FOR AM AUDITORIUM J THE NEAR FUTURE Progressive and Earnest Steps as Taken by Board of Alder men Last Nightwith Sugges tions From a Special Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce. The board of aldermen met last night in regular monthly session. Considerable routine badness was transacted during the session, but the most important was the receiving of a memorial ' from the Chamber of Com merce, and the bearing ot propositions, in regard to toe erection of an auditorium here by Jfee city. A committee was appointed to take the various propositions into consideration and -report back to the next meeting of the board. This committee consists of the following aldermen: JOHN C. DttErWRV, Chairman. 3. 8. WYNNE, '. H. H. CROCKER, LYNN WILDER, 11. J. GORMAN. Tie various plans suggested to the board and to be considered by this com mittee are printed in another column. The report of the Finance committee made to the board by Mr. Miller showed . receipts for the month, from all sources, 1 $8,671.26. Of this amount, $2,000 was paid by Wake county for the care of its small pbr patients last year, und $3,831.14 I were taxes collected. Expenditures for 1 the month were $5,930. The Commissioner of the Sinking Fund made the following report up to Jan. 1, 1900: Receipts $44,217.02 Disbursements 7.093.7r Balance 44.21 7.02 This does not include about $3,500 collected during December, but not paid in to the commissioner until after Janua ry 1st. It could not be turned over until it was checked up by the finance committee at the end ot the month. For the Street committee, Mt. Drewry read the report The most important parts of this report are printed else where. I For the Police committee Mr. Parish recommended that the liquor license of Bailey and Peebles be transferred to S. J. McCauley, of Greensboro. Since Mr. Bailey's death. Mr. McCauley has bought it it laid B3 . ;,..'.o J - the stock and license. For the Building conwiiittee Mr. Crock er made a report, which set forth what had been dune toward improving the office of the city clerk and tax col.ector. These improvements were made ait a cost of $173.it3. Alderman McDonnld's ordinance pro hibiting riding or driving across intersec tions of streets faster than in a walk failed to pass. The following ordinances and resolu tions were proposed: By Alderman McDonald "Resolved. (1.) That the city attorney be and he is hereby requested to ascer tain and report to this board as to the city's right to tax the Italeigh Water Company, and what property the said company has that should be listed for taxation. (2.) That he also Toport if the city has not, by contract, the right to require the Water Company to flush sewers with au tomatic flush tanks, and if so, how same can be enforced. (3.) That it is the sense of this board, and it Is so ordered that the city shall pay by warrant any sum that may be due the Water Company, and sha . put said company on its tax books, and collect same as is collected from other taxable property. That no offset shall be allow ed in tie settlement of any taxes." This was referred to the Ordinance committee. By Alderman Drewry " WliiTftts, the announcement of the Commercial Cable Company of Cuba, early in the year 1S1!, that it proiosed to lay a competing swbnmrine cable to Culm, has resulted in the Western Union Telegraph Company reducing its rate from Cuba to the United Static during the current year from $4 to $1.50 for a message of ten words;" and "Whereas, the proposed eomp't'tlon of the Commercial Cable Company is desir able, and it should be allowed to lay its proposed competing cable: therefore be it "Resolved, That Congress be, and hereby is, petitioned to enact a law en abling competing cable contpani s to lay nnd operate sirbniarine cables 'rom the United States to Cuba; and be it further "Resolved, That the secretary lie, and n s t -5 - -tS.. r M Mft'.'..; vi - wHi v . - -isif. TrTv- - ''A'i'.',,'i - Vv W-s.V.