fllE TIHES-Y1SIT0R. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31, 1900 PCBLUHSD Mt THJB VISITOR-PRESS ODMPAJTT. (INCORPORATED.) OFF10B IN THB ACADEMY OF - mvaso, rm w. martin sr. Communicationa or items of iiawi eon eeraiog abject of local interest are desired by this paper and will bo pub lished if worth of space. All aiicn communications should be addressed to The Times-Visitor, and not to individual members of the staff. Names of authors should accompany communications, bfit will be omitted in publication if desired. euUdCBIPTION PRICES. wue lear (3.90 Una Month M THB LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN 01 TY CIBOCLATION. TIMES-VISITOR TELEPHONES: Inter-State 'Phone 178 Bell Telephone 133 Murder to Noulaad s sanrlnrs boa rule Is tyranny of wh4A tVy Should rid themselves if they vNH pre serve their liberties under sepublieah form at ftrreiusneat when they tuBy StioreclatS 'the enoaaMr of (he mvcdved J the deliberate .uppaSoa oor subversion of toe will of toe majority they 'will find an mole remedy in the haslet was CEonsst dectJutt "laws. lightened public sentiment and independ ence in voting will destroy any boss sys tem that was ever devised to thwart and nullify the will of the people. Tbs ery for a ukm stafioa to Durham lias Jeeh begun by the people of that town, and is led by the Durham Bun. J erer sealo-as paper that it is for the good. of local interests. The proposition ar that the town of Durham lias frown amd should have public accommodation commensurate with the importance of that station. The Southern Railway, Seeaboard Air line and Norfolk and Western Railway are appealed to and the Can aotiatatee that if the fteroe do not unite In riving ample accommoda tion, one of the three will be appealed to and wul he offered the largest share of patronage that can be given to it It is merer wise to attempt to acooa pUsh any matter by threats, but it seems that Durham has an excellent case and should be civen a favorable hearing by the railroad companies that divide toe patronage of that enterprising tobacco city. A RfiA-L ATTRACTION. Ones more Raleigh is to be given a theatrical treat and a genuine artist is to give a performance in the AntAimj of Music During this season Louis James, Kathryn Kidder and Charles HuaiiorJ presented "A Winter's Tula" ami the en tire city was charmed. L'p to p-n (here has been ualy thu one play that is equal to the bust that is given iu the iorth, hut once agaiu a really tLnu.'laiti attraction is hooked, Herrmann the ' Great, than whom there ia no greater in ! his line and who is noted througuoiu the whole country for his wonderful powers. Ills winter has seen Herruuui mul has witnessed the wonderful spectacular per formance of tiolaxet. 'X'his one feature of Mr. Herraum's attraction costs him about $400 per week, aud it is that sum that must be guaranteed huu lor each ap- pearSiUce that he makes ui tins part of the country. In the -North, ins guarantee luouma to three tunes dial amount, aud so it does in the far South, but Herrmann is going fur lame aud his appearances in a tew of the JSoumern anon is ouiy for the purpose of breaking hut long journey to Havana aud the Ciiy ot Mexico. xhe pobitiuu that Raleign m to take in the eyes of theatrical managers of tne North depends largely upon tne appre ciation shown hers for the nigh c productions that stop here under guaran tee. Whether Raleigh theatre goers wish first class productions will be defin itely settled by another season. The no tices reprinted from other papers con- snuag the programme rendered by Uamnan do not in a single instance give UBoeserveo. credit. J. he performance at such nature that ail of the electrical facilities in this city will be necessary on 'Wednesday night to aid the great magi cian in his work and to give the powerful sjad Intense light Chat is necessary for oss production uf Soiaret'a wonderful It is hoped, by those who lore good at tsactions, that this season will mark a bmt era ia the theatrical life of Raleigh, that the efforts of the hs Academy of Music to present the productions will meet with proper and that the coming of the Texas Steer," The! Christian" and "tjuo Vadis" will be properly welcomed by theatre-goers to that extent that we may aspect in future equally good at tractions as are presented in Atlanta and tha Other large cities of the South. COMMENTS ON KENTUCKY. (From the Baltimore Sun.) Then is fear of Federal interference in Ksotucky, but this would not he war ranted unless tbs State authorities ore nsssle to preserve