tt TrTr OR No. 9,09 RAI.BIQH, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. 25 Cents a Month GREAT OVATIONS TO COL. BRYAN Great Crowds Hear Him on His Way to Raleigh SPEAKS THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT Midi mouth Tent to Accomooodate the Crowd Big Reception at Depot Speaks at Darbam Tomorrow Addressed the S. A. L. Em ployees Here. Bryan, the Democratic chiertain, will arrive in the city this iifteniuoii at 4:30 o'clock on a special train, rim as a second section to th regular mail, lie is trav elling in Vice-President St. John's pri vate ear. J company with the commit tee, which -went to IMdbuiond to meet him and aceoiirpany bim to this city. At Henderson he was joined ly other nvem lern of th coirnniltee who loft this ntornniig to join hint at that Kint. This party is connjio'ed of the following gon tlemen: County Ohniiiuuiii Armistcad Jones, N. B. BrongJiton, Conunissdouer "of IiMnigratioiu John W. Thompson. II. T. Cray, Ed. Chanilier Smith, dipt. X. W. West, K. B. Barliee, Col. M. T. Leach, W. Henry Bagley, of the Times Visitor: T. J. Pence, of the Morning Port: F. L. Morritt, of the News anil Observer: IL A. Clhappell and W. C. Powd, of the Charlotte Xcws. The varioiiM conuntittees have liecii ac tively engaged all day in perfecting all the details of the arrangements. The programme is lo have Mr. Bryan deliver two speeches one immediately af ter his arrival and the other at N o'clock tonight. 'Both will he delivered in Sun Brothers' Iris cirrus tent, which was erected this morning, at the (Vnteiiuial (traded School grounds. A stand has been ertvted in the center of the tent and is" decorated with hunting, wreaths, etc. There is also a large erflyou picture of Bryan. The arrangements are for a rousing reception at the deot. Chief Marshal Stronach and his aides, the Governor's Gourd, A. ami M. College en Acts and citizens genoriill will pieet at the station to receive the great leader of Iemo eraey. Ohiier Marshal Stronneh will 1'hen form: the line of march as follows: Wright's Cornet Band. Chief Marsilial and two aides. Platoon, of police. A. and M. College hand. A. and M. College cadets. Governor's Guard. Carriage with Mr. Bryan drawn by 10 w hite horses. Carriages containing members of the committee. Carriages with citizens. The piwwM,ion will inove immediately' to the tent und Mr. Bryan will deliver his tTst address. This afternoon's speech is to give the Indies ail opportu nity to hear the distinguish. .1 orator. There is great enthusiasm in the city today, and the talk is .nothing but about Bryan. He will lie given a treimendotis welcome. The tent in which, he will seak will hold about three thoiusainl )cople, lint the indications are that it will not be sufficient to fliold the great crowd who wish to hear him. Messrs. II. Stciiimeta and Mcx-rs. .7. L. O'Quinn and Company, the florists of this city, have contributed two Itean f ifnl lioquets of American Beauty roses, ami other flowers which will le present ed to Mr. Bryan. ' A telegram from National Ooimn it tee man Josephus Daniels was received this morning by Mr. Arniistend .T( ties stating That only Mr. Bryan and the committee were on the train. It is said that ttie report that 'Senator Butler would accom pany Mr. Bryan to Haleigh was started by Major Spier Whitaker as a joke. A telegram received from National Committeeman Josephus Kaniels last night stated that the committee enronte to Richmond to nu-et Col. Bryan were delayed four Injurs in Welilon, nud there fore did not reach Richmond until mid night. AT HENDERSON. Special to The Tiim's-Visitor. Ilenderson. X. C. Feb. 1:1.