, s. 11 ! " - - 4 i I .V RALEIGH, M. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY ?9, 1900. 25 Cents a Month. No. 9,081. TIMES VISITOR RELIEF OF LADVSMITH ABANDONED BY BRITISH Boers Defeat Britjsh at Spion Kop Regiments Annihilated London Papers Admit Wara Dismal Failure. New York,, J mi. ML The Now York Journal this afternoon lias the following Roei'iiil from IaHuIuu: The latest reports from Spioi. Koji show that two thousand were killed in t In arsault im the bill held by the British forces mid the hill will recaptured by the Boers. Whole regiments were annihilated. The Boer hwsisj were also very heavy. A oonsevn tive estimate places llieir dectid at nve hundred. No estimate nf the iiiiiiiher Mounded had come through, but the list must he a terrihle one. Kimiigh is al ready known In mark Srion iv as one of the bloialtest lull I lc fields in recent wars. T.oiulon, .lan. -It. A iy attempt to minimize Hie scrhiusuos of the ltritisli situation in South Africa, made here af ter tile former reverw suffered by British nnns. an- larking this afternoon both ill the London' papers and by tic British people, and ii is now acknowl edged by nil that this is the must serious effort and flint the war failed dismally. There is now no sign of a dispospiirn on the part of the lenders of public opinion . In disguise these ugly facts, but on the other hand, every di-p. .sitioti is shown to face the full diffienliii s ami to oisenver the best possible way our. All hope ifor tile speedy relief of Lndystnilh has been abandoned. The consensus of opinion uf experts urg' s the ipiansliatc shiflinjr of the theatre of war from- the Tocky kopjK in Natal to the open veldt ill Orange Free State. One thing seems certain, another hmg pause is inevitable, unless the Boers assume the offensive, be cause even if ieucral Rnllcr is to again ' attempt to reaeli Lad.vsmith the planning of this in w trove will necessarily oecn pytinie. he afternoon papers are drawing at tention to the closeness of tile parallel ho T ween the (federal attack on llcncral Lee VVrmleriekslnirif in -Aineririi and the ojvyntions on the upper Tugelii river in South Africa. .MYSTERY OK T11K RF.TRLAT. London. Jan. IS. I a pears that (b n eral Itnller had altogether five brigades wholly or partly engaged in Cokes. Ilihly ards, dlarts, Woodgates, and Littlytnn's ltrigadcs. There wire two hundred and seventy casnltics in l.ittlyton's Urigadc. This is explained much of the mystery that surrounds the n treat. It is possi ble that (icneral Itnller has withdrawn his whole force, but il is generally as sullied that l.ittlyton's brigade and Jluu donnald's artillery, with other troops, arc still en the north side of the Tugcia liver. The last heard from them was lhat tiny occupied a position north of I icneral "Warren at Acton Homes. FORFEITS OF FORPF.RTY. Cape Town. .Ian. 'J!). iovernor Sir Alfred Milucr has given notice tlir.t tin' Hriiisli government will not recognize as valid fines the forfeits of prop rly in South African republic created siiIk-c-qtlent to October tilth. 1 ... BI'LLF.R'S A.l Ml MTION. Tyondon, Jan. I'll.-The t'cntral News correspondent witli (icneral Bullcr's forces tclcgfaphs: "Ammunition 'a one sis'tion of our infantry gave out l ining Wodncsdav's fighting." l'A It LI AM HXT M HUTS. Manchester, Jan. I'D The (iuardian an nounces! that when Parliament meets to morrow the ( iovcruinent moved to front in opposition to tin' Hi iwli. This will he i done Willi the sanction of ofliitial opp si tion. Al'F15t'Ti:i SMOCK KXCHANCi:. Ijomlon. Jan. l!!l. (In the Stock Ex change today there was a sharp fall in all securities. Consols declined l'j. 'HOURS WISH lil'SSlAN AID. n,.i,..l..,,.,r .Lin 'Kl M Tliirgcr. ,.r il,., 'I'i nisi-!inl I.iiim- I ,-n.iFiiii o itu.t , . . - pcau Agency, arrived here today. It is supposed that he will try 1.1 enlist retire t Uussian officers for service in ;h Trui vaal. I)I-N1K)NAI.I SAKK. Ijondon. Jan. -!. Anxiety h is hemi re moved since the annoiinoem 'n' . that llunihmnld's artillery, which it was fcar h was isidated in the hills in the neigli- IwrluxKl of Acton Homes, is safe on the hank of the Tugehl river. KOllBKTS VOK AHANDON M UNT. New York. Jan. :'!.. U'ni-M .