I . 1 i r 1 RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1900. 25 Cents a Month No. 9,092. TIflESVISflTOR Tf TTTTV B t . U RYAN'S LAST PROP HIT BY WADDiLL t . ' T Judge's Decision Denies Appli cation for Injunction , COHSOLIDATION MaY PROCEED UNHINDRED Mr. f has. E Johasoa -Received News i D it pat b Fran Prealdent John Skel to WIllUnt-StockROldert Meetina U b Feb. 28tb. The last prop has been knocked from under the protesting form of Thomas 8. Ryan, of New York. This news came this afternoon to Sir. Charles E. Johnson in a 1 dispatch from President John, Skolton Williams, of the Seaboard Air Line, stating that J in! so Waddill of the Circuit Court at Richmond, had today handed down his derision denying the application of Ryan for injunction restraining the stockholders of tho Seaboard and Roan oke Railroad from consolidating with other roads to perfect the Greater Sea board Air Line. Upon this decision has been resting the fate of the. Soalioard's scheme, and the fact that the ease was pending was maintained by the Ryan attorneys at the meeling here as reason, for the illegality of any action that might be taken at that time. It was stated last week that the cause of postponement of the meetings of the stockholders of the Raleigh and Uaston Railroad from Wednesday two weeks Ago and from Wednesday of this week lay in the failure of Judge Widdill to render his decision. Now it is Mated that the meeting to be held on the 2Sth inst. win be most important and will be the beginning of the end of the .work of consolidation. A FIXE BUCK. Wild Deer, Within Six Miles of the ' . " City of Raleigh. Mr. Graham Haywood states that fine wild huck has been seen on the old plantation of iWlliatn K. Pool, on Wal nut, creek.six miles from Raleigh. Mr. L.. H. Yarboreugh. and several other gentlemen! have seen (he buck. lie is a Very largo fine one. He wart ehnsed by dogs the other night, but he escaped. CHANGE AT TUB CAPITOL. Miss Iahh. Vernon- Powell, who has lwen the popular and efficient Secretary to the State Adjutant General for near ly two years, will retire from his po sition, it iH said, before the end of the month. Miss Powell is thoroughly ac quainted with the work of Hie office and the most important of affairs of the Slate Guard have often been entrusted to her care. She will be succeeded, it is said, by Mis Annie Jones, of this city, who will donlitless prove a worthy successor in this difficult position. "LITTLK HUSSAR." , Under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy, will lie presented in this city February lb'th. by Mrs. J. R. Shipp and her talented troop, mucoid-, panied by the Naval R.itiil of Norfolk, Mr. James It.- Anderson, Raleigh's fa vorite comedinu, will ti pear before his friends once more. RA LEIGH CHORAL SOC1KTY. The officers of the Raleigh Choral Symphony, which was orgauzed on Thursday evening at tho residence of f'apt. J. J. Thomas with seventy-live members, are as fellows: President. W. S. Primrose. Secretary F. T. Ward. Treasurer Walters Durham . This is a new and most excellent srheme of the musical talent of this city nml Raleigh people nuiy look fin-ward to a great mnsic.il treat shortly after Easier. SAIH HALLERAN COLLKCTIGN. Art Objects, and Antiquities Bring Only Modern to Prices. New York, Feb. if). lu spite of the fact that th collection of art objects and autiquitioi which belonged to the late John .T. Halloran- was probably bet ter known than any other of its kind in this part of the country, the prices ol tained at ithe sule was extremely mod erate. The ssile was held at the- Knick erbocker Auction Rooms, S West Twenty eighth Street The auction rooms were crowded. The Baroness d' Alexandre. d'Orcamriani was the largest buyer, taking every, piece of old blue pottery and poreehiiii sold. She also bought all of the old Dutch fnrnl lure. Otfrwr largo buyers were J." C. Wilmerding, Jr., Mr K. tsKidmcre. -mi-drew O. Zabriskie, and J. H. Sptiffoul. Among the highest prices at 1h sale was $05, paid for Colonial secretary and Ixiok-case: $72.50 was paid for a French boudoir desk aikf cabinet, inlaid, and mounted with brass, and a ChipjpcTOlaJe sofa from the old Ondcrdonk . 