Are you Atnteur ? , Hivj you a Kudk .If so , , K - r' The Absolutely 'Pure Made from Grape Creani ofi Tartar. Baking powers made . from alom and other , k harsh, .caustic .adds 'are lower; In price but ) inferior m work and injurious to' the stomach. .' -HOVU. BAKING . . " ITEMS INTEREST. 'The Nw-stiuliKn fjnn'ihs dem-tlbluji f isun 'iigU Wiuwo fiwU reumlim nro on ex M hJhlilou , lit tho Nntunil f Hhrtory Mu-j .. sMimr at Iwku, iyx, tjw lioiid is Ijit- Ift'i' than, that of uil 0X,;a nrt -that when iiliv. It could -bare killl uud torn to piye creature: larger than a Hon.' ' ' -, lt Oertmwy ., hetor Jmik timiiW hut '.i imtvutu bow to'mmtsage" rheumatic tmgor Joint 4y tJirtiutbiir the hand Into ,, u h deep gln piirtmlly filled with -nier? cnry which i-ohw on theur. , The hand, I (tipped in mti mtt of tlie dH8 muv thirrty Uhh at Uvh treatiiwnt, and. the txHln in flaw reduced. . ' Ihirinit a iitrorder trial t Xtr Brims. wii'k. Ni.X.iflk' ntlMT day ona of the wif hcnfe fttextthnl tlw.t In Unnfrary 3N1 J iwron inteiiiliiiK to iuauVfilfe.- to tlio ; '1riitl f'ies re jrh-iiii1 to,' inultVMtnnul , I ,hf nearly -every tAnun-iean twrrle a ., revolver kd Iti very tnriek on th Wiger. Tm lliis fart, the witneM wud, ia due tlie .. ahm(i.)of, UnutrariaiM t ue knives, r pirns In qnnmK j . . - A iimple-of Eifj-pti.iiti porrehwii towud ' :: ntsMenvphlB was rwenth- .Mibmitted t to r . M. 1 Chatelluf. for utniJvs and the ; - hi.tre!wn)r fa nna- Iminsht imt that- U i wis. eirtiMy Afferent from llie'Chnirto , " Hrce)ii1i, This leinh to lw conetiwion i thhtthe mannfaietiire of true porcelain ." wk, known, to, the awient KKyptianM. . v .v. Tjo (inplicate fhia partienlar kind of "por " Mwh wmild. rexpuro forty parta Of bUw jfra, fifty rnrw of tiiu inrt and five , ,'.lrtH'of rfiv, , ' M ,, "The wtrtm-n jif , Wichita," (m.vj the 'vi' Kanai. CMty , Journal.' "have been ran ' ' vaMtiiw! the town Tor nlHt.Tiptioii in, . ' U of. tli poor. -Tlicy tacked U K. J Ilaney of the. Snuta I'V in a ciarw ftore. He hnd :jiwt one- nickel in hl picket. He took thi out. walked mvr lo Kw ' i t Jiwichliic 4ind' drojiix-d it in. Onr ' ., nlld $5 In liickcls. which Dolnuey pileil ? i inKi tbe mtrtni of one it tin woim-ii. TIie f . . Txinl work iiV ni'terioiit ',WHy lib Wwnleri to tiei IVnii." yf mVetpV.Wtioit to VxpW flue New M , leriii JHiiikIk and Snmukoff Iwnd boa lw-ii nrjciirajinl liy Itarou Tmll, and ..vrili .; . dcjiart 'sotno time in, Jum from a Kor- vvuuin pnrt. Tlie jmrty nil! ptOTwl to .. the tiumth of ttie Ijrm, .and will pi -ih.j, the, v interim 1t ban km at it tKHiit above t " !. the town tt . Yakutsk. In the mnmner bf liJOl exploration' toward- the north -. : , will ' be "iiHniiiewcit q n :fnrcew jivnH v ! with a iletachiiM.t which Ik tit he wnt ' oitt in Mnrcb with a ciiffirn-iit aupplr o irs. - - ' i , , Tbe niMm-n of hnbitinil driinknnN arc S pouted i public plave In Kcnw-ha, WKy jvi 'i ami. tl other, day Ac (Vnmmn if'otm-v- ed (vawii-d hn imliunnce iirnviJine that , hiiliiiiiitl drnnkanbt. who 'have becu imst - ,jm1. 