-pceial from Ixvmioit says that it is Icaruc 1 from a Tclinhlo noiirce that Cc:i-vil Kol.cr: had advised Ihe nhaiidoiiinent -n" I.a-lv-nirtli. The war oftiev dec, io; ccatoni this. X x x Boer Head banger. I.adysinith. Jan. 2.V-0 P. in. lite Hrillsh dead left on the luittloliehl yvitV,rtn' liimihered 1,,'fHi. Ijonden. Jan. The following dis patch has liwii received1 in Ijomlon from rreloria. dated Jimiiary 2. via liourcn eo Mantuez. .lanilnry 8: "The Coveriiiiu'fit fix adriscil that, af ter heavy lighting near Spinn Kop, some ltritisli. on ihe kop lein stornied, hoist ed a white flag. One hundred and fifty prisoners. !hI he thnnked, nlthongh wc also had to give hrave ami valunlile lives." A placard, hearing the words: "Xn ,ws," hiuiK " ir(m rnilitur iu front of the War Oflice until o'elook thin aftertfiHiu. and the shiverim? centrU' ivho fntl pn iril on Tall Mall in the rain and 'tier had the dWlriet all to thehi mdvot At tlh hour named, however, tlu plaeanl was taken in. ami en thn hullcriii Ixinmls iuide. the following dis jmMt from th-iieiul Ilullcr was disploy "n:s. 'KUM-En t bxplaxatiox. 'Snem'n? CP. Snttinlay. .Inn. fi:0 '. iu. Oi January 20 Warren drove hack the eupiuy end obta inert lof ; - s(siou of the touthem crests of the high tableland extending f-.mi the line of Acton llcancs and Hunger's 1'ooTt to tlic wesli i n Ladysmith hills. From then to January ''" lie remained in close con tact, with the enemy. "The enemy held a strong position on a range of small kopjes stretching from northwest lo southeast across the pla teau from Acton Homes through Spion Kop. to the lcll bank of the Tugcia. "The actual position held was perfect ly tenable, hut did lend itselr to an ad vance, as the southern slopes were so sli'Z-p that Warren could not get an ef lictive artillery position, and water sup ply was a difficulty. "On January I attacking Spioii Kop. n tiled to his . hill, indeed. Ian a mountain, which key .if tile position was evidently tic but Mas far more accessible from the north than from th south. "On the night of January '- cd Spina Kop. but found it cult to hold, as its pcriniet he aitai li very difli r was too urge 1 1 1 ( water, which had broil led extraordinary lo boliovo oi-tcd ill til dfv season, was found The crests wire held rerv deficient, all thai dav an I heavy shell with great gal- against severe attacks tile. Our men fought lantry. I would e-peeially mention the I undue! of the Second I 'aincronians ami the Third King's Rifles, who supiiorteo the attack m: the nioiitilaiii front' th stropo-i side. and. in each case, fought their way to the low: and the Second Lancashire Fusiliers and Second Middle sex. ho inagniticcnl iy mniut.-iiucil 111" ImosI traditions of the ltritisli army tliroug'ioi t the Irving day of January L.M t II ; and Tlieruyenift 's Mounted In fantry, who fought alongside of them. "(icncial W iodgate. whnwas in cuin niaiol at the summit, having been wound ed, the officers who sllccecilcd Ililll d'-ciil-i .1 on the night of January L'iUi lo aban don the position, and did so bi-i'orc dawn. January ""uh. "I n ai hod Warren's camp at ." a. in ui .lai m-ry ::."rh. and ih-i ic'cd lhat a seooil attack upon Spion Kop wis ai h fs. an 1 thai the eneiiiy's light was too strong to allow nie to force it. Accordingly I derided t virhdraw the force to the south of the Tng'l.i. At II a. in. we commenced withdrawing the train, and by S a. m. January -7 Sii nradyl Warren's force was ccnceiitra'ed MUith of the Tugcia w ithout the loss of a man or a :n'i d of stores. The fart that the f-r U ivith- draw from a the lines won apart with I did. is. I thin morale of th pi 1 llkilll d to etual touch- in some ctsis less than a I h ,.is.i n.l yards lie cm my in the manner it k. sufficient evidence f tile troops, mid that wo were withdraw our ouiehro is ox and n ' m I transport across the nvor. yards' broad. W'lh tw.oily foot ighty-liv banks ui., a very swift cum ed, is. 1 think, proof that tl been taught lo respect our -iug powers." l'. Ul'iuolcst- ' cuoinv has l.licr:' tigh'- ;SCH0ONER WRECKED. Capo Henry. .Ian. 