order. Under the taw the Legislature has the power to decide contests for State officers, and if Its de clssion is against Governor Taylor it mast be assumed that it is carryong out the wishes of the majority of the people of Kentucky. As a matter of fact, this tnr sot be the case, but as long as the Legislature acts within the law there should be no interference by the Feder al aothcrities. The election of State of . Bean ta not a matter which concerns the Fedora 1 Government President Mc- Klnley should not interfere in Kentucky, tfcenfore, unless the situation is such that, for the protection of life and prop- arty, action by the National Government is essential The country has' not for gotten the fUmsy pretexts upon which there -was Federal interference m the affairs of the Southern States not many years ago. The situation ta Ken tacky exemplifies anew the evils- of boesism in potties. There an irreconcilable conflict be tween good government and bona ism, and until the people, of Kentucky put an end to political despots they will always be exposed to the intrigues and the lawless- "Better Be Wis Than Rich." Wis people art also rich when the know perfect a mm T remedy for ill nnnoymg dis eases of the blood, Aidneys, liver snd bowels. It is Hood's Satstp&rUU, xuhich is perfect in its action. R so regalates the entire system ts to bring vigorous health. It never disappoints. Rheumatism "Jfj motto, tight yssrv old. hat nctivtd much bnuflt from UUng Hood't StnparSU for r Amms Utm, and rocorrmmd Hood's to otfma." Agnta D. Dtrby. Jamestown. N. Y. Catarrh in Head-".Wy daoghttr had catarrh in the head and Hood't Sar tapariOa cured It. We take It at blood medicine and tonic and U keeps as wUaU summer." Mrs. Ed. Peterson, KUtbey, Mont. NW Life "At a spring tonic and blood purifier Hood't SarsaparSU over comes that tied feeling and grvtt oar whole family new life." Wm. JSngel 813 5th Ave.. Ptoria. &. Grip Cold-"Afr boy had a terrible gip did and viae very much ran down. Hood't SartaptrSls. made him evaff at growing strong and fleshy." Mrs. Tkm. S. Osbom. Nonoatk. Ct. HaYins decided to discontinue Mmss I offer my entire stock consisting of Dry Qczdjth:: Trunks, Hats, etc. AT AND BELOW COST H.H.Crocker, No. 9. E. HABOKTT. Store For Rent. Possession jrt vene aooa As stock ia disposed o H.H CROGKSR i SuttAj art can go into further it deatzaor deooratJob These luAxamplea of quiglt workmanship, displayed by m todary, are the bapstoce on all preTious effort in the pro d notion of things beautiful. To see them is in itse lf an education. You are invited to see the lovely objects we i Ttia California have gathered for the Christ mas s'eason. You will not be asked to buy unless, indeed, these Jiinty rings, hese cunning s..vrr lovehies, thse'tiend-ed ooa captivas tion- have we, small voles in their beauty and their piloe H. Mahler's Sons. Jewelers. i MOTJib- UEABalbBB) XAaUtKn. H. T, do tod strrrBa wrm HEADACHES? INDIGESTION? t3. ERVOUSNESSt St aajr MlMr trouk: ium4 by a SI-onKr-4 lUmaght ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS WUI at nu rive rlr nrt almost qulck;r mir- ma Ttln cnt r two or the itbtet- riot eanh m-ai. SOLD BT ALL DRUGJI9TS- 10 CK1ITS Mowal Htodoeh Tablttt Art jlolvKlu Hurml. fruil Store Is Open and Will Keep a full line of the best FOR-. EIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. California fancy CELERY and CATJLIFOWEFt Pull line OANs THER'S and WILEY'S CANDIES Call and see us and we will serve you with great pleasure. Packages delivered, interstate telephone No 227, ALEX VERNAKES, Preprleter. STOOKHjOUMIRS' MBKTrNXJ. There wiM be a luoetiag ot the stock- huUler of the Mlrose KiiHng Mill Company u February 2, Itfuo, at Las JUattss ooioe at o e dock p. m. to cousiiler anteinlmeua to the followiag by laws: Art. Ill, section 1; Art. IV. section 1, 3 and 5; Art. V, section 1 simI for suob other .purposes ss may be proposed. J. W. UABDIN, JK., Secretary. Jan. 23, 1000. IVo Are Hoadquartoro. for nearly every Grade and ityle (t whtl paper manufactured. There are more new designs and more beantitnl color ing here than yon have ever teen at any other ettablishmeat. Unr floural effects surpasses anything i r we have ever had, they are so natural J that you will want to gather the flower mi and smell of them. & The r earer we come to nature, the .j mvi. nearer we get iu iericuuuu un wsu paper stock of ours Is so natural that It seems a wilderness of flowers. .Come and see our 1900 line. Sothern Wall Paper Co., i $ WEST HARGETTST. TMofiamta Flowers. Hood't Hill f