'Iimvo tbvtype ' or -photos'-aph of thenmelves at filched to tlu ponter; and that iinltvH ilm .purlieu m prtsted ufv "x-! able tn layf for aajd ' pliotosirattliK Hien the ivlativi bo required1 t is.'iiii.I the ' pue. Slii caw there arc im -nitive, A- tneit the city i responsible fof the cot .1 llcnimiwi tlip fireat.. (Ih- virrld-fanxuw ,j f wntiJiKlt" ti w. ' iw. a f avorlte eirter- - tainer if Euini iid Ihe thuent, now uft v litn four 1h Hiiiimil tolvr of thla coniitt-y, .u -wiJI 0)eiir at the Aeadwnv t JluA . .Aiext Wediiemtay.. lim't, fjul to aen thia urKibiMiiurl; nmi-Velnim cxtxiivuit of Hw . ; jblack art aoxl all Hurt i myft.rlHij ud - . inm esLplulnuhle, HvW-fll antmiind; your .with li w nirvetlou feata iuivl ifiv yoi tunmrthiu. to talk" about for luor.thi to cousc, i FO OVEE FIFTY YBABS Bin.' Vnailow'a Boothlnc ' 8yra ' baa been, need for brer fifty year by mil Horn of mother tor. their childrea . while teetbinr, with perfect loeceaa. I( oothea tbe child, soften tbe cum, ab ay all pain, enrea wind colic, and la the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. :- It will relieve the - poor little snfferex immediate ry. Sold by drugsjst In every , part of the world.; Twenty-nve cent a bottle. Be snre and aekfor "Mra. Wlasio i SaetbJaf Byron," and take no other kind. RED HOT FROM THE OTJN. - Wn the ball that bit O. B. Steadma t of Newark. Mich.. In the Civil War. , ranwd horrible illcer that no treatni it b - -1 fnr 10 year. Then Bucbleu'. "'fa Salve cured him. Cure Cat lnu linrns, Bollc. Felon. Cora Kkia Eruptions. Beat Pile cure on etartl li eenta a bos. Cure (earaateed. Soi ; by. m dmgBlot.:' ,.;: .-ifiXJi -iMfi " North CHirolnw, - ' s . . Wake County. - :i'Ia .the Superior Court. Fchruar i . ... n, u.. i . - . . ,' , . Term, AllTHELIA MALLOUY v. EDWATtD MAI .WHY. To Edward Mullorv Von arc hen'by notified (but your" wife, ArthcUa- iMalloVy. Im brouniit i kihi ' to Kcbrnafy1 tenn. JIMKI. of Wake Snporl-w Vurt, aa-unwt yon for divoire tiom the lionds ot .UMitrtuiooy bwaiiHo '-f iii n-i-dmuuent. and yon are reiimr.'d ') op pear at anld term of court and plvad, d. mnr or uivHwer tlnr eouiplamt 'Jin: will be filed during tlie lirHt three (I.ivm nr. tho time. Olid on failure thereof, vnu will ask io be permit led to prove the alli-BMiiftts of her '. complaint and liuvv iiidifiiirnt accordingly. -, TV M Kl .sS, ricrk Wake SiiiMTmr Court, J. Ci- L Harris, PluiuUil a Att'y..-. V A ' 1 C v POWDER CO., NEW YORK, -," JtETV'KNS-O RAL'KIUH. v ' ''K. Blair IVttersnw, teungraplier -tor CL A.; B, -Andrews, in Itah-igh,. wlio returned honte;. nlnt , nuwvll ten days tir Wore flj iwentiun of which wan yutde in thac. (oluittns at that Uiua, baa m farrewvewtl m to be able to rtitnro to Haleigli today to; raxnnie bin duties. It is hoped that iho will sooirvliu enf tiiely well agaioy-Dtirhmiv San, . - . - 1 "DEEDS ABB FRUITS, ' ' ' ;J f HOODS' PILLS ar n I Worda are bat leawi." It non-irritating, ia aot wttt we a, bat