'J'.l.-An un.kno steamer is n iorlcd asle re ai New let. .North Carolina. The crew of Nov Inlet Life Saving Station have g to liie rescue. NOW YORK FIRE. .New York. Jan. l!!).-dlay wood's chair factory, on ('In rry street, was burned this morning. Six men were injured and cai rinl out of tile building. The tire jumped the. strict and set two large warcleu,cs on Water Street afire. MAYOR'S COURT Five Offenders Before Mayor Powell at Today's Session. 111 the Mayor's Court Room this nioitl- lliig -live of tlnc iffenilers wire arraigiie-l, one o answer to two chargi-s. hut all of them hcing for minor ortenses, ami each getting justice. Two eases were dismissed, there not hcing sufficient evidence against tin- dc fotidanlH to lioM them for further ex amination. Xonnan Minis, colored, ehargnl with . airj'ng emieeahd -weapon's. was honml ovi-r to the March term of Suierior Court on a liond of $-". -which he gave. lie was also charged: with disotvlerly conduct and for this was fined $T.'i. ltcuhen McFarhliwl. chargcil with dis orderly conduct on the streets, was found iMnlii- o ml nniil into the treasury $4 :r to city id in decreasing the deficit in the trens-ury. J .r.iiocs Rroadie. ehnrgcil with th lar- eeny of an awnins 'Post, had to face more ! evidence than he could wallow ami was 1 limitid over to court on ,$25 bond. Mayor Powell received numy eaiiers io diiv, 'mainly from aiiKiiiK the ixwr who are eonn'hlii'i'1'-' " ais-onnt oft he cold. Of course the Mayor is di ing all' that he an to keep he lir of liie city warm dur ing this cold spell, but he mniiilains that Tr. ..Von llinmium. and .rmt ilrtniH-lr. is l,lw, fr 1ho 4Sihl spell. IT. Von Herrronn prel'letI the -ohl in his .Iml letiu today mid in tro'mK l";k, h -weiithrr e.Jder tonight. W.Uer siioiini he iiit off tonighi as the thermouieter will dro' to'lrt teffn-es. nKPEVf" orERA WK& Ul'ftXKD. Peekakill, Jan. 20. The Deiww Oneni irontse. built hy Jii friomla a a tribute , . i , ,. . . n u,,nAjt ttifa iiioru- ,o .r,T- 1, JTslsVi.. ll'il. 'CM I II I or l" wn i. in ss..s-.. is . . . . ... . . - a foredotiture sal .,t . ... SOCIETY HOME A Dr. Simms Declares Them J Responsible for Drinking and Gambling DO YOU KNOW TEN RALEIGH YOUNG MEN OF D CLEAR CUT CHARACTER ? Human Life Here Sacrificed on, the Altar (f Trade CHARITABLE HOMES DRIP PANS FOR FURNACES OF SIN Dr. Simms Preached His Fairwell Sormou at Baptist Tabernacle "Lord that W Mfght Have Our Eyes Opened," His Text Delivered Some Htav Blows, Rev. I)r A. M. Siiuins Sumlay riiion us pastor uigh I if tile reached Ids la,-l Raleigh Ilapii.st 'lahernaolc tau-ding ihc iiiolcinci I wr church was well tilled. Dr. Notwilh- athcr. the Sitiiucs' .ser- nioti was list trillion, ami inti re ting Ii CMcllollt Veil n.d w a 1 1 i !- am w i' h the cliisest at ii"t devoid of several 1 r. Sininis was, in ho was al his bust . The lest I'm Matthew, -i 'h "L-oril tiiat m' 'he c v i uing w as from liatier and olrd vers". might have our eyi . oei eil." In discussing I ii- ihtsu said that, there wire thre I liiiilne-s referred to in th Kir.-I, physical hlindncs very loniinon in I'alestinc vieitr was on earth. The Hi. Sitniu kinds of i gospels. , which was w hen the Sa- ' text was the ! utti ranco of t w o Christ and tu.idi1 blind men who came lo this impnssive reiiicst. w hii h meai.t Second, lb much tot hotu. ore is judicial blindness, t only tlic condition of main was tin : I 111! of - t lien l ut it w as als-i the coi, tin- Jewish nation. They had llitioll heoen. gospl'l Ilea I IS Itcss if s,, hardcncil that the set d of the loll upon harrou gioiii'd in their It had no effect. .Indicia! hliinl t In- state of those who having cars to hear, hear not, and having eves to sco. sec not. They i-oc only tin- evil spirit and do not see Christ. Third, is spiritual hlindiit-ss, ivhi. Ii is the condition of all the iinregi-iiei'ite. Tiny arc hliud to their helplessness and to Cluist. as their personal Saviour. lr. Simms then stated that he desired to direct tlic attention of the congrega tion to some of the things which we nccii to see that our i yes may he opened to these evils and dangers. I We need to sic the evil in our own hearts and lives. Kvil collects ill the heart like riihhi.