" - 2 flTOR to .No. 9,059. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, I900. 25 Cents a Month. T ' If f THE esvis 7: V 1 V LEADS TO SC1CIDE Tbe Concussion of Rapid Fire Guns Pro duce Acute Melancholia Leading to Insanity. 'Hartford, Coun., J.m. William. Graves, a gunner on the rruim'r Hrook lyn. (hiring the Anierh-un-S"piinh.h war, IxiB killed liiuisolt l.v taking tiycliuinc. llo worked itt Ooltn Anns l-'nvtory after lib enlisrnicint expired. Dr. ltloot ami r. Stein said, when they learned that ('rave hue! hcon an Liilistotl gunner, that I lu-y wore not sir prised that ho suicided. Those pliysi eluiis fa id that it had lioen deiiunistr.it ed b' scientific teachers that ecrtiiin temperamental ilelW-is anient; naval gunners were always certain to Ik- in tensified, by their work. The concm--triou of the rairid fire kuw ac-t in super imluciufr (tcute melancholia, which leads to anioide. They say that many Mich cases of suicide have lately been ob served. ' COUXTV CO.M.MlSSIONKIiS. A Coiuuuttce Appointed to Confer With The " i I y of I'uleiiih. The Hoard of Conmy Commissioners met again today. The session thniuirli out tin? inorninjr was deviued entirely to approving accounts- and iraii.-aotiiiL; routinu hiisincss' cxivpl iu one in stance, motion, the hoard ne )rointed a committee coinposnl of Coun ty Attorney Arnii-n-nil Jones and Chair man Julius Ix-wis to confer with the city of Kalci'h with reference to tin care of small pox patients if the discus should appear lien'. Thus far there ha been no small po. in Wake county h-e last si ring. KIvC'IOl VED hy sr.v.Msii 1t1sm.11. AKCll- Mimiln, .Ian. 2. -Arch-ltishop CIi.i pelle, papal ih-h-jraic to 1 1 1 l'hilipiines. nud Father MeKinnon. late cli.i'piaiu of the First Califoniia lei-iim iii, lint now chanlnin in the regular army, anived liere today. Tile SpanUli .ich-liili,,. of Manila entertained them at a lun cheon. RV IJTNKUSII II" I I SSI I AT : I Mr. talih Iturnps With Capita! 1'iiut iiij,' Co., Mr. Kina1 il's to AVi4niim.'ten. Mr. ltalpli Karms and .Mr. T. l.a Fuyette Iviug, wlio Iimm- been iu part nership in it job priuiiu;.- establishment, hiivo dissolved partuer-liip and Mr. Humes is now in cliai-pe of a department wiitH the Capiltil I'rintiiii: Company. Mr. Kim; will leave tomorrow tor Wil niiugtol), where he will pen a job rint ii(f establMiuient. Mr. Kim; is an ex cellent yonii;: man and bU departing' ' lUijeiii Is lo lie renriMtisl. SL'CCESSFLT. KKV IK tl.l )KltS. nic followintr piM's.iii.s milcH'kid the tnoncy Imx yesterday at Messrs. Siier WVmkI Ilieus and Comptiny's stoic, ami cavil received live .-iher dollars as a gift: Mr. C. II. Younger. M I W. ICa-t Btrcet. Mrs. J. K. Hhii,u. Shntuell, Wake county, X. C. Catharine Jones, colored, I'. Morgan strvt. J. K. Iliiinaut. North I lairini.-i.in st w-el . T. L. Gardner. Xnv Mill. X. C. Tlierc arc a few outstanding keys which will unlock the 1hx and all hold ers of keys arc risiiestvd to brim; them in antl try their keys any day durlni; this uioutli. A I'OIT'IjAK Fl.Ol'1!. The XorUi State flour is irnwiiijr more poiuilar every day with the house-wives of HaJcigh. It is one of the liest and Kweelest flours on the market, and is lmnle in this city by the Farina Holler Mills Com pnii'. To show its -suicrioi-ity, cukes, rolls and bmul made from il, took the first (rcmiuu ait th' State Fair. All those -nho have tried the "North State" flour join in testifying to its richness nud swetness. If you have not tried it ask your grocer to send yon a sack. You will 1m: thoroughly pleased with it. The Farina, Mill K a I!hUmi;1i enter prise, and it is- a pleasure to note its great suecs. CROKEIfS IMi UltOKEN. Wawtiig'o, Jan. 2. Kicluird Cr.iker is getting uJoiw; as well as can lc i xpect.sl. lie lias u broken leg. THE SALVATION OF JIM. A prisoner received this