llll on the oilier side of the he.le-iew. -In. i killing the li:: (I an I mor tally weiiMiliu-.: his lillie brother. The sin, to d; i !i,'i I in III .little fellow frnni his km , s up. the main part nl' the loud l.id.nitiii In bis bowels. Tile donors said III iv w is no chance of his recov ery. Ml!. I.YA.VS Hlvl'I.Y. Iti ili inn s t'is O p,silioii to the Sea l,i.;;r,l Csuisolidirtioii. Mr, Tin, inns 1". ltyan. of New York, who Is euileavorliij; to di-fcnl the litan for the inii-olidntiiiii of the Seaboard Air Line, l'loiidn Ceueral and Peninsular. Ocoriria nml Alnlinnia and i.tluT railinad lltu's (siet.olled hy the Williams- Mid ileinlnrr-Oliver syndicate, has sent a leiiKlliy teh'irrain to Mr. .Inhu Skelloti Willillllis. nlle of the IIHIllilKers of the, syndicate, in reply to a teleu-rani from Mr. Williams, who cl-.-iiuied that he had made evety reasoiiablc reposition to Mr. Kyan. Mr. Uyan reiterates his opposition to the pt'iipii.ed eonsuliilatir.ii nml after analyziiiu' the ) Ian. eoiiiiuei:ts: "In short, you prnpesi (I to place on the ro-nls an additional uinrlpii'm- iiiilelitedness of !fT'.-r--r,.litltl. Iiitrdeuini; thctn with an addi tional iinnnal bitereK cliai'ire of nearly JTilHI.tillll. not one iliillar of the proceeds of the spin of these Itoiuls to be npi'iit on i tlie pmpi rty. but the entire aiivnnrt of S!l"J.o.,:t.tHH to 'be used by J'oti to reim Inire ynVir sytidiciite for moneys l mill for stiH l'.s which, Willi the exception of those of the Seaboard an;l Hoanoke, have not paid a dividwul for years." Ip. I). T. Jolunwn mukes nn irnirt nnt iiniMHinH.'nieiit iu today's paiper. See liis ndvcrticuifut. REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENTS Building Licenses Issued This Month for $5,463. in Contracts Kuli'i!i n eves sieailily fnrwai'ii ami liliildilii: ...lilraels ale lieini; liiude ' icii in th In a. nl tin- i :nlcr. The I". I lowlliz I-nil.1 Ill:' lieell.es havi l.ecli i--ll ii .'ni- m. .li. h : Mi-,-. A.ln II. Uielin :',l-eii. .- six nimn rrnllle iiihl-'e. ..tl "esi M.ii-li 1 1,11 sli-erl. X.-h ll:i ry nml .n-h i v. i-.tni r:n t..r-: .':- S. Ill III. Mr-. I',i:i;. a t h: ee.ioo.ii frame le,u-e ,11 Fa -I H.ivi- elreel. W. II. Ilolil..,. ,,. Ill I'll, Iit, J lie.' $::..ll. Mr. 1". A. Aintstn.n. en Creen sir,,-:, anioiini ... i i.i). i . i in, nt situ;. oil. Mr. .1. It. I'.OMr. on Fa-1 llnle -il'ii l. III. Mil l el !l,il,!',,velllcl,ls. N'JTI.ol'. Mr. W. Nei w I. a llll'ee r, -nil I'r, nn- In .in ... Ma-i .Man in, Andrew .1;.. Us..,,. li, e SI 7."i. .II". ',' .I'l.ns 1-;. S'leilie-i. a nine re.. in Iran. l.ilil.iiliL-. on N.-rlh W.I miiiLMini -II. it. It.'lil.ew . il ami CelCy. c. nn. n i.n-: priii- S'J.U'jn. Mi'. W. W. W i"ie. inhliiii'i- lue: tf, ...I'll, i- 1 1 i v -on ami llai-,:'l -Ilv, -. .i r. i'.i,,, ,M. . ..nl rn-: iiic- s:;.,n. Mr. .1. II. Kinsr. .i.l.li'i.'i.