ITO No. 9,062. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1900. 25 Cents a Month. "a" -: : , ! 1 ' i- ; MARSHALL'S DAY SHOWS UP. WELL Politz Denied Marshall's Impli cation in Case EVIDENCE GIVEN BY CAPT. W. H. DAY Polllz Told a Federal Prisoner that Mar shall's Implication Meant His Free domConfidence Shown by Counsel for Defense. In Hie Federal Curl this innming tin1 Marshall ooiiiitorloiiing ease was con tinued. Tin last ivii in tin- gov ernment was heard and ii few nf the witnesses for lln def lam wore placed on tin- sl.m. I. with ihe result the (bivoniliwnf s stivt'glh of ,v o.-tenlny was greaily damaged by I In' first -witness for tho defense mill tho tosiininiiy given by the i-oiiv'Ht l'nlilz was crushed absolute ly. Till- character nf I lir witnesses tor tin- ilrlVnsi' will, ii is thought, have the groatest weight with 1 lit- jury. Theodore lh-irkley was the first witness placed oil tin; stand. Hi' was recalled lor till' redirect cxaiiiinuiinti and -closely questioned by counsel for regarding certain staieinciiis in his iesii inony nf yesterday. 1 1 was proven ly lln- recalling of Ihis witness lliai I"' had lllilili' eollflielilig :at'.'tlloli''s - 1"' l"1 lliilli'il hiving said oil oath lhat lio know of (In- counterfeiting iiinl denying ii I" .Mr. li Try ariorwards. At lln- elu sion of linrkloy's i-.-ili i-.'.i eviiiiiiiaiii.n District Attorney lieriinrd n-iiil th" ease f'T llll' l.'ilVlTllllll'Ml. Counsel lor defense l'i'illi'Shil a few minutes linn- for ii.msiiIi :it ion on the grounds 1linl several hours liino would ho suvi'.l thereby. This was granted b.t the court. (leorge 'I'luiniiis. :i negro poller from Wilmington, lisiifii'il that In- Inn! Known Nicholas Poliu cut since ilic hitler came lo Wilmington, aiul that he had worked as iioi-icr lor I'olii al S.'l a week from October 1V.iT. nil April IS'.iS. when folilz's cslalilisliniclit was hnrin'il olll. lie lesliliiil Ihal al all linns he iliii the styc-ping ahmvi the establishment, tint his Ii stinioiiy was cut slnu'i hy oh jcctioii from the llistriet Attoriic). yesterday Ti'lilz staled on it lie staml linn (it'Ol'ge Tllollltis V!1S lie. el' ill hi- elle ploy. It was the intention of Hie State to have ruled out the lostimmi) of Coorgc Thomas on the ground llnu it was col- 4iltl'tlll.'MfiH'.ll."t hi'rr.r- not lo bo admitted. .iiiil;i' l'lirn-ll permitted the oxaluiniltioii 10 emu nine. Thomas, in eniiiiiiuing his ;o-liinony. tohl of having swe 1: from ihc r 1 MiiniMliiiiK whi'h he io,.k lo he loml. This, ,'il'lcr words fnna I'olilz. he hr..n-!il hack into the hustle ami placiM in an old clicrnni In ix. Aihiili sat in the window, out of sicht from Ilic sireii. lie s!;ilnl that in IMiT he hid several hats lo place in ihc hfx for l'.'lilz. The 1'isirici Attorney here ohjei lcd lo ihc itn -'''" if ineliinj; inns or niiiuhh had hi en seen ahoiii lln- room, lull .Indur 1'iirnell stood hy the ili-feiiM'. and 'l' ihscrihi'd ill.- counlerlciliiii; oinfil ii-ed hy I'olilz. Those were prodnci d in court and iden tified hy the wiin, ss. Thomas lesii fii.l that he was with Politic fioni the heeinniiti; to end of hi work, and that iliirinjr llnit lime lie in ver saw Mr. .Marshtill at the tilace or with I'olilz. hut 1hiit 11 cousin nT I'olilz came every few days. He testified thai I'olilz had attoniiucd, in his presence, lo pass half :i dollar on Mr. Sedherry. also oilier cases, when he iThonsr-i was sent to purchase different nriicle.s wilh fifty cent nud one dollar i hves in silver and with 0110 and two dollar hills, -which wore refused hy the merchant-. A1ion Politz Iricd to pass the money nn Mr. Sidlierry there was a quarrel. This oc curred on the Saturday niirht liol'ore the fire. .After the fire Thomas worked at the market until Politz oprm-d tisain. On cross-examination hy District At torney Itornanl. Thomas held his own. Captain AV. II. Hay and K. S. Alarfin, of Wilmington, were sworn. Mr. M irlin was placil on ihc stand to show the pood character of .Mr. Mar shall at the present moiiicii'i. To this Mr. ncrnard ohjii tiil. ami the court sus laiucil the ohjeclioii. Air. Martin was 1,'ikeii from ihc stand. Captain A". II. I"iy. Superintendent of the State Penitentiary, where