f- ,1T HIM TDE TO6S-YISIT0R. THURSDAY, . MARCH ; 15, 1900 PUBLISHED BI WBK ,VISITQB-FBK88 OOMPANT. '" (IN COBPO BATED.) vfficb itf ran acadbjsi g? MUSIO.-101 V. MABTIN T. SUBSCRIPTION PEICB& Due Year IS.O0 Dm Month J5 (THIS LEADER IN THE) NEWS AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. Communication or item H new eo ceroing aubjecta ot local interest are deerired by thia paper and will be pnb liuhed it worthy of spaao. All each com nraA icatione should be addressed to tflw Times-Vinitor, and not to individual members of the staff. Names ot authors should accompany communications, but Will be omitted in publication if desired. WHITHER ARE WE DRIFTING? The Times-Visitor tculay rticiveil 9 communication from a iiti.'.'i of Hnjoiifli dealing with an unpleao.u.i SMhjcit. hut one which should he finci. it is a son mis question, hut if tin- facts stait-1 ..le all that is claimed, the c:,.y air liorit ure some one of the ri.t-:istri.;ic.i in Fti.l-t-igh should act at once. The romniuuication i us follows: "There is certainly a laxity of enforce ment of the law by those entrusted with the dispensing of the same, in regard to maintaining the moral standing of this municipality. At common law all open lewdness, grossly scandalous actions which openly outrages decency, and is in jurious to public morals, are Indictnhlc. Improperly conducted house where both hexes of evil tame and naau are suffered to remain lewdly and lesciviously misbe having themselves are at common law public nuisances and liable lo indictment. Any place kept where dessolute an de bauched persons ore drawn together en dangers the public peace, outrages de- reucy and corrupts morals anil should be bummnrily dealt with by law. "In our midst is such a place it may lie there are numerous such but there is tine In particular, located on East Davie ptreet kept by a disreputable woman. Hut a few days ago a young girl liorn and raised in Raleigh, was carried to this house by a man and became an Inmatft thereof, throwing herself into a life of debauchery. The next day this depraved Jnan, procured a license and married the Itirl to avoid a criminal prosecution, and since his marriage and now is keeping his wife in this house of public prostitu tion, submitting herself to all the sur roundings of such a place. "In the name of God, in defense of pub lie morals, in maintenance of common de cency and in behalf of virtue shall such R condition of affairs continue in our midst. Our police pass this house many times during the day. and see its inmates on the porch, at the gate, and on the Bidewalk. They know all about this awful ntory of the! young girl. The justice of the peace who married them knows the whole story. Every magistrate in the city has heard it. Will no legal steps be taken to wipe out this foul stain upon our good name?" TO MEET AT M0REHEA0 CITY Teacher's Assembly this Year at Popular Summer Resort. Ti ,,, i The executive committee of the Teach er's Assembly met at Greensboro Tues day night and after a session lasting several hours decided to hold the next cession of the Assembly at Morehead. There Were two bidders for it More head and Wilmington. The advantages iifforded and the Inducements offered by both places were fully discussed, and finally Morehead was selected. -The reasons thai influenced the com mittee in -mnkiug this choice are set forth In the following letter sont yester day by Secretary Mebane to the chair tuan of the Wilmington committee: Kalrigh. S. f. March II, l'.Kjn. Mr. Sliircus W. .Tyrohi, Wilmington. N. C : "Dear Sir: The tvjnimirtco coa'aden-d run-fully and long the plurc for hokling the nrft Teach er's Assembly last night al 4intn:b"io. and filial ly concluded tliat the Assrmlily could not go vi .Wilmington lor three reasons: "First We lunl.l not Mtfi.nl to re-iuire any number of the tpaehers lu pay ! ier d..y at the hotel of Wilmington, when we had the offer of first class hotel fare at Morehead f"r $ per day. Ill other w.uils the poorest teacher at Morehead is on the same looting with the wealth' Jest nun in the State. "Second Our people wmiiM nei essnrilv hi' si-at-lered over the city and more dittieult to get together for the. Lonveiuion Work of the As sembly. "Third .Every individual who havs nur cou pon tickets from the railroads is entitled to . Whatever 