cheerim; intel ligence front a friend on the outside re cently: "Jim Yont" caso won't come up fer u good i-liilo jit. 1 nun happy to inform you that a boss run away with I In jmhjv nil' trroke his two legs. IJesidcs - that, th doctor say CVuuplication may et iu. Xow. .Tim, of Complica tion oumos oh time, ns expected, you kin tlirow up your hat an' hooray in JaU ill winter. Providence is on ycr Jfidc, Jim'" Constitution. Sadly the old year draws towards its do; (We scant the -reconl of the ifciys non ' iwit To -seek etieimragouient hut, ah! who knows? Tho jnear that comes to us may lie our last. ?: The )y9 and sorrows as the vear glide , br j". So interwoven are. w-e would not stay .The,"oleinu march of Tiiiie. uor will we Ti build od plan for future weal, but i i .. Tiat To who marks tin- sparrows fall M-VffivPar ootseps guide througli all. life's .!;t..;;.i?ii.''tiwjMe way, i I !Burctfai4r ntf Wesaing year by year, 1 rT;C;A twtil t , 5'; vV.-C, 1 rcudk hfi gate that leads to end- WITH INTENT TO KILL Agnes Utlcy to Answer in Su perior Court ATTEMPT TO GIVI; POISON Famijy of Mr. K. C. Batchelor Brought Charges Small Number of Matches Found In Coffee Pot by Judge Roberts. This aftciii.oii at one o'clock Ague Ct!e. tcolui'itli, was arraigned before Justice 11, II. Kobci-tK to ansWr 1" : In charge of administering oisou Willi in tent to kill Mr. Jt. C. Italchcli.r. his wife, .Mr,-. Sarah lSatchvl. r, his dangh tei', Minnie Batchelor and Harry Wait, an employe of Mr. Hatchclor's, at his home on South Hhaitil street on the evening of Sunday, leivinber ."1st. and for this hc must answer again in the Suirior Court next week. Mr. .1. C. 1.. Harris ap) cared tor the prosecution and Mr. M)scs l!led.-oe lor the defendant. Only witnesses for the proM-ci:ti4-u were heard, the defense and prosecution boih being willing to rest the iac w ith the court. H. C. Jtalc'lu'lof, who runs a saloon on K.ii Martin street, was MVorn, and testitied that Agnes Ft Icy liad been em ployed a- cook a) his home; that she had in. tdo no complaints until Sunday morn ing wh; n hc w.t.s lohl to build a i-oal Inc. .l that lime -lie slated that she had iit r bitiil a coat lire and knew not how' I.- do such work, and was not eiu pIovmI i.,r lliai duty, w hereupon she w as informed that -he could st..p work when -iie die-,-. The girl, he -aid. continue,! work iiniil alter breakfa-i. when he wa- di-lni--c.l by hi- wile. Mr. li;ocn or le-iiiicl that. alter brcakfa-t. Agues I'lley cleaned lite coffee ami otlicri-i- arranged the kitcle'ii litrni I it re an-t iiicn-lls in proin-r order before her tU'ii.u i in e. Isaac itcll osdorcili. wh', live.-, on ,i,c piclllisc-. made I lit- i-ot)ce Sunday night and that when it a.is broiii:l,i on the table u.aiohos wi re found tl'.-iiing on i lit- litpiid. A- soon a- I lie rli-i uvei , w as made he sw ore out warrai.i- l-elo:-.- Ju-tice Robert .- for ih,-arn-i of the girl. liepuiy Cm. -table Olm.-tead Ic-lified that he arii'-; d lie- gill at church and that b.-teie lie. warrant had been read to lier or the charge again"! her stated, she said. "1 didn't make- the coffee to ni'ii!. l-aae Itcll mailt' it." Tin- evnlciiie of .Mr. Oliusteai Wa--! rohul.lt ihe niosit daniiiging olTerc.l by t llv pi '-. cc.t ', and ilTecleil llie ileci- -ii n, ol il.c i -.'li t lo bind i ter i he pris oner. Isaac Itcll lotilied that I he coffee j-ot was clean w In n he lottml ii; that lie giouinl coffee and placid il iu tin pot; that In- poured boiling water in, but did not see matches. Il a:lv, il ih.it the coffee -hollht be poiirciV fr, in tin- pot by t In- court, and aUmi i nail of li.iij. and two poiiim.- of gi.oiud coffee were taken ! here! r. in. Tw'ciiiy-eiic matches and the pa-tcl-oMi .1 box thoroughly striked wilh li'iiil colTee were found lictwis'ii layer- of cofl'i c grolllnls. The matih l.