- I', i-esldciic-on Wi I ( '."i ::l I lls s-i'i el. W' lliani Mil! : . ni i .H I.n : pi i. e. ..-.nii. GERMAN ANOLO PORTUfil'ESE The Reports of the Topple Treaty Said to be Inaccurate. i !., I, li. I e. L'tl. Il i- -lnl",i Moll: the . Ill ili-il I. !'. i'Ii ,,f!I ill;!! I h .-1 1 1 ' - . - ! ,!i-el"-llie-. i'l I'e.ll.l I , n Cl'l .'..-. I-A 'I-l' -I 'or! urn -.' l I'tMl : nre iilil ' i lie rill .lie. ;i ;., I I I, .-,;:t .i I. I leillil I hill I ,le i!l!.- lic.nio.i nl .il a C, niLiie A ii'.do I'.ei ,i- j .il . was In r.;i ! y ai. i; en; i ,u. N i -. i 1 1" nil ili.i I his ,ie ni., I Ii i- I, li, ve.l in ,.l her ;::! i-'er I . e1 ' n !i .hi aLll-eel1:, I ' Ii, 1 w i Ml t i l i':l 1 I ! i :' .i 111 :' mi Oe! : I , . 1 1 , Ul'l , i-l . I'lSiIM II I.IICAKli IT A INAC i'l li ATK. I'e i :--. 1 1. ,-. 2:1. A lei-. i'. 11 .:': iein; s.-ri, I , i!a,. : li.il I 0, II- ,1-1 ll.-i'- I i'i, '11 I'erl ii'nl Mi'-s 1 e 1 Willi- li '- - 1... I- I Mir I an, 1.. , : :: ;u r innl. Mr- li. W Mm PLENTY (iF FUN A Good Show Last Night Our Slat cRists Tonight. T! ! 1 1 I I , ' I , . i 1 W.l- '..iiu'ily ii ''. .'.!; . i." . li-uii I . -, lllf.l I..'. Lie W IW.II. c ll. V ni-. :i Nhi-i :. '1 ii- -i it n ..: II'. nn .': I i alii nl I li,- A.m.! mi ,,! -I e.en:lf. s ,,i lllf.l p.lW . Ul I.l'l: .'. . li. ep ! ' he Cm a. (ii.v W... .'.innl a- .li.-iu Ciiis. ll: In i i ,-ki .1 .i-i'iiift, kill tin- ninlieiie-. in a n-.,". N I-. NN'iiii'eii a- Mr . Hau-. ; i ! 1 I I . I 1 . :l I , : II I . a i' I '.'i.i cell Id i;i:. II li, . i,, -, an i nl ;, "Jan, e. W a- I in ne i. I ,. i, ,1 s. Me- W an-, n i- :. ,1, , id, .1 -re i.i wliai.-v.r i-lia - a. a. ' ,-,f 111 I'' I'lllI,!'.-. M r. ( .nn1. - M i.Mli ton. v. no was l.-i'i in ,lial'e ... : he .Ion,-' lifitie was vc;., Ii'ii i a- '.ia- . I- i his iiian Cinlay. lie-,-. . i,il tkaiiiil-T w iiii h was ink, ii l,y .Nil-. N ..ii 'III i . ' 1 1 . Mi. Ililini' as ,,. man .lone.. Mr. ilii'.y as a uerioiis l.o.ai .Ii r, aiei .u I'.nl ;. i el' li:.. ill: r. , , I , I s imt Inillnil!- l piiii';:.,iil. 'i :; -j , eiailie- a- tlsinl were lil'st-el;,-s. .Nil'. K-ilfcr ami .Miss li. IIII, HI, I Won lili to lalll, is !'..; Iheir e!e T work. Mr. Keil'f'i r's line leilor solos w, -e le pi all, ilv en,-,.:', ,1. as was the musical ;ni ,. .Mr.' I leek and Mi-- II, ken. I oniiit lie i p my w ill pi-f-en: "Cur S: rail -I-l , hifh i- a ,!ay hrim I'ell ..f I tin. 1 1' y..il waul a mai lifar.v lauyii yon -lenlid leu mis.- in,. I,i i,M. t, ni'jhl. A I'AINI I I. ACCIIHINr. Mr. .iaeoi. S. A 11 in. dr.. Tlm-wii 1'r.uu n Villi, le ni, .1 'lei tilly l'.iui-'d. M r. .la, oli S. All. n. dr.. nn-l w ith a -,ery .ilu,d a, idem la-t uiuiil ill col. -..pi"!!.