'mansion went for $77..V. This afternoon some fins pieces of Colonial furniture and a number of pieces of Xhetneld plate will , bo sold. 1 CATTLK QU-VRA.NTINE. flat? Veterinarian Cooper Curtice no- i tifios tho rattle clulis in various tram mountain counties to meet him ond Dr. lt. I'. Steddon, of the United States 1 lepartment or Agriculture, at tin- folkiw tug places on the dates, given:- Feb ruary 10. Murphy: 12, Waynesville; 15. Frsnkrin; 17, Highlands: 19. -Oasher'a ' Valley: 22, Brevard; 2.X Henderson ville. Tho date for Buncombe is open, be-eaii-0 U is not yet settled bet her the Uieetlng will be held at Asbevlllu or Mills River. The cattle men are asked t rail meetings ou the dates named. LOCAL NOTES. The subscribers to the Interstate Tele phones will please add No. 43, Dr. A. J. Buffalo, office and residence. A great itreat is in. store for all lovers of, music at the m-nnsion on Thursday evening. The luuvHcale is under the auspices of ChiiKer 7, f . Mary's Guild. The best musicians in the city will lend their services, and a most enjoyable evening is expected. Dr. A. M. Siiuiiis will preach at the First- Baptist church tomorrow morning and Rev. W. C. Barrett at nirflit. iHcmniiiin appeared in Wilmington night before last, but did not draw a. large house' The reserve seat for Si Pluukard will be on sale usual place. Monday morning at the Prices 23. 30 and 75c. It is Htated that as soon as the Street Committee receives its fund for the coming fiscal year work will begin on. the uncompleted improvement of X'ew beru Avenue. At the perforninm-e of the Interna tional Grand Opera Company last night there were several out-of-town people who came to Raleigh specially to hear the singing of the Misses Carroll. The bids for the purchase of the mar ket house will be opened at noon Thursday next by the sperial commit tee appointed for the purpose by Mayor Pop-ell. No meeting of the commit lee has been held up to this time. Last nighc the goat was introduced to a large number of candidates by Scatou Gales Lodge, I. O. O. F., and among the number was Col. John S. Cunningham. The Lodge is to be con gratulated upon the acquisition of such a distinguished gentleman and a prob able winner in the gubernatorial race There are eight charitable affairs to be given iu Raleigh in the near future. Eight have been announced and others are being considered by the lady mana gers of various organizations. It is a .sefth-d fact that Raleigh is to have a new opera company to present a popu lar opera here during Baxter Week un der the direction of Mr. Baker, who has won high praise here for his excellent training abilities. A gentleman remarked today that it is a Kciiliur fart, but' that in the Capi tal Club building in the window ot Captain Vance's office, is an announce ment of the Recruiting Station for United States troops and an advertise ment of a dramatic event for the pur pose of raising funds for the erection of ii monument to the memory of ox Presideut Jefferson Davis, of the Con federate States. A letter received in Raleigh today from Greensboro states that several prominent gentlemen from that city and others from Salisbury and Concord will come to Raleigh on Tuesday to hear Mr. Bryan speak. It states further that an effort will be made to get Col. Bryan to continue bis visit as far South as Charlotte, where a great wcieouio is said to await him. he having grow.i in strength with the Democracy of ihar section. .Messrs. W. K. Fnison and C. F. Snider, of Raleigh Lodge No. BOO. A. F. and A M.. went out to Nciisc ill's morning to assist iu conferring the Kutirid Apprentice am) Fellow Craft degrees for Nelise Iidgc. Mr. Faisnn says he received a communication from the Master of Neuse Lodge inviting him to be present and stating they would have an "ecg-fry," and he was anxious to learn what an "egg-fry" was. Mis- Reiia Burwell, i.f Norfolk, is the charming guest oi' Mrs. B. R. Lacy. The Old Maids" Convention will be held. Political wires may be worked against them anil injiiiet;nn may he is sued preventing their t wmbling ilex; week., but the Inchest e lirts have guar anteed theiiv the evening of Tuesday, the ''(Uh inst.. and at that time the delegates from the various precincts will lie expected to present their credentials at Metropolitan Opera House. The lower tb.or and galleries will be given to the public anil the secret meet ings will all be held in the presence of the public. At Brooklyn Methodist churih tomor row morning ami at F.pworth Chapel to morrow evening at 7 r.'tn services will be conducted hv the pastor. Rev. M. M. MeFurlaud. Sunday school at each : bice at 0:30 a. n. The public i cor dially invited to all of thesv services. At the Pilot: Mills Baptist church to morrow Hie morning service will he conduct! il by Rev. W. ('. Barrett and the evening-servici at 7 o'clock by Mr. X. R. Bloiighton. A cordial welcome will lx' extended ti all who go to the services At 11 a. in. (Hid 7:30 p. in. Rev. G. F. Smith will nrcaih at Kdcntoii Street church . Sunday school O:o0 a. in. .1. G. Brown, superintendent. THE LARGEST IX RALEIGH. Cliaritw and Children, the Baptist Or phanage paper.- published nt Tlioiinis ville in its issue of this .week, gives n list of Baptist Sunday sihools iu the Stale having over .1110 members and we nolii-e that the Tabernacle school of this city heads the li-st with 8.14 niemlicTs. The First BapMst school of Raleigh is third on the list with 00S members. Strange as it imiv seem. Lcnksvillc ban KB! and Poplar Springs, a country school in Franklin county, has 524. MR. PEARSON'. A great crowd nt CHiarlotte hearrt Rev. 'R. G. Pearson's first sermon on Sunday night. His health Is poor and he will preach but oni-e a day. He said: - 'I have. learned1 to depend more upon the power of the Holy Spirit and less upon pTPtie.hlnjf Iu a meeting of this kind:. The first week I hall jreach to the , Church, to Christians, nud the second to Him' Unsaved. Q'n these ser vice -yon -will bear no slang, nil rough ness, ind nothing but the plain, prac tical preaching of the Gospel of Jesns Christ. "He U indeed the great e-cancHsl," adds ithe Wilmington Mcsseugcr, BIG GATHERING IS NOW ASSURED Tuesday Will be a Memorable Day in Raleigh MEETING TONIGHT WILL COMPLETE PLANS Probable That Sun Brother't Cifrts jenl Will be Utilized la the (Jradtd School Grounds Meeting To- nifht at 8 Oclnck. 'Kverythiiig now points to one of the greatest gatherings of a year to lie had in this city on Tuesday next when Hon. William Jennings Bryan, of Ne braska, arrives to address the people of North Cumlin.-i on the political issue of the day. Tile meeting in the mayor's office last night resulted in the appointment of ex cellent committees to carry in.it the plans that are beng effected today. There will be another meeting tonight at S oclock of the General Committee on Ways and Means, of which Mr. W. B. Snow is ihairiuan. .and which held a meeting this morning at 10 o'clock. It is now- thoimlit probable that the Sub-f'iimiiiittee on. Management of Hall will secure the Sun Brothers' Mammoth tent provided that the weather w ill per mit its use. and that there will be two addresses, one in the afternoon and one at night. The arions sub-eouunitte'es arc busily engaged today. H.t appears orobable that a good re duced rate will be given on all railroads for that date, a telegram In that effect having been ri ived this morning. The committees that are requested to men in the mayor's office and in Metro politan Hall this evening at S o'clock are fs follows: COM MtTTKK OX DECORATION. W. K. .bines, chairman: A. Dii'-'hi, M. Rosenthal. !. K. L-nch. W. J. Weir. B. W. Baker. L. A. Mahler. Thos. Pcsmd. M. It Dames. COMMITTEE OX TKANSl'ORTA TION. D. T. Johnson, chairman: H. S. I-card, YV. It. ;rmes, W. S. Primrose. J. M. Norwood. S. J. Hnnter. M. ,1. Gorman, W. T. Smith. W. J. YoniiT. COMMITTEM OX MAAGEMKNIT OF HALL. J. .1. Bernard, ehainiinn: Henry Me Kee. W. C. MeMaekin, Dr. J. M. Flem ing. J. D. Turner. Frank 'Pant. John B. Stronaeh. L. IT. Lumsdeti. W. S. TIollov,,- VV T" rto-e. COMMITTER ON A URANfiEMENTS F. It. AreniK-ll. chairman; Jhun It. Fcrrall. V. L. Watson. A. H. Suronach, R. II. Jones. V. B. Barbce. B. C. Beekwitb. L. R. Pegram. M. J. Edwards It. C. Iti'dford. COMMI'ITEE ON MUSIC. W. H: Wright, eh-iirman: Pcrrin Bns- bco-C. D. Arthur. C. M. Brclch. M. I". Harris. Sam Bogasse. C. W. Neweoiub. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. .1. S. Wvaro, chairman: .1. B. I'carce. !'. K. Ellington. I.vnn Wilder. V. II. Hoyden. W. II. Bain. B. M. G-Mling. ('. I!. L Donald. I' Ge-rge Allen. ('. C. Me . Old-. R. t;. Unchurch. CHURCH OF OOOIl SHEPHERD. Rev. I. McK. Fittenger. D. D.. Rec tor. Tiie Sou. lay called Septiiaesin'a, or ihe third Sunday before Lent. Holy ( 'onmtnnion at S a. in.: Sunday school at 0:t."i a. in, loon at 11 Sermon at 7: iiesday at 1l ing at five. The eats and visitors : morning prayer anil ser n:.: Evening Prayer and III p. m. Service on Wed a. in. am! on Friday eveu- all ire cordi: r. and strangers llv invited. JOHN MARSHALL DAY Address Regarding its Observance Is sured by American Bar Association. Xcw Orleans. Feb. 10. The following address of the American Bar Association to the hcueh and bar of the United States regarding the observance of John Mar shall Day" has Im-iiv issuetl: By direction of the American Rar As sociation, n commit i ce, compiied of one memlcr 'from each Slate anil Territory. and from the District, of Columbia, has been appointed by the asociation in re ference to the proposed ceb liration of John' Marshall Day. to 'take place on Monday, February 4. 1001, Is ing the first eonti imial tf the- installation of that emi nent jurist as Chief Justice of the Uni ted Stati s. A coiiiiiienioiratioii of this event and of the splendid career of Mar Khiill in the great of lice which he adorned for more than thirty-four years cannot fail to be an Occasion of profound interest and importance to the Auicrican lie-neli and bar. toldlcr, stmlent, (ldvis'iitc, diplomatist, statesjuau and Jurist he was one of the finest types of A merican jnan- hord ill its best estates. H'js fume is tile heritage of the nation, and is lieuelit l.ing that flu? whole cinnwry slioald eelc brate the upiinted tlay. The American Bar .Association leaves Ihe execution of this national celebration in tlvo bunds of. the courts and public bodies, and the isHiMmfteefjeXpiresN- the sincere hope that th lebratimi lie na tional in its character and imposing in Its extent and fervor., and that it may lifl vw the hi arty supisirt of 'the tsmtlar and legal of ur country. x . The active coK'rMtiHt of thu rec? tive vie presideiirs ami members ef loenl roiwcils - mqtuinted by thJ ossociattou, Willi the respective tuenuliers of the Xu tioiial Ooimudttee, 4s vtwpoct fully requeat nl anil cJtpected. , . u, , ' On behalf (ml by authority of the Na tional Onnanlttee. ' : ' ' .-:- ' ,0i WILLIA'M WIRT IKWJ5, Obainuatw Adolph Moses, Secretary, - ; . , - EXPORT OF GHAIN ABNORMALLY LAW Da.to Fierce Competloa From South American and Det ay ed Transport ation, ' ' New York. Feb. 10. There has been it'dtfeidcd falling off in the cxportntioiis of grain from this lort for the past sPx months. Less grain is moving over the seaports than in many years. T'iie fame condition exists at Philadelphia. Bnlliiuore, B.ston, Norfolk and .Now Orleans. (hie reason is that there is but little grain on hand mid in the second place the demand from foreigu sources is abnomiall low. Tbisi unusual condition- is explained by - the tierce competition from the South American trade and the fact that most grain in this country is held up in Chicago or Ituffnlo an ailing shipments to Huston, New York, Philadelphia and ofheT grain iKirt.-, also there is no ton nage to cany it. REPLY A Df M'T ED. London, Feb. 10. Tin- Commons adopted the address in reply to the Queen's speech by a vote of 220 to 30. RAIN" SUNDAY. FVr Unleigh ainl vicinity: Rain to night an. I Sunday. A storm lias suddenly developed in the central (!nlf region which has robbed the cold wave completely of its force: there has been a rapid rise in lemjiera ttire nearly everywhere. The temper, tare is now only a few degrees below freezing in the central valley, and a few degrees below zer.v at only two stations i Bismarck and Marquette.) The rapidity with which the cold wave disappeared -eenis to indicate that it was the last serious effort on tin- part of nature in that line this winter. Cloudy wearhir with rain prevails throughout the Southern States: the weather is tair west ol the Missis.