-h 'in a house and we need to have our eyes opened to these sins. If our eyes were all opened to our sins tonight you would fall on your k s hi fore (i'-d now- and cry aloud and there would he such a haliitle lhat the cry would go forth over the city. "There's panic at the Tai cruaclc tonight." I'KKll, I'RCM RAI.KICH SOt'Ii;TV HOlMKS. Then. lr. Simms said that we needed to sec the evil in our own homes; the evil iufliii-iiecs which arc at work there Tim foundation of pure society and good government is the levari h-soue and there is no inure dangerous force at work to day than the reptile that coils at tin' lit'csiilis of our hoiiies. Hut while Mr. Simms said thai there arc evils in the tonnes of thai congregation lie declared. -The greatest peril is not from the In n-.es of the poor nieiiilicrs of the Baptist Talirnaclc. hut from the homes of Ihe soon ty people of this city, people who an- leaders in thought and enterprises and tr.iulilcrs of puhlic opinion. There it is that Ihe first, lessons iu gainhling arc given and the contest for the first prize and the Imohj- prize renders the excitement of the gaiulding tahlc faeinat ing. and. gainhling is hcing taught in tin so homes. You may talk ahoiu gain hling hells and dives and hlack legs, hut y.ni mcd to have your eyes opened t" ilios..' nurseries of the gainhling rooms. Ihe legs that need lo Is' hunted up are in the hinncs of the leaders in society. "I"is there the young men are taught to drink and the fair hand of a young lady prewsi'H the first cup to the tretuliling lips of the vniit'.g man." ":II VRACTKR WIUHXlS SVM MX'TKM l OIi MO.VF.Y -MAKING. The current of dishonesty starts in tlic homes. When the child sick father ami mother doing wrong and chuckling over ir. Ihe child naturally considers it smart. and the seeds of dcgrailatnui are idantel iu Ihe young heart 1er building is Ix-ing luiilcct and ruin in the , . i, A strong char- Home tor niouey-iiiuKiug. icter nnitit nnihrlav all true lives and a ncgh'ct of this foundation will draw the lines, of pain and suffering uikiu the par ents' wrinkled brow. vor.vt; mkiv of moral ciiAur 1 TEiIt SOARCIC. "How many ynuni; men of slron. clear eut m.iTtil character do you know in Raleigh V If any of yon know more simh men than y.m can count on your two hands hold thenii up." Xot tl hand went up and Mr. Simms wild that this showed a most Immutable onditinu iu this city. ItrSl'VKcM MKX PXMINMrt L OF IIPMAX life. Iir. Sininis referred to the low sliniaie placed upon life lit busbies. "Trade does not st.rp lo count the value of a human life. I-oiig .husriiiess houm 'tire primlinK, Krating ami robbind tho Htretwith ot young men, mnd vottEtr wxniKsn. I can count yonmr wwneiv vho were -fnir and rosy o when I came hero, but are - .. . J-s nil vaiiivk ni, nlM MVVf lUUsTsl HUU I'SMS. MM Vhwss " , wire strong and hearty hut now appear to be without strength and almost with out hope. Their lives are being sacriliced on the relentless altar of trade. Women working from 7 in the morning to 11 at ii:;rln and young men who rdmuM be in l '1 at ' o'clock kept ill their work until II and V2 o'clock, because men are rusli i:i' alter trade unmindful of tin- human iifc sacrificed, while (iod has placed the highest premium on human life." t llAKITAliLlO I N SI I i II 1 0 X S A I! K UONK-Y A It'! S. Idle heartily endorsing and approving ilic building and maintenance of charil ii I.I- institutions, such as homes of old no ti and women and orphans, I r. Siinn.s said lhat. tiny wen- really the drip paas no. lor the furnace of sin, they are hone jards, where we dump 'he leavings of nr cruel life. While you -dmiM labor !'