-,, oi" .ihii'li lie is fonl'iiifd o In In d. .Mr. Aihu wa.- dliili-' iioll'i . Ill till'le iuu ,;l Iln- i ni ,i. r ,,l Itlounl and N'orln llie her-e Hilled o -Ii,,.: lil.'ll Mr. AI.ell was llirowti Iroln the vehifle. t'n.'.-rt-iin.il i ly ene ,,l' M i'. Allen's li.B4 w ns . ..lull, l I ,1 . el, I If si oki.s ol' ,1 1 .. l.. . ! .. .1 :, . .... I I lit, I the wileei two or llll'ee lillr-s ,-lore he .1111.1 si, p lie- ..;-e. l-'oltin-ale he In I I Io liie reins, wlleli e I'ell. Tie lel'l lei mill l.-.'I side Wire tel'I'iiil.V l.t uisi i. A pa.s-i r-liy r. tidi ia d u--:-l-iitiec and Mr. Allen wi s lakeu leiiin- in the eiiii e. 11 was niirnculiuis linn n , hi III s V, ere in ekell. EDUCATIONAL. Tin- antiunl session of eruded si ho,d -uperiljii tiilenls lio-rill I;l-I evening. Tin le wi re present .1. I. Mu'!es,:ii. Asiieville: W. C. I.nne. Alia innrle; .1. Maihe-on. Ilitrhain: .1. I. l-'oti-t. CoI-Ishe'-o: Cicte A. Orinish-y. O. l'l'iiiiiiiiurst. CreenslMit'o: .1. T. Alder mun. llendi t'soii: 1,. C. llroi;deii. Kin stott: 10. P. Muses-. Unleiuii; C. V. Toiu linsi n. Winston: M. ('.' S. Nohle. Suite Tniversity; M. P. Maniruiu. Wilson. Oitlll'l' Slipi I'il'li'ltlb'U'ls are expi cted lo- iinn-nu-. 1'. P. Mau.i:iim presided: W. C. I. line its sii-retni-y. Tlie session was held in the I'i titeniiiul graded sehonl. Last niirht there was an address by the president and reports hy vari ins siiie.-iiiti-iubtiis. All were eneournirini.'. showing iner, ase,d at lenilaiice and cn hti'K'ed ,'ici onnneiiitti'iiis and also in ( reused intcrt si itinoiis; the public. New hnihliii.'s- aii' beiitL' eivi'lcd at CriHiis. I lii'u. 1 1 1 1 i ll :i 1 1 '. 1,'aleiL'h. Henderson and AUtciiurle. S. heols wire nrjrniiizeil this yetir nt New .e rn. Ifeiiilevvuii, Kinsteii. Allieiuiirle ttnd Waytiesville. Tht.t iifK rmxm c!i tiiai of officers wn held. The Association o f AeniU'inUs con venes in the city this nftenwnni, Mr. F. O. Crr is iu the city, PRICE OF THREAD ADVANCED Cotton Thread Costing 40 cenis a Dozen will Now Cost 55. I'l'.ivi .elice. K. I.. lire. "7. All Iln llii'e. I companies ill lite thread ll'll-I ll;!'e rnisi.l Iheir pi-ices. Tlie e plana I loli i-'A en lii i i.:r iln- a, I n in in I Ii -I ' n eolloli anil ill ll .eral-.i -' wae-. Tin loi-iui-r rale was two hundred yard -p. ,.;.. forty cents a doi.cii or llilee -pools fi-r Ii ii cents. I li ri a l ler li , eeiil - sj will l,e a: ."," cent - p, r ,,,.'eii. stihim; i i H s f ini; Moi.iniii n. New Yorl;. lie.-. I i , -. -. . i , 1 . - r- C.,if loiiai nil, , I ,111 K. ini, r- ili'iii.i in, iii iln id. le e .111:1 llill- ..in, .iv- I , ii a -i r.