M en s Crescent Bicycles $2.co Grescent 'j 5??.oo Sterling " 540.00 Rambler " 40.00 Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH, N. C. Tie Popular Demand FOR WATSON'S Photographs is a guarantee that our work is of the highest class, 1 Call at our studio and examine the handsome pictures beiug turned out yOU WILL BE NEXT. Mr. Micbelow, the photographic artist is in charge. . , St 2 D. D. TF.F.D to st.on thf hair ZZ - r Si from falling out, destroy J dandrult', cure scurf and $3 m itching scalps, and make the bair soft, vigorous It f I Johnson's, Rout. Simp j J son a, tieury i. hicks anu W . H. Ill Cfc u. &. j Spring Time i I : MATURE FURNISHES "SPRING." 5 r ANO WE ARE J ! "Ready to Furnish The SEED." Full Stock Best Selected S VARIETIES OF i CABBAGE, GARDEN PEAS j IRISH POTATOES, RADISH, ETC. We buy Seed in BULK Therefore sell them at the RIGHT PRICES. c u p. jr i vniiM ii m, ix in ui iuuiiu) 12 E. MARTIN ST., RALEIGH, NC LIMES. Ffrst of Thi Season. We are new prepared to serve all the Summer Drinks iLcludingour IMPERIAL ICE GREIU SODA. W. H. KING DRUG CO. . " TWO STORES. "Doing MAtas to flofef SI" lapse blood n "fleeted will become a serton mutter. 'like Hood's Sarsuparilla at once oil avoid the ill. Belvln, merchant tailor. Is in the Holle mau building. First-class tailoring. Fresh tripe at C. O. Ball. Boneless pig's feet soused ut 0. O. Ball's. Electric Headache Powders 10 cents, at Bobbitt-Wyune DniR Company. A sure cure. Try Electric Headache Powders at llob-bitt-Wynne. All pork sausage at C. O. Ball's. I CM Modal to HARPER -whiskey at New Orleans and World's Fair Chicago. 'IVy it, you will endorse the Judge's rer A.t. SOLD BY Ed. V. llculoii, ltaleigh, N. C. Fresh Beaten Biscuit 10 ct. per dozen ut the Woman's Exchange every morn ing. Arbuckle's Coffee llle. Good Roasted Coffee 12c. Sugar Cured Hums, ISc. (iocxl Laundry Soap 2c. Cake. Best Dairy Butter 2."c. Hi. at WOOUXOTT & SONS. Grocery lVpan.ueut. Lost A pair of tiold Rimmed Specta cles, between Citizens' Bank and 12!i Hillsboro street. Reward for their re turn to this office. Hog's head cheese at C. O. Ball's. YOU CAN GET 6ood board and lodging at 213, Sontt Persoa Street. Boid locality, termi Moderate. Lady's Wheel for sale, price $12.00. Address "M," care of Times-Visitor. Spend your money ai home. t'se North Stale Flour, and be healthy. Call at Miss Iavicu's studio. ,"10 Tuck er building, if you wish china decorated, or any work in the artistic line. Will instruct a few pupils. North Stale Flour is guaranteed, any found noi satisfactory will be replaced, free of charge. B. W. I'PCHVRCH'S CASH PRICES. Fresh cooking butter. 20c. lb. (linger snaps, 7V;c. lb. Fresh oyster crackers, Tc. lb. Norfolk oysters, 3ne. qt. Sauerkraut, 5c. lb. Atmore's mince meat. T'jc. lb. Choice sugar corn, per cat;, 7V;". Sun dried apples, 7'c. lb. Sugar cured hams, 12Hc. lb. 15 East Hargctt street. READ WHAT THE North State Rhumatic Cure is Doing. TESTIMONIALS: Kuleigh. N. C. March 2. 1W0 I have been a sufferer of Rheumatism for several years, and one-half of my time on crutches, and for the past twelve months noi able to do anything. The North State Rhematic Cure was recom mended to me, and I purchased one bottle and was wonderfully benefitted by its use. I am now on ray third bottle and must say it has been worth its weigh, in gold to me. I am able to work and THE PLAY LAST NIGHT, do anything 1 choose to do. Respectfully. T. A. BAILEY. Raleigh. X. C.. March 1. lwo. 1 have been troubled very badly with rheumatism for some time, almost un able to walk. The North State Rheuma tic Cure was recommended to me and I bought a bottle and before 1 had taken it all I was almost entirely relieved. Very respectfully. W. II. BARKER. ltaleigh. X. C. March V.mO. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the lust five years, and 1 have tried all sorts of remedies and got no relief, t finally bought a bottle of the Xorlh State Rheumatic Cure, ami It gave me immediate relief. I am noi on my third bottle and can praise the day I bought the Urn one. ALEX. ADAMS. Raleigh. X. ('.. March 6. 1S00. leur Sir: 1 have been a sufferer from Rheumatism. I bought one boule of your North Stale Rhematic Cure and was greatly relieved in a short time. I think it is what you claim it to he. S. R. POOL. North Stale Flour makes the sweetest biscuits, the lightest loaf, and the best rolls. SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTliAGK. Under and by virtue of the powers con tained in a mortgage deed eexcuted by Penina E. Williams on the nth day of February, 1SS2, and recorded in Book 70, at page 79, Register of Deeds office for Wake County, we will at 12 o'clock. M., on Saturday, the 14th day of April. 1000. expose to sale at public auction at the door of the Court House of Wake County, in Raleigh, N. C, the lands mentioned In said mortgage deed, situate In Cary Township, adjoining the lands of J. Q Williams. Jesse Weathers and others, and being Lot No. 4 in the division of the dower lands of the late Nancy Alford. as reported to February Term, 1855 of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Ses sions of Wake County and recorded in Book 20th, at page 225. Superior Court Clerk's office, and bounded as follows: In a line beginning at a dogwood, running thence east 40 poles to a black gum. thence south 179 poles to a stake and pointers, thence west 40 poles to a hick ory, thence north 179 poles to the begin ning, containing 4 IU acres, and being the land on which said P. E. Williams re sided at the date of said mortgage deed and tor many years prior and subsequent thereto. Terms of Sale: CASH. R. T. & R. L. GRAY. Attorneys for Mortagee. NORTH STATE FLOUR IS ABSOLUTE LY PURE AND ALWAYS FRESH. GRAUD HILLINERY OPEniNG Two Days Only, Wednesday end Thursday. COMB AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Our former Openings, fresh in ths minds of many, pale before this superb exhibition of fine Millinery, The deft handi. work of renowned Modistes from the high art centers of the world -r-Pars, London and New York, are nere shown in abundant quantities. Also the results of the SKILLED TRIMMERS in our own work rooms bud forth as spring blossoms in the closest imitation of the foreign designs. We essay th purpose of crowning and gowning the fair ladies of Raleign as handsomely, befittingly and stylishly as in any city in the South. ( These are days more for looking than buying, so we, ettend the warmest cf invitations to residents and visitors to participate, catch ideas ; for whatever maj be seen in the finished models you can n.ake use cf for yoursel' because the collection of Untrinv med Millinery and the various materials and ornaments are fuller and richer than ever. Laces, Kid Gloves, Ladies" Neckwear and Novelties in American and French Conceits. ALL OVER LACES for Yokes and Shirt Waists at all prices 40-60. 75. 85 and fl .OO SWISS TUCKING with dainty French Val inserting 1.2.' ALL-OVER SHIRRING, lace and embroidery inserting $130 ALL OVER APPLIQUES, w bite, cream anil black, 25, 50. T5. 