I he w il noss I'olilz is confined, was placnl on the staml for the purpose of showinu' tluit Politz. contrary lo his sworn testi mony of yesterday, had. lit a staled lime, denied to soino orson tlreit Mr Marshall hail heen ronnoctoil with ihc i-nnnterfeitins. The olijot'tinn on the part of the (!ov crnmcnt to Captain Pay's testimony nn tho proiind ithat it was collatera! and that Politz hud not been put on his (rnnnl. I'olilz was, tht'refore. recalled to tilt stand and then', afler being put nn his cunrd by Mr. Bushee. of counsel for de fense, dented' again ever to hav' inen tiomil Mr. Marshall's name to Captain P'ay. lie Htatwl that ll letter addressed to him was kept for throe weeks hy Captain Day and that the hitter refused to give him his letter. That when it was given to him it was open nnd (lint ho could not see any iraine signed to the letter. The letter wis in Greek and it is thought that Cii lain Pay did not read the letter. lie testified that he lmd mentioned Marshall's nan only one timo. Captain Pay was Mien recailled to the stand. He testified I hat four or five months ago, in (lie Inner part of Au gust or KoivtemlxT, IS!)!): "Mr. I'errin Bushee askew me if lie eoul talk to Politr. except in the presence of no other Trisoner. I gave order that he should be nllwxl to tlk with him. I do not finow if they : had the conversation. Some days later ! heard rumors that caused n ie to send lor Politz. I told hiirt that, if ho testified in the case his testimony would not affect his ireattinent in the penitentiary. I told him to give the trntb. no mat I or how treat pressure was liTonght. to hear hy any one. lie thereupon lold me thai he could not write Knglish and iliat he gol .Mr, .Alar shall, his lawyer, to write for certain stuffs ami thai the first package came C. O. P. lie tiited thai Mr. AKirshall was in no way eonueolcd i-it!i I he coun- i terfeiting. Inn that a fellow Crook was his (Politz'sl aceninplico." (.'aplain Pay said that lie sent the leticr received for Politz to Dr. ICIwii Alexander. I 'nifesser of (ireek at the 1 'iiiversit y of 'Norih Carolin.'i,. asking that he make two trans lations of the letter. 10 "end one to Politz's wife and one to the Penilen liar. Tlio tellers from Polil. lo his lil'e Wriv ellt to Pr. . lexn iiiler. and when thei'e was nothing improper in the li'iicr 1 hoy were forwardiil to Politz's wife. Citjit. Pay slaled lliai applicant 1 1 '..i; 1 .. n ,.. i ii,., j li'L'c. Air. liiisliee never staliil to him I that h.' had talked wiili Politz. Mr. Hernard .i-ucl (aplain Pay H il was his din; a.. Saiieriiii.aiiletil of 'li Pellilclllial.v 'o take roliviel- lo his ,1 lice and ui'.'e (In in 10 loll ihc (null, dp lain Pay poinic-l hi-, fiui-r to M". Per mini and n plied that il was ni duly as Suni i inn'aiih-i'.l vl" do ijiat v he 1 ', rallle to hi- l.liowleil.L'e 1 1 1 : 1 1 ceri'iio o." lieials imi c iiiio eii'il w ith :'n PiMifcii liary were Irving lo niMke i!ie 111. '.n tell lies. Coi.tiinting Capiain Pav said: "Mr. I'.eri.anl: lint for the fad that 1 heard that oI'lieiaK in ihal peniieiir.-ny Mere Irving I" illflllrlire l'nlilz I Would 't r.rrr have pu' toy Ivillld in "h" lu.l'tk'l-. Thi- li il In certain iplelioll 0:1 'lie p.-.r, i f Mr. l'.ernanl thai wore 1 : 1 -1 . 1 1 r. t ': iniiaiiug in iheir tone ami 111 rui'r. and when C.11 lain Pay had stood aside. Col. Arg.i t"l,l Mr. P.ern.iid thai hi- 'P.'-r-nard'i words slnniM an. I lntlsi he ie irieieil. Tins l.r.oiL'lit a clash across ih-t.-oile in iii.. court rmitii. Mr. licruni.l re! rail ii.-.' what he had s.iid. Inn 'i !!iog Col. Arm 111.-' il was inn 'one on .10 loniil of hi- words and that C iplaiu Pay .'id not need Cel. .r.'.i' prolis lion, w hich called fnnh 1 1 1 1 f'ma'.'k Unit juiluiim fn in the sizes of Mr. I'.ini n I , 1 til '..! lain I'av the staieiucnl was pro. 1 ahi . iiPrcl irilc. Cha-. Scliiii'ilien. Chief of 1 he Wilmiinr ten I'lic Ii. testified that he visit -e.l Poioz am! ;hal the l.nicr tei.l him it would h" inipossihle In ilnpliea Ie Mr. Maish ill in hi- trouble, a- Mr. .Marsh::!! I.ln-W ansubroi.i lli'llliilg el llle eoiito." foiling. Mr. :-' 1 -1 1 1 1 i I hen's lestin y w as -ll'ollg f"'' lln 'lefelise ilironglioiil. Cliul.