-i.u p. .iul . FAIR AND COLD Tie li rn a-l i-l ii. - ; in r tiili . a I -: Cienrn- il- ,,p;, nllVi oi.-r llie , i. f'..-s' w Ii . '. i'i M : o, lim M.-- I n' II.I li iuii .-in. I. nil I s.i , - ; -. IliLilC l;.M' ni old I--1 i,..i . 'lite -I , ,1111 ill ill-' -ri'i.'ii Ini-a- all ill d liin ! ,1 , i ; -- i..;i o i ii e l I nil nl.d -.. ,i I ii A i la ul i- , iiuill I ;l ill or - in. w ; Iln, :-i , i i i n a l -' Ii , t I i lie ii,i;i,ii ea-l o, :--il I-l l-i ' i r illiil a le'll;, I he M. '.i. '. An e.VK ll-i'ic .ii'. a I. a,', tin If" h i- ;i ; , .'f 1 ill I I ,'nl II I I-: wii,i-f ,,s lI..W and., li i ' a; 111, , i.M an.l i ' 111,1 we. I 1. COMMITTEE FUM!MN(i. Xi' i rt Nf Va.. I i, f Ii. A , ia I i i ,n ri --nnia I .nil . iiiebnllnu Sp !l -lid. a. I'nii.d Sian - S. i, ii,,. li ii. ... I---' .-t. sn - i" a II. : C -n I' - ar ! i ' n,.:e':i".-. i-ii- I lie - ..'.lid llele lod.'K . 'I If a,f . i!a i a :'i,r a r. j t to .e.jr.-s ..n ih- p.ifily and li.ililv ,. lie plan:. V-' i In i h.. i mil : d t In ir u !, t ' ili r.-tillu Io ";l-::ile;l .n ! -i, .,; Nof conn CHIMST.M S, 'I In i 'ii irl..r.' I ll. iv . : -a. , ,!;i It iln r, I r- :l i - '., i : lie-- .l ; ii, i ,1 III ,lf le. i- Ha.' III . -1,1 Nenil- llll" HI'.', Iv " opt SAD CASE Motltcr and Sou Found Dead in Chatham County from Small Pox. I'C'na' luiin (JitiMi, !! 27 ) Mot: K til: VTI IS I t:( I M SM II Tl l I.asi wee!, .. l'.-..llr.l llie .i. lllil of a 7 leir nil! s ni ,,!' Man lil iM'l'. a c.loreil ! W. II. ill. ol llielll Molllllaill loW ll-!lip. t ' I'1 W.'l'i'l. Si l as, Thursday Mary Clov,-;-. ihej l lie in w laiiidiiiL- i- in s,,,,ie r -p, , Iher .ll.eVe le le III , 1 to. lllul llll illl'.'lll' llll" tinesl I C 1'' '' 1 1 1 :l s . ll I' .! ,i;...i :,. ,'i,.. - . .1 i 1 1 m e. The iv'.ri -i- is plain, bir of I- know .xiiflly w iu n limy died. They iinv mil .if. id mi Thursday. !tu ,,u Sumlai I'r. Chupin t'ound thai llu-i were di.nl. no one lieilif Willi lllelll hut :t lil'h- o-ea-i., fill ad tile livilli: llielllhefs of ihe laniil.v. It is a -ad affair. sad ellnllllll W hf i I he 111,1 lief llilil In si ay llu re unatli iided I..f l w o days ami ni'-'hls wiih her dead lillie hoy. ini' sadder In y , lot comparison in think ol' ill,- lillie o- y, ar-, 1,1 ''Irl s l ;i i ii ir oi r two uiu-hls uloue w itli lu r dead mother and Ihe lii lie .h ad iul'aiil. Mary Ci.iv, r's raMier. mar Siler City, was ii lilied Sunday by Or. Ch,i.piu. The father iiad had sluallpiiv. unit so ni I'dilll.' Io I If. Chill, ill's itis me! ions. hi- . li t ami Imfif d 1 he tint t her end I ahy and leek Ihe lillie itirl to his hoil-o. Monday I ir. Chu; iu wei.l thife and I IT.'leil llie h.illse nlut elllire colli, Ills. Al I. If 111, I Io lie- easl hound Snlll ll, I'll liaiu this leoreiuu' was a special inr with Win-leu l-Ilks. en route l.u- Wil iniiil ,,ii. ii'i, ;,. a Io'Il'c ,,r tliat order will ! :iis i: oi , ,1 i oui-ill . ll u:l- a jelly crowd. Alllollu' tie.