-.x bore the printed ad vert ineiin in of "The IManioud Match Company, of Hall iniore." It was nor .-how ii in coii'L what aiiioiiut tf phos-phoru- exists iu 1 Heiity-oiie matches or in a b x of matches inade by the lia iiion, Mahh C-uupany, or what the ef fect if driakii.i; a cup of coffee with its prooi lion of phosphorus from this jmt would be. An analysis of the contents of the pot will iie inatle by expert chem ists. Justice li'ilictts, after hearing the ci deiice. and a lew words from Lawyer Ith-tlsis- .Itouml the I'lley woman over to court mi a bond of .ftdil. in default of which .-he wa- sent lo jail. FEDERAL COURT The Federal Court met again this uioruiii after I lit- Chrislnia-s rcec-s, Judge I hoiuas L l'uriiell presiding. Tut.- trial of i he negro postmaster llar gelt W..S to begin today, hut was de ferred: until tomorrow. Only one minor case came up today and that was nol prosned by the government. The trial of Ihe attorney from Wil mington, Mr. A. J. Marshall, for conn Icrlciliug. will begin January -1th. It will he a liofly contested cirse. LEO NAMES HIS SL'C'CESSOK. Cardinal Colli is Staled (o Have I teen So Designated. Home. Icc. Ht. It i-s asserted that the I'oie. ailer the rets nt ceremony of opening the Holy I), ir at St. l'eters Ciithcdriil, atldrcsscd his intimate en tourage antl said: "I tliank Divine l'rovidcucc fir grant ing me the grace of being able to cele brate this great 11111011011, and 1 wish for my siicccgssir grandeur and 11 long reign, to the greater glory of (!od. "My star will lie young, as compared wilh my own nge. and will have time lo see many glories of the papacy and Ihe church." ljiiler I.e.. ch.iiiy desigiintetl Carilin il Cirolanio Maria tlolti. pivfctn of the congregation of indiilgeiicitw mid secret relics .as his successor. Cardinal tiolt. the famous Clcnese monk, is a man of great piety and' mod esty. Now aboiii sixty-four years of age, lie 1!is always lived ihe life of an ascetic; and. despite tile dignity of a Prince of the church, he always sleeps in a cell and 011 n hard mattress. ISOSTOX COMPANY UEiITSED. Halifax, Jan. 2.-K. W. C. Morrison, of Boston, who offered to the BiHfi-s the company that wag raised in Boston to figlit in South Africa, was informed by the recruiting offieor of the Boers that ho coidd ntot accept the company, as It would be a violation of the laws of neu trality. STREET GOSSIP Comments Gleaned from Chats by tbe Wayside. Mr. Willi.' 111 Alhn h.ia iviiirncd from a vi-it lo Wndcslioro. Mr. A. W. H.iywootl has retnnici from Haw Itivcr. Assi-iaiU l'isiric; Attorney O. Spears is in the cily. Mr. Henry Dclioy h it yesicrday for Savannah. (.i. Miss Margaret Muring returned to l.aiiriiibiirg last evening. Tin- Miiiisiering Circle met this af teruix'ii wilh il- I're-iileiil. Mrs. U- Adcii. on N..rlh Itlotini street. During the month of December there were Hi! arrests made by I in- Folic I lepal t men;. Mr. Jim Ilo.v-icr retiirncd today I his duties ai Wake Forot College. Mis- I'ritel.eM lilt today for Monroe on a i-it. Mr. I'rc.l Mahh-r iefl ihi- afieru."i.. on a luisiii trip. Mr. Fink 1! y i- hack fr"iii a hi.; hunt. Coilccct.'i- V. C. Diun-an rclu-ind thi e ciiing. Mr. McDuil'y, a proinim lit Fopulisl of Cunibcrhind coiiiuy. ari"iv,d tmlay. Olla I'odira Club incl this a tVrnoo;. .11 I o'clock ai -Mr-. .1. K. Chambci lain's. Capi. W. II. II I. who lias ben con fined to hi- h.iiue by sickm .- for two w eeks, i- a bl" I" be out auaiii. Mr. Fid I.. Muh and .Mr. H:inic- Hay w .oil hate roi'.trncd fr on Eli.ahciii Cily. where Mr. Haywood -pent the holi.lat s with Mr. La nib. Mis- lvii.ii, liiinn went lo Swcpsoii- till.- ihi- a fit r .11. 1 irse Mr-. F- M. Cool.,, ami , 1 1 . 