- S. P. Hawkins, of llunling n u. Tcini . w !i 1 was at one 1! r I in, il mi !:. federal Prison in th I'cniii iri'iri. -aid that iliM'ing last year PolilZ sai,! Pi Willi tint if lie coll!, iiv.ili- catc M Mai shall in 1 'ileriviiing. il w. nil! I , for his (Pol'nz'si g I and wonM .cioin lly secure his re!, .1-1'. Thai Marshall would he put. in 1 he ; eni tcllliai and lie would he released. lin-.i. he said, il .MnrshaM wished he could gi 1 1, mi i.y 10 plicaiing sonic one else. On 1 , vam'ualinu he told Mr. P' l nard ilia: IViitz had stated to him in ihc 1 nil, uli 11 y thai Marshall was i:iin, cent. Pi-nici Aiiorney l'.eriiard at lent I" .(fti'V from Mr. Hawkins an a,hu'-si .ii I lie had approach, ,1 fellow prisonci s till 'ho i ml 1 1 n 11' 11 ' "' if ih: wonM lotit'y thai Politz had tol l ilii in of Marshall's innocence. The uiiu. -s ihiiicd even having discussed lln' Marshall with the prisoners nni:"n. Mr. l'.-rnaid uei.i s,, fnr in his i-.-.-ss-oNaniMiaii, 11 .- t.. atleiiii t to draw from lln- wiini-s a s;;iieiiicni thai .Mr. Iredell M. arcs. ,.i e misel for deli miaul, had offeri d him icliey for such evidence. This cans .1 a slight scene in the court 1 1. Inn M' liernard avoided making l! sii, n 1 1 point, .1. lie called for I, iters tr.iit Mr. Al cares I" Mr. Haw kins. At this paint Ihc court look a reeps Mllli! .'! o'ljjnck. S7.660 FOR OLD BONDsS Treasurer Worth Receives Tour Con struction Bon is Sijjoed by Oiovs. Reid and Bra;;;. Stale T11 isin-er V. 11. Worth today paid 0111 ST.i'iilll en ol.l State bonds w hich had expired nearly twenty years ago. These lour boinls wire received from .T. and S. I 'lirgei son. 11 Pino si reel. New York. 'I hoy were lor Kl.lillU each and had 1-"J oii for $:ill each attached. Tlllls Ihc collpoiw .lllMlllllloil to .:'..i'i!in and Ihc honds iM.lKKl. making .ST.lilU1. 'Illcse hollds were aushorized hy the logislaiui'i's. of 1M! and ISol for the construction of the North Carolina Hail road and three were signed by tjovernor David S. I!c:,l and one by (iovcrnor Thonias Itragg. Tniasiircr Worth says thai then' arc ll'. of thi--e hollds still out. THAT STREET SIGN .Case of Messrs. Sherwood Higgs & Co Comes Up Tuesday, The criminal term of the Wake county Superior court will liogiti next Aloiiday. Judge Hoke presiding. On Tmsday the celebrated Higgs sign ease will come up. Jlessrs. Plier wood Higgs iV Co. will be indio.lod for failuio io i-oiiiply with the oily a Jit I-streei-sign ofdiliiaiice. t'il.v Atlorney W. 1.. Watson is now working on the case. The defendants are represented" by Air. It. ). Burton. I'm- Italeigh and vicinity: I-'av to night: fair, much wanner Bnturday. The an a "f high haroim teT lingers over the uiidii!" and south Atlantic states and keeps Hi.- tonipertiltire conuiartivelv low in the cast, although it is nine!', above freezing in the centra! valley. The lowest temperature in ihc o."t is IS de grees ,rt Washington. A storm is form ing over Texas with rain in Hint vicinity. The vventhiT is cloudy in the south, west of the Mississippi, and n the cast Lake region. ' Today in the, last lay, of it hp week's special eale at Woollcotfs. Head their ad and see the great bargain offored, NO DANGER OF LYNCHING ROSS j 1 Raleigh Light Infantry Quar- j tered at the Lumborlon j Inil. ' i LUMBhRTONIANS I INDIGNANT AT THE PRESENCE OF TROOPS ! Indignation Meeting Discusstd-Gov. Kussell Says It was a Difficult Case Believes Ihal Sending Troops Insured LI holding Law Pending Investi gation. Speeial 10 ill, . Tiuies-Visitor. I.iiiii! oriou. X. 1'.. .Ian. .V The IJ,a! o'.ght l.ighi Infatitr.i is . ; 11-1 rtcrcil al tic jail and all is iiioi. There ale 110 threats of ' 1 1 , 1 1 i 1 1 g- and there have been rone: Inn ;li- feeling aigaiusi i!,,v,tiii" lln-s, II for , 'in ling troops Inn'o wilh, air heing :,-k,', i',,r or a, e,'! is inietise, ile is I,, in: delinllll, , ! on llle slrecls, in the uiosi :!l,usie lerms and iuvosliga :i,,u fails I,, r, v, al ilie omn-e of any re. ,iesi tot- ii-, ;,s. Attorneys deny that' illev A pill, lie lueelili- is .- p, , led lo I.e h Id ibis aflerl II lo lb - 1 olltn O l!l' I i'.V OI'llol 's ortiol,. Opinion i- UHaliiluous i!',.f; l!ie negro i- uil,l: an,! -.hoiild hang. 