what Hood'a Baraapartlla does tbttt telle tbe atonr. The many wotiderfnl enree efferted by thii medi elne are the frolta by which, it ahonld b JiidEOd.,- Tbote prove it to be the xreat. nnepdaHed remedy for dyepepela, rheamatlaiD, icrofDla, saM rheom, ca rtrrh and all other allmenta due to Im pure blood or mporerlahed blood. ''i-' ;-?..'i'-r&;;'v:'' HOOD'S PILLS are non-Irriatlnf and tbe only; cathartic- to take with ood'e Saraapar'Jla. ' ' ' . North CnrolinaJ-Wake Connly. , r -. - : la , tbe Superior 0.nrt. ' Februry 'lenn, 1!J00. To Dot Id Stfphranon: . Yon ore notified fhnt Iua Stephenron. yoiiT wife,' daa brouicht a nut nirolnH you to Fehrnary Term.-IOOOj ot Wk Superior Court,! for divorce from ine boudo of uiatriiiiouyl'nn the i.b.iri.'e of ahaiftoument and t"at her wmvv'" will be tiled within the cm t three, danl of aaid term; -w ben (ind where yon will answer. jlcmnr or plead to tnc aauie', and on your failure to do . sou w'll auk to jurove Hie allcirntloo A her com plaint and have the relief arauted by the -Court aa theroia demanded. '., . W. M. UU38. ' - Clerk Wake Superior Court. ' J, C. L. Harfi. I'laintitTa Attorney.; ' iVanted-fin Idea Wfee cm thtaf Of MDM llll.i: Protect yonr Muj ihy may brtagy North Cnrolina-tWoke County. - Superior Court, October Term, 1800. Julia Fisher, Plaintiff, 1 va. . Maata J. Cleucy, Philip Qlency, : Joae-i phine Clency, Margaret Clnucy aud other,! tbe widow ani hole. t lw of Daalel Clency, deceaaad, defeud aut. , " t 1 NOTICE. , ' - ' 'Tbe defendant above named, Marlr J. Clency, Philip . Cleucy, .. Josephine Clency, Margaret Cleuoy, .hud oibern, heir at Jaw of Daniel Clency, cjecoasied, whose name are nnknowp, will take an-' tic, that an action entitled a fbovo, ia the Superior Court of Yak Count) to foreclose- tuortgagt. . executed by Daniel Clency and wife on a lot of land in Wake County, North Carolina, In the city of rHalelgb,1 beluB the lot whoreon aaid Clency lived, ; when 'In' North. Carolina, with hlsloUi oodi more fully described In the anld wort- fage, which is duly recorded in the op, ce of tbe Keglater of Deed qf Waba County, N. HX, and to sell the aaid land to satisfy, as far aa may be, the debt secured by said mortgage .and !& said, defendants whose names are given abovo and other heir at law find all persons Interested to the ewnte'of said Daniel Clency and in told land, whothor their names are, known and above given or unknown, will take further, notice that; they are required herein and pursuant to order of Court Jo this action to ap pear at the next term ot Wake Superior Court to be held In said County at the Court Honse in JU'eieh, N -oo. Monday," the 20th day of" February, 1000,' and answer of demar to tbe com plaint lu said action as the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief, de mandud in said complulnt. ' r ., This 2Sth day ot November A, D 1899. , , ? . - ' , - " in 1 " WV M. BOSS. Olerk of Superior Court for Wake Co. PEBLE ds MAYNAKD, : - Attorney for Plaintiff. J, II. Unchurch. C jl, Jcinc. Real slate and ColIectinB Acents, Cor. FaveUcvHIc and.1 Davie Sfeeis, Frapps -Building.