DOBBIN & FERRALL I. -1 " j-.i; V tin Brookshire, Texas, Feb. 25, 1893. My menstrual periods have been very irregular both in time and color. They would return in every 24 or 25 days, and last from 5 to 14 days. I would almost suffer death from them. I also had heart palpitation, and every kind of ache and pain. I took Wine of Cardui and followed your advice, and this month for the first time in years I passed my period without pain. MALINDA JACKSON. -, i-q AT TUCKTR'S STORE li - j. 1 jj tit '.'' II f A r banishes headaches, and too little or none at all. deviation from the monthly habit is dangerous. . If you will use Wine of Cardui each month in connection with Black Draught, to keep the stomach and bowels in good condition, you will have painless, regular periods end feel as well as Malinda Jackson does. You can get a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist. For advice in cases requiring special attention, address, giving symptoms, the "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. , All Druggists Sell $i.oo Bottles. 'IHIAIMXCS ritUM TI1K I'UKSS. 1 iuli:i !i i lli'i'.il.l: . 1 1 li . i I i lliis l,,vn imtil mwly lro milliiiu ill in) t ho fiisisiii'v 1.11 viim'. ir tliiiK far Iil-i'i, fnuihl iiiiiMTss-ihli' to un live mi :iii'iiiriiil inn nf n i;i 1 1 r.v .fl U' II I fur ;i plllllil- llllilllill!.'. Atlanta .liiiniuil: A I'i;; h; '! i tnl man in IVnii, lv;itt::i has nivi'.l Ins wilV anil i rii il liis 1 1 1 i I : I--i 1 1 la v . Y liavr Imi Imtii nf tltr i'iiiiiuit dial nirn Iiivi-iI tln-ir iri tlici - in la u ni'ii'r Ihan till')' iil'c'l lltli'il. Nru I rrn If en li i.litai ii; a i iiiuiiinil . imit: n r lizc.l tn nr IhT impel la lh c as a fail lu liii ct'llilir.lllilj ' Kl'i''a. '"H ri ali.ill;; as M II this iuiiinrtalli-i' ..uM ai l ai-i i-il insrly. ami a lir i.-hiov in i-nniui ia siiri.ll ami rnmtllrivial illli'li'ls, lin'li niiil I'l' ll-i -hi nl'.lHh. V i ! liti rll ni a i ' ! I i i 11 1 ! ii i I y I li.ll ill al hill uarl. in mail. tain iu i-iil law-. a::l llir nnua;. li.nur nf 1 1 1 .iiil l-ml- a li-u.r I'lMisiilcral ioit i..r i in- i .liu'i'Hi- l.tiv-. ana 1 In ir "li-. vs am-r. I'.nl l !- h i i;J '. II in' a rnlll.illlllil is il ilir, ,-! himll'.llli-i' I" ilu- in! i am i tin i'' ni' a ."l aiiinity's l-lt-t SS. 1 "!.-: I ! I li- 'r: l.n-t . ... is liim -ins t'i mthit tin- Si.ii" n,'.i .. ioii-m-ii"ii-. Mltw 'w Uu:!-liu- a a ..mI -izj'.l uit 1 1 1 1 i-i 1 1 : ii to i.-im- i.i ii ii i: ii ilh (mw a si ilinir rapa. ii m l.liut. Italrigli rallll' III II' lu-im; Mir I i.iiIik ral ic t . 1 1 - vi'iiliini this tin,., si, i- hi -iniiinc in ilisi n-s si rli ii -1 ilic i 1 1 -I . . 1 1 1 ui a hiifU inir t' ai-i niiiiiit l::it tit,, nuiiiivmis l.i -ji- i-rlivriit inns thai mii'I Ihrri'. Iliii'hani lli'iahl: iiimki't- Va-liiii-l..n il.a .- mil a. ruvi' 1 . i l. . Tiii inn'.s .srhriii,' In ihi.ii'i tin- ii.'rii i.i Aljiia. Tins ih .'s nut m ..-:n ilv lm-aii n in il W'ash lhiia Till'lH'l'. iiiiitnn is a sn: in.f in in hut. imlirati's thai In- has tin' liSti.ry uf tin- ram in this i-..iiiiuy iiniri. i l"-i y. Tin'iv has h( i-n n, m- .utrnitiis In ilrpiiri ai:,l ihn m".:rit. Inn e.ieh ami e'ei' ni:. ha I roii.-ly. espi-ially fur i In years a'.i neioes w, re refill:,, disas iior". A few earned mil of litis i ;to l.y th thi'lii have ion ear luail ai d many o, siu eis'il, .1 in walking h.i. k yet. (Jr. oiishorn Ti-hgriim: In s.ihjeel of reopoiiiti- of the Stale and In iltistiial t'olleo: "Wo holiove with all lln- ;.rri.aul ions limt have In on taken ami the iuipriiveiiieiils n: :,e r 1 1 .