UTTllli;thsoii-lrrmttin u ulr cathfcftla to Uku with Hood'l SmajartUs. Beef! Bcof! Unexcelled Beef, Yeal and all Meats. Cut by Mr. Creel, whole an artist in the business. Call on F. H. HUMICUTT. City Market. Interstate 'Phone 182. COOKING. You should have goxl Wtaes, Brandies, Rum and Cordials for cooking. We have them Bass Island, Sherry and Sweet Catawba Wines ftl.OO per Oai. N. C. APPLE BRANDY 75c per at JAMAICA RUM tl.00 aerst RAPE BRANDY f 1.00 Mr at Wenrry ia )3kth i ai n'. Prea ob Cordials, Imported a- d Domestic table and cooking Wines which we offer -at the lowest prices Our Belmont Rye Whiskey (10 years old). The best for Family and Medicinal uses. ACME WINE CO. We are Headquarters for CUT ELOWERS, ROSES, CARNATIONS, VALLEYS, HYAGINTHS, VIOLETS AND NARCISSUSSES. Boqutts and Ftorhl Designs ar ranged in best style at short notice. PALMS, FERNS, AUD OTHER POT I LAri To, lor House and Window Deco ratton, Fern Pishes s apeemty SHADE TREES, EVXROREE H8 and SHRDBSRIES, together with all kinds of green house and out door stock. Vegiteole riant or a'l tinas fn 'essoin ttee oar show-window st J. I. John soas drugstore Leave sdr tfcsr o aa I 'phones . Sim Inlei slats 14t. Ml 140. Reaideae,Jsl 8M. J.L.O'QuinnScCo. Florists. Corner Polk and Svtn JSticr-t Rakigh, N. C. 809 FAYETTEVILLE 8C, RAL.KIGH. N Interstate Phone 144. Be., i MORTGAGE! 8 A LiB. By rlitue of aucharlty cooXsrred in two nwntgages svecated by WUlUm and Jane Oook, recorded in books 114 and 157. at pagea 7S7 and 370 respectively, ia Register of Deads Offioe of Wake Coun ty, N. C we will on Thursday, the 15th day of February, 1800, at the Court House door in the city of Raleigh, sell sit 12 o'clock M., to the highest bidder for cash, that tract or parcel of iand lying and situate Waa Quant, N. a, in St, Mary's TwwBsUas about one-half mils front the village of Garner, adjoin ing the huids of F. H. tabes, the tats Burton Dnpree and described as follows: Bejdoniag mt a stake, V. H. Busbee'e corner, h Barton Dapreew hue, thence with saht Bosbee'a Uos a. l degrees W. 17 chains and 01 lis to state, his corner at Burton Dupree's Urns, thence with Burton Dupree's Has N. 88 de grees W. 4 chains and 47 links to a stake, Alviu Dupree'a ceeaer, in Burton Dnprse'e hoe, thenee wieh Ahria Dn prees has N. 1 degrees B. 18 chains and 0 links to a stake, Aiviu Dupn eomer ia - Barton Dupree's Uae aience with Burtao Dupree's line 8. 80Vi degrees E. 4 chains and 01 links to the beginning, containing 8 acres. Upon this lend is a small, nearly new, Xvrth Carolina Wake County. in the Superior Cuurt, Fehrus'-y 'I'erm, 1U00. To Da rid Stephenson; You are notihed that las Stephenson, your wife, has brought a suit sgaiust you to February Term, 1000, of Wske Superior Court, tor divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the charge of atMUtdoiuuent, and that her comp.amt will be hied within the first three days 1 ot said term: wnen and where you villi answer, demur or plead to tne same: aud uu your failure to do to, she W'M luk to prove the allegation of her com plaint and have the relief granted by the Court as therein demanded. W. M. RU3S. Clerk Wake Superior Court. J. U I. Harris. 1'Iaiutirs Attorney, NOTIOH OT ALBl By authority of a dead of trot and mortgage from C. &. Lee end wife. rs surded in Book UM, page ISBCt, and Book 121, page two, records of RegsKer of Deeds ot Wake county, and by request of UMrtgegofa and to perfect title, 1 will on Monday, the 12th day of 'Februa ry. 1W0, at 12 o'clock it, at the Court House door of Wake County, sell to the nighest bidder for cash the following -described lands in St. Mary's Township, Wake County, to-wit: Filler TRACT. btwins at hickory ou the north bank of Swtft Creek. Dr. John Jones' corner, thence east & poles to the tieesley Branch, t bene a up the various courses of said Branch to the Road, thence with the road nearly northwest to Tates Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to Swift Creek, thence down the various courses of said Creek do the beginning, containing 477 acres, less 100 acres conveed to B. JeweU ae shown in Book 80, page 640, records said Register'a of fice. Said tract of laud will be sold in parcelB at said sale. SKUOOrD TBAOT.-Begma at a stake in Ueeaiey Branch, near a pine poplar, the old run and the west side ot the Smxthhold Road, runs thence with said branch southwest 82 poles to stake, U. R. Lee's comer, thence N. Btf degrees with said Lee's hne, 116 poles 8 links to a stake in the right of way path i near a amah pine, thence with said path 58 degrees hi. 63 poles 13 links to two small white oaks on the sooth side of the path, theuoe with the path N. 40 degrees n U poles, thence N. 28 de grees . 