-?rf?lJ-i-. - to saw heny la. instructed to forward copy of these resolutions to the President of the United States, tu each member of. Congress, and to the Secretary of Wai." . This as iinaniintonsly parsed. By Alderman Parish I "Resolved. That the Light committee ' be instructed to have the lights Irleetrie) ' tested, ascertain the candle power an I quality of carbon own! and see if the contract is complied with aud report the result at the ntxt meeting of the board of aldermen." "Me pbivs Well that -:n " 11,10(14 Sar.aii:irllti wins the victory over di eae because it possesses genuine cura tive power. MR MILLFK'S PLANS At the conclusion of the regular busi ness before the bcurd of aldermen. Mr. Miller mi ill that while the auditorium question was being agitated he had a plan he wanted to propose. It was to utilize the present Academy of Music building, new owned by the Methodist Orphanage. This is proposed ' to be done i y a stuck conip-Hiuy wall a tapital if fo.i.l'I'O. Ii lias, an I'ltion on the property for .17..".(0. It is thought the owner will take tirst mortgage bonds for this an emit, bearing per cent interest. The yrcsent rentals of this v.iililn.g are alon-t ! per cent on the linimit .tskid .?17.r.(K. It is proposed to buy the ;';:iimsu property in tne south side of t!i'. builr. ing. .This can 1h obtained for .-i'i.D'Hi, leaving i n hand for extension .of U:e building in breadth. $14. 5(H). This will,. it l... ..,, einni.jh f'T an iitPro"i""! OoutiiHiIng as to the details of his plan. Mr. Miller said: "I am assured by competent architects that this sum -will be amply sufflcjer' to build a modern theatre and an andto rium KtTire enough for all practical needs. On the atlioining pn perry, on the low. i floors, build H pi dice station, modern and complete in its i n i 1 mi nts. Let the city lease this for a term of years, at say 7."il, pins such an amount as would piy the city tax on the building. "The income from the entire building would thus be: From the city. $7.")f); rent of the hall, (minimum) $1,000: rent of stores. $1.00ft; total it come. $2.7"i(l. Then there must be paid 0 per cent in terest on tile capital stock. S2.100. This leaves a margin of .1TiO. The first $17, 500 i nlreidy provided for. The sec ond $17.r00 would be secured by a sec ond mortgage, and each holder of a SlitO IhuuI would be given two shares siocl-. ris ws' ib r in erecting the Capi tal Club building." Tbw plan, like fbat proposed bv the Street committee in their report, mif th-it of the business men for the purchase of Mrs. Tucker's property, was referred to the special committee at ncntcil by the mayor. CITY PHYSICIAN'S REPORT. ' The report of the city physician for the month of January 1st is as follows: NnmlsT of patients. 71 white, 30; i-olored, 41. Xun'lier of patients di"d 3. . Xumt i. sent to hospital. 3, . - ' Number patients centhnied, 7. Number iMit'ieuts discharged, 58. i it .. . " t i.-'.awRr; ii i aa,-.. '"SM 'r! ''J:&&f',-!sx . . -..-. V.". S5 Number f visit mads 160. Number V office con Itatioi a, 32. Number mt prescription.! filled, 140. fUU UVKU FIFTY YEARS Mrs. SVlimlow'i Soothing Syrup bat i.ecu used for over nfty year by mil nous of mother for their cbildred .kuile teeiuiuK, with perfect access. It louiliea the child, softens the gums, ny all pain, cures wind colic, and it 'tie best remedy (or Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediate j. tuid by druggists iu every part of tbe world. I weuty-tive cents a uottle. He sure aud ask for "Mrs. Winno wihiug Syrup." and tak no other kind. BED UOT FROM THE GUN. , me oail that bit G. B. Steadmi i of Newark, Mick., la tbe Civil, War. ..uuMMi Horn ulcers that no treatm n united tor u years. Then Buchic.i .. daive Cured him. Cures Cue uises. litres. Hoik. Felons, Corn Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on esrti to cots ' hoi. Core gcarasteeiL 8o North Carolina. Wake County. In the SuiK'rior Court, February Term, 1000. AliTI'lvI.IA MALLORY v. KUWAItl) MAI.LOHY. To Edward Mallory: Yon are hereby notified that your wife, Arthelia Mallory, has brought suit to February term, 1000, of (Vake Superior Court, against you for divorce from -the bunds of matrimony because aban donment, and you are required .o ap pear at said tei-tn of court and plead, de mur or answer the .complaint 'ha: will be