-3:13 p. m. Ool. AVnu J. Bryan stated that arrange ments hal been miatle for him to spiH-nk live mfimute's at Johnston Strict to the Seaboard Air Line employees, while the engines nre changing. ' Iiranedia'tely after his arrival to speak in the tent at the Centennial (iraded School ainl at night at $ o'clock in tin tent as announced by the (.Vmnvit tee from Raleigh. Their plans are prefect ly satisfactory to Mr. Bryan. Ool. Bryan fpoke at Weldon anl IJt tkton ti large erowrts, ami upou his ar riva'l here nddresses1 more than fifteen humdred peojile frtriVr the rear platform of PreuWenit. John Skclton Willianm' pri vate ar. II aeepted an. invitation to eeak at VVednofulay morning. On the siwlal train are. Ohairniwn iSinvmonei. National ' Cximmicteema u Daniels. Hoik T. J. .Taivis. Capt. 8. A. Ashe, Mr. X. W. West, Pr. R. H. Staneill, Mr. H. S. Iifard, Mayor A. M. Powell, mid the Raleigh committee. Tbe Mnssenlmrir Hotel elegantly en tertained Col. Bryan, and his party and Raleigh Committee at dinner. . AT KITTRPLLS. Ivittrell. Feb, l-3:37 p. m. Spw-int. At Henitersmt Col. Bryan was Introdiie hJ by governor Janri His eecli wa received with great cheering. Ijiter he shook hands with himdretV of tlir "wn and women. Ijirge Towd from the couitlry.v He spoke at Franklinton and ' tt Yoimgsville. Will reach Raleigu at 4:30.' AT FRANKLINTON. Special to The Times-Visitor. Franiklitom, N. C. Fob. 13. The train fltopined a miomeut at. Kitfrclln. where a number of people cheered Mr. Bryan Ilo epoke at Franklin! on before an im mense crowd. The engineers and laboring men asked to sfltake hands -with, Mr, Bryan at Hen derson. W. HENRY BAGLKY. FAIR TONIGHT COLDER For Raleigh and vicinity: Clearing this afternoon.; fair, mutch colder to night and Wednesday, with moderate cold wave. ' Tho storm yesterday central over northern Texas moved with great rapidi ty to the St. Lawrence valley with rains throughout the entire country east of the Mississippi river. Amounts of precini tadion exceeding one inch In 241 hours occurred in nearly all the Gulf and At lantic Slates. An area of high baro meter with a jwetty severe cold wave follows this storm. The lowest tempera tures are 1N degrees below zero at Bis marck. 10 degrees helow at Huron and 14 below at St. Paul. A very rapid fall in tcmiMTature to below frivzing (recur red as far south as northern Texas and St. Txiuis. An average fall of 10 degrees to 30 degrees occurred in the uper Mississippi valley. A BRIDE AT THIRTEEN Durham Chfld Weds Another Child There Sunday. (Durham Herald.1 Sunday night there was a marriage in the Flat River section of this count ty. and the bride has the honor of bo ing the youngest wife in Durham coun ty, if not in the State. The contracting parties to this event were Miss Mary Mangiun, daughter ot Mrs. Margaret Mniigum. and Percy Crabtni'. sen of Arthur Crablree. The bride is RS years of age and the 'groom thirteen years her senior. being litl years old. The event was solemnized at the home of the youthful bride's mother at li:.W o'clock by 'Squire Dave Harris. The attendants for 'tin occasion were as fol lows: William 1'mstcnd with Miss Mary Mael'ailand. ami Kinslow Crabtnv with Miss Ivdilit Manguni. A large crowd of (! friends of the contracting parties were pn m lit to witness the marriage. MR. PHRRY.jTO I.KCTI ItE. Kilward Baxter I'rry will give a lee-ture-ns-ital at St. Mary's School on Wisl nesday evening, February 14th. Mr. Perry will give a piano recital in the drawing room of St. Mary's School, to which the public is cordially invited. The eencerf will begin promptly at S o'ebwk. Adiuissioib TiOe. CONGRESSMAN SUICIDED Mr. Chickering of New York Leaped From Fourth Story Window. New York, Feb. i:. Congres-inian Chickering. of Iewis county, Xew York. leaied from, the fourth s-tory of the Oraiul Vnion Hotel in this city and di cd before tile arrival of an anibulanee. lie was suffering from rheumatism anil became despondent. GREATER SEABOARD Formal Consolidation Will be Perfected in 60 Days. The formal cint--oliilntion