.; these institutions with one hand you sli. old strive with the other to put out t ie furnaces of sin. the saloon, the gam 1 ling holes, and the places of degrada tion, an I open to them the inviting door to the paths of peace and joy. When Iminniiity erics heaven opens, r holds the saiTcdiicss of human lit' I cut IlllOV C the things of this world. i.f, i s sivK i in-: coon. Thoio is a ilaii...cr lost our eyes should lo oh .sod to the good going on around n- and we sec only the evil influences al w. rk. There is more right living and ruht -doing a tic us than we sc. The builders of ihc home of Jesus Christ in this world are with you. the angels as iiiini-loring spirits who are hauling for tin- weak, tin- persecuted and tlic op ; rossod. TllK TIM'K KOIMIA TlO. Tlic true I'oiindatioii of true prosperity and true success is Ihc tear of the Lord: "ii.u by wisdom, might or power hut by my spirit, saycth the lol'd." Tl ly hi. erring, unfailing foiimliiiiou of su,- o, -s is the fear of the Lord ground. the lll-M't. We need to sco thai Christ can will help us. Here it is that two a, a-ies are ait to make I In m-selves t'i,t. there is o danger lo-l we I ilou we do not. mid Chris''s help. d and tol lol I. . We higher delley anil mil- eVes opened to Christ's a:o I no, I, r life. Thou there is a to i,. ,i-siir. Hut Christ will be sin nlli at all times. We need lo sec thai tin' gospel the divine remedy for all the ills f human lite. The multitude of nostrums in- tin wild proves that ills exist; many ronio ,!ies arc offered: one man says more in telligence will cure those ills. another s-avs more legislation. another more illation, while another pre soi-ts as his cure more trci Mra'mt, and still another m tii n. I'iii none of these a The gospel of the Son o only all-sul'fioient divine p uffe'-ing humanity, l-'i preached, the pure, simple on from re . col cent i n sufiieieiit. Cod is 111" :cl-iilion f' i el ho i. old old hum that and life rospcl from this pulpit and sup) Willi a ootls-eorrited heart glllH-t TARTINC WORMS. Alter the las; hyi.ni and while the con gregation s'ood for the hen,-!i. -lion. Mr. Simms .said ht-iefly that his ministry -with the Tula i-naele now closed. He had hceu their pastor for si years and live months Saturdav. The time had passed rapidly and pleasat il!. Manx changes have taken place The church lutihliug has heen improved, a room addi d. a tie,'.- ":-i-pet bought in d a ilohr of W'1" M'-'1-The attendance at Sunday school -i years ago w a "i"11. now it is Siki. and 1 KM! names were on the roll al one time. The additions to tin- church havi .in.-. M in v have grow u iu grace I.CI M; Simms said that he had met with nn broken kindness hotli from tin- church, congregate :r and liicinhers of other churches, and he prayed that tile peace and l.h-ssing of Cod might rest u h.-ui all. He said that he desired to thank tin newspapers for the many ooiirto.sie ; that thev had all shown mm. 'Many regret have l.,n heard on si,,ois' during the past few days at Ill. Mr Sininis' departure from Raleigh. He stated today that hi.s plans for t future would he illinolttlcisl ten days. t in- ueI CUT OFF WATER TONIGHT. l-'or Rah-igli d vicinity: ami Tiiesda liolll 10 dog l-'air and ; tcmii.-ra-oes; wai.-r is turned verv cold toiiiglit turo pipes ill fail to vil! fr.oz mil. w ate olT. A collsidovalilo lip the At III Ml ie ' i.s central this m Light snow is i'i far south as N storm apparently moved i.-ist during Sunday, and ruing olT New l-'.ngland pot-tod from stations a nil Carolina, and ram oceiirrt I from I'h wave oei Valley. Iielov 7s along the immediate oast line oi.la to Maine A severe col.l upios the Lake Region and Ohi. Tin. teliilieraturc is - .legrci-s ro at Chicago. 