'I 1 , - v. i:l '-ef iili! remain iiuli! to luol r.. . Koss ie,',i.. llle news of his ivpriove wiili 1 !,--,. 1 1 1 : iiiililToroiiee. The jailor s;is thai lie is ilie lirsl prisoner ho ever hail ilia- a.l. Kveii loda.i lie ha I eon l ogging isit,.,s 1, 1 the jail f-'r llo,e ;,;i-! elll'sing V'. In, lVl'se t'l luiiiii's si:t. I..,-: i,:!ii .1: s:.-, ('.,!. . 1'. Smith. I'.'.p". .1. .1. 1. ro il'.! at:,! a detachment ,,f JT nn. 1 1 foni tin- Kaleigh l.i'lu lul'an i: niai'iind io rin- p, nit, -nl iary woods, board. .1 a ,-, ial train an,! siarlcl for laiuiliei'ioii. '.'apt. l'.eriiard opened his M a Ie,! .a , I, I - only a l l, r ihe I rain had ; a ri , ,1 . The 11 ; wcr,. , r, 1 1 i - 1 to lannl e' l.'ii ' ., kern ilie 1 , 1 .' 1 , - an, I pro ', nt ih,' I 1 1 . -1 1 i 1 ' of K, ill,, 11 Koss, a in uro i !nir,l wilii a nameless i liino iip.-n- a while woman at Kod Spring-, wf,, Inn! be; 11 i-onvieied and -en:, n, e I ; o- hanged, hill loiveruor l!i;ssell :.:in .':ii day ri'spiie iio: ,','llli.i'l' otil .Old .'. i'S(er,l.l oMolld.'d ill"-le-j,i;,' loi' : '.Il.'l' Week. i;n . i:i ssim.i. si:i:.. Ip-ll I,ivilig llle speei-il above print, ,1 a r, i,u l,r of The Tiinos-Yisilor . all, ,1 ri .,11 1 i ,..i'i.or l!i!-sell at :! o'clock ilii- n :'i ,'i'nooii and as,ed him if he bad renin , ,1 l ur . her informal ion I'mni hol'loli P.da.v. l!,,v. Uiissell s., i,j 1 i;i I In had not. i,,,t lie talked eal'lloslly with II, e I. 1 "'l"l' alolll llle ease all, I it Was evident ll.a: !:e is anxious simply o uphold :h,' taw and see ihal jusiiee is dope. Tim ina.ior is i-e,-eiing his el,,s is; .ii 1, n ;,,n ;,n.l he ad mil I - d il was 111,,-! ll'l'pleiii''. Ii,,v. Uuss j sas ihal llle 1 pinion thai Uoss is not -nil:. exists a Hod Spring-, llle set no o. Ihe erlllle. Uoheson's re, i s, nl.itive in ilie legi-!ature. ilie may ,,;'s of s,', rat l,,wiis nod six of ihe jiiryiu, 11 who eonviriod the prisoner ami M,llle lillll w'li'e 1 pie who live ill 11 t'a - dins of '.ive miles of ilie eriine. nearly all 'he me: ehanls of Alaxlon pelilioll ilovetnor U i-s.ll 1,1 exieml him execii- I i l i' i'l.-lllell y . A large .11", 111, I of now" tesliniony I, r, ughi out sine,, the Irial has 1 11 pre- -eiii d 1.1 Mo Oovortiof. whieh is in lavor of the prisoner, l-'roin th-.. pi" il ioiii-rs it is evid, ut iln-re is ui, polili, - in ihe question. tlov. Ku-'- 'll anlh ip.alo.1 that if irou l,lo aro.-e i: would be from people near 1. nuil, ,, Ion an,! not from lied Springs'. K mm li'.s e,::n ersalion today it was evi ihtn that, tin- Oovoriior never expected Ihal ihe besl pi ople of Iaiinliot'loii would al.'ei or ooii'iieiiranee lym-liing hut lu had grave riusoii to fear violence front a lawless eicniciii which may be found .'Hoitiul any o.w n. Ilovernol liu-sell ex pl'i ssed lio slli priso that he ua do met. I lor sending 1 roups, hut M-eiued to think Ihal ihe fai l ilrat talk of lynch ing had dis.iipoanil was doubtless due lo ('apt. I'oi'iiard's presence wilh his men. The 'iovernor eouhl have no ob ject in sending troops 011 a useless trip. Iliiv. Kussell is studying the ease earn estly. OCEAN LINER SINKS All of Her Passeugers Saved by the Ship's Boats. I. mil, .11. Jan. .". The (iroat Western l.iner Ibex struck a rock off St. Samp son's Island. ( Iiiornsi'V. at six o'clock this morning and sank. T1io crash awoke the passengers who iiuin,hered ill all !-. They were rescued hy the ship's boats. One sailor was drowinil. There was no panic. All lsdiaved courageously and Ihc i',i,'!ain was the last 10 leave the ship. A citizen of Ashoville. just rotnrmsl from Salisbury, says he heard a physi eian of that city say there were lll'.l rases of snrallpnx- in the post house, and a good many rases scattered tlirvrnglit the pity. The" Ashoville Citizen says that some of the sum 11 10WU.1 near Salisbury have ilti.nraiitined against, that city, nnd there is danger that Ashoville may have a few eases iwtcss oomethittg ia dime hy the uity authorities. From other sources it is learnecl tliat tho authorities in Stilislmrj' have taken every precaution, anjl that there ia little or no danger of a Spreading of the Uis- ALDERMEN TONIGHT Water Question Comes Up Apain Tonight ELECTION OF