- - FOR SALE ' Fif dt.irble buildinii lota on Swaio St.; Threw deslrabio building lois on E. Uurgett St. . , , " ; . r , .4 lVc will collect, jour reuts ntl famish you with tcDuots.i';: , We will Hell your Jot and lind sou pnrcLatrrit. , Give us Vour bmincss and 1,1C 1 II. We hive iotne desirable lots for '": n. A lady In Charlotte lias showu thi-XeTt- m nm kiter. iweeived liy uor iu !!)?, . from Kuliwlniry, the ,yfctiiife-tm Wbiih wum 12r tents, s. "l,ody.-'ialJ hhu "We lmilett (i lctr to Sluu'ln fur 12 i-itito. .iwt tliln iib tk!k of the ilifrvrcaiv lu Mist;K Jlw im1 lonlfuSoj'' 1 he letter wvre not in cwvlolw.jHiej' Wltelll!. fulifcd uikI ficaledt - . V. Ji; .;;. y; 'i': i- v-Vt H " Hks imwlrt nlVtiuu: of; (U weriiimw rtf A SI. SiitHu atti)'-lJir. ft. WeK. 1'itUtiKeF on tbe- Kiileirt ot oo"l.uiic tluiiK.' notably i)feiive ; ewibrif lHir ties,; lia ulU'acU'd de olHntion lilnl papers tliniiliuut tlie Klate r i- font nwtiiiiic iHnt the wwlltkmi bere al eleir'hr tod Unw tlie rlt-wn tOn;w tent and tlie ' JifroiWit; manuee tf imsskinn. fc Th DuiliaSi tJun uCxyestitr day uym k 4 " " "Kaleirli Ja. now. lviwtliiisf th qiKt4lm: Ik vlayliix eiK-hiv KiWrtHtV A twiM 'by Ker. lr. Vittenwr,. in tUat citj, Sunday,'-M tli ipawplf to-tnlkm and thinking.: , Cluirlotte bak Jt guuc tbrmwh llie eaiint iliwiu-wlon, in a.. lively maiunT," unt) tlie ik! in not 'j-ft;,. About liext May 5i in Very urt babb that Dnr haiii will be fetifred nu iu B;iuiblkm ud Ihuigi Jodtfe Mouru' t-faurso. o :tUe lairf Kfaiid jiu-y p)fnted that way.vf And iitdtfe . Mnere, ooiih'S "back iiere to- bold thfi May term of he TOitrt? POPE'S Gaudies -MAM- ' x it- Frosh tEyery? Day. IF YOU. WANT To Seii . , . , i- Old-Clolhcs. Old Shoes. Hats Old Gold,; Pistol Watchca, Guns, or any thing, Call Btrl phone 864 , Harris Stfiam-dye Ik's Suits Clcured 75c Cleaned -und Dyed ftlssv Flowers. .We arc Headquarters for CUT; ELOWERS, "hOSES, CARNATIONS, VALLEYS, . , HYACINT, VIOLETS ' ' AND NARC1SSUSSES. Buqupts and Ffnral Desijfna ar ruDKetl to besif slylo at short uotiuu. H PALMS, FEltNrVAND )THBK I'OT PLANT!, f( r bouse aud Window Deco ratton, For n t,Mghe specially. s SHADE TREES, EVERGHEE !I8 and pHUUBERIEd, together with all -kinds of green house and out door, stock. Vegitablo PlaoU of a'l kinds ia mscus tJoo our sbow-wlndow at J. I. oht son drufestora Iieave ord"-i tharo u oai 'phonos : uftics InUt slate 14S. BU 149. - Residence. Soli 9M. O.UOQUinn&Co. , Florists.', Coruef t'olk n'd Swain Snw:ts Halei.N". C- NOTICE QF ApMtNlSTRATlONV Bavlnf 'innlWel s exeontrix of tbe eatate offjeolai U'asbliiirtfln Dunn,-do-" ceased, late hi Wake Couuty; N. C thi 1 to notify all " person having claim against, the said, estate to present them to the undersigned, at Uilejgb, . C. ob vr before th i!ud day or January. 