'J degrees nliov al Cincinnati, and ' St. Iiuis. The cold experienced Tuesday which it w ill become ; degl s above ut s! weather will I"' morning. aft w ai nier. FIRE HURTS CORNELL STUDENTS i,..i....., I.,,. ' The Mclta Chi fl- lcge fraternity lodge was hunied tin morning. Fifteen siudeits es.ap'l o; iumping thiny feet to Hie grout. I. am six- were ha.llv injured. Thorn is Mown of Albany, had a leg broke. .:. F. Lam- i." ,,r vii .iov n fracture i : 1 1 i g 1 i , ..nn ami nose ' R. V.' Rhodes, of Trov. had l.ru.l .,,islle.P M. K.T.hill. ol A int. Ii a fractured jaw. I!. K. C'ng.lon. t.owatvda. a fractured foot, and Mi-Cren. of Silt Lake City, his back ill jured. The IMta 'Chi fi one ing fraternities represented their buililin-, was one of the of Cornell University. f the lead here, and ilornnicui MRS. BUTLER A PATRONFSS. The Washitigton Post of yesterday eoii taii:s ,i forecast of a most delightful evening for Wednesday of this week, -which is the event of the annual hall uiven by the Southern ltelief Society at the National Rifles" Hall in lhat city. Mrs. McKinhy heads the list of th- pa tronesses and among those linme.' with her are Mrs. Thonias 'Nelson Pane and Mrs. Sewn I or Marion Butler. LOST. One ilver Garter Clasp. Initials en' L." If found return to on it i-. tliU office TWO YOUNG BABES ! IN A BURNING HOUSE Saved From Death in Fire by a Neighbor MOTHER AND FATHER LEFT THEM AT HOME Oldest of Four Young Children Set Honse on Fire by Lighting His Falhcr's Pipe Scene of Conflagration Five Miles From Raleigh. iwit lillli- lt;ihi . r;uin tl nli S.iiiirihiv ;ilioii tit' Uillt'ill illlil Hi I'l n"'jlii' i n 'civ il liw milt'-: Miiitti "tily MUf,! I iy ;i r.l I In tiff. jiLiiii ;it i-r M i. Mini I ;ikt i In I 1 1 "Wit-; in ;i !hjM-" t-'l III in t imr t ru-h i h.-il.os fi-olii t he I iirning chihli'i-u had I, oca mi the era. lh s thev would ha lo death before the roc been :oct lilpl-shi d by the The eaus-i of th" fire the oldest of four child offspring haiiig I .-. 1 1 I. the father w hen he went huidiug. 1 1 t ho l-od aiol not in e heen l-urii' d lie collld llIIVc tieighhor. orii-iiiaicd w it h fell, all . I' I ill' 'ft at home l'. of to out Sun dav s sui't'lv ..I ,n.it. an. I Ihe in-.tli.-i- no! the in-illo having followed his exunipl,- .-n 1 a .piaiii f of a ii. -Ie further i. with friends. Tin- fiiiir eh;ldrc:i. t'llelll 'HI olg to lake ear.- of going n. ail o'f tf lllolll- selves. Were tllell Ill'.l The I w o ha hies u r,. iii ing. one of t he t w o ..I.I ing in the room, .-m.l th a s.,ii w ho is i.,, i ,,!,( ;i l.al.v in his ariio- do II' ill th'- hoiiso. 111., cradles ,soo;. I- ..lies im- ..lay- other, tile cl.lo. el .ugh to haloll .-hied th: r In- w ouroi I he al.-i n .1' hi- I II ii big and li.lil his fall .smoke. This he did an place m ar the h. .1 h-fi bet wci II the covers. Th setting the iM'ilelolhcs w oihl i.la I'd"- '''"' r ta king lo light. -I pip ovorlurne. ;v. thus h, he o,,op.- M-iior lo'i io- I arte the ipo oil ti .I in i e. it 1 cinning w hat termina t .iosiruction of the lion t.. til.- ground. It was iii'n i- the flames had sufficient headway to be seen b hi r that tin- work ot" rcs.-uiuj ('i tell began. Th- two oldest Im. sale their own escape, hut were to take their little oonij-ill i' lis fr 1 urning h nil. ling, aiol i'i.' neigiih. inir no ! sec what was the sii.-h a fire ran in and itsi ne.l tin- liahos in the cradles. The house thus , lot:. v.. I was a new l. litllit house on Mrs. llili's '.Iain ut i. mi. PO' ND GOLD IN GIZZARD News From Frankiinville Gives an In. leresting Chicken Story. A Raleighite W llo il,!