29 poiea 20 hake to (he Snith- held Road, thence with said Road sooth 34 degrees & 13 poles, thence S. 26 de grees E. 21 poles 10 links, & 23 degrees K. 22 poles 15 hnks, & 2M4 degrees K. 11 poles u links, S. 32 degrees K. 10 poke 10 links, S. 2Uft degrees K. 19 poles 15 links, 3. 32 degrees K. 10 poles o links to the hwgttmlnsT. containing ST acres, more or sess. W. N. JONES, Attorney. For Your f JQLY i GOOCEEIIUS, JCALL ON FERRALL d J.R. CO. 222 Fayetteville Street. lost Goods at Lowest Pricos. H1HHJJ Celler With Coal m eneKCBf C T means filling the house with oomfort durlng.the Winter in every nook and oorner. An ounce ot preven tion is better than colds and doctor 'a bills, and those who burn onr high grade coal in their furnace will mt havetogetthepoundoroure. Ttare) is no time like the present to get ta your Winter's supply. Coal gods up as the tbermoroetor goes dowa Jones & Powell, RALEIGH. V. 0. SALE OF CITY PROPBRTY. of the po' cottage. PEEXiB & MAYNARD, Attoroeya For Mortgagee and Assignee of Mort gagee. This January 12th, 1900. North Caroline Wake County. In The Bupeiioi Court. Fehtoarr Term. 10O&. To Frank R. Page: Yon are notified that Addle Pue. m wife, has bttMdht a suit aa-alnst von to rVbraary Teem. 1900. Ot Wake aonsrlar uoun, ear dlvnres from the bonds of trimoay on the charge of ahsruliasissui, and that her compiaint wll be filed with- tue ffret three data of said term: when and mm nn wlil lunar. itm S. Q. SIGGBR8, Patent Lawyer, plead to ffae satnfr; and oh your failure " asmngum, v. -v., peonsne a varaaue to o so, ne wtd ask to prove the altega copyrighted book entitled "How to Ob-! tion er her eomphtint and have he renef tain Patent,. Caveat, Trade Mark and granted by heeonrt as tnereta taaaaded uopyngng ixotsction wtta pacwtai inj W. M. BTJsS, nuua ,s"t owsk a sep7 win wm ssnt free te say aiJfssa J. Ol h. HI s dirk Wake AspeMor Court Under and by virtue contained ia a deed ert K. Parham and to R. T. Gray, trustee, recorded ia Book 139, page 35, Register of Deeds office for Wake county. I will on Saturday, the 24th day of February. 1900, at 12 o'clock M expose to sale at public auc tion from the Court House door ot Weke county the following described lot in the city of JiaMgh, to-wit: 1 bat certain lot or parcel of land lying on the sooth side of Martin strest In the city of Raleigh, between Blonnt and Person streets and bounded by a line beginning at the northeast corner of Mrs. M. H. Lowery's lot, running thence eastward ly with the south side of Mar tin street 47 feet to the northwest cor ner of Oetingers lot, thence southward ly hy a lins parallel with Blount street 210 feet, thence westward v 47 feet to die southeast of Mrs. Lowry's lot, thence nortnwanuy 210 feet to the beginning on Martin street, being a part of Lot No. (H In the plan of the city of Hal eigh and. the eastern half of the lot conveyed to R. E. Parham by John Ann- strong by deed recorded in Book 128, puge 171 Register of Deeds office for Wake county. Terms of sale. cash, but satlsfactorr purchaser can arrange terms for pay ment of haK purchase price. tune of sale, February 24. 1800. B, T. GRAY, Trusts. Tho Answer the Same by All Buv your goods from the store that has the Crisp, Snappy, Up-toDate Bargains For VVido Awako Buyers Letters and figures cannot tell half the Bargain story. You must come, make your selections, and be yourself the Judge. We have gone through our entire Stock aid cost of the article has not been considered. We know that we never offered more for the money than we do at the present time. No matter bow hard you are to suit, come in, give us a triaL Our Stock In roThT Clothing and Especially in OVERCOATS; Is well assorted and comprises bargains that you cannot find elsewhere Our Neckwear Department. We always keep up-to-date and you will find all the late stvtes and weaves in this line CROSS & LINEHAN. OP-TO DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administrator of the estate of Frank U Badey, deceas ed, I hereby give notice to those hiring elabne against said estate to present them to me on or before January 10th, 1901. or this notice will be plead ia bar of then recovery. Those owing said estate are also notified oa snake payment to the un- a W. NBWOOMB, FANNING CRAIG, Attorn. say a.t Law,' COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS (A 8PECIALTY. Rooms 8 and 9, (kwrtiertoal and Farmer's Bank Building.