1001,' Of thi notice vlll be plead in bar of their feeovery. - ;. LUCY DUNN, Executru. Jsatsry 1, 1800. , wewiir do 01 r. brst to. jjive atis- ,s , 1 sale. - ' crc::"-'::i a co.s SEE, ' . Pho tt x-ra'phcr, j He - will put von v oh 1 so.acth i n g l-.i'.i.tll -Ti At- 4. . A nut, win ifrcei.iy. iiiu-rt-nn vou . ', v A ttoia?y at Lawi COt LECTIONS OF ' CLAIMS A SPBCTAL1Y. . 1 . '.' "'V. iK"' C'v'i -RoooisS and 9, Com nerical and Pdrmcr'j Bank Building. ' - v SALE OF CITY TKOPEnTY, iLiiilcr 11 nd by virtue of the power Contained in a deed of trnst finio Itob etV E. l'ai-bain- and Itosa li. i'arhaui to 11. T. Cray, trustee, recorded in Book 1311, page 3. Register of Dcfida office for. Wake county, I will on Sntnrday. the 24th day of February, 1900, at 12 o'clock M, expose to sale at public auc tion from the Court House door of Wake ounty the following described lot in the city ot uaieigo, 10-wii: : ' . .. . : ' f j. nut certain kji or parcel 01 lanu tying on the south side of Martin street in the city of ltulcigh, between Blount aud Person streets and bounded by a line tieginiiing at the northeast corner of Mrs. M. H.'Lowcry's lot. miming thence eastwardly with the south side of Mar tin street 47 feet to the northwest cor ner of Oetinger lot, thence southward ly by a line parallel With Blount street 210 rcet, thence westwardly 47 feet to the southeast of Mrs. Lowry'g lot, thence northwardly 210 feet to the beginning on Martin afreet, being a part of Lf.t No. i)4 in the plan of the city ot Ital-eij-'li and the eastern half of the lot wnveyed to It. E. Parham by John Arm strong by deed .recorded ' in Bonk 128. psc 171 Register of Deed office for Wake county. Terms, of sale, cash, but satisfactory purcluiscr can arrange terms for Py tneut of half purchase price, . Time Of alc, February 24, 1000. It. T. Gil AY, , ; Trnst e. NOTICE OF SALE. "By outliorlty of a deed of. trust and mortgage from C. It. Lee and wife, re corded in Book 124, page 6o2, and Book 121, page o!X), records of Kegfster of Deeds ol Wake county, and by reiuest ot mortgagors and to perfect title, 1 Will mi Mmiday, the 12th day of Februa- Jfj-, 1000, at 12 o'clock M at the Court House door of Wake Couuty sell to the highest bidder for catb llie. following de-i-ribcd land lu. St.Muri's Township, Wuke County, to-Wlt: ' . FIUST TUACT.-Bcgins at hickory on the north bank of Swift Creek,. Dr. Julni Jones' corner, thence east 8 pole to llie ilt-ask-y Dnineh, tliewce up the ji'iii'i-ius courses of mid Branch to the Umid, thence wilh the road nearly iiurthwest to Tntea Ilraueh, thence down the various courses of .said. branch Jo iSVlft-t'reek1, ;tbpce dtiwo- 4he -varioiie courses of said Creek to (h beginning, containmg 477 acri'i',.,lL'sa,.,10O: acres convejed to S. Jewel) us slmv.n ,i!) Book SO. nnee 040. records siiiil1. JteBisier'tf ot- Tho Siinl ti-.ict of laud will bo isold in Vorcela at-snid 'ale. . ir ! i t : SECO.ND ;1 It A t7r.rr Begin at n, stage ui Beuxley -Kniia-U, ' lieur, a pilia ami txitilor, tbe old run and the west side, ot the , Smithhcld Road, runs', ithence , with sjid