-e mi hoard nero W. .1. Kelicrls. Ilisiricl liepitiy: l'mf. I'. P. Tonilir-on. K.valleu Ituier: T. W. Wat-en. 11,-le, 1 I., nd- i 11 lvlii-llt: Slet'Iinu Sltllt'l. Msleel I l.ojal Kni-rlil : .1. II. 1" . Msicin -.1 T.eettire Ki'i-.'hi: P. II. I.yiii 1;. lis- ijttire: C. If Cromer. Tih v. A. P.. l'.ynitiii. -eeretiiry : 11. I.. I Ciir-ri i i treas urer: W. S. Snipes, in chnri-'e of ir,,a:: lie,.. A. Haines and others. C. 1.. Itiinr illL'. of Kltleill. joined tlleUI ll I'e. The leilue Io he i i -1 i 1 1 1 ! , 1 nt Wilmin:: ..ii w ill he llie .third loilire . I' MIK- in the Slale The Iwo olio Is are nl Charlotte and Winsi it. Thi'e will he :s:' charier incur!, it", of lite new lo.le. There h.is l-i i-ii .ne mil; ,,f iirirauh'.itiu an Mil; I.e.l.n- le'i-e and ii preliulile thai Itah-ith will In- the H"M place in lite Slate t" have a I. (dire ..I Kiks. A CI'lvSSINC CONIT-IST'. Th" llnrilin- Shoe Store AVi CiM Away a W0 Ilicyelc. Mr. W. T. llanlitiL'. the po;:itlar shoo dealer. lias detei-mim-.l t" clean out his hig steel; of winter sle,es at (.',-eaily re duced prices, lie-nil his biir ml iu this issue. He says flic stock must in n irardhss of price no reasonable nfor. he says, will be refuscl. 'litis is the 'riant kind of weather to buy winter shims, especially when they can he secured nt bni'swiu pricts. Mr. Hani ins will also starr a suessitiji contest. Cuions, -wlri h will be rcilet ni il in trade, will he sold al 2."i cent for the guesses. There is a l.iv- lifrlit in one of the show windows r.n Ids stiwe whicli will lie liirhtcil in nbonl t'liree weeks and the ierson ft,leis n irmet to The time the eai'i.lle 'will burn 'will bo piven a $11)0 Comiwnitin bieyele. Tlie urize is also on exhibition at ,1k stwe This contest sluvnlil nroiwe a Krent de.il of interest. Tlie camlle is 42 inelies Wgb. and weiglis ten poumla. BUBONIC PLAGUE AT HONOLULU j "Centennial Arrives at San"" i l:rancisco with III Soldiers DISEASE INTRODUCED EROiVl lAI'AN Colonel Lnckett After Three Hours Dis lodges Insurgents in the Mountains -Insurgent Paper Reported Revived. I s.ii, I'l-aie i'i iiii nn ia ! ' , Il il i.l'l'i. et -ilui.l and I . aa- :i'.i"-pe I- -;l li. .Lii an. -..a lie' iiiun: ni-ii; 'i. ; 'Am . iiui I. Mali j:i..l c, . II', v. in in l . sp.ll i-l, , i ..i - I .,' I I ii GRANT LIOL'OR LICENSE W. NY. , in., ii W.i :,..w ::i ii i 111 If I'.osTc.N i'l: I II I M A -- i V-'S fU'S II ,. v. Temp! ' ': :' iln- I'i'f -: Sin lis IS ( -,u:i: il. mini 1 1 'I In Mas, eif 'i'i-!; I:' , : Iln- . id I nil li-,-. i , I I - 1- ! dl a', d