of (he Sea board Air Line system. Florida Central aral Peninsular, (Jeorgia and Alabama ami other roads controlled by I he Wil-liams-Miildendorf synnlicate will lake plaee within 00 days. The general lei ins of consolidation have already been ar ranged and ratified by the stoeklioblers of all the roiM -rtiea thai will be incluil tsl in Ihe (ireater Seaboard system ex cept the tieorgia and Alabama. The question has not as yet becji subiiiiMed to the stockholders of the l.ii'er oin pnny. but there is no doubt that th-y will vote as havi tin- stockholders of the other conviinuieH when they : ne tile opportunity. The eiHisolMatioli of the pro rtics is in tho hand's of a committee composed of Mssrs. Itobeii C. Davidson. S. Da vies Wnrfield, William A. Marburg and J. William Middcndorf. or Baltimore. Messrs. John Skelton Willinniis and James II. Hooley, of ltiehmonut and W. F. Coekran, of .New York. There is no doubt that Mr. Williams, who conceived the idea of forming a new Southern trunk line, will be the president of the iSeaboard Air Line Railway Company. nd that Mr. St. John will be retained as vice-president and general manager. The SeaWard Air Line Railway 'om pany will operate under the charter of the Raleigh amd (Jaston, which will be the ipnrent eorp"itim ff ll:e new company. 'Mr. Thonns Ryan, of New York, wiio has been trying for three years to secure con'rd" of the Sca hoafU systei owns about o shares if the stock of the Raleigh and Uas'.im. and has filed a bill in the I'nited Stales Court at. Raleigh, X. C., 'o prevent the consolidation, alleging rhat '.t i- in viola tion the laws of North Carolin i. ThU suit will not be heard until frr'.ug. At t'lie time Mr. Ryan iustitii'el these iio ceediiigs he nsked :he on-:, te grant i tcnipornry injunction restrauun e the con solidation pending an I final decision. The injunction was granr" i, but wa revokml by the court the s;: me day. aul tltpre are nmv no olwtncl.'s t.i cn-ryfiiB out the original plan. Comimentiinr on the progress tlio. deal up to date, Fc-Mayor Hobert DHviiison. one of the eommutev hnviiig hnrge of the formation of the new sys tems vkl today: "The Seahoaro Air IHIW l-TOHlllUllll'li" i " - pllshed fat already, nnd it is not within the power of Mr. Ryan or his nlrettors to ting the witeels of an ent- vp-i? wiiieli meaus so great advantage t the South and to Batthnure. Kverv piint that could x trrged a-gainM ths scheme hn. Uwn irone ver thonaittSdy an-l a,iariit ljp exhausted through the xeal. oikI fer tility trt resource of Air. Ryu eouuwl." BRITISH MOVE H ON K1MBERLY British Troops Have Assumed the Aggressive BOERS INFLICT A SLIGHT SET BACK Preparations to MoveJFrom Modder Riv e r are Now Complete English Feel Encouraged by the Reports. London. Feb. .'!. A despatch from Rensburg, dated yesterday nwnniing. pive much cause 'for coiignituIatiiHis in its statements that those who hud oc cupied Mustard's Neck and Ilobkirk's Windinill Saturday had bieu driven out from these positions1 by Hie FirgliNh ar tillery, and were in full flight, the Kng l;sh having oii-upieil Imili iilaccs. A later disateh from Rensburg, how ever, dated last night, puts another com plexion on the lighting there, it seems that, vhe Roits. aecording to British re rls .returned the attack ami drove ill Ihe outposts of tile British left flank, and rcoccupicil Bustard's Nik k, and Ilobkirks. the British retiring in haste to Mai tier's farm. The HgliTing was se vere and several casualties resulted. No details were given. Guidon. Feb. 1:i.-A despatch to the Pall Mall Cazette fnan Ma I'oking via (iabii'oncs, under dale of February -ml, says: 'l"he situation is urn baitge.I. Col. Baden Powell has received a comnnuiL eatiou from Lord Roberts promising re lief to be seiut in a few weeks. The supply of food will last. The garrison is gallic as ever. The Boers hare ex pivsstil their intent ion to starve us out. Loudon. Feb. K!.