CITY PHYSICIAN Street Committee Make a Most Interest ing Report on Ihe Work Done in the Past Year. Toe !,:. ir,! of alderiiicii v ill un-el to pigl.l iii ih,- mayor's hall. A caucus ,,f the I ion rati, aldermen will ! In !, I In forehand a, id several ma: i't's 1 si.leri d. A city ph.vsician will I Ion, , I an. I il is ,.r,v ,robal,lo 1 1 1 .1 : it Will I,,, consolidate, I Wiih the oil) siipori ndcin ,,f lieal'ii. 1 ir. .1. Y. McCe. .Ir.. now- hold, i,nlh these po-i lions. This , . .11-1, lid.,: 'on is rog.irli d t'a v., raid) lo .ill win, hat nicniioind il. ( 'n.'dnuaii Co,,!,,. ,,1 ih, wanr cm lllillee Will e.oll oil ,e t pi'lnlillU wananis 1,, i. Water I'ouipaiiy. The ttai'ian: 'In- j,:,.; -i mouths U N'J. 1 11 n i. T..' lln- lb., ..-.,!. I, Mai,.,- and I'.cr.l ,, Aldcrm, :,: Voiii' I 'oijunir!,',' on S: ", , 1- -ni nii: hot'eW i t 1 1 1 lie loi !,,W i I, L- lep, : ; Wo lin V" 11,1 lie, -ii able 1 o do in 11, Ii work on 1 1,,- -I reefs r in It . ing t,, 4ho ii:t, use .-..Id weatiier. V't'c en, haul I)' expci t to do much n,.,l'c w oil, uulii itboiii the ii,., .,.' .March ih,- ,. nit of Sjiring. I Wo wil! :.., n .. nine w ,.1!, ,tii, 1 j llcWc! ec!-t .in-l pu-ii ii f,n tt .11 d a-' rapidh a- 1 ;i,y. We have graded an. I eU-:e,l al! of :!., sidewalks on lln priu-i pal si 1, in the oily and our clioi:- will be inainly in i!M. 1 1 :-. - n iiincailauiiziiig :l,,,-e nl reels which heen grade and curbed. Wo believe thai We will be aide with olll' pre-clU I'll, i li lies to 11.1, adan ie al lc'i.-t one I, lock p,'!' week. 'Ilii- w i,l en.-ildc a- in a -In., 1 - ...A of time ,,, li a,' all of our main 1 in-rough :arcs t h-a oiijli!) iuiprot.d in a poir nia cin ma:,n. r. Wo ex '.. continue lin- cur!, in' un til 11, r.t -!.- all, in ihe ciiy is trad. ,1 and ci:: !,. ,j an I has a g : brici, pat.- i inei.l n: . a ':. bin ilii- work from i, v on w HI ! gradual and !i,,i p ,1 in 1 1 1 . : 1 1 1 : ' ly. iii,! ,h, work of iiiiniohiuiii;,:' i-! g, ,ing to 1 , , , i . e ,,nr old, 1' at i cni i,,n. W e ! -iimieiMl flarg, tt -1', ! from I'., :,;,! !o ill, , i 1 y liuii:- 011 I In ens,; . 1 , : i f . J all ii--,'-siiiih: ,!:-M,cl. and Ilia; ,: i .- uiaca,laa,i.c,! in ace,,,. I ain-o wiili ilic ijMvi-iniis ,,f I'm- ,-in char tor. Sou., ! iiiug was said at ihe iast nicctinu of tho Hoard ahoui the oxpcpjliL.i.n s in the Strei 1 1 icparnooiii, a:,.', alilioiigh iln Hoard o!c. ,..w n :!ic r.-s,,lui j.,., , a!:nig for ihe 'ini'-s. w,. trust that tt . will be pardoned for giiing '.iics,. figure-. :ti ju :i,e lo oiir-cltc,, ;is lu!!.v as tt,- can in a ici ,,i'l ,,f this -oil. ll has always 1 n mir oanu'si ,), -ir,- to kc, p ihc Hoard as fully nil vis. .1 as ible ,,!' c , ry ,1,'lail e, iniic: ci wilh our I ii pa rl 111, 111 , We Hover undertake ant mot work wilii out 1 iiiiceiidiiig ii I" tho ltoard, an I il has ihe approval ,,,' ihe !'.oa:,l. We do llol believe lil.U .!t.t I 111 Hi i I I II the lb. aid pri'inros ii- d ports wiili more accuracy ..r rciiij,!, ,-:i, than ill, Street 'onimillce. I; i- a pleasure for 11-1 o ,,i so. wo ,ii : n: lake il as any rcl leetioii ii.on us tt h.-u the ros., bi llon w as iul r, lin ed, ai lln- la-t mceiing or when the I 'liairuiaa of :he l-'inancc i ' tee show ed a disposition ,, criti cize the amount of our expenditures. It is true that our expenditure have been large during 1 he past six mouths. I ul wo thought il would he lienor lo pus,a the vterk during lln good lunulas when ihe days were lout, rather than wail until the bad weaiher sol in. whoa il Would be ili,possible lo obtain g I re sults. We lliink the w isdn f our eoin-" has horn fully iloinniistr an .1 in the past few weeks. Suppose we had seen fit 10 di vide Ihe money al our disposal into twelve opinl pans, reserving one part tor each mouth in the tear. I'ou't you see what lolly tit. it would have been, and how l.ailly the city's money would I: ive been .