I ell 1. - illlf n: 'I'i. s u. v I V. , . The ,1 IV I- ill Ii, lii ai.fli-:. the III, I-'. lis llll i.llllllolll leil-t "f Si. -'.Ill: m:h ii -uin: I'l - nil and pure d. -i. ii. I In n i- a w nl-' , s; i t ,t 1 1 . - ;.. : in- f n: raiu'f. on It-ey l-!,,:i -lie, I. HI eit 11 1' -ide of which i- :l lllclie. i, ih, , s ni, hes si.:;,,! mni'ble eoliiinii-. saiue.llliteil ov Lih. l i s. The walls ,,l ill f-til,u!e are , ,,er, .1 Willi lilo-ilii -. I he outrun "o liall is I ivelli.V feel -iiuai'e. The Ih'fl' i- of 1 Hi.' and the walls of polished marble. 'I he -. al "f Ihe Claud l.od-e of Massachusetts, is set ill ill'- cent f lie- llo.f. I .t-.eiini; In. Ill llii- hall i- a araml inir.ii. bpill eiiiirely i.f w llile lllllfl.le. TlM-re lire ! I lllilill 1.. : w , , ii tin en; ranee hall and tin- second Heel. Al til - second lalld'.le.' is a -I. Hue ..I l ion. .1,,.-, i ii W irrcii. f l he n, .-! I'aliioiis of lie- early iiuinl.fr- ( ill" I'rali mil in New I Inn In ml . I In Ihe se. ,-nd it is tin- "I'i eieriiil p illof." in. asinine !l I I. -M' j feci. . is not int. :ni .1 pnmarii lor !o,Il'.- Ilacliuu-. l.u! a- a place w lit re I'l ee masons may elm l and -lunke. Il i- I. can lifully fiimi -in . I. and lain an elu 1.1. rale hrepla. e ami ui:.n!i I in in eai -. 'Coriiii hian Hail" is i n the ll. or aiifi. . This is tin- room lull ih-si-mil l..: iii.it inu's. and is a, , , : i ;n one ol ill" liin si ,,f i l - kind ill ill! lilili i. I' uieasui'i s s:. hi l; !.' :. and i- I w.. -i.e-ies hi--h. Tie- ar.hiie.-i nre is ..f ;.ilfe C.-fittl'iiatl or lei. :h - e :!, V- li.it.. inii'i. uohl and s,i, ;-. 'I he carpi I and furniture wife -pieinliv inal-ul act nre. I I hailliiilllZe Wil'l Hie ll cot Itiotts el lite hall. On the m r:!i side i-. a line oi l.-ii.. :he rn... ,,r which is iv.-ry an I e..M. I'1 iln- eeriu-i-s ,,f ih - ciianihei- ale -lain, -of l-'ailh. Il,.pe. Charily and Wis.!-. m. I, spcetiVely. while III llie pal': I tlliove llie -lain,' of l-'ailh is a port rail i.f Co. a"-" Washluuloii. win, was nl-,, if, . mill -n: in Iln- circles of iii der There aie also portraits ..!' ltciij.ni.iii Prnlikliii. Ceueral l.nl'nyi Me. nml of .ali en forty Pa-. Cruiid Mas'ers. Iu liiis hall nre le held ihe lll.H'lillu'- of llie Ol.'lllil l.o.l' nml thirteen snl.ordinale l,',l-',s. Anolher I enioiful , : n l, . is "Ooihi Ilaii" ,-u lie -ereiiin il..,,r. While Ih. re will also be iinviimis of Masftiie hedie iu ihis hull, its innln piirpo-e i- ilisit "f culerlainnieill. At one cud is a sin'e wiih a proseeiinim , cniu:.- of iw. ni a ishl fiei. while ihe Ii u-.