-Tljie cessation of war news in South Africa is taken to indi cate lhat Rriiish preparations to move from Modilcr River are alut completed, and thai iuijiortaut events can be mil i-eipali-d in a few days. The interest cen ters almost wholly upon Lord Roberts, especially since liulh r's report of with drawal from Vaal Kruniz eatne. for liist. tiiiK canw ihroiigh Roberts, show ing that all different oierations over wide fii'-ld hen'afler will Is more in'hui liletely co-oriliiiatcd. It is now known thai military attaches have gone to join Roberts at .Mulder River. Anotuier move indicating au advance. The ab sence of tiem.ral French from Rensburg district seems to have given the Boer--an oppm-t unity for renewed -aclhy. They have apparently begun an extended attack on British lines, and nus'ting minor successes which are having consid erable moral effect on the bonier colon isits. Rensburg. Feb. l.'S.- Tlie Rriiish have abandoned Slingerst'outeiu and fallen back to Rensburg. This move was m ule because ihe Boers were threatening the I'ritish eastern flank. Iyondon, Feb. 13. lord RoWrls has begun the advance on Kiudierlcy. Cou eial Wood, with the famous Scott's tireys, seized Zouthans Drift, on Orange River, which orns up an easy road to Kimliciiey aiul ea.t of the Bis-r lines in the Free State, and will enable the British to attack .lacob-dale in the nar. GOVERNOR ON THE AMENDMENT Thinks It Unwise for Republicans to Ac cept Ihe Issue. Covcinor D. L. Russell was invited to address The M applet Club, of Chicago, last, night. Cmernor Russell foulil not allind so he wrote his speet lies and Col. .1. C. L. Harris read it before the rim lit the course of his sj eh IJovoruor Russell made reference to the pending ( Amendment taking 1he ground apparently that it is useless for the Republicans to oppose the measure. He said: "III North Carolina, the Democratic politicians are seeking by a proposed suffrage aimnduicnt to our Constitution to nullify the Federal Constitution, af ter the nainner of Louisiana. By this they hope lo keep nil agitation on the negro ipieslion, for the pending elei'lion. Tiny confidently hoic that their oppon ents will is riiiil them l.i force the bat tle and choose (lie gn .und. But if the elements opposed to thciir in Ne.iMh Cn'M lina will refuse to aecipt lac issues which these Democratic iolilieian.s )iro pose. and relegate it to the Judicial and Political .Doptirituents of the Federal ovcrnnient. the Democratic party may by i nil nit ens election laws worse than the Kentucky infamy, succeed lor a while. But their days of wicked tri umph will be short. The colored people will see that their safely requires t'iiem to follow the men that g've tin .n rai ploymienf. The colored tenant, if he voles at all, will vote with Ihe owner of the land. The bug-liear of negro su premacy, Isiug nunoveil. the men of thought, of wealth, of enterprise and of nctinn will take part of I've Republican party. In a few years iiiuler these con ditions, the Republican party of North Carolina will l)e the party of proierty and intelligence." SI PLUNKAPD. J. C. Lewis ami his talented company of conwd'ianj. iiv the laughing cyclone, "Si Plunkard" will be ut the Academy tomorrow night. I Don't fail to see the Yankee farmer and his fun makers. Hi and his Yankee I farmer 'bund will aniurunw their arrival . on the day of exhibition by a gram! street iparade. W ateh for it and enjoy the amiMnmnit fhe famous hand parade will offir. It' fiiniiHr than a cirxns. Reserve seats now on sala. Price 25, 50 and Toe. r - Xew York. Feb. 13. The Iri sliip, CoiHrir of Hdinbnrg'lii, ii'iis wrecked on the Jersey Coast iat night in a fog. Twenty of the crew were 4akn off this . morniiug nt BreeelHw' Buoy. Tue riiii; is; considered in peril. ALDERMEN CANNOT SELL Board Has No Power to Dispose of Market AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE REQUIRED Mr. C. B. Edwards Quotes a Decision of Ihe Supreme Court to Sustain Tlii Important Point He Raises. Kditors 'film's-Visitor: We have rc eenlly had a great deal oi discussion in the papers and on Ihe i'"cs about in effort on the part if s nue o oi.r Board of Aldermen :i t t.'iiiii in ir to m'I the present city hall ami market h iisr and an attempt to loenre mi:' market ailjaeent 10 somebody .