-ippi river. APCH OF NATIONALITY Report of Commission Forwarded to House Committee, iW.idriiiirtnn. I-'ob. 0. The Secretary of War has forw arded to t'ie Committee on Miliary Affairs of the House a re port which he called for fiom the Chick hniuga sml Chattanooga National Mili tary I'ark Commission ujion Represen tative Grosvenor's bill providing for the erection of uu arch of nationality upon Ihe biitlleriild of Chattanooga. The commission exprcs-os the opinion thai this is an -mptiropriatc site, because nlcJif'rfce crriitr .-irmh' of the-North at South Were either engaged there or nil-lue-roiisoUKly riivreventel:' every State in the Union at the outbreak of the war east of the Kooky Mountain" had troops engaged in the battles about Chatta nooga except four: ami tins assembling of -troops at ( 'hiclianiaiiga, uhere fully one-quarter of the entire army was gathered, is deemed by Ihe I'ark Com mission to further emphasize the appro priateness of I Fie proposed loc.ition of an arch of nationality. The ootmnis-y ion joints out that Chat tnnoogii is nearer the center of popula tion than nay of lit.- ..ilier gret battle fields. The plans of the commission, which has long been co-o crating with Gt iiei-nl line-veiioi- in the ma'.ier. con template In-i n.e tablets presenting a complete roster of all commands en gaged oil e:u h side down to regiments nud hivtteries. wiih th.ir commanders; a loster of all Slate onimissioinTs and their Governor who have assisted in tin work or e-talilishing the park, and a ros ter of the Cnngriss which authorized the park tiiul of Ihe f'oiigrc.-s ivhicli aiilli.'.ri.:ed the :'rc!i as its crowning work. CIIKIST CHURCH. Rev. M. M. Marshall. I . I .. rei-lor. Sei'tiiaucsina Sumbiy lv.irly Commit nieii X a iu.: Siind-:y scinnd 111 a. 111. Divine Service and Sermon 11 a. in. Evening Prayer -I :.'!( during the week: Wi p. ill. "Services lncsday P.'tO p. lli, anil l-'rida.v 10 a. in. Free ordially invited. St. Saviour Chapel. - Sunday a. in.; nioi-ning service 111 a. service. 7:.'U! p. in. Scuts ;:M cry one invited. ats. All school 10 in.; night free. Ev HA FT I ST T A BER XACI.E. At tin- reiiucs-t of the Pulpit Com ni'ttee and' Hoard of Deacons, Rev. A. R. 'Love will occupy the pulpit of the Tabernacle church for this month. Mr. Love will preach there tomorrow at 11 a. m. and P- 1". CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART Fath-r Griffin. Rector. Sept uugese niu Sunday. High m iss and sermon ai 11 a. in. Itosary. sermon and benedic tion at T:.'!l p. in. WISE AND OTHERWISE. There is no secret of success ill busi ness. All you have to do N to attend to your business nml go ahead. Cornelius Yandi-rhilt. 1:1 Once upon' a time a Cow glowered fiercely upon a Bicycle Girl. "Oh, yon brazen th!int!" eried the Cow, with much feeling; "why. if it was being said to me that I stuffed my calves with excelsior I should never show my face '-again!" This . fable teaches that the point of view lias to he considered in order to render just -criticism. Detroit Journal. :" Don't let your heart grow cold, and you shall have youth with you into the 'teens of your second century. Glad stone. !! "All,1 yes. my dear." said her mother, "as vtv grow older we get only Hie dregs nf love." ""But, niu." said the girl. '"p still tells yon he lines only yon." "True; but I'm no longer young enough to lie lieve It." ' - '"The horseless cab i hers to stay." Thus to hhnoelf he talked f Xvui soon, he kaeie that it was true,, . . tin lia sot out and walked. . for pres Mckinley Republican Delegates In Two States In structed for Him. Wet Point, tin., Feb. 10. The Re publicans or the Fourth Georgia dis trict have nominated A. II. Freeman, ot Greenville for Congress. The delegates to the natonal convention are instructed for President Melvinley for rvu.jmiua l ion. Tallahassee, Fla.. Feb. 10.-G. B. Patterson, postmaster of Key West, was nominated for Congress by the Re publicans of the first district. J. N. Combs and J. X. Hen- were named as delegates o i lo- National convention and President McKiirley was endorsed. BEA I TI I'l l. MANTELS. Messrs. Zachary Zaeh.