1, 1.75. $2 00 and $2.50 VALENCIENNES L.ACES. Edgings and insertings, per. dozens, 20, 25, 35. 40 and .ill;;. FRENCH VALS. Edgings and inscrtingsto match per 75, $1.00, $125, $150 and tl .75 HAND, MACHINE - MADE AND GERMAN 'IORCHONS. Hundreds of patterns and wid ths for lc. up to 20c. MECHLIN LACES. Edges and insertings to match, 10c. to 25c. FOOTING, BLACK AND WHITE Silk and Cotton, per yard 3, 5, 7 1 2 and 10c CHANTILLY, GUI PURE and SILK L4.CES. Black white, cream, edges, in sertings and bauds, all width, from 5c. all prices up to $103 KID GLOVES. "ESSEX " Real Kid, two clasp, self sticbed, black only $1.75 -THE GOLDEN STAR." Genuine Kid, two-clasp self -stitcbed, back U.3;l "MO.NOGRAM." Extra quality-kid, full assort ment of colors and black 1 25 "CLEMENTI vA." The warranted dollar kid glove, extra value, two-clasp, self and fancy stitched, all colors, pearl, slate, modes, brown, tan, white and black $100 Bulletin No. 2. CANNED MEATS and FISH. Lunch Tongue lib cans :!"c, per dt z, $l 50 Corned Beef 2 lb cans 25c. J lb 15c Sliced Dried Beef I lb cans 25c. Chipped Diied Beef lb cans 15c Potted Turkey lb cans 2(ic " Ham and Tongue i lb 5c, per doz 50c. Vienna Sausage 10c. per tan. Pork " IOj per can. Sourkrcut and Sausage 10c per can Pork and Beans "Star Bracd'' 10c pr Ciu Joseph Humes Salmon Steak 25 cau Fall cans red Salmon 1 lb 15c, 2 lb for 26c. Lunch Lobster 1 lb cans :15c Gilt Edgo Kipperf d Herring 25c. Imported Sardines 15c, Domestic 5c can, etc., etc., etc. D. T. JOHNSON Vbone l. Vgt. I m This is A Bargain Tree. This store is Ralegh's bargain tree. The bargains are just as thick as little apples on a big strong tree. Most any pocket-book can reach the best of tbem flat footed. Even If cotton is 10c a pound, most people can't afford to throw money away they ba v'nt got the cotton. This stores mission is to stand squarly between the people and high prices II you have to be careful with your money this is your strong hold if you bave more money than you need, the credit stores will do. Little Boys Suits just the kind that you'd bave made, if we did'nt sell them cheaper than you could have thm roae The prices are 5O, 7?, 98, $1.50, $2.00 to 5.00. Calicos. Ginghams, Bleacbings, Bed Ticks and all other domestic, goods at prices you can afford, NOTIONS of all kinds the little every day necessities you have to buy at a third, and sometimes a half under any other store. Children's Caps, new nobby spring style", at remarkably low prices ' ' 8c, 15, 2?, 39, 50c. - shoes for you und ever v one of the children, from the baby un and you'll save several nickles on every pair you buy here. We carry a big line of shoes to suit yr u Shirt Waists for ladies ttat are pleasant to see Every grade from 28o. up, and if you'll just compare tbe prices with the quality, you'll find that we can belp-jrou make a dollar go as far as a dollar and a half would in most stores. Are you looking for a stor that can really do you good and save you money ? We invite you nero. - -; W. E. JONES. ' EXCELLENT." All the new shades in this popu lar brand of kid gloves, two clasp 75c SUEDE GLOVES. All new gloves and new spring shades, self and black stitch ing $1,00 NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. Beautiful designs in Lace and Net Ties. White and Cream, 50c. and 95c. Stock Collars, folded silk with fancy bows, all colors $1.00 Llbettv Silk Scarfs, ends fancy plaiting, lace trimmea, $1,00. $1.50 and $175 SILK AND CHIFFON STOCK COLLARS. Hitih c'ass