-Ne's prop, ely: and there has Is'cn i!. sir.-a-ui an.! riil'ieule used nil Iwith sides of I'lis eues tioii. There are some who 'e-lievi ilmt our Board of Ahli run n are inlallible and all-powerful, and have an absolute rial to do anything williiii the icitx limits llial a bare majority of h-m tn'ily nine men al a full uit'etiiigi iua- resolve lo do; and there arc others who -b. not believe so. 1 inn among I lit- laMer. and Is'lieve that tile people have some rieiiis not delegated to the Board of Al.lerm- i., ainl hence believe they are not sun i uc in their power nor infallible. I Umo-a that aldermen arc gem rally eri'i -i.vii for iheir public acts liv tlios,. n;i .,ii'- Mile or Ihe O'tlllT ol' such I liaebeen all alderman and bad mv shar.1 of it, and know whal it is to stand 'or what olio believes- 1 r.glit w in a a ma ioi it v a poliey. our nun of the people are againsi inli J believe this movement lo s,. bet house to be against the of the city, and against piudcul : n I rests bilsiiil'SS I'.oar.l ol principle-: an.! ills i thai Aldermen had no b gal r ni-ir in de llenc! course ket ol al right o iH-rsue siu-li ;i li.i I f the ol' Rab iua. nut fa vor ahliouirb tlx I lie siiuare Ikmc been I. hrcalioii of i! leasisl by lla really lo mv ii. l'.ll'! litis colitrovi'l'MV li.-is ll:;oni!' for all of us collie lo all enil, as ail e.'il'.ro versies do sH.m r or later: for our Su premo Court settled the question on e cemlrer 111. IHil'.l. in Ciiy of Soiithiorl vs. l'riideiice S-tanly. The history of this cnee is this: In 1SS:J the commissioners el' Sniil lu'ille. luow Soul hpoi 1 1. teased a portion oi' a town lot for !!'. years to W. II. Craig, and in IX'.rJ Craig conveyed his interest in the lease to l'ritilem-e Stanly, who was in, iMissession. The present authori ties of Southpori sued for pos.--ession, and the Judge of the Siieiior Court decided in favor of the defendant Stanly. Th" town authorities of SoutbMirt appeal -d to the Supreme Court. (SYciioii .".LM of The Code reads as follows: "The mayor and eommis!oners of any incorporated town shall have power at all times to sell at public out cry, after thirty days' notice, to tile high est 'bidder, any property, rei al. belonging I" any such apply the liroeeeds as they I or person town, and , it' iv think best." Justice Montgomery, "ho wrote the opinion, says: "But the in .1 ion before lis is. .Iocs the statute (Code, seel ion W.'ii. n nfer upon the governing bodies of towns and cii is power lo dispose of s.n ii propei-y of the town or city as we nave nieiiiione !. We are of the opinion thai i' decs ..'1. It is clear that if such a p.n.r eisi.-.l under Ihe statute, it w.iibl v in ic u'lt' of the governing net lu.i'ltles of a town or ci:y to praetieallv annul i: I'luirter a thing whiih cetiaiu'.v could Hint. Is- done evei pi by 'In- Ci.iiral As sembly, through a I ill eiiaetcl for thai liOI-lHi-e If tile Commissi : lei's el Al- del'inen could, iiii Oslo above ipH'l siiuare or park. Icr the section of The d. sell i lie pal. lie or huil'li ig ii-. "I for ises. win they could governini nt pin ji l,vri,..,n v sill everv biiiblin.' owned by the town, and eve.ry public siiuare, and by lhat means disiroy :h no a. is if proierly governing the nnniiciaai.ty. and also greatly impair the value of all real estate within bac city or town iimiis. Ii is true siuli aiiioii en the part of lb Cini.inis:sioners might m ;l 1" I '.'