1 I . both ill with pucnnio nia. Mi Ciit.r- Friiili.il. of Ailani.i. wh,, ha- 1 11 iu linlcigli -pending the holiday- with lei' brother. Frof. C. M. Friioh'oit. of ih,- A. ami M. College it 1 111 n. oh iliic till- ai'tel ;ioon. C. L. l..-.p. of Memphis. tlcneral Traiilc Managir of I In; Southern E ; res- Comiaiiy. arrived thi- afti-nioon !o appear before lie- Cor... ration C0111-ir.i.--ioii. 11 bii-inc-s i .iiuici ti .1 wilii his compaiiiiy. l'hiilip F.ii-Iicc. Will Halt'.... and John Ilia-dale I . -1 1 1 1 11 - alicrii.on for Chapel 11:11 . n -nil. e Ihoir work ai the lid-ver-ity. Mi-s II. or (b.lds1 Kirby left Ibis morning , where -In- is aticiniiiig Mi-- Helen Fi'imrose Iefl Ihi- in. -in ing lor I !a, ion lo aiicnd ;i dan. .- 1I1.-, lollighl. She will be Ihe glle.-l of .Mr-. t harh .- 1 or::e. Mr. (o-orgc St inc. who has n.-.-ii ,-n gi ing in 'ihioainl Indiana, n'lnr1! home loday 10 siend several inni.ih-. Mr. Fred l.i-mlt. of Winston, v ao lias bun a simicin al the A. and V.. College, is in Itah-igh. II ' t.ill aiicu'l the diversity ibis spring. Mr. i;.srge Noitinghain. wiio has been living in. Foris'.iioiilh. has rcliirned lo ltnlcigh and is again m he found a', his old stand al Mel ice's drug store. Miss Minnie I.. I.ehl. who has be,n the guest of Mi-s Ella .Melic". returned to Iu i- homo iu 1 ireciisboro ihis after noon. Mr. C. II. King, of the id dinger Soap Company, of New York, has gone lo t;.,liisboro after spending the holidat -here wilii Mr. II. E. King. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Carter have re turned from a visit to friends at Haw ltiver and I irceu-horo. and after a brief i-it to Mr. and Mr-. F. . Muring, will ieavo lialeigh. .Mis. Johl. V. Ul-OWII. Weill to (iolds- I ni-o today, w here -he will attend the marriage of Mi.--- Belle All.in-on and Mr. Carl I-:. Sruiley. which -will be sol emnized in thai place lomori-ow even ing. Miss Edna E irh' Walters eiitcriain. -l her Hi lie gil l friends from four 1" -i o'clock al a New Year's afternoon tea. ChoctiJatc was orvod and other refresh mints. ("apt. and Mrs. W. B. Keiwlrick re port thai .Mr. Hugh Ki ndriek continues to iniiu'ove. Capt. Kcmlrick says that ihey appreciate the numerous kind let ters received, bin as yet il has been impossible lo answer them. Mr. C. T. Bailey. Hi-.iu:i.sIer of Kai cigh, has gone to Cnrn.sboro to attend it meeting of the State Republican exe cutive eoinmltlee this evening'. This meeting is for the purpose of naming a linn- and place for the next State Be publican coiirenlioii. It is said that the convention will probably be called for the last of April or first of May. Mr. Edward Teaslcy is busy receiving eongratiilatious of bis- many friends in Haleigh and even from other cities. For fifty years, it is said, Mr. Teaslcy has Ihcii confidently predicting Unit he would puss from this world on the first day of the year nineteen hundred. How ever, he lias passed, the danger isiiut, and The Times-Visitor joins in congiaru laiing Mr. Teiiishy. A iclegraiii win received by Mr. John W. Brown this morning from ("liaiiottc imilMi-ing how Mr. Teaslcy hud spent the fateful day. The Capital (Tub gives its Xew Ytiir's ficnusiu this evening in the Club building, nu-ner Mantdu ami Salisbury slrtsMs. The gernian will be led by Mr. B. W. Baker and will Ih attended by a large nnmls-r of visiting young women. The New Year's receplioiiis last night were taken advantage of by all the beaux of Italeiglu Tlioso roceirinjr at tho various homes we mentioned in jicsterdny's Timeift-Visitor. The rerixiil of the custom of Xew Year's calling lias given a new stimulus to social life horo, I Md Ih cordtaily, KBlcviiied, snca;iUl j1 j CENTRAL CHL'BCH PARSONAGE , ? Being Occupied Today by Rev. and Mrs. q. T. Adams Iti t. If. T. A, lain-, pastor of ti,.. Cen tral Methodist Church of ihis cily. and wife are le.lay moving into tin- new iiian.-c. near the church. Kcv. Mr. Adams is he sue.