'courtesieii or special privileges are giv en to us, and it would he possible Dial souip 'tough' eitixen niiglit get into some good pri vate home ajtd Ho us a an organisation harlu. VTlie thairi' reason sis ttte hotel charge. If Hie Orton Havwe would- have given ma $1 PT day rates,' wc would lae tried to manage the y i4T!w ennt'iv'ltee appreciate most, simerely tlie Itrmt interest (shown by the good people of Wi). Jniirgton, in ttnvinff the. Assemldy at .Wilmington .JthU, year, and wish to assure you and your peo- pie that', w have tried to do our duty to the tasembh whose ofneial representatives w are, SS 'Well as give a careful consideration to the frftr you have kindly tendered us. ' Iwy lbs ltfi UMoaKOt uajr jet svg lbwt wty at aoma future day to make POiWe the Assembly to come to Wilming. ton- "With thanka tor personal couAtn,lB 8hott'n me by you and your good people. I 'I am, yours truly, "0. II. MR 'ANK, Vot the Coma ittee." n-i, t.itar n,,tifvlnc the owners i t the hotel at Morehead of the selection ot place for the next meeting was as that fol- lows: Haleigli, X. t '.. Mar !1. IDOi Barhvv Company, Raleigh, N. C : "Dear Sir: Ou tu MureheaJ is the cl. -from mountains to tlie sea. We are com ing, we are coming. So make ready the uur bodies and rings for our tinsel-, hu" buy you: very best goods for the inner man. and Jour best K'ds for the weary teacher. "1 a in yours lor a great meeting;. 'Very truly, "0. II. MRBAN-E, "Stcretary id Treasurer N. t'. ! A. ToDo III Costs More Than To Do Well." This might properly read, "It costs more to BE ill than to BE ivell." The source of all health is rich, strong blood. It is to the body what the mighty streams are to the earth. If the blood is pure, the body thrives ; if the blood is iveak or impoverished, then every pulse-beat car ries weakness instead of strength. The only perfect blood purifier and i' tjW-maker in existence is the tvorld fimed Hood's SursiptriHi. It brings good, perfect health. Catarrh and Deafness - "lam 68 years old and suffered from catarrh for many years, becoming quite deaf. It took nine bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla to effectually cure me. I can hear quite well now." John K. Houk. Hamilton. Montana. Rheumatism-" ivs -worn out Kuiih rheumatism, but took Hood's Sarsa parilla and I now have a good appetite and am as tuell as any woman." Mrs. H. H. Gray, Emporia, Kan. IMaal fcahr f- Ifll r Hood's 1111s cure Hrer Ills: the nonrrtnittng and "only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla You should have trend Wines. Brandies. Rum and Cordials for cooking- We have them Bass Island, Sherry and Sweet Oatiwba Wines S1.00 per Gal. N. C. APPLE BRANDY 75c. per qt. JAMAICA RUM $1.00 per qt. GRAPE BRANDY $1.00 perqt. We carry in stock the finest French Cord als, Imported and Domestic table and cooking Wines which we offer at the lowest prices. Our Belmont Rye Whiskey (10 years old). The best for Family and Medicinal uses, ACME WINE CO., 309 FAYErTEVlLLE ST., RALEIGH, N. Interstate Phone 144. Be.. U Bicycle Repair Shop. Old Repairman at his old Stand, front of Union Eepot When your wheel needs repairing get my prices. NEIL. A. SPENCE- LATHE WOHK A SPECIALTY NOTICE Of PRIMARY. Kuleigh. X. C, March 8th, lliufl. A primary election hits been called by the Board of Aldermen of the city ft Raleigh, to be held Monday, March 19th, 1D00, for the purpose of getting aa ex. pression of the people on the sale of the present ilarket House. It is earnestly desired that Hi entire vote of the city be polled, and you are hereby urged to go to the voting places in your ward, on the day above mentioned, and by your vote express your views on thin subject. This Is an Important matter and one which coneerns the interest of every citizen. The method adopted by the Board seems to tie fulr to all concerned, so do not fall to avail yourselves of the opportunity now given. We shall expect , and look for you at the voting place on election day. The following are the voting places: First and second divisions of the First Ward, at the Capital Engine House; first and second divisions ot the SeoOnd Ward, at the Victor Engine House; first and see. ond divisions of the Third Ward, at JoneB'. Warehouse; first and second divi sions of the Fourth Ward, at the City Lot. .. . COOKING NEW SPRING iSHOESI 7 You are cordially incited S. C. Small lots of winter Shoes SOLID COMFORT. McGEE'S ANOTHER WEEK Of Our Great Closing Out Sale ! Dress Goods, Silks and Muslin Un derwear at Cost. During Week o( MARCH 12th to 17th We will offer entire stock of FANCY DRESS PRINTS. Navy Blue, Black and White, and all Shirting Prints, that retail at 6 and 6 i-4c. at goods are worth One lot of 3,000 yards Unbleached last at 3 .