- I the hnai'i! oi;lid wisely iii seloelin an early date for the tvopt niiiL'. Lot u- all hope ith 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e.'iioiiiun. iho eol-h-ge will al iiiioe n siiiuo her plaoc in the educational inaieh of tin- Slate, and 'lint novor m train '!:ay sin- h.,.- .-ueh ii sad esperiellee." W'iluiiii'.'I'iii Star: A srl n jeai oht hoy in ('enrpia doliheralel; -1 1 . I and killed a seven-yea r-oltl 'iri iio was visiting at Lis house. Ho siiil mnily re fused in give any reiisnn fur lite shout ing and' was put in jail. Pi; haps she refutoil tn iii'.irry him. "KXPKIHKNCK IS Till- IIKST ti:acih:i;." We must bo willing lu learn from (In experience of othiT people. Kvery testi invuial in favw- of Hood's Sarsaparillii is the voice of experience to you, and it b your diMy, if your bhnl is impure ami jour lujjltli failing, to take this medicine. Vmi have every reasmii to oxioet limit if will do Tor you what it lias done for others. It is the Vst liicdiojie money can Luy. HOOD'S PILLS euro nick l.oa ladle, iiidigestiiiu. B. G. SICO'KUS, Patent Lawyer. Witshifngl'in, I. C.. publishes a valuable copyrighted liik entitled "Il.rtv to Oil tain Patent. Caveat, Trade Mark and fVipyright Protection with lHcisinns in leading iKileiit cases." A copy will lie neivt (ree to ally address. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup baa been ued for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers tor their children while teeming, wit perrect saceesa. it soothes the child, softens the gums, al Jiyij all pain, enres wind colic, and la rfce best remedy for Diarrhoea. It trill Kelieve the poor little suffer immediate ly. Sold by draejrists In overy part of the world. Twenty-fife cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup," and take no other kind. Think of such suffering as this. Long years of aches and pains that might have all been saved. That's the pitiful part of it to think that Miss Jackson did not try Wine of Cardui years ago. It would have cured her then as easily as it did later, and what it did for her, it will do for you. It backaches and pains, and regulates the menses like clockwork, so that there is not too much or It has done this for thousands of the best women in America, and it will do it for you. The least Miles Where is joitf friend JiiKg.-i, Olios lie's gone to the spirit hunl." "In.Jeett It's strunge I never heiird nf his demise." "Oil? he isn't ilenil. lie's visiting rela tives ill Kentueky." Chii-no News. Yming I'hysieiun When yui have a ease wliii h baffles Jim, wlnnii 'hi vmi eall in? OM Doctor isrrulTyi -The nmleitaki r. -Life. COUrON NOTICE. Meehnniea' md InTestors' Union. The owners of Fall Paid Certificate! in the Mechanics' and Investors' Union, mil have their senii-.mmml coupon paid on presentation at the Commor-ial cml Farmers' Itnuk, on and after Sat urday, the 23d day of December. ; Owing to the large demand for lojini l on Residence property, the Director of , the Company have authorized the ftjr.'h- ?r Rale of l ull Paid $100 shares of Di vidend 1'ayiiiK Stock, at Uinty Dollan Iter share cash. Thii given to the por ;ha?iT an eight per cent investment, vt which $1.50 Is paid in cash each year, and a profit of fUO.OO at maturity. TMs stock In amply secured by First Mortgages on Kesideuee properly in Ral eign and other prosperous cities and lawns in North Carolina. The dividends are paid promptly in June aud Decem ber. For further particulars, address U. S. .Tornian, treasurer, or Oeorge Allen, Secretary. Pnllen Building, Raleigh. No jih iilina- Wake County. In thu S'uin'riur ' ' nii't. l-'elirua ) 1 eriii, l!Ald. I n 1 la id Sleihoiisou: Vim are untitled thai Inu SteplieiiMUi. ynttr wife, has hroithl a --nil. .iu.iiii-t ymi to l-'ohritary Term, lln';), ";' ';;ke Superior Courl. for divnreo Iran tile bonds of iiiatriiiiniiy on t!io i-!i.ih:o of : 1 1 .