.ibaiile. but it could be done il is ibl lhat it could be done under the e.uistra. -lion which the deleu hull put upon The Code section. "The reasonable construction of 1 lie Statute must be thai the town or . Iv authoritii s can sell any personal pov erty, or sell or lease any real "slate which belongs to the town or city as the surplus of the originul acreage ceded for the town or ciiy site, or such land as may have heili subsequently anitiircd. or purchased, ibnt in no case can the pow er lie extemhil to ihe sale or lease ir any real estate which, by the terms or the act of ineoTiHiratioti. is to be .u Id in trust for the use of the town, or to such real estate wilh or without the hnildiugs Oil it as is devnlcd to the purposes of government, including town or c'r'v hall, market houses, houses used for the lire depart ineuts or for water supply, or fir public squares or park. To enable the town or city authorities to sell such o.' the real estate of tlie towns or cities as is mentioned just above, there must lie a tuHiiiil act of the Ceneral Assembly. authorizing such, lease or sale." I This -will settle the irucstinn, and will keep our market house off of wheels for the present at least. O, B. E1VARIS. Felmiary 13, Mm. I A stick in ifivniM at Academy of Miisrie. Owner can et same I.y eiillin j at box office and paying tor a l. "If you wvuit your IMimiiralism cured, tho libl North State Rheumatic Ore Ktil do it. . COTTON'S Bill JUMP TDDAY Options Opened One Dollar a Bale Higher BEARS ARE FULLY ROUSED Such a Market not Witnessed Since 1896 Liverpool not Making Prices on O'Neills Estmate Short Ciop Conceeded by all. New York, Feb. Kl. -Cotton look a big ji:;inp Toilay. Options opening twenty points, or one dollar a bale higher. Sm ii a market hius not been wiinessni since I Sllii. The fact that advance occurred Willi prevailing prices above eight cents, indicates llial. bears are fully arouse, 1. It also signities that Liverpool is no! making prices this tinialcs. and that conceded 'by every speculative market ccittd soon aft' r on OWeil 111' crop s ,.;';g one. The was very aotivi opening prices. local and s. but -: Cel.. :iv and reacted shortly. New- York. Fob. 'ol Ion bid S.4o; March .N.:!N; April S.i.!: Mi June S.41: .Inly N.-I7: August ,.l: Sri lember 7.N7 : Oelober ".Ii". LOCAL NOTES. Mr. Hugh Kciidrick is alec lo be mi! after his recent illness. Mr. Murray Albn. of Trinity is here lo hear Mr. Bryan ' Ri'imblicaii Chairman A. ii spent Ihe morning in the i i' later for Richmond. Va. Mr. T. L. Kbcrhardl h ft I. New York City, when be wil College idax. iiui:,. .Ill ! 1 1 -! .day ioi I cinpl.o a machinist tor ihe electric power plant which will be established al ihe Calls of Ni u-e. in ibis county. .Mr. .I. K. Marshall, i.m rieiot- of ihe .-ik Ciiy Steam l.aniolrv. accompanied Mr. Kber ha nit. The piel lire.; uf tin- Little il'iizar are pew in the window at V. II. King's. T'hey are niost aitractive and it can be Friday euallv safely said thai the opera on evening. Fcl.i uaiy I'ilh, will In so. The people of Raleigh are 'o. king for ward w ilh inncb interest to ih -rcsctila-lion of "A Fisbernran's Link" on the i-vi fling of Wasliingion's birthday. Ii promts! s to be one of the most ,-nn-is.-lad aiiuiteur (days ever presented in Raleigh, and every one should alieiid. The siatenienl in this paper s i.urday that a wild buck was nt lai'g" in this county was generally necepte I as true, having bei-n given on ho uulioriiy "t" Col. lirahani Ilayw I. A large parly w'ent out today. Mr. Haywood s.-ivs. lo oaMi the buck. Mr. (. R. Smith has r.