-. ,!.s' I-. I. lllioi. ion, Frankiinville. Randolph - oi.ity. ai .1 Alio saw thai the story p. Id is true tolls of the I'm. ling by .Mrs. .. I- . .Mm k. ' that place, of six pieces of gold III the gizzard ol a pullet ol tins past y. -n s raising, which Mrs. Muiil-.ck had k:ll. ! I t'cW Weeks siliCC. Tlni'o Was olio piece nboiit the si.,, of a -Ivcalibrc bullet ami live siiuillei- pii'es, .me resembling a broken pin. Knoll piece was worn smooth, am! was pure g .hi as has I wot, found by tho-e who have made examina tion of tin-pii ces. It was al tirsi thought lhat the gold was in the crude form and tiiat 11 was picket lfolil 1 lie gravel in the brunches of 'Randolph which have always hi . u famous lor the amount of gold to l.e found in th. an by panning out Ihe .sand, and lilis viciv is still held by some 'Ihe Ralcigllite is of,- the belief that the gold found was hi. .ken jewclrv that lias remained in tin- r.-ks .! a branch for snipe lime, as there are regular indentations mi a.h side the largest piece of gold. It has suggested that the six pieces of gob ihe gizzard, which lias I u i.lcscrvi eight of heell I and .1, be sent here to the Slat.- Museum and placed among the 1 hotisniids ..f iia.-n sting exhib its tew the1'.. INCREASE IN APPROPRIATION. Chairman M.-ru r. of the ll.uise ' .. nun a Public I'.uil.liiigs and - :i u.l -. has receive. I from Assistant the Treasury Ta h.r a .h lai ,.f 'lie additional amounts lull. lie buildings now under -rein slat. i ..I 'lllellt ,1 for I 1 ' ' " throimhon! i he i -on n i ry, chi.-.. ." f the large rise in the price ..f boihling u.a tcrial. In Xorth Carolina. ''! linil-laig in course of cousi ruction at l-.bz ih.-l ii Citv, which was to have cost sr.ii.miii, w;li cost $s:t.iMUI, niid th" otll the formerly csiimat. .1 co-t Soi it it 10. ill amount lo : no hieil !.!!' 'P. iidilition.-il aiiropriati'.n nee. ,--.i ry I en el. the building as original1-, plana, is iccoinnicn.h d by the S en i-;. .1' ', Tri iisiiry. Tin: RAi.Kicn cicar. Mr. lirown lVgnun. the popular vile-j-nian for llieiniiiau I'.i'oihiis. of lla!;i more, is iurrodiiciug to ihc trade here h-s latest brand-the Raleigh cigar. Il is mild, swcit smoker. Havana tiller. A represcnl alive of a Phil pli'.a )l i ,,-est. ill setim, the one that was so into,-, the National Kxport F.xposition city last fall, luw hern in Rah'ig! the past few days, at templing to lhat iir'uig t lh- endorsement of ihc Raleigh I 'ifliinierce to a niptest lh:i la.llbel ol ' Ulg". ss Ihe ooH"i- make extra, appropriation t tiott of foreign sativpl lle states that under the scheme proposed a gr f iuan tity of the samples "htained will bo sent to lliis section of the country. A scheme is on foot to make the niAt I'Olh of May a (Treat day iu Raleigh, n.i-1 to hare a Con federate Reunion at the time of the uiirvoiling of the Vance Monu ment. The matter will lie taken up by the local camp of Confederate Veterans anil the Chamber Of CommuTce al Puir nest meetings. Some favor n imto,i uieat tuitil the last of. May. ALLEGED BURGLAR UNDER ARREST ! Man Who Robbed Gen. Carr Caught in Georgia SUSPICION THAT HE BURGLARIZED HOUSES HERE When He is Brought lo Dm ham Investi gation will be made as to His Whereabouts when Burg laries were Comtnited Here. I hief .1. cpl.V ma :i h I. -id. In o.lp! Ill'c. f Police MllllillK , f lilis city is ilcie-tcd in the ivpoi-1 that the i huigla rizisl (,'oneral .1. S. Carr's in Murhain last fa!! has hceu ia I ;, 'orgiii As .-oi.il as the fol- .W I lll'IIILdll to I I'li hain ( hief ,M ullius and see if any evidence nil e.. tuns -i ing him with u!l m csi III be discoV th" burglary of l! .tilelll of Mr. s ii might 'Olll'lllitted 1 .Mr. Jain, s 11 t lie burgtarv w, I in r!in in. sled in ( tid thus . kiii.as s 11 Jew ..no has Raicigh, city the III! Ills ,1 ( '.hell , i . . Il lollli.l 1 in and if he h is ia i hini i l Mi Ihi I been lll'd Mcvc..c gfeatest iu- d w. Tlie Murhaiii II. !d ol Sun. lay morn- tig sa.vs: '"It is to ma li who), i- in tin- Iii "Pink, it has ihe inn aim ,s ei'i.iiii that I '-i it's resi i the nee .1 I M itel': of ihc I dcle.lii igcncy. which p eli.l sViih go. has rlispatchtd Ca.. to look into tlic thief does out a ii:;i!t ti Ti Ilia; "II pri- or iiioler arrest is IL'trry 11., was arrosiod in Su f.ir robbing a iiot'se iu " in, I carried back to the lat- Chon. a .1. v a ii nn h. d Tholnasv :11c Id' place I i ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 1 1 g -e. It is ihtii Im a. Inn!