SI, i ', tor Your 9 din ncr o 0 s e U MR, JWVXlEOyii TQ SPEAK. ii'clocb- Mr. Joseiibiis IJjuueJs wttl alhvs I tho ituileirf-s of tlie A. and M. Oolite at the eulhw, His subject will bo "Inim riRlisui." IVcsiilciit instnii 'xtt"iils to tbe (itt l- lic an. im-itit'tiini to attend. WESTERN UNION CASE. '(. .I.iliu HiiiwUIe iiiiicl Mr. W. ('. I lllf;lilSS, MHUIK('l fur til a StiMo, litft this al'toriKxiu for ItklimoiHl where tbcy will aririif bi-foiv Jinlne Siuiamtoii tho vx ooptii as taken by tlu- Western I'nion Tolisinii ('oiiikiii.v lo'tliv roiort f Jmli;,' Sliophonl. Wi!'. cause i' you no worry or trouble if you have the right Stove to prepare U on. I BUCK'S Are the Stoves that always give satisfac tion. Thomas H, Brigs Sons, o m o A ft e e o i tt 0 0 o 0 0 A F PICTURE. E That's what on wan when you have your photograph tiken. Mn U on s Photograph Gallery is equipped wit1 the 'atcst and bt"t instrutnei and is operated hv ar .irlUt. The QUALll i . . I'YLK and I'MNlbti cu o. be excel It'1.. MR. A. MICHELOY., the Pho tographic Artist is in Charge. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY 'I'lio L'LM of February, ll.'ij, was 1bo liK kii'si day of American history. The next anniversary of Vii!iintou's Birth day will be eelelyateU in Hir'inircsive lily by plaeiiii; upon the boards at the Aeadeiiiy of .Music the rliariuiiiK play, "A I'"shcnnaiis Ijuck." Why may not litis anniversary be a "lucky day" f..r us all'.' A lalenieil east has been secured including Ualcifrh's favorites, and is dr ill;: trained by a Mitsron expel I. The play is fuil of exeiliiii' situations; it is drawiiiir, and we were lucky to Ket it. and h"po yiui will be lucky enoirirh In see it.' SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE. W. 1". ANMVKlISAItV. Invitations have been issued tn tin- U"lt h annivorsary of the literary sin-cries of Wake l' fulli'j:c to bo held I'ri.ln. I'llruary 1'th. At - p. m. a dcl.ate will be In Id on the ipieiy, "Ue-olv, d. That Fnirland w as .j i i -1 i ti f in mak'nii; war : the Itecrs." Tho debaters arc Messi-. Knrc. I lull rook. Uarrett and Flack. Tlie diaiors f..r the evening are Mr. Wayland ('n,,k and Mr. Mocks Spring tic!,!. Mr. I!, 1 it! Inlay Mr. Y iX( nslin Min hell rlcl. rated hi t. day. Ii l' adjust se lias 'i:l a lire loss. I: is w, II to state that Col. .1. ( '. I.. Harris. called ' The I Id! of W ar." did nut write tin- -citi liiini i .1 1 i mi in yesterday's Times-Visitor sivifd "The (.'id cf War." Another citizi u infringed ..ii lcs noli do plume 'I'lio statement Ls made ..n ridialde au thority that Stipt. ,.l' l'ul lie In-nuciion Meliane will snpjiort the pending coiisti tuliimal a iiicnihni'iit. Mr. Mebane was sc( n In a I'cjiorter of T!io Tinivs-Visitor and refused to i :tln r i ontirni or di ny iho l-ii.nrl. Mis-. Pai-.v Yoimu'. of s'l'cliilinu tliN wi t k iu Ualei till'". it li-.-alcd. is rir li ha iiiL' Ini' WHEN you can buy goods at retail as cheap as we can in large quantities at wholesale, yuu maybe certain that you are buying right. This you can do Any Day This Week on Wintry Stuffs SUCH AS LADIES' AND GENTS' WOOLEN AND HEAVY FLEECED COTTON UNDERWEAR Leather, Taffeta and Jersey Gloves, Blankets, Comforts and Down Quilts. LADIES' COAT SUITS, ' cloaks, cAPhS, furs, eider down SACKS AND BATH ROBES. The prices must be made satisfactory. We are la business to sell and bare marked every item in our stock at tbe lowest possible figure. . Wheo you see our assortment you will t'ealize the care w9 have given to our selections, and the pains we have taken to produce figures aeol dedljr to your advantage in spite of the advance of all -raw material, we offer winy lines for less price than heretofore. We urge an inspection, uudafe snowing new cottons for early Spring wear. Per Yard si LONDON PIQUES, Fast Colors, 8 1-3 ENGLISH PERCALES, 36 in. wide 10c. SOFT FINISH Cambric " 12 i-ac Paroaby Zephyrs, Soft Finish 12 i-2c Solid Ci lors Piques 32 in. wide 10c Irish Dimities. Best Quality 18c WHITE GOODS. OUR LINE IS NOW COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT. Plain nnd fancv Nainsook. French and Euzlish Percils, Jones Cloth, 1 Long Cloth, Piques and Welts, Swiss and French Organdies, French Mnuslinp. Iidianatid Irish Dimities. Victoria Lawns. Persian Lawn, Lin en Lawns, Linen Cambric, Irish Linen with a full line of Embroideries and Laces for trimming. GRECIAN BELTS. Tbe latest fad madeof double face Satin Ribbon Black, White and Colors 75c. each. Dog Collar Belts from 50c. up BOYLAN, PEARCE & GO. Our Stock Must k disposed of VOL' CANNOT AFFORD "ITS 'orticres. O O0090O09t99Ci0 00a89e0090S60903S999 D000C0eeeoeeoe90 Come to L's With Your Troubles. I-A tTjT.oily 1 a? tn tilde of foiwj burl. S li e 'inu-s we C.iii lei)! 