-1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 . and that ho:- eoiiip.a ri' will do filed within the li'.-! tlire" davs of said term; when and where you will answer, demur or plead to tne s-mie; and on your failure to do s.i. sh-' w:ll ask In rove the allegation ..I her eoni plaint ami have the relief graioed 'iy 'ho Court as therein do uraiuleil. M. Itl'.'S. Clerk Wake Supoii ir ''mo. .1. C. I.. llarr;s. Plaintiff's A ' ' ..:ii"V. 3. Three Brothers. 3 WE HAVE ALWAYS "BEEN PROUD OF OUR STOVE TRADE. This season it is simply innnensp. We have the foods at the right prices. Both coil and wood Stoves. pay special attention to (ittirjo; up Stoves, Furnaces, &c Xjatgc stock of fire boards. Fire Stove Boards, Hlbows, Pipe Collars, eve. on baud. One solid car load of the cele brated "IMPjSKlAL," Sheet Iron Wood Stoves just received. Como and see us. LUMSDEN BRO'S. Imporiers of Cutlery. Miss Maggie Reese, WiM Sell Out All WOOLS! At the following prices: Oermanton Wool 12 l-2c. Saxony and Shetland 10c. Zepbjrs 6 Laps for 25:. Some good cokrs in the lot. I 11 II T1IK SWlilOIKST ONK. lie lie MVivli s' li'l feller ilat de coll 11 1 ry evcr scrn. Wid a voire ez full or music oz a tiuklin' lauilioiii'ino. Kn do iirl ies' or e os, Lak' do I'liio or suuiuior skii-s, Kn ho net I in' i j singin', on he lunkin' nii.iihly wi.-o! Ho do swootos' liT feller iii do country ii ii ii i rlioiil. Kn .urn Hi-ter le diniplos ih .s a riin- nin' in on nut! I'er e or' i:ili! i it ila lie a lauhiu' lil'i- aua. "l'weli do winter v. oar do Id ins or do April on do Ma I lie do sv eili's' li'l' feller, eii doy say he i:u ino tor he le inao or his iladdv. e. he riilin' on his km e: l!ut his 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 ,V .11. i-lle 1.11'iiv Y.S Rile set en walell him o,l''iW, Ho 'hleoge lor look Ink' she Innk. kazo she loviu' or liim s.i! I'. I.. STANTON. Do You T hink a tuir is half done It's Cheap ? liutcli f-i"n Work and Clii- ncfe puzzles aro dear At Any Price. liULLOCK of Course, CROSS & GREETING To a Generous Public We desire to express our appreciation for the very liberal palroLii'ja ,'iven us durincj the past year. We feel tbatour ellorts to fjive you a (ir-.t class establishment with iie-to-datc goods a dollar for every dollar spent with us has met with your approval. Honest Goods at Honest Prices , Is Bound to Win in the End We desire to call your attention especially to our Hue of OVERCOATS. These coats we arc olTer'tDo; at exceptionally low figures. The recent ad in iHI material makes it impossible for us to duplicate them at any thing like the original cost You will do well to look them over. NECKWEAR K'uowin; that the holiday trade would leave this lire ounewbat broken up, we placed our order for immediate delivery. They arrived this week somethiuj; new. Come and see them. CROSS & LINEHAN FHHmu Celler With Coal gcj I b T in T I Till'; J'llll.llSOI'IlLU'S STONL'. In im'i'eaniilo life sin ci ss ih-ja nils iijioii imhlieity. The who .'.units his hesim -s in remain mil i iiniieti d can r.i vol el lain n n.iuenee: hut ho : insists H. in inalving hinisoll' kn.n n to the ill : Iii - through the nn ilium of lo-ws-l .ipir ad ei li-i n:i ills will rise f rem oh sriirity an. I innii h I 101111110 to fame and iifllm iii-i'. lo lilio manlier, llie ne-ees-l'iil iii' t ham wiio has always ad vitliscd can siisla'n and i-lill further de elop his Tlo- adverlieiiieni dees for hnsiiii uhal the ai oielil ah In mists helieved tin- hih ih' r's stone would do for the ha-cr niolal-..