brnncli, southwest 32ft .poles to stake, C. It. Lee's corner, tbeuc N, JW degrees with said. Lee's line,; 4 1SI poles3 hiikn to a stake in the rjght ot way path neu r a smnll pine, theuce " with said path 5,9 degrees E. 53 poles .15 vliuks t two small white oaks on, the south side of the mth, iheuce with the path N. 40 degrees E. 0 poles, thence N. 20 de grees. E. 20 poles 20 links to 1be Smith held Iload, thence with saiil Road utb 34 degrees E. 13 poles, thence S. 20 de grees E. 21 poles 10 links, S 23 degree. E. 22 poles l.'i Jinks, S. degrees K. 11 poles 0 links, S. 32, degrees K. Vi pole 10 links, S. 2iMi degrees E. 1!) poles 15 links, S. 32 degrees K. 10 poles S links to the beginning, contaiuing 37 acres, more or less. W. N. JQNKS, : Attorney... Tti'iffthifi rutriMiiLioTnitt-liaTicttl orln'.enilri mind ft rfp to tho PnTU i-rpoBitlon. vtitx goo4 ' SALE OF " By- authority of Judgment of the Superior Court of Wake Couuty, iu Special Proceedings, entitled the Mechnn- ItnUiuie Sav ings Bnuk, executor, vs. John W. Uorton and others, tlie nnder- signed Oommiasionerit aptioiuted by, the Court,, will eel to; .; the high-.. est bidder ; at the " , Court - House1 door of , Wake count?', on Monday,' Febnittry 20, 1000, ot 12 o'clock M., the land known as the -Horton property, sit-: uated ibetweeo West and Johnston streeta ; 15 8 9.Q I 10 1 assSMasiiaaa mmMsbi SIZE OF LOTS-Nd'l, Iralnarular X IDS ft. each; Nos. 8, 9, ,10,- 63f (t, . 'At i .;-r:J. iff? v. AtC0;00 Just t iewWlMTEK J ACKETS to be Sold and quickly- At about one-third value iics run 32. 36, 38, '40 and 42 there are no 34? in the los. ' A Jitile late to buy, you will say, but the btrgaios 8 re so great you can't aftjid to mis them. Mil 'its Southern , Railway. THE STANDARD -KILA-WAY OF THE SOUTH. The Dlitc' Line to All PiiU TEXAS ; .CALIFORNIA. FtORiDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment all Through 'and Local Trains; Pal to a Palace : Sleeping Car 'bnjall H Ntgh Train. Fait and Safe Schedule. TraVel by tb Southern and yon are a lured jk af; comfortkbla :aud Egpedl tiou joorney.. . ;;e,;."( . . Apply to ticket agent for time table, rates and "general Information, or ad- No rouble to nwar questions. Frank S. Gannoii,;Tblrd Vlco Prealdent and General Maaager; J. M. COIp. Traf .'tt'e. Mauagerv.V, A. Tnrk.,0. K ,A Wasbmrton; U. O. , . ;. B. L.. VERNON TBAt C ST0RGI8. T. P. A. , U T. A, ', . Charlotte. N. C. Balelgh, H. C. North Carolina Wage Couuty. Iu Tlie Superior Court. V February Term, 1000. To Frank R. Tage: J You are notified that Addie Paee. your wire, has brought a suit against yon to February Term, 1000, of Wke Snperiof Court, for divorce from the bonds ot ma trimony on the charge of abaiidanmcnt, and that her cpuiplalnt will be filed with in the first three day Of sold termt when and -where yon 'wfil: answer,:: demur or plead to tlie so met -lind On yourfnilure to do so, she will nk to prove theallrgs tion of her complain C nnd'have the relief:, granted by the court a