Novelties, full Jabot, handsomely trimmed $2.50 and $3 00 NE AT SHELL GOODS. Grace's Hat Anchor--, does away with Hat Pins 20c Full line of Empire, Pompadour and Side Combs 25c The New herpent Comb for the bacK of the bair 50j ORNAMENTAL RIBBONS Evening bows for the hair, ofline V til vet and Satin Kibbou, mounted on wire 25 and 40c Dresden Ribbons, fancy designs 50c Liberty Satin Ribbons iu all the new Pastel shades, six in. wide 85c NOVELTY. BELTS. Grecian, Pulley and Sapho Belts in all colors Satin Ribbon Collars to match, 50, 75, 8!i. and !!8c ELASTIC BELTS. Rose Geld, oxidized and silver BuckUs, $1 00 and $1.50 BE SURE YOU HAVE MAKE YOIR PHOTOGRAPHS, There is satisfaction in knowing you have the best. NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administrator of the estate of Frank L. Bailey, deceas ed, I hereby give notice to thoee having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before January 10th, 1901. or this notice will be pleed lri bar of theti recovery. Those owing said estate are also notified to make payment to the nn a W. NEWCOMB, Do you wish an auditorium '.' where is your feasible plan. If so, Do you wish au auditorium.' where is your feasible plan. If so. Do you wish an auditorium? where is your feasible plan. If so, Frankfort sausage at C. O. Ball's. FOULARD The spring line is now complete, New Colors, New Designs and bpst values-oul" ards are destined to be the most popular spring fabric for (iress wear. We are show ing a stock that would do credit to any store. Dress lengths only, no two patterns alike. The early customer gets the best selection, PRICES, 75, 90, $1.00. SI.25 and $1.38 per yard, BOVLAtJ, PEAK Reliable Tailoring at Books Wanted ! All Kinds aod TviiewritrrsToo J We buy sell and exchange or rent all kinds of books, Typewriter l)u plicators and Musieal Instruments. LOOK UP YOUR OLD BOOKS. We will pay you the cash for them School a d College Text Books wanted at half price. I&- SEE OUR EASTER CARDS FIRST. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE. M. M. SMITH. HAVE YOU PURCHASED ARE YOU GOING TO yOU should see my line of C:o'hes which ean not be exc for Spring Trade either in design or quality. Hav Yeu a Style of Your Ovvti ? I'll give you that. Do You Want New York's Latest Styles ? I will give you that. Have You Clothes voo Wish Pressed ? I'll do that. , -Respectfully, CHAS. HUBERT BELVIN, Merchant Tailor, Hollcman Bui ding, Graduate of the Jno. J. Mitchell Garment Cutttng School ol New York City. . Bell, 'Phone 872, Call me up. ITLRiTil DR. KOFFETT'S f3 -r..iS. II MB 9 BR BRil I Jot I Ji r?...'"""i. E.SCo. EASTER SUITS Don't be disappo'nted by placing your orders too late. GOTO At o"ce and make your select -0 tion from their large andattrao tive line of samples. 1 BROS Reasonable Prices ! MAGNETIC HEALING DISEASES TREATED BY THE OLDEST CURATIVE AGENCY IN THE WOULD, without Drugs. Call onbr write. T. H. LEAVITT, Ralekih N C HICK'3 ASEPTIC ALMOND g LOTION is the heal preperation J known for chapped lips, rough J 2 skin and to beautify the com- S plcxion making it smooth and 0 white. You should try it. It m an i: laciured liy H. T. HICKS, Pharmusi-t, Raleigh, N. C, 35 cents a bottle. PURE MILK. Pure Sweet Milk uc, t. Butter Milk 10c. gal. For particulars addre3, MRS. R L. JOHNSON. YODR SPRING SUIT? PURCHASE A SUUIT ? tiled tbo Boweb, . Makes Teetlilntf Easy. TEEIH1HA Believes tl Bowel Trocbles of Oomtt Onrr'SB times. Ask Torn Srussmtei- - -1 ...

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