-, r t.. ) I JieV. !.. I . liicllll, WHO II.1S tell I lie I t .inference Icinporirily thai he may J piir.-ue advanci d stmlics w hich. hopes, will belter fit him for hi- work in liic pnipil and congregation. Mr. Adams is a minu man of force, and is eniially gifted a- pa-tor and preacher. Hi- wife is a charming woi ;. and h;i- bei'ii a great factor in making tin- pa-ior so ,.iular at his former charge. Mr. Adam- i.- a gradu.iu of Viunlcr bill Fuivcl-ily. tthere he Wa- oae of the m-'-i js. pular studcnis in his class, lie graduated high up in the li-t of honor men. ami has. since his entrain-.-into the ministry of the .Method. st church, reflected irh-at credit upon hi--alma muter. Hi- hi-l ehai-L'.. was at F.-iirfii Id. Hyde county, where he wa- nnittT- illy hniil by nol only hi- own 1 oii-rrigath.i:. but by neighbors of ail dennminaiious. The congregation of ihe Centra! Mi-ih.idisi church i- gratified Hint the J!ish..p should have cho-.-u for 1 Ii, 111 one -. iitlitl for the tcrl; to be ibun iu thi- cii.-cli and Kaicigh. MANSION BURNED Place 'here Henry Longfellow Spent Many Summers Deslroved. Forllaud, Maine. Jan. J. Tin- I.ong follow Mansion, built. by Alexander l.oligfclli.u . a bl-oilu ;- 01 tin- 1 1. iu w lii. h the la! lor p.is-c! many -iiiumer-. was burned this morning. Tin1 hi--w as four ihoii-aul. Ion the lace n fuily iii-tiret!. MAKKIAHE Itl.M'tFKiiW T'.li.'-l r..w at naif pa-t Ion o'clock at tile rc-idouoo ..f Mr. Joseph liniloy. faiiicr of Ih.- bride-elect. South l'doiiei -irii;. ihe marriage of Mi-- .li.soptine Bell ilulloy t.i Mr. II. F. llari-i- will be -olcuinir.i I. Bolh an- 1 .polar toiuig pe-.ple of i his cily. Tin; i;ui.dsf,(ii;iii ens itjiai.. )'or!laiid. It.. Jan. 2.- Th- i..rpcd., ;oa! I io I.l-b. uollgii had il - -cmml n i;il iriii lie 111 Ihe Wolff and Sotti.-k- 1 roll Wolk- tcsierd.l Idle iiiachiin ry t ork- cd ).i rtcctly. and during the t ighr 1. 1 i 11 11 1 - run 1.1 a rale of thirty-! tv, luilesan hour against, a iwo-iniie our- rent. Kill. El BY DYNAMITE. Wiunip. g. J..11. While ih.iwiiig dy namiie al Suiiaita .Mine Uat Coring.-Oh- Ol-o.i. and Chill lc- Tli'.irsc.lsi r,,m mini rs ucie killed hi iii'- cpl. ,-!.. n. Creai daiuag." was .i"iio 1.. the .-bait h"'ii.-e. Chic'.go. Jan. '1. Al nine o'cl.n-k thi. tuoining a fil'lc. 11 foot ttall -,! earth sep arating fi-i.ui Chicago the drainage ciin-il. small portion which removed las: night, 1 uinploii ly cut away sieaiu ili'edgcs and water uirm-d into the :m u.en-e new eiillal. THE WISCONSIN' SIBIA1. TK IF. San l'riiuci-co. Jan. 2. - Work has s,, advanced u the bailh-ship Wisconsin as to make i: p..-.ible to have her trial I rip within iwo week-. She is expected to exceed tin- i-peed rcuireil by the .Na vy J icpartincut. CHICACO'S ICE IIAUVKST. Chicago, .In u. 2. -Tin- ice harvest be gan today. Twelve iuche- being lakcn from the lakes and ihe liter- ..f llli iii'is. iiuliai.a and Wi.c.ui-in in th. vieiiiily of Ciiiciig... Seven lliou.and ineu are cinp!..icd in the work of cut ting and iviuot ing t he ice. BIF.DSO.N!.' NT EMYEU. Tile Tiiires-Vi-'l. I- ill receipt . Ih. follow ing invitii! ion: Mr. and Mi-. Janus C. Nieniyer rcipic-! the honor of your prcseiiee nj the iiiiirriag" of their daughter, Annie Ear'e, to Mr. Edwin tirey Hirdsong, on Wedni-ilay morning. January 17th. a I half past ten o'clock. First Froshytci'ian Church, lt.