-iry handle a mo-i to-:: nt if ul line of hardwood mantels. Their show room on West Martin, street is rilled with a inosl select line of ninny handsome designs. If you want plain or elegant mantels you should rail on I hem. They will take pleasure in show ing yon through ami they can certainly phase you if yon wish to buy. WORK THAT PLEASES. The work turned out by the Oik City Steam Laundry is of the highest quality. It never fails to please its patrons that's the secret of its success. Equipped with the very latest and mot improved ma chinery. A WLO SERENADE A Crowd of Hoodlums Interupt a Mar riage Ceremony. llagerstown. Mil.. Feb. 10,-Miss An il ic .lone of Bissel, Jiome of and Mr. William D. Kline, were married last night at tin the bride, in l!agerstowi. About. 1(10 men, and hoys, with tin horns, cow bells and farm bells, gathered in front of the house and deminded ad- mittame. Thev were refused, wheft upon hey began to pelt Ii;" front dour with stone.. iii:d brickbats. The groom came out ami began remonstrating with. the callithunipian serennders and wa struck on the bead with an old tin bucket. Buckets ::iul other articl were piled in heaps in the front yard. Sevt ral pist-d bots were tired. The wedding ceremony was interrupt ed -by the noisy crowd and the officiating minister. Rev. Dr. J. Spangler Kicffci of the Reformed Church, was compelled to lecture the crowd before he could pro ceed One young man was severely cut across the head by a sharp piece of till thrown by someone in the crowd. The noise kept up nutU a late hour. The residents of that section of the city I larristou n threaten to prosecute those who took the leading part in the demonstration. POOR COLUMBUS. The following is u brief extract from an osa.v u Columbus, written by a stu dcntaoF an educational institution in this State: "Then Columbus, went -to Portugal where he married in old sailois daughter, having died soon after he left him a uiimi er ot in.-ips ami i Harts winch were of great use to him in bis voages." RILEY'S 1 OEM TO LAWTOX. Indianapolis, Feb. '. James Whitconib Riley's poem written on the occasion of Gen. Henry W. Lawton's body King in state in the cupitol of Indiana was pub lished here today, ll is entitled "Thi Home Voyage." Hear witli us, 1) tin-at I not am. it our pride Show eiiual measure with our grief's excess lu grot ting you in tins your helpleswiKs, To cou.niorinaiul our vanity or 'hhh our Hern, displeasure ibat we thus had ti is.l lo praise you, knowing praise was your distress; But ibis homecoming swells our heart no less Because for love of home yen proudly oied. Lo, then! The Cable, f at bonis "neath the keel '1 hat shapes your coiii-m-, is eloquent of you: Tile W bl Hag. loo, doubt Hot at 1inlf-niat overhead that Us gale-ki.vM'd np pies feel A plolldl r SCUM blue, The starAli. preto-.i; of red ami w hite God! Were they and inter In strange lands were your latest honors won Iu strange wilds, with strung all beset: Willi rain, like tears, the i'ai was wei. danger of day As rang the ambushed foouiau's fateful gun. Anil, as you fill your final duty. done. We feel that glory thrills your spirit yet. When at the front, in swiflesl death, you met That patriot's doom and best reward in one. And so the 1uiv.i-.lt of Ihni island war. At last, frryeii. is stilled IVni verinoTc -lbs scenes of bios . I blend while as ocean foam On your rapt vision as you sight afar Tile sails of peace: And from that alien shore The proud ship bears you ou your voy n?e homo. Or rough or smooth the wave, or lowering day , Or starlit sky-yon hold, by native right Your high tranquility the silent uight. Of the true hero so you led the way To victory -through stormiest battle fray. Because yow followers, hrg-h above the light, Heard your soul's , lightest -whisper bid tlii'iu smite , . ' Foi- God and uutn uud spa-e to kneei nnd iiray. Ami thus you cross the seas into yviir own Beloved land, oonvoyetl with, honors uioetv Saluted as your home's first heritag-' Xor salutation from your State alone. But all the Slates, gathered in mighty fleet, Dip colors as you move to nohorae. i.:v:':-.,-V i'x':-: ;.