therein demanded , . - W. M. RIJSS, ' I ' Clcrk-iWage Superior Court. J. C. I Harri. riainttir Attorney. i - llnvlng qpalifjed ,aj the, Adniiuistrnlor of lite estate of Frank L. Bailey, deceas ed, hereby give notice to those having cluiai agninst snld estate to present them to nte ou' or before, Jannary, 10th, 1001. or thi notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. ' " TJjos owlns Mid estate are also noliflod to make payment to the an- T c - tv. ynwCOMB. r; " " 'i ' :-; : : 'Ml; . ianUsiatrator. AIliE REA L ami the -.Ualeghj gud:. Gaston .IXailrokd, , containing about, six acres,'' and which . is lioiiudcd on th north by the Cameron I prntierty oh the fitst by the lamls'ot the I , RaJidgli rd4 Gastbq Jtailrosd Company, 1 On I he south by the lunds of said Com-' muy,' C. 3. Iliinter,' the heir of P. C.l l-'fetniiig and 'others,. aud' tin the" west "by West struct. '-The above described valn-j able? property litis, been, dlvhledi into 22 , lots, including the Bortbn ircstdonce, and street hare also been extended through I 00 ;$ i f -;;; WM 1 1 1 i ; . M i m m :-'V' W- '"j fie'' . '17 ft, 185 ft, 3131 ft, No 2, & 4,i5 x 199 ft, each; Nos.'U, 12 and 13, 661 .Tucker's Store,1 EtERRALL. TO ALL P0JNTS iN KTHBOUD. Lv. Raleigh ft 00 km tl.7Sam . Ar. Hende son 3.2bam 120pm Ar. Portsmouth ' 7.33am 850pm Ar Richm'd,ACL 8.46ain ' 7.18pm Ar Wash'tn, I FH IS JI pm , 1 11.10pm A r New Turk 0 33pm 643am . ArRALE'GII 2.10am II.I8am JDally. No. 408 aud 402 ' The Atlanta 8pe olal," Solid Vistlbuled Tttn of PttlU man Sleeper and Coaches between Was biagton and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Poilsmouth and Ches ter, S. O. , , , I Fo. 41 and 33. "The S. A.L. Expree," 8olid Traiu, Coaches and Pn. -man Blee pets between Portrmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleeper between Colombia and Atlanta. , ,' Oath trains make immediate connec tion at Atlanta for .Montgomery1, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, t slifoinls, Mexico, Chattanooga. Nashville, Memphis, Ma con and Florida. " For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to agents, or 11 8. LEARI), O.T. and P. A. Rale gh, M.C. . E. St John, Vice-President and General Manauci A. W. B. Clover, Tiafflo Manager. V. K. Mcttee. General Sart. A b. Allen, Gen. Ps'r.Agent. General Offices, Portminuth, Va. i)o You 1hiii!( Because a Ininf; is half done ' It's Cheap ? Iiotch Work and Chi- ocec puzzles arc dear At any Price. iiULLOClt . i of Course ESTAtE the same, and "'wilt '"be ''offered 'for al t at the time and place above mentioned. The terms , of sale .will 'bo one-third , cash, balance' In six and twelva months from day of sale with Interest. For tor- ' ther particulars, apply to ' . R. O. BURTON, , 4 , W. N. JONES, . - - f Cottiariaiioiiera. The following is a diagram- of the lots, to be sold: iiilaiaiMwM ; and 6 49 ft, X 191 ft, each. No, 7. 79 ft ft, X 160 ft each. Kos. U IS tai 1 ; II. - v

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