-: li of the halt, in. liidini; a taller a! the other , ml. is sivl -four feel. The st;i-e is liiled Up with nil 'hi' paraphernalia iicccary '"i' an cblhol'ate drain;.! ic pel l oi iiiaitec. while lite drop curtain can hardly be -nn';i ,d in beauty in any llieaire in tin- I n: led Slates. Ii pre-inis a h .iiy of tuoiin: nl Kniuhts T, miliar "ii iheir way tn a erusnde. ami was paiidi.l by O. le Slot-, of this city, every detail bein-' arch neo Inirically aceitrnte. Tin- pre d.vi.iiiiini c.ilor of "Cothic Mall" :- a i heeri'iil nil dish tune. The lioor is of oak. uad tin walls are pnnoloil. with Oolitic ilesiirus for the tracery, while ai.nintcd on th" panels are heraldic insignia in hriplit colors, gold mill silver. In the nailery is a choir loft nml orKiin. The eeiliiiK is grained, with ribs tuid bosses of j STREET GOSSIP I Comments Gleaned from Chats by the Wayside. I.lllliliel t , ini - oun! . u a- inc. -i'i . ii a .-.ipilal stock ,. .:,. I Iff W.I- U! - II t III ho rj iian.-iL-, i.it.- lui- a, i fii In-1' nl :.,, - in l in- aic-uly ilea, a-..,! in I '-'.-. i ' ! in- ii.-.rn in-' -.-ni A I m He , .1.,,,,,:. Mil, V. e'n , l..!e .1 i I lllllli. no' ll iili day - for il.ll'.l lice Tl . pi- h. If II. I i I ' I ! I i .C.I I-:h- NN , . u . n 11, ;! k.'.l 'f, : ; ; fnrul-le - ; he i ll l . I te ill.' -I I f. 1 lid i- -'Iju-sif,! tlnil Mr. Hi -' .!.-. :ric IU : A I. !' .I.i' i . . i . 1 1 .'. N ak. li ..II l nr. . ... I'" d I the l.ll'-i -I -. li! I' ,. I eri.,,.' foneerus of he So, llll. Mr. i 'a ri ,,:!' - i.fiii.iiy will start ,,, N : :! an,1 . 'iil ia, . all th.. s,.,.,i r ' ,! 1 .: I '.,1 "iilia . il-l "f llie Se.'ih .1 I.I 1- I.i I'll.! all of I'n- Stale ,,f SollIU ' a I: .. Tie- I I jii- ( 'ol'epaev i- : - he , " ; ' . I I.i I - ! li 1 ei -,":; 1 'l! llie -I'lVi' N C , i, i.h i- I-PC Of .I,- ,,: ,,l .... i-ii .i.i ....'i la i- tin ii win, e , a i.i .1 .1: llll- Sla.e. A "Ihi'.-li: i ( Ini." lias 1.,,'n , rirn ii ize, I : e , - an :: ,e -; hot if I.. I In- A lui'lniils s-e. iaii, a. Tin- mi i'n hf is will all near -llie i il ehel s ill t heir hi 1 1 s ;ls clnlih !! - :' I : i, - laic, lis tool u-. d h I h" I'nlher of !li- C..ilnr.,. Mr. .Inhu NN'. Ploivn s;i - thai in is iiiesiih ul ef I h- new . inn. M r. 1 C. lil'iiis niai I e se efel a ri ii . I Mr. A. II. Ma iffii-iin r. Ai rauire. : . li, : aff i,, Inn' in : , . led for a public ...,i.,,l. on NN'..-hin-f;i"s birthday. 'I .,, Iitl I. hie!- aif fil'elllal iliu- a ff- i!i.il lif roeiii :..f of a flollfi-iiin- . ."il-li-'ii!.. nt "ii Pa.' "1 lei Ihe -l n-e: ii", . t.i I i,i a p.e.uh.i- hl".!e fl'.-ln Kaleih's fial .O.h- lev: NN't illie-,1 eleiili::. .in in an :;nl. i'.!'"i. I In- S. a'..,. aid Air I.'-ne have evl.-nd. .1 :. t- i .,i, n pi ia, i'' - lo .lununt' "l-i. ! : 1 1" 'I '.., do an! NN'afreii' C,.ii,paii will ,;i- 1 'he -id,--j,li:iillL' Collied.l "Ollf Sir. il, a:-:." ' niniil lie , -lei, lav an, a a n in I iiirham Mi-- 11, i, n N", I I'.