-ileigh, North Carolina. Mr. Birdsotig is a popular and suc cessful young man, being a inemticr or the Bobbiti-Wynne Drug Company. Miss Nieniyer is one of Kaleigh's most aitrnetivc young ladies. liO.VP WOBK. Tb iv Excellent Bonds iii Th Last Twelve Monihs. liiring the past twelve months Coun ty Bond Supervisor MoMa'ckin has added thr.s- more I horoiighfares to the liuinU-r of lniieadiimieil roads in the county. They are Hillsburo. Holly Springs and the Asylum roads. This is 1111 excellent showing-, ibree more thorouglily macadamized roads, seven miles each, into the cily in a year. Berlin. Jan. 2. The German s,.,-,,n,l class cruiser Sebwable has lef Dar Es Sa I.aain. a seaMit of Africa, twenty live miles south of Zanzibar. for LorcniM. Martinez. Your shoes n paired in first class style at the Hardin? Shoe Store. Telephone and they will he sent for. Drop into the Harding Shoe Store and tell them to get your shoes and repair them. Work first cln-s. For fresh sausage ifo to C. O. Ball's stall iu the market. This bad wea liter reminds yon to send your thoes to the Ilurdiug Shoe Store to be repaired. iC. O. Ball tins just opened a, meat stall iu tlic niarket, BULLER'S STRENGTH Heavy Reinforcements Sent Him at Kstcourt OliRMANY SENDS A FRIENDLY CRUISER The Schnalbv Leaves to be Near the Transvaal Every Nativ e Chief of India Offers Sen ices to Eng land in South Africa. I...: !..u. .I.111. 1. -Ileiiorul IVeii. b report- (he ca-uahies I" iii- i'.rili-ii ioi-i.. in i. iking Coic-liurg a- tiil'oc ki!!od an.! -oicril woiniileil. He -ins ih;, Sunday noriiing. afl. r a nigh!'- luai-ch, It. ell-i.-d Kpj. . otcr! ."kilig W.-s; C-les- burg. The 1 noun'- niiipi,i were 1..111 1 : . 1 . 1 s u i- -. ,1. ih. itiiii-h ii-.li. .i tho Boors at l.aag.-r. The -1 , - :n . .''. . tbe Boors 111 l.aa the clielll t I'eplt i ng tlg.iroll-ly. lilt! the Kilter liclllg -llollcc.l. ritind northward, where he occupe--. ; he ll.ll. I I'll- p. -,l i ill elll -! off 1 HO ou.-mC- lino of ri'lroat via r...id In-idgo. A tore,. ,.f ;; tlioilsal.d Boils wilii in-, gun- arc rip-.rie. re! iii-;ii.ig .. .o ai-. a j.oi.d 0,1 (Ir.uigi r:cr. nil. I'lI.CHEIt'S 'i'Tiii:V. t'-ipe Town. J-iii. J. - C.-l. Fih-l:,.; 1 1 : 1 -.oinplcloly dcfoaied the I !.,.-:- . -. .11. in.i u. 1 -.It. Suiilltsiilo .1:1 ar Bolnio!;. llo I ije ! mod 1. anger a' ti r ihe K. ., r- had -m .'. I'-'l heavy !.. -. t '..i. I'lh-ii. r I....I; I'orty iri-o!ii i-. The F.riii-!i l---- wa- .hi.,- All-lialia;;- ki!:id and a few rt olltnlcd. F.l l. l.IiB l.FIM OKI ED 1 'a nip ( 'hit-veil j . .1 an. '', S 1 -. . 1 . g 1 fo'-.-olia-lils have united at K-!.onr! ae.i Moo! r,t , r. The-" w d! git . 1 ;.i,..-. Ilullor a powerful army. INDI'A NS OF FEU. I'aicuit.i. Jan. J.- litort nativ. . ai. r iia- oflorcd niiiis, !f 1.1 ;h.- Engii-I, an ih'.ritie- I'm- u-e in S. ;! ' Ii Afri.a. Ma ;iara,.;lii Faliala t ill -o'.n! .11 Aran olKUgor ., I I Uobclts. CHIEF SFUCF.ON. I...i,d,,n. Jan. 'J. Si- Willa-m T!i..nip--s. .ii. K. F,.. late pro-idoiiL ..I' ilio U.iyal I College of Surgeon.-, ha- I,.-, n n, ..i-ili-,1 chief -urgcon uf liic force- in Smith AH iea. S1U HOWAUD V .s'CENT B E.I EC I' EI . l.oiuloi.. .Ian. J.- C .!. Sir Charles Howard Vinocn;, coinmunder of in.. t.iH-en's Yc--t mins'. a- oluuteii -. u ho olVel'i'd his :-i io s i..r ihe war. u.-i- .. day rejected an.T a iiadioai examina tion. BIG FIRE t-v rk. .I.ui. -. A -i'li'v tt-iio- ni' nt h'M- in FiiM Avriiiif v;i linni- carlv ihi-. in- ii!!iL'. A niah-h throw ; ini a ('liritiH.i-v ir.v i-.nu!it il 'n hiv. 't In- h-1,,1111 wi'i't' 'cr-.niH- ' sni"kt ;iinl -iiiif r I 'lt-iii u ill iii-. Two V,;-t I f. -Ill llll-H-Jlhoil. I'l M ' M Wc.T UijUIVl. OHIO' ,s AI.1'ATM .MKTIIuK. K.-tr-Urt-in-Mri Kllfi-l- ii:- I . j-i-.w li. -'t iiii iin- Ti'ifiltuiu . Tilr iit''i-i.i Hn- Uiiio Sl'VHlc I'oiirt hoitlitti: 1 mi i tlx- t . Ii piiont- i Uu- It''!I I " n 1 1 : ' i I 1 1 .V li;tll U- IMM'.I Hit lll'ir r-!il;ii Viilti.- iiis'u-ni tli.-ir artii:i tMif i r Iin ii;. ..-l iiiijhij i ant ruliiii: ;li nKji--t laXiil'i.HL th:il Iij" lift'ii liainN .1 (i.-u ii since that u hieji .ii-;.iih fi! Ihe valiili'.y "f fin- NichnN Jaw. lav ing l"r;il.-lie. 'l'llt' tieei.-iuii in I lie li-e-Itlinlie cii... i--, til efi'ei "I , iLily an ' 'i-ns'i..iL h the t nt'i'al iM'ineiples ol' ia:r t:'K iiMiii liirit the Nieleds law Ita-e'l. M;iiii!estiy it tip f;i r-T : n iu ii- ll'-.