-pent '.' We believe lhat Upon refleelion every one will bo convinced of ihe wisdom of our eoni-M-. In managing our lb-part-mont wo have siudiod carefully every de lail and tried to pursue that course dic- latid by g I business niel hods which would in our judgiiieiH secure the groat osL benefits lo our city. Wo have to direst our department of all soiitiinoiii and run it on 00111,111011 soiu-c principles. The l!oa,ii! can rest nssiirod that when over we exhaust, the appropriation allot ted to our depart incut, we w ill 00:1-0 work. It is not our purpose to a dollar beyond that, amount, birr we ,1" feel that Ihe hi-st interest of the oily will lie promoted if the committee is al lowed to say when they can 11 so the money 10 "the best, advantage. Since our last annual ropon our 1 io parlino.nt has spent $111. Mil.7n. which aicoiinl litis been spent as follows: .V,.jr,4 fool of curbing 'if-. . .XI l.illi:; !!l l.'.iil'J s.p v.U. granite paving f!jil.(M .'. ir..i;u.iin ".ii.'.'-lo cubic vards oxcavating f.rJl'gc 7. l"'d..V. 1 . 1 : tli euhic vards excavating i'ti2i' o-sn 1o hliM'ks of Macadam in sr.0ti.0il tl.OOO.liO Taking down irecs and "Id stone -wiilU hMI.Kt; -1.IISS foot, of ri ft. brick paving f'J7'gc 1.I2I.'J"I Salaries Street 1 'oiitini.-sioiicr atbl iupt. Ilnairy 1.1K:;.:!3 Machinery in d repairs an.l i"ek ,"i.oo7.lili piarry Paid t'aiit. A-he on in count opening ltoyl.ui i ve, Ho. OS IViviiidi'i', Ha'-ios-H an,'. re pairs "iMhdo Hardware, toots, lowde:', t'.viin- , mite, etc i J.0t'.!V:0 LumlH't', coal and trees ...... 1,.1!)0.jS Mules 2!0I1 J. our stoas culrarts liltW.w Kspciisi-s of r.onii issur to I J-veavalng before present 1 J 1 rai l, was ha. v ,,rk ,,i a ,11 :u poiar.v nature mi lln- si reels. j sin-ii a- ,, -ailing dilelns. cm ii eol ln-i-s.. i-ily cai'pelllel'. and .,t,..- iiii-eellatieotis jl'IIIS -...U.T'.I Tola! Sill. Mil. Th We yet have lo our credit of iii,. lirsl S.-ii'.lltlO !.e , issue S. 1177. I'd. .'illil as tin I'-ca! .mar ends Alatvh 1 si . this ainoiini is ample lo run ,,nr dopn 11 nn nt to that nine, as work daring ll itcM hni liiout hs. w i! I,,, very Iiuli I . Voa will sc.- from ihe ai.otc figures lhat. while Wo have spent il good xs-lilil ,,:' money we liate ;n coinpli-hcd wilii it a I rente!,, Ion ainoiini ,,f toi-U. About ten mil.. ..f sidewalks hat,, feci, graded and l'ifioon hloeks hate b.-e'., luacadainizcl am! In. Oil! s.-n;!,.-,.,s ,,:' -"tain ile p.-itimr !l;i- ; ,-n laid. I.csi.l. -- I I', sid, walks .-1 1 : i i,ii,.,- I',.,,,. :.,-, i,-croii.- lo name in a tv, ,: ! . We hill O 1 ho I,,, 1st c ollipleie ,'. el, , 'U-1 ing out fit ill ll"' South, and a- - , lin- tt ca the:' open- tt ii ii 1 i,, ,-oini , ,,:' Spring We a:'o ,cp.r,sl ; I III ,ec :,, do the t.c-l and i,i,,-l s;i ' i-" act , ,r t w oil, , t c sccll ill ibis ci;) ;m, i,,!', ot il. c 1 on 1 i, lea 1 It belie.- ihal :!. S.'ii i.i 11 11 1 ,,:' tile lion, I imnct 1,1 ill, expended ttii! tnaki a much i,iecj- -!,,,tin- iliau :ii! .,:' lln m no) in-r, 1 , '!. sj n: ,11 -.lir streit.-. he an-, tt o eat.- uo.t I'c.lcji, d 1 Ji.tilil tt In a ct . 1 t pic . of : ol'k don. it id I.egi,, I,. -Ie tt lor il-olf. I I : A li STI! KMT. So. n a l ief ,,ur 'a-1 111,'. 1 : -c-' ! rob the S,, Air I. in,- an 1 Imri : ic- -i;r-111- ih." w e ',, sir. ,1 10 pi-,, , wi.Ii 1 lu work .,f ,,,,, niie. np I '.ii ,0 sir,., ,. I 1 oc, it ,1 iln. 1'.,! l..n ,, j, fioin I icir ( lii.'f Kiigiii.-i , : 'I hat. I oil, ,1 II- t' '.' o!' I 1 I ! I . 'n I ', ac- -! reel cub ,'i,,ili,,'i' io l!an-:e!i :,- I,.- i!,.. iic,-c--aiy :i.e laalornd. h.,te "Iii ihe no : r t.ii. I ttd! -..,.! a; ot to n, ,!-.' .,i,c .t,,.s. ,,', IOC pih- dl'tcl, ill l.g placed in Ie :in ,,,'' par: -I I . ' I do nol ki .. n:..:i,l ,,i the I. mo ,'l'V nolle-- .,r ,el ( he Work i.l' I'c e. I ,.,:i ai'e fullt eg. i inn tt e ;i i e in : I - tt or!, on no ' itiL the 1 ,,' -t -telll :,,d . '. of.' Oitided I ills ol , in'fe)' i- b. ;;g : " 1 : ru-: t , u tt .! if ,:, thai do-cciioi ; 'ld: u- il w.- a: a d: I- I ei.i!. V- " rait. '. ilWA I IINMi . I I id' li.: : ., r. S TI.'KHT i .Vi: l llAi It, 'I'll, rial :,' I'el.o iiiLi : : In- -1 1 ! car i l in k on I la t io -: let W I- I', I'd led I 1 - IP ' , al r i i -1 n e'i . W'e ha c i te-ie;'i, !,e -Pllipiea . . I 1 dolTl sc :..,) nro I:ca! way ai ,:' s.-nl ,.f in, ploy ii,' j,e .I.!,- oil t Inn -: I'C, 1 . 'c tt I : iu l', ,,,!',' ic u ad I : i . 1 1 i ho l raci. he adottel '., r, main a- i' - and ihal ilie Sii,-, l I'.r I 'on, pant b.