tiled dnriiie tile first three days of t':.e time, and on failure thereof, you will ask to lie permitted to prove the alieir lii. ns of her complaint and have judgment accordingly. W. M. K.USS, Clerk Wake Superior Court. J. C. L. Harris, Plaintiff's Att'y. Surgical Dressings. Crutches Bandages, Surgical Dressings of all Kinds. HENRY T. HICKS, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. .J:. .r ! t . i . Surely art can go nofurlher J ic design or decoration. These latest examples of exquisite workmanship, displayed by S us today, are tbe capstone on all previous effort io the pro J duct in i if things beautiful, a) To see l hem is in itse lf an education. You are invited to see the lovely objects we have gathered for the C brist miis season. You will not be asked to buy unless, indeed, ihese JUinty rings, 'hese puntiM", tovehli a, these hundred oail cap'ivas 5 tion-. have we, small voices in their oeuuty and their price H, Mahler's Sons. Jewelers, .,. Beef! Beef! Unexcelled Beef, Veal and all Meats. Cu: bv Mr, Creel, whois an artist in the business, Call on F. H. HUNNICUTT. City Market. Interstate 'Phone 122. NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administrator of the estate of Frank L. Bailey, deceas ed, 1 hereby give notice to those having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before January 10th, 1001. or this notice will be plead in bar of tbeii recovery. Those owing said estate are also notified to make payment to the no C. W. NEWCOMB. idmlnlstrator. ARTISTIC Wood Mantels Tiling, Grates, Andirons, Fire Sets and Fenders, Is Our Line. You Will Find Them All A Cur Establishment, 108 WEST; MARTIN STREET. 108 Raleigh Nothing .jyouW add so much beauty to your P'lL er than . . Mantel Cheap them at all prices : Write for Catalogue. Dont forget that we are Con trac'ors and can furnish y ou i home Complete. 'Phone 382. NOTICE! OF SALE). By authority of a deed 01 tract and mortgage trow C. It. Lea and wife, ra coroeU ui Uooft 124, paga Uo2, aud Book Vii, page 0UU, record of Uegiater Of JJec4s of Wuke county, and by request ol uioilgugura and to perfect title, 1 will on Monday, tne 12tb day of Februa ry, lliuo, at JZ o'clock M., at the Court uuuoe door of Wuke County, sell to the liighest bidder for cash the following de scribed lands iu St. Mary's Township, Wake County, lo-wit: ' 1-1KST iitACT. Begins at hickory ou the north bank of (Swift Creek, Dr. J oh u.J ones' corner, thence east ti poles to the bvasley Bruucb, thence op the vari'iua courses of said Branch to the Itoud, thence with tbe road ; nearly northwest to Tales Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to Swift Creek, thence down the various courses of said Creek to the beginning, containing 477 acres, less 100 acres convened to S. Jewell as shown in Book 50, page U40, records said ltegister'i ot Bce. , feuid tract of laud will be sold in, parcels at said sale. iSKCOND XUA IT. Begins at a stake iu Beasley Branch, uear a pine and poplar, tbe old ruu and tbe west side ot the Smitblield ltoad, runs thence with said branch southwest poles to a stake, C. It. Lee's corner, thence N. CU degrees with said Lee's line, 118 poles 3 links to a stake in the right of way path near a small pine, theuce with said Jnith 68 degrees li. 53 poles 15 links to two suiult while oaks on the south side of the path, ihcuce with tbe path N. 40 degrees K. 0 poles, thence N.' S!U de grecs K. 2!t poles 2i) links to the Smith held Road, thence with said. Ruad tuulh 3.4 degrees L. 13 pules, thence 8. 2U de grees K. 21 pules 10 links, S. 23 degrees K. Tl oles 15 links, 8. 2S degrees B. 11 pules U links, S. 3'j degrees B. 10 pules 10 links, 8. 2)Yj degrees E. lt ImIcs 15 links, S. 32 degrees E. 10 poles S liuks to the beginning, coutuiuing '37 acres, more or less. W. N. JOXES, Attorney. FANNING CRAIG, Attorney lit Ttiw, COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS A SPECIAL! Y. Rooms 8 and 9, CoiiiTjerical an! Farmer's Bauk Building. POPE'S Candies -MADE- Fresh Every Day. 9 , N. C. room or think, a nice for $4 25; Pine. We have . . . . i M.7

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