-i. If telepli-nie ate ta.. .l 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i- rein a. vatiie, ii is a parent tin bailie uu ! IidiI cf val ua i'n w ill ajij ly eery th it iM-raleil iii a similar man ner. The Hell n !t t!i'iiic are n-tt )) .ml rilit. TIm-v are rente ( ilu Central I'llinU 'ollll'M U.V, Wlli.'tl "H'l-airs thrill in Olii.i. The aenial cit -a-i teU-pli.-ne is sai'l u In- nliout S';!,."io, ainl herein-fori- iin-y 1'een lifted at tliU valua tion l"r laxaii.m. The JW-M i 'omini ny t'Xiit'ts a rental nf S14 a year, in1!. l"r '.nil t.'li'vht'iie, r,,ur t hues. jfS artnal ftt. I '"tiiptneil mi tile h'al rate 1' inleiest, thf rental vtum t t'aelt tele- j.linlle WiHlM In- f'S.tX. Whet hef t iie.V shall he livied at 1 his fiirtirps m ni v iw.i -ihii.is oi it, in eoni'ermiiy with tiie p'livrat rult tf iippraisiuein of pi.-perty f"f tavation. is known. i- e- H-etctl that this antl oilier imprtaur points involviil will In- ehieitlateil in the ilfeiion. Ahii-h is he reportcil full;. Ohio has taken a-lvanee.1 j.rrouu.l upon i Iio Ui'sln.n of taxali'.n. ami it U nta hlr that oilier Stat. - have t'.tH',,l ner il. rrtturt's in i his State ha- he.-n alon tlu line of oojiali. iii.: the In: rln of taxation. Th" Nielmls law wa- a lomr strhle iu t tlu'e. i it tii, lnt; ii i livions iho limit has noi yet he,.), eaeli-t-tl. Tim im ision ti the Sitpn tni' Coun in tlm tfh'phoiie i'He ill renn ay a lnaiiifrvt iitjnsl leeiiot n-aehed hy (iie Xii hoN law. Tlie j;oneial prim.-ile of th-' taxation of fram-hic- ; woiketl id hanNliip,i at:tl will imt ilUr t js itpplicl wiiiin (he litnit of sound hmi tiess iM-lity. On tho ...her Iiaml. it ha increased (ho roventU' 4 the Stalo. 'hi' itiir its fiiuutoo upon a s(.liI hasi, with out ilKTrMKillk; thi' l'llliit'tis of tho pe..pi. Columbus (Oiiinl State Journal. ten vn.LAtu-:s ni;srnoYKi. St. IV'tfrslntrjr. Jan. U. An on ri h quak' yistorday destroyi .1 leu villages in ArhalkuUik distr-t, oviTiina-ut ut COTTON. New York, Jan. 2. Crvtton: Jan. 7.44; Feh. 7.4li; Slairch 7.50; May 7.5t; July MORE COLD Dr. Von Herrmann Keeps the Populace Shivering For Uahigil aid vieiiiily: Fair I" tuslll and Woluo-day. coin lliiici! coi.l. 'Ihe condi'.i ..is ihi- mor i;ng iudic it.- a oolltillU Mini of clear, cold Heather ! r -..in,, il.n- tet. A severe storm cn i. i- i- c. nlral oil the . ..as: of Nov.-, S.. .ii. c. hich ooniiiiuos lodraw iu Iron, wo-l mi-.-- ..f cold. dry ail. ('a. 11. It woailor i- reported un!y over 1 he c.,-1 J.nke l.-gi. ,11. I'lorida and soll.lnwt-i 'I. Ml-; o.-ett liere poifisll;. cl.-ar, 'old V. c.lt !lor e Ul! ilole-. Tile I. .We- t 1ele I 1 iter, is Iii .!..:'.-,- !...! .w -.or.- aT Fi-Iliitrol,. o ( UBiSTMAS IN 1 1 IS A .I. -.pairing colored bri.ib.-r imd ; hi- lie. ill nf ii! h -lid. I., n .'i : 'I don'i I r Id- do h liid.-ns l-'cr do-.- I. ah uoily i,.,-- -: I -loop a w..t '1... ell Chri-ttnu- dat. Ei! a iii gg. r -i . a) my 'p. .--u in ! "I iia-i i 1 1 n . .... . I. 0:1 -..iii, ;u ''a : . W.i .'l ii.. 'p...-iii-i line . dat ' 1 .i..:;.l.-l- W a .r d.-o nigg.-r a; V A ni-go;- - 1! in.- " o.-iiin . " 1 io-i.-h hili. ut. ii-- stv c.-tguiii 1 re 1 loll h;n,: 'Vo 11 my bl,,.. ..m" ii. te 1! g-, 'long bona- w id lie-. I'.u a 11 ; g g' i' .: . ;li in y 'poss u nt '. "II.- i 111. J., i w id '..:, !- -h op .u la'. - Win n't no 'i...--iiiu i in.-. dai : 1 w . w-iar da: nigger al : I- -Ic.ll III.V 'posslllu!" F. E. STANTON. A tug '1.1' FOLK'S INNL'i;. Tl.l- ,':'i'nii."!i .it :i V. tr. vilh- Sll'e.-I l'.;l;il-r -lllll'll il"le ihail t'U1' .it:. d i ' , -n! pi-.. ! p.irt...il, a Uiuut i tui repa-:. pr.-ad - Mr. .!) n 'J'. I'm! ; it. in.r.i'.ii: ., jji- ea-'.-ii! f!" M-e;ai V'! 