-i in. of 1 milium, w.l uiiii.,1 iu iien i ia--.' I.. Mr. A. M. Sof r. II. . f ITi.i. Wal;,- ,...ili:. Il.-v. NV. 11. I'liapji: . II I. ".II ill-. Alnollu lite I lii till of tin- nri.!,, and -room who wore pre ,, weie: IP- !.. P. Seireil. Miss Hal lie I ,v ii ii . Mr. I.nlher Sol-fell and Nh-- I', nl S. in Ik lun lialcly afler Ihe .-. i, io. :;i Ih.- h.-'i pi , -..ilple left for ihe 1 ' Nit. .N lflpliu- S.-rrell. father !' li... :n...i:. i , 1 1 r. a Vffpti"ll was -ivfll I,, n; le ;i i, ini- -lit.! rel.ilies. Nl. .-I s. .1. P.. Ore. n ami ( ' nipm haf . pi ll-'il a -I" I.'.' s'ore ill tile hllihl in-' "i. l'a-i H:i: l l' s:...-i. ju-1 -l , :,,, ,1 ... M i- i ' , ll. Pall. Mr. I ii'ei n ha ha, I he - et i i. ne in ih- er. - ry l-iib i, ;;h Mr. W. It. Nl.i.in. il.f -refer. ,-. (in ..ii is ,i !l .,.. fa. fi.'.l k; .w i ., , I ( ).,. ,,; ;, illi!',:- "f ' ll- li I'll! , i - I .1 -llff. -- ;i nn -I in- ...' the 1 I'll-:. f- f 1 i"' Ulo'n'. n Tn' ''.!. c"'lr. ' ' Kn.-ei.e ' Trails, i wa- n--. if. I : the hai . ,, I.--..-V : h -ai.ir; :' S-J.iaiii. S.. far ll. - yar. w fie'- C I Hd--,1:, S- ,f h.i- fh:,. :, :'. .1 lie- f. ! 1. .W i 11 - .., ; I. .ii i. Ill- I! v. I " ' :i. Creellsiioro. 11,11 ,V IC.il 1 ai .! 1." llie: I'.ela. e , ,:; , ; P.. Mir iliii Tllfl.ol ': i ; ' pi ,. ( ; if it...... A hnnniife I l. I:. 1 SlfH O.e I, -;,. n ; Han, el. 'a , 1 .11. I I alilav c.iMin : ; M I,-, I.--ii ,d. Tai-hoi-e: ...1: Aialfii. lIoel.iiiL'h.'ii; . i '.-, . i I ii -.It nn'. : . ... ,:id . ...ml i : ( 'an lina. : V hiu-.i'iee . A Inmaiiee ..... Wii.-ion ' 1 '' iu 'fal. I ' l.i'a. C i-loii county : S "ll." eoil'.ll 1 Netlse ll. C :' w ha. Cat aw ha I. NN a'... I"-.!'.'-;: Illizabi lh ;h I'i, i. P. Mill, "..I.e. New Cue, nl: V a I inn -i I Pini-h--..: Mel -e. Ilalfii'h. The i- ::i. ' i i- the fin ntost lell'lel'i d ill file vetll'. .li: !. In A i 1 . !;;, . r. W il..- . nut Ihe 1 Ci'v. l-'llzah i ff! OIL sot, ill-, (ii-eiu-l I - ll l.ll'.'lll". lone'., r ever N a-hlif-i. n. Ih e. 2s. The niiirriiise ef Mi-s C, 'ia Shernian Miles, only i ni-iii, r of Maior Cem rnl Alilcs. to Cn iaiii Sitiiin-I peber. 1'. S. A., which will ...,k, :.i.,, i .l.itii.,ii'V 101 i, will be the nn I-1 i.iilliani even; in army circles since ihe daeirhli'is of Oenernl Slii'i-inan were niarii.il in tills city, when Ceiioi-al Sher n.au x;is in eomimitnl of the army. Se-ith-Oid .ti in. ir about Swil'tV ikiiihV 1'.po-n Xo: wlieu ,liil he die? 'Smith This nnnming. lie dietl quitd sitiTilenly, I uiHb'Tstnnd. 1 Brown mint's just like hfm. He Tva the most iiii,ul6-ive lnnu I ever met. Chicajfi) Xcwx, . ..: i I )

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