mam Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream of Tar tar. Most healthful and effi cient of all leavening: agents. AS A. (MAN AND POLITICIAN. Goebel One of The Most Novel Figures In Hia State. Though a Kentucky politician, William Goebel ia free from many of the charao t eristics which are commonly attributed to menof that class. He does not drink. Ue does not smoke or oae tobacco in any form. Ho does attt play cards far joney. He ia said to be a woman hater. Hia moat marked chtaracteraatica are hia coolness and determination. Oppon ents have described him aa an iceberg. While the maaa of pollticiana at gather iogs m Kentucky bare bean indulging in fervid oratory and appeals to sentiment, ha baa sat stall without a trace of emo tion an hia pale face, coolly calculating th chance (or getting the most votes. iBcrn in Sullivan county, PeanaytYamia, 42 yean ago, Goebel when a boy was taken by hia parents to Oovingtnn, Ky., which has been hia home ever since. In early life, it la said, he waa a bootblack. After raoeiving a good education through hia own energies he made the friendship of Governor John W. Stephenson, who took the young man into his law office. Ia few years ha tad shown audi ability that Governor Stephenson took him aa a law partner. 'Upon Governor Stephenson's death (Mr. Goebel waa made hia executor without bond. Goebel'a ability aa a lawyer attainted the attention of John G. Carlisle, and for several yeara he was the partner of that great Kentucky lawyer. Twelve yeara ago he waa elected to the State Sonata to represent Kenton county. He has served continuously aa such ever since, and is now a hold-over Senator. That is the only public office be has ever 'held, except that la waa a member of the Kentucky Constitutional Conven tion. He waa a candidate for Judge of the Court of Appeals in the district now represented by Judge T. H. Paynter, and H was he who finally threw the nomina tion to Jodre Paynter. He baa a law prat ice which, it is said, nva ken at least 125.000 a year, and by hard work, economy and the exercise of hia marked legal ability, he has accumu lated fortune saM to reach prooaniy a quarter of a million dollars. Hx-Qov. John Young Brown recently said of him: 'Mr. Goebel can Dut more In a 20-line u brief -titan almost any other lawyer xa Kentucky can express in three pages of foolscap. HJa power or concentrating much thought and information mio few brief words baa been one of the se crets of n remarks Ue success aa a law. yer " Aa a auember M the State Senate Goe bel baa made a record, the greater part nf which la still fresh an the public hum From tie Degfanin of Sia career in polltica he fought- she iLoufaviH and Nashville Railroad and other corporations. He has been the author of several to- TEACHER." ff. must he willing to learn from the experience of other people. Every tewti nwial in ravor of Blood's Sarsaourilla la the voice ef experience to yon, tad It s your duty, if your Mood la impure and your health failing, to take this medicine. Ion have every reason to expect that it i .in for von what it baa done for aa toy- ' HOOD'S PILLS ears JO Many mixtures, made in imitation of baking powders, are upon the market They are sold cheap, but are dear at any price, be cause they contain alum, a corrosive poison. portant State laws, notably the Goebel election law, which regulates elections in Kentucky and has been much criti cised. It ia held that this law gives the dominant party too much control of the election machinery. GIBSON-FIELD. Romantic Marriage of the Daughter of Mrs. Thomas Neltion Page. The marriage of Miss Minna Field, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page of Washington, to Mr. Preston Gibson, a student at Priucvton, which took place Saturday, has created a teusaUon in Washington and Chicago society. They met in New York on Saturday afternoon, and a telegram sent to the bride's mother yesterday morning an nounced their marriage. Where or by whom the marriage ceremony was per formed is still a secret, the contracting parties merely announcing the event and intimating that they would be pleased to receive a remittance to enable them to continue their houeymoon. Mrs. Gibson is just 17, but