1' ' T.i 1 li - v j,i i ;), ,i ii p'ii le-- i iii- il lid i It -!D - in-aped W 1 1 ' 1 t tll'Io a li-l :-a ir n ;", - and ; i n r I ik-i - u ea t a!le--:e:id-- ti .!! --I iIk- m. i i iph happy. N'li!l ! i i ; 1 1 1 o; tie-in i- elW'f a ):!; t i T: ' r ii. . - :i i.Miiut if nlly spread i.il'l'-. .iihl rid-, e.-t ;i-!..ii i anuualh i n : In in hv ; U'li'lo heuefaet "i Mi. I'u'li ii i n.it.,1 ii,, many eliari-ri.- -.hd th- Old l'..l- Jinuer is lt, : ; I..- ii:..,t ii!i'vir! hy. '!!!!. SMALLPOX ' i'l'L ATM N . L. i.t ''.Mill' u li. ii;' T.ik.-n hy 'I iie Lii.r ami Itoaril ni A Idennen- Tno Uoa i V. 1. Morri-t Well Cuard i fl - Vareinaii'iii l.'red for Hir lVo plc. iCoiifoni Standard.! nida,. a ft i rm.-'ti, there i a ea- .-f -iii:i!!-! Cuie'rd in tin- li-m-e Mr. ". K M..rri- ar I'or, Hi!!. The on, wh.. i:a the .-a-" .Manl M.rri-. the ;tim aiait wh-i siu-e WeeU a.L,ro ninir 0. e, l I . w i: e.'inj !ain im: ami v a- eii L lo hi- home. tr. Henry F. Int. who i- a -iiiaiip-iv exp-r:. and wlm ludd lliai etfiee witii ;iie Siato It.iard of H.-aiin. was here Sal ni'day a freruo-'ti and -ayn :hat it i- a !i-iinet ea-e. The patiou.,. i- now at ;!ie permd where his k;u i iieiiimii- to peel tT. As .-'mi as Mr. L.-m; jpnuioiin.-ed it -m.'ilip' ihe-inayer ealh'il a niectintf r l.e Imard of aldefm.'U and lvm Were 1. akt n at ..n- ,i harness I ho situation. Tii" house el' AJr. V. 1 .Morris is now t ::narh.' well .n all h"i:r- and no our is allowed to (Mine In i-ou;at with L Ij t s: family. .o etie sea i ei l iia 1 eeii in i -nia.! ii last -eeral w.t k witii i !u- exeepiit ii of .Mi's. J, Mmris, ant -iu- has ,,,.( lur!, i here j'..r more Than a "irli. She was aeeinaled Siniday 111-'I'll i )i' ; ad a l-o 1 lie ...; I'dft'S ai "H- h. 'ii-e. Tin' I. pori. lhat 1 1 1 i ytoinu man Iris 1., ahmil at Forest 1 1 i. met li.- Iia.- !''-,, 1 1 Tv u'l'rm; . Tltei" is v..;,,,, n I'.ir .-uf 'o.ipIe i. .r oih.r- oia-ide of .wn o Im-.uu" alatu.ed "er lie- -dtaai;on a- dm sitna lloa V;eU,'d I le fo!'e 1 1 a I m i and we a 11 p!e .,l.d !- U' ll.;'L.'f i. I'oilf l'.mhI eoin- foi-t.'t.ie p. ;huses are ii-'W fiirnishetJ oui-ido town v ;t i r i i ' i: f.-r any sn p t::af "in i'hysi. ;;,MN may find. Mr. IL M Samara has eharLi.' of tin hnild inu ai.-i w ii! I a he -ai e ef a ny of t hi--i.-k !U. Hi!- of til l-est slej.- ol.l' town h.-is ' eon ;idi- d to take ;s to 'e, our ieopU- v.n't , I'ed. a- wa u rueii ' ly !vpn's.i"d in M.i or Mi ans1 card. I.ATKU. Icaru t.-diiy (Monday from Mayor Me;:lis th.tt (here a I'e five tlo new i;m s iii tne Ihnise of Mr. Y. I. .Morris at Fo,v-l Mil!. Thi- d.- not make Hie si" Ma Mo ' I ;i li Worse V .Mil' H p!e ihoimh it i- mdhini: umre than is , (oiir-.- expe. ted as Mii- i,aiuil of v'uxUx pet-oas ;'( C'-;i1'inrd Ii. I.- in I ho :n .ir!er to -re en; ihe pread of i he IIK AVATt II MCIIT. We -iite fi-r have a wai-d, nijr1:i- -w il Xpel'ieliee. ell .il!. Ter it i; i-rlmiti oiir d titis f uui d prni t-r i.i V.ii 1 -i.rlci Ic. Iin' - - Mil U l I V . K.ic i.r I . -1 1 lo,- !! diiiiuo w in.i I'M !.o. r. en 1 in ,i .n .u-.-p.l. I des I d-.l. f l.'il' Now c.n ii.-cl in'.-, u 'ell t.le .l'o;lci. I- Ili.tlo; oil rise: I :''itii.T ri .id in pi h rue all my I i 1 1 ler d,. -u-: I -lul l- ice on !.; litlkill' 'Imiim niy I "liri-i inn h...c. . ml den I i- tie loll,- Inn Knows me, i:n.-oe.v ii. .1 - i; - "Allien!" Sam.- I'iiii: wid all do hrothrerin' I,vr. liii-.w- 'inn l. t' mid ricjit: Cu when .1., fi i-r tulkiu', lou"t dey -lit I ,1. Ili lichtV 1 icy cin'i niiitin' roiin" 'mn H'liilsT. .'. y i-p 1 1 1 1 i ti hy de ynnl I icy hn.-H s I I.K.kin' iii inn. en I lliinkin' nii:.ilii. ha ni! lliii we ..'.vine ler 'have de Wa'eli Night I I w i-li he ctillle en jrtille!! Ter -en' ih- oh- year vhirliu', an' lio'n Je New Yen- on. I nin'i in t'arer cr it I never t'ink it's , ivisf, I rutln r reiiil in private all my -tides tor lie nkie" . . . -1'. U STAXTQN. J