-:'; --..'':;,', WC-1'; ;'...'-;.- "''.V: '.'..'' i.S :';j; ARREST THE Sergeant at Arms Starts for Louisville Today HE HAS WARRANTS FOR LEGISLATORS Republicans Declare That Gov. Taylor is Winning and He Will Not Yield the Governorship. LondoD. Ky., Feb. 10. The sergeaut-it-arms of the House auJ Senate left here at one o clock tli:s morning on toe northbound -train. He hud warrants for (In- arrest of ihe absent Democatic mem bers of both houses of the Legislature. Frankfort. Feb. 10. Gov. Taylor has not signed the agreement and the ird cations are growing that he is mors unwilling to do so than ever. The Republicans here declared that nt last he h -ol plainly a winning hand and that he Mould not yield the governor ship. DI DE VAX'S HANG FOR ROSS? The La iiiinbnig correspondent of the Charlotte Observer writes: tSb-oofiiiwirrJ I el.ocaS bin bin bin binb It is currently reported this aiternoon that he made a statement a few days !go that he was innocent of this crime, t ut was guilty of anothi r for which .mother man had been hanged. Your col-respondent investigated the report as much as possible ami found that the Mateiiiont had 'been made to a colored man. and that Ross Mlid he committed the crime for which John (Evans hanged at Rockingham, a few years .-go. There is doubt about the reiort, for the rca-i n that t is probable that Ross was in the iienitentiiiry when the assault was made on the young white woman at Roekinham. for which Evans was hanged. However, Ross' color and size fit the description that was first made hite the person that assaulted the at that place. CUBA GOVERNMENT. Bishop Wbilaker Says That Is most Satisfactory. Philadelphia, Feb. O.-Bishop O. W. Wtotiaker. of he Protestant ElMScopal Piocese of E-iMern Pennsylvania, who has jnsl returned from a trip 10 Cuba, exprev ed himself lis gratified by his ob servations ilicre, both from an ecclesias tical and a national point of view, lie said: "Of the I'l-otestant denominations the iplis's are the strongest in Havaua. 'l'lie I'roiest ,nt Episeopil Churehvhas iu M:n-iu.i one i-.ngtisn-speaking emigre. atioii, two S jia n i r-li-s i4-ii k iu i; cougrega- tioii and two schools. Owing lo the powerful effect of Ann riciin inllucuee on Ihe Cubans they are nio-re disiioscd to neci ,u 1 "r-; i-i a ii ; ism ihan are the Spanish. " Willi t Protestant churches nerd nun than anything el-c in Havana are church edifices. "The nreseiit govei-iinn-et in Cuba lias had a salutary i fleet on the people. The most remarkable characteristic of our military government in Cuba is the all--eiice of any -.bow' o!' anthoi-ity. Rarely ai-e America ii officers or their men seen in uniform .m the --li-eet. Everything aipeiirs to be running as smoothly as in an Aiiieriian city. The. condition o" Havana streets is. in my opinion, supe rior lo tlio-c of Xcw York ami Phila delphia. A PLACE FOR E VERYTH IX'fL i From The Boston Couiier.i A merchant went in the Summer time To a pleasant peaceful, pasioral clinic Where i lu- roadways ribboned tin- a-res through And the fruit -if the fanner' labors grew. He walked along where the hidden choirs Tosed plaintive notes to the vibrant wires Of Zepheriis. that caught the thrill And flash, d its .Wools o'er Ri-ove and hill. His senses -A hallowing A.ih he pans Like a sj.jr: bliSs. iVoke to a measure new, peace did his mind imbue. d. as he felt its benefice, to the realms i passed As ih re h He caught That cunt' stood in the howered way, the notes of a happy lay from a lad in ihe cornfield wide. Who whistled w bile bis hoe he plied. lie watched the boy as from hill to hill lie swung the hoe with a sturdy will. And the harder he worked, ihe fuller ent lie gave to his lip's accompaniment. Ah. there. " aid the merchant by nn bude. pulse "Is a son of man whom work makes glad." Tin n he went to the' boy tattered blouse And engaged Ii i lit lo work in his comiting house. The youth took hold w ith indhstry grim. But he brought his whistle along with -him. And in just two days its charm (cave o'er And tbe whistler was kicked through the office door. . COTTON. New York. Feb. 10. -March. April, 8.20; May. 8.27; June, 8.2fl, 8.30; Amjust, 8.2.V 5.21: ' :r."l i