has been the heroine of several romantic attach ments, and promised to be one of the bells of the next few years. Slip was to have made her debut next season. She spent the unnstmas noli lays in Washington. She is the daughter of tie late Henry Field, a brother of .Marshall Field, a millionaire merchant of Chicago. For many years he vsb a partner with Us brother in the dry goods business SALE OF By authority of a judgment of SuDerior Court of Wake County, the in Sipecial Proceedings, entitled the Mechan- iesMinie Sav ings Hunk, executor, vs. John W. Horton and others, the under signed Commissioners appointed by the Court, will eel to the high est bidder at the Court House door of Wake county, on Monday, February 26, 1900, at 12 o'clock M., the land known aa the Horton property, sit uated between West and Johnston streets o 16 J $Tt,9$ 7 jj 5 1 M l I 1 I MORTON ST If mitS:Nii?8, 9. 10. 63 ft. x lWtt, acb; Nm.11, 12 and 13, 661 Ud 16. U, X itsd 82, 61M It. X lUbalwoh. and amassed ft lattfa fortana, estlisiataa t $0,000,000. Mr. Gibson also spent tit Ohriatmaa holidays in Washington, where ba makes his home with his ancle, Jostle White, of the United 8Utes Sap rem Court. He is not quit 21 years old, and is the eon of the lata United States Senator from Louisiana. He la an orphan and Inherited an ample fortune from hia mother, -who was be fore her marriage, a Miss Montgomery, of New Orleans, belonging to one of the old aristocratic families of that city. He is a good looking, athletic young fellow. It is expected that Mrs. Page will join her danghter in New York In a few days, and that the young people later will be welcomed home. Baltimore News. THE SPINNING HEEL. There's sweetness in the perfume, and there's music in the song, But sweeter and more precious era the memoriea that throng. When dreaming of the past I hear soft, gentle murmurs sound Of music that I nsed to love the old-time spinning wheel. The humming of the spinning wheel! it tells of lore snd care A. mother's kiss, and children's play, and of a father's prayer The lullaby so often sung is wafted back again. And tenderly, as mother aJwaya sang the soothing strain: Sleep, baby, sleep, my darling! For more than words caa tell Thy mother lores thee, precious one. May angels guard thee well I Sleep, baby, aleepl The broad, old-fashioned kitchen it was the happiest spot. For It waa mother's throne room, and wfli nerer be forgot. The cradle In the comer, and the wheal beside the door. Just where the rose Tine shadows threw ! upon the sunny floor. And singing, softly singing, as with gentle , step and alow i She backward moved and forward, spin ning wool as white as snow. Then gathered off the fleecy yarn in skeins upon the Teel, And once again her song resumed, beside the spinning wheel: "Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber, Holy angela guard thy bed. Heavenly blessings withmt number Gently falling round thy head." All through the cold, dark winter months. when fields were bleak and drear. Within 'twas like the summer time, so full of warmth and cheer. The evening hour waa merriest of all the happy day It seemed as though the spinning wheel took pleasure in our play; And when the spinner's task was done, around her easy chslr We gathered In a reverent group, and said our evening prayer. O! happy are the thoughts that come, and aweet the Joy I feel, Whene'er I think of home and of the aid time spinning wheal. Now I lay me down ta site?, OVr me God his watch will kasfv If I die before daybreak. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR Mrs. Wioslow'a Soothing Byrop has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children ahlle teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, aoftena the gums, al lays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will xclleve the poor little suffer immediate ly. Sold by druggists in every part ef the world. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. Be aura and aak for "Mra. Wiasiuw toothing By nip," and take no other ktad. IF YOU WANT To Sell Old Clothes. Old Shoes. Hats Old Gold, Pistols, Watches, Guns, or any thing, Call Bel phone 864. Harris Steam dye Wk'b Suits Cleaned 75c. Cleaned and Dyed $1.5. VALUABLE REAL and the Raleigh and Gaston Bail road, containing about six acres, and which is bounded on the north by the Cameron property on the east by the iands of the Raleigh end Gaston Railroad Company, on the south by the lands of said Com pany, C. J. Hunter, the heirs of P. C Fleming and others, and on the west by West street. The above described valu able property has been divided into 22 lots, including the Horton residence, and streets bave also been extended through jQHHBOK-- -n-r. Southern Railway. THE STANDARD RILA WAY OF THE SOUTH. The Oiieot Line to All Polnta. TEXAS. CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST GLASS Equipment all Through and Local Traina; Puilma Palace Sleeping Oars on all Nigh Trains. Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a safe, comfortable and Expedi tious journey. Apply to ticket agents for time tables, titea and general Information, or ad dress No rouble to answer questions. Frank 8. Gannon, Third Vice President and General Manager; J. M. Gulp, Traf fic Manager; W. A. Turk, G. P. A, Washington. U. 0. B. L. VERNON, THAD O. BTURGI8, T. P. A. Q. T. A., Ohsrlotte.N. a Raleigh. N. a TO ALL POINTS NORTHBOUND. Lv. Raleigh Ar. Hendeison Ar. Portsmouth 3.09 am 82bam 7.25am 11.72am 12 60pm B.2Cpm 7.18pm 11.10pm o.68am 11.18am Ar Richin'd.AOL 8.46am Ar Wash'tn, rPK 12.8) pm Ar New York 6.23pm Ar RALEIGH 2.10am Dally. Noe. 403 and 103 ' The Atlanta Spe cial," Solid Vestibuled Tialn of Pull man Weeper , and Coaches between Was hington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Ches ter, S. O. Nob. 41 and 88. "The S. A.L. Express," Solid Traia, Coaches and blee peis between forumoulh and Atlanta, company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. both trains make immediate connec tion at Atlanta tor Montgomery, Mouile Hew Orleans, Texas, t anloinln, Mexic 1, Chattanooga, Xtasnviile, Memphis, Ma con and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to agents, or, H 8. LEARD, G.T. and P. A. Ralegh, N. 0. E St. John, Vice-President and General Maiiiiaoi, A. W. B. Glover, Trafflo Manager. V. B. McUee. General Hurt. A. to. Allen. Gen. Paas'r.Agent. General Offices, Portsmouth, Va. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of George Washington Dunn, de ceased, late of Wake County, N. C, tbJe is to notify all persona having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Raleigh, N. C, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1801, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery. LUCY DUNN, Executn. January 1, 1800. ESTATE. tfce same, and will be offered for sale at the time and place above mentioned. The terms of sale will be one-third cash, balance in six and twelve months from day of sale with interest. For fur ther particulars, apply to R. O. BURTON, W. N. JONES, Commissioners. The folowtog ia a diagram of the lots to be sold: It. x 1604 ft ot. Ho.. M,liwllt J ' f JnT 1 A -6 j Dobbin 6 Ferrall At Tucker's Store; OUR NEW WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES NOW ON SALE. Never have we shown such gi eat values the best goods and the lowest prices, DOBBIN & FERRALL. Roses, Carnations. Violets And other Choice Cutflowers for all Occasions Always in Stock. Floral Designs at Short Notice WEDDING DECORATION?. PALMS. FERNS IN GREAT V RIET I fS ALL PIZE WINTER BLOOM I r'O PLANTS OF PRIMROSES, CALLA LILIES, ETC. Visitors cordially invited. Greenhouse, North Halitax Street near Peace Institute. H. STEINMETS, Florist, Bell 'Phone 113. RAoEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY FEB. lsj A Feast for One lot Smyra 60 at - 500 yds. 10 ct, bric to go at 250 yds. Cannon at A large lot of Chenille and Damatk Table Coven all sixet and an immense lot of patterns. The Prices are 44c, 75c 82c, 93c, 98c $1.00, $1.4; and 1.7j about 1-3 less than value. We are now showing new importations of Embroideries and White Goods, also a new lot of Percals very handsome pattern's. The very latest things. We Sell Good Shoes, Try Them Agents for the World's Best Pattern's made by the Butterick Pattern Co. Vo sell New Home Sewing Machines Wool Icott & Son. 14 E. MARTIN STREET. One Day Only. Rugs Size 30 x - - - $124 Lonsdale Cam - - - 7 3-4c Cloth to be sold 8 12c