- n-H rcp:ir,"! I-, lake ii up or i: a: present miles- -oc C. to - . a- ll:.'.'.- ll. I) ia- lata- in in.- f'i:uic t. h."i iaii:,- mi!: ,i:iL;s coutcne io liu- ,!) tt a, n il ltd, 1, n, c.---a :-t tor tie - r..l .:n- ' run lo lie dcp-.i. Wo 'niibo,' 1,,-ouiiinnd lliai :hc Slive far r.'npant ... re pifrod lo , t ' , id lin ir ' rin !: down I 'at -I i I , '11 tt niou'h I i ('inking - I'!.,-: -He, an, I Klenlo I'.io .dwoi : ,i ,.:. - I.. ' w ca, .bun s belli -id. - l 'tt. .-II Morgan and Harwell. Worth -M, . !. both si,, - bo! We. ,, I'.i) , -ii. -villi- and M, lio.v. II. I a',,;i rrn - - :,:. i,.,:h -id-'- i.e'ttcn Siihsbnit i,i .! Meliottc!!. ott l I P t llll,'. Oil,' side I- I .1 COII I'el'-oll and HI cm:. Wo hale pill in II -r- of cornel's and pill , I. ,tt u 1 tt , . -,,,11, c, ,1'iiei's. Sc! on; ."nn sugar maple i r es ;,i,d ina Oildellli., , Itto I'locii-. one tl I I;, tt -on street b, ivv. cn ll.-irgcti and M,,i':;in. and one .ui Moi'L'.-lu bcittccii I'doiinl and I'er.soli. The follow '.it- auioiiu: of paving vtilli Uiailite blocks l,;is l.c, II .,c,e dlllini: ill,' in. 'li I li : liutier l-nc- pati,! ..n Ki-I sire. - fr.,ni llargeit i" Morgan. Two si, lie galcttiivs pat,, I at lheVo-T -ales of I'i' v I 'elllelol t . Ilullcr line- ,,ii Murgan -11 t paved from r.loiint :., rcrson. Ttto open drains ,,u M,,rLiin si reet : lowered llirco man holes: pit,, I side vtalk with brick around ('il.t rciuetcit l i. .in I largei i to Mot- in. Tile I'oll-.Wilig .llllOUIil of e,;,.i, ;; 1 c, ii .bnie during lln- m. ml ti : ('atvs.,i, s , re, t i-iided foi nnicad.iiii fi .on ll.irgeii p. ItiooilVt ol'l ii street grad. d between Morgan am! owh, rn Aveiiiic. (ira.le lowered on Kin, SI',', l.elvt.ell .loins and l.anc Sidewalks grade! on K,isi -nvc, ! ; tvi'oti Kili'ifon and .loues. Sidewalks on Newborn Ateiiue ga'aded between. Ka.t and lil' w ..ri h. Morgan streci graded hcittccii lilount and I. 1-soli. Sidewalks grade! on Moiioi;- -tr.-ci bo r.loodvvorlh and last. Sidewalks graded on Hloiini sii-.e' beltve.n llargeli ami Morgan. Sidew alks grad. .1 on .lone- streia be Ivvceii Salisbury an I Mcl.,well. Sidetvall;s graded on Newborn Av. niie belvvoeii I'crsoii and ltioo-l vv'ori h . Morgan street grade! for inac;'diin belwei'ii rd'Uinl and I'oi'soii. sidewalks ,,ii Sanndei's sireci graded from Uillsboro I,, Jones. Xetthel'll Avelllle pariiallv grade, I from lib. lint to I'ei's ,11. lilo.i.lwoi i Ii sin-el "raded from Moi gan P. ir.i-geii. I.IIIIO feel of old lock Willi- torn out ami removed. j Seven ol.l -tumps tiikcii up an.? forly old trees lakeli dovvii and rolnoved. All of which is rospeoi fullv suhmitiisl. JOIIX C. HIMvWItV. Street ( 'mnniii tec. Maiiihl, Jan. o. Colonel Hare, of the Thirty-Third, and Lieutenant Colonel llowse, of tho Thirty-Fourth, arrived at Vigan. province of lloeos, wilh all (he Aniorioan irisoners, including Lieuten ant Uiluiorv, ' . SECY. GAGE REPLIES Answers Criticisms in Sulzer Resolulions ACTED IROM NECESSITY There Was no Jobber) wilh National City Bank Government Simply Made Deposits to Prevent Panic. Wa-lolll; a. III,. S.crclal') oi llle 'I rei-uiv t!:!:.' i- 1 ici i., i,.;i!;e a I ,l!l and ..i.iph :,- ', pl.t i., I he Snl., r re soilf ioli adoflei I,) 1 i- 1 .,.. J'' I' ie ill - sat I !i . 1 I lli - -I a 1 eiiienl tt ill nn; ko .some -m: nl- al,, nn i.i appear ridieiilou-. I ' will em io il,, lions,. M lay. an I tt :l p aui o,il ll,a: il as ncecs-a ''. 'o' - mi. ' InllJ !.. 1 . 1 1, t . ll,,. i. no) lo.n ; ot. and : I,., I I he ,,n iy -a fe vt .iy tt II - '. le i . ,-, tile dcp.ei . i ;o Xil 1 ion a! nan! -. That I" do 1 1, i-. j. vt a t, , '-- n t :, Inttc -on,, banking liisliiii li.,i, whicii .toiiil . i i -1 1 i ! , 1 1 : , lin- r.ceipis ..- dir..'.,! nt u.- -, ,,, iiirt. I o.i-iiiiicti l- i.i,. Tr, j-i:;, ol d ii. .1 ,i-l l ii.llte l,e in ) il 'i:ii' ' i: iul" l he Tr.'.i-ur.t t, . I . o nl .ire,: ,, , p--,,; rja I i. m t' ,.11, ( ',,n ::,' --. and ii " :l,e Xalioual I'll . Hani. , a ii , I w a i d 1 1 , i , 1 1 , , i ) tv illi -c, ai nt , 0 ''our mill' ,'a l.oi. I- ;. u'liiidor of day , , ,! a :, . o o fit ot !,. r bank and t lui : : '.ink. .-: ad -,;' lonkiipj- a profit, was adt and, t ... t ... p. if ,. in adi. " .is l.- r. ,a : i a.