1 rip to Hit 111. Do you 1ihvc ci.ndr IV ? Toes jour Lair fail .l Do ym Lave i-iiy m.".1i Iti.iililo ii s- we I'tiu ciiif ji u, by ti e ui-e ol one or two buttles . 1' Wil liams 1 1). ii is iood fur the routs, It m kos slrontr lin t fu!l of life, ho i in s-o iloiiii;, biiiri lens tbe hair, make it tl.ii-'k ami s it fl: c. f-t J. 1 Johi.ton's, liobt. timpsob's, Hei-ry T. iiirks' anti . u. li g A Lo. s. o la 0 S 0e 0 ii 1'ann '. Wad articles a tlH-rcli s I . F. ( dm. in. F. I..'a. .Ino. -woith and V. W. Flow siu'iicd lo.lay for tiie inooriioraiion of indise cinnpaiiy ut I'oneeril. capi ; -' r.i ii . JIOSS CASK, ci '. ri spondem 60 SO 0 o e CO SO 9 ISO e 0 9 t 0 00 0 0 e2 0 I He w ritt's: s case is :rn!y pi r- citizoll of U'dll sou 0C09eee0oc00aa0999a) 089000O00e6B00000eocae DR. THOS. Al. JORDAN, Physician and Surgeon, OFF1CKS: TUCKED BUILDING ROOM utt.i ar.d resiaeuee 63 N, Wilmitieton St. 'Phona 24 mm 1,'M. All calls promptly answered and flight. In geuerj,' practice.!.' years. Jay 'What's in a ratio1 kvery rg, if vou rt'f. r i pictures, THE MAME ON YOUR PhotOKraphs is a t'oaranteethat you huve the best, that skill, experience and close personal attention can produce, Your sIiom repaired in first class gtyle St the Harding Shoe Store. Telephone and they will bo sent for. A few more dinner and tea sct left at Hughes.' Baskets at Hughes.' YOU CAN GET 6ood board and lodging at 213, South Person Street. Good locality, terms moderate. WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE ? , That depends largely on the quality f the seeds. Wo sell P.FIST'S SMKiS. 'Market Citrdmers toll us t'lrat they arc the best on earth. They grow; they are !(mo to mime. Our seeds are all i fresh, stock ami tun wnuce of any kind carried over last sear. . hir prices are as low as consistent with hiBh qtwlitjr. ,HEADQUA;KTEKS FOR ONION , SETS. 1 I , W H, KING DRUG CO. iC'orucr Wilminjrt. Martm and Market . Streets, i.i:ri:i;x Til.- l-'ayi tlevillo ( aa l lot to ( l-vi "'I lie lb ill., II Ii pb ':ti;. A le.idii ' amy inforuu d yctir eol'i'esj .midi-iil yes ii dim- th ai In- had in- or kn-vn so jrro it a .li:--ii'ti of sc'itilllonl ill ibe ciHlll'Iy on ai ,-nl .ii i i. Many pn mint ot at and ar oin I Ked SpriiiL--. who cherish a clii a I: mis devotion f. r w.. man's bon- r. and who cannot I..- a.cii-.d i f a'oct imi iavi leiit s. Iul;ie lirnily in the ii'i'ooince of Un... "e at I.aiiibei'toii ainl its vicinity t !iniii:lit i ill, moderate nun. i.. m - .o::a nndci' lln- in, pulse of pa i' a. a;-" , era in, , d liia: llo-s s!n n!d be 111',,,.-. 'I 1,,'l'c is no !:. Ier that I ilr tlov- , i n- !' tip.i hinisilf in a lib n. ma.' SW.WII' LANDS. .1. It. libidos, if KHzalielh City, was lu ie xrstirda.v with Fraak 'riiiHippsuu. of UiiPo.-. bis attorney, and bouh; troai the Siatc board of education !Ni,rt::i ai'i'i s of what arc known as swamp land--, ill CannK ii, t hislow and .lours e, anti, s. (In niiw-i. of tin- land Hlades for some lime had an option. lie and bis llii'ee Irt'ol hi rs own and iK;ratc nine a' mills. They will cut tho tini 1,. r from tin- land tbev have just so 'eiir. d. The original ticket is on each article' and goods best be seen to be appreciated. If interested, your earliest attenion secures the advant age of first choice, which In this instance means that the brightest, best ant most saleable are the first to go. None reserved. Not one piece to be carried over. It is the great chance of the year. Ti D1KD. in t":i lit child of Mr. and Mrs. 1!. LI., .lon.s. 24 McKee street, died last i i u 1 1 1 and the body was carried to (iar i'i r ibis a i"tornoi?n for interment. "Me nlnys well that