-' to ting the robbery here and s aliil was not tin- lifst tim.- ho had rii in ra I Carr. ,-iud veil on to say robbed him in o'cklivn in ISSt. lhat hi 1 that I I is a 1:11-1 1 1 iii I lo- lai c I I I o 1 1 1 ! .stud, i . rod. All tl nn Ceiicral Car-' v.as robbe,l naliied. of a very fine dia i hieh was afterwards ris-ov -is helps lo give color to the id, a t hiit ( 'oh "I I is also Virgitiiii and t he man "wanted he said that he is wauled it several other places iu r.-hhin:.'. "lleiiiiid Can-said last night th was iu. t In Id for the Thoinasvillo r he would be brought hack here i as the proper papers could lie .- ! if he llbeiy. s .-O 111 cured. .l.i--y dctec- ii't the 111 the pro bled h is connect ion with the 1 hi n- could In csiablislnsl by the ices " " ii iii'i-al ( 'ai r is of tin- opinion t man Chi a followed liini home fr pi .1 1 Ii im one trip and then laid hi lis plans the man e h is I'i l- thf job. Lulcrs. lie thinks, e-iiiii. buck and robbed the hint known that Cohen was h this section ot th. stiile It loo lb, Oil the s liow il' st.-l." lime of if the ie robbery. :hi man had LOCAL NOTES Miss June Andrews is in Charlotte vis iting Miss Lliziihiih Robertson. Mi-s. I-'. A. Ol.K. who has been eui1e sick, is illllch betlcr. Miss Melin Litchford us critically iii ut her hoiuc. cun;er of Morgan and West si n 'ts. Miss Kli.a M.M.re is coiitiucl 1. II. I lc on Jones .street by sicklies -. Re. Mr. Charles K. Taylor, of Wake l'l.lesl College, prejlclnd two ox.vllollt sci in. .us ui the I'it-st Itaptist church yn teri:i. Mr. Taylor returned io W-ik" Forest today. I'ho Arlington Col..n Mills were today in,-. u -iH. rated in the Sicretary of State's office. The capital stock c the ooiup.-iiiy is incorporate with lieaihiiartcrs at Ca ll u county. Tlie nftioes ; ;ti i. ii Hi. and I I'..:- :;t years, tenia, iu ens ure I'resiilenl and Treasurer ' W. IJogan. Vice-IVesi-,l, nl. L. L. J. i kins. The other iucor poratofs an- C. K. A.lanis. .1. M. Moore and . A. Mcl.cac. The Nov a pa). or l State 1-nt I.I. ssilig , other Stat mil! ooiibl Inn' ma il tClitiolls ham "or.- York Woii I is to establish il! al Roanoke Rapids. 1his whether liiis will prove a the new spnpers of lilis and s it is impossible to toll. A be of great beu'lil but xvc i ll. Il confidence iii the goo.! New York W.rrhl.--liir- hi. ll-S Siillie ..it North 111 ,. Mr. I-',. IV Ixiib .nut i is nitikil); Hi ot w ith s t his w int r Cotiipany : hci Iioiim' the family Mos, Visit, A Cuiiirv will aiiive in Raicigh t.-mo h ; in. w iiere i h, 'Fiiev aipoar iu t. at i :-.-,-w night. M:ss SlloW.lel issued cards to ..ti Wednesday w ho will In- tin ifiving from I Mir- a;'l ,'ir loiiighi. iidcniy of Music . ill tile Car a re Mniliaui. has i to ! giv-n Among t!i"s' pi, e Clllllg. gllests f honor on this ..i-. iisioii arc Miss Mais.i i 1 lii'n-s. of li ui ho "iio-t of Miss -sic Carroll and ii Raleigh people Wcliiesday after thin occasion. Travelling Agent si. in. who is hero us i Fih.l N.itTis. .Mi-s .1. Miss I'.igelnw. Scvei. will go up to Durham noon to be i resent on Rev. I L. Striiigtiohl of the ltatnisl Feinii d hist night hefi.i-i Fuivci'sity. preiieh- t he Congreeathm of ih, Fiiyriicvilh' Street Rapist Olmreli one yiar ..Id baby. 'olorcd. died yes lav mi Swain street. The name of A te th hild was JelTrcys. Mi-s Laura Kirly, who has. hi en at In, mo since the closing of Cm State; Norm i-c nil" l-l.sini.- ui l.e- , ,.-.i' , ,,'i in -. , '.- , ,v 1 iidiistrial illcg-. left this mom- . , ti f e -present, at tip' reopening of ; ; "I.. . 'V' jf II of ihc Be.iutifiil Is'g.i'.i oa St, ,t '- I ight at l:H oVloek and isnfit i , al mid Industrial College left thin morn ing In Ie the collcfe. The fall ui-iluv night early Sunday morning. AKaimi fh eaia-"y t i Till fell thi moniius. Uftleytti iJ l', of fiie points fanthert south at xx-meO! snow has fallen duriug the past two sl.lVH. . ' . - - -1 tic- I 1

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