-Sc. Our stock must be reduced bv July Woollcott will retire from the firm the business at the old stand. We have for sale one horse, one waon and one set of harness. Woollcott & Son, : Surely art can go nofurthe in design or decoration. These latest examples of exquisite workmanship, displayed by us today, are the capstone on all previous effort in the pro duction of things beautiful. s To see them is in itse If an education. You are invited to see the lovel y objects wg have gathered for the Chris., mas s eason. You will not be asked to buy unless, indeed these d-iinty rings, these cunning s..ver novelties, these hundred odd captivas tions have we, small voices in their beauty and their prices i H. Mahler's Sons. Jewelers. m 1 J..Q.. 8IGGJ4R8, Patetit Uwjer, WaahiotoD, D. C, puUishe valuable copyrigiited book entitled "Uow to Ob tain Patent, Caveat, Trad Mark and Copyrlfht Proteotk)n Mm Dcdatea la leadinc patent cam." A eop WB ha m - ; " ; Hew Oxfords for the New women- Whe have this week opened Our T first shipment of Spring Shoes and Oxfords, and the prettiest we have evet shown. to call in and see them, . POOL'S Shoe Store on hand at &acrafice prices. ami enjoyment is what you get when you smoke one of our Key West Min at ura cigars. For an after dinner cigar or a soother before retiring or for a smoke at aoy hour, there is no cigar that is made that will give such eminent satisfaction for the money as this one. A good cigar at a reasonable price is in demand and you can't beat the Minatura. Pharmacy. the price of 4 3-4c yard. These 5c. yard by case. Domestics to besold as long as they 1st. at which time our Mr. Win aud Mr. Walter Woollcott will continue dray, one large and one small delivery 1 FANNING CRAIG, Attorney at lo w. COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS A SPECIALTY. Rooms 8 and Parmer's Bank 9, Comuerical Building. and Still Curing The People. A lady in Charlotte writes that she has tried them all and that Capuditte WadacS REMEDY, that is entirely satisfac tory. T . 1 1 J nf.A. .ITnnla 15, 25, and 50c a bo.tleat Drug biiures Finest Stove Wood in the World. D0BH00D. PERSICON UD HICKORY. Sawed the right length, 60 centa for one tiorte load-on yara at - Shuttle Block factory, Near Southern RaUway Freight Depot. ' Insist on having North State Flour IbSXit-ia oa$ bfittiil. - -. k Rosds Carnation 'Se And other Choice Cuf lowers for &U Occassions Always in Stock. 'it y . Floral Designs at Shiort Notice WEDDING PALMS, ;FERNS IN GREAT BLOOMING PLANTS OP PRIMROSES, CALLA LILIES, ETC. Visitors cordially invited. Peace Institute. H. STEINMETS, Florist,, Bell 'Phone 113 For Your FAMILY GSlOCfMS CALL ON f J.R. FERRALL d CO- 222 Fayetteville Street. Best Goods at CROSS Opening Day; Spring Styles DUNLAP AND STETSON HATS. We have plenty others cheaper you can only get it at CROSS & LINEHAN. UP-TO DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Experience is will find it here. POPE'S -MADE- Fresh Every Day. Candies violof s DECORATIONS. VARIETIES ALL; SIZE. WINTE Greenhouse, North Halifax Street near RAL.EIGH, n. c. Lowest Prices. larch 3rd, I but you want the correct thing and Worth While. A n inpvnpripiTpd nnnpr-Viancrer's -InPtSV ir: worK ,s never saimiatiury. x uyci hanging seems like simple work, &: n if ,,'ll iru vnnr hand at it you'll quick ley realize that it ts nt so easy as it looks. We have in 1 arced our iorce for the ipring trade S and can do your work promptly. ,? r i. f. . 1 . 1 OU Will nua in our biuic mis season the largest line of wall-paper that has ever been in this city. We have every thing that is made in wall paper. No matter what you want you Southern Wall Paper Co., 13, West Hargett St, W. H. ROGERS. Produce Commission Merchant, AND DEAEIB IX CHICKENS. TUBICEYS,,'' EGGS BUTTER,' FRUITS, ' VEGETABLES,' Dressed Fowles Specialty k -' Stal JsTo,7, City Market' Free and Ptompt Delivery IottrstaU 'Phone 8M "