-iurncd I" the ciiy. SMRUMAN CONCERT CO. Will Appear Here Monday Evening in Metropolitan Mall. Tlie Knowille iTinn.i Journal and Tribune has the following lo say of the Shiiiiianu Concert. Company, which will appear at Metropolitan Hall on Monday evening. February I'.llh: The Schumann's Concert Company, at Ihe Woman's building Saturday nigat. won the ailtuiialioii of Knowilb 's m isi cultured and music-loving people. Capti vated might more fully express ii. lor the participants not only revcah-d art but winning qnalitus that eiilbroned each one in the audience'- ,-iITi ciioiis. Miss Agnes Cringle possesses iiio-i re ti.arkalde owers as a violinist. With iter uii'-xei'lled tcehni'iui- is a-soeiatcd a fin isii. a rare interpretalioii. a soiill'ulne-s. llial h bis fin hauled the hearer. With most, subtle sweep of tier bow she calls forth ihosii purse .soft tones an I Ihe smooth and soothing quaver from the ever vibrating hand on t uo neck of the instrument, which only the 1 1 nest artist can de velop. She was encored wilh every appearance and truly she deserved it. She is rightfully accenlitisl a iosi tiou among the lir.-l violir-i-is of this i-otintry. The soprano soloisl. Miss IJiac Cha lieur Cnhorn. possi'sses a sweet voice, capable of great range, resonant ami pure and in such reiiiarkabb nliol thai fho most trying ranges are ed wilh pel-reel east. The "Staeealo I'nlka," which developed .Ibis hitler fea ture inert' than all other selections, was Tendered with such grace and i ase -as to receive linslinted praise. Ill the hands of Miss Charlotte Tin- rant the harp yields i s swclesl noie-. Al I'he tftneli of her fingers i: throbs its purest, golden tones. Her high r. p. na tion was well sustained last night. Miss Zulioine Bolkcoin. (he read r. a fords a most interesting ilivi rs'.on in -the program. She lias, al her eouiiinan.l. well chosen selection and mith vusaiilo low er is ready to produce laughter or icars. She was a 'favorite for the evening. The audience was tlioroug'hly leased. Fpon leaving the hall, a number of l'"M eis with pictures of perfor;iiers Ciereoii. left on a table at the door, were eagi rl.v sei.ed as nicmenties of the nivnsin.ii. The lsv sheet will be opened on Thursday morning. Felirnnry loth, at lb" W. H. King Urng 'Compauy 's stoic Ad mission 50. 7." and $1.0(1. "L1TTIK HFSSA R." Tvers of good music have a rich treat In store in the irresentation of this charm ing comic opera, which will be. given in tlits city at Metropolitan Hall February Iflflfc by ls. J. B. SHrfn and her tal ented uroupe. 1 Box sheet, will open Tuesday looming at W. III. King's dm store. Admission: Reserved wnts, "0 ei-iits: gmieral ivdmvi'i s:on, id cents; gallery 23 cents. (Jo and help the Daughters of the (TonfeilcTary in their laudable efforts to raise funds for the Jefferson Davis Monument fuuJ. THE CLOUDS NOW THICKENING j Hear in the Mornitrg Mystery This Afternoon A FORGED LETTER PLAYS A PART Broide and Nellie Moring Will Probably be Held for tbe Alleged Murder of Cid Solomon Moring. The prelituiitary hearing of Kroadie Moring and Nellie Moring. son ami wife of Solomon Moring. respectively, was hebl latere TBtice Roberts t The ib'feinbinls are charged with the murder of Solomon Moring, w'ho disap peared front' his liouie anil has not been s. en i-iiiee. or nearly 1w.. ivei ks par tics have searchiil bur no trace has bis-u found of ihe old negro. Al Ihe hearing Mr. I!. C. Heckwilh api eared for ;be delendanits and Messrs. (intling and Walsou colldueteil tile proseeutioll. The first part of lbe evideiiec ivas merely a rcsiaieim-ut of the quarrel be tween 1 Id man and hi.