wins." Hood's Snrsnunrilla wins tho victory orer dis onso beoause it possesses genuine cura tive power. r I 1ST KKCEIVKD. barrels pure obi Norih Can lina band made corn whiski v. ami it is the bo-t and purest ever sold in this oily. Cniiio and sample it at Ft church old stand. No. lilo Smith Wilmington street Raleigh. X. C. Hoys' Knee l'niits and SIos i heap at Crocker's- closing out sale. No. ! F.ast Ilaru'ett street. Ooing Higher. There is no doubt in our mindr, about the coursenf thecrlfee market. The crop in nearly every cttTje country is short. Now is a grod time to boy ahead We have nut advanced the price on our hiffh grades, and will make a liberal discount from retail price if you will purchase 10 to 25 lbs. at once. We have a large sale bn tho following brands and are sure ycu can et do better oods at the price. Wo want a'l who are fond of a tine fragrant smooth drinking Coflee to try cur 5th ave. vocha and Javaat;ioe !!, 3 lb for 1.0 r 5th ave. Maricaibo at 2fic lb. special Roast " bi: lb. D. T. JOHNSON in fact aids disestion. It tones the stomach, Incrcaies the flow of the Ktric juices and so promotes strength and tl-sh. A pore whiskey like IIAUFEIt Whiskey. BOLP BY ED. V. DENTON, llnlebrb. N. a LOST. Oh Saturday evening a black coat l(i a Indies' tailor made suit. Howard liy Ion ring at this office. Lampsl Lamps! Lamps at Hughes.' Large frving-size oysters quart at Betts' Bros. !o cents a Khiits, t'ollairs, Shoin and Hats a low prices at Crocker's closing o-ut mile at No. f Kast Ilargftt Htrwt. Wed Thit Fri "A HE3AKT AS STTJBDY A8 AN OAK." But what ! It the blood which the heart mm pump at the rate of timet a minute? . If the heart 1 to be sturdy and the nerve itrong thli blood must be rich and pnre. Hood a Sarsapariila makes sturdy hearts because it makes good blood; It give to men and women strength, confidence, conraja and endnr hnce. ,. ,: If ron Bare CTtirrh, 'rhemnattirm, at dysnTsIa, take Bood'a Sarsapariila end ?bone 2S. Beef! Beef ! Unexcelled Beef, Veal and all Meats. Cut by Mr. Creel, who is an artist in the business. Call on F. H. KUNNICUTT. City Market. Interstate 'Phone 132. The Spence China Store Has put in Ink-Slate Phone No, 32, CALL US UP ! 113 E, Martin Street. ' To Miss The Opportunity To Purchase Food for Your Pantry. Goods peak for themselves. Prices Cannot be Duplicated, COME AT ONCE Slock New and Fresh, bat we want to sell , W- G, Upchurch & Co- it Our Entire Stock has just been replenished with the last tilling in order for Winter Shoes. We are p epared lo furnish what you want at a price to'please you. The largest up-to-date new ftock in the Slate to select from. Igt. S. C, POOL'S Shoe Store A Few Broken lots at D Eight Strong Reasons, to Support the Claims Mad for the International Grand Operatic Company. First: The International Grand Operatic Company is composed of artists whose reputations werj made ""ith the greatest organizations the world has ever known. Second : With a repe:tcire of ninety .six operas, no other opera'ic organization can compare with the ''International" ' Third : The "International" was organized to supply the clfmaid to hear the best uttsts that the world can produce, at prices within the reach of everyone. , Foutth : The "International" combines all the requirements of a cultured audience'aad there will be no disappointments of the public- Sixth: The International" is something new and is Composed cf Stars who shine 01 both sides of the Atlantic. .; Seventh : The Company will bear out all c'.aims made by the management. , E'ghth : The 'Inteinaliciial'', will be here on V , FRIDAY HIGHT, FEBRUARV 9th ; ; AT .THE , , ' , ACADEMY OF MUSIC s V..' .; v. .v.. - ; ; ' : : . 1 : w 1 ...:: " , and verify he other seven statements. 4 Seats sOc.," 75c. and $t.00 at Bobbit-Wyjnc Drag Co.'s. . , The California Frt Store en a full line ' of thr best FOR.. EIGN AND DOMESTIC FBUITS. Caiifornia fancy CELEKY and CAULIFOWER. Full Jlne OANs THER'S and WILEY'S CANDIES. Cull and see us and we will serve you with great pleasure. Packages delivered. . - Interstate telephone Ntf, 227. Is Op and will Keep ALEX VERNAKES, Proprietor. V

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