- I'liiladi'll !.ia l!e 1 old. Mun niAi'i-; s.i.ii. Py liriur of aul horlty coiifori'ed in IWo III"! Images i Veellled I'V Willill'lll and .lane ('".'. n corded in hooks 11 1 and t."i7, al 1 a:.-.- iri" and IlTO resicclively. in Ll'L'i-llI "I iNeds (Iftieoof WllliO I'llllll- ly. N. 1'.. ho will mi Thursday, the l.'ith day of I 'elinniry, 1!MI, al Iho Court llon-e door in iho oily of lialcigli. sell 111 VJt o'clock M.. I., the highest hiddcr for oa-h, that t r.1.1 or pareel of land lying and sMiniie in Wake County. N. '.. in St. Mi'i'i'- Ton-hip, iihoiil: one half mile from iho ilhige of Cainer. .'nljoiu illg the land- of I''. II. lillshec. Iho late Iliirton lnineo and ik'scrihed as follows: Meginniii'.' al a stake. 1". II. Itiishc's eorner. in I'.nrion I iiiiree's lino, thence with said . lluslieo's lino S. 1:, doirrocs W. 17 chains and '.Il links 10 a slake, his corner in llui'ton lii'ivo' line. I In nee with r.lHloll. I lli'.'l e's line N. SS''.j de grees W. I chains and -IT links to a slake. Alviu Puprco's corner, in I'.iiilon Oni-l-ce's line, lllouee willl Alvin 1 u pices line N. Ivi degrees K. IS chains .in.) il links to a slake. Alvin Puprcos corner in liintou Puprco's line 1 In nee... wilh Ituiton Puproe's lino S. S;' .. degrees K. -I chains and ."il links lo I ho. hoginning. containing S acres. I'Imiii this lind is a small, nearly new, collage. . PKLLK & M A V N A 11 1 '. Attorn.', l'..r .Min'tgagee and Assiguei .f Mort gagee. This Jaiimiri VMi. I'M". LINEHAN- means filling the house with comfort during.' the Winter in every nook and corner. An ounce of preven tion is belter than colds and doctor's bills, and those who burn our high (Trade coal in their furuace will no have to ;ct tbepoucd of cure. Tere is no time like the present to et in your Winter's supply. Coal noes up as the thcrmometor goes down. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C Save Your Lace Curtains. We Sell the "FLAT AND SQUARE" The only perfect Cur tain Stretcher. No C'oss piece needed tho pins are nickel plated, so will not rust, aa 'jstable to fit any size scallops The Iram s are easily adjusteri 'lo any length or width of Curtains, and will fold into compact form when not in use. The price is only $2.50, just the price of laundering two pairs of Lace Curtains DOBBIN & FERRALL. Roses, Carnations, Violets And other Choice Cutflowors for all Occassions'Always in Stuck. Floral Designs at Short Notice. WEDDING DECORATION?. IWl.MS. FKRNS IN GIMCAT V Rl fCTI dS ALL SIZE .WINTER BLOOM 1 Ml eLAT;Ob, PRIMROSES, CALLA LILIES, ETC. Visitors cordially invited. Greenhouse, N irth Jlnltlax Street near Peace Institute. H. STEIN Jitll 'Phone 113. torn today, Jan. 14 During this t'nii we wik tlow our Sp'i'ig WHITE GOODS of all kinds ranging in pri :e Irotn 6c. to 30c. a yard. Among the goods oll'ered are novelties in white goods never before shown inRaleigv. The line cf goods we offer is too great for us to iemi.e sullieicnt, it is to say that we own these goods at old price?, having bought them before the advance took place. We alto oiler an immense direct Imporlaticu of Embroideries and Insertings Just received and nevT before showu. This line embraces dainty designs suitable for every available purpose. At the same time we will sell, one case of this seasons Printed Organdies, Goods that vou will j.iy 10c, for -ill be Vou will miss it if you don't them you will surely buy. Remember the Time Woollcott &Son. METS, Florist, RAl,EIGH, n. c. nclusive later on, our price for this sale 7 J4C see thes' goods and if you see Jan. 14th to 20th. GOODS

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