- ;. and 'pa: i' can si,,,w I. '.l ' ' e.l!,-.. !(..' "b-t I'ibllt ioI op- ll lid. PI '" 'il.'.o', i I,e -cere I .rv I Ii. T'. . a: I ll.e Trea if ". iii !, -a,. ;.iu pin pro:,-,-:,,! ilie I ;, I S: I. - ,.,ul-. liOPRS ATTACK FRENCH I he British Capture im-,!r Position AJh r Brisk Engagement. I;. ,,-, . g. .!.,n. i. c. --.; i .'- i"': i.ank ..I l o!. lap- ,. ... v;e.,,.,,i, si, .,;.e k.d io ;l,. It,-. :!ii- morning. Th. v t- ci c :,;! nt ., a. a t r. -. and ;i i'ier a J I i I ' ' u t -' 1 t'L'L !' : in t tt i I !cl. , tt : ! , ,, t. . I ! , ;..-:lioii diet o.ok ii .in:: , , ul -Ails ii cin L.i.liiul- - "i 'i. I t- i Ic 1 Iri: i-i . .rd I a ken a ! ::' ;i ., 'n,.:.- I il.l . Xi-u i- n r.o. i- pi'isoti. ,'s c, . . , npt'll'oi! and ileil' loss ,s l,i!, d I '...!., led f. , ". Tile I '.I'I I i- ll ' tt ,s I , i I iillig '! he ' ., 1 1 t , t i ,, in lloi-l i a p I ale -1 roll j I'. . nil, ee in I a '..ui : : I . . ct a. - . I ,,a ' ! n I' al I'i-,. ,. I, '- : ,' '. I " i . ,1 li. on e Ih. .' I . 1 k i ; - tin low a . i- ci' ,j in,. Jl, er due 1'. Nol'tel!'- I'oi.ll. t I ..oi Ion. Jin. -Sali-bnry iiil'oriSi, ,1 Ml. si, r I'.io.i', ihai In- was inn ' able , i . pit .e:i,,i:c:t ., In pi aicst ..f i li, ', :;,. ., s, .,, ;;! ii,.. .,, iu.ii'. Oi y en.; a! I'UI'ban : olelci . d .1 decision. I, 111 he I' a- nM. : i ill ol'U' i 1 : 1 1 1 Ihal he hid a : . ; . ri n, : ' e t ' lin' four barrels ,,f the -.-.. d tt. 'e . , . ! t . s.o.l lo tl. Trail- t a .1 I U o I e I' 1 I I , I O , i . I. on, loin .Ian. Kiiiinissait llcrinau II 1'..r a l l'i t , I ial e last uiglil b. calls, 'I pi'IValc ,e- i,I. he- fl'illll III,' UUCIl. I; i- nn. h i I ii i, , I-- p. lielagoa I!,) a'cl tie -ci.'lll'- ,!' ibl'linill ships, lb i:!. of' are siarilcl ,y ,.. 1,1:11-11: ! colli'-e o! I.:i-c ill direcli.f ad - : . : ii - ih.- - in.', ii en affair of Stale. I. Ion. J in .". I noli urgclil I'o.iuosts in- ilii,-. n tiill ,- n t 'a i lia ill. nl l-'ebriiary ll:!-. in pi i -on. t,,r ;lic i'ir-i lime sine. .I.'l i H i ''i lV'rti, w h, n I ilail-lolie's Irisli Ih.iiio j;,!e !i Wil- illlrodllcel. "i HITE MAN LYNCHED. New p a : itt-. il. Jan. o.l lin- of the hp- dariii" It n, lungs ,.n record o.'.nir- I'c.l lore ibis liloliiilie. when IS.H. Wail. a wh.i m in. cliarc! vi:h a eruel aiiaek ,,ii Mrs. Thomas M. Si:u,.s,,n. was taken Iron, :!' siatioii In, use, carried lo the tv Is a sin a dislance fl'oni tile citv. iii d I., an ak -apling. and riddled with I, nil, -. AR. P. L. BAILEY DEAD Passed Away This Afternoon Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon. Mr. frank I .. fail, v d.iel ilii- nf:, r noon at liloat !n- li-'iii . e.riu r ol It.-, "oil a: ! I'd -.ui silo, ;-., niter an bine-- of iic'i,') 1',,'ir week-. Ilovvev.r. lie lia la.l be n cntiin d 1" hi- uome .bun:,-: j, . II I ire lln, -s. Mr. i:.,ile) w a- !, : n p, ar It . I, -v ilie in th;- ,',,iii,i i, f. r: v -, v on u.ns ag,. I ',,r : he pa-t l en ten- in- ha- peen in 1 , 1 1 i 1 1 1 -- ia , ids , iij. . ; 1 1,,- I in r his d.aih he was M-s ,, -ailed wilh Mr. I! (1. feeble- in ih,. .i'ic:y business under the tiriii name ol' f. I.. IclileV .V Co. Mr. Km!,) loaves a ,,.v ..led wile ilic Miss Win-t.u. of fraiii, bin, ui and llne.- , I, idreli. Mi-s Mil., all Ma-lei- J"-, ph .,il frank fain). f. vv i, i. -1 1 hid warn,-!- friends in tin ,:' ir,!,' oj limit. ilia, i Mr. f.ailc) lie was ., c , , j bll-lle ss mail, devniel p. h'.s i'.ii,,;i. .in, I I'ii.'! an,! lender i" ids irieinls llis ,1, 1 1 ' i e d ', s.necrclv depl r, ,'i by ail v, l, 1 n.-w hini. Hi- bo re., t t ,1 fllllli! t bite llle st I 1 1 p 1 1 I ll) Ol' l!lc eollllllllllil.t . 'I l.c l'uac:il! will be hold ;':',n the fill,. ii- 1 Tal,, run, a: :'. ,,',!o"k loieoi I'ov. a I'i. "'ii .on. UfATiI Of Ttl IIS. Ol.lVF.II. N, it- tt ii- ri c, ivc.l ibis afternoon ,.f ihe deaih of Mrs. rhai'les Oliver, of ll'lliville. Va Till's. Illiver was a sister of Mrs. .1. W. H :rl r and Mi's. J. J. Johnson. ,,f ihis ci'y. KfSSIAN TIKMM'S M I H'.l I.I KI b St. Petersburg, Jan. 5. Iliissinti troops! are roporlod t,ilay ns Hearing Herat. Tr.'iiiseu.spi,.)!! troops of the Imperial army are also doing nitbilizoil. These reports are confirmed by officials Well iuforiuvd ot cvct.v wove uiado.