- family and the mysterious disappearance of Soleinou after informing a white gentleman in the neighborhood lhat he believed his sou was going to kill him. However, several strong points were brouglif on! against the defendants. Half a ' testitied thai liny had visited the house and seen signs! of blood on ihe floor. The blood appeared in have been scour, d or covered w ith meal or sonielhing of Ihe kind. line of the miost important, witnesses was Florence Moring. a sister of Uroadie Mo'ing. who is a.cusnl of the murder. Florence sai-1 thai she had lived in llaleigii for nearly a month with a mar ried sislcr. "Can you wriicV" asked Mr. Walsou. "Yes." said Florence. "Could your father, can your brother or mother wrii. '.'" asked the attorney. "o." said the witness. Mr. AYalsoii produced a torn letter signed by lbe name of Solomon Muring and daled Richmond, bill mailed in Ral eigh, in which letter Solomon informed his wile that he was in Riehiii-oiid. Florence then adiuiltcd thai she wrote the letter and signed her father's iiaine lo it. She said that she wrote the letter here in Rabigh the day after Solomon disaponrcil. When questioned Florence said thai she wrote the letter bocausv Rroa.lie asked her to .1.. so, stating that Mr. Reddish said lie would bo satisfied about Solomon's disapivaraiiee if he re ceived a btter fn in him. lie did this lo prevent being suspicioned of murdering his father, so the witness said. Kroadie .lid not tell the witness where Solomon was. said llial he did not know. Mr. Reddish then swore that he had never said anything about a letter to Rroa.lie or any one else. John Webb told of going to the Mor ings after Solomon's disappotirairiv. Nellie said thai Solomon had caused her all this I rouble and she didn't care where he was. Webb and the men -with him saw lbe shins of blood on I he-floor. I hum said to Nellie: "1 heard. Kroadie knocked him in ihe head wilh si ham mer." "Yes." said a liltle child in lbe room. "There's tiie hammer under 1 lie bed." 'I'he 'Moring woman, then attempted to turn it o If by saying: "Thai's the only hainnier in the house." This happened last Sunday. Ceorge liuiiii then corrolcoraled Webb's testimony. Henry Oakley swore lhat Browlic told him thai his father said that he was going and lie gave him Ihe money to go w iib. (lave 'him $o. An obi negro woman. "Aunt Calolin.'." swore thai ISroadie told her his father went away because the Jews in Ralc'gii weie taking up folks for getting dot Iks. and he bad got scale dollies. This was 'I Itnr.-.lay before last. A I -1 o'clock the trial was not com pleted. HOVT'S GREATEST HIT A Texas Sleer" a Political Comedy, for This Week Although American audiences like noth ing better tor amusement purpises than satirical skit.s or travesties on Iheir country's political machinery, it is al-ino-i eonq liiiioninry to Charles H. Ilnyt's ability as a fane comedy writer to wit ties lire enjoyment with which "A Texas Steer" is received by Ihe audiences through. .11 the country. Almi'st con- taiil service as an entertainer for several years pas: ha :nd diminished the laugh 1 revoking qualities of "A Texas .Steer." and it '.s as amusing now as when first 1 r. In. e.l. "A Tcmis Steer" 'is unique an. I original in plot and eou.stnn tion, and th.-re .-ire ninny of II Vi's i'rioiios w!v rill consider it bis best p.-edilcli-n. I he ast this season is all t lint could be do- .1 1 1 i new sce ne eiillilUll 'lit lias la cu t arnished by Art llovl's Madison Sipiav in 1 1 riieaue. This excellent ciMiiody w ill b- pi Academe of Music Si'un tiled .11 tile . Februarj 17lli. Reserved sea's .vd be an sale Thursday aiioruing al u-eial place. LA 111 IK KOI I.FR 1 1 KI11J. "The mammoth boiler for he Standard Has ami Fioctrie tViinmny Ivas been. 0 ccived It is .one of the largest trailer" in the State. Its weight is .WHHV pounds, diameter S4 inches. 18 feet long, and has 100 three inch tubes. t Chicago. Feb. 1J!.-Early this nwirnilii ' the Pain Grove theatre, was ; barmd. Kenwood storage ami Ooiimlia flnts'